Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hollywood Mom Reveals 7 Secrets for Safe Successful Weight Loss

By Dorthy Weatherbush

If you are a celebrity you have it easy don't you think? Imagine having personal chefs, fitness trainers along with diet and weight loss experts to guide you in trimming your unwanted fat. That's the life isn't it? Well, today it's your life because you are about to discover 7 simple secrets for healthy weight loss you favorite Hollywood stars don't want you to know.

1. In your effort to lose weight, it is vital that you stay far away from foods that may inflame your body's natural ability to burn calories. As I list many of the types of foods you should avoid, none will come as much of a surprise. First on the list are foods high in saturated fats. You will also want to stay away from sodas and other sugary drinks. Of course, pork is a big no, no. You should however eat darker colored fruits and vegetables on a routine basis, at least 4 times a week.

2. Increase your water intake. Water has been proven to be an incredible appetite suppressant. When you consume ample amounts of water you will eat less and burn more fat because your muscles are properly nourished.

3. Decrease your portion size. This is probably something you've joked about with friends but never really thought about. Have you ever noticed that if you go to a high priced fancy restaurant, they put less food on your plate than if you went down the street to the waffle house? Portion control is huge in weight loss. Another missing link in the weight loss game is how you eat. When eating you should take your time and focus on chewing each mouthful a minimum of 32 bites. The more you are able to chew your food, the easier it is for your stomach to break it down and burn it off.

4. No snacking. Are you one of those people who like to snack at midnight or in between meals? You need to stop snacking in between meals. If you cannot stop snacking then you need to choose something small and healthy like half of an apple and a bottle of water.

5. Get moving! Physical activity is essential in your weight loss routine. Dance, walk, or do housework. Whatever it takes and whatever you are able to do, begin it now. Exercise helps open up your air ways, arteries and blood vessels. Do you now understand why a star would hire a trainer to yell at them and tell them what to do even though they make more money? It's simple really. Bottom line, results.

6. Stars never shop for groceries when they are hungry. When you go to the grocery store when you are hungry then you buy more food and you also buy what looks good to you rather than what is good for you. If you want to lose weight then you also must shop smart also.

7. The final secret to losing weight is commitment. You must be able to fully commit to all of these steps in losing weight on a daily basis. If you are entirely committed you will watch the pounds shed off of your body and you will be healthier too.

Are you ready to live your best life now? If so, review the seven simple secrets above and begin to apply them today. It's not what you're going to do tomorrow that's going to build your muscle and slim down but rather what you are willing to do today. Timing is everything. Remember, start small and build your way up, even baby steps have momentum. . - 17268

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Eat Healthy and Lose Weight Naturally

By Thong M. Dao

It's hard to find anybody these days that is not concerned about health issues and weight. The reason why that is the case is because many of us live in such a way that makes it hard to remain healthy and trim. We tend to consume food on the run and we eat out at restaurants a lot.

While at home we could be consuming bad foods and high-sugar junk foods instead of the proper healthy snacks. To become healthy and lose fat the natural way, there is a way to break the cycle. It actually is possible.

Some of the things which many folks must do if they are trying to lose weight is to stop the bad patterns that they're engaged in. This will most likely be particularly challenging for those who have been eating a certain way for an extended time period.

Many people are worryingly dependent on such bad things as caffeine, sugar, aspartame and bad carbohydrates. Control over your health is far more better than struggling to stop your addictions. Try going cold turkey for a few days in order to break free from a bad cycle, if you are having an especially tough time.

When you are free of the bad eating habits, you need to incorporate good ones. Although you are not required to eat perfect everyday, you must make sure that you stay with a nutritious plan for a month at least.

But why? It takes that long to form a new habit. If you apply a diet that is both healthy and balanced for 30 days, it will become your normal way of eating.

Eating well also means that you need to be certain that you eat the right foods. Try to stay low on the glycemic indicator to maintain your usual sugar level.

Make sure your diet comprises of adequate amounts fruits and vegetables. Above all, make sure you have a lot of water during the day with a pinch of salt from the sea. When you take back your good health as well as slim figure, you'll understand that all of your hard work is working. - 17268

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Body Solid Fitness Tools For Home-Gym Use

By Krasen Dell

Body Solid features portable tools that do not need too much space in your home. The fitness equipment can make you perform physical fitness programs in your own comfort zone. There is no need for you to go to the gym to be on schedule and to drive home after workout schedules. With some fitness tools which are created for home gym matching the high standards like those found in gyms and sports club you can do workout anytime at your convenience.

You can make use of rubber coated hexagonal dumbbells which are designed to resist cracking and fading and at the same time smooth enough not to scratch floors or other areas whey are being kept. The materials used are smartly structured for beginners and can be very useful as a start for your home-gym routine exercise. These have different sizes and weights that can be suitable to your physical capabilities. These are stylish and built with durability to withstand the rigors of daily use and abuse for longer periods.

Body Solid dumbbells are designed against slipping for safety especially during workouts. You can put these on their trays which can be under some safe places like drawers or cabinet if you do not have a rack. Anyway, you will need the rack if you have different sets of these. These tools are in varying sizes and weights and you can have the option to have them which at this time need the portable rack to place them after each workout made. Dumbbells are made from solid cast iron with six-sided heads which are encased in virgin rubber.

You do not have to go to the gym or to any sport club just to get fit especially if you have a very hectic schedule. Body Solid can provide you the appropriate dumbbell sets that you need for your own private use in the comfort of your home. It is truly important to have a regular exercise to stay fit and keep yourself healthy.

Body Solid fitness equipment is the best way for toning muscles and achieving the figure that you need. A regular exercise can be done in your home-gym through some physical fitness program. To go on a diet is not enough and not a guarantee to have a health and toned body. Skipping meals or going on some crazy diets can only weaken you for it is depriving yourself of the proper nutrients that you need for your vigor and strength. Food is very important to have a glowing body that makes you feel beautiful inside and outside of yourself. - 17268

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How to Have a Good P90X Coach

By Jesse Regan

The P90X workout is hard enough as it is. If you do it by yourself, you might not be able to motivate yourself and give yourself the needed boost to push through with the whole program. Or worse, you might be doing everything wrong and you might end up not having the right results that you desire, which is why you started working out in the first place.

What you need is to have your very own P90X coach. This person is someone who uses the same program and the other products that come with it. They can educate you about the P90X program and everything you need to know about it.

A P90X coach could also help in setting up your fitness profile, settle on which fitness products you need, provide your workout schedule, establish what to do after you've finished a program, and answer any questions you have about the P90X program.

These P90X coaches are just ordinary people. They come from all different kinds of backgrounds. Usually, they don't have any prior fitness know-how. Nevertheless they are in the best shape of their lives through the use of the P90X program. They are deemed as the real-life success stories who would like to share their knowledge, experiences and workout approach.

There is no need for these coaches to go to your home. What they do is keep in contact with you through telephone, email, web blogs, videos and some might even do internet chat sessions.

To get your very own coach, you simply need to purchase the P90X workout program and sign up for the free membership account. Once you do, you will be automatically assigned your own coach so that you can start your journey to having a fit and healthy body. You can also look up a particular Coach that you may have heard about when you sign up. You just need to type in his or her screen name, email address, or even use his or her coach identification number in the form that you will be filling out.

If the program was suggested to you by a coach that you might know personally, you can in fact finish your registration in his or her coaching website or blog so that you can have him or her as your P90X coach.

What are the traits that you have to find in a good P90X coach? You need someone who directs your routine by motivating and inspiring you as you move towards the body and fitness level that you desire. He must also provide you with instructions concerning the meal plans that you need to follow. Troubleshooting any fitness issues that might arise with you all the while supporting you is another thing he does. He must be able to encourage you to succeed without pushing you too far.

A good P90X coaches is someone who needs to be admired for their selflessness and dedication to serve you.

You can have more valuable information about workout tips like this online. - 17268

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What Can Be Considered as the Top 10 Superfoods?

By Travis Van Slooten

It is almost impossible to say that any one healthy food is better than another, but a combination of these top 10 superfoods will ensure that anyone can get the nutrition they need.

Leafy Greens. Popeye wasn't kidding when he said spinach makes you strong. They're absolutely loaded with vitamins and nutrients. While they may not be too appealing by themselves, you can always mix them in with other foods.

Citrus Fruits. It's a known fact that Vitamin C is a great help in building up our immune system. Grapefruits and oranges are only two of the citrus fruits that are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, plus they're fun to eat too.

Tomatoes. A rich source of lycopene and other health-giving nutrients, tomatoes are often used as sauces for pasta dishes and other recipes. They can be eaten raw too.

Avocados. Not many single foods can offer as much benefit as the avocado. From nutrients to fiber to 60% more potassium than a banana, the avocado has just about everything the body needs.

Brown rice. White rice is refined, a process that strips away a lot of its natural nutrients. Brown rice, however, is not sent through this process, so it retains all of the things that make it such a healthy food. This probably explains why it is a staple in countless cuisines around the world.

Salmon. Fish is a great source of protein, which is essential for every diet, healthy or not so healthy. Sidestepping the obvious environmental issues for a minute, farmed salmon tend to be high in fat and low in nutrition; however, fish in any form is still a great substitute for the protein found in red meat.

Milk. Calcium deficiency is a common problem among many Americans, yet it can be easily remedied by starting your day with a glass of milk. Go low fat milk to get all the calcium without the extra fat.

Sweet Potatoes. Sweet potatoes have a little bit of everything healthy. Not only are they packed with nutrients, but they are undeniably delicious.

Water. Although many people may not think of it as a food, it comprises 60% of our body mass. It is more imperative than anything else that you get enough water in your diet.

Acai Berry. A new discovery in the healthy foods department, fresh acai berry is only available in certain areas of Brazil where they are grown, but acai supplements can give you as much of the health benefits found in fresh acai. Acai contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that is practically unmatched by any other fruit.

All of these foods, drinks and supplements are key to living a healthier lifestyle. You can find all of them in pretty much any grocery store, but you may have to check online to get the supplements you want. Acai berry is fairly easy and certainly affordable. - 17268

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The Ugly Truth about Colon Cleansers

By Dorthy Weatherbush

We've all heard the old adage as it relates to weight loss. Eat less and exercise more is a simple solution to an all too common problem today. Everyone appears to be looking for the shortcut. The question is not, "how can I maintain a healthy lifestyle", rather it is how can I do what I want to do and then find a colon cleansing product to purify me from the poison I put into my body. Colon cleansers can be a great tool however they should not be thought of as a quick fix to help you loose those last few pounds.

Some researchers estimate that most of us have anywhere from 3 to 15 pounds of undigested fecal matter in our colons. This toxic matter can slow down your metabolism; make you more susceptible for allergies; give you constipation, gas, indigestion, and acid reflux; and make it difficult for your body to absorb nutrients. If you are dealing with some of these symptoms then it could be time for you to detoxify your body. The best natural cleansing is to use all natural herbal products that are designed and formulated to cleanse the colon, detoxify the liver, and restore normal bowel function. Most people feel a renewal of energy after detoxification. Cleansing gone wrong would result in feeling washed-out and weakened.

It's when people decide to use colon cleansers as a weight loss tool that things become "ugly." First of all, if you have a lot of weight to lose, then colon cleansing is not your answer. An initial cleanse will only result in about 4-8 pounds lost. After that, you will simply be eliminating everything you eat, nutrients and all. This is not healthy. Using an herbal remedy for colon cleansing, you could jump-start your weight loss journey with a clean colon. Maintaining a healthy diet after cleaning out your colon would be a safer choice.

It is important to note that colon cleansing is not a quick fix solution; rather it is a subtle shift in how you feel about yourself and who you are. After your cleanse, you should focus on consuming foods high in fiber. If you were expecting an over night miracle, then this may be a little disappointing. Colon Cleansers are not a quick turn solution to help you lose weight.

Some other benefits to colon cleansers (besides a few pounds lost) are that they will help your digestive system function more efficiently, you will become energized, and your skin (complexion) will improve. The health of your liver, colon, and blood may also improve. When there are harmful toxins in your body, often your blood and liver are affected the most by these.

Almost anything in life can be harmful if taken to extremes. It is important to exercise moderation in every area of our lives. We've all heard the saying "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." If you are looking to take a pill and instantly lose pounds every week, then you are turning to colon cleansers for the wrong reason. They should be used to become a healthier, more energetic person, not a skinnier one. - 17268

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Bring Sexy Back this Summer!

By Metilda Sackerwack

Swimsuit season is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to show off your sexy body! Let's get rid of that excess fat and take on a whole new you!

Top 4 Ways to Look Great this Summer:

1. Water

One of the easiest ways to get rid of that bloated, swollen look around your stomach is to drink more water. You should be drinking between 6 and 8 glasses a day to help your bodys metabolism work optimally and to help cleanse your system of any stored toxins in the liver or kidneys.

2. Eat Right!

Did you know that a simple thing like picking the right foods to eat can help tremendously with weight loss? There are many foods that can help increase your metabolism, so you can move faster towards a sexy you! If you simply add healthier items to your grocery cart, you'll begin to notice a major difference in size.

Start increasing the number of fruits you eat on a daily basis. Try adding fruits to meals and in between meals, instead of indulging in sweet treats, such as cakes, pies, and candy.

3. Detoxify

After a long, cold winter, the body usually stores waste and toxins in your colon. That nasty waste can give you a stuffed and bloated appearance, which can often make you feel tired. Try Ever Cleanse to thoroughly cleanse your system.

Were you aware that eating junk foods over the cold winter months may leave unwanted traces of waste in the lining of your colon walls? You could actually be storing about 15-20 pounds of toxins, if you don't cleanse your system. Detoxifying the body gets rid of that pot belly appearance and somewhat over-stuffed feeling, which can often leave you tired and cranky.

Using a detoxifying formula like EverCleanse can help get rid of these toxins quickly and easily. The gentle formula can help to flush away many of the toxins stored within your system, giving you more energy and helping to reduce the bloating quickly.

4. Exercise

You dont need to become a pro-athlete in order to give yourself a sexy summer body, but you should increase the amount of exercise youre doing. Try taking a simple walk around the block after work. It will help your mind to de-stress quickly and youre benefiting from getting those legs moving.

Easy exercises that focus on individual areas, like sitting-squats for tightening up your butt or crunches to help flatten your stomach are also going to help bring your sexy body back in time to enjoy summer. - 17268

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The Ugly Truth about Teen Obesity and What You Can Do To Stop It

By Dorthy Weatherbush

Whether you live on the west coast or the east coast, the silent killer called obesity is aggressively moving through our communities. More than likely, if you are not directly affected, the chances are that you have friends or family members who are loosing control of their weight.

For some people, this is tied to genetics - there are several genetic triggers that, when we lived hand to mouth as a species, were survival traits. Being able to store fat in prosperous times was an insurance of survival in the winter. Also in that calculus lies the fact that we have, as a population, become more sedentary as technology has progressed.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in looking at childhood obesity and nutrition. Nutritionists estimate that for every point of body mass index a child is overweight by before puberty, the adult that child will grow into will be three points overweight by the time they're thirty. Type II diabetes, where body stress from overeating builds up resistance to insulin, is becoming more prevalent in teenagers.

At the ages of 12 - 16 is when most young girls and boys are self conscious about their bodies. Even "normal looking" kids get teased. If we allow our children to continue down a slippery slope toward obesity, we are setting them up for a very difficult childhood. Parents must be told that healthy eating habits and not Slimfast diet shakes or Medifast meals are the key to weight loss and a nutritious lifestyle.

The good news is that this trend can be stopped. In fact, you may be surprised at the simple solution.

Remember when you were a kid? You know, before video games like the Nintendo Wii. You actually had friends who played outside with you. You had energy and used it.

When you were thirsty, mostly you grabbed milk, sometimes orange juice, not sodas. Cookies were a treat, not a staple of your diet. Snacks were things like apple wedges or an orange, maybe some peeled carrots.

Contrary to the popular belief, it is possible to training children to eat healthy foods. Caffeine laced drinks are a prime example. Researchers have uncovered an alarming link between drinking diet sodas and consuming high fat luncheon meets with cases of certain brain cancers. If you gain nothing else from this article, at least follow this one tip, please, do not allow your kids to drink soft drinks. Remember, water first before any juices or milks.

Another simple trick is to schedule snack times along with family style meals. As an example, rather than Johnny eating a snack whenever he is bored, you establish certain times during the day when he will have a snack and what his choices are. By doing this early, it minimizes the impulse eating and helps children make proper choices.

Staying physically active is an absolute necessity. Children are usually mirror images of their parents. If you as a parent live a sedentary life, the chances of your child duplicating your example are very high. If you have little league teams in your town, encourage your children to participate. Not all kids are athletic but all kids need to be active. In addition, set aside at least one day in the week where the entire family is physically active together. It could be a walk in the park or playing tag in the backyard.

Have you ever heard the acronym "WYSIWYG"? It stands for "What You See Is What You Get". Well, that is the reality your children are faced with on a daily basis. They will never raise their standards of healthy living beyond that of your own. If you are serious about having an impact on their lives, ask yourself this question, what can I do today that will demonstrate to my family that I am committed to living a long and fruitful life. - 17268

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Let Cliffside Malibu Help You With Your Eating Disorders

By Joy Banerjee

You don't need to worry about this anymore, because help is here.When was the last time you wanted to have something but resisted because you were allergic to it? Well, the urge to have something can be really tempting.

Overlooking the Pacific Ocean from a very private, two-acre estate, the exclusive Cliffside Malibu eating disorder center offers world-class treatment for debilitating conditions such as bulimia and anorexia. The expert staff is experienced in treating people suffering from eating disorders and they have prepared a treatment program that is designed specifically to give you the highest chance at a successful recovery.

No need to worry because individual attention is the foremost thing that they offer. Care and treatment programs are tailor-made according to you and your needs, ensuring that 100% safe and sound recovery is possible. One therapist is assigned who will be with you throughout the therapy session, guiding and motivating you.

Private beach access, heated lap pool, comfortable bedrooms equipped with modern amenities and a wide range of recreational activities will take care of you and your loved ones. Therapy might mean boring food at most of the places, but here you will find healthy, delicious food giving you a homely feeling. The chef and his staff prepare gourmet meals that are fresh, nutritious and promote good health.

The staff is dedicated to doing everything possible to help you succeed, supporting you along the way. Besides individual counseling and psychological therapy, the Cliffside Malibu eating disorder treatment program includes group and family therapy sessions. Bulimia, Anorexia and other eating disorders can have a hugely negative impact on your health and when you beat the disorder, you will reap immediate and long-lasting health benefits.

Our 24-hour service (everyday of the week ) will ensure that you recover and stay healthy throughout your life. So call us today and get yourself cured. Call 800-501-1988. - 17268

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Want to grow your own mini vegetables without the need of a garden?

By Nick Jaggs

Through indoor micro farming one has unlimited access throughout the year to mini salads, micro greens and bean sprouts that are healthy and intensely flavoured. When plants are young they are also more nutritious and in some cases sprouted baby vegetables have considerably more nutritional value than you would get from more mature ones.

A large number of us know about the small stacking bean sprouters available and that you sit on a kitchen window sill. They do offer you a taste of the health benefits to be collected from seed and bean sprouts but will only do so on an irregular basis unless you set up several of these units. Often they only provide you with regular garnish sized portions. Also these systems do not have the capabilities for the use of soil need to sprout things like sunflower greens, pea shoots as well as wheatgrass which is become increasingly popular with being able to juice.

Hassle-Free Healthy Young Sprouts & Salads. If you are looking to increase your intake of the nutrients they provide for enhancing your health you may find that taking care of these mini plant-lets is somewhat a chore. This is because the conventional sprouters and sprouting jars you used need lots of regular watering and rinsing. For those of us who are out at work all day then successfully growing such foods becomes even more of a challenge.

So what should you do when space is limited and you don't have the time to grow your own healthy micro greens or sprouts and don't want to end up buying inferior ones from your local store?

There is one solution that will allow you to be able to successfully grow all year round plentiful supplies of organic pea shoots, micro salads, sunflower greens, beans and seed sprouts effortlessly. There is even any need for you to use sophisticated temperature controlled indoor growing rooms that rely on hydroponics of fancy artificial lighting. The solution requires only a small amount of space, doesn't require too much electricity to power it or a water supply or ambient lighting.

EasyGreen Makes it EasyGrown. There is a self contained fully automated miniature hydroponic system available called the EasyGreen MikroFarm that is not only simple to use but very effective in helping to produce sufficient quantities of your favourite sprouts to make a difference to your life and provide you with the health benefits they offer. This one box solution provides you with a regular supply of not only home grown mini vegetables but other plants as well. This can be used by a chef to grow good quality micro greens, garnishes and baby salads for meals in their restaurants. The EasyGreen modular system will allow you to place other units on top of one another so increasing the amount of things grown in them.

This equipment even allows you to grow wheatgrass that can be juiced, bean and seed sprouts, pea shoots for garnishing meals or to be put in salads. As well as allowing you to grow sunflower greens with or without the use of soil along with miniature salad leaves and micro herbs that can boost the flavours in your food. The list of foods that you will be able to grow with this system is almost limitless. Even using a food dehydrator is possible which can not only add variety but is just as healthy.

How Does it Work? This is a very simple system to use and at the heart of the EasyGreen is to be found some of the most advanced hydroponic technology available today. It is made up of rectangular box which at the front is where the plants are grown and to the rear is a reservoir. Plus it is covered with a clear polycarbonate lid that ensures that light is allowed to reach the plants growing. Also water and any organic nutrients that you add to it will be automatically sprayed into the growing chamber at times you determine using the timer. This ensures that you have complete control over when and how much is provided to the plants growing inside.

Also you will find that there are plenty of growing trays to select from and can be tailored to your growing chamber allowing you to then mix and match crops. You can produce bulk amounts of one crop such as sunflower sprouts, wheatgrass or baby salads using the larger trays. Whilst the junior trays will allow you to crow up to ten varieties of plants at any one time.

Simplicity Means Success. At the very heart of the EasyGreen is its watering system that consists of a specialist pump that generates mist. Through creating an ultra fine mist spray of oxygenated water the system provides the most advanced and optimised growing environment. Seeds do not need to be pre-soaked as they are watered evenly and will grow at the fastest rate possible. The mist also provides the delicate young roots of the crops with oxygen that they need. This generator provides you with complete control over the ventilated growing chamber by purging at every watering with clean filtered air. Also because this system does not come with watering jets or dripper nozzles there are no blockages to contend with.

Where your water is sourced from is your decision and if you choose to add nutrients like Kelp to the reservoir is another decision for you to make in order to improve the crops vitality at harvest time. Using this system you decide when the crops get watered during the day and night at intervals of no less than 15 minutes at a time. Once the seeds are laid in the tray the reservoir needs to be filled and the timer set for when to water the crops and after doing this you can just forget about it. This is certainly of benefit to those who lead very busy lifestyles. However, you shouldn't forget to make sure that the reservoir is regularly topped up and also to harvest the crops once they have reached their most nutritious and flavoursome stage of growth.

With the EasyGreen trays unlike other hydroponic systems it allows you to use compost and soil in them which is beneficial to those crops that grow for longer such as sunflower greens, wheatgrass or baby salads. It doesn't matter what types of mini plants or sprouts you want to grow this system is undoubtedly the best on the market to provide a convenient regular supply of health boosters for you. The amount of power it uses won't be a burden on the environment and although the outlay initially is high this is soon compensated by the health benefits it offers you.

Each EasyGreen MikroFarm measures 24 x 18 inches and includes 5 long trays. There are other trays available and can be purchased at the time you by the initial system and in the UK it typically costs around 149.00. As well as being very informative the manual offers tips and guides on how to grow various sprouts. The EasyGreen MikroFarm is imported and sold in the UK by UK Juicers Limited who also provides with it a free comprehensive sprouting book which quickly allows you to become an expert on this particular health subject. Plus they also provide a range of good quality organic sprouting seeds to help you get started. - 17268

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Acai Berry As One of the Best Super Antioxidants

By Travis Van Slooten

Have you heard that acai berry is now considered as one of the top super antioxidants? Yes, it's worthy of being described as being both "top" and "super" in the antioxidants department. Its antioxidant level is so high off the (ORAC) charts that the media ? from TV talk shows to newspaper ads to websites ? has been caught up in featuring this little berry from Brazil. But what really is the fuss all about? Or to put it more bluntly, what does being a super antioxidant mean? Here's a quick chemistry tutorial.

How Antioxidants and Free Radicals Interact

Making chemistry simple can be difficult, but understanding what happens with free radicals may help you see why you need them. Free radicals are very simple. They are just a molecule missing its electron. They occur more commonly due to pollution such as car fumes or cigarette smoke. But they are found everywhere in some quantity and we all breath them in or consume them in our foods. The problem occurs when they try to rob a healthy cell of its electron. They do this so that they can return to their normal state. But when they steal an electron, they create yet another free radical. This time, however, it may be a cell in a blood vessel and it may cause damage to our body.

This is where antioxidants can assist us. The antioxidants give up an electron to the free radical. Keep in mind though that in doing so, the antioxidant has become a free radical itself. But if there is a continuous supply of antioxidants, the body can maintain good health by juggling free radicals and antioxidants.

Where Does Acai Berry Come In?

So where does acai berry come into the picture? Among the foods considered as super antioxidants, acai berry is high up on the list because it registers an extraordinary level of antioxidants on the ORAC charts. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, the standard used for determining the antioxidant concentration in a certain substance or food. While it's a relative newcomer as a health supplement, the nutritional benefits it offers cannot be underestimated and it is a great source of antioxidants that may yet be untapped by the American market.

Now that you know all about acai berry and how it can impact your health, all you need to do is find a reliable source of pure organic acai supplements. This way you can get value for your money and make the most of the nutrients acai provides, including antioxidants. If you want variety in your acai supplements, you should know that they are also available in other forms other than capsules such as frozen acai pulp and juices. You can take it in any way you like; the important thing is you're getting your needed antioxidants from one of the best super antioxidants. - 17268

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The Good Liquid Diet for Weight Loss

By Jesse Regan

People who have problems with obesity use many weight-loss methods, such as exercising in the gym, jogging, or take up strenuous sports activities. There are also people who use liquid-diets for almost the same reason, but they also use it to detoxify themselves. Now, these liquid-diets consist mainly of different kind of juices to be taken in replacement of solid meal. This kind of diet would certainly make you lose your much-hated fats and help you go slimmer. But despite that, you still have to consume considerable amount of vegetables and fruits so you will still have a supply of your much-needed vitamins and minerals. Some of the popular liquid-diet programs are shown below.

Medifast is a low calorie diet that will bring about rapid weight loss - in the region of 2-5 pounds per week. The diet is undertaken by purchasing meal replacement products from Medifast that will provide an optimal calorie and nutrient amount for both men and women.

In the Medifast diet plan, the person consumes 5 times a day a variety of shakes, bars, oatmeal, puddings and soups as his or her meal replacements. There is also a "lean and green" meal to supplement the diet program and is composed of just a piece of lean meat and a cup or two of vegetables. The 5 times meal is taken every 2 to 3 hours and must only consume 64 ounces of fluids (preferably water) everyday. Intake of calories must be limited to a maximum of only a 1000 cal with a minimum of 800 cal. This liquid-diet plan recommends its usage accompanied by a physician's supervision although you can order the food without it. There are a variety of Medifast foods top choose from but it seems that the shakes are more preferred by many. Medifast food products all vitamins and minerals to keep sustenance to its diet plan users while losing weight.

The second liquid-diet featured in this article is the Optifast Therapy, a medical approach believed to reduce or get rid of a person's huge amounts of body fat. Not only available in clinics and hospitals in the United States and Canada, this therapy has already been licensed to many other similar medical establishments worldwide, particularly in Australia and New Zealand. This liquid diet program is purposely created to help people suffering an obese condition. Those who are overweight and also experiencing health problems because of that will benefit from this weight loss method.

Shakeology is one of the latest innovations in Liquid-diets. It is a product from Beachbody that is packed to give you a full supply of vitamins, reaching 23 vitamins in all counts, minerals and other essential compounds that will allow you to effectively absorb the nutrients you take. This is still a liquid-diet because it is in shake form.

So, there you have it. A list of popular liquid-diet weight loss programs for any person obese enough to demand such overweight remedies. But remember, never fully substitute these liquid-diets to solid foods and always try to balance it up with supplements such as tonics and juice supplements so to keep you healthy as you undergo these weight loss programs.

There you have the best samples of tips about weight loss and getting fit. - 17268

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