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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Natural Bodybuilding Supplement Source

By Claude Edwin Theriault

Competition is becoming quite fierce for dominance in this consumer niche. It is therefore important to read and reread carefully to get the lingo down so that ones can understand and come to a wise choice. That is what I do all the time since I am a therapist in health and longevity. It's my constant research that took me from Human Growth Hormone to the discovery of a Sport Formula ghp version of it for more serious athletic Bodybuilder types.

In brief, the crystalline amino acids of ghp are very quickly and easily absorbed by the stomach ,it then sends a messaging message from the pituitary gland to the liver to release IGF-1 or Insulin Growth Factor. Which circulates and does the repair and regenerate work on each and every cell. A very tall order to fill I know, however the reading documentation on this is quite impressive indeed . For either men or women bodybuilders who do not want the toxic anabolic stuff this Somalife stack has great potential.

Competition is becoming quite fierce for dominance in this consumer niche. It is therefore important to read and reread carefully to get the lingo down so that ones can understand and come to a wise choice. That is what I do all the time since I am a therapist in health and longevity. It's my constant research that took me from Human Growth Hormone to the discovery of a Sport Formula ghp version of it for more serious athletic Bodybuilder types.

A major component in bodybuilding is getting ones hands on the amino acids ,both the 9 essential ones that must be supplied by the food we eat. As well as the 12 non essential ones that can be synthesized from other ones. Since they are the building blocks all this new muscle mass is going to be made out of.

Once these building blocks are circulating in the blood stream, the tissues spot the ones they need to use in their continuous repair and regenerate cycle. Hence the need for a world-wide patented stack of crystalline amino acids called, ghp sport supplement. That is the only one so far to be granted the highly coveted NSF Certification by the National Sports Federation for containing no banded substances such as stimulants, steroids,narcotics, diuretics, beta-2 agonists, beta blockers,or masking agents . - 17268

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Regular Exercise + Healthy Diet = Lifelong Good Health

By Angela Giles

Lifelong good health is a boon that is not granted by God but is in our own hands. When we are healthy, we are able to do more and achieve more. We are able to go about our daily activities with full vigor and cheer. On the other hand, when we are ill, we are not capable of doing even simple activities without frustration and irritation.

When we are young, our body is naturally strong and healthy. But as we grow old, the bones and muscles start becoming weaker and the skin starts developing lines and wrinkles. This aging process can be delayed by regular exercise which helps to maintain fitness levels of the body. Exercise has many benefits and here the six most important ones.

1. Regular exercise keeps you lean and helps you to lose fat

2. Exercise leads to a more natural, deep and restful sleep

3. Exercise strengthens the bones and prevents serious injuries

4. Exercise diminishes the risk of critical diseases like heart problems, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

5. Exercise also helps to raise self esteem, improves mood and relaxation

6. Improves stamina and prevents muscle sagging with age.

How much exercise is sufficient? It depends on your objective. If you wish to have a body like Sylvester Stallone, then you might need workouts at a gym. But if you only wish to maintain a healthy body, then all you require is half an hour of exercise, comprising of walking, running and light aerobics, for 4-5 days in a week.

The comforts of life have made us lazy. Gadgets and appliances have contributed a lot to reducing the amount of physical activity that we normally do. The microwave cooks for us, the car drive us to the office and the lift take us up the building.

If you do not make exercise a conscious choice, then you are liable to suffer from ill-health all your life. Hence, choose to walk when you can drive, choose to climb stairs when you can take the lift and choose to play some game instead of watching one on television.

It does not take genius to realize that the body uses food to produce energy for work. If you have the habit of consuming unhealthy food, then the body reacts by causing an increase in weight and other accompanying problems. Food is a direct factor influencing the body's health.

Develop an interest in various food items. Discover the properties of food, their contents and their effects on health. All foods are not similar. They contain varying quantities of macro- and micro-nutrients. Our daily diet may sometimes not be able to supply all the bodily requirements and additional nutritional supplements may be required. Always remember that a healthy diet plus regular exercise equals good health. - 17268

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Life Fitness Announces The Life Fitness 9500 HR Crosstrainer

By John Andrews

The Original 9500 HR Total body crosstrainer will offer you a full body workout. This crosstrainer will speed up your metabolism and send you quickly towards all your goals!

What ever your fitness needs is this machine will certainly handle them. The Life Fitness 9500 HR will work more muscles in less time. This machine is one of the first to actually deliver what it says, a total body workout.

This machine will deliver a total body workout all while keeping track of your heart rate. It also will allow you to keep on pace with your goals. The first unit ever known to keep track of your goals.

This machine will give you an absolutely amazing body. Regardless of what you are looking for this machine will have a place for you. The Life Fitness 9500 HR is one of the top elliptical choices for the world's top facilities and fitness guru's.

The CT9500 HR gives you cardiovascular/muscular benefits of running and the low impact of walking. With more than 25 fitness programs to choose from, the Life Fitness 9500 HR is definitely a high selling exercise machine.

This machine will let you work out a large group of your upper and lower muscles at the same time. Or you can alternate between backward and forward motions to get that total body work out your looking for. If you're looking for the most accurate way to calculate your heartbeat, then you need the 9500 HR. This machine is equipped with a Lifeplulse digital heart rate monitor system.

The 9500 HR Total Body crosstrainer delivers exceptional results in minimal time, through smooth low-impact striding and upper body synchronized motion which keeps the users interest peeked and motivated, ready to return for their next work out.

You can check your heart rate level while working out with the Lifepulse Contact Heart Rate and the Heart Rate Zone training option that comes with the machine. This machine is totally easy to use and with it only weighing 275 pounds it can also be left anywhere.

Some models can be remanufactured. This can be a big savings when it comes to your wallet. Don't let the word remanufactured scare you away. GFI has very strict rules when it comes to selecting units for remanufacturing. All units must have a history of excellent performance and condition to be chosen.

Refurbishing will bring any price down. So what ever kind of workout your looking for the New Life 9500 HR certainly lives up to it's name. This unit will certainly give you a total work out including cardiovascular. With its low weight and amazing design you can certainly leave it any where, all the more reason to buy this perfect machine. The New Life 9500 HR meets the highest standards at the lowest price on the market today. Go get yours today and start down the road to your New Life today. - 17268

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For Healthy Eating Facts, You Can't Beat This!

By Dan Beckwith

There are bunches of good, healthy eating facts out there and it can get incredibly confusing. Bad carbs, good carbs, protein, nutrients...It's enough to make you want to pull your hair out.

Today, let's step back a little from all the confusion, and talk about one of the best healthy eating facts around. Do this, and you are guaranteed to have healthy, nutritious meals that will help you lose weight (if that is what you want).

Take a moment to think about this...when was the last time you picked up dinner at a fast food restaurant, or ordered a pizza?

Why? You are trying to lose weight, and you know those things are bad for why did you do it?

As with anything else, there's going to be exceptions, but I would venture to guess that most of you ordered the pizza or stopped off at the fast food place - simply because you didn't have any idea of what to fix for dinner. And, it was simply easier to stop off and pick up a meal, rather than plan one.

To a surprising extent, our unhealthy diets exist for no reason other than convenience. It's a fact - but, not one of the healthy eating facts. The last thing we want to do after a long day at work, is create a menu for our dinner. We are tired! Then, when you consider the minefield of good carbs, bad carbs and so on... it's even worse. BTW - it's just as bad to toss a frozen pizza into the oven as it is to order one.

Here's an easy solution to that problem... whenever you can set aside a couple hours - plan your dinner menu for each day in the coming week. If you are feeling particularly ambitious, go for two weeks worth of menus. If you can't find a couple hours, schedule them. It's worth it.

Write out each meal plan on a separate sheet of paper. Then place them all in a three ring binder. If you really want to get fancy, you could separate the days with pretty multicolored tabs. Somewhere down the line, you will probably want to laminate the pages too.

Then, each evening when you get home, flip to that days' recipe and make it. Get in the habit of NEVER - under any circumstance - deviating.

You will totally stop the impulse buying from the local fast food place, save a lot of money, and never have to worry about what to fix for dinner.

The danger is, many of you won't want to try this because it seems too simple. But, it works and saves a lot of money too.

If you could hire a chef to do nothing but plan and prepare your meals, and if you gave them the task of only fixing healthy low-calorie meals, you would expect them to preplan the menus. Not wait until the last minute to fix whatever came to mind. Think of yourself in the same way, plan your meals and don't change your plans throughout the week.

Once you make this a habit, you will learn to truly value and depend on that little binder.

Think of it, if you plan all of your meals to be nutritious, low-calorie and healthy ones, eventually your health must improve. It has to, it's a scientific fact.

When the first week is over, do it all again. Create a new plan for the new week. If you make them all different recipes, by the end of the month you will have an entire month's worth of unique meals.

Every dinner - for 28 days - will be unique (so you don't get sick of eating the same things over and over), tasty, nutritious, and low calorie. At this point, if you want to, you could stop your weekly planning and just continuously rotate your daily meal plans.

I think that's one of the best healthy eating facts out there, and it will help you save a bundle at the grocery store.

Check out my website for a bunch of additional information and a free subscription to my " Fast Weight Loss" mini course. - 17268

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Some Facts about Xylitol

By Alyssa Devan

Xylitol in layman's term is a sweetener substitute for sugar. According to studies, it has benefits that sugar doesn't have. It is said to prevent tooth decays and can also be used as a food sweetener for people suffering from diabetes.

The chemical composition of xylitol is not sugar. Fructose and glucose are examples of the kinds of sugar. Xylitol is actually a sugar alcohol with five instead of six carbon atoms. It can be compared to sucrose which taste as sweet as xylitol.

German and French chemists discovered xylitol in the late 1900s. It is found in some fruits such as raspberries and strawberries. It can also be found in some vegetables and even in some mushrooms.

So, how does xylitol prevent tooth decay? By preventing the occurrence of an acid attack. Every food that we eat that contains sugar multiplies certain bacteria on our teeth. They can penetrate the surface of our teeth with the help of acids produced by metabolic process.

"pH" is the measure for acidity. Calcium is being stripped away from the surface of our teeth when the pH level of plaque falls down to 5.5 or lower. With the acidity in the mouth, our tooth's enamel will slowly start to dissolve, thus, forming tooth cavities. As the acid goes on further, the enamel becomes porous and vulnerable to bacteria leading to tooth decay.

Xylitol can prevent the acid attack by stopping the complete metabolism process of bacteria that causes tooth decay. Tooth decay is caused by the leading bacteria known as lactobacilli and streptococci. It is said that presence of xylitol results to a fall of as much as 90% of bacteria. The enamel stays safe from acid attacks and cavity are not produced because those bacteria can no longer produce acid.

Our mouth is being protected from bacteria by our saliva. It maintains the desired pH level to prevent bacteria from producing acid that destroys our teeth. However, too much consumption of sugar in our daily diet limits the protective capability of saliva or may render it useless.

Most of us go beyond two instances of sugar intake a day so we need fluoride to wash out acids formed on the enamel. That's why we often brush our teeth. On the other hand, xylitol, when contained in our saliva, makes our mouth more alkaline and it raises amino acids and ammonia which causes the pH to rise. This will halt the production of bacteria.

You are probably interested where you can get xylitol to avail of its benefits. Manufacturers now use it in the production of chewing gum sweeteners. Dentists agree that such gum is a good way of adding xylitol to our saliva. Also, increased saliva secretion is stimulated by chewing a gum. More saliva secretion and xylitol can result to better buffer against tooth decay caused by bacteria.

Your teeth are one of the most important parts of the body. We need them for crushing our food for better digestion. Toothache is not something that can be taken lightly, either. It's a curse if you suffer from it and extracting the tooth responsible for the pain may not be immediately possible. Most dentists would first give you medication to stop toothache before they can extract the tooth.

With healthy teeth, you can always have a ready smile for everyone without hesitation. It can give you more confidence talking to anyone. Manufacturers would, hopefully, find ways to include xylitol in our daily diet so that our teeth would always be healthy and strong. - 17268

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Find Out If Acai Is Working

By Carter Sinclair

One of Acai berries most popular benefits is when you get the great burst of energy you receive after drinking it. You should feel the boost immediately. The best thing about Acai is that this boost gets stronger the longer you period of time you ingest Acai. Acai rids of the body of toxins that make the body sluggish. It gives you the energy boost that you would otherwise need to get in supplements.

The two other benefits you get from Acai during the first couple weeks is an improvement in your sleeping and in your digestive system. Acai helps regulate hormones and brain chemicals to promote healthy digestion because of the high fiber content it contains.

The benefits that you will notice after drinking Acai for a month or two are improved brain functions and healthier skin and hair. The essential fatty acids that are prevalent in Acai have been known to improve mood and fight depression. It has also been shown that these fatty acids can improve your overall brain function, thus making you smarter.

Since Acai is packed with so many antioxidants, it helps fight the signs of aging. This means, if you consistently take Acai you will notice younger looking skin, and healthier, strong hair.

There will also be many benefits that you won't be able to see on the surface. Acai has been proven to fight off cancer cells and has also shown to lower the bad levels of cholesterol. So while you are sure to notice a lot of benefits on the outside, Acai is working overtime fixing up the systems inside your body.

Some companies are selling low quality Acai products that may not be delivering on their promises. The majority however are proving why the Acai berry is so special because of all the great nutritional value it adds. - 17268

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Health Beauty Fitness Articles

By Claude Edwin Theraiult

Health Beauty Fitness Forum speaks lots on a topic that is more and more popular in todays culture. Especially with someone turning 50 every few minutes.

With current web2.0 social media being the great source of article information that it is, evryone can now have access to the best in content for free,at anytime of day or night.

Never has media been so open and derugulated, hence the term social media since it is in the hands of the people. Making a great way to read and be read.

Health Beauty Fitness therapist can now make use of a bigger then ever audience to publish their content. Once they get progressively found they can establish themselves as an authority site, and continue to provide reading value to the target audience.

With current web2.0 social media being the great source of article information that it is, evryone can now have access to the best in content for free,at anytime of day or night. - 17268

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Organic food market

By Karol Wariala

Brought to you by: Honey Dressing. The organic food market has grown at an extraordinary pace over the last five years and the growth is far from ending here. Thus, estimates indicate a potential doubling of the sales by 2011. Such statistics have imprinted a new direction to the development of the organic food market as more and more food farmers choose to adapt to the new requirements in order to generate more revenue. Consumers, on the other hand, are determined to read ORGANIC on labels and thus stay away from the pesticides, the genetically modified organisms, the hormones and the antibiotics in conventional food.

The development of the organic food market results from consumers learning that regular non-organic food is dangerous to health by the chemicals it contains. The more we learn about the additives and chemical substances in non-organic products, the higher the eagerness to buy something organic. This means that a real revolution will occur on the organic food market with bio products taking preeminence over the others.

And people shop at supermarkets, which is why, retailers have to offer attractive products that are considered organic commodities at a very affordable price. Consequently, when you shop at Wal-Mart you want to get organic foods at a fairly decent rate.

There are plenty of producers all over the world who service the organic food market. Although favored by some producers, exports of organic products is more difficult due to the perishable nature of the foods. The emphasis and the responsibility at the same time falls on local producers, farmers or farming groups that primarily target the local market sector.

Efforts are presently being made to extend the organic food market by an increase of the production. This growth can only be possible if more and more manufacturers get caught in the system. Risks do come with the rapid development.

With the higher demand for organic foods, the sales of conventional products will drop. The problem here is that even the regular items on the organic food market can become subject to the production haste that will involve some form of automated processing or food treatment, thus, pushing the all organic principles a bit further, making them rather loose in fact.

Therefore, we could be assisting right now to an alteration of the standards that make organic foods so desirable to the health-concerned consumers. Only through strict regulations and their solid implementation will the organic food market preserve its high quality standards. - 17268

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A Side By Side Look at Elliptical Machines and Treadmills

By John Andrews

Elliptical machines are the "new treadmill." They provide a person with a complete cardiovascular workout. They can be bought as low as 400 dollars, or as high as 4 thousand dollars.

Elliptical machines combine walking, skiing, and bicycling in one machine. They usually have devices attached to them that calculate a person's heart rate while exercising. Depending on the machine, it can also calculate the calories burned.

One of the best factors of the elliptical machine is that it does not put pressure upon the joints of the feet while using. It is different from the treadmill in that aspect, walking on a treadmill put constant pressure on the feet. There is little to no impact on the ankles and feet when using an elliptical machine.

Elliptical machines can be used by seniors, or by injured people. People who have had feet or ankle injuries may find it difficult to run or put too much pressure on there feet. These people may find it hard to use a treadmill, but they could use an elliptical because it will not strain them.

Some seniors find it difficult to walk on the treadmill due to a fear of falling or rolling off of it. On an elliptical machine their feet are set in one place and rolling off or falling in unlikely. Most elliptical machines have different programs that a person can choose from.

Some ellipticals have up to 20 programs to choose from, but have fewer than 10 programs. The resistance levels can be changed so that more than one person can use the same elliptical machine. Ellipticals are said to provide a more efficient workout then a treadmill.

The word elliptical means oval, when using the machine a person's legs move in an oval shape, hence the name elliptical machine. The bigger the strides are, the more room a person will have to move around. Most elliptical machines are created with 10 to 20 inch strides.

Elliptical machines come in many different forms. Some can fold up to give ma person more space, but most should be put together in the spot, which they are supposed to stay. When a person purchases an elliptical machine, they should ask themselves three questions, will it fit my budget, my house, and me?

Elliptical machines are found in all gyms nowadays and are frequently used by gym guests. Elliptical machines focus more on cardio and will help a person shed those unwanted pounds by burning fat without building too much muscle. Although ellipticals help to burn fat, they can be programmed to help build muscle if that is what the person wishes.

Another great factor about elliptical machines is that they can run without the use of electricity. A person will not be able to see their heart rate, or the calories burned, but they could still use the machine and get a workout. A treadmill will only work if there is electricity running through it.

Ellipticals provide a better workout then treadmills. They do not need to be powered in order to use them, and they do not affect the joints of the feet like treadmills do. All in all they better in many different ways than the treadmill. - 17268

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The Miracle Mineral Solution Story - MMS

By Lydia Peru

Miracle Mineral Solution is what its called. Is it all that, some miracle mineral that when used in the recommended solution helps the healing process?

Did you know that MMS is sodium chlorite, a water purifier? It's a specific diluted quantity. MMS can be used for exactly that use, to purify your drinking water.

MMS has been used to treat thousands of cases of malaria in third-world countries. Its effect, cheap, easy to use. This natural substance uses an activator to produce an amazing detox process.

But what is this talk of an activator? The activator is citric acid. Some people use lemon juice as their activator, or vinegar. It's all a matter of taste.

Some do not care for the taste of mms. It is a bit strong, to say the least. If you take too much it will cause nausea, but that is because it is working, detoxifying the body. Mix it with water or apple juice to help with the taste.

When you take MMS make sure you read the recommended protocol and not take too much of it. This is tested and has worked for many others. Follow the directions.

If you are interested in reading stories about using MMS you should be able to find some of the forums that discuss using MMS. There are doctors who recommend it as an alternative treatment. Curezone has a forum for this topic.

Can MMS really be the miracle mineral its claimed to be, or is it all just another tall tale? You be the judge of it. Use common sense, read some of the stories, and you may find MMS to be an effective part of your wellness program. - 17268

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