Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, July 17, 2009

Is There a Relationship Between Easy Bruising and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you realize that you seem to have a fresh bruise on a daily basis, and the bruises seem to be very dark even when you have no memory of getting them, you'll come to the conclusion that it is the proper time for to evaluate what could be causing the bruising. Naturally, you or your friends may assume that you're afflicted with one of the most serious conditions for which bruising easily is a symptom, but you're most likely just suffering from bruising that is the result of growing older. A common disorder that has been linked to easy bruising is Ehlers- Danlos syndrome, so you should learn everything you can about this disorder.

You may be aware of blood clotting diseases or disorders that can be the cause of easy bruising, but you probably are not aware that disorders of the connective tissues could be a cause also. By learning about the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, we will find a group of connective tissue diseases that appear in the ligaments and the joints, blood vessels, and the internal organs. These are generally thought to be inherited disorders, and the majority of them are caused by gene mutations that can result in issues with fibrillar collagens.

When evaluating the symptoms of the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, it is essential to realize that there are a variety of symptoms that can indicate them, including symptoms like skin that is easily stretched, fragile tissues, and hyper mobility. When researching the range of varied conditions that will fit under the definition of Ehlers-Danlos, you'll discover six specific varieties altogether. They include classical, vascular, hyper mobility, arthrochalasia dermatosparaxis, and kyphoscoliosis.

For each of these types of Ehlers-Danlos, bruising easily can be a direct indication of affliction, due to the increased fragility of the tissues which causes heightened or additional damage. Treating this syndrome should include responses like skin and joint protection, strengthening exercises, and wound treatment care. In the majority of instances, it is generally recognized that about 90% of people who are afflicted with this disorder don't discover it when an emergency situation arises, and they require urgent medical intervention.

When you are looking for a reason why you keep suffering from easy bruising, it is important to think about the signs that your body is giving you. There are many reasons why you might want to consult with a doctor on this condition, especially if you feel as though one of your parents might have had it.

After researching what your options are likely to be, you may well realize that you just looking for a means to overcome your tendency to bruise easily. Upon that realization take a thorough look at the Bruises Be Banned daily program, which utilizes a uniquely formulated, all natural product for treatment to help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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Tips To Choose The Right Muscle Building Supplement For You

By Ricardo d Argence

Tone isn't just a music term, it's also applied to muscles. If someone is in great shape it is a given that they would have well toned muscles. Interestingly enough, muscle building has nothing to do with well toned muscles, so let's figure out exactly what is meant by it.

Something that you might like to know, is that both men and women can participate muscle building. It is a misconception that only macho men can have great well build muscles, but this is quite wrong. While muscle building can create huge rippling muscles, it can also keep them healthy while stopping fat from accumulating around them. Your limbs will be strong, but they won't be fleshy.

if you are like most people, you have a busy schedule and have no idea when you'll get time to build your muscles. After all, most people have jobs to do, and they need to make money. How on earth can they expect to build muscles properly on top of all that?

This is definitely a valid question and the good new is that there is an answer. You need to augment your diet using supplements. You will find that there are many such supplements on the market, and you can buy them in ample supply.

They promise good toning and quick burning of fat so if they work well, they'll definitely assist your body's muscle building process and are therefore good for you.

There could be some trouble though, and it is only fair to warn you of it. Health food supplements work by releasing chemicals into your body. Such chemicals control stress and fatigue.

Glutamine is one of these chemicals. Two others are known as Oxides of nitrate and nitric acid. There will also be proteins and enzymes, and normally these are rather harmless. Your body will absorb them with no problem, and you will be in great shape for the most part as you'll feel fit and toned.

Choosing your health food supplement is something you can do by yourself because there are numerous competing brands jostling for customers' attention on store shelves. Don't pick one of them at random.

The supplemental additives cited above might possibly have side effects on your health depending on your body's constitution. Don't feel scared but you ought to know that nitric acid could impinge upon your sexual health.

Due to this, it's probably best to talk to your doctor before starting any schedule of health food supplements. Your doctor can tell you the best one to take, and we'll probably even tell you how to get supplements from natural foods. Through that, a basic diet will fix all of your problems and supply you the things that you need. Make sure that you seek medical advice before you do anything.

All of the above taken together will show you a body with well-toned muscles when you stand in front of a tall mirror! - 17268

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Nutritional Information

By Anastacia Sampson

Many foods are packaged with accompanying nutritional information written on the packaging. It may be read and taken at face value. However many factors determine your true gains of nutrients.

Did you know that farming conditions can alter the plants level of nutrients? One seasons harvest may have different nutritional levels to the next seasons. We receive our nutrients from plants or other foods. Foods all receive their nutrients from the soil or sea! Ultimately, the soil and sea receive their nutrients from rocks. Those rock hard stones hold the nutrients! It takes processes of erosion to scrap away and permit nutrients be let out to filter into accessible water and soil.

Any garden is improved by the presence of stones. Constant planting and taking from the ground does deplete our soils. To compensate we need to give back. A plant to be packaged or taken to any store can not demand to have a certain level of nutrients, as the packet or box said it will have it! Plants only take what is available.

Anyone may consult with a relevant health professional to asses whether or not they are receiving levels of nutrients to match their needs. True, nutritional charts are extremely beneficial and essential to work out how to help anyone to be healthy! What we should realise is that we can not bet on that fixed numerical number and our bodies do not absorb the same percentage always. Generally we absorb more if we need it, but sometimes other factors disrupt this; such as alcoholism, certain drugs and digestive-related disruptions.

Anyone may consult with a relevant health professional to asses whether or not they are receiving levels of nutrients to match their needs. True, nutritional charts are extremely beneficial and essential to work out how to help anyone to be healthy! What we should realise is that we can not bet on that fixed numerical number and our bodies do not absorb the same percentage always. Generally we absorb more if we need it, but sometimes other factors disrupt this; such as alcoholism, certain drugs and digestive-related disruptions.

Read nutritional information to guide food purchases. Do not fret about the extra calorie to the detriment of better mineral levels in foods. Often we may just glimpse at the calorie content. We dismiss the levels of minerals and vitamins. Seek out whole foods. Avoid mainly fatty foods and you should be on the right path. It could be argued that minor amounts of nutritious fatty nuts help one to lose weight. Believe it or not! Its because we need minerals and vitamins to burn calories. Think like a diplomat. You can weigh less but you need minerals and vitamins, choose fairly and have a balanced meal plan. - 17268

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Five Fat Loss Mistakes People Make

By Tomuse Gospuse

Right to the point, there are five different mistakes people do due to fat loss. I watch men and women do this everyday. Make sure you aren't doing these mistakes and you will burn fat.

1. No support whatsoever

Working out with no support is not how you should be exercising. Support from your family, friends, doctors is the best way to approach losing fat. Use 2 people out of the group who was successful in exercising for support.

2. Not having a program to keep you on track

If you walk into the gym wondering what you are going to do first today then you should just leave because your wasting your time. Make a plan, understand what you got to do. Stay with it and complete it. Now you wont be walking around the gym figuring out where to start.

3. Staying with the same workout for more than 4 weeks

No same workout should be continued for more than 4 weeks, especially if you haven't been receiving much results. Mix it up a here and there often, you will see awesome results and have more fun exercising.

4. Not taking it into consideration that nutrition is a big part to losing fat as well

If you want to lose fat you will have to eat right for fat loss to occur. You won't be able to train like an animal then eat junk food and still expect to lose fat. No program can promise you that. Diet is just as important as training, eat whole natural foods in 6 medium sized meals a day. Intake lots of fiber, a lot of protein and vegetables. Eat good fats, stay away from trans fat and Drink as much water as you possibly can. Pretty simple, very effective.

5. Not understanding their limit

I always get asked by people if adding more lifting and cardio to their workout is good, no it isn't. People get this crazy idea that if they add more cardio and lifting to their training it would be even better for them. Doing so is not advised.

Your body will breakdown to quickly from working out so much at once. Training to much and on a low calorie diet don't go well together. This type of training will not make your engine run better or more efficiently.

Look towards quality in your workout not quantity. For lots of reasons stick to high quality training and high quality nutrition. All that matters is the results that you see not aching muscles or exhaustion after each exercise. It is all about quality exercising and a quality diet for a healthier better looking body. - 17268

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Actuality Or Fiction- Acai Berry Weight Loss

By Michelle R Clark

The specific scientific evidence that the acai berry can help you to lose weight is lacking. There have been no individual experiments on it. However, many persons have lost weight by including the acai berry into their food plans and the anecdotal confirmation for the weight loss claims on this berry abounds.

Providing your body with elevated nutrients can be a colossal advantage when it comes to weight loss. Many cravings are in fact our body's way of trying to achieve the superior nutritional levels it needs for utmost health. Often we crave foods because our bodies are deficient in essential nutrients.

The acai is truly one of the healthiest and most healthful foods on the planet. The acai has an great quantity of critical vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids and antioxidants. The acai berry has one of the utmost antioxidant capacities of any food and there are only a few ground spices that have superior antioxidant action.

The acai berry has an abundance of a critical antioxidant called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are bountiful in blueberries, cranberries, red cabbage and red wine. This is because anthocyanins are in reality the pigment that makes these healthy foods their luminous purple and deep red hues.

Anthocyanins may be an critical nutrient for weight loss. A study with laboratory mice showed conclusively that mice fed with purified anthocyanins and a restricted nutritional regime were able to lower their body fat drastically more than mice that were only on the restricted nutritional regime or mice on the restricted food intake with additional fruit.

The acai is also extreme in nourishing fats. It is laden with essential fatty acids, which are crucial in stabilizing blood sugar levels, which is essential for weight loss. Essential fatty acids are also critical for our cardiovascular, immune, reproductive and skin health.

Critical fatty acids support in promoting our body's instinctive fat-burning power, as they are powerful blood-sugar stabilizers. When our blood sugar spikes it prompts an insulin reaction in our system to cancel out the sugar in our bloodstream. Insulin is a fat-promoting hormone because elevated insulin levels block our capability to burn stored fat for energy and they produce a rapid decline in blood sugar levels that create more appetite. Keeping your blood sugar firm is an critical element for weight loss and the nutrition found in the acai berry can help out with this.

The acai berry can provide your body with advanced nutrition, which can be of use for fat loss. Even without the scientific experiments to back up the weight loss claims it is worth it to try the acai berry as the advanced nutrients can only benefit your body regardless. - 17268

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6 Week Body Makeover Food

By Kourtney Kidd

Many people have a hard time ordering healthy foods when eating out. Eating out can be stressful for those on strict diets. However, you don't have to be stressed if you had a little guidance when it came to choosing the right foods.

The makers of the 6 Week Body Makeover have compiled a restaurant eating guide to help those in need of some additional guidance when eating out. Specialists scoured the menus of popular restaurants and compiled a list of menu items that adhere to the body makeover diet.

To use the guide, all you have to do is simply flip to the restaurant of your choice and follow the menu suggestion listed in the book. If the restaurant is not in the book, you can use the general tips for ordering foods at any type of restaurant such as Chinese, Mexican, Japanese and many more foods.

For example, say you went to Applebees (which is notorious for high calories meals). If you had your restaurant guide you could simply flip to the "Applebees" section and note that you could eat the Grilled Shrimp Skewer Salad or the Grilled Tilapia with Mango Salad.

You don't have to fear eating out at restaurants anymore. The body makeover restaurant book will help you adhere to the guidelines of the diet while giving you the freedom to eat out. - 17268

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Workout For Your Upper Body

By Ryse Edwards

Coming up with the right body building workout for your upper body is important. You must be able to know your limits and what you are able to do without hurting yourself. You must also know your body well enough to recognize when you can push yourself that extra bit to reach new limits in your workout.

When working out your upper body, there are several muscles to consider. There is the shoulders, back, chest, biceps and triceps. There are several different workouts you can do for each muscle allowing you to switch up your routine from time to time. So let's get right into it.

You never want to lift the same muscle two days in a row. A great way to split this up is by lifting your back and chest one day and then your biceps, triceps and shoulders the next.

For your chest, you can do a flat bench press, incline bench press, decline bench press, flat bench dumbbell flyes, and much more. It is all about finding what suites you best.

When working out your back you may want to consider lat machine pull downs, dead lifts, bent over rowing, shrugs and hyper extensions. It is important that you pay close attention to your form when working on your back. The smallest slip-up can have you out for weeks with a back injury.

Then the next day, when you start on your other muscle groups, you can do a seated dumbbell press, shrugs, side lateral raises and alternate front dumbbell raises for your shoulder muscles.

When you workout your biceps, you can try to do some alternate dumbbell curls, standing barbell curls, incline dumbbell curls or some preacher curls. Preacher curls are simply curls that involve the use of a preacher bench.

Then we are left with the triceps. For this muscle area you may want to do some triceps bench dips, standing cable press downs, overhead rope extensions and one arm dumbbell extensions.

Make sure that before you start any of the exercises mentioned within this article, that you fully understand how to execute them properly first. Using the incorrect technique can not only prevent you from building muscle, but it can also lead to serious injury as well. - 17268

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What to Expect from Weekly Personal Training Sessions

By Amy Nutt

The first few weeks of a weekly exercise program is very exciting, but then many people find they are not accomplishing their goals as fast as they had hoped. Soon afterwards, the enthusiasm drops, results fade, and the confidence in acquire the goals and maintaining the end results diminishes.

The average person lasts for approximately six months before losing interest and dropping their routine. Fortunately, there are common factors and patterns to this decline in interest, so once you spot them, you can do something to keep yourself on track and motivated.

Make sure you are realistic about your goals and the time that will be needed to be committed to in order to maintain your routine. Allowing 3 workouts a week at a maximum of 60 minutes each is reasonable and be sure to factor in travel time (if working out at a gym) and shower time so that you are not finding yourself cutting corners due to running late. Get yourself into a routine /schedule when it comes to the days you workout. If a routine is set and adhered to, it will become more of an automatic action and will fit in as a regular part of your life.

There will be times you will not feel you have the energy to do your workout. Instead of skipping it, restructure that days routine by doing the exercises, but at a lower intensity or for only half the time. It may help to adjust your mealtimes as well; some find that if they are hungry or have just eaten they have too many distractions to want to exercise.

Finding an exercise buddy will help you stay motivated as well. You will offer support to each other and help the other stay on track on those days that you would rather just stay at home.

Expecting some physical discomfort is normal and common for most who workout weekly especially for the first weeks of your program. Your body is working to improve its strength and endurance so it needs time to adjust. Be sure that it is only discomfort and not actual pain. Pain tells you to stop what you are doing because something is wrong. If you are uncomfortable every time you workout try working a warm up and cool down session. A series of slow stretches and regulated breathing will help.

As your body feels as if it is leveling out and adapting to the level of effort made during the workout, increase the activity level by approximately 10% to help improve your fitness level and add variety to the routine. This will help to evade boredom.

If weight loss, as opposed to toning up, or building strength is you main goal, then being realistic is a key factor of your routine. Initially weight loss will be rapid, from not only increased activity, but from general changes in metabolism caused by changes in diet and water loss. Within a month most people level out in weight loss, and instead of achieving 5 to 8 pounds of loss in a week, they will lose 1 to 5 pounds. On average only 1 to 5 pounds a month will be accomplished after that. This occurs because the body has become use to the changes in other related habits, and also because muscle is now taking the place of some of the fat that has burned off. Muscle of course weighs more than fat and so the number of pounds being dropped will be lessened. Taking measurements may become a more effective means to calculate the success of your results from the workout if this aspect is important to you.

Ultimately, all of us are different and get various results from exercising weekly. It all depends on your current level of fitness, physical condition, receiving personal training, type of physical activity, and the time a person devotes to their workout routine. The important thing to remember is that realistic goals need to be set and if they cannot be met, then, instead of giving up, or throwing in the towel, simply revisit your workout routine and make revisions to help keep you active and motivated. - 17268

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Grow Tall Secrets Revealed

By Shaun Davids

There are many sites out there that try to scam people out of their time and money by selling DVDs and instruction manuals about exercises to grow tall. These stretches and exercises are not only a waste of time, but they can also be very harmful, resulting in slipped discs and torn tendons. Similarly, those that claim their special vitamin pills and supplements will improve height growth are most likely selling you lies. These are to be avoided.

However, this doesn't mean that exercises to help you grow tall don't work. It's just better to do so when you're young and your body is still growing.

When we are toddlers, a lot of our skeletal structure is composed of cartilage. Over time, as we reach adulthood, that cartilage hardens and ossifies into strong bone. And over these years, we go from having to 300 bones to only 206.

In the middle of this, when we reach puberty, cartilage growth plates on our bones start to lengthen gradually. However, once these growth plates are done growing, no amount of stretching or grow taller exercises will make them lengthen by even a centimeter.

However, performing exercises to grow tall while you're young can help make your bones strong. It also releases growth enhancer hormones that help you grow taller faster. Keeping good exercise habits, as well as good posture, will keep your bones strong and healthy even into your older years, preventing bone weakening diseases and shrinking.

Eating the foods is plays a vital role to grow tall. If your body lacks any vital substances such as calcium, carbs, amino acids or protein, it will weaken your bones and muscles, potentially stunting your growth and causing other bone-related conditions. As you get older, the calcium in your bones is often absorbed by your body, leading you to shrink as you age.

This is why it's important to diet and exercise to increase height growth while you're young. Doing so will ensure that your body flourishes and grows as much as it can during this vital period.

If you are already way past puberty and want to grow tall, there is still hope for you. Beyond diet and exercise, there are numerous height enhancing changes you can make to what you wear to appear taller and thinner.

So forget about those grow tall scams, and get started on a legitimate program today. - 17268

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Is It Time For A Colon Health Checkup?

By Giles Gregory

Medical doctors and health practitioners realize the important of good colon health. As toxins enter the body, they are collected within the walls of the large intestine. Over time, these toxins enter the bloodstream and become lodged in major bodily organs.

How does the body build up dangerous levels of toxicity? The environment of the world in which live is the major cause. The air we breathe such carbon gas emissions and the foods we consume are filled with harmful toxins and pollutants which eventually get stored in the colon. Contamination will happen but period cleansing can help keep you from eventually sick.

Many toxins enter the body through the foods we eat. Organically grown foods are much healthier but food products that contain chemicals and preservatives can often cause a certain level of colon poisoning over time. It is easy for chemicals to enter the body.

If the body remains in an unclean state for too long, eventually these poisons will find their way into the bloodstream and into other major bodily organs where they can cause major health problems. The kidneys and liver often become casualties of a severely poisoned colon.

When the body retains toxins, the immune system, which is responsible for protecting you will eventually break down making your more susceptible to life threatening diseases. This is why it is critically important to safely clean and detoxify the colon on a regular basis.

Think of the colon as a waste processing plant. If the plant breaks, an entire city or county can be at risk of dangerous bacteria and chemicals entering and contaminating its drinking water supply. In like manner you want your colon processing optimally to keep the rest of your function system germ and toxin free.

Are there any signs or symptoms to look for? No two individuals are alike. We are all at differing levels of health. However, the most common indicator that you are in need of a full body detox is when you start feeling chronically low on energy. Other symptoms can arise as severe bloating and a bout of unexpected recurring stomach cramps.

People suffering with high levels of toxicity often report felling low on energy all the time for no apparent reason. Some people become more susceptible to colds and flu or experience outbreaks of allergic reactions.

So how do you keep your colon clean? It is very simple and safe and it can be performed with a simple over-the-counter product in the comfort of your home.

Some detox products are all-natural with a rich blend of herbs and spices specially formulated to detoxify the body while other treatments may involve a more clinical approach such as colon hydrotherapy. Drinking plenty of water, eating foods high in fiber and consuming large amounts of fresh produce can eliminate poisons from the colon and detoxify the body. - 17268

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Learn To Stay Healthy With A Periodic Colon Cleanse

By Dorsey Hawkins

Medical doctors and health practitioners realize the important of good colon health. As toxins enter the body, they are collected within the walls of the large intestine. Over time, these toxins enter the bloodstream and become lodged in major bodily organs.

How do toxins enter the body? We are all susceptible to toxins and harmful foreign particles in the air that we breathe. The environment in which we live is infested with harmful pollutants such as carbon emissions and cigarette smoke that eventually make their way into our body. Contamination is inevitable.

The foods we eat are very often treated with chemical pesticides. Additionally, before when they are processed for mass distribution, they are often sprayed with chemical preservatives to keep the food fresher for longer periods of time. Consequently, we ingest these chemicals into the colon when we eat.

When the body goes without a complete cleansing, these toxins eventually clog the intestinal wall with plaque and cause poison to enter the circulatory system where they can start damaging vital organs. The liver and kidneys are especially at risk.

When the body retains toxins, the immune system, which is responsible for protecting you will eventually break down making your more susceptible to life threatening diseases. This is why it is critically important to safely clean and detoxify the colon on a regular basis.

The colon acts like a waste plant that processes waste and for disposal. Just as a plant must be in good working order to prevent from contaminating a city's drinking water supply, the colon must always function to keep waste from entering the bloodstream.

Are there any signs or symptoms to look for? No two individuals are alike. We are all at differing levels of health. However, the most common indicator that you are in need of a full body detox is when you start feeling chronically low on energy. Other symptoms can arise as severe bloating and a bout of unexpected recurring stomach cramps.

Signs of a poisoned colon can include a weakened immune system wherein you may contract the cold and flu with unusual frequency. An outbreak of allergy or intense flare-ups can also be a sign that you may need a body detox.

So how do you keep your colon clean? It is very simple and safe and it can be performed with a simple over-the-counter product in the comfort of your home.

When looking for a good detoxification program, there are many to choose from. The best ones contain all natural ingredients such as herbs and spices specifically design to purge your system. Other methods may include drinking lots of water and changing your diet to eating high fiber foods and fresh vegetables. This is a sure way to cleanse the colon over time. - 17268

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So Many People Are Asking - How Much Acai Berry Should I Take?

By Travis Van Slooten

Acai berry has become the "in" thing in health supplements lately but because little has been known about it until recently so many people still need to ask, "How much acai berry is safe to consume?" While pure acai berry supplements should not cause any harm, it's still better to be safe than sorry especially if you have a medical condition that could affect your taking acai supplements. So first, identify who can give you the right dosage.

Who Should Advise Me of the Right Dosage?

For those who have a predisposed medical ailment, it is imperative that you consult with your doctor prior to taking acai supplements. It is also important that you understand that only your doctor and no one else is qualified to advise you on this matter. Not even the so-called acai experts will do. It's still worth noting that on the average, people are consuming 1,000 to 4,000 mg of acai berry products per day so anything between that is considered the usual dosage. While you may be confident that you don't have allergies to acai supplements, it's still best to consult your physician on this.

Can I Take Too Much Acai Berry?

You can take too much of just about everything. Although acai poses no real danger in terms of overdose, many supplements may contain additives that could be unhealthy in large quantities. However, even something as normally harmless as acai berry could cause stomach problems or diarrhea from taking too much. Unless you have allergies or take an absurd amount, you will likely be fine. But you should still take the recommended dosage on the bottle or the amount your doctor has suggested.

Are Certain Acai Berry Products Dangerous?

You need to remember that not all acai berry products are created equal. Some products are considered pure acai berry. They contain nothing except the nutritious fruit of the acai berry. These products are not known to have any side effects and are considered as safe as any common fruit. However, some products may contain fillers or additives such as sugars or caffeine which may have unwanted side effects if you consume too much. It is important that you consider the specific product if you are planning on taking a different dosage than what is on the bottle.

While you may have heard it before, it is worth hearing again that no one except your doctor can tell you what amount of acai berry is safe for you. However, so long as you are taking a pure acai berry product and you are taking it in a reasonable amount, you will most likely be fine. When you are considering how much acai berry to take, so long as you are taking a pure product in a reasonable amount, you should be perfectly fine. - 17268

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