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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Advanced Wellness Research Promotional Offer Info

By Linda Kemp

Hey, everyone now knows that acai berry is the perfect supplement to help induce health, right? But did you also know that the same nutrients that can make you feel healthier can also help promote beauty? Not only does a health person tend to look more attractive than someone less healthy, but the acai berry has special nutrients that are perfect for helping provide everything from glowing hair to vibrant skin.

Acai berries are a special food because they are so nutritionally complete. You can take tons of other supplements in order to get the same amount of nutrients from just one dose of this little fruit. The incredible combination of a large dose of vital nutrients is what gives this berry its power to transform your looks. Within just a short time of starting a daily supplement routine, you are likely to be getting compliments from other people about how great you look, and people will surely start asking you just what you are doing to have gained such a vibrant appearance.

You skin is one of the first things that people notice when they see you and Pure Acai Berry can help transform this organ into something glowing and vibrant. First of all, your skin is very reflective of your overall state of health. When you are in less than perfect health, your skin may show it by being sallow, having blemishes, or otherwise looking less than perfect. However, when you are in great health, your skin tends to take on a glow that gets noticed. This glow comes from being well nourished and feeling great and is extremely attractive. With the acai berry, you can expect to gain this glow because you will be giving your body the correct nutrients to enable better health. And, with the vitality that comes from supplementing with this berry, your skin is sure to show off your new found state of wellness.

Not only can your skin start giving off a beautiful glow when you add Pure Acai Berry to your diet, but you can also see a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles. Whether you already have wrinkles or you are just trying to prevent them from appearing in the future, this berry's large dose of antioxidants are just the cure. Wrinkles come from aging and from the skin's exposure to pollutants, including UV light. Antioxidants, however, help prevent the body from sustaining damage from pollutants. Thus, taking in extra antioxidants can help prevent wrinkling. Keeping your skin free from wrinkles is perhaps one of the best steps you can take for maintaining beauty.

Of course, keeping your body in top form also requires staying at the correct weight. Being trim and toned is the ultimate in attractiveness and achieving this is essential for looking great in all types of clothing. Pure Acai Berry can help you both with losing weight and with adding the perfect amount of muscle to look toned. Pure Acai Berry has metabolism boosting nutrients that have helped millions to lose weight and it provides the nutrients you need to add the right amount of muscle tone.

There are tons of other ways in which acai berry can help you look and feel attractive and you have to start taking it to see all of the benefits it can have for you. Don't just take my word for it- try it for yourself with the free trial offer of Pure Acai Berry. - 17268

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Wedding Weight Loss Products, Acai Berry

By Ricardo d Argence

It is important to understand how this supplement works, when you are thinking about figuring out whether Proactol is something that might work for you. People often turn to dietary supplements and one that is quite propular is Acai Berry. Can this supplement really help you in the ways that it claims?

The wonderful and ubiquitous Acai Berry is one of the most advertised supplements now being offered on the internet. There are many claims, supposedly truthful testimonials, and eye-catching banner headlines that call this simple fruit a miracle that will cure all ills, increase your energy and endurance, and even cause you to lose unwanted weight in record setting time. But before you get too caught up in some of these ads, perhaps you should take a breath and get the real facts about what the Acai berry can and cannot do.

Many of the claims get spun into outlandish claims that will offer more disappointment than benefits even if some fruits, berries, and foods are good for people to enjoy. There isn't a single fruit or food item that could ever do everything Acai berry is alleged to be capable of.

The amount of benefit that a person would receive is directly proportional to the amount of berries that they eat. It will also depends on how fresh the fruit is when you eat it. Unless you're lucky enough to live in the Amazon region, you're not going to find this fruit in its fresh form because it has such a short shipping and shelf life.

Acai Berry may indeed have some viable claim that there are some components that can increase energy, boost the bodys natural immunity systems, and fight or prevent certain cancers but research is just in the early stages and many other factors have to be considered.

As a supplement the FDA is not able to make the advertisers curb the ads. Acai products are being sold at incredibly high prices now with nothing to back the hype and claims that are being made. There have been just disapointment for the ones that have oredered some of these products.

If you place entire faith in what the Acai berries can do for you there will likely be some disappointment ahead even when there are no side effects that would warn people away from these products. Yes, they have some good fats and vitamins, which is great in any healthy diet, and the antioxidants are also present, but not in quite the degree that the advertisers claim.

Please, never forget that you still have to burn approximately 3500 calories if you want to lose one pound of fat and this ability is just not in the Acai Berry arsenal, and never will be. You have to cut back your calories, do some exercise, and exert some real effort and commitment if you want to lose weight

If you are alert to the fine print, you will see that all "miracle" diet plans, weight loss formulas and weight supplements carry basically the same caveat. For those truly wishing to alter their current behaviors and overall health, the best method is to make dietary improvements, increase exercise and keep up your willpower. This is not to say that you cannot try out different products if you feel an overpowering urge to do so, but it is a warning to learn the facts before parting with your hard-earned dollars. - 17268

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Muscle Building Secrets - You've Got To See This

By Mike Muscelli

Would you like to learn some muscle building secrets? Of course we all would love to learn what it takes to develop that sculpted physique that would make us the envy of our friends and the desire of the opposite sex.

It doesn't have to be a dream though, we can achieve this as long as we understand a few key points. If you truly want success there are 2 things you need to keep in mind if you want to obtain a solid bodybuilder's physique:

1. Squats

If you're interested in one of the muscle building secrets, have a look into squatting. Squatting is one of the most powerful muscle building exercises you can take part in. It hurts like nothing else, but the results speak for themselves. Squatting helps you build not only large legs, but a large upper body through the release of HGH.

To do a squat, unrack the barbell and keep the weight up on your traps. Next, as you squat keep your chest up and butt out until you hit parallel, then push back up with your heels.

2. Deadlifts

Deadlifting is a great mass building exercise that can transform your physique like no other exercise can. You really need to try it out to see what you've been missing, you won't believe the results you can achieve simply by adding this exercise to the mix.

In order to deadlift, what you should do is keep your feet under the barbell about shoulder with apart. Once you're in this stance, reach down and grip the bar. Now it's important you don't lift with your hands but instead push down on the floor with the bottoms of your heels. When you do this, keep your chest up and eyes forward.

Try out these muscle building secrets and you will definitely see a change in your body, you will start breaking plateaus and becoming more muscular. Most people can't take these exercises due to the pain, but if you can you'll benefit.

It's important to note though that these alone will not be enough to get you the body you want. You must have a solid plan and diet to ensure that these exercises are of any use, otherwise you're just wasting your time. - 17268

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Burning Belly Fat, You Will Need More Than Ab Machines

By Ricardo d Argence

Have you ever seen an infomercial for an ab machine? They will always have a guy with 6 pack abs, or a woman with a model figure demonstrating the machine. They won't show a full figured person working the machine, because the infomercial is psychologically placing the idea in your head that if you buy the machine and use it, you will look like the people demonstrating the machine. They will always end the infomercial with testimonials from people who have lost weight, and swear by the product.

I don't doubt that these people lost weight using ab machines. Ab machines do burn calories, but I will wager to say the ab machine wasn't the only part of their workout. They probably engaged in other routines like running and cardiovascular exercises. More than likely, they also changed their eating habits.

The ab machine most commonly builds muscle in the abdominal area and burns calories. However, this not to implies that you may consume whatever you wish, in as great amount as you wish, whenever you wish.

It is true that ab exercisers will amass muscle around the midsection, yet a poor diet will lead to fat deposits over the muscle mass! Sumo wrestlers are a good example of this, they have a lot of muscle behind the fat. It is actually a firm exercise diet program that they follow to get the fat over the muscle.

Exercising and positive thinking are portion of the solution to losing abdominal fat. This brings us to the next important element: a healthy diet.

Fat builds up in your system as you are sleeping, and that is why you should never eat anything directly before going to bed. Studies have found that people who eat a big breakfast and a sensible lunch and dinner have trimmer waistlines. This is because after they eat breakfast, they spend the rest of the day burning calories.

Foods that are high calorie are things such as fried foods, soda pop, and desserts. It would be best for you to avoid these. Vegetables are a great substitute for fried foods like potato chips and french fries. This is effective since you take less calories and use more energy.

I'd like to reiterate that there's no fault in utilizing ab equipment and exercising abs, but folks shouldn't get lofty ideas about the results. If you want to trim your waistline, know that though you do need to exercise all major muscles once in a while, Ab machines by themselves wont help you in reducing your waistline. Working off the fat around your waist requires the proper balance of appropriate eating and working out. - 17268

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Make Sure Your Heart Doesn't Explode

By Rick Steel

Myocardial infarction in simple terms (the kind of terms Rick Steel likes) is known as heart attack which is the governing source of all death cases worldwide. The clogging of the arteries which carry oxygenated blood to the heart leads to the fatality known as heart attack. The abstinence of the heart from blood caused by this clogging leads to the failure of coronary function.

Heredity and genetic condition play a major role in matters of heart - and I'm not just talking about love here *sniff*. You might have an increased risk of heart disease if someone from your family is suffering from this disease; therefore it is crucial that you take precautions beforehand. Choose the right family. Other risk factors include gender with men being more prone to develop heart disease and progressing of age where the body becomes more susceptible to diseases.

The essential principal to focus upon is to gather beforehand information on the signs and symptoms of heart attack so as to nip it in the bud (I hate flowers). Some of the warning signs which are general and universal are:

1. Uncomfortable pressure or squeezing feeling in the center of the chest that lasts for a few seconds, unless you're getting punched there

2. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, shoulders, back, neck and jaws

3. Breath shortness

4. Sweating

5. Fainting a lot

6. Nausea, lightheadedness, and vomiting

7. Fatigue

The key to a healthy heart and a happy life is to keep an eye on your heart and abserve minor changes and make positive adjustments in your way of living to avert finding yourself on the surgery table. Yes you can qoute me on that. Taking the following steps can aid you in prevention of heart attack.

Controlling blood pressure: commence regulating your blood pressure by avoiding food that is high in cholesterol. Meanwhile it is recommended that you have your blood pressure checked annually. That's once a year, buddy-boy.

Stop smoking: If you value your life and heart then you need to give up the habit, if you smoke, immediately as cardiac and many other health-related problems are caused by active smoking. So it's official: Rick Steel says you should stop smoking. Although quitting consumption of alcohol is never painless (God knows I need it most mornings) it can save you from further degeneration of your organs. Smoking harms the body and interferes with the proper functioning of the organs.

Eat a healthy diet: reduce the amount of fat, sodium and cholesterol in your diet as these are the factors that contribute to heart disease and high blood pressure. Indulge in healthy diets that are rich in fiber. Incorporate raw vegetables, fruits and huge fish as these are loaded with antioxidants which are excellent in supporting and shielding the arteries from abrasion and smoothing out the blood flow.

Exercise habitually: exercising aids in the strengthening of the muscles and improves the oxygen flow. It can control diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and help in maintaining a healthy body weight. Walking vigorously for half an hour daily can work wonders on your heart. Plus walking vigorously makes you look like a badass.

A heart attack is no simple problem. It can be very traumatic and daunting (unless you're Rick Steel). Diagnosing this disease early can be the key to its prevention. It is never too late to take steps to strengthen your heart and keep it fit and healthy. Many people who have suffered heart attacks lead happy lives. Changing your habits and following the above steps can go a long way to guarantee that your risk of getting a heart attack is reduced to minimum. - 17268

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Best Way To Lose Weight? Have Skinny Friends!

By Henry John

If you are overweight, it's probably true to say that you don't like criticism about your weight. You don't much like those critical looks either. They're uncomfortable and they make you feel different. The truth is that in time you develop a bit of a thick skin and learn to switch off. What you don't want to know about you erect barriers to protect yourself.

People who are either overweight or obese like to be in the company of like sized people. They feel more comfortable. They feel protected from criticism. They feel shielded.

Far away from critical looks there is a feeling of acceptance and that that being overweight is actually okay. Maybe it's other people, the skinny people who have got it wrong!

Because overweight or obese people keep each other's company, obesity is becoming contagious. The way they are is deemed to be acceptable. In their minds this may be absolutely fine, but there is a cost for this attitude and it it's health, long-term health in particular. This problem is very dangerous. So what to do? Do you ditch all your overweight friends? No, that would be the wrong thing to do. It does help, though if you are aware of the problem. If you are then there's a far better chance of you being able to do something about it.

Perhaps a more obvious reason why overweight people like their own company is that they find it impossible to lose weight. They have been on endless diets, but the weight just keeps coming back. So why not give in and have fun with friends in the same situation?

The reality is that diets have caused a problem not solved one. Diets only deliver short-term weight loss. The weight always comes back. Little wonder that overweight people give the whole thing up as a bad job. The fact remain that if you want to lose weight you have to change, not go on a diet. You have to get rid of your bad habits, particularly the ones that make you fat. After that you learn new slim habits. Only then can you be assured that your weight will go away and not come back. - 17268

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You Don't Need to Over-splurge on Cellulite Removal Products!

By Danielle Clayton

Many females never have to worry about cellulite treatments. However, in reality many more women want to know how to get rid of cellulite right now.

Cellulite causes many females a great deal of stress. Learning what you can do to get rid of cellulite can reduce this stress and anxiety. However, the last thing you want to do is worry about cellulite problems since the last thing you need to do is create more stress about the way you feel about your body. Today, with the advancement of scientific technology and medical procedures, there are various cellulite treatments that can help you improve your looks and get rid of cellulite available to you.

Cellulite can occur for various reasons such as your genetic make-up, the lack of getting regular exercise and even not eating the proper amount of nutritional foods. Having cellulite does not mean that you are repulsively horrible. However, you must begin by changing your lifestyle to accomplish cellulite reduction.

Proper nutrition and regular exercise are beneficial for everyone, including those who have no need of weight loss plans and those who never suffer from cellulite problems. Actually, stress is one of the major causes of many of the health problems suffered by individuals, including cellulite problems.

In order to get rid of cellulite, there are many cellulite treatments available, that you may want to consider. Some women take the option of expensive cosmetic surgeries for cellulite removal. Nevertheless, in order to accomplish cellulite removal can be very costly to take on such painful medical procedures and not always necessary to do so.

The internet is a fantastic place to read up on any kind of information that you might be curious about, including ways of cellulite removal or treating a cellulite condition. To get started, you can get rid of cellulite by doing more exercise and drinking more water each day. Pure water is very good for your overall health and it can also help in cellulite reduction.

One of the best means of improving you blood circulation, increasing your heart rate and toning your legs is to seriously begin taking energizing walks according to your physical condition. Engaging in active walking, can help you get rid of cellulite however, it does take time. You may even want to join a gym and then do some mat Pilates to increase your stronger core muscles or even begin a series of aerobic activities.

You too can get rid of cellulite without overly spending on cellulite treatments or cellulite removal creams. Focus on a healthier lifestyle, chances are you are going to start seeing a big difference in your body rather quickly. - 17268

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Is The Grapefruit Diet A Fad Diet

By Ron C

The grapefruit diet is one of the earliest known Hollywood fad diets. It dates back to the 1930s, and many Hollywood stars of the time swore by it. It remained popular until the mid-1970s, when it became one of the diets that was faxed around from machine to machine, popularly known as xerox lore. The diet is attributed to the Mayo Clinic, which clearly states that it has nothing to do with this diet and that the diet is not good.

The grapefruit diet is essentially like the Atkins diet with the addition of a grapefruit before each meal. The diet only allows three meals each day, with no snacking in between meals. Supposedly a person on this diet could lose 10 pounds in only 10 days.

The distribution was just as far fetched no weight loss for four days then five pounds lost all on the fifth day. Supposedly grapefruit contains enzymes that destroy fat, but no study has ever proven that to be true.

In 2004 it was proven that the diet may work. Eating grapefruit prior to meals helped people in the study lose 3.6 pounds in twelve weeks. Drinking the juice from the grapefruit led to only slightly less weight loss. A few of the participants lost an astounding 10 pounds.

Researchers attributed the weight loss to decreased insulin levels caused by eating grapefruit. However, all the participants slightly enhanced their exercise programs, which may account for the lost weight.

The grapefruit diet works like this:

- Drink eight servings of water a day. - Eat only until you are full at each meal. - Eat every item of food listed for each meal because the menus are formulated to burn fat. - The catalyst to the whole process is grapefruit, so don't skip it. - One cup of coffee can be consumed at each meal. - No snacking between meals. - Eat butter if you want. - Do not eat desserts, sweet potatoes,breads or white vegetables. - You can eat meats and green vegetables. - Eat until full in order to maximize weight loss. - Stay on the diet for twelve days, skip 2 days, then start over again. - Eat one half grapefruit, or drink a 18 ounce glass of grapefruit, with each meal.

Now you can go try the grapefruit diet. - 17268

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First Acai Berry Research is Inconclusive

By Paul Charles

You've likely read much about this superfruit already. There have been countless diets advertised, celebrities and billionaire media moguls have sworn how great it works, and there are of course ads upon ads trying to convince you that acai is the best thing since moms apple pie. But the clinical facts from the acai berry research paint their own picture, free from hype. To begin with, we know that the acai berry comes from a palm tree that grows mainly in South America. Brazil is the primary country where the acai berry is grown and processed.

You can read all the reports you want to on this berry, and all of them will have something different to say about the actual antioxidant potency. Most of these reports claim that the antioxidant value of the acai berry is very high, while others claim it is intermediate, and still others say it is just above that of orange juice. In comparison to several of the fruits and juices that are already very high in antioxidants, there is little concrete evidence as to how the acai berry matches up.

Naturally, all fruits and vegetables are more nutritious if you can get them fresh. However getting the acai berry fresh in the United States, or really anywhere outside of Brazil, is a big problem. This is because it cannot last long enough to ship it in the fresh form, so they have found a way to condense it to powder as a freeze dried form. The problem with this is that the manufacturers are not making the pure form. They are adding bulk ingredients to make the product stretch further and up their profits. They are adding preservatives to give it a longer shelf life. Like with any other product, it has become all about the money.

The United States' FDA is at this time neither approving nor denying the acai berry's nutritional value. They are not researching it at this time, since it doesn't grow anywhere under their jurisdiction. That means there will be no forthcoming FDA official reports about it. They figure since it will not be a crop that is ever grown in the United States, they don't need to worry about researching it. Brazil is the main area that grows this product, and the exportation rules are governed by their government.

Research at the University of Florida has recently shown that the effects of acai on leukemia cells has had a very positive reaction. It seems that instead of actually destroying the cells, it has caused a reaction that causes the cells to destroy themselves... Some medical researchers are claiming that their studies will show that the acai berry is going to be the new wonder cure for almost every ailment the human race suffers from... Assuming other scientists can reproduce these results.

The FDA has gully authorized the use of labeling claims that plant sterols reduce the risk of heart disease. Several of the acai berry research reports claim that acai is very high in plant sterols, and would be very effective in stopping coronary heart disease. This seems to be the one fact that has no opposition in the whole world of acai berry research. - 17268

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Getting the Habit Is The Best Way To Lose Weight

By Henry John

It's a hard call. You want to lose weight, but you don't know which weight loss program to trust. Should you believe all the hype? Should you be taken in by all the promises? Can they possibly be true? It's very difficult to know.

Is it worth the gamble? Are you fussing too much? Should you take any notice of all those warnings about fad diets or should you just get on with it?

Being 'sold' something, particularly when it has to do with health, is sometimes difficult to, come to terms with. The hard sell somehow doesn't quite fit with a weight loss product. You get the feeling someone is trying to take advantage of you.

You just have to use your common sense and your gut feeling. If you don't think something is right, leave it alone. There is no such thing as a quick fix. If you suspect that is what you are being sold, then you should avoid it.

If someone had come up with the ultimate weight loss solution, don't you think they would be a household name? Can you think of anybody who has done this? Not really. Some have come pretty close, but when the hype has faded, so has their fame.

The bottom line is that if you want to lose weight it will need commitment from you. It can't be done for you. You have to do the's not onerous, but it does mean that you have to make change in your life, because change is the only way you are ever going to lose weight permanently.

Whatever you do you don't go on a diet, or take pills. The very best thing you can do is to identify the habits that make you fat and learn new habits, slim habits.

By learning new habits you will be able to change your behavior. This is the way to permanent weight loss and a slim, healthy new life. - 17268

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Best Weight Loss Tip? Get Good Advice!

By Henry John

When you get advice you are never quite sure about how good it might be. People are always very eager to let you, know their opinion. Much of the time if they have experience of a diet they may tell you it's good when it is completely the opposite. Why? Because they want to justify their decision to themselves. Sounds strange, but it's what happens. The best thing you can do is to find out as much information for yourself before you start telling people what you're going to do.

The important thing about losing weight is that you have got to want to do it. If you enter the process with a half-hearted attitude, you can be sure that you won't be successful. You have to have the resolve to see it through.

Too many people believe that they don't have to try too much on a diet. They believe that the diet will do it all for them. It says so on all the publicity! Actually it's totally the opposite. If you want to be successful in losing weight - and at anything else, for that matter - you have to have commitment.

Just remember before you take any decision or take any advice, if you want to lose weight permanently, you don't go on a diet and you don't take weight loss pills.

If you want to lose weight permanently (and who doesn't) then a diet is not the best solution. It's fine if you want to get rid of a few pounds and you don't mind if the weight comes back again, but very few people want this option - understandably.

So, the best way to lose weight is to identify the bad habits that make you fat and get rid of them. How do you do that? By learning new habits, slim habits. It's all about making change. You know that you have to change, don't you? Well your salvation lies in learning new slim habits. The result will be permanent weight loss. - 17268

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