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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Build Muscle Up Quickly with Tabata Intervals

By Jared Conley

You want to build muscle up fast and you want to do it now. You've probably heard how much hard work it will take, and you're preparing yourself to get to the gym four or five times per week for more than an hour per workout.

I have good news for you. Conventional wisdom is dead wrong.

With a properly-constructed workout, you can get better results with just three short workouts per week. By better, I mean that you can build muscle up just as quickly as with the long, conventional workouts, but you also get several additional benefits:

* You will achieve muscle weight gain fast and burn fat at the same time

* You will burn more calories as a result of a 15-minute anaerobic workout than in a 60-minute cardio workout

* You can increase your explosive power

* You will increase your your overall fitness level and anaerobic threshold

* You can improve your flexibility and joint strength

* You will increase your core without doing core-specific exercises

These techniques are not secrets, but aren't widely used. These short workouts are based on intervals, which is nothing new. Interval training been used successfully for quite a few years. But how you apply those intervals will be the key to success. That's why it's so important that you pick a proven workout if your goal is muscle weight gain.

The two primary types of interval training you'll find in good plans are high intensity interval training (HIIT) and Tabata training. HIIT sessions are generally used for the cardio workouts, and 15 minutes will replace 45 to 60 minutes of traditional cardio exercises.

Tabata training is just one form of strength training using intervals and compound exercises that will have your muscles melting in 20-second sets. You can also generously apply in functional exercises, sports-specific exercise, kettleball training and more to keep your workouts varied. But prepare for hard work -- you can't build muscle up unless you put forth maximum effort during your sessions.

But these types of workouts aren't for the faint of heart. You must already have a base level of fitness before you try them, and your joints must be healthy to start. Anyone over the age of 60 should seriously consider getting checked out before attempting interval training. When you're ready, put your game face on and get to work. You'll love the results! - 17268

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Sean Nalewanyj's - Truth About Building Muscle

By Westy

Muscle building goal which many find elusive is made very simple and real by Sean Nalewanyj's step-by-step mass gain program, Muscle Gain Truth- No Fail System. Sean admits that "Building muscle is one of the simplest things to understand but one of the most difficult to implement." Learning to build ones muscles is very easy. However actually doing it is another ball game. This is where Sean's program comes in. It is unique and simple. Sean understands that many people although equipped with the knowledge required for it, fail.The Truth About Building Muscle

Why Do People Fail Their Muscle Building Program?

1. Laziness or lack of motivation.

2. Misinformation relating to bodybuilding

3. Loss of focus on the goal.

Once you learn to get past the obstacles that are confronting you, there will finally be results. There are some things that you can do to prepare for your muscle building. The success that is reached with the program will depend on you and your motivation and focus on the goal. You should understand that the concept of muscle building is relatively simple, but practicing those concepts is difficult.

Sean's program is just not mental preparation but a whole lot more- It is a step-by-step, planned and organized program. Sean asks you to allow him to become your new muscle building dictator. Why? Because this will let you to unlearn the nonsense which you "think" you know about weight gain.

You just need to follow the basic principles highlighted in his program. The same that Sean used to build his 80 lbs; that many people have successfully followed to flaunt impressive bodies. Seans principles- Principles that bring out great results.

(1) The workouts will be very intense and many people do not recognize what an intense workout generally involves.

This program will tell you exactly what you have to do to get the results that you want. But you will also receive information on why you are following these principles. You will understand what you are doing for your body with the exercises that are included. You will follow three intense workouts a week and during the rest of the time you will rest your body and eat. The intensity of the workouts is necessary if you expect to get the changes that you can receive from this program.

(2) Nutrition is one of the most important factors of the program. The type of nutrition that you use in the program will be of the utmost importance. This is what will cause the real changes in your plan.

The work out session covers:

(1) Lessons in video to show you the plan in minute detail.

(2) lessons ranging from warming up, stretching, choosing the best exercise and then effectively getting it done.

(3) Breathing and rest information that will help you to get the results that you want. - 17268

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How To Gain Weight And Muscle Fast

By Ben

Learning About Some Weight gain hints When it comes to weight, most people say that their problem is keeping it off. But there are a group of people out there who wish to put on weight and muscle fast and they have plenty of problems doing that. This typically relates to men who are trying to increase weight and muscle mass fast as well, or to any gender who is considered under weight. Some people have a deal of trouble putting on weight and muscle fast and keeping it on.Those people more often than not will explore all of the methods for weight increase that they can get hold of.

A bunch of people think that putting on weight and muscle fast is not an issue at all but that is not so true for everyone out there. There are amazingly enough a group of people who need to increase weight and muscle fast and just cannot do it. No matter how hard they try, no matter how much they eat or how often, they just cannot gain any weight or muscle fast. For these people, good weight gain advice is something that they so urgently seek out. What works well for one person may not work all that well for another so it is really just a process of trial and error when it comes to weight gain solutions.

Finding Great Help. When it comes to the healthiest of the weight gain points, it is probably a good idea to start by speaking with your family doctor. You certainly do not want to do anything that is going to harm you in any way, shape, or form so it is essential to make sure that you are working by the rules. Make sure that any of the weight increase suggestions you try out are going to be ones that are stringently healthy. Never try any weight increase hints that are unhealthy because you will be doing yourself more harm than good in the long run.

Hard Work and Eating Right to Build Muscle Fast. There is not a quick and easy way to increase weight and muscle fast, but there are some ways to put on weight and build muscle smarter than if a plan is not followed. To gain weight and build muscle fast includes adopting a healthy nutritional plan which may or may not include supplements depending on the individual. This plan should include plenty of protein which is the building block of muscle tissue. This is usually where supplements will come in, giving the individual enough protein without the fats that come with consuming meats and other sources of protein.

Work Outs In addition to eating right,to put on weight and building muscle fast takes a combination of tough weight lifting procedures and taking enough rest in between exercising. For those who are on a more elevated weight lifting program, the exercises are usually directed to specific body areas, such as lifting back and biceps on one day, chest and triceps on another day, legs and shoulders on the third day and then repeating. There are those who may separate out the exercises even more to target specifically weak areas to increase weight and build muscle fast.

Rest between exercises is very significant as well, not only giving particular muscles time to rest and restore between days of working out, but also taking enough sleep at night.Weight and Muscles cannot be built quickly if they are not given time during deep sleep to repair. If not enough rest is received, then instead of gaining weight and building muscle fast, the body will start to feel worn out, get slower during each workout and this will finally lead to injuries. - 17268

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