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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Flat Stomach Exercises Are High Intensity Exercises

By Jose Loni

Flat stomach exercises can be defined as anaerobic high intensity exercises. Spot reducing does not work when it comes to getting a flat stomach. Anaerobic training is the fastest way to achieving ripped abs. Increasing your metabolism by incorporating interval sets into our exercise program and training with greater frequency will give you a flat stomach.

Exercises that train just the abs will not give you a flat stomach. Spot reduction does not work. Training our abs directly will give you strength in the abs but will not give you a flat stomach. We must burn our overall fat to make the underlying abdominal muscles visible.

Anaerobic exercises cause an oxygen debt, which is a lack of oxygen in the muscles of the body. The increased exercise activity increases the amount of carbon dioxide and lactic acid in the muscles. When the body is resting, the body is quickly trying to get oxygen into the muscles to nourish, repair and clear the waste products in the muscles. As a result, the muscle metabolic activity is increased and needs to expend more energy to function.

When the intensity of the activity is decreased or removed, the body is better able to replenish oxygen into the muscles to repair and nourish. The increased metabolic activity requires more energy to function and helps remove waste products from the muscles.

Interval set training also creates an oxygen debt situation in the muscles. This causes the body to really increase its metabolic activity to keep providing energy to the increased physical activity, thereby increasing overall fat burning.

The muscles utilize the calories from the food we eat and when that is fully consumed, it turns to the fat stores on our body to provide the necessary energy. This fat burning process increases the body's capacity to burn fat and keeps actively replenishing and repairing the muscles well after the exercise session has ended.

With increased training frequency, the body will be better able to provide energy to its muscles as well as become efficient at burning fat. The increased lean body mass that occurs also helps to keep a regular schedule of metabolic activity to keep the body burning fat. - 17268

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Flat Stomach Exercises - Defined

By Jose Loni

High intensity exercises are the key to getting a flat stomach. Ab exercises that target the abs will not give you a flat stomach. High intensity training will kick start your system and metabolism. This can be done through interval training and regular exercise.

Spot reduction is not effective at flattening your stomach. Training the abdominal muscles directly will increase the strength and help support the back, but it will not remove the fat on the stomach. To burn fat we must do overall, body fat burning to remove the visible abdominal fat to allow for the underlying abs to be seen.

Hi intensity anaerobic training is effective in creating an oxygen debt in the muscles. With lowered oxygen levels in the muscles, there is increased accumulation of lactic acid and carbon dioxide, which will affect muscle function.

When the intensity of the activity is decreased or removed, the body is better able to replenish oxygen into the muscles to repair and nourish. The increased metabolic activity requires more energy to function and helps remove waste products from the muscles.

Interval exercises create oxygen debt to force the muscles to expend more energy, the result being greater metabolic activity and increased overall metabolism of the body.

Regular exercise is a good way to be consistent and allow the body to become more efficient at burning body fat. Having a regular schedule of exercises promotes increased metabolic activity regularly, which has a residual effect of fat burning even after the exercises session.

Having a regular exercise program keeps the body active in burning fat as well as efficient at providing oxygen, energy and removing waste products from the muscles. This regular training has a cumulative effect and keeps the body's metabolism high as well as strong and healthy. - 17268

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The Final Word On Coffee and Caffeine

By Borgon Trocepticlon

A research-based survey revealed that the most popular stimulant which has become compulsory to rub off the sleep from the eyes in the morning and to activate the energy levels is coffee.

Caffeine is basically a drug which is gathered from tea leaves, kola nuts and coffee beans. It is widely used in medicines, chocolates, and even flavorings. Caffeine is highly addictive which enslaves its addict and increases his reliance on caffeine.

Caffeine addiction is one of the biggest problems in the world today, but people will never admit that they are facing this problem. Caffeine is widely popular because it helps to keep the body more alert, it increases the heart rate of the body, and it also increases the sugar level in the blood.

But caffeine's negative symptoms are manifold. Regular use of caffeine causes the water level of the body to drop as caffeine is a diuretic causing frequent urination. It also reduces the span of deep sleep and the person becomes so addicted to caffeine that if its level per day is reduced the person will show negative behavior. Frustration, nausea, migraines, fatigue, lack of concentration and muscle pain are some of the symptoms of withdrawing from caffeine.

Pregnant women should steer clear of caffeine as it can harm the unborn child by penetrating the placenta causing damaging effects on the fetus. It also raises the chances of having a miscarriage. Low birth weight and amplified labor pain are all side-effects of caffeine. Expecting mothers should ban the caffeine from their nutritional regime and visit their physician for recommendations.

Three to four cups of coffee daily increases the level of anxiety in a person and makes him more prone to panic disorders. Many people also experience insomnia due to over stimulation of the body because of caffeine. People working the night shift suffer from insomnia as they are unable to sleep in the day. Lack of sleep will cause dark circles in the eyes, nervousness and jittering.

The increased heart rate and blood pressure and increased sugar level may cause diabetes and coronary problems. People with a sensitive stomach should also take precautions and decrease their caffeine intake as caffeine intensifies the bowel movements and this can lead to stomach ache. Caffeine is also associated with bowel disorders and ulcers.

Recent studies show that obesity and food cravings can also be attributed to caffeine. Undoubtedly the drawbacks are in the lead if compared to its few advantages. Caffeine boosts energy levels but the effect will only stay around for four to five hours. Following that will be a strong caffeine yearning to recuperate that effect. For the freedom of the mind and the body, a person should make effort to reduce or totally evade the caffeine dependence. It is an arduous task but anything is possible if there is a will to do it. - 17268

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Fiber and Cellulite - What You Need to Know

By El Bilson

Youve heard that getting enough fiber is an important part of your daily routine. But is their a connection between our daily amount of fiber and cellulite on our bodies?

Research has shown that fiber and cellulite do have a connection to one another. Fiber is an important part of our meals. Without enough fiber, the body often does not feel full and satisfied. This causes over eating which can lead to weight gain and low energy levels.

Fiber can be found in two main forms " soluble and insoluble. The insoluble fiber moves through the digestive track and starts to clean out your system. It cleans out waste products left over from the meal you just ate. The more waste that is cleared out of the body, the less waste the body is forced to store in the cells. Cellulite often occurs because of extra toxins and waste products left in the body that weren't moved out with the normal process of digestion.

Soluble fiber moves into a gel like substance and it is responsible for lowering cholesterol or fat and plaque in the blood vessels. This is important for not only heart health but the health of your skin as well. Good circulation improves not only the performance of your heart (which can help prevent a heart attack) but it can also help to improve the appearance of your skin cells.

Both soluble and insoluble fiber are an important part of your diet. Doctors note that we should consume 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily. However with the typical American diet, most of us only get 5 to 10 grams of fiber per day. The results of not getting enough fiber are seen all the time: obesity, heart problems, diabetes to name a few. Additionally, areas such as the skin may also be affected by a lack of fiber in the diet.

There is a way to take advantage of the relationship between cellulite and fiber. The following is a list of foods with high fiber content. By consuming some of these foods on a daily basis you can start to see the benefits of enough fiber in the diet!

10.3 g fiber - Cooked Artichokes

16.3 g fiber - Split peas, cooked

A cup Lentils, cooked - 15.6 g fiber

Spaghetti, whole wheat cooked " 6.3 g fiber

Raspberries " 8.0 g fiber

Pear, with skin " 5.1 g fiber - 17268

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Protein Powder Supplements

By Adrian Paul

Body builders often take protein powder supplements on a regular basis. They use them because it is very difficult to get enough protein from food if your objective is to build or maintain muscle. Protein powder supplements are not taken to replace proper nutrition or training but to enhance them. If you have just started body building then perhaps you are unsure which protein powder supplement to choose because there are so many different ones available. How do you decide which formula is best for you? The answer to that question depends on your reasons for using a protein powder supplement. There are several different criteria that you can use to determine which product is right for you.

The Purpose

To choose the right protein powder you must first ask yourself what you want the product to do. Are you interested in gaining muscle mass or just maintaining what you have? Do you want to enhance your performance during your work out or give yourself a boost after you have finished? Do you need to lose any excess fat? Do you want your protein powder supplement to replace a meal? The answers to these questions definitely have a bearing on which product is best suited to your needs. Once you know what you want you can read some protein powder supplements reviews to get more information about the products that are appropriate for your particular needs.

The Price

It stands to reason that protein powder supplements that are very high quality will cost a bit more. However, that doesnt mean that you should spend half of your monthly income on them. Instead look for something of reasonable quality that you can easily afford without having to struggle. Bear in mind that buying protein powder supplements means that you will not have to spend as much cash on whole foods that contain protein so you may actually end up saving money.

The Taste

Even if you know you have the most effective protein powder supplement money can buy it will still be hard to take it if it doesn't taste very pleasant. Of course you always have the option of mixing a protein powder supplement with some fruit or Splenda in order to improve the overall taste. However, it is much better to purchase a product that already tastes good so that it is quick and convenient to take.

You should also look for a product that dissolves well in liquid. If your supplement doesn't mix well you may end up gulping back nauseating clumps. Look for a product that mixes well with liquid and has a smooth palatable texture. - 17268

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Green Mussels is a Dependable and Safe Substitute to Treating Inflammation

By Paul J. Easton

What can extract from green mussel do for inflammation really? Green lipped mussels are exclusively found in the New Zealand blue waters. And they are a bit expensive because of this? But why is so many are turning to green mussel extract?

Long accepted as a nutrient-rich, super food, green mussels have likewise been proven to contain superior levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids and chondroitin derivatives which suppress the agents starting the inflammation.

Green mussels are grown strictly in marine stations in New Zealand. This has the upside because, unlike other sources of omega-3 like fish oil, they carry no mercury or other unsafe metals because of the ensured eco-friendly surroundings of the marine facilities that grow them. They are a bit expensive though because of quality control.

The optimum advantage of opting for extract from green mussels as an anti-inflammatory treatment is that there are no associated side effects. This natural product is safe and, in fact, allows gains for the skin, nervous system, brain function, and even mood as well. As a matter of fact, researchers are recently researching to show a link between green mussel extract and the power to avoid Alzheimer's disease.

Researches are continually performed to show the preventive profits gained from the lipid and omega-3-rich oil and powder sourced from New Zealand's green lipped mussels. Extract of green mussels is demonstrating good promise as an option to taking hazardous NSAIDs for treatment of chronic inflammation. If you have a prescription for NSAIDs, consult with your doctor about this natural cure which may lead to relief of inflammation. As a disclaimer, considering green mussel extracts should always be first consulted with your physician before starting taking this treatment.

The single contraindication for patients wanting to take green mussel extract is an allergy to seafood. Anyone who has a seafood or seafood products allergy should not partake green mussel extract or any of its related forms.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis. - 17268

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Natural Health Supplements

By Steve

Many a people consider supplementations for numerous purposes. Supplementations have numerous benefits on the health as they heighten the operation of the brain and trunk, protect you from illnesses and build your body hard against the approaches of diseases. That leaves you more aroused and assists you to look quick and healthy while using these supplementations. If you desire to purchase any type of supplementation, you can have on-going recap of these supplements in numerous sites. These sites like miraclesformen offer you general particulars about several type of supplements with some research. It is comfy to equate the nutrition profits of these supplementations from house.

Your exploration and supplementations option may aid you to amend your health and loss your mass. Most of these supplements aid you to subdue umpteen troubles like obesity, mild pain, lack of kip, and Numerous other popular troubles. You should check for different solutions and also review your pick of supplements while buying these supplements. Some sites like miraclesformen supply you all cases of info about the classes of supplementations utilizing for different purpose. It will assist you to realize what supplementations can do for your physical structure and health. First you require to recognize various kinds of supplements.

Workout is great for maintaining a leap in your stride, but as you get old it can quite literally become a annoyance. A biological wellness supplementation such as Glucosamine sulphate (a substance seen in connective tissue, cartilage, muscular tissues, sinews and ligaments) can help alleviate joint annoyance and keep junctures in great shape. As the supplementation is derived from shellfish, vegetarians and those allergic to mollusc should ask for vegetarian Glucosamin.

Some supplementations relieve you from disease similar to cancer, other supplements carrying Coral calcium colloidal silver, Chondroitin, Glucosamine and MSM prevent you from getting the influenza or colds. Anti aging- some supplements assist you to feel younger and several of them in cream form that gives your skin softer by removing crumples from your look. These supplementations help you to feel better and cure your ailments in general. If you require to improve your sleep or require to reduce, whatever reasons, you find the solution of your problems in these supplementations.

In addition to the adult males vitamins and supplementations, it is also essential for men to have multivitamins to insure strong wellness. Numerous of us do not get the proper nutrients our body requires each day due to bad diets. Mens vitamins come in some another kinds and are applied for many another various roles. The most significant of the mens vitamins, nevertheless, are the multivitamins that refill substances we want in our daily diets. - 17268

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Desserts with a Healthy Twist

By Kristen Thorpe

Everyone feels the need to indulge a bit after a hard day of work and one of our favorite ways of doing so is by satisfying our sweet tooth. Desserts can be delicious, but they can also be hard on the hips. By finding and even creating the right recipes, you can keep the satisfaction without sacrificing your waistline. The following are a few ideas to get you started.

Now remember, whether you're cooking a meal or baking a dessert, take the time to make it fun - be creative and don't make it too difficult. It can be as easy as taking a store-bought mix and adding some special ingredients of your own. Be sure to substitute the healthiest ingredients you can so the dessert is delicious but less fattening.

For example, try purchasing a devil s food cake mix and making it into something other than a cake. I have enjoyed using the mix to make low-fat pancake cookies. This can be done by adding two capfuls of oil, about one half cup of soymilk, and a little water. Mix the ingredients until you get a cookie like consistency and then spread heaping spoonfuls onto the pan. As these cookies bake, you'll notice that they become rather large and puff up. After about 7-8 minutes, open the oven and press the cookies down so that they flatten like pancakes. Let them bake another 3 minutes or so and then remove while they are still a bit soft.

You can eat these cookies plain or you can even top them with some fresh fruit like chopped strawberries or raspberries. The cookie will be soft, not crunchy and it tastes wonderful with the fruit on top. You can enjoy these with some fresh roasted coffee, chocolate milk or hot chocolate. It's a great treat for kids and grownups alike.

If you love granola then you'll love this easy recipe. Take some of your favorite granola, maybe something like cranberry nut or French vanilla. Combine with a little vanilla soymilk and warm the granola in the microwave for about 45 seconds. Then heat some berries for a minute or two until they're nice and warm. Pour the berries onto the your cup of granola and mix. This warm, fruity, tasty dessert tastes especially good with a warm herbal or Chai tea.

These are just a couple of simple recipes that anyone can make. You can come up with other great creative healthy dessert ideas of your own. Remember that a dessert doesn't have to be overly fattening or rich to be very satisfying. Have fun with trying different combinations and you'll find you can create wonderful desserts that you can call you're very own. - 17268

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Warning! Acai Berry Scam Alert!

By Caitlin Ryan

Not another one! I was really troubled by the news that there are more supplement scams! Greedy supplement companies are tarnishing the reputation of the beautiful acai berry in a similar manner to the wu yi tea scam.

With the state of the economy, our dollars have become even more important to us. We work hard, and though we want to do what we can to improve our health and avoid expensive doctor bills, we cannot afford to be scammed! How can you benefit from acai berry supplements without risking this? Make sure you are aware!

This is how the acai berry scam works. The acai berry supplement company offers a free trial with only the cost of shipping. Then, they use your credit card to charge future shipments because you inadvertently signed up for these auto-shipments when you agreed to receive the free trial. The information was probably there, but in fine print.

Imagine their surprise when they are charged on their credit card for more acai berry before they have even finished the free trial! Often, the charge appears long before they receive more supplements, and sometimes, the shipment never arrives.

It gets worse! Some of the acai berry scam companies make it so difficult to cancel the auto shipment that people spend month after month battling the company before the charges discontinue. They sometimes want their free trial back (which has usually been used) in order to get a reimbursement for the unwanted auto shipments.

A rule of thumb would be to avoid free trials; however, there may be some free trial companies who are honest and who really do want to prove their product to you through a free trial. So, how do you tell the difference?

Read, read, and read! We tend to skip over all of those minor details when we place orders or sign up for something. You truly do have to read the fine print, and even then, you may be at risk. Make a phone call to the company and verify that you are only signing up for a free trial and paying shipping. Ask them more than once and get a name of the person.

It is pretty easy to tell a fraudulent company if there is not even a phone number or if you call and you are put on hold forever and ever! This type of acai berry supplement company is just too risky!

Until the scam has run its course, stick with reputable sites such as Amazon or sites that have been backed by the Better Business Bureau or another reputable consumer agency. What you do not want to do is miss out on acai berry supplements to improve your health!

Acai berries are loaded with antioxidants which can help fight off illness and disease. The benefits of acai berries certainly outweigh the risks as long as you pay close attention to the acai supplement company and do your homework! - 17268

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Compound Found to Fight Cancer

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

This study showed that acai berry triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of the leukemia cells tested according to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry where the results were published.

Acai berry provides a rich source of antioxidants which are key to fighting harmful radicals that can lead to cancer. The study was important in showing the importance of reasons why the acai berry should be part of a daily diet.

An very important thing to note here is that this study did not intend to demonstrate that the elements found in the acai berry can prevent leukemia in humans.

This study was never intended to raise any false hopes that the acai berry is a cure for leukemia. The results are still very positive however. The human body has shown promising results with compounds that have been tested under the cell-culture model.

Antioxidants have not been directly proven to fight cancer cells in the human body because of other factors such as biochemical processes. However, research has shown that fruits such as guavas, grapes, and mango's' have antioxidants that have been known to kill cancer cells as well.

Acai berries is are perishable and must be eaten immediately after picking. The process to preserve acai berries have only been available for about five years, so researchers in many parts of the world have had little or no opportunity to study them.

The Euterpe oleracea is the palm tree that produces the acai berry, and are commonly found along the flood plains of the amazon river. The color of the berry is a dark purple and the size of a blue berry. There is a large seed that is surrounded by an edible pulp encased in a thin layer.

Historically, Brazilians have used acai berries to treat digestive disorders and skin conditions. Acai berry can help in reducing weight, lowering cholesterol and gaining more energy. - 17268

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The Importance of LDS Food Storage

By Greg Shuey

One of the things constantly being taught to us by The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints is that we must always have emergency food storage. LDS individuals and families have taken the need for emergency food storage seriously. And we cant blame them. Its always better to be prepared when disaster strikes.

According to them we must have LDS food storage that will last for at least 3 months. Together with that, we must also have 72-hour survival kits. The Prophet, together with his counselors, through divine guidance, knows that difficult and troubling times are going to come to us. And since we have the advantage of knowing that fact, it is best to be prepared.

Having food storage is essential for every family. It must be considered a top priority in every household. Taking this very important precaution will ensure that you and your family will have enough food and basic necessities to sustain yourselves for a period of time. Youll never know when disaster will strike. It acts like a thief in the night so you must be fully-prepared to tackle it head-on. Its better safe than sorry, right?

What are the things you need to remember when stacking up on LDS food storage?

First of all, you must make sure that it has the most basic items that will keep your family well-fed and healthy in tough times. Having said that, prioritize food items that have high nutritional value, and not just any food. It doesnt matter if you have something to eat when your body is not getting the right nutrition it needs.

Choose cereals, wheat, biscuits, canned goods that have high nutritional value and easy-to-prepare meals that are healthy. Avoid junk foods.

Keep from stacking bread and other perishable foods. Since your goal is to have something stored for future use, dont store foods that rot. You can go for biscuits instead.

Second, have enough water supply. Drinking water is very important to sustain you for long periods of time. You can go on without food for days as long as you drink water. During times of emergency, water lines may be damaged by calamities, cutting your water supply. Having a barrel or gallons ready for storing water will be of great help in the long run.

Lastly, orient your family members as to where the LDS food storage should be kept, what goes into it, and how to properly utilize its contents when the need arises. Emergencies can disorient a person and will make them unsure of what to do. Knowing where to get it when disaster hits will make things easier for you. - 17268

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What Happens When You Take Acai Berry?

By Carter Sinclair

Acai berries are beneficial for the body in so many ways. They have been proven to aid in better sleep, increasing energy and stamina, strengthening the immune system, better memory, and the decrease of the body's pains and aches. How does this happen when all we are talking about is a fruit no bigger than your thumb? Just imagine the surprise of so many researchers when they found out how great acai is for the human body!

Remember what you were taught in school that our ecosystem needs a balance of animals, plants, and humans. Plants have chemicals that help protect them from danger just as animals and humans have. It is from their natural evolution. Recently researchers have found that the chemicals that protect plants from diseases and other harmful substances are beneficial for the human body too.

Therefore, we all should not wonder why our main food consists of plants and animals, and these "prey" of humans also benefit from us and from each other. Plants benefit from the gases we produce, animals benefit from plants as they feed on plants as well, and so on. With acai berries for instance, this is not the first time that they have been used for health purposes, they were just hiding in countries like Brazil where the natives have harvested their goodness since the ancient times.

Acai berry has many healthy benefits and are now available to us too. They are sold as pills and juices and still contain the organic elements of fresh fruits in their natural form.

Recent research has even been mentioned that acai berry helps in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Studies have found acai berry helps to kill cancer cells. This is all new discoveries so more testing will need to be done before scientists can say for sure if acai can cure cancer but early research is looking positive.

Many free radicals are harmful and cause damage to the immune system as well as cause your body to age faster. Luckily, Acai berry contain powerful antioxidants to combat these free radicals so that you can keep your youthful healthy appearance. - 17268

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