Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, June 1, 2009

Calorie shifting: Fat Loss' Best Friend

By Christine Querido

With all the different weight loss programs out there it's difficult to not feel bombarded and overwhelmed over which one is going to work for you. Truthfully weight loss is made out to be such a difficult thing because our bodies work in a certain biological way. What if there was a way to tweak our bodies into losing fat quicker without all the hassles that come along with being on a diet? Shedding excess fat with calorie shifting is extremely effective although it is a fairy new concept in the diet and nutrition world. This method of weight loss is not only effective but easily maintainable, making it a top choice for those who need to lose 100lbs or even just 5-10 lbs. Ready to hear more? Read on.

What is calorie shifting?

Calorie shifting is a relatively easy concept to understand. What it does is simply focus on your weekly calorie intake rather than a daily intake. By doing this you can change up your calories according to your needs that day. If you feel one day you want to eat a little more than do it and then just simply lower your intake the following day. What this does is trick your body so that it never settles into a routine of burning the same calories day and in and day out.

How does calorie shifting achieve weight loss?

Alternating back and forth between high and low calorie intakes has more than just one benefit. This concept not only speeds up your fat loss journey but will also allow you to still enjoy food rather than feel deprived as you would on a regular diet. By eating more one day and less on the next, your body is constantly working to metabolize the foods you eat and shed excess fat at the same time. Anyone will tell you to lower your calories whenever youre trying to achieve any kind of fat or weight loss. Our bodies use the foods we eat for fuel and when there is less food coming in then our fat stores become the main source. This concept is so maintainable because there is still a weekly calorie deficit but at the same time it still allows you to have a cheat here and there. More often than any other regular weight loss plan!

Is it safe?

Of course is it. With the ever growing number of obesity in the world today many of us are struggling to find ways that we can maintain a healthy weight. This method has proven safe and effective because it has the ability to shed excess fat without depleting your necessary fat reserves. It gives you the control over how much or how little you want to lose and its also great for weight maintenance.

What are its advantages?

There are a lot of advantages that fat loss through calorie shifting can do for you. For the main part, it is ultra safe. It is not an extreme way towards losing fat that could endanger you into something unhealthy. Another advantage to this method is that not only will you end up losing fat, but you will also lose weight. With this method, you are literally, hitting two birds with one stone. A third advantage to it is that it is not too restricting. In fact, it is a method wherein you feel like you are not doing anything at all.

What are its disadvantages?

This program doesn't have any disadvantages thus far. It has nothing but positivity coming from those who have done it or are still doing it, making it a top choice for those looking to lose a few. - 17268

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Weight Loss Now With SlimAcai

By Jake Wakefield

Looking to lose weight? Why not try SlimAcai, a new weight loss product that has been showing great results.

SlimAcai is safe and non-toxic. It has been clinically proven and can be used by anyone who wants to lose some pounds.

Both clinical trials done on this product demonstrated that there was reduction in hunger levels as well as reduction in waist circumference. There was also a reduction in fat and body weight in the active group of participants.

Additionally, in a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled human clinical trial done both in California, USA and India, many participants found that they were able to suppress their appetites and that they were able to lose many inches off their waists and hips.

SlimAcai contains a substance called acai and Caralluma Fimbriata. Caralluma Fimbriata is a vegetable that is used daily in india. It is eaten in several different forms but is often cooked as a regular vegetable with spices and salt.

Members of these Indian tribes often used Caralluma Fimbriata while out on a hunt when they would not have access to food for a while in order to suppress their appetites and increase their energy.

Caralluma Fimbriata has been used by humans for thousands of years so that we can safely say there are no side effects. It is safe to say that it is fine for anyone to consume.

If you are interested in weight loss and keeping the pounds off, try SlimAcai which delivers a great dose of Caralluma Fimbriata that will help you lose weight and keep it off. At the time of this writing, SlimAcai is offering a free trial so go ahead and try the product out for yourself and see if it's useful or not before you spend even a penny! - 17268

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Boost Your Fat Loss At The Exercise Room

By Diana A Alexander

It seems that the majority of us want to lose weight and get fit. In our efforts to do so we often start an exercise program or join a gym. But how many people do you see at the gyms who never seem to make any progress at all? It's not going to the gym that will get you in shape but rather what you do at the gym that makes all of the difference.

If you are going to see any results from an exercise program you are going to have to work hard and break a sweat. That means getting your heart rate up into the target zones and keeping it there. There is some evidence that if you keep your heart rate at the lower end of the zone for a longer period of time that your body will actually burn more fat than carbohydrates, however, that does not necessarily translate to weight loss.

Whether you are actually burning fat or carbohydrates as your main energy source during an exercise program is not nearly as important as how many calories you burn altogether. For example if you may burn 350 calories during an easier but longer workout and those calories may come from fat, but if you add in some challenging intervals of high intensity you may burn as many as 750 to 1000 calories in that same workout and even though you will be burning a combination of carbohydrates and fat you will still lose more weight.

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT for short is one of the most effective fat loss regimens that you can use to lose weight. The idea is to maximize your heart rate to 90% or more for a period of 30 to 60 seconds and then bring it back down and repeat. Make sure that during your rest periods though you are still in the target-training zone, just at the lower end. When you incorporate HIIT you will be so much more efficient that you can even cut your cardio workout time in half and still have better results.

In order to determine your target heart rate training zone, take your age and subtract it from 220, then take that number and multiply it by 60% and 80%. This gives you a target heart-training zone. In order to see the best results you will need to keep your heart rate in that zone while you are doing your workout.

If you want to drop fat and lose weight for the long-term you will need to pump some iron. Building more muscle is key to long-term weight loss success. Muscle tissue is biologically active and you will burn more calories in daily life just by having more muscle tissue. Fat is basically an inert substance and it does not boost your calorie burn whatsoever.

But the most important aspect to getting results at the gym and losing fat actually happens outside of the gym. It has been said that 6-pack abs are not built at the gym but rather they are built in the kitchen. Diet is the most important aspect of any fitness plan. You can exercise all day long but if you have a poor diet you will not see any results. If you want to get into shape, make sure that you are consuming healthy nutritious foods on a regular basis and that you are avoiding the junk and nutritionally empty foods that are so prevalent in our society.

Maximum fat loss can be achieved by following a few fundamentals. Supercharge your cardio routine by adding in some HIIT, begin a solid weight-training program and improve your diet. If you do all of these basic things you should see some results quite quickly. - 17268

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Vegetarianism and Bruising, Can You Tell Me What I Need to Know?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are currently a vegetarian or if you are considering becoming one, you may be somewhat concerned about the effects that vegetarianism may have on your body's systems, with some additional attention to bruising easily. The fact of the matter is that while there is an old wives' tale that says that people who are vegetarians are subject to bruising, there is no reason that a little careful scrutiny of your diet can overcome it.

Right off the bat, we need to determine why the theory of vegetarians having a tendency for bruising exists to begin with. Normally, if a vegetarian, especially a younger one, is afflicted with bruising, this is seen as as indication of a deficiency for some vitamin. This can, and in some situations does, happen, but if you exercise strict attention to your diet and be certain that you are obtaining all of the foods and nutrients that your body requires, you shouldn't have a problem. There are a wide variety of problems that can take place if you are not getting the vitamins and minerals that you need, but there is no more likelihood that a vegetarian diet will promote bruising any more than any other diet.

If you are eating as a vegetarian and have noticed that you are prone to increased bruising, you'll find that one thing that you might need to look at is the amount of iron in your diet. Iron is an important mineral when you are looking at supplementing your immune system and encouraging better circulatory health. Iron is found much more abundantly in animal products than it is in vegetables, though it is certainly there, just in smaller quantities.

As a vegetarian, do you know what are the best ways to add iron into your diet? To begin with, try to find dark green vegetables that are available at your local grocery store. Spinach and broccoli are going to be abundant in iron, and so will prunes, soy products, molasses and any breads and cereals that have had iron added. Another unusual way to be certain that you are going to add additional iron into your diet is to do your cooking in cast iron pans and pots.

Another important way to increase the rate of iron absorption into your body is through increasing your intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C is quite important in a number of different respects, so there are plenty of reasons to get a lot of it. Fruits are a great source of vitamin C, of course, but so are more dinner and meal oriented vegetables, like sweet potatoes.

If you are a practicing vegan, it is essential that you make certain that you will be able to maintain a balanced diet, and your easy bruising can be an indication that you need to pay more attention to your diet. Keep in mind what your body is trying to show you, and make sure that you are eating properly so that you will stay healthy. - 17268

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RezVMX Review For Losing Weight

By John Steely

Do you want to shed pounds and keep the weight off? Try out a supplement to help you reach your goals faster.

One supplement that has been getting particular attention has been Resveratrol Select.

Skins of fruits like blueberries, cranberries and grapes as well as wine contain resveratrol, an antioxidant with many, many healthy benefits.

One serving of RezVMX contains the equivalent resveratrol content of 200 glasses of wine. Let's look at why this is significant.

There are a lot of other properites, however, that resveratrol performs besides its antioxidant properties. Resveratrol maintains normal-range cholesterol levels as well as optimizing metabolic and immune pathways. It also can help you maintain insulin health. Additionally, it protects cells and improves the function of mitochondria.

Among other ingredients, RezVMX also contains green tea leaf extract. Green tea has long been shown to provide a host of healthy benefits including increasing exercise endurance, burning fat, reducing carbohydrate utilization and increasing metabolism.

If you are interested in improving your cardiovascular funcion, support healthier glucose levels and burn fat, then you will want to check out RezVMX today.

As you can see, the combination of these ingredients provides a supplement that can greatly aid you in the pursuit of weight loss. Also, at the time of writing, Resveratrol Select is even giving away free samples of their product so you can try it at no cost first! Go ahead and try a sample today. - 17268

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Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Joint Strength For Better Results in Buck County

By Dan Solaris

In these times of gourmet ice cream, gourmet coffee and uh, 'gourmet fast-food', it's becoming increasingly difficult to stay fit and lean. Unless you're a native of Miami Beach, it seems like six pack abs are becoming rare- a common sight only on Baywatch reruns and movies depicting warriors of ancient Greece.

It's not that we're not trying- the market is chock-full of diet products and exercise gadgets that are flying off shelves. Fad diets and workout schemes are also making a killing and this just shows how desperate people are to get lose weight and get six pack abs.

The reason a lot of people are getting frustrated in their fight against body fat is because they're going about things the wrong way. A lot of novices, in their rush to get a sexy six pack snap-up belly fat isolation belts and do countless crunches and painful sit-ups only to give-up after encountering slow results from their efforts.

Developing six pack abs is all about having a low body fat percentage. Muscle definition, especially around the abdomen will be non-existent if we still have a substantial amount of subcutaneous fat- no matter how many sit-ups and leg raises we perform each day.

Because most of the culinary delights we partake of each day are loaded with trans-fats and processed sugars, it's quite impossible for us to lose fat by going about our daily routines without exercising. The vast amounts of surplus calories we get from the jelly donuts and cheezy fries can only be off-set by an effective exercise regimen every day.

Creating the daily calorie deficit needed to bring about fat loss and six pack abs requires a combination of body fat busting cardio exercises and weight-training to build all-around muscle tissue and increase metabolism. A high metabolism will let our bodies continue to burn fat even while we're watching TV (without the buttered popcorn).

The development of muscle that results from regular exercise enforces the joints in our body by strengthening the tissues around them. The constant activity also leads to the production of natural lubricants that prevent friction and cartilage damage.

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disability in America. It is mostly caused by too much joint-stress brought about by excess weight. Working-out consistently will not only prevent this by lightening the load on our joints, we also get an awesome set of shredded abs in the process! - 17268

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Heart Healthy Eating on the Run

By Keira Adams

Many people are eating on the run in today's busy world. Dining at home is usually better for you than dining out. But eating fast food doesn't mean you have to make unhealthy choices. The next time you're eating on the run, keep these pointers in mind to help you make better choices.

Most fast food restaurants are conscious of the reputation their food has for clogging arteries. In response, they now offer a number of menu selections that are a lot healthier. For instance, many fast food chains now have salads on the menu. But be careful that you don't load up on dressing that's full of saturated fat. Salads that are garnished with deep fried chicken aren't as heart healthy as the ones containing grilled chicken.

If you're having a chicken sandwich, ask for grilled instead of "crispy", which is deep fried and loaded with fat. As well, it's usually a good idea to request as many veggies as possible to be included in your sandwich. Rather than using mayonnaise for a dressing, choose ketchup or mustard, which are low in saturated fat.

Choose fruit or salad as a side dish rather than fries. This way your lunch will be higher in fiber and vitamins and lower in saturated fat. Rather than asking for a soda to wash down your food, choose juice or milk. This will assist in keeping your blood sugar stable and will boost your intake of vitamins and minerals.

If you just have to have a hamburger and fries, it's OK to treat yourself occasionally. But you do need to keep an eye on portion size. A number of fast food establishments give you portion sizes that are enough for a couple of meals. Opting for a children's meal or a small burger and fries will help to keep your consumption of saturated fat to a minimum.

When making fast food choices for your children, keep in mind that there are now a variety of healthier selections like apple or orange slices. Instead of soda, order milk or fruit juice.

If Mexican is on the menu, a basic bean burrito or taco can actually be quite good for your heart. By loading it up with lots of veggies, you'll be able to raise the fiber content. Although a taco salad might seem healthy, it's often laden with saturated fat and calories.

People who rely heavily on fast food for their meals are putting the health of their heart at risk if they don't make the right choices. Dining at home is your best alternative. But if you can't always manage that, make a point of ordering the healthiest items on the menu. - 17268

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