Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Take Your Fat Loss Results through the Roof with 7 Small Tips

By Thong M. Dao

If you're hoping to lose fat, there's a pretty good chance you've tried a lot of methods. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who are unhappy with their bodies don't succeed in their fat loss goals. That's because they're often using gimmicky weight loss plans that can actually damage their bodies! If you're in this boat, and you don't know how to get rid of the fat while staying healthy, here are a few tips that might get you on the right track.

1. Begin your day with a clean, fresh glass of water. When you wake up in the morning, take one down. It will assist your body to get started as it will not be fighting dehydration. Besides, after you consume a glass of water you will not have to eat such a big breakfast. A glass of water triggers all the digestive fluids in your body and makes well lubricated. You are able to have your morning tea or coffee, just make sure to drink a glass of water after that. Caffeine dehydrates you and you need to ward off dehydration.

2. Have a glass of water whilst you eat too. Take a drink after every bite and you'll feel full more rapidly so you will be able to leave the table feeling satisfied without feeling swollen. Consuming water when you eat will also help your food to settle faster, which also helps you to feel full faster.

3. Consume fresh fruit and veggies that have high water content. They are foods like tomatoes, cantaloupe, watermelons, kiwi, grapes - you get the idea. All of those fresh and tasty juicy fruits and vegetables are beneficial for you. They contain around 90 to 95% water, therefore you are able to have lots of these and they'll fill you up without adding the pounds.

4. If you are craving a glass of juice, drink fresh fruit juice instead of juice that has artificial flavors and coloring. It is even better if you can make your own fruit juice. Just be sure not to add too much sugar which adds to the calories.

5. Increase your fiber intake. Like I mentioned, the body needs a lot of fiber. So try to include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as you can.

6. Be intelligent about what you eat. Don't eat just to eat. Animals eat on instinct; people eat when they know their body really needs it. Don't be an impulse eater.

7. Get a handle on the sweet tooth. This doesn't mean you can't have your sweets; just don't eat them as a meal. Always remember that these sweets end up adding to an area that you don't want them to add to. Don't deprive yourself either though, because then you'll eat twice as many as you should. - 17268

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Be Healthier and Lose Weight Quicker With PureCleanse Edge

By David Louise

The source of many illnesses and disease can be the colon as it begins to age.

The colon keeps our bodies healthy and rids them of harmful wastes.

It is also responsible for absorbing the nutrients we need to keep living healthy each day.

However, when it is filled with bacteria, toxins and more, there are many poor effects that can occur for us in the long-term.

Some of the other short term effects that can occur are a lack of energy, bloating and a loss of motivation as well as constipation.

If you want to stay clean and healthy, a supplement like PureCleanse Edge can give you the help you need.

PureCleanse Edge can keep your body clean and is a natural way to eliminate waste in your colon so that you will look better and not bloated.

PureCleanse Edge was formulated to insure a gentle cleansing so there is no need to worry about side effects.

It works in a natural way using clinically proven ingredients to truly help you.

Average reported weight loss in a clinical trial was 12.5 to 15 pounds using PureCleanse Edge versus 3 to 3.5 pounds that the placebo group achieved. This means that PureCleanse Edge can help you lose weight at 450% more effective rate!

If you are interested in living a healthier life and losing some weight, definitely check out PureCleanse Edge today. At the time of writing, a free trial is available so that you can check out its great benefits for yourself without paying a dime! - 17268

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Get your children to eat healthy food

By Alex Hendricks

No matter what age our kids are, we never really stop wanting to spend time with them. Use the tips here to encourage your kids to eat healthy, and make smarter food choices.

-Make sure that your kids (and you) have a lot of good snacks to eat. -Follow your own advice by making better choices for yourself. -Dinnertime isn't the time to start a battle over food. If you don't leave it up for debate, your kids will eat healthy. -If you let your kids help cook and shop for groceries, they are more likely to eat healthy if they chose the food.

If you follow the tips given here, you'll learn to make healthy food choices part of your family's routine. It's not always easy to do, because kids and parents are busy these days, and it just seems easier to get take-out.. Here are some ways to employ the strategies we just went over.

Sitting down for a meal as a family can be the start of a wonderful tradition. Children thrive on structure, and knowing that there is a family meal coming up gives them something to look forward to. Parents can use the opportunity to catch up with their kids' lives. Kids who eat meals as a family have been found to be:

-healthier eaters by nature, and much less prone to overindulging on fried and sweet foods -a lot less likely to smoke marijuana or use other drugs, or to drink alcohol

When kids eat with their parents, they are more likely to try new foods, and their parents are modeling healthy choices. Teens, however, are independent by nature and they probably will be less than enthusiastic about a family dinner.As they age, they still need to rely on Mom and Dad for advice, discipline, and love. Family meals are a fine opportunity to get up to speed with what's going on in everyone's life. Try these tips:

-Let your teen invite a friend to dinner. -Allow them to help choose and cook the meal. -Make mealtime a "fight free" time- save lectures and arguments for another more appropriate time.

Have a nutritious meal when everyone is home, even if you have to order in to do it. If your family has a busy schedule like most, you might have to adapt a little. It could be as simple as pushing dinner back by an hour or two, or maybe going for Chinese food on Tuesdays. - 17268

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Vitamins- the nutrient plus necessary supplement

By Jessica

Supplements of vitamins and nutrients are highly necessary for the body. They are the vital ingredients responsible on behalf of the normal utilities of the human corpse. Generally we get a usually quota of necessary vitamins and nutrient from our each day cuisine intake. The normally diet should be well balanced with give every the essential vitamins to the body.

Inadequate vitamins may result into lethargicity, slower rate of bodily functions also tiring of mind. The blood is not reaching to the corpse tissues properly plus metabolism system gets badly affected. Various kinds of physical pains also tribulations take place due to this. You should consult the doctor when experiencing these types of problems then he would prescribe the right vitamins addition instead of you. The essential quantity would be stored by the body with excess amount would be drained off by the human cadaver.

Vitamins then supplements are obtainable of many types in the market on behalf of the numerous bodily requirements. Continually ensure the extra do not contain one petrochemical elements as the corpse would be caused serious damage. Forever insist on buying the products of a reputed plus reliable manufacturer so that you don?t have to worry about some side effects. The fat soluble vitamins are not needed to be taken on a generally basis as nature has made enough provision into our liver and cellulite cells but the water soluble vitamins are needed to be taken on the generally root. The vitamin that dissolves into the water is normally called water soluble vitamins. These vitamins are absorbed with the intestine also added into the blood. To perform the various utilities, the blood reached them to the cadaver cells. The excessive dose of water soluble vitamin would be drained by urinal dispose.

It would improve your mental state, immunity system, digestive system with produce higher level of energy. Chewable tablets, swallow able tablets, capsules, powder also water soluble forms etc. are the acceptable forms of vitamins extra. - 17268

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35 Reasons to add Acai berries to your diet today

By M Taylor

1. Acai is a good source of protein. Protein is one of the building blocks of the human body, especially bodily tissues like the organs and muscles. Protein is also a component of the skin, hair and nails; and ounce for ounce, acai contains more protein than eggs!

2. Acai is a natural detoxifier, helping to remove toxins from the body -something for which acai has been used for centuries.

3. Acai enhances muscle function and recovery following workouts thanks to its mineral and amino acid content. Which makes it a great supplement for those that exercise.

4. Acai gives your body the energy it needs to play competitive sports or to get through your busy day, thanks to the high lipid content of the acai berry.

5. Acai helps to reduce stress levels.

6. The acai berry contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties which make it very beneficial in supporting fertility and sexual health. Who needs viagra when we can take acai...

7. The high nutritional content of acai includes the vitamins and minerals your immune system needs to fight off disease.

8.Acai's antioxidant content can reduce the effects of aging by protecting your cells from free radicals.

9.The antioxidants in acai can also help to prevent prostate enlargement.

10. The high calcium content of the acai berry can help to prevent osteoporosis and fractures and strengthen the entire skeletal system.

11. Acai's calcium content also helps reduce menstrual pain and associated menstrual bloating - welcome news to women.

12. Acai is very good for your heart. The anthocynanins (such as 3-glucoside) help your body to produce the nitric oxide that it needs to ensure good circulation and the polyphenols found in this nutritious little berry are powerful heart-healthy antioxidants.

13. Acai's essential fatty acid content helps reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, while boosting HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

14. Acai is great for your circulatory system - the anthocyanins in acai strengthen your veins, arteries and capillaries, while the sterols in acai help to regulate blood pressure.

15. Acai strengthens capillaries, which can help prevent retinopathy in diabetics; retinopathy can cause blindness. Acai also helps diabetics control their lipid and gucose levels. This is because that acai berry is actually considered low on the glycemic index.

16. As a low GI food, acai also helps to control appetite, making acai a great food for people trying to lose weight.

17. According to a study reported in the Journal of Sports Medicine, acai's beta-sitoserol content counters immune suppression and regulates lymphocyte activity, effectively boosting immune function.

18. A main causes of disease is immune system impairment due to free radicals; acai fights this with its antioxidant properties.

19. The Acai berry has anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibacterial properties.

20. Acai has anti-mutagenic properties; it can prevent DNA damage from mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds.

21. Acai contains plenty of dietary fiber, which helps to improve digestive function.

22. Acai helps alleviate GERD (acid reflux disease). Antioxidants found in the acai berry help to repair and protecting the tissues of the esophagus from damage caused by acid reflux. Acai can also help treat GERD by reducing stomach acidity.

23. Acai can help fight the ulcer causing bacteria H. pylori, helping to treat ulcers.

24. Acai can keep the symptoms of Chron's disease under control thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

25. Acai contains phytosterols and anthocyanins which protect your skin and connective tissues (like collagen) which helps to keep your skin looking more youthful and smooth.

26. Acai's high antioxidant content can reduce your risk for some cancers, including lung, skin, breast and stomach cancers.

27. Acai's anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce arthritis pain.

28. Acai's anti-inflammatory properties can also help to alleviate the symptoms of asthma.

29. A 2004 Archives of Neurology study found that a diet containing ample vitamin E and vitamin C lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Acai contains a significant amount of both vitamins.

30. Acai contains the vitamin C and beta carotene your eyes need for proper function; vitamins which also help to prevent macular degeneration in diabetics.

31. Acai is beneficial to dental health as well - the calcium content helps strengthen and whiten teeth, as well as helping to prevent gingivitis and other diseases of the gums.

32. The omega-3 fatty acids in acai help maintain mental clarity and alertness.

33. Acai helps with restful sleep thanks to its nutritional content, especially B vitamins. These vitamins help reduce stress and promote the production of serotonin and dopamine.

34. Acai Promotes overall good health and wellness.

35. Acai won't necessarily cure disease, but helps your body to heal by giving your immune system the nutrients it needs to maintain health. - 17268

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Dumbbell Exercise Chart - The Best Dumbbell Exercises

By Josh Owen

It's hard to find a good dumbbell exercise chart. You'll find charts with inferior exercises and most aren't organized by major muscle group. You need only the best dumbell exercises, and you need them organized by major muscle group.

Below, you'll find a list of the best dumbbell exercises for each major muscle group:

Quadriceps: Squats

Hamstrings: Romanian Deadlift

Legs: Dumbell Lunge

Calves: Donkey Calf Raise

Chest: Incline Bench Press

Shoulders: Dumbbell Overhead Press

Back: Bent Over Rows

Biceps: Dumbell Curls

Triceps: Extensions

Forearms: Hammer Curls

All you need to perform the exercises above are a good set of adjustable dumbbells and an adjustable weight bench for the bench press. That's all you need to get a great workout with dumbbells.

You can build your own home gym in the corner of any room. And you can get a great workout with the exercises I've shown you. You don't need much room at home, and the cost of the equipment is minimal.

The weightlifting exercises I've listed above are the best compound exercises you can do with dumbbells for each major muscle group. You won't find isolation exercises in the list above because isolation exercises use lighter weights and do not work as much muscle mass as compound exercises. For example, dumbbell curls use much heavier weights than concentration curls.

Efficiency is the key to getting faster results from weight lifting. Compound exercises are far more efficient than isolation exercises. You work a greater amount of muscle in less time. Use isolation exercises to improve weaknesses in muscle groups, but only if you're an advanced lifter.

If you'd like to see the entire dumbbell exercise chart with exercise videos showing you how to do each exercise, please see the link below. You'll also find a few more compound dumbbell exercises there too.

At the link below, you'll also learn how to organize these dumbbell exercises into a complete workout program. Learn more about weight lifting and designing a weightlifting program that gives fast results. An intelligently designed workout program is ensures you don't waste your efforts. - 17268

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