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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Home-Grown Strawberries For Your Hand Dipped Chocolate Desserts

By Roy Washington

Getting a taste of chocolate covered strawberries is a fond memory for a lot of people. And you can recreate that sensation as much as you want when you have access to good strawberries and a little bit of know-how in the kitchen.

Enjoying fresh strawberries is a great treat. Being able to have access to more than you can ever eat is a great plus. By growing your own, you can surely have plenty to make in chocolate covered desserts. And you can give many away to friends.

Strawberries are a delicious delicacy that go so well with sweets. It's certainly a better snack than coffee and donuts, for instance. Plus you have the opportunity to bring joy to people's lives and simply add some whimsy to the day by making good treats.

Buying a strawberry plant is a pretty easy task if you're anywhere near a gardening center or home store. Many have lots to choose from. From there, you need to have a raised bed of dirt, which is easy to assemble, or a large pot.

Jot down any ideas you think about during the plant's maturation process to check if you could improve on any aspect of the growing. Perhaps there was too much water that did not get drained well enough and it stagnated growth. Or maybe there were trees which impinged on the full sunlight for hours each day. These are all factors to consider.

Enjoying the bliss of a freshly picked strawberry is a memory to treasure. If you've ever received a chocolate covered strawberry package as a gift, you know how much fun those are too. By doing this yourself, you'll gain appreciation of the fun process, and gain confidence in the ability you have to take the fruits of a plant that you've grown, from soil all the way to your table. - 17268

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Extract of Reishi and Joint Health

By Dr. Markho Rafael

The use of Reishi as an herbal remedy dates back longer than any other medicinal mushroom in historic literature. The first written record can be found in Shen Nong's Herbal Classic, dating back two thousand years. Reishi (a.k.a. Ganoderma or Ling Zhi) is often considered a panacea " cure-all " in Traditional Chinese Medicine. While it may not be literally accurate to refer to Reishi as a cure-all, the fact that it appears to act as an inflammation modulator may be one of many reasons for its age-old veneration in the Orient.

Reishi frequently gets prescribed in Traditional Chinese Medicine for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects. Much recent research appears to validate this traditional use, as the majority of studies have yielded positive results. While looking through published articles on Reishi and arthritis, I found only two studies that showed inconclusive results, both of which were conducted by the same team of researchers. (1,2)

A U.S. based study conducted in 1993 showed that a water extract of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) exhibited "significant anti-inflammatory activity." (4) Ten years later, an Indian research paper was published which stated that the use of Reishi extract helped decrease inflammation in acute edema by 56% and in chronic edema by 60%. (3) Using the "Article References" link on this page, you will find references to seven additional research articles that confirm Reishi extract as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. (5,6,7,8,9,10,11)

Other Reishi studies have been performed which more directly relate to arthritis. A 2006 report by Kenneth Blum et al. provided support that clinical evidence demonstrates the effectiveness and safety of natural substances for joint health, such as glucosamine sulfate , chondroitin sulfate, and Ganoderma lucidum [Reishi]. (12)

The same year, another study summarized findings that Reishi in combination with a Chinese herbal remedy known as San-Miao-San demonstrated a positive "immunomodulatory effect" on rheumatoid arthritis. (13)

Just how Reishi accomplishes its beneficial influence on arthritis may have been stumbled upon by Ho et al. in 2007 (14) when they discovered that GL-PP [Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptide] helped to significantly reduce one of the causative agents of rheumatoid arthritis known as RASF, short for "Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Fibroblasts."

Five additional studies are included in the references that report positive findings between Reishi and arthritis. (15,16,17) One goes so far as to state that Reishi shows favorable results when compared to prednisone, and is free from the side effects. (18) In extension of this, a separate study also found that not only was Reishi extract free of the side effects of prednisone, it could also help balance the existing side effects of prednisolone* such as cell toxicity and proteinuria. (*Prednisolone is the active compound of prednisone. The liver breaks down prednisone and converts it to prednisolone.) (19)

In conclusion, the majority of research on the use of Reishi extract for inflammation or arthritis appears to support its effectiveness. Please remember that it is very important to always consult a licensed medical doctor before using any herb for medicinal purposes.

Note: "Reishi" is the Japanese name on the mushroom known in English as "Varnished Conk." It actually encompasses several closely related species, the most common of which is Ganoderma lucidum (Common Reishi or Red Reishi). This species can be found in the U.S. but is much more common in South East Asia. It is also well known by its Chinese name, Ling Zhi.

Other related species that are often called "Reishi" include: "Hemlock Reishi" (Ganoderma tsugae)," which is common on hemlock trees in eastern U.S.; the Chinese species known as "Black Reishi" (Ganoderma sinense); another American species found on the west coast which is sometimes referred to as "Red Reishi" (Ganoderma resinaceum), although "Red Reishi" more often refers to G. lucidum in contrast to "Black Reishi," G. sinense; and finally two Japanese species, one that is sometimes known as "Purple Reishi" Ganoderma japonicum, and one without any English name, Ganoderma neo-japonicum. - 17268

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Five to Stay Alive

By Dr. Jason Fowler

It is the rare child who actually wants to eat fruits and vegetables. Kids are bombarded by television and radio ads for cereals, candy, and chips that contain huge amounts of sugar and large quantities of saturated fat. The sugar craving begins in childhood - kids quickly develop a taste for sweets. To a child's sugar-sensitized palette, the complex sugars contained in fruits and vegetables are a poor substitute.

We all carry these habits into adulthood and our long-term health suffers as a result. Twenty-four hours is not enough time in the day for most of us, and many consistently choose fast foods as a means of satisfying our need for food and a method for limiting the amount of precious time we spend on meal preparation.

Fast foods are not really food in the sense that the nutrition they provide is minimal. Fast foods are essential empty calories.

In the 1950s and 1960s a well-known health-related slogan was "an apple a day makes the doctor away". This advice represented ancient folk wisdom. Today, decades of research has shown that apples - and all fruits and vegetables - have remarkable health-promoting and disease-fighting properties.

Most fruits and vegetables are packed with magical biochemicals called phytochemicals - "phyto" means plant. Phytochemicals give fruits and vegetables their color, so the more colorful a food, the more phytochemicals it contains.

Research studies show that phytochemicals - of which there are thousands of varieties - provide protection against the development of many chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis.1,2

Many phytochemicals are antioxidants and neutralize free radicals in human cells. Others have anti-inflammatory properties - these help slow the aging process.

Fruits and vegetables are so important for our health and well-being that many national organizations have promoted the "five to stay alive rule" - the recommendation is to eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables each day.3

Portions could include any of these fruits or vegetables - an apple, an orange, a banana, a cup of grapes, a cup of blueberries, a yam, a couple of carrots, a couple of tomatoes, and a couple of tablespoons of broccoli.

For many of us, "five to stay alive" would be a radical departure from our old habits. It might take a little effort to develop new shopping and eating habits, but once you're in the groove it's likely you'll be feeling so much better you'll wonder why you didn't start this healthy-eating plan sooner.

Your chiropractor is an expert on nutritional health and well-being and will be glad to help you create a food plan that works for you and your family.

1de Kok TM, et al: Mechanisms of combined action of different chemopreventive dietary compounds: a review. Eur J Nutr 47(Suppl 2):59-59, 2008 2Ware WR Nutrition and the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: Association of Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 With the Role of Fruit and Fruit Extracts. Integr Cancer Ther December 2008 3Liu RH: Potential synergy of phytochemicals in cancer prevention: mechanism of action. J Nutr 134(Suppl 12):3479S-3485S, 2004 - 17268

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Information on Cellulite

By El Bilson

Are you seeking more information on cellulite? Whenever you look in the mirror, do you see fat deposits that look very similar to an orange peel? Try squeezing a part of your thigh or your abdomen - if you notice little bumps, then you have cellulite.

Cellulite isn't just a skin condition women are prone to " it can also be found in men. It also isn't true that only overweight people can get cellulite. Contrary to popular belief, being thin is no guarantee that you won't see cellulite on your body. Genes and hormones both play a big part in how much cellulite you will have on your body.

Still need more information on cellulite? This skin disorder usually appears on the upper part of your thighs and just below the buttocks. This can be pretty embarrassing " after all, who doesn't want to show off smooth skin at the beach? Here are a few more basic things you need to understand about cellulite:

There are theories regarding what causes cellulite formation and why even lean women get it. However, scientists are still in the dark when it comes to this condition. Some say that because cellulite usually appears after a woman goes through puberty, it could be caused by estrogen. Unfortunately, this isn't a very conclusive theory, because a lot of things happen after puberty. Hormones aren't the only thing that can have an effect on cellulite.

Some say that because these fat cells are swollen, the connective fibers underneath the skin can't take the pressure " hence the orange peel look. These fat cells also hinder the free flowing of blood in the lymphatic system. This can clog up the passage of fluids through common areas like the thighs, buttocks and arms.

Others theorize that cellulite on the body is all about a person's metabolism. It's a known fact that as the years go by, a person's metabolism decreases. This makes it harder to lose weight and shed unwanted pounds. This can lead to more cellulite, especially in older people.

The good news is that there are many body creams out there that can help you get rid of cellulite. Creams such as Revitol or Avotone can help you get the smooth skin you desire. Just lather these products on affected areas just like you would with body lotion to help treat your cellulite problem. Most creams need to be applied twice a day to see results.

As with any other health issue, preventing the onset of cellulite is always better than curing it after it appears. It can never be stressed enough that a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent cellulite from forming. A healthy lifestyle includes eating a healthy diet with lots of fiber as well as getting regular exercise. By doing these two things, you will notice a reduction in the amount of cellulite on your body.

Another good cellulite tip is to try to avoid yo-yo dieting. When your weight fluctuates up and down it makes your skin lose its elasticity. Smoking can also lead to damaged skin. If you smoke, quitting could help reduce the appearance of your cellulite. - 17268

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Acai Juice Taste Tester

By Joanna Slip

If you're a fan of the two hottest talk show hosts as I am, you will no doubt have heard about the acai berry. Oprah and Rachel Ray have both raved bout this new superfood, and as I tend to do, I immediately went out to try it out for myself. Well, I bought my first box of juice, tried it right then and there, and was immediately taken aback. I screwed up my face about as much as if someone had played the 'lemon instead of an orange' trick on me.

"But how can that be" I thought to myself. My talkshow heros wouldn't lead me astray? So I decided that my first taste of acai berry must have been a fluke - I picked the worst tasting acai berry available in my town. Although, it at $2.39 / 8oz I had the unfounded belief that my acai berry juice should have been delicious.

As you have gathered, after that first try, I decided that a taste test was in order, and I promptly lined up 3 unsuspecting household members. If Oprah and Rachel Ray love acai, there must be some redeeming taste on top of the health benefits, so I figured I just got unlucky with my first choice.

The next day I headed out to find a sufficiently varied selection of acai juices available within walking distance of my house. This task took all morning, and I found there were a wide range of options, ranging from the atual real pure acai berry juice at $80 per litre which you are only supposed to have 2 tablespoons of, and which is very bitter, (I did NOT purchse this by the way, are you kidding?), to various colorfully packaged health drinks with different juices and concentrations of acai berry juice. Here's what I found:

1. Nova Acai made in Brazil. Cost: $2.39 for 250ml/8.4oz. Contains purified water, naturally organic acai puree, organic evaporated cane juice, citric acid. Nutritionally 120 calories per container, 3.6g of fat 1.3 of which are saturated (6% of your rec. daily intake) and 39% of rec. daily intake of Vitamin C.

2. O.N.E Amazon Acai made in Brazil. Cost: $3.99 or $2.99 depending on the store for 330ml/11oz. Contains: 100% natural acai, 100% natural acerola, organic evaporated cane juice, citric acid, guarana extract, xantham gum, and lecithine de soya. Nutritionally 157 calories per container, 3g of fat 1 of which are saturated (5% of your rec. daily intake) and 167% of rec. daily intake of Vitamin C.

3. mySmoothie Superfruit Acai made in Sweden. Cost $2.79 for 250ml/8.4oz. The ingredients listed are apple juice, crushed banana, 11% acai berry, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Nutritionally 150 calories per container, 2.25g of fat .03 of which are saturated (less than 1 % of your rec. daily intake) and 39% of rec. daily intake of Vitamin C.

4. Happy Planet extreme purple made in Canada. Cost: $2.99 for 325ml/11 oz. Contains: pure apple juice, banana puree, peach puree, acai berry puree, blackberry puree, orange bioflavanoids, green tea powder extract, ascorbic acid and beta carotene. Nutritionally 130 calories per container, 0g of fat .0 of which are saturated (less than 1 % of your rec. daily intake) and 150% of rec. daily intake of Vitamin C.

5. Arthur?s Acai plus made in Canada. Cost: $3.29 for 325ml/11oz. Contains: berry puree blend (acai, blueberry, blackberry, boysenberry, cherry) apple juice, banana puree, pear juice, lemon juice. Nutritionally 230 calories per container, 4.5g of fat, 1g of which are saturated (5 % of your rec. daily intake) and 40% of rec. daily intake of Vitamin C.

At the end of our very official quality controlled taste test, we were all suprised at how similar the results were - the consenses ended up with 3 juices in the 'that's pretty tasty' category, and 2 in the 'please don't serve that to me for breakfast' category. The latter sentiment, which was unanimous by the way, were unfortunately reserved for the two Brazil juices(Nova Acai and O.N.E. Amazon Acai), which are also the juices with the highest acai content. To be fair, after the official testing, one of the judges diluted one of the Brazil juices with orange juice and it improved so much that it could be considered a palatable option.

Of the remaining juices it was agreed that all were tasty and palatable. Two judges thought Happy Planet extreme purple was the best in taste, aroma and texture while mySmoothie superfruit acai got the first place nod from one judge. Interestingly, Arthurs's Acai plus was ranked 2nd best by all 3 judges.

So on taste alone, Happy Planet Extreme Purple seems to be the winner. It seems as though the Brazilian juice, which has the strongest concentration of acai, is also the least favorite. You'll have to use your best judgement here, and decide whether you will get an acai juice (blend) that tastes great, or go for a more concentrated version and flavor it yourself. - 17268

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35 Reasons to add Acai berries to your diet today

By M Taylor

1. Acai is a good source of protein. Protein is one of the building blocks of the human body, especially bodily tissues like the organs and muscles. Protein is also a component of the skin, hair and nails; and ounce for ounce, acai contains more protein than eggs!

2. Acai helps the body to detoxify - something for which it has been used for centuries.

3. Acai enhances muscle function and recovery following workouts thanks to its mineral and amino acid content. Which makes it a great supplement for those that exercise.

4. Acai's lipid content boosts your energy level - whether you play sports or just have a busy life, acai has the extra energy you need.

5. Acai helps to keep your stress level under control.

6. The acai berry contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties which make it very beneficial in supporting fertility and sexual health. Who needs viagra when we can take acai...

7. Acai's compliment of vitamins and minerals strengthen the immune system, leading to overall better health.

8. Acai's high nutritional value and antioxidants can reduce the physical effects of aging, keeping your cells healthier.

9.This antioxidant content can also be a factor in preventing prostate enlargement.

10. Acai supports bone health, helps prevent fractures and reduces the risk of osteoporosis because of its high calcium content.

11. Acai's calcium content also helps to reduce menstrual pain - acai juice is especially beneficial to women.

12. Acai is very good for your heart. The anthocynanins (such as 3-glucoside) help your body to produce the nitric oxide that it needs to ensure good circulation and the polyphenols found in this nutritious little berry are powerful heart-healthy antioxidants.

13. The essential fatty acids in acai help to boost your levels of good (HDL) cholesterol, while lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol.

14. Acai is great for your circulatory system - the anthocyanins in acai strengthen your veins, arteries and capillaries, while the sterols in acai help to regulate blood pressure.

15. Acai can help to prevent retinopathy in diabetics, which can lead to blindness. Acai strengthens capillaries to prevent eye damage and also helps maintain proper glucose and lipid levels. Acai is a low glycemic index food which is very good for diabetics.

16. The fact that acai is a low GI food means that it can regulate appetite, making it a great choice for those trying to lose weight.

17. Acai boosts immune function - the Journal of Sports Medicine recently published a study showing that the beta-sitoserol content in acai regulates lymphocyte function and counteracts immune suppression.

18. Acai's antioxidant properties also help support your immune system by preventing damage done to cells by free radicals.

19.The antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties of acai help to prevent disease.

20. Acai can help to prevent damage to DNA from mutagenic compounds and carcinogens.

21. Acai is high in dietary fiber, which improves the health and function of your digestive system.

22. Acai can help to treat GERD (acid reflux disease). This is due to the antioxidant properties of the acai berry, which assists in repairing and protecting the lower esophagus from the damage caused by GERD and its ability to reduce stomach acidity.

23. Acai even helps to heal ulcers by killing H. pylori, an ulcer-causing bacteria.

24. Acai can keep the symptoms of Chron's disease under control thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

25. Acai helps keep your skin looking smoother and more youthful - acai's anthocyanins and phytosterols protect skin and connective tissues like collagen from wrinkles and damage.

26. Acai is rich in antioxidants, which lowers risk of some types of cancers, including stomach, lung, skin and breast cancers.

27. Acai can even help reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

28. Acai's anti-inflammatory properties can also help to alleviate the symptoms of asthma.

29. A 2004 Archives of Neurology study found that a diet containing ample vitamin E and vitamin C lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Acai contains a significant amount of both vitamins.

30. Acai's vitamin C and beta carotene help support eye health and can reduce the complications of macular degeneration, especially in diabetics.

31. Acai is beneficial to dental health as well - the calcium content helps strengthen and whiten teeth, as well as helping to prevent gingivitis and other diseases of the gums.

32. The omega-3 fatty acids in acai help maintain mental clarity and alertness.

33. Acai helps with restful sleep thanks to its nutritional content, especially B vitamins. These vitamins help reduce stress and promote the production of serotonin and dopamine.

34. Acai Promotes overall good health and wellness.

35. Acai might not be the cure to disease, but by supplying your body with all of the nutrition it needs, it helps your body to heal itself. - 17268

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Cordyceps sinensis - A 2000-Year-Old Chinese Sexual Potentiator

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Ironically, since the introduction of Viagra, the search for a natural alternative for erectile dysfunction has increased significantly. And as it turns out, the Chinese may already have had the answer two millennia ago.

Cordyceps is a minute fungus found at high altitudes of the Tibetan plateau. Its hard to imagine that it ever got noticed and discovered, let alone that its now become one of the most sought after medicinal mushrooms in the world.

For nearly two millennia, Chinese doctors have dispensed Cordyceps extract for physical stamina and sexual prowess. Preserved written records date back as far 200 A.D., when it was described in the book "The Classic Herbal of the Divine Plowman.

The normal life cycle of the "Caterpillar fungus" (Cordyceps sinensis) consists of parasitizing on non-vital tissue of the silk-worm caterpillar. In the end, it overwhelms its host (the caterpillar), kills it, and sprouts out of the dead carcass. That doesn't sound like anything you would want to put in your mouth, does it? Well, have no fear. With modern technology, Cordyceps sinensis mycelium can now be grown on a bed of rice medium. The extract of the fungus grown in this way contains the same compounds as wild harvested specimens. An additional perk is that it is much less likely to contain any traces of other types of fungi, bacteria, or heavy metals.

A Chinese study on Cordyceps sinensis, predating the 1998 release of Viagra by 13 years, found a 64% improvement in men with sexual dysfunction when they consumed 1 g of Cordyceps per day. (1)

There are three likely contributing factors why Cordyceps sinensis appears to have an effect on sexual dysfunction:

- At least three studies have demonstrated that Cordyceps sinensis helps improve physical stamina and prowess in general. (2,3,4) In the early 1990's, nine Chinese women broke world records when the Chinese National Games were held. When interviewed about their success, they unanimously gave credit to their use of Cordyceps extract. (5,6)

- Two published research papers indicate that Cordyceps helps increase blood flow by diluting blood vessels (7,8), which would be of significant relevance in sexual dysfunction.

- Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there have been two research papers published that concluded that Cordyceps extract "significantly increased" testosterone levels in males. (9,10)

Note: This article is for scientific and informational purposes only. It is very important to always consult with a licensed medical doctor before using an herb to treat any medical condition. - 17268

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DazzleWhite Gives You Whiter Teeth Fast

By George Meter

Getting older includes many things but it also means that our teeth begin to change from the whiteness of our youth to a yellow tinge. This happens naturally through contact with food and drink although certain substances will cause your teeth to become yellow quicker such as coffee or cigarettes.

However, if you are looking for a way to turn your yellow teeth back to the whiteness of your youth, there are a few options available to you. Just as today we can fix aging skin and wrinkles, we can also fix yellow teeth.

In past times, the only person who could offer you the service of whitening your teeth was your dentist. The dentist usually provided treatments with either lights or bleach or a combination of both. These procedures work pretty well but unfortunately they are quite costly and not very convenient as they require a trip to the dentist each time.

These days, a multitude of home products have come available that allow you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home. The only problem now is choosing which product is the best and which one is going to help you whiten your teeth without any hassles. One product though stands above the rest.

DazzleWhite is considered to be the top product in the teeth whitening field. On average, it can whiten your teeth up to 7 shades whiter which is a pretty significant difference.

DazzleWhite has 22% peroxide bleach which is similar to the levels dentists use when doing teeth whitening tasks. It is also a perfectly safe level.

Additionally, because of DazzleWhite effectiveness, a variety of personal reviews and news organizations have reported great results using DazzleWhite' product in turning their yellow teeth white again.

If you are going to whiten your teeth or are considering your options, then definitely check out DazzleWhite. Its rave reviews from personal users and news organizations alike insure that it is one of the best products out there for whitening your teeth. Also, at the time of writing, DazzleWhite also has a free trial available so you can't go wrong! Go ahead and pick up a free trial and see how effective it is for yourself. - 17268

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Do You Know What Are the Different Types of Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you're trying to determine the severity of bruises, whether you have them or they are on someone that you love, it is necessary to remember that there are specific, different kinds of bruises out there. If you educate yourself a little more about the different types of bruises that there are, you are going to become much more knowledgeable of what treatments are available and how best to use them. Make yourself aware of how much you really know about bruises and the best ways to treat them. If you learn how to determine how mild or severe a bruise is, you are going to have a significantly better thought process of how to best treat it.

First, consider where the damage actually is. A subcutaneous bruise is one that happens just beneath the skin and will generally be relatively mild. On the other hand, an intramuscular bruise occurs within the belt of the muscle underneath and can do some more serious damage, while a periosteal bruise refers to a bone bruise, which can be extremely painful.

When rating bruises, medical professionals may use the following scale to denote the severity:

0- a light bruise having no damage at all 1- a less than moderate bruise with a slight amount of damage done 2- a moderate bruise with some damage 3- a serious bruise with some possibility of permanent or impermanent damage 4- an extremely serious bruise with the possibility of permanent or impermanent harm 5- a critical bruise carrying a risk of death

With a light bruise, you may feel a bit of pain, whether it happens right away or is delayed. An inflammation may occur due to the fact that histamines have been released. Even after the capillaries have been repaired, blood can seep out and make the bruise look darker, and it generally takes about two weeks for a light bruise to heal, while a darker bruise may take longer. Bruises that are mild will tend to need minimal amounts of treatment, though depending on where the bruise is, you may need to do some stretching exercises as it heals so that the muscles underneath don't become stiff and stubborn.

With bruises that are considered moderate or severe, however, you can find that you are going to be dealing with somewhat serious complications. Further bleeding may occur, and it is possible that swelling can cut off the flow of blood to the tissues. The blunt trauma that goes into creating bruises of this severity can result in injury to the internal organs or bones, and if the strike is severe enough, concussion, coma and even death can be the result. At this point, emergency treatment becomes necessary.

Luckily enough, most of us will only have to deal with light bruises in our everyday lives. Spend the time to make certain that your bruises, regardless of their severity, get treated appropriately. - 17268

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7 Key Points to Lose Fat and Get Fit Quickly

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Consume lots of water. Your body demands a lot of water therefore give it water. Water isn't just a way to flush toxin out but when you have more water in the body you'll in general feel fitter and healthier. This itself will deter any inclination to overeat. The best thing about water is it contains no calories at all.

2. Have a glass of water while you eat as well. Take a drink after each bite and you will feel full more quickly so you can leave the table feeling satisfied without feeling bloated. Drinking water while you eat will also help your food to settle more quickly, which also helps you to feel full faster.

3. Fruit juice isn't as healthy as most people think either. Juice actually has a lot of sugar in it as well. Instead of drink fruit juice, eat more fruit. Fruit provides your body with much needed fiber as well as vitamins.

4. Increase your fiber intake as much as you can. This usually means eating more fruits and veggies.

5. Watch everything you consume from the food itself to what you top it with. Garnishments and condiments can sabotage a healthy meal because they are typically high in fat.

6. Eat only if you're hungry. Make certain to consume a glass of water first to find out whether you truly are hungry or thirsty. A lot of folks have the inclination to eat whenever they see foods. This does not mean they're hungry; they merely wish to have them. Do not eat whatever you are offered unless you actually are hungry. When you feel you must have it out of being polite, simply nibble, do not consume a meal.

7. Go easy on coffee and tea. They are safe by themselves. It is if you add the sugar and cream that they get fattening. Do you know drinking a cup of coffee or tea that has at least 2 cubes of sugar and cream is as fattening as eating a large piece of rich chocolate cake? - 17268

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A Powerful Muscle Building Technique - Easy to Implement

By Josh Owen

If you're looking for an easy way to finally build muscle mass, you've found the perfect article. I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't want to build muscle. Muscle makes life so much easier. You feel better, have higher energy levels, you're stronger, and you're healthier. You can use this one simple but powerful technique to build muscle quickly.

Do you realize how important muscle is to your daily life. You use your muscles continuously throughout the day. No matter what you're doing, your muscle mass is being used to help your body perform its functions. Muscle helps your body function properly while body fat works against your body. I can guarantee that you'll feel much better with more muscle and less body fat.

Okay, it's easy for me say you need more muscle mass and less body fat, but how do you accomplish this? I'm going to tell you about the most powerful muscle building concept on the face of the earth. This is the secret to building muscle:

Before I get to the actual concept, I want you to know that you're going to have to lift weights, eat healthier, eat more often, and eat enough of the right foods. I'm not going to talk about diet and nutrition today, but you need to know that it's equally as important as the concept I'm going to discuss now.

The most important concept in building muscle fast is to start each weightlifting cycle with extremely light weights and higher reps. From there, you will increase the weight you lift each workout while decreasing the amount of repetitions over the course of the cycle.

This allows you to constantly provide your body with a muscle building stimulus. This means you get quick results from each and every weightlifting workout when you eat correctly and optimize your rest from each weight lifting session. You begin to see results and huge increases in muscle size.

You will reach a point in time in which you won't be able to increase the weight you are lifting. Progress will stall when you reach that point. So what do you do? If you're having trouble on most of your exercises, you should take a full one week break from strenuous activity. This allows your body to fully recover from the beating you've given it over the last few months. The you can start another cycle with slightly heavier weights that your previous cycle. Then start increasing the weight again.

If you want to build muscle using the concept discussed above, you must focus on gaining body weight. You can't build muscle quickly unless you give your body a surplus of calories for constructing that muscle. Eat enough food each week so that you're gaining about 1 to 2 pounds each week. Monitor your gains and add more food if needed. - 17268

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Healthy Diets to Gain Weight

By Wilhelmina Gavin

It's actually not that hard to find diets to gain weight, although for the most part, some people might find the thought of wanting to gain weight appalling and strange. After all, isn't weight loss what everyone is after on TV and Hollywood? Isn't it what everyone thinks about after indulging on a particularly succulent buffet?

Emphasis remains on the idea that you need to lose weight to look like a Hollywood homely, but it just isn't always so. While it is far easier for the vast majority of women and men in the world to gain weight than it is to lose weight, there are some people out there who just can't quite pack on the pounds, either in fat or in muscle.

Maybe they're the lucky ones as some people may think. But, sometimes, those people who think so ignore the fact that there are those who want to look better by packing on some muscle. There are also others who may even want to join a sport that requires a well-developed physique, but the fact that they can't gain weight easily prevents them from doing so.

Wanting to gain weight is a valid concern for some people, and while it isn't as overblown as weight loss, diets to weight gain are definitely around. The slogan of diets to gain weight is basically the same as diets to lose weight: eat healthy.

To gain weight, it is not advisable to indulge on junk foods and extra fatty meals. All they ever do is make you fat which really isn't healthy. It isn't beneficial or desirable, either. You need to gain muscle weight in order to gain the right kind of weight.

Avoid food, beverage and other stuff with caffeine and nicotine. They help activate your metabolism and burn off the calories from the food you eat. That isn't quite a good thing if you want to build up body mass as much as you can. Eating frequent meals can also help you gain muscle weight that you need after you work out.

You may also eat a healthy midnight snack but take care not to let it ruin your sleeping habits. Your body's metabolism slows down at night, thus, helping you gain weight.

There are some food groups that are more beneficial to gaining weight. They are the milk-based products like milk, yogurt and cheese that can get you those much-needed calories. Grain products like rolls and bread, and fresh fruit juices can also help your body get the right kind of calories.

Protein is a must at every meal as it helps build muscle which will lead to the weight gain that you're looking for. Those that are rich in protein are dairy products, dry fruits and nuts like almonds and cashews.

Weight gain is a valid concern of an unexposed lesser demographic around the world. If you want to be thin or slim, that's fine, but it is not a look that works for everyone. Some people look better with some meat and flesh on their bones. That's why there are diets to gain weight, to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to get the right body they really want. - 17268

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