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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bruce Lee's Tips On Workouts

By Tony Gates

A martial artist master beginning workouts are easy, simple, and effective. Bruce Lee exercised nonstop, controlling his muscles and using all his muscles until the whole workout completed. Many of his starting workouts are easy to start with. Anyone can change up on how they want to do things in order.

Squatting with Barbell's - 2 sets of 12 reps

For Bruce, compound exercise was done frequently as one of his main exercises. Squats were performed regularly by him and should be used as a beginning or main workout exercise routine. Start by holding the barbell on your shoulders, not neck. Spread legs a little bit apart, 1-3 feet wide is good enough. Now, lower your bottom until it is opposite from your knees then rise back to the starting position. The muscles you are working out are: gluteal, hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, and of course your hips.

Barbell Pullovers with 2 sets of 8 reps

Always use safety precautions and proper equipment at all times. Make sure you have a flat bench to lie your back on. Now, hold the barbell over your head (while laying down) and slowly lower the barbell down. Bend your elbows correctly until you reached the max comfort level your at and bring the barbell back up. Just repeat the same steps until your reps are met.

As always, Bench Press with 2 sets of 6 reps each

This type of exercise will expand the rib cage. Bruce advice that a martial artist needs solid ribs to take hard blows. Depending on your body size, you shall perform your own sets to help your type of fighting style.

Very commonly, Do Barbell Curls with 2 sets of 8 reps

For Bruce, this helped his pulling power. Pulling and throwing is a part of martial arts. Grappling and holding on with endurance for submissions are used a lot nowadays in MMA style fighting.

Good Morning Exercises - 2 sets of 8 reps

Always make sure you warm up the muscles by stretching. When ready, hold the barbell across and on the shoulders, simply just bend forward but keep your legs and back straight.

Like any type of workout exercises, in no time, these reps will be too easy to accomplish without gaining more strength. You should find more ways to increase the methods or increase the reps. Bruce Lee started small and improved dramatically all because he was focused. - 17268

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Agarikon (Fomitopsis officinalis) As a Potential Smallpox Remedy - NPR Interview with Paul Stamets

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Interviewed on NPR, world leading medicinal mushroom specialist Paul Stamets relates how he came to discover the healing properties of agarikon, an increasingly rare wood conk that has all but vanished from Europe and now grows almost exclusively in the old growth rainforests of the northwestern United States.

Scientists have known for some time that mushrooms are not plants. Far from it. They are more closely related to animals and humans then they are to the vegetables we eat. Because of that, they are often at risk from the same bacteria and other "bugs" that cause diseases in humans. Being well aware of this fact, Stamets asked himself how agarikon - a perennial mushroom living for up to 50 years - managed to fight off diseases so well in the perpetually wet rainforests. It must possess a potent immune system, he concluded, with potential anti-bacterial and anti-viral compounds that may act as antibiotics for humans.

Agarikon in the wild looks somewhat like a beehive on the trunk of some of the giant, ancient trees of the old-growth forests of the American northwest. (See picture of Paul Stamets with one of these wood conks by clicking on the agarikon-link on this page.) Be aware that this is an endangered species, which should be left unharmed in the wild. But be sure to bring your digital camera so you can prove to your mushroom club friends that you saw it.

Using a proprietary extraction method on his organically cultivated agarikon, Stamets created an agarikon medicinal. He sent a sample of it to the Defense Department for testing within the BIO Shield Program, at a top security lab facility in Ft. Dietrich, Maryland. The BIO Shield Program is dedicated to finding remedies for use against bioterrorism threats and potential biological warfare agents, such as anthrax or smallpox.

Within this BIO Shield Program, tens of thousands of natural and manmade compounds have been tested for use against biological warfare pathogens. Drug discovery supervisor John Seacrest was happy to report on the radio show that the agarikon extract provided by Stamets had indeed been one of the few substances tested that had proved effective against smallpox related viruses.

Paul Stamets has since applied for a patent on a mushroom-based anti-viral drug. Boston investor John Norris is one of his financial backers. Mr. Norris believes in the project due in part to the fact that some individuals simply are not willing or not able to be vaccinated against smallpox or other potential biological warfare agents.

A former second in command at the FDA, Mr. Norris is hopeful that he and Paul Stamets will be able to sell hundreds of millions of doses of this agarikon extract to the American, German and British armies' defense stock-piles.

That may, however, still be a few years in the making. First the product needs to go through further exhaustive lab trials as well as gain FDA approval.

Note: This article is intended for informational purposes only. Never use any herb or mushroom medicinally except as advised by a licensed medical practitioner.

Reference: Tom Banse, NPR Morning Edition, Smallpox Defense May Be Found in Mushrooms, August 4, 2005. - 17268

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5 HTP Supplement

By Thomas Maan

Can't sleep? Tired, listless and already depressed? Do you suffer from panic and anxiety attacks? 5HTP may just be the thing for you. 5-hydroxytryptophan or 5HTP can help you solve these problems. Recent studies have shown how 5HTP can help make you sleep better, be more relaxed and have a lighter, healthier mood. 5HTP can also induce weight loss and treat your migraines.

5HTP is a precursor to serotonin. Meaning that as it enters our body, particularly our brain, it is converted into serotonin. Now, our bodies need serotonin to function at its best. When one has low levels of serotonin, the usual problems with depression, sleep and other functions crop up. This is because serotonin works on that area of the brain that controls the way we eat, sleep and feel.

So 5HTP can help with some health problems that have hounded a lot of people since time immemorial. With the help of 5HTP, migraines occur less frequently, or are less intense, shorter, or are totally eradicated. Also, if you have trouble sleeping, you will experience relief as 5HTP promotes better sleep quality. It shortens the time needed for you to fall asleep, lengthens the period by which you stay asleep and improves the level of sleep you have (the kind that they call "deep sleep").

5HTP also positively impacts those who are suffering from fibromyalgia. This is manifested by irritable bowel syndrome, a heightened sensitivity to your hearing, sense of smell, touch and sight. 5HTP gives you relief from these symptoms. And for those who are struggling with food cravings, particularly sugar-laden ones, you can find 5HTP an effective support to ensure that you put a stop to your desire to take a big bite of that chocolate cake. The supplement provides you with a feeling a fullness so that you only eat what you need and in the long run, you can lose weight.

Aside from these, 5HTP may help with depression as it is able to chemically cheer you up. The presence of serotonin in the brain is able to improve your mood and disposition. - 17268

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Acne Does Not Equal Zits

By Frank Williams

There are various kinds of acne, named according to how or why the acne arose. Some of the types of acne are: acne conglobata (chronic boils); acne fulminans (an extreme form of conglobata); acne cosmetica (caused by cosmetics); acne keloidalis nuchae (from shaving); acne medicamentosa (caused by starting or stopping a medication); acne rosacea (redness on the face); baby acne; hormonal acne; cloracne and the common variety, acne vulgaris (also known as 'puberty spots'). In this article, we will take a closer look at acne vulgaris.

Acne vulgaris may be defined as: 'an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots or zits' (from Wikipedia).

Acne is most common in Western teens, although it does occur in every country in the world, so there may be a genetic predisposition to it. It is possible that it may be an abnormal reaction to quite normal levels of testosterone. For most sufferers, the condition lasts only until adulthood, probably only a few years or at most ten. For others, however, it can be a life-long recurring affliction. It usually affects the face, upper-chest, upper-arms and back. However, an occasional spot does not constitute acne.

Acne vulgaris appears in various forms, which include: whiteheads, caused by pores that are totally blocked, trapping sebum (oil), bacteria, and dead skin cells, causing a white spot on the top; blackheads, resulting from pores which are only partially blocked, allowing some of the trapped sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells to slowly drain to the surface (the black colour is not caused by dirt, but is a reaction of the skin's own pigment, called melanin, with the oxygen in the air); papules, which are inflamed, red, tender bumps with no head and pustules, which are like whiteheads, but are inflamed, and look like red circles with a white or yellow centre.

Whiteheads do not often last for a long time; blackheads do last a long time and pustules are what people usually refer to as spots or zits. Severe acne vulgaris is distinguished by nodules and cysts. A 'nodule' is a rather larger and much more painful type of pustule and may sometimes last for months. Nodules are large, hard bumps just under the skin. They often cause scarring and should never for any reason be squeezed, since this could make them last for months longer.

A 'cyst' can look like a nodule, but it is full of pus and has been defined as having a diameter of at least 5mm and, again, can leave scars and cause pain. Squeezing an acne cyst can cause a more severe infection and more acute inflammation which may last quite a bit longer than if it had not been squeezed. Skin experts have methods of lessening the swelling and avoiding scarring with both nodules and cysts. It is just not true that acne sufferers are not meticulous about washing.

Indeed, it is a little-known fact that, excessive washing can irritate acne. There are many, many fake 'treatments' in the shops and many, many old wives' remedies. However, any honest dermatologist would advise you that there is no sure-fire cure for acne and that the sufferer should follow a deliberate regimen of cleaning until the acne just 'disappears' on its own. - 17268

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A Take On Appetite Suppressants

By Rob Hyde

We all know about that adage: "A minute on the lips, forever on the lips." We know that we must resist all those fattening (yet absolutely delectable food) if we want a shot at losing weight. It is hard to refuse food, particularly if you have a craving for it.

Yes, it can be quite a struggle. But we must resist the urge to eat whatever we like, we must not give in to what our appetite dictates. The thing is, instead of eating less, we find that we eat even more than we should.

The great news is that you can cease your struggling since there are some products that can help you. Yes, there are appetite suppressants and appetite suppressants.

Appetite suppressants are a way to break free and start the process of losing weight by eating less. This way, you are able to stick to your diet and concentrate your energies on losing weight, rather than in fighting the urges and temptations to get that extra slice or to grab that bite or two.

There are different kinds of appetite suppressants. Some of the most popular ones mimic the functions of serotonin. These work to fool the mind so that it thinks that the body is full and that there is no need to eat. There are also suppressants that put the emphasis on the canabinoid system (or the system that influences our cravings for fattening and sugar-rich foods. P-57 glycosides, meanwhile, imitate the way glucose works on the blood, leading the brain to conclude that the body has already eaten and is already full. Other appetite suppressants combine this function with the ability to burn stored fat, thus leading to more weight loss.

Aside from this, you can also try what are called symphathomimetics, which are amphetamine-like appetite suppressants. These give your blood pressure and heart rate a boost. They even increase the activity of your brain. Symphathomimetics also makes sure that there are higher levels of noradenaline in the body. Noradranalene helps curb the appetite by tricking the brain into thinking that the body is already full and has no need to eat. - 17268

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No-Xplode: Ingredients To Boost Your Muscle

By Joey Marshall

NO Xplode is a creatine and performance booster developed by the company, BSN. Flavors include blue raspberry, fruit punch, grape, lemon lime, lemonade, and orange. The base ingredients among these six flavors are very similar which are mainly creatine, amino acid blends and various forms of stimulants. With the average rating of 8.2 out of 10, it has remained one of the most popular supplement in the bodybuilding community for a long time.

N.O.-Xplode contains several amino acids, herbs, creatine components, and vitamins. Let's analyze the 2 major components.

On the product information label, you will notice the vitamins B6, B9, and B12. These three water soluble vitamins are very important for the human body's cell metabolism or growth, and increasing the rate of metabolism. Because these vitamins are water soluble, the human body an easily break these down over time. One recommended serving of NO Xplode contains a surplus of these vitamins, which is extremely important for men and women who want an additional boost in both performance and recovery. It allows the person to have more energy, maintain low blood pressure, as well as maintaining a positive attitude. Vitamin B-6 also contains components that when neglected can cause depression, so having a daily dose can also help maintain serotonin production.

Magnesium is also an important ingredient. Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals the human body. One serving contains 90% of the needed daily dose. Magnesium's key purposes are maintaining muscle functions, as well as promoting higher energy metabolism and protein synthesis. Maintaining and increasing muscle through elevated protein synthesis may arguably be the most important aspect in body building because without that capability, people would struggle to work out even non strenuous short periods of time.

The B Vitamins and Magnesium minerals are proven to be effective ingredients. N.O.-Xplode is a highly rated product. As BSN reports, "Once you train with it, you will never train without it! - 17268

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Have You Ever Thought About a 7 Day Weight Loss Diet? Here's Why You Shouldn't

By Peter W.L. Owen

Maybe you want to desperately drop a few pounds, but just remember that weight loss programs, such as the 7 day diet plan, are not always recommended by specialists. You might have to attend a reunion in two weeks and therefore you need to lose weight fast. On top of that, you've also been seeing yourself in that new black suit at the store.

If you need to attend such an event, then I would even go so far as to say: "go for it". Do dieticians and fitness trainers have enough reasons not to recommend it? Take these facts into consideration when the moment arises when you need to make such a decision.

Your Body Learns to Burn Fat Slower and Slower

Let's say your 7 day weight loss plan tells you to eat 1050 calories per day. That is the minimum calorie intake you should consider. When you follow this program for 7 days, you teach your metabolism to burn only 1050 calories per day. In other words, you're teaching your body to burn fat slower. When your body goes into survival mode, it tries to keep as much resources available as possible.

Your body will still run as normal for the first few days and burn 2500 calories according to your normal diet. Therefore you'll lose weight. But when it senses the dramatic drop in food consumption, it shifts to that survival mode.

So you're finally done with the seven day weight loss plan. What happens next? You would've lost those pounds and fit perfectly into the dress you wanted. You'll also go back to your old habits of consuming 2500 calories per day. Therefore what happens next is quite obvious. Your body will store the extra amount of calories because for the last 7 days it's been trained to burn at a pace of around 1100 calories. The hard cold truth is that your body will also take a bit longer to adapt than before and the result will be devastating. You'll gain more weight than you've lost. See it as a way for the body to protect itself from starvation.

What Do You Suggest Then?

A 7 day diet is a good idea for detoxicating your body, but it's not a good idea if you want to lose weight continuously. You'll only end up gaining more weight. You might be willing to take the fall for the sake of the wedding or reunion. Just follow it up with a long-term healthy weight loss program so that you won't be in a worse condition than before. - 17268

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Picking The Right Diet

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

With so many diets out there and so many opinions, how are you supposed to find the best plan for losing weight?

Picking the best nutritional plan can give you a severe mental hernia.

So without further delay, here is what to watch out for when finding the right plan to lose weight:

1. Amount of calories. If it recommends that you eat like a bird, find something else. If you eat less than twelve hundred calories, the health risks become very salient. You can also damage your metabolism.

2. Enough carbohydrates. If you have less than 100 grams of carbohydrates per day, your body will cannibalize muscle tissue. Moreover, your brain needs a steady supply of blood sugar in order to function at peak capacity.

3. Inclusion of all food groups. If the plan requires that you exclude a food group, it will most likely be very unhealthy. Why? Because wide varieties of foods interact with each other in ways that we currently do not understand.

4. Just enough variety. If the diet calls for a very selective intake of food, you are most likely going to jump ship. Any diet you get on should have just enough variety of food to keep you from straying.

5. Affiliate promotions. If you find that the diet plan recommends many products that the author is involved with, then there is probably some bias. Your best bet is to find a plan that does not recommend products the author can profit from.

6. Mandatory supplements. Some supplements are very effective, most are not. If the diet you are considering is centered around a single wonder supplement, then you are better off looking the other way. A single supplement will not change the way your body looks.

There is a lot of information to navigate when it comes to finding the right diet plan for you. Luckily, if you follow my advice, you will be one step closer to finding a plan that works. So ignore all the marketing hype and make informed decisions. - 17268

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Want the Best Juicing Experience of Your Life?

By Aaron Benjamin

Enjoying a healthy lifestyle is an easy chore when you have your Breville BJE510XL Ikon 900-Watt Variable-Speed Juice Extractor ready on your kitchen counter.

If you eat to stay healthy, or want to start, an important kitchen machine that you will not want to do without is a juice extractor. Beverage distributors provide a number of processed juice drinks, and while they may have many good points when compared to other beverages, the most efficient way to get the many health benefits of fruit juices is by drinking them fresh.

The Breville BJE510XL Ikon Juice Extractor is an innovative fruit juice extractor which may turn into your best helper in staying healthy and making it easy for your household to try out the health benefits of fresh juice. In addition to the machine, you additionally get an instruction manual as well as a handy juice recipe book once you buy the Breville Juice Fountain.

This appliance is easy to make juice with and is made from simple parts which you would find easy to construct. The biggest part is the component that holds the motor; after that you'll find a small screen for separating the flesh and seeds; and finally a holding canister and a plunger that shoves the fruit into the extractor. That final piece is essential because you will not be forced to worry about accidentally maiming your fingertips or knuckles by pushing fruit into the extractor.

The pair of canisters on the side of your juice fountain are for the extracted juice and the pulp. You can employ a plastic bag to collect the pulp inside the canister making it faster to clean afterwards.

One thing that some people probably won't appreciate when using a Breville juice fountain is the sound it makes when you use it. It sound similar to a low-flying plane. On top of that, the extracted juice canister accommodates only enough juice for a large tumbler full. So, if you are preparing juice for the rest of your household, you need to begin juicing well before your household arises for breakfast.

The Breville juice fountain may additionally extract juice from different vegetables. You will recieve ideas on which fruits and vegetables can be the more conducive for juicing along with the instruction manual. For some foods that make foam when juiced, the Breville Juicer has a skimmer lid that skims off too much foam from your extract before you drink it.

Cleaning your Breville juice fountain is rather time consuming, much like washing out a blender. This is for the reason that there are a fair few different assemblies, and the fruit or vegetable seeds become stuck to the extractor chamber or the mesh screen. However, the designers apparently have anticipated that, so they provided a free perfectly sized brush for cleaning the mesh. Still, cleansing the appliance is without a doube the hardest job involved in juicing.

Regardless, the advantages of having a Breville BJE510XL Ikon for your family far outweigh the drawbacks. The juice that the extractor produces is delicious and full of nutrients. You might notice that the pulp left in the egress canister is negligible which means that Breville's juice fountain really does its job effectively. - 17268

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Change Your Eating Habits To Be Healthier

By Selene Foong

Keeping your body healthy in a world where greasy fast food and unhealthy junk food is easily available is pretty tough. It is not easy to choose between delicious yet unhealthy junk food such as french fries, sweets, pastries and healthy options like fruits and vegetables.

Fast food is so much easier to grab on the go but have you ever stop to think what you are feeding your body? When it comes to making a choice between a tasty burger and a healthy wholesome salad, I am sure you will go for the burger. Eating unhealthily on a long term basis will not only cause overweight issues but it will also cause health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol levels and heart disease.

Having an unhealthy eating lifestyle will not only shorten your life span but also cause you to have a lower quality of life as you will be suffering from various health conditions that require regular medical attention. In order to avoid that, here are some tips you can follow to change your eating habits for a healthier you without starving yourself.

1. When you are on the go - if you are in a hurry and need a quick bite, don't just settle for chips or a greasy fast food burger. You can always go for the healthier option of a healthy, wholemeal sandwich. You can grab such sandwiches at places like Subway. Always remember to ask for extra vegies, choose the wholemeal bread and for dressing, don't ask for mayo but choose the healthier sauces like olive oil or even a tad of mustard.

2. When you eat out - some people don't cook because they either don't have the time or do not have the interest to do so. So, they eat out a lot and when eating out, you are faced with a lot of choices. It is important that you choose to go to a healthier place for your meals instead of going to a fast food place. Choose a restaurant or a small cafe that offers healthy options like salads, grilled dishes and even smaller portions. Even if you don't feel like eating salads every day, you can choose mains of grilled chicken or fish which is healthier than deep fried. Keep away from the chicken skin and always ask for extras of the vegetables. Instead of going for the mashed potatoes or fries, ask for baked potato and yes, ask for dressing aside.

3. Going to parties or during festivals - during holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving and even the New Year's Eve parties, loads of goodies like cakes, cookies and highly unhealthy food will prove to be very tempting. Of course, you don't want to deprive yourself during the celebrations but instead of stuffing yourself with everything on the table, you should reduce your portion. You want to try out that delicious pie, then take a slice and keep it at that. As long as you eat in moderation and do not overeat. Also, remember to fill up on fresh greens and fruits first before going for the mains and desserts.

You don't have to count calories at all but instead, you cut down on your meal portion size and add in more healthy vegetables and fruits. With these slight changes, you will find the pounds dropping off slowly. You are also not starving yourself, just changing how much you eat and what you eat and training yourself to go for healthier options. Try these tips and feel the difference! - 17268

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Bodybuilding Tips, The Best Methods To Build Muscle Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Utilizing the right bodybuilding lessons is one of the major contributors so you can build muscle fast. Add in a drug free training and you have yourself the right approach. Getting lessons from a trainer on steroids isn't really going to do you any good.

There are quite a few things that will be covered in this article so if you are looking to build muscle fast then you will need to continue reading.

There are some things that you will need to consider when it comes to working out that will help you in your quest to build muscle fast. Having a workout partner to help encourage you while you are a doing a set is a great thing to have, so that you try and push yourself at all times.

Keeping your focus while training is usually the hardest thing to do. Most people either have a problem staying focus while being in the gym, or staying dedicated enough to get results.

They aren't focused, haven't got there training into the zone, and generally not pushing themselves to there limits. To learn how to build muscle fast, follow the tips: .

1) Begin every set as if it's your last set for the workout.

2) treat every single training rep as if your life depended on it.

3) Always time your rest periods between sets, with a stopwatch.

4) Make sure you do not stand in front of the mirror while not working out, continually checking yourself out.

5) Work out with body builders who are prepared to train you hard!!.

I hope you see the focus if you want to learn how to build muscle fast.To be feeling strong, muscular and ripped, one of our favorite quotes is that "You get what you focus on".

What it comes down to is you have to give your muscles a reason to grow. If you try to train at the same intensity as your last workout, your results will either be minimal, or nothing at all.

The next two forms we introduce will give you the opportunity to learn how to build muscle fast. So make sure you read carefully.

1. Heavy weight. You need to put everything into lifting heavier free weights, and focus on getting as strong as possible.Its important to utilise one compound exercise per major muscle and go for at least five percent change in muscle gain every week.You then have the best possible options to build muscle, as it is ensuring neuromuscular growth.

Speed- If you can push your body to do as many sets as quick as possible you're in for a ride. Your body will be under hard work, which means the quick growth of muscle will take place. However, you need to arrive at the best balance of effort and time.

For the proper way on how to build muscle fast then keep to the training program. Use a recommended muscle building program to take guidance from. Every proven build muscle fast guide has a one on one trainer system.

Complete your chosen program, including all the lessons to a the rewards of that build muscle fast guide. You can find in our website reviews of the best bodybuilding programs and training methods to learn how to build muscle fast. - 17268

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A History of Coffee Adoration in Recent Times

By Damian Papworth

Who could have ever guessed that one of the next big things in gourmet movements could be coffee for such a long time? It used to be that coffee was just part of a meal, but now knowing about it is an important part of most foodie repertoires. But more important than if you know some Jamaican Blue from some Java beans, coffee is a beverage for socializing, and a love for coffee helps make it easier to meet people worldwide.

A lot of people who think they know a lot about coffee actually don't, really, because they assume that in cultures where coffee is consumed more, people know more about it. The fact of the matter is that just because a country drinks coffee every day, it doesn't mean that the people sitting in the cafes know any more or any less about it than your average Starbucks customer. It's just a part of the culture, and a huge part of socializing.

The real difference between a love for coffee and a strong like for it is knowing a little bit more about how it's made and where it comes from. For example, espresso is not a different type of coffee bean. Rather, it's a special kind of coffee beverage where the hot water is forced through well-packed, finely-ground coffee. The machine that makes espresso is where the beverage gets its name, and is actually only from 1901, when a man in Milan filed the very first patent. Unlike coffee, espresso has a foam, even without milk, and a thicker consistency. A truly good espresso, you see, will hold sugar you pour in for a couple of seconds before it breaks through the foam.

Anyone with a real love for coffee also knows that you don't have to start with espresso but rather, can enjoy some regular coffee with plenty of room for milk and sugar. If you simply must start right out with espresso, be aware: the good kind is much thicker than regular coffee, comes in a small cup, and should have a foamy upper layer that can hold a packet or spoonful of sugar, easy.

In fact, ordering coffee is one of the biggest parts of learning to drink it, and if you're going to be using coffee to socialize in new and exciting places, you should probably know what you're getting yourself into. Except early in the morning on the way to work, when you stand at the bar and do a shot of espresso, drinking coffee in Italy is going to set you back at least an afternoon. The same is true in France. Those are a couple of the only countries where you can order a shot of espresso and make it last for a couple of hours, so order accordingly.

Don't feel bad if you want a drink with more taste than simply "caffeine is pumping through my veins." A love for coffee doesn't have to mean running around wound up all day. Go for the beverage with a bunch of milk and cream, add sugar, sip slowly (which should be easy, since an afternoon coffee in France could take hours), and don't worry about looking uncultured. You're doing just fine.

Want to make sure you don't make any mistakes when you're out drinking coffee in public? Just order a simple beverage, and pay attention to what everyone else is getting. If they get elaborate foamy drinks that take a while to drink, and you're stuck holding a shot of espresso that's not designed to be sipped, then you're going to throw the balance off. Order a big drink when other people are ordering big drinks, and a small drink when people are ordering small drinks, and if in doubt, just add as much sugar as you want.

Don't forget: the main purpose of drinking any sort of beverage with a group of friends is to socialize. You don't need to be an expert on coffee, or even have a serious love for coffee, to go out and use the excuse of an afternoon cup to make a great friend or get to know a new place better. Just do it. - 17268

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