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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Your Personal Hair and Skin Products Made Easy

By Art Gib

When thinking about your skin, you don't usually think about it being an organ. But, it is. It is actually the largest organ our body has. Organs are essentially a system of cells that make up a collection of tissues and function as a whole.

You can still go to your dermatologist for problems, but most of us don't have severe enough difficulties to warrant a trip to the doctor. You just want your hair and skin to glow, be healthy and shiny, and not have gone through hours worth of regimens to get it.

You don't even have to go to the store or your beautician to get the newest makeover. Although those are nice to have. Getting that personal attention is nice, but most of the time, the person giving you that attention doesn't have all the facts when it comes to your individual problems and genetic makeup.

They know their products, but they don't know you. Unless you have a particular person that has attended to your needs for many years, but that doesn't happen as often as you want. They may go to another store and start touting other products that don't work for you. Or they may move away. Or you may move away and have to start all over.

Your skin also absorbs what's around it and applied to it. Because it breathes, it can be affected by pollution and unhealthy air. Because it absorbs, it will take in whatever chemicals you put on it through your lotions, moisturizers, creams, perfumes, powders, and the like. If you put too much of these things on your skin, you can essentially smother it.

All of these things affect the health of your unsung organ hero. If your skin if suffering, chances are, you are, too. Breakouts, dryness, flaking, mottled color, redness, itchiness, splotchiness, oiliness, and other skin ailments are products of what you have exposed this large organ to.

Finding the right products to properly keep your skin healthy and functioning the way it is designed to is important to your overall health. Keeping your body hydrated with water, using lotions that assist your skin instead of impeding its function, and taking care of what you expose your skin to will all help you keep the largest and perhaps the most important organ healthy and strong. - 17268

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An Extreme Colon Cleanser Promotes Great Health

By Wayne Allen

Colon cleansing is preventative health care as opposed to a treatment for a certain disease. The body needs it because it detoxifies the body of all the unwanted and unnecessary toxins that can build up in the body. It is recommended as a alternative and safe method to treat many of the problems that we face today.

Colon cleansing helps to rid the body many poisons, toxins, carcinogens and free radicals. Natural colon cleansers are available and if your are short on time or money you can avoid the clinic cost and do the procedure at home.

An extreme colon cleanser is the answer to many of today's problems. Detoxification is essential in ridding the body of toxins that can accumulate due to an unhealthy lifestyle. environmental pollution, Poor diet and chemicals, and a constant use of antibiotics can build up in the system over time.

Cleansing you system with an effective all natural colon cleansing treatment is one way to rid your body of weight gain, parasites, IBS, severe gas and bloating. The body has a natural way to rid itself of these toxins but sometimes it can be a little overwhelmed.

In the digestive system the colon is responsible for holding wastes. Natural colon cleansing is a process that involves a diet that is designed to clean the system. It consists of the intake of certain herbs that are known to kill parasites and worms.

Body detox is a one way to keep the body healthy, help the digestive system and put all of the toxins out of the body. Natural colon cleansing is the act of taking a balanced diet and adding a few herbal supplements that removes toxins and kills the harmful bacteria.

Cleansing the colon is a great way to restore health to this vital organ of the digestive system. Herbal colon cleansers make the process of colon detox very smooth and helps to maintain the body in a much more effective way. Colon cleansing means following a certain diet regiment along with taking some colon cleansing supplements.

Herbs are an mandatory part of colon cleansing as they can expel many of the toxins that the body can not normally get rid of. Colon cleansing remedies are usually available in two forms, a pre-made mix or just as a single herb. Herbs are simply mixtures that have been found to be very helpful in the removal of waste from a person's body. - 17268

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How to Appear Taller in Just 2-Minutes

By C. Ludlow

No, I'm not exaggerating when I say that you can grow taller in just 2-minutes.

It's simple to grow taller. First, however, let me show something to you. Go stand in front of a mirror. If you look at yourself from the side you'll notice that if you're like most American's, your head is jutting forward. This is from excessive time sitting with poor posture.

Why is it jutting forward? Well, modern life has dictated that you will spend a good portion of your time " sitting. Thats right. We sit in our cars. We sit at home. We sit at work. We sit when we eat. We sit all day long, for the most part.

What this does is it causes muscle imbalances to occur. When you sit for most of the day the muscles on the front of your body become tight. Just think about this for a second. Imagine you could look down at yourself right now as you read this. Youre probably in sort of a half-fetal position.

Now, back to your mirror exercise. When you look in the mirror sideways you probably noticed that your torso curves forward slightly, as do your shoulders.

All of this makes you essentially shrink. I was talking to a client awhile ago and he told me that he has shrunk 1-inch in the past 10 years. The reality is that he didnt really shrink. His posture simply fell apart. If you look at him from the side youll see that his head is resting not over his shoulders but over - air. There is no support from his bodies natural pillar-of-strength.

How can you appear taller in just 2-minutes? Simple. Just think "S.B.D."

SBD or shoulders, back and down is little mental affirmation that you can say to yourself that will revitalize your body and mind. It will give you energy and height - of all things. What you should do when you say it is push your shoulders back and down into your back pockets. This will make you appear and actually become taller.

Did you do it? If you did it then you already feel taller. Stand in front of the mirror again. Push the shoulders back and down and watch your head rise. You are taller! That's all there is to it! - 17268

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Natural Sweetener Should be Your Only Sweetener

By Jamis Hartley

Hundreds of people are seeking out healthy alternatives to sugar. Some are looking to lose weight or just trying to keep their bodies running smooth. Others, unfortunately, are suffering from health conditions like diabetes and must find a different way to manage their diet. The good news is it can be done. The bad news is there are a lot of tricky products out there to watch out for.

There are a few options that very smart people have invented for sugar substitutes like saccharin and aspartame. Unfortunately, the way these products are processed and produced is turning out to be not such a healthy option. Fortunately, there are some all natural options too, like Erythritol and Xylitol. In general I like to go with the mother nature option over the well intentioned man.

There are several all natural sweeteners available on the market today. Those you'll maybe recognize are Xylitol, Stevia, Mannitol, Sorbitol, Erythritol and a few others. Currently, the most accepted as an overall best fit as a sugar substitute is Erythritol. Erythritol is made from natural sources of fruits and does not contain sugar, sucralose, aspartame or any other artificial sweeteners. Wouldn't you rather have the choice of natural sweeteners over artificial sweeteners?

Calorie free and 100% natural, Erythritol sweeteners are likely to be your safest bet. Other natural sweeteners have been known to cause gas and other stomach and intestinal discomfort. Because of the way your body digests Erythritol you are not going to have any side effects and Erythritol doesn't cause tooth decay. It's as safe as eating pears, grapes, melons, mushrooms and many other fruits and vegetables because that's where it comes from.

Natural sweeteners like Erythritol are great for diabetics and those with other medical conditions. Erythritol will not effect you blood sugar levels, does not hurt your teeth and has practically zero calories. It scores zero on the glycemic index, has no carbohydrates and has .2 calories per gram. Even better, you can cook with Erythritol where you can't with many other sugar substitutes. Erythritol is my preferred natural sweetener. Before you make it yours make sure you read around and try it for yourself. - 17268

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Accelerate Your Abs Results With Abs Program

By Greg Correll

Most of the time, losing weight by your own can be a frustrating process, more often than not a structure to workouts are needed. When it comes to getting abs and real results, using weight loss attempts will fail because it does not offer the same depth as a six pack abs program. Trust me on this, you'll want to have a structure heading into you next workout session.

Too many people are jumping into weight loss without knowing exactly what they want or how to do it. A Six Pack Abs Program helps people to understand what to do, when to do it, and how. There is a special formula to every workout. It is a shame that so many people do not realize this. It takes knowledge to get to where you are going. An effective ab workout program is able to give you the stability and confidence you need in order to carry out your weight loss plans.

Without structure and direction, you are going to fail. You need to understand the proper way to do your exercises as well so they can be as effective as possible. People attempting weight loss need to pay special attention to their abs because that is the part of the body that always needs the most work. If you have a strong core and nice abs, you are not really going to have too much to worry about. Having a step by step guide is the ultimate plus. With a Six Pack Abs Program, you are not the one left figuring it all out on your own.

Everything there is to know about building strong abs and having gorgeous six pack abs body is right there in from of you. What's left is to learn proper technique laid out in these plans. Minor information gathered from various magazines and places can sometimes discourage you than encourage you. Getting abs can be simple, understand and know the basics, set up simple goals and have the motivation to get there.

Eating will have a huge impact on your weight, whether you agree or not. Most of the time, exercising alone won't get you the abs you're looking for, but not knowing what you should eat is definitely not going to help your cause for abs. Therefore, getting an abs program alone for eating plans can be worth it.

So what sets an abs program apart from another? The answer is simple, look for customer feed back! The more the better, because that way the assumption of that particular abs program are meant for general and normal population, and this is important. Getting six pack abs doesn't have to be an uphill struggle, as long as you follow closely what's outlined in a program. - 17268

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External Hemorrhoids Treatment - Discover How To Heal Your Hemorrhoids Using A Natural Remedy.

By Crystal Adeyemi

External hemorrhoids are simply inflammations of the veins in the rectum and anus. They affect about one in every ten adults and can sometimes be so painful it is almost impossible to sit down.

How can you tell if what you have is hemorrhoids? If you can feel a lump on the edge of your anus or see bright red blood on the toilet paper then you may have hemorrhoids.

It is important to have them checked out by your doctor, just to confirm that they are hemorrhoids and nothing else.

The main causes of this ailment are straining during bowel movements, obesity and lifting heavy objects. There is also the genetic factor linked to hemorrhoids. If your any of your parents had it, then chances are you are likely to develop it as well.

There are 2 main types of hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoids: These are swollen veins inside the rectum. They tend to be painless but may bleed from time to time.

External Hemorrhoids: These are swollen veins outside of the anus. They tend to cause a lot of pain and discomfort, crack and sometimes bleed.

What is the best external hemorrhoids treatment?

Avoid Constipation: Constipation is the number one cause of hemorrhoids and the best way to avoid this ailment is to avoid getting constipated. You need to include plenty of water, fresh fruits and vegetables and a plenty of fiber in your diet.

Apart from that, you it is also important that you exercise daily at least for 30min. Aerobic exercise is excellent for the digestive system, gives you energy and helps you drink more fluids.

One natural food that is excellent for hemorrhoids are bananas, especially when eaten on an empty stomach. Eating just one banana a day will provide you with about 3-4g of fiber depending on the size.

Bananas contain a significant amount of Vitamin C, which is known to not only improve the durability of the veins in the rectum and anal area, it also helps in healing the hemorrhoids. Try eating 3 bananas a day if you have bleeding hemorrhoids. - 17268

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Why You Should Make Your Own Ice Cream - 8 Simple Reasons

By Mia Kane

I have spent many years making my own ice cream. For my friends when I was at college, and now for my friends, family and kids. I am always asked why? and lots of other questions about making ice cream at home. So now I have put all my reasons together. This is why I make my own ice cream and why I tell everyone that they should also.

1. Ok I love ice cream and so do my children. As a family we eat a lot of it even in winter. It's costly to buy regularly. It all adds up. When I make it, I make it cheaper, so it saves on the food bill.

2. Having kids I am now more conscious of being 'green' and kinder to the planet. Making my own ice cream, is one way I can decrease my food miles. And instead of paying for ice cream to travel halfway around the country to me, everything I use for it I get on my own doorstep.

3. I get total control over what goes in. So I don't have to spend time reading the very small print on the back of the carton, to see what they have managed to sneak in there. Only good wholesome naturalness goes into mine.

4. I know so many people, my kids friends especially with allergies of all sorts. I can leave them out of the ice cream, so everyone get to enjoy it.

5. I'm never stuck for something to bring to a friends for dinner. I usually make up a batch specially to bring along for dessert.

6. I get the kids involved too. They love it and sometimes bring their friends over especially to make ice cream. It's great on a rainy day when they are hanging around the house looking for trouble.

7. For me it can be a great way of getting in some sneaky nutrients into their diet. They love fruit on their ice cream in funny shapes, I sprinkle nuts over it, and I even sprinkle oats on it sometimes.

8. I never make full fat anymore. I started gradually using lower fat produce and no-one even noticed the difference. So I have no worries about the kids getting chubby.

There it is. My ice cream tastes great. Looks wonderful and costs less. I hope you start making yours too. It really is so much more rewarding than buying it. - 17268

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Seven Methods To Boost Your Metabolism

By Kelly Stevensmith

You may have heard that keeping your metabolism high is one of the keys to losing weight, but you may not really understand what metabolism is. In simple terms it is the process that converts food into energy. Metabolism occurs in your organs and muscles, so it basically helps to speed up your body's engine to burn more calories and fat faster.

One way of boosting your metabolism is to always eat a good breakfast. Many people think they are too busy and make the mistake of skipping the most important meal that you can eat in a day. Your metabolism actually starts to slow down if you don't eat after waking up as a means of protecting itself.

Another way of keeping your metabolism at a high rate is to eat several healthy snacks between meals every day. You will want to concentrate on complex carbohydrates such as grains, fruits and vegetables for maintaining a high metabolism and keeping your meal portions at a moderate size. When you eat more frequently your metabolism never gets a chance to slow down as it needs to keep up to digest what you are eating.

Do some form of aerobic exercise such as walking, cycling, jogging or dancing every day. The best time to do this is in the morning if at all possible to get your metabolism supercharged at the beginning of your day. Try to stay active as much as possible throughout the day so that your body will operate more efficiently and burn off calories.

In addition to doing your aerobic exercises, take a brisk walk if you can, maybe on your lunch hour or in the evening after work. This is another form of exercise that isn't hard to do and will also help in keeping your metabolism at a high level. Another benefit is that it can give your energy level a boost which may help to make you more productive as well as helping you to lose weight.

About three times a week you should add in some weight training. Not only will this give you a buff and toned body, but you will also lose weight. Toned muscles help keep your metabolism up and your body works more effectively and efficiently at burning calories and fat.

Drink at least 60 ounces of water every day. Water keeps your body hydrated and is essential for your metabolism to function properly. One way of making this easy on yourself is to carry a water bottle with you and drink from it on a frequent basis throughout your day.

Your big meals should be eaten early in the day. Most people tend to have big dinners and smaller breakfasts and lunches. Try to break yourself of this habit and eat a big, healthy breakfast and go lighter and have an early dinner whenever you can. - 17268

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Get Your Bodybuilding Supplements Online

By Aaron Wilding

Shopping online is a great way to find discount bodybuilding supplements. Many websites offer specials and coupon deals for web shoppers that you wouldn't get if you went to their store. These are usually listed as Web Only Discounts and could be from 10-25% off the cost of the product.

Despite what many people think, bodybuilding supplements are not just for bodybuilders. Any type of athlete can benefit from using supplements. This includes weight lifters, wrestlers, martial artists, endurance athletes, and professional athletes. Sure, each athlete will need to tailor what they use to their specific needs, but all of them can benefit.

And all of these athletes can save money by shopping online. When you shop online you have the convenience of going from store to store without leaving your computer. This saves time and chances are that you'll find a better deal as you shop around.

Another key benefit to shopping online is that you don't have to go anywhere. You can order ahead and have it shipped directly to your home or business. As long as you plan ahead you may never have to worry about going to a store to buy your bodybuilding supplements again!

If you are trying a product for the first time, you can find product reviews for that item either on the companies website or through a Google Search. See what other customers who bought that product had to say about it.

Shopping online for bodybuliding supplements is the ultimate convenience. You can save time and have your order on it's way in a short period of time. You'll also save money by not having to drive anywhere and you can shop 24 hours a day. It doesn't get any better than this!

Online shopping is a great convenience, saves you time and money (and gas) and you can get your bodybuilding supplements at a good price. What better way to shop than in the comfort of your own home. - 17268

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Caution: 5 Reasons Why Arm Flab And High Protein Dieting Don't Mix

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There used to be a period in time when all we ate was what could be gathered or hunted. Arm flab, a common female nightmare, was most likely not a problem in those times.

Enter mass food production and the promotion of fad diets.

Once there was money to be made selling food, all hell broke loose. From this point on, the media waves would be flooded with massive amounts of confusing and contradictory information.

And to this date, I believe that high protein diets have had the biggest impact in our society. How so? Because high protein diets cause the fastest change on the weight scale in comparison to any other diet out there.

Nevertheless, consider the following 5 arm flab pitfalls of high protein diets before buying all those steaks:

1. Massive drops in energy: You can expect a significant decrease in mental output, and once in ketosis, the need to frequently sleep. Why does this happen? Because your body can produce energy 300% faster when being fed carbohydrates.

2. Low intensity exercise ability: Your body and muscles use ATP to produce work. Without carbs, the production of ATP is really slowed down. Moreover, your ability to recover from exercise will virtually disappear.

3. More resistance to insulin: Carbohydrates aren't the only macronutrient that can cause insulin resistance. Saturated fat and PROTEIN can also do the trick.

4. An instantaneous loss in muscle tone: Water within your muscles makes them look tight and compact. Once you stop eating carbs, all the water will flush out.

5. The biggest arm fat rebound: As demonstrated by Christopher Gardner PhD at Stanford University, high protein diets produce the fastest and biggest weight gain rebound of any other diet. So think twice about high protein and arm flab

Thinking twice about going on a high protein diet to get rid of arm flab? I would. Although high protein diets can be effective in certain situations, they are not good for the majority of women wishing to get lean arms. I know it's tempting to simply cut out those carbs to see that weight scale move overnight. However, in the long run you'll be worse off. - 17268

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Reasons to Lose Body Fat

By John Knight

You do need body fat that is good for we also need it as our source of energy. Not all fats are harmful to our body. In fact, they carry vital nutrients that help our systems work correctly. They form the building blocks to develop bodily hormones, controlling inflammation and digesting some vitamins and minerals that are good for us.

The types of fats found in our diet are: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and the trans fatty elements. According to medical guidelines, it is not the fats that cause our diseases but the types of foods that we eat. So, the right amount of fats is indeed important for our bodily needs.

Saturated fatty substances are contained in butter, coconut oil and other oils which raise total bad cholesterol but helps raise bad cholesterol. Trans fatty ones are no good at all which are found in baked and fried foods. Monounsaturated ones help lowers bad cholesterol which can be found in olive oil, fish oil and nuts. Polyunsaturated fatty elements found in liquid vegetable oils, fish, seeds, meat, eggs lower bad cholesterol and controls heart function as well as proper clotting and many more.

The skin is trans-dermal in nature so anything that gets in contact with is just the same as putting it in your mouth. Having known these things, you will be more selective and careful with the foods that you put into your mouth. Be mindful too of the elements or substance that you apply on your skin or you touch for they can be absorbed by the skin and will be circulated in your system.

You can find on the internet the natural and organic substances that can be good for your health. You will be able to find in certain websites the methods to eradicate the undesirables. If you want to have further studies on the good and bad fats, you can browse and make a research online on how to lose body fat. - 17268

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How You Can Benefit From Colon Cleansing

By Erica Wylieson

A lot of media attention has been paid to colon cleansing in recent years as a solution to cleansing our bodies of dangerous toxins. Doing this can also help increase energy levels, improve our immune system and digestive system, clear up skin, aid in weight loss, and lessen the risk of developing colon cancer. Not everyone thinks that colon cleansing is beneficial, however.

Those who favor the use of colon cleansing strongly believe that toxins that can build up in the colon pose serious health threats and can lead to such health problems as constipation, headaches, weight gain, fatigue, low energy and an immune system and internal organized that become compromised from the toxins. Colon cleansing is a way of removing these unhealthy toxins and strengthening the body's organs and immune system, as well as providing it will more energy to function properly. Proponents also like to point out that there are many colon cleansing solutions that are made of all natural ingredients, making the process healthy and safe.

Individuals who are not in favor of colon cleansing say it could be harmful and that it is completely unnecessary. Doctors and other experts note that the digestive system and bowel can get rid of waste and toxins without any outside help. Therefore the use of special diets, enemas, powders and pills are not necessary.

The theory behind colon cleansing is that due to our poor diets, stress, pollution, chemicals and other environmental factors, our body gets exposed to lots of dangerous toxins. Toxins that build up in the colon make it hard for our colon to function properly which can lead to a number of potential health problems. Therefore, colon cleansing is necessary to keep these unhealthy toxins from accumulating in our bodies.

There are various ways in which colon cleansing can be done. High colonics, or colon irrigation, can be performed by going to see a colon therapist or colonic hygienist who use a pump or machine for flushing your colon out. In addition, there are different substances you can take for cleansing your colon including herbal teas, enemas, laxatives, enzymes, anti parasite capsules and powders.

Before undergoing colon cleansing just be sure that you are aware of the following. Be aware of the fact that the federal government does not in any way regulate, oversee or guarantee colon cleansing products made of natural ingredients. This means that the products' potency, safety and purity is not at all guaranteed. There are also potential side effects to colon cleansing that you need to be aware of such as vomiting, nausea, dehydration, dizziness, cramps, bowel perforations, and unknown interactions with your medications that you take.

If you are shopping for a colon cleanser, you want to look for one that has all natural ingredients. Colon cleansers that include chemicals may only produce temporary results as well as possibly dangerous side effects. All natural ingredients include roots, herbs and extracts from medicinal plants.

You can help to increase your colon's health whether you choose to partake in colon cleansing or not. You do this by eating enough fiber every day. You should be eating about 20-35 grams of fiber on a daily basis from consuming cereals, bran, whole grains, oatmeal, vegetables and fruits. - 17268

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