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Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Disadvantages Of Reverse Osmosis Water Systems

By Tyler Waterman

The original home water filtration method was a reverse osmosis water purifier fitted to your water supply. In the years since this system was introduced, more effective and economical systems have become available and yet major players in the water industry continue to push the old system. This article looks at the disadvantages of reverse osmosis water filters.

Still Being Sold

Although there are far cheaper and more effective water filters available on the market today, some people are still led to believe that a reverse osmosis system is the best way to filter the water to their homes.

Newer technology allows whole house filtering systems for a fraction of that cost, and gives the user all the water that passes through the system filtered and ready to drink immediately much faster, and with vastly reduced running costs.

Unnecessary Waste

One of the many disadvantages of reverse osmosis water filters is the incredible amount of water that is flushed away as waste, in order to produce a tiny fraction of filtered drinking water.

For instance, between 40 and 90 gallons of water is wasted for every 5 gallons of purified water. That is an unacceptable and flagrant waste of this precious resource, especially galling as there are other systems that don't waste a drop! Indeed, some householders have had to upgrade their septic system in order to accommodate all this discarded water.

Power Bills

Quite apart from the environmental impact of increased power usage, as a lot of power is necessary to produce this small amount of drinking water, the constantly rising cost of electricity ensures your power bills will reach new heights.

Does Reverse Osmosis Make Water Safe To Drink?

The most important question that you should be asking when considering purchasing any water filtration system, especially when buying one that is costly and expensive to install.

There is no doubt that this system will make the water safer to drink than if left untreated, but the one word answer to "does reverse osmosis make water safe to drink?" has to be no.

Simply because one of its major disadvantages is that reverse osmosis systems do not actually eradicate all the chemical contaminants and cysts that can be found in water today.

In fact one manufacturer freely admits as much with a warning that these units are designed only to clean up aesthetic properties and don't act as a barrier to waterborne microbiological and toxic chemicals.

One other disadvantage of reverse osmosis filters is that they can remove all the natural minerals which are good for us from the water. If giving your family fresh, clean, pollutant free water as efficiently and cost effectively as possible is your aim, then you would do well to look elsewhere. - 17268

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Shoe Lifts Are Stupid! Learn How To Grow Taller Naturally

By Shaun Davids

Are you interested in discovering ways on how to increase your height without shoe lifts? Or are you a parent who has children who wants to gain height at a shorter period of time? Considering that height has a lot of factors to look upon, which includes genetics of course, you could still get taller naturally.

If you never knew this, it is possible for anyone to naturally increase their height by at least two inches (roughly five centimeters), and with more dedication, by up to 4 inches (about ten centimeters). And the tasks required are not that difficult either. The hardest part is to keep yourself motivated, excited and dedicated to completing a height growth program. If put the effort in you can lose the shoe lifts and be naturally taller.

The program will generally work on your bones - mainly your legs and spine. These bones have the potential to increase height, since parts of them can be stretched easily with the correct posture and exercises.

The first set of bones you should work on, are in your spine. Inbetween these bones (or vertebrae) are soft cartilage discs that can be lengthened to help you gain a few inches in height. Working on your back is better than relying on shoe lifts which can actually cause back problems.

Other than stretching and working out for growing taller, you should focus on keeping the right posture when sitting or standing. Also, you should try keep your back flat and straight when you are lying in bed. This helps decompress your spine, so that it can grow stronger and longer.

Other parts of your body to focus on are your legs, specifically your shins and thighs that can be stretched out. If you were not aware of this, there are gaps between these bones. And with regular exercises of roughly 60 minutes a day for 7 days a week, you could effectively lengthen those bones relatively quickly and lose the shoe lifts forever.

Having this in mind is a very good start in a person's effort to get taller naturally. As soon as there is enough dedication and persistence. One would be able to achieve the desired possible height at the soonest time possible, and stop having to wear those dreaded shoe lifts. - 17268

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Agarikon - Tree Mushroom Tested at Army Lab

By Dr. Markho Rafael

In a fascinating broadcast on National Public Radio, internationally renowned medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets tells his story of discovering the medicinal potential of agarikon, an extremely rare and threatened species of wood conk that requires century-old trees to grow. Agarikon is today all but extinct in Europe, its remaining distribution limited to the old growth forests on the North American West Coast.

Knowing that mushrooms are susceptible to many of the same microbes as humans, how could it be, he asked himself, that this perennial wood conk managed to stay healthy for 50 years in the dripping wet rain forest without rotting? It must have a powerful immune system, he concluded, with potentially powerful medicinal compounds that could benefit humans.

To find agarikon in the wild, look for something reminiscent of a beehive on the ancient tree trunks of an old-growth forest. (You may view a picture of agarikon through the agarikon-link on this page.) Please keep in mind that agarikon is a rare and threatened species. Do not harvest it unless there's a very good reason for doing so. But by all means, bring out your digital camera.

Using a proprietary extraction method on his organically cultivated agarikon, Stamets created an agarikon medicinal. He sent a sample of it to the Defense Department for testing within the BIO Shield Program, at a top security lab facility in Ft. Dietrich, Maryland. The BIO Shield Program is dedicated to finding remedies for use against bioterrorism threats and potential biological warfare agents, such as anthrax or smallpox.

Reportedly, tens of thousands of natural as well as manmade remedies are tested through the BIO Shield Program. According to drug discovery supervisor John Seacrest, Paul Stamets agarikon extract scored one of the rare hits against viruses related to smallpox. In other words, it effectively inhibited smallpox related viruses under lab conditions.

Paul Stamets has since applied for a patent on a mushroom-based anti-viral drug. Boston investor John Norris is one of his financial backers. Mr. Norris believes in the project due in part to the fact that some individuals simply are not willing or not able to be vaccinated against smallpox or other potential biological warfare agents.

As a former second at the FDA, John Norris should know enough about the field of medicine. And obviously, his belief in Paul Stamets agarikon extract is strong enough to put his money where his mouth is. His goal is that they may someday sell this agarikon extract for the defense stock-piles of NATO armies, with doses numbering in the hundreds of millions.

That may still be a few years into the future, though. Paul Stamets new mushroom related anti-viral medicine first has to stand up to exhaustive testing, and then eventually be approved for release by the FDA.

Note: The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Agarikon has not been approved by the FDA for use as a medicinal. Never use any herbal or mushroom-product for medicinal purposes unless advice to do so by a licensed medical practitioner.

Reference: Tom Banse, NPR Morning Edition, Smallpox Defense May Be Found in Mushrooms, August 4, 2005. - 17268

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History of Smart Liposuction

By Art Gib

Liposuction has changed greatly over the years. At one time, liposuction was a rather barbaric procedure. When the procedure was initially performed, it was done with scalpels. The scalpels would turn inside of the body and actually scrape the fat away. People would lose fat, but they would also lose other things, like blood. The procedure did not make it very far.

But it wasn't until 1982 that the modern liposuction as we know today burst on to the scene. The French physician, Dr. Yves-Gerard Illouz, presented the "Illouz Method." Dr. Illouz's method injected a sterile fluid known as lidocane into fatty tissue, thus making it more malleable and then using a surgical cannula and a high volume suction device to remove the fat.

That is when the cannula was introduced. It was realized that a cannula could provide a safer surgery. Surgeons began using the cannula technique, but there were still problems. Bleeding was an issue, as was the anesthesia. It took some time for science to progress to the point of finding better safety measures.

By 1985 the traditional liposuction procedure had gained acceptance within the medical community as a medically sanctioned intervention for the reduction of body fat and contouring of the areas where the fat was removed. As the process of liposuction was used more and more the problems related to its use were addressed and reduced.

It was during the 1990's that the use of ultra sound was introduced as another way of performing the procedure. The use of high powered sound waves to break down the fatty tissue was a significant step toward making liposuction both safer and less intrusive.

The result of 30 years of advancement in the field of liposuction has meant that more fatty material can now be removed while reducing blood loss, discomfort, and risk for the average patient. In fact, one of the more significant outcomes for this procedure is what has become known as autologous fat transfer, or the reintroduction of removed body fat into other areas of the body where body contouring is wanted.

Great strides have been made around this procedure. In fact, with the introduction of Smart Lipo what can be best described as a revolution in how traditional liposuction is done today. Smart Lipo shares some similarities with the more traditional liposuction procedures, but the cannula used is much narrower, allowing for smaller incisions and less scaring. This cannula contains laser inside it which emits energy into the targeted fat cells thus breaking them down. Without their cell walls to separate them, the fat takes on a liquid consistency, being easily suctioned from the body.

This process allows for less bruising and swelling, which means it does not take as much time for patients to recover. It is just one of the options available for those who are looking into liposuction. - 17268

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6 Pack Abs Achieved in Bucks County - The Commitment

By Dan Solaris

Everyone that has ever tried to get lean and maintain sexy 6 pack abs knows it's no joke. A washboard stomach is a result of dedication, hard work and a tremendous amount of self-discipline. It is a product of a constant battle against laziness, self-indulgence and body fat.

In this age of delicious, mouth-watering fast food in almost every corner, the temptation to indulge in gastronomic delight follows us like a shadow. A person that wants to get fit and achieve 6 pack success has to have the proper mindset and learn to avoid foods with high-cholesterol.

It's not as difficult as it sounds however. Contrary to what most people think, a diet for 6 pack abs doesn't entail munching on rice cakes and swigging non-fat milk every day. It's actually more beneficial to eat a full, well-balanced meal three times a day- with snacks in between. One doesn't have to be limited to a life of crackers and celery sticks to

A healthy diet is one that has the right amounts of muscle-building protein, carbs for energy, dairy products for calcium, and fiber as well as folic acid from lots of vegetables and fruits. Aside from maximizing the nutrient sources where your daily calorie intake comes from, eating smartly will also lower blood pressure and risk of heart disease and cancer.

A lot of people make the all too common mistake of drastically reducing their food intake in efforts to get lean. This can actually deter the body's fat-burning properties because our metabolism drops when we're hungry. It's better to eat sparingly several times throughout the day than to pig-out each meal- specially dinner.

A potbelly is a product of regularly stuffing ourselves- stretching out the stomach tissues until they become permanently outsized. Having a fruit or some healthy snack (the more unprocessed, the better) will prevent binging on meals as well and keep our metabolism elevated.

Of course, healthy eating habits alone won't cut it in the fat-loss department. Doing the right exercises that maximize calorie burn and fat loss will act like a N02 button that will propel you to your goal of that rippling six pack you've been yearning for.

A combination of body weight aerobic exercises like running or biking, core-strengthening workouts using a wobble board or an exercise ball and conventional bodybuilding have been found to be the best in burning the most calories in less time. The more calories burned, the more fat eliminated and a flatter, leaner midsection will result. - 17268

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Some Advice on Where to Buy Resveratrol

By Billy K. Beemtrum

Health-conscious people are always looking for ways to improve the way our body functions. Sometimes, to create a healthier body, all we need to do is find something that protects us against potential environmental threats and allows us to restore our body's natural harmony.

Sadly, we are always faced with threats of impurities that we breathe in through the air, ingest in our diet, or simply absorb through contact with our skin. That's why I think getting resveratrol on the market is an important step in the right direction.

For those not familiar with it, resveratrol is an incredibly powerful antioxidant that helps the body shed itself of impurities known to cause harm. Don't forget that resveratrol it is a natural supplement. Resveratrol is found in some fruits that grow on vines, such as grapes and blueberries, and is a natural part of the plant's defense mechanism.

In fact, I'm sure you've heard that red wine, where it can be found, has long been known to improve the health of your heart. Yes, there is much value to be found in these berries and resveratrol is a definite contributor to these benefits.

What exactly does resveratrol do? Like we talked about above, your body is constantly fighting against impurities that we find in our environment. Fungi and bacteria can sometimes be the result of these impurities. Resveratrol can even attack the fungi and minimize the threat that it can present to your body.

That alone can be enormously beneficial to the health of someone on a resveratrol regimen. Of course, it is also best to understand a few simple tips that can help you make the right purchase when you look for a place to buy resveratrol supplements.

Don't try and be too cheap when you buy. Yes, you can definitely find manufacturers out there that are charging less than $10 a bottle. As I'm sure you've heard many times, you almost always get what you pay for. When you focus too much on price, you are probably going to wind up with a subpar product in all likelihood.

Make sure to go with a supplement that has a history of success. This is not meant as a knock on products that might not have the same name recognition as a more popular supplement; but, it is important to stick with those brands that have a good reputation in the marketplace. This way, you can really boost your chances of getting a great product.

It's just my personal opinion, but I think supplements that are red wine-based are better than the ones that come from other sources. I'm not implying that supplements that come from other sources won't be beneficial. They are. The supplements that are derived from wine tend to be a bit more powerful.

Don't buy resveratrol that is loaded with fillers or additives. You should definitely be sticking to supplements that are 100% resveratrol, since it's this compound that's the active ingredient. Things that only serve as fillers don't give you any health benefit.

It's safest to choose products that offer free trials first, along with moneyback guarantees, of course. Such products are usually confident in their abilities. They wouldn't make an offer like this if they thought that people who took them up on it wouldn't be thrilled with the product.

Thankfully, there are many excellent places to buy resveratrol products out there (my favorites are at the links below). If you just go by these few tips, you should have no problem getting a product you're happy with. - 17268

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Review of the Sanyo SR1000KMassage Chair

By James Knolan

This product review is going to provide an evaluation of the Sanyo model SR-1000 K massage chair. This is the lowest priced Sanyo model in their product range. We will put this massage recliner through the test of five different categories and rigorously evaluate it. See how the SR-1000 from Sanyo rates.

Warranty Coverage & Customer Service: First let us get the driest part of the review out of the way first-the warranty coverage. OK, we all know that warranty coverage is important in complicated machines like massage chairs. But what kind of coverage do you get from Sanyo? Sanyo provides the same warranty for all its chairs. The good news is that it adds up to good coverage for an entry level chair. You get 3 years of warranty for the roller mechanism, 1 year parts and labor, and 1 year in home service. There is also a call center for issues, should they arise. We give the SR1000 a 19 for its warranty.

Comfort & Ergonomics: This is an important element, especially for entry level massage chairs. We have tried many entry level chairs that were not comfortable which defeats the purpose of a massage chair. The SR1000K is pretty comfortable to sit in. It has an adjustable head pillow and a plush back pad. The main power button is located on the left side of the chair and can be reached when seated. The leg massager requires you to bend down to flip the foot massage mechanism out. This is the least ergonomic part of the massage recliner. We rate the comfort and ergonomics of the SR 1000 as a 17.

Ease of Use: This is perhaps a category because it is a pet peeve of ours. Let's face it our world is getting more complex and so are the devices in it. It is the responsibility of the maker of these items to keep it simple. We found the remote to have too many steps to get what you want compared to other massage chairs. This was surprising given that it was a Sanyo. But nevertheless, it is what it is. We rate the SR-1000 a 16 for ease of use.

Key Features: This massage chair comes with the Sanyo stiffness detector. The stiffness detector uses technology borrowed from lie detectors. The stiffness detector in the SR 1000 can sense tightness in the muscles of the body and other points of stress. The user holds the side of the remote and the chair can detect these areas of stiffness. The chair will then target these areas for relief. The other interesting feature is the shape sensor. The shape sensor takes a measurement of the position of the shoulders. The chair then identifies where the shoulders are at and adjusts the massage accordingly. The rollers width will then become less when it gets to your shoulders and for your neck area. These are some advanced electronic features that are unique to Sanyo. We give a rating of 18 for key features.

Massage Therapy: The Sanyo SR 1000 massage chair has the capability to massage your back, neck, shoulders, calves and feet. We consider a full body massage chair one that also has a seat massage which the SR1000 lacks. The SR 1000 comes with 2 automatic programs. One is for a more soothing massage and the other targets you after more vigorous activity. There are 3 manual massage techniques and there are 3 manual courses. The manual courses enable you to target a particular area with a massage treatment. You also get your calves and feet via the leg rest. The SR 1000 rates a 17 for massage therapy.

So how does the Sanyo SR1000K rate overall? In our review it gets an 87/100 points. We like the warranty and that gives you confidence that it will last. The electronic features are interesting, but they seem to be at the expense of more massage treatments. There are only 2 automatic programs, which seem a bit light compared to other massage chairs. The look of the chair is a little different, because the main power is located on the side. The aesthetics are nice otherwise. This is an interesting massage chair and is worth checking out. - 17268

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How Your Weight Lifting Program Will Grow Your Muscles

By Wakelin Smith

An appropriate weight lifting program is essential if you are working towards attaining the goal of any muscle builder - seeking to build his muscle mass. A good weight lifting program entails putting together a program that will bring about the desired result. This means that a muscle lifter should not simply go into the gym and throw weights around. Rather, he should have a specific routine to follow. Specifically, lifting weights involve weight training programs that are based on the proper science and tested techniques. Here is a sample workout program that uses a variety of weight exercises.

At present, there are two competing methods on weight training. The first one involves going through intense workouts. So it goes by the name HIT- high intense training. In this type of workout, a bodybuilder will only go through 1-3 sessions a week because this is a more physically difficult workout. But considering that this calls for fewer frequencies then he works out his full body or all of his muscle groups in each of the session. As a result, he stays longer at the gym during every workout day because he needs to do more types of weight exercises to ensure that he trains all of the relevant muscle groups. Moreover, this type of training calls for more reps. So it needs around 8-12 repetitions or reps per set. Also, every workout needs to wants to raise the strength of the muscles.

Stand with feet together, holding onto a bar or wall for balance. Step back about 3-4 feet and bend both knees, lowering into a lunge. Do not allow front knee to bend over the toe. Push back to starting position and repeat. Try not to push with the back foot - use front leg to pull your back leg in. Lie on a step, bench or floor with weights a few inches above the chest, elbows even with bench. Keeping abs tight, exhale and push arms up overhead - keeping weights a few inches apart. Don't lock elbows. Lower back to start and repeat.

Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, weights in front of thighs. Keeping back flat and abs in, tip from the hips and lower torso towards the floor, keeping hands close to legs, shoulders back. Squeeze through glutes and hamstrings to raise back up. All movement is from the hips. Do NOT round the back. Bend over, with torso parallel to floor or at 45 degree angle, abs in and knees slightly bent. Bend arms and bring elbows towards ribcage, contracting the muscles of the outer back. Lower arms and repeat.

Holding on to a chair for balance, bend right knee to 90 degrees. Keeping body upright, lift bent leg straight up until it's parallel to the floor. Slowly lower back to start and repeat on each leg. For added resistance, use 1-5 lb ankle weights or a resistance band. Stand with feet hip-width apart and bend at the waist until back is parallel to floor. Pull the elbows up next to torso. Keeping elbows static, straighten arms by contracting triceps. Lower and repeat.

It is not enough to just lift a weight. It is important to explode with it, that is, raise it as fast as you can while still retaining control. This is also known as speed-strength conditioning, and it has great influence on power, endurance, and metabolism. It is important to be warned though, this training style will easily drain you like never before.

Lastly, a weight lifting program involves the fundamentals of a science. As such, it involves proper form and execution. Any weight lifter must approach it with precision and care. Otherwise, the time he spends in the gym comes to naught. It is important that he goes through the program with this in mind if he seeks to be successful in transforming his body into the muscle buff he desires that it becomes. - 17268

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VaNu In The News

By Rapid Recovery Collection Agency

Fountain of Life continues to gain momentum among sports adept's. The Fitness Section of the March 2009 Golf Digest suggests that VaNu can count some new fans among the golfing elite. From the article in Golf Digest:

Professional golfers Camilo Villegas and Mike Weir and instructor David Leadbetter are among the fans of a fresh new health drink called VaNu. In fact, Leadbetter delivers the natural juice, which is made from five foods found in the Amazon Rain Forest, including the antioxidant-rich Acai Berry.

Mark MacCloskey, CEO of Fountain of Life, is not surprised, We have several top LPGA, PGA and Senior Tour players consuming VaNu, and they are reporting fascinating results.

Golf Digest is a Conde Nast publication with a circulation base of 1,650,000, and is widely read among golfers throughout the United States. According to the company website, the magazine publishes the best and brightest of golfs greatest teachers, players and writers. David Leadbetter, regarded as the Worlds leading golf instructor, is owner and head instructor of the David Leadbetter Golf Academy. He appears frequently in Golf Digest.

ABOUT FOUNTAIN OF LIFE AND VANU(TM) Fountain of Life is a nutritional company based in Dallas, Texas. Through research and partnerships with scientists worldwide, Fountain of Life is assisting people to optimize their health through their flagship product, Vanu.

VaNu is an all-natural nutritional drink created and blended by Fountain of Life. VaNu is a Superblend of Superfoods featuring the Acai berry. This carefully blended formulation is loaded with powerful antioxidants and flavanoids from some of the most exotic fruits in the world. Packaged in a distinctive 750ml (25.3 ounce) purple glass bottle, VaNu nourishes the body with a 1-2 ounce serving, twice daily.

Product claims have not been reviewed by the FDA. Fountain of Life products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or class of diseases. - 17268

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Weight Loss And Resveratrol

By Jen Croff

If you have not heard by now, then you should know that Resveratrol is a very exciting substance recently found in medical research.

Television shows like Oprah have even gone as far as to recommend viewers to take this amazing supplement because of its great proven benefits.

60 Minutes, the popular television program, first investigated red wine 17 years ago. They were particularly interested in why the French were so thin despite a diet high in such foods like cheese. Red wine, as we know now, is a drink that is full of resveratrol. We now know that resveratrol was very important to staying healthy.

Scientific studies also have proved this. For example, in one study, two mice were raised with the same high carb diet except one was given a resveratrol supplement while the other one did not receive such supplement.

After time had passed, they were both weighed and it was found that the mouse that had received the resveratrol supplement was 30% thinner than the other mouse that had had the same life and diet except for the resveratrol supplement.

About 40-50% of the nutrients in food is asorbed by our bodies when we eat. The excess is stored in fat cells for example. This often results in toxins being present in our bodies.

Resveratrol is an anti-oxidant and so it is able to get rid of these toxins in our bodies and make us healthy and thin again. Even after only a short time of use, resveratrol can have these great effects.

For this reason, if you want to try out resveratrol for yourself and get these great health benefits, then try a resveratrol supplement like Resvalife. At the time of this writing, Resvalife is even being offered for free so you can try it out before spending any money on it. - 17268

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How to Get Taller With A Few Small Dietary Changes

By Shaun Davids

Are you aware that there is a natural way how to get taller, simply by changing what you eat? The sooner you start the more you will benefit from increases in growth, and have a strong healthy body.

Your nutrition is one of the most important things to consider when making these sort of changes to your body. It's important to stock up on foods and drinks that are rich in essential proteins, calcium, amino acid, and calories. Many mistake these nutrients as substances that will make you grow taller when, in fact, shortages of these nutrients can actually stunt your growth.

Amino acids and proteins have a number of functions. Considered "the building blocks of life", these nutrients enable your body's bones, organs and muscles to grow. So it would make sense to eat foods high in protein to help increase height.

Calcium is another essential nutrient if you want to get taller naturally. Why is this? As your body grows, it is constantly remaking itself as old or sick cells die and new, healthy cells take their places. This concept applies to your skin, organs, tissues, and especially your bones.

Some food and drinks that contain calcium are meat, tofu, dairy and fresh orange juice. When you get enough calcium in your diet, your muscles and bones will grow and work effectively. Any lack of this mineral will weaken your bones and cause them to become brittle.

Many people believe in restricting the amount of calories they take in. This is not good if you want to get taller. Calories help replace your energy needed to help your body repair itself and grow. When you take in a sufficient, steady supply of calories, your body is able to function at over 100%, which helps increase height.

If you beyond the age where your bones naturally develop and grow, do not lose hope - whether you're in your teens or late thirties, these nutritional tips apply equally. By having a diet rich in calories, calcium, protein and amino acids, you will help prevent bone-deteriorating diseases such as osteoporosis, and give your body a way how to get taller naturally. - 17268

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Easy to use Treatments for Gout Pain

By Ron Horner

If you are tired of suffering from gout pain, here are a couple key treatments you can use to help you get rid of gout pain. Not only can these treatments help lessen existing pain, but they can also lower the chances of suffering from this painful condition in the future.

Eating foods loaded With Vitamin C is one way you can help reduce gout pain. This compound is a great prevention supplement since it aids the renal system in eliminating uric acid. Vitamin C also prevents purines from metabolizing into painful uric acid crystals.

Your body turns purines into uric acid. This is not normally an issue in most people, however, people with gout usually are not able to keep the crystals that uric acid can form in check. Because of this they can seep into your joints such as your toes, ankles, or wrists leading to terrible pain.

Most of the pain caused by gout is due to swelling. A good way to help reduce this swelling and therefore reduce pain is to add bromelain to your diet. This compound is known for it's ability to lower swelling. This excellent compound can be found in pineapples. You can also buy it as a supplement in most natural food stores.

While bromelain is an excellent way to help treat gout, you should use with caution is you are on Coumadin or aspirin. Seek your doctors advice on whether this supplement is for you as it has blood thinning properties.

Foods high in potassium such as avocados, baked potatoes with the skin, and bananas can really help you get rid of gout pain. Not only that, these foods are good for your overall health and can reduce your weight and give you extra ammunition in getting rid of painful gout not only in the short run, but also in the long run.

Dehydration can have a huge impact on the severity or frequency of gout attacks. This is because uric acid crystals are more easily deposited and are more easily able to cause inflammation when you are dehydrated. Not having enough water makes it more difficulty for your body to excrete the excess needle-like crystals out of your system.

Getting rid of foods from your diet such as hamburgers and hot dogs can make a big difference in your fight against gout. Not only will skipping these high purine foods help keep your uric acid levels in check, they will help you in your overall state of health. - 17268

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