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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Build Muscle And Strength Faster Than Ever With Werewolf Training

By Julian Spencer

Most males are on the lookout for training options that will help them build muscles faster because it is a well documented fact that women love men who are muscular and strong. Though there are various sites on the internet that promise that users of their will gain muscles and body strength quickly, none of them are as popular as Werewolf Training.

The main reason behind this is the fact that Werewolf Training does not promise that they will make your body toned or extra strong. In spite of this; those who have undertaken this course have eventually gained a strong and toned body. The fact is that Werewolf Training even mentions that their course is not necessary for bodybuilding but the fact is that those who pursue bodybuilding opt in for this training at one time or the other. There are a few things that set apart Werewolf Training from the rest.

Using one weight for each and every work set is the goal of this course and if by using that particular weight you are able to get the required number of reps for all the other sets then you should go in for a heavier weight the next time around. However, this is not a binding and you can also increase the weight in between the exercises as long as you are confident that you can proceed ahead and complete the number of prescribed reps for the number of sets prescribed for that particular exercise.

At the moment of increasing the weight you need to remember that no occasion should arise while doing that particular rep that requires you to decrease the weight. Werewolf Training is differentiated from the others by from the others by its formula of using a fixed weight for a fixed number of reps. The mathematical formula followed by this training is appreciated by most. In spite of the fact that free weights are best for most types of exercises, this has been changed in Werewolf Training.

In this training, tensions with bands are also added and this added tension helps to increase the difficulty of the top of the lift which is generally the easiest portion. The root theme of Werewolf Training is to focus on one part of the body and use a set of exercises to ensure that that part gets thoroughly toned. - 17268

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4 Common Nutritional Mistakes Of Arm Toning Women

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is a lot of controversy on the best way to tone arms. Somehow, even the experts have come up with different ways for getting results. Some of these ways are valid, some are not.

And there is a grain of truth to this because the authorities' sources of information are never black and white.

The source is research studies. You might think that research is like math, one plus one equals two. Unfortunately, research is almost never clear cut like this. It's usually open to interpretation from many angles.

So today I plan on clearing up some of the confusion. Here are 4 things to avoid when trying to tone up your arms:

1. Consuming more than 3 grams of fish oil a day. I remember reading an article by a well known fitness expert in which he recommended an intake of 20-30 grams of fish oil for accelerated fat loss. You should NEVER over supplement with fish oil. The excess omega-3 can induce atherosclerosis.

2. Not keeping the nuts and nut butters in the refrigerator. Keep the peanut butter in a warm environment and you could get aspergillus poisoning. So make sure you store all nuts and legumes in a cool place. A single case of poisoning will set back your toned arms goal.

3. Having any amount of partially hydrogenated oils. The research at Harvard is conclusive: trans fats kill, period. I recommend a zero trans fat policy-without exception. If you see the words "partially hydrogenated", "trans fat", or "vegetable shortening", throw it away.

4. Staying away from plant sources of saturated fat. Animal fat is what does harm, but plant fat can do a body good. Coconut is a great example of a saturated plant fat that is very healthy for the female body.

There is a lot of information out there on how to tone arms. And even the best of authorities can give the wrong information since science is never clear cut. The facts are never clearly defined in most cases. The key, however, is to keep on moving forward despite all the small details.

One more thing: remember to take action on this information now and not later. If you wait too long, you will forget the new advice. - 17268

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Oral Contraceptives And Getting In Shape

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The pill, formally known as an oral contraceptive, has changed a lot over the decades. The new concoctions are much easier on your body, have fewer side effects and haven't lost effectiveness.

Nonetheless, the question still remains as to whether or not oral contraceptives cause weight gain in the female body.

Well, after having looked into this extensively, the research demonstrates that contraceptives can in fact cause increases in weight. Here is how they can do it:

1. Reduced insulin ability. This becomes more of a concern if you have a prior condition with insulin resistance. And when insulin can't function properly, your active tissues can't absorb calories very well. This translates into more calories going towards fat cells.

2. Less adrenalin. Also known as catecholamines and fight or flight hormones, adrenalin is a critical substance for accelerated fat burning. Not only does it mobilize fat, but it also gives you a massive jolt in energy. Unfortunately, contraceptives can decrease adrenalin levels.

3. Compromised amino acids. Unfortunately, some contraceptives can change the amount of amino acids available for repair. And if your body can't repair itself the way it should, you won't recover as well from your workouts which in turn can decrease your metabolism.

4. Too much water. Now every woman has experienced excess water retention towards the end of the month. And unfortunately, contraceptives can magnify this issue. There are ways to counterbalance this by taking things like caffeine with dehydrate you.

Now I don't recommend getting off of contraceptives quickly. This is a decision that should be looked at from many different angles.

Now if you feel like what you're taking is causing excess weight gain, you should talk to your primary care provider for additional options. You may want to try a less potent formulation or stop taking them altogether until you reach your goal.

Finally, I would like to point out that acting on the information in this article is critical if you don't want to forget what you have learned. - 17268

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Buying Pure Acai Berry Health Supplements

By Xylene Belita

Acai Berries are small fruits of the Acai Palms, 8 species of the genus Euterpe which are local to tropical Central and South America. The tree itself is appropriately named, Euterpe was the muse of delight in Greek Mythology, and without a doubt the fruits of the Acai Palms are delightfully good for you.

Acai Berries are actually from Acai Berry Palms (Euterpe oleracea) which are endemic to the Amazon Rainforests of Brazil. They have long been staple to the natives of the region. The Acai Berry itself is what is called among botanists as a drupe. The seed makes up 80-90% of the fruit. The juice and pulp of the Acai Berry derived from separating the pulp from the seed is popular in Brazil for use in juice blends, smoothies, and even ice cream and liqueur.

Acai berries have been scientifically confirmed to be full of just the ideal amount of fibers, beneficial monosaturated fats, iron and amino acids, the Acai Berry is also the richest source of antioxidants in nature. A particular class of flavonoids called anthocyanins are found in astonishing amounts in Acai berries. Up to 10 times that of grapes and twice that of blueberries.

Acai Berries are very rich in vegetable protein, which not like animal protein, do not result in cholesterol and are easier to take in by the body. They are also full in carbohydrates which feed your body during actions like working out. They also contain very high amounts of essential fatty acids and omegas that reduce harmful cholesterol levels. The violet color itself is not accidental. These are from anthocyanins, a kind of antioxidant that lends it its violet hue. Acai Berries actually have 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than Red Wine in terms of volume! The astonishingly high levels of antioxidants help combat free radicals and prevent premature aging.

So what precisely does its antioxidants and nutritional value help with anyway? Why is it becoming so popular? To put it simply, Acai Berries can improve digestion, help in losing weight, promote better sleep, reduce muscle fatigue and pain, increase energy and libido, fight cancer and illnesses, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune and cardiovascular system, and fight aging and inflammation.

Acai berries have been scientifically confirmed to have just the ideal amount of fibers, beneficial monosaturated fats, iron and amino acids, the Acai Berry is also the richest resource of antioxidants in nature. A specific class of flavonoids called anthocyanins are found in astonishing amounts in Acai berries. Up to 10 times that of grapes and double that of blueberries. Amid all those benefits, you might expect Acai Berries to taste like drug, huh? Actually no. Acai Berries have a particularly tropical taste that has been described as something between a blend of berries and chocolate. Acai Berry is truly the number one super food of the world. For more details, click here: Order Acai Berry Pills - 17268

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The Benefits Of A Detox And Best Weight Loss Product

By Erik Loebl

There are many people who daily struggle with their weight, they are looking for the best weight loss product. They want to lose some extra pounds, but they just don't know how to do it. You see, there is a lot of researches being done to prove the merit behind detox methods being beneficial towards losing weight. If you were to get on such a detox and weight loss diet, you can benefit greatly in a number of different ways.

Throughout this article I hope to detail the best weight loss product, and an effective method of using such a diet plan. Through some hard work and determination, you can find yourself losing weight and feeling great.

Detoxing alone has some great benefits for your body, according to much research that is being done. You see, detoxing allows you to get rid of harmful toxins and build up that occurs throughout your body. This is primarily meant to clean out your digestive tract, which can result in some serious improvements to the way that you feel overall.

While you might be aware of its internal benefits for your organs and how they function together, you might not be aware of a couple other convincing arguments for detoxification. For instance, two other convincing points might be feeling more energy and focus. Those who have been through the procedure describe themselves as feeling less sluggish and without brain fog.

So with all of your body working as it should be, having been cleansed, your body is more focused and capable to lose weight. That is the underlying premise of the whole diet. Once you have a clear system, your body is working as one highly capable unit with fat removal as its focus. Other concepts of this diet include the points that you are more energized all around, which warrants you more means to exercise, and the fact that if you decontaminate your body your metabolism will be running at its absolute peak of performance.

The hardest part of the diet is right in the beginning. To begin the process of detoxification, you should fast for three days on nothing more than water. While this might be very difficult, I assure you it is all downhill from there.

For a week, you eat nothing but one particular fruit for any given meal. Meaning that you say eat melons for breakfast, oranges for lunch and bananas for dinner. You can have as much of any of these fruits you like until you are satisfied, but do not mix the fruits. You can switch up the fruits everyday to add new flavors to your diet. Three more weeks of a similar diet, which allots you the means to then mix fruits and have salad at the end of every day. When the month is over, you will notice a little fewer bulges, and you will feel better overall from the detoxification.

You have to remember that weight loss is a marathon and not a sprint. Everyone wants to get down to a slim weight fast, but likely don't consider the amount of time it took them to get to the weight they are currently sporting. One good place to start is with the best weight loss product and detox diet. In order to get to where you want to be, you have to keep pushing yourself and don't allow yourself to become discouraged. - 17268

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Healthy Benefits Of The Exceptional Acai Berry

By Joan Jameson

We are all looking for the miracle cure all for keeping us healthy and fit. The acai berry is as close as one can get to finding something that not only works great but taste good as well. The beneficial packed acai fruit has been used for centuries in the rain forest as a way to flavor foods and heal many illnesses.

The acai is loaded with antioxidants that can be beneficial for everything from losing weight to deceasing wrinkles. For healthy weight loss it will help to suppress the appetite while decreasing body fat. There is an increase in energy when consuming acai berries which is beneficial for those attempting to lose weight the healthy way. How the acai berry works to increase weight loss is by regulating the food absorption which will burn the unneeded fats your body absorbs. It is a healthier way to lose weight while keeping your immune system regular.

Removing toxins from the colon is becoming increasingly popular. The acai berry is a healthy way to accomplish detoxifying the body of harmful bacteria and toxins. Acai berries will also replenish the nutrients often lost during the detoxifying process.

The acai fruit also offers benefits to the heart by improving the circulation which does wonders for relaxing blood vessels and preventing blood clots. It has also been found beneficial in prevention of cancer by blocking the harmful carcinogenic found in cancers.

If you are searching for the perfect healthy way to get younger, healthier looking skin, the acai berry is the perfect solution. It will fight wrinkle causing toxins through blood circulation. Exercise is needed for healthy skin and acai berries will give you the needed energy to complete daily exercise.

Fighting high cholesterol is something many of us face as we age; the benefits from the acai berry will regulate the cholesterol level in the system to a normal functioning range. Blood sugar is also leveled to a healthy range.

It also works wonders on those suffering with depression. Depression will leave you will a run down, fatigued feeling. The benefits obtained through the acai berry will increase your energy and give you an overall healthy feeling that is sometimes lost during periods of depression.

There are many documented facts pertaining to the extraordinary benefits achieved from the use of acai berry supplements. There are many forms available for ways to get these much needed benefits ranging from a acai juice to pure freeze dried acai berry capsules. They are available in many grocery stores but to get the most pure form of the acai fruit it is best to purchase it from an online specialty retailer. - 17268

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Enjoying Alcoholic Drinks

By Owen Jones

In the West, alcoholic drinks are never far away from the scene at festive times, but do we aways know how to get the most from these costly luxuries? Too many people these days just think its a question of 'getting as much down as possible in as little time as possible'. This is the wrong approach.

After all, most people realize that a good meal does not consist of eating as many chips as possible in fifteen minutes, so why should that theory not apply to having a drink too? You will get far more enjoyment from a bottle of wine, if you spend an extra dollar on it and drink it slowly with a friend and some appropriate food than if you gurgle down a cheap bottle of plonk on your own. It makes obvious sense, but not everyone realizes it.

So, with that thought in mind, I have put together a few tips on how to get more enjoyment from your alcoholic drinks, if you are old enough and of that turn of mind.

Gin and Vodka - if these white spirits are your favourite tipple, always keep the bottle in the fridge, not the drinks cabinet. Keep the mixers in the fridge too. That way the ice will survive longer and you will not be tempted to have to swig it down before the ice melts. If you are having friends around, go one step farther and put the bottle in the freezer. It will not go solid. You can even cut the top off a plastic cola bottle, put the bottle of gin or vodka in that, fill it with water and then freeze it. Take off the plastic bottle and you have an attractive "collar of ice" around your bottle.

The Last Tot - five minutes or so after finishing a bottle of spirits, tip it out one more time and the bottle that you thought was drained will deliver one more tot of contents. It is not a lot, but it is a pleasant free surprise. The same works for many alcohol based items including underarm roll-on and perfume.

White Wine - white wines taste best when they have been gently chilled over a prolonged length of time, but if you get caught out by surprise visitors, put the bottle of wine in a container of ice and cold water. Try not to have to place it in the deep freeze, it is too harsh, but if you have to, then ten minutes is all that it takes.

Port - it is always better to decant port and older, heavier red wines, because of the sediment that may be in the bottom of the bottle, which tastes horrible and because it aids the aeration of the wine. However, it is not always easy to see when the dregs are coming. The manuals say to use a candle, but they were written a hundred years ago. The concentrated beam from a torch is far better. Try using a Durabeam because its rotateable head allows it to be directed more accurately.

Decanters - sometimes the stopper becomes stuck fast. Tap it with another glass item and it should come free. If not, run the neck of the decanter under hot water for a few seconds and it will come out.

Labels - if you store your wine in a damp place where the labels are likely to rot or fall off, spray them with hair lacquer beforehand. - 17268

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Top Four Reasons To Give Focus Factor Supplements A Try

By Shawne M. Patrick

As folk age, it can be a commonly seen problem that their memory and their power to focus and concentrate deterioriate. No-one wants this to happen to them, so many people have started looking into methods to keep this from happening to them, or to limit the possible effects of this. A lot of research has been done in this area, which has led on to a number of supplements being created that folks can take in the hopes of improving their memory. There are a spread of reasons why you should try a few of the over-the-counter supplements that are available.

First of all, with supplements such as Focus Factor that have a no-cost trial offer, you really don't have much to lose. All you need to pay is the shipping and you get a whole bottle to test out to see if it works for you. Generally it is recommended that you take four tablets a day ( two in the morning and two in the afternoon ) for at least a month to determine whether or not there's a constructive effect, although some people claim to note results virtually instantly.

The second reason to try supplements such as Focus Factor is that most are made of natural ingredients, rather than man-made ingredients. You may use it in the place of your ordinary vitamin, so it is not even accelerating the number of supplements that you take. Natural ingredients are more expensive than synthetic so many supplements do not utilize them. These pills are also egg, gluten, milk, starch, wheat, and yeast free so the general public should be in a position to take them. There is no caffeine or stimulants in the formula, and no artificial colors, fillers, perfumes, chemicals, or sweeteners either. Many folks feel that natural ingredients are better to synthetic ingredients, and that they are more effective.

One more reason to give Focus Factor a try is actually because it is the number one selling supplement for those wishing to improve their memory. The undeniable fact that it is the top selling supplement of this type means it is more likely to basically work fine. Otherwise why would it be selling so well? A large amount of shopper reviews say that the product has really improved their memory to some extent, which has a tendency to back up this theory. There is customarily a sound reason behind the acclaim for certain additions.

We can all use some help focusing and remembering things since life has gotten to be very nerve-wrangling for plenty of us, which means that even those of us who are not that old sometimes have memory and concentration issues. A supplement such as Focus Factor can help us to cope with this problem. Of course eating more plants and fruits, exercising, and doing mental exercises or puzzles can also help with this, but why don't you do everything possible since memory is important to us. - 17268

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How To Gain Muscle Through Protein And Bodybuilding

By Ricardo d Argence

Are you ready to see where bodybuilding can really take you, or are you interested in investigating how to get started? When you want to learn about body building, you will find that you need to think about protein.

Bulking up the amount protein that you eat is something that you are always told is quite important when you want to work on bodybuilding, but are you ever told why? It can be hard to stick with any kind of regimen unless you know why are you doing it, and at the end of the day, you need to take a moment to think about what it can do for you.

First, let's start by thinking about what proteins are and why your body needs it to build muscle. Proteins are essential organic compounds that are made of amino acids and they add to the bulk of your muscle. They are the material that take care of the growth of the muscle cells and you'll find that they are going to make your body grow as well as making it much tougher as it does so. This is why the ingestion of protein is so important when you want to see more muscle development.

If you look at the kind of foods that will keep you strong and healthy, you will discover that proteins are often the key. While bodybuilders are known for making proteins a part of their life, you will find that just about any active person, whether they are a martial artist, a sportsman or an athlete, needs proteins to function.

If you are a bodybuilder, on the other hand, remember that part of the process to grow your muscles involves damaging them very slightly on a regular basis. Proteins help you repair your muscles.

When you eat protein that is right for you, your muscles will repair themselves much more quickly and you'll discover that you are on a path that will take you towards a much healthier way of life.

If you want to make sure that you are on the right path to building muscle, you'll find that it is important to find good sources of protein. For instance, lean meat is a great way to get started. It is going to help you build up your muscles and repair, them, as will egg whites. If you want to build up your muscles, a good breakfast of lean meat and and egg white omelet can be a delicious way to start your day.

Remember that soya beans are also a great source of protein and that they have less calories in fat to be concerned about.

When you are looking for protein, but don't feel like cooking, remember that there are supplements that can help you get the protein that you need, all without needing to think about cooking at all. You can find them in capsule or in powder form, and they can even be mixed into beverages.

Take the time to make sure that you make good protein the cornerstone of your bodybuilding experience; this can go a long way towards helping you down the path to a healthier, stronger you! - 17268

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To Pull Up, Or To Chin Up; That Is The Question

By Arthur Name

The Pull Up and Chin Up are two of the most popular bodyweight exercises in the world. You can do each of these exercises any time, with simple, basic equipment. What's the difference between these two manoeuvres and which is the better one for you?

Both of these exercises require clutching an overhead bar and pulling your weight upward until your chin is higher than the bar. The difference is essentially in the direction you hold the bar. A Pull Up is done with an overhand grip with your hands are positioned shoulder width or more apart. When you do a chin up, simply position your hands at shoulder width apart, in an underhand position.

Use different hand positioning and grips to attack the muscles in various angles, but generally, this is the usual way these routines are done.

There are, however, two essential distinctions between pull ups and chin ups:

1. When you do a pull up, you're working mostly the upper back muscles. You get support from your shoulders and biceps, but most of the work is being done by the back.

2. The Chin Up is easier to perform than the Pull Up since the biceps take a larger part of the strain from the back muscles, enabling you to do more reps.

I recommend doing either of these exercises ahead of any focused bicep workouts as you require the biceps to be as forceful as possible when you're finishing these exercises to help you do more reps.

Which of these two exercises should you do? Which one is better?

Neither of these routines is superior than the other. It simply has to do with what kind of shape you're in. Pull Ups are quite tough to do, particularly for beginners, so you may opt to develop your strength progressively with chin ups. Many people who are fit opt for pull ups because they're the more challenging exercise, developing more strength and stimulating the muscles more precisely. The best exercise for you all depends on what part of your body you want to target. If you want to work your back, then you'll want to use pull ups. If you're targeting your biceps, chin ups will help you with that.

However, one of the fundamentals to long term fitness progress is variation, so you want to change things a bit, doing both Pull Ups and Chin Ups periodically, at times even during the same workout. Both of these are tough and highly helpful back exercises. They will help you improve strength and form muscle tissue fast. - 17268

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How To Choose The Right Acne Scar Cure And Not Get Swamped With Poor Remedies That Waste Money And Do Not Work

By Michael Poulle

From the single, occasional PMS zit to the chronic unprovoked breakout, acne is a condition that has affected everyone at one time. While some people suffer from the annoying dark spot afterward at the sight of the pimple, others must deal with more serious and obvious consequences such as depressed scars and lumpy skin texture. There is no one acne scar cure that can treat all of these results; different actions much be applied to different situations. Below are some helpful tips on what to do for your particular scar.

1. Sunscreen.

In order to make sure that the darkened spot fades at a faster rate, it is important to shield it from the sun. Wear protective sunscreen every day, any time you are outside or when the scar is exposed to harmful rays. In the same way that the rest of your scar-less skin can tan, so can your acne scar.

2. No picking.

One of the worst things you can do to worsen the likelihood of full scar healing is to touch and pick at it. Leaving it alone completely is a preventative measure that makes a huge difference. If you pick at a scab before it has sloughed off on its own, then you will be interrupting the skin's natural healing process, prolonging it, and making the injury itself and subsequent scarring worse.

3. Multiple mild scar spots.

This involves the application of acids on the skin in order to shed the top layer of skin and allow a new, healthier layer to emerge. It must be done by a professional and maybe require more than one visit. This is recommended for milder cases of scarring and not for deep puncture scars.

4. Rolled surface.

For those who have serious scarring and rolled, lumpy textures to their skin, subcutaneous incision may make for a smoother appearance. Under local anesthesia, a needle is inserted under the skin and then used to break up the fibrous tissue that causes the uneven surface.

5. Punch excision.

This is used on the most common type of scar, the icepick scar. The acne scar cure for the pitted scar is removed using a small cookie cutter like tool and then the skin is allowed to heal again. The new scar that forms eventually heals and then fades away without the original depression.

Whether your acne is mild or severe, you can see here that there is answer for each situation. Many people suffer internally and scars can leave a negative imprint on ones self-confidence. Just be aware that there are definitely options and that certain medical techniques may give you the hope that you have been looking for. - 17268

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Second to Last Day on HCG

By Amelia Handley

Today is my second to last day on the HCG diet. It's day 24 in my 25 day program. It's very, very exciting to know that I've nearly completed the program. Once I complete the low calorie portion of the diet I just have to complete the program with the maintenance program. But limiting myself to 1500 calories per day is nothing in comparison to the 500 calories per day that I've been sticking to for the last few weeks.

Today when I weighed myself I was at 151. Yesterday I was at 152 so I'm down one more pound. I still love seeing the numbers go down. It's so fun.

The fact that I don't take the oral HCG wholesale in the last few days of the low calorie diet kind of threw me off a little bit. I'm so used to doing it; it's so routine at this point. But I do still take my B-Total in the morning. It was a little bit of a high stress day for me so I took it again in the afternoon. It says in the instructions that you can take it as needed for extra energy or during times of stress. I think it's a really handy supplement.

I know I said that I was going to try each and every smoothie in the HCG Diet Direct cookbook (the cookbook is my second favorite tool offered by the company in addition to their oral HCG wholesale), but I just don't feel like it! It got cold and the smoothies are just not sounding good during the cold weather. You'll have to try them for yourselves. Although the kids still ask for Orange Slush so that means it gets the highest of reviews.

For lunch I had steak with grilled onions and pomegranate tea. For an afternoon snack I had half a grapefruit and Melba Toasts and another cup of pomegranate tea. It's one of the better herbal teas I've tried. I think if I could put honey in it that it would be quite good. But with a tiny bit of Stevia I can like it enough to drink it.

For dinner I had more pomegranate tea, grilled chicken, steamed asparagus, Melba Toasts, and strawberries. It was a really good day. I feel like I should finish off strong since it's my second to last day on low calorie! - 17268

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