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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Review about the Sanyo HEC DR6700K Massage Chair Recliner

By Steve Esquire

We will provide an evaluation of the luxury Sanyo HEC-DR6700 massage chair. The DR 6700 is made by Hitachi Electric Company for Sanyo. This product review will touch on some of the cool electronic features, massage therapy functions and warranty coverage. We present our analysis of the DR-6700 massage chair recliner.

We will start with the warranty coverage. We always advise to go with a recognized massage chair brand. These national brands will have adequate warranty coverage and will be quick and responsive if an issue were to arise. You do not want a no-name brand that then does not stock parts and provides poor service, if at all.

Sanyo provides the warranty coverage for the DR-6700 massage chair. The warranty coverage is as follows: You get three years coverage for the roller mechanism. This is the device that provides the massage for your back, neck and shoulders. Otherwise, the rest of the chair gets 1 year for both parts and labor. One good part of the coverage is the one year of in home technician service.

What kind of massage therapy do you get with the DR6700? The DR-6700 comes with four pre-programmed programs. Sanyo has developed themed massage programs which consist of Fine, Recovery, Stiffness and Relax. These programs are well designed and provide for effective massage therapy depending on the focus selected.

Manual massage techniques are also available in the DR6700. These manual treatments use one particular technique like kneading which can then be used to cover a particular spot or region of the body. These techniques are great where you want a specific type of relief. The other manual massage techniques include Shiatsu, Grip, Kneading, Tapping and Combination Kneading/Tapping.

You have a number of options that can be selected with the DR 6700 massage chair. You can adjust the intensity of the massage. This makes it either softer or stronger depending on your desire. Also, the roller width can be changed. This is helpful if you want the spread of the rollers to hit a wider area of your back. Or for example, if you want the rolling massage to hit more of the cervical discs, then you can make it narrower.

Another great set of functions has to do where you can select the area of the back to be massaged. This is known as manual massage courses. These courses focus on a particular region of the back, like the lower back. Just select the manual massage technique and then the area you want it to focus. The massage then will use that technique in the area selected for the amount of time shown on the timer.

One of the interesting electronic features put into the Sanyo Dr-6700 is called the Stiffness Detector. The Stiffness Detector measures your perspiration level and monitors your pulse rate, but it doesn't check if you are lying! The information is then read by the on-board computer and the massage program will target areas of higher tension.

There is also a lower body air massage system built into the DR6700. The air system controls tactically placed air bags in the leg rest to soothe and relieve tight muscles. The feet are in for a treat with the acupoint nodes imbedded in the foot wells. Sanyo also places sole warmers to keep your feet warm during the massage. This also helps to improve blood flow and reduce swelling. Your feet are in for a treat.

The Sanyo DR6700K is a luxury massage chair. It has many of the same features as the highest model the DR7700K. The specialized GK rollers provide an excellent over the shoulder massage which is unique to the Sanyo line. There are also interesting features like the stiffness detector to automatically locate and target areas of tension in your body. The warranty coverage is good for this model. This is a solid massage chair recliner and definitely worthy of your consideration for your massage therapy needs. - 17268

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5 Fascinating Height Statistics You Probably Didn't Know

By Rodney Williams

Statistics can often be used to find stories that would otherwise not be known or told. We can often guess or speculate about things, but statistics are usually the irrefutable proof that proves or disproves them one way or the other. Height has incredibly interesting statistics that may answer many questions about us as a people, and about our past, present, and future.

1) Height by Region - This is probably the one area that has been most speculated over for ages. Why are people in some regions of the world so much taller on average than those from other regions? For example, the average male in the Netherlands stands six feet tall, while the average Japanese male is just five feet five.

Nutrition and genetics often plays a key role in height, and it's an established fact that wealthier people, especially those from a long line of wealthy family members, are traditionally taller than poorer people, though this gap is closing. This doesn't explain though why the Japanese, one of the most civilized and wealthiest nations in the world for the past millennium, and also the longest living people in the world, are still so short (though they are slowly making up ground).

2) Growth Spurts - The growth spurts in children, brought about by the increased levels of human growth hormones released during puberty, can by quite dramatic, usually resulting in height gain increases of more than 50% above the years surrounding the growth spurt. Girls, who typically hit puberty around the age of 11, can gain as much as 3.5 inches per year during this span, while boys, who hit their spurt slightly later, can see yearly increases of as much as 4.5 inches per year.

3) Family Ties - It's long been known, or at least suspected, that genes play a deciding factor in height, which is largely true. There have now been enough studies conducted to come up with a formula for determining likely natural height based on the height of one's parents and grandparents.

The formula works like this. Take the height of your 6 immediate ancestors, two parents and four grandparents, and add them together in inches, then divide that number by 6. From that number, males should multiple by 1.08 and add 3.5 inches, while females should multiple by 0.92 and add 2.5 inches.

4) Height in the Workplace - When staring down to candidates with equal credentials, employers are more likely to choose the taller man 75% of the time, especially when that man is significantly taller than competing candidates. Another way in which we see how height is perceived in society.

5) Height in Love - Height is also important in a partner, and here too taller is usually better. Women almost always desire taller men, while men naturally prefer smaller women, though they naturally have less choice in the matter. Even though that is the case, men are much less concerned about height in general than women are.

By region, Asian women were willing to get involved with a shorter man at a much higher clip than those from other countries, which is to be somewhat expected, as Asian men are much shorter on average. Black women on the other hand were much more likely to want a taller man.

These statistics are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to interesting height related statistics. One thing is for certain, height can have an effect on all aspects of our lives, from the workplace to the bedroom. - 17268

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Losing Weight Before Your Wedding and Acai Berry

By Ricardo d Argence

Whether your wedding day is right around the corner or you are in a place where you need to think about it, you will find that you may be struck by the idea of how to lose weight before your wedding day. One of the options that people turn to is dietary supplements and one that gets mentioned a great deal is Acai Berry. What is this supplement all about, and can it really help you do what it says it will?

The amazing and popular Acai Berry is among the most widely promoted supplements available online currently. This simple small fruit is good for you in every respect, people think so and have proved it with supposedly truthful testimonials. Do not become too enthralled with advertisements before you do some research yourself and know what the Acai berry is capable of.

While some fruit, berries, and foods are natural and good for people to enjoy, many of the claims get spun into outlandish and fantastic claims that will offer more disappointment than benefits. No one fruit or food can possibly do all that the Acai berry is supposed to be able to accomplish.

It is also true that the amount of benefit that a person would receive is directly proportional to the amount of berries that they eat and depends on whether the fruit is fresh when ingested. This fruit has less shipping and shelf life than blueberries or raspberries, so getting it in fresh form is impossible unless you live in the Amazon regions where it grows.

Acai Berry may indeed have some viable claim that there are some components that can increase energy, boost the bodys natural immunity systems, and fight or prevent certain cancers but research is just in the early stages and many other factors have to be considered.

Acai products have no evidence to support the hype generated by their ads, and are being sold at extravagantly high prices even when, as a supplement, the FDA is powerless to regulate their advertisements. Unfortunately, many people who are ordering the Acai Berry products are finding that they have lost some money.

There are no side effects that would warn people away from these products, but if you place your entire faith and hope in what the Acai berries can do for you there will likely be some disappointment ahead. The berries do have vitamins and good fats that can add to a normal diet and the antioxidants are also present, but not in quite the degree that many advertisers claim.

When it comes to weight loss please remember that you still have to burn approximately 3500 calories in order to lose one pound of fat and this ability is just not in the Acai Berry arsenal, and never will be. If you want to lose weight, you are still going to have to cut back on your calories, exercise, and exert some real effort and commitment.

If you are alert to the fine print, you will see that all "miracle" diet plans, weight loss formulas and weight supplements carry basically the same caveat. For those truly wishing to alter their current behaviors and overall health, the best method is to make dietary improvements, increase exercise and keep up your willpower. This is not to say that you cannot try out different products if you feel an overpowering urge to do so, but it is a warning to learn the facts before parting with your hard-earned dollars. - 17268

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How to get a six pack fast? Kick start your metabolism!

By Max Burn

So you want to get 6 pack abs? Who doesn't it's clear that it's something everyone wants by just looking at what all the infomercials are about... "getting rock hard abs, in NO time flat!" If you've tried some of these magic sit up machines or funky torso rotators then you know they won't provide you with that shredded stomach that you desire. That's because most people want a quick easy fix that can be done in 8 minutes or less! If you really want to to see the abs that you develop it's is vital that you reduce the thickness of the body fat around the midsection then your abs with show through. By boosting your metabolism you will not only increase the amount of fat you burn while working out but burn more fat while your sitting at your dest.

Get active and boost your metabolism. One of the easiest ways to kick start your metabolism is to work out first thing in the morning. The main reason is that you break your body out of it's sluggish nighttime metabolism and get it burning hot. Doing this one act will help you achieve six pack abs faster than any amount of crunches alone. The added benefit of doing morning work outs it the "after burn effect". Essentially, by boosting your metabolism in the morning, you will continue to burn more fat long after you you leave the gym or finish your work out.

Eat small regular meals. Ideally, 5-6 small meals per day will keep your metabolism burning hot like constantly stoking a burning fire. Eating a lean protein and dark green vegetables with EVERY meal will keep your sugar and fat cravings to a minimum. Since lean protein takes a long time to digest it prevents your blood sugar from going through peaks and valleys associated with eating simple sugars. Preventing dips in blood sugar are essential to preventing sugar cravings which is a sure fire ticket to cheating on your diet plan.

One important step any fitness minded individual must remember is to focus on your written goals. "Written Goals???" Yes, write down your diet, and exercise goals and the reason why you want to achieve those rock hard abs. Maybe you are going to be in a wedding and you want to be in great shape or you want to look good on the beach this summer. Whatever the reason make sure you keep it at the forefront of your mind to keep you motivated to stay on your fitness plan.

So if you want 6 pack abs now give your metabolism a boost! Work out in the morning instead of the evening and get the after burn effect of AM training. Eat more often so that you can keep your metabolism burning at a high level all day. Finally, eat a lean protein with every meal to slow your digestion and keep your blood sugar levels in check which will also keep your sugar cravings in check as well. - 17268

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Diabetes Symptoms Explained

By Deniss Durrell

diabetes has become the outbreak of our time. Diabetes is a symptom that is influence more and more | increasingly | progressively people on a daily basis.

It is a disease that can be monitored and handled, but you have to know that you have diabetes to handle it properly. There are several diabetes symptoms that will help you know that you might be suffering from the disease.

One of the most familiar diabetes symptoms is that you will give many trips to the toilet. If your glucose stages are too high in your blood at that moment you will require to urinate more often than average.

Another symptom of diabetes is a constant thirst. If you cannot sense to ever satisfy your thirst then that might be caused by the truth your body is attempting to pull excess water from your blood stream.

Losing weight without any effort can also be part of diabetes symptoms. This is an especially large indicator when it comes to Type 1 diabetes. Additionally, excessive fatigue can take its toll on your system when it emerges as one of the diabetes symptoms. This happens again when the glucose levels in your body are off kilter.

The last of the very recognizable diabetes symptoms is a sensing of lack of feeling in your extremities . This can happen after a bit of time, and it can come on gradually so you will want to be sure to notice to this disease if it happens in your system .

There are other diabetes symptoms that can emerge so you will want to be on the lookout for. If you start to experience blurred vision, frequent infections, or even dry skin you might want to go to your physician's office to get checked for diabetes. - 17268

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Healthy Dieting Tips, How to Accelerate Your Metabolism

By Ricardo d Argence

Skipping meals is a classic example of an ineffective weight loss tactic. It is a natural thought to think that "the less you eat the more you lose." Actually, the opposite is true. If we don't consume sufficient amounts of food in the course of the day, our systems turn into minimal-energy, appetite-crazed, fat-storage machinery.

Sometimes referred to it as famine response, is the reason for this phenomenon. The body itself does not know when you will have your food next, and adjusts appropriately if you go without eating for a lengthy duration.

Since it doesn't want you to starve to death, the body begins to cling to every little bit of fat you have for dear life. Your fat-burning metabolism slows way down and your energy becomes depleted.

The solution to fix this problem is to eat small meals at three hour intervals. If you eat the wrong types of food, then you will gain weight when you eat this much. By taking in food frequently, you'll keep your energy level at an optimum level, while allowing your metabolism to burn off those calories.

Obviously, your meal portions will be small, however that will not matter much as you will eat more frequently. Please ensure that you are eating nutritious items that augment digestion and promote reduction in weight. Some great foods for raising your metabolism are grapefruit, broccoli, pears, lean turkey, low-fat yogurt, and apples.

Drinking lots of water helps in losing weight by increasing your metabolism. When you drink a lot of water (at least 9 8-oz glasses) it suppresses your diet and keeps you from being really hungry at meal time. It is actually our body trying to tell us that it needs fluids,often when we think we are hungry.

Another benefit of drinking water is that it prevents bloating by removing toxins from your system. You can also try green tea if you just can't bring yourself to drink that much water. Additionally, it helps if you're trying to raise your metabolic rate.

Illogical as it may seem, it's absolutely true that eating a larger volume of food can help you to reduce your weight. It isn't uncommon to find that your weight loss "plateaus" after a period; sometimes you can get the process going again by briefly increasing your calorie intake for a couple of days.

After your body adjusts you will start burning up the fuel to create extra energy. You need to put that energy into workout and exercise. Don't be surprised if you lose weight sooner than you expected to. - 17268

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Losing weight with Tri Slim

By Collin James

If your goal for the new year is to lose weight and start living a healthier life, like many other people - you are going to need some help. TriSlim - which is a well established product in the weight loss community guarantees that you will see results that you want to see.

With the TriSlim formula you will:

1. Loss in appetite

2. My body was burning calories wit out even doing anything - increased metabolism

3. My body was not storing fats anymore

If one supplement can do everything like I mentioned above don't you think it is worth a try? In just under six weeks I was able to drop 10 pounds and no longer having those sudden cravings that I knew were adding to my waste line. I have even sen reports of someone losing 15 pounds in 15 days.

The three ingredients in Tri Slim make it worth the money - big time! Tri Slim uses the power of green tea and Hoodia Gordonii. The third ingredient is the big one as it is the fat blocker and its called Chitosan. - 17268

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What is Papaya Good For?

By Fredrick Baxter

The food we eat can affect us positively or even negatively. Too often, many people will go their entire lives without learning how what they eat impacts them. By taking the time to understand how different foods can benefit us or harm us we can better manage what we eat, and eat according to the needs of our body.

It goes without saying that you are what you eat. Eat junk and you'll feel like junk. If you don't know anything about how the food you eat affect you, your eating habits may unknowingly be causing you harm. Without knowing it, a food you like to eat may be hindering your health.

The food you eat often has nutritional, as well as medicinal value. Knowing what the benefits are helps you choose to eat food that fits with what your body needs at the time. If you have a cold, instead of reaching for that tub of chocolate ice cream (which wouldn't help at all) try eating something spicy with cayenne pepper.

Papaya is an extremely nutritional fruit. What does it contain exactly? Papaya is rich in vitamins A, C, E, potassium, fiber, folate, iron, calcium, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, lycopene, lutein, zeaxathin, as well as digestive enzymes.

Aside from the tremendous nutritional value of the papaya, it also does wonders for digestion. It is great for improving digestive health and can help with indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, and gastrointestinal distress.

On top of getting your digestive system back on track it also helps flush out the lymph system, fight infections, and its good for your heart.

Papaya is good for you, and it's even low in calories. Don't bother eating a candy bar and give your body a real treat by eating a papaya. Your body will thank you!

In summary, papaya contains lots of vitamins and nutrients; it is excellent for digestion, the lymph system, infections, and the heart. Add papaya to your next grocery list, and your body will happy with you! - 17268

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Get Rid Of Your Belly: It Was Never Fashionable

By Dana Thinny

Fashion changes every now and then. One thing is certain: fat bellies were never fashionable, in the whole history of humankind. This is what makes our modern teenagers starve themselves to death, in their wish to look as skinny as they can, thinking this would bring them the respect of their peers, or some love, or more friends and fans.

Nonetheless, even if you are fat, you still can do a trick and look like you've lost a lot of weight: tone your stomach. Flattening your abs can create the illusion that you are thinner than in reality.

With each generation, people want to be skinner and skinner. The ideal of each year is a few pounds less that the one of the previous year. This can drive all moms and grandmothers crazy, when seeing those teenagers suffering for not being as thin as a skeleton.

In case you suffer from any medical conditions, you'll need to ask for your doctor's advice. Go and explain her what you intend, and she'll tell you how much exercise, if any, you are allowed to do on regular basis. The doctor will also tell you about the diets you can follow and about the ones you can't.

It is important to be aware that for getting to tone your stomach, abs exercises are not enough. It takes more to have a beautiful body: you need to make exercises for your entire body, to work cardio routines and to watch your daily calories intake.

Reading fitness magazines won't make you slim, even if you follow the advice you may read inside. For best results, you need the help of professionals. Get a nutritionist to work with you in making your healthy diet. Get a personal trainer to define together your best fitness program. Then get the motivation to keep on going.

One fact to be considered is your need to have flat abs. Maybe it is just a moment's wish and not a permanent ideal of yours. If this is the case, you can give up losing weight and flattening your abs, because you won't get happier. - 17268

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The Acai Berry

By Janice Pettry

The Acai Berry is a small berry like fruit that is only found in the Amazon rain forests.For thousands of years, natives in Brazil have consumed this berry in many different forms as they knew it to have many different health benefits.

Today, we are introduced to the Acai Berry in many different forms. Medical experts have seen the amazing health benefits from there patients who regularly consume this berry in the various forms it comes in and they have started to majorly support the recommendation of it to other patients of theirs.

What are some of the different health benefits?

The first and most important is that you have an increased resistance to disease. This is because the extract has over 33 antioxidants that charge up your immune system. It has important vitamins and minerals as well that fight sickness and other disorders.

In fact, scientific research has shown that antioxidants are very important for increasing the body's ability to fight diseases. Just one capsule a day of Acid Berry will ensure that your overall health and fitness is maintained.

Many people consume the Acai Berry in Pulp form but with the great tasting juices made from MonaVie which can be mixed in a smoothy or the capsule form by AcaiBurn, many users are starting to incorporate Acai Berries into there daily diets just for the taste of it alone.

Featured on popular TV shows like Oprah and Rachael Ray, the effects of the Acai Berry products have proven, time and time again, that this berry is all that its cracked up to be. - 17268

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How can Goji help me reach Homeostasis

By Yousef Singh-Chang

Many foods we eat on a daily basis throw off our bodies alkaline and acid levels. Many researchers and doctors believe that having too much acid can lead to disease and illness. Dr. Marcial-Vega a trusted expert has been doing a 3 year study on the effects of acidosis and how Goji can help balance the body. The study has shown some amazing benefits and I want to take some time to go over the interesting findings from the study.

Many doctors believe that keeping your alkaline levels is a key to good health. Dr. Marcial-Vega is a strong believer in this and has been doing a 3 year study on how Goji can balance the bodies levels. He started with giving 86 patients a dosage between 1 and 15 ounces of Goji juice, depending on how bad their acidity was. He found that 90% of his patients reversed their acidity to alkalinity just by taking Goji Juice. He also noticed that as the alkalinity changed so did the reversal of many illnesses including high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, obesity, chronic renal failure, high cholesterol, arthritis, and many more.

After seeing that the Goji was doing its job Dr. Marcial-Vega wanted to test if the Goji had any affects on patients who were undergoing cancer treatments. He looked over the results very carefully and was glad to see the Goji did in fact make a difference. Many of the patients had elevations toward normal blood levels. This marked protection of the bone marrow during cancer therapy.

Dr. Marcial-Vega also observed that high cholesterol levels decreased a minimum of 50 points in four weeks in 67 percent of the patients; high blood pressure dropped in 80 percent of the patients, and 50 percent of the patients decreased or eliminated their high blood pressure medication. The best observation was that 85 percent of the obese patients lost a significant amount of weight. Seeing these results he has came to the conclusion that Goji makes a difference and everyone should incorporate it in their daily lives.

I am so glad Dr. Marcial-Vega took the time to do this study. It shows how amazing Goji berries are, and that if you eat right and keep your body balanced you can prevent disease and illness. Dr. Marcial-Vega concluded that everyone should use Goji in their daily lives. It can prevent you from getting sick, and give you a energy boost. - 17268

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Diets for Healthy and Fast Weight Loss During Pregnancy

By Ricardo d Argence

There are lots of reasons why you need to keep your weight under control during pregnancy. This type of diet requires you to avoid certain foods as part of your multi-pronged approach to weight control.

When you're expecting, keep in mind that the fetus will absorb what it needs from you. If you are not eating enough of them you are the one that is left without the nutrients. The baby takes their calcium; this is why so many women are depleted of iron and must then take iron supplements and see their teeth decline while they are pregnant.

Because the baby is going to take what it needs from your body then it is the best time to lose weight, especially if you are over weight. Many women do not know this but the baby needs fat. As the baby would take your iron the baby will also use up your fat if you do not eat any.

If you eat a completely fat free diet of fruits and vegetables then you will lose weight rather than gain it. The baby will take your fat and your doctor will notice your weight is dropping but your stomach is growing. This will show the doctor the baby is getting bigger and you are healthier.

When you are pregnant you must eat healthy foods and take prenatal vitamins. When you have cravings for sweets the best thing you can do is reach for a small glass of juice rather than sweets. Stay away from the soda too. Even though it is diet soda it is not good for you and will cause you to gain weight. The goal is to be healthy.

Not only exercise is good for you when you are not pregnant but also when you are pregnant as well. The best exercise for a pregnancy is walking. You should walk as much as you can. This will contribute to a short labor and help prevent any additional weight gain for the course of your pregnancy.

A weight loss of more than 10 pounds is possible after giving birth, which accounts for the weight of the baby and any additional fluids. After giving birth you will drop twenty pounds at most. You will spend a really long time working it off and getting your old body back if you've gained over fifty pounds; bear this in mind.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, a lot of water, and plenty of daily exercise through walking,a healthy diet when you are pregnant must consist of as little fat in your diet as possible. You can use pregnancy to improve your body by losing weight and being healthy by consuming the good things and working out. - 17268

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