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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Add Weight Training To Your Health And Fitness Regime

By Jose Bautista

There are many important parts to maintaining proper health and fitness. But one area is frequently neglected in women and that is weight training or some type of weight bearing exercises. Over 70% of all women do not do any weight resistance training. Weight training can help you lose weight faster and keep your bones stronger and body more flexible, stronger and mobile.

Most individuals think that to lose weight you just need to do cardiovascular exercise. While you will burn more calories in a 30 minute session of cardio exercise, in the span of 24 hours you will burn more calories by doing 30 minutes of weight training. By adding weight lifting you can lose 3% more fat then by just cardio exercise alone.

Additionally muscle is important for your metabolism as the amount of fat you can burn is directly linked to the amount of muscle you have. You burn more calories throughout the day because you have more muscle that needs energy. If you replace fat with muscle you will burn more calories just by sitting down.

Additionally muscles can help to increase your metabolism because with an increase in muscle you also can increase the amount of fat you burn. Muscle needs energy to work so just by having more muscle you are automatically burning more calories as you move during the day. The best thing to do is replace your fat with muscle and you will burn more calories, be more toned and feel great.

It is also important to realize that when you do aerobic activity you burn fat but you also lose muscle. However when you lift weights you only burn fat because you are keeping your muscles strong. Also weight lifting makes it possible to lose that pesky abdomen fat that can be very difficult to get rid of.

Because weight lifting adds muscle you should not rely solely on measuring your weight as your success story. You should also take your measurements as you may not lose weight, as muscle weighs more than fat, but you will find that your clothing size will decrease. Weight lifting has exceptional results and should be added to your exercise regime. - 17268

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How To Get Skinny Without The Hype!

By Lorainne Phyllis

Millions of americans would all love to know the secret on how to get skinny and best of all how to keep the weight off of them. Well if you have come to the internet in search of ways to learn how to get skinny; then you have come to the right place.

We have decided to reveal some of the tips that will enable anyone to learn how to get rid of that excess weight permanently. One of the great things about losing weight and getting into shape is that it does not rocket science. Yet so many of us tend to struggle with this issue and continue to live unhealthy lives.

Now what is the deep secret that will teach me how to get skinny and keep off the weight? The only thing that you need to do is learn what types of foods to eat and how to eat the right portion sizes plus begin exercising on a daily basis. The great thing is that you do not have to do long strenuous workouts; all you have to do is begin working out with small workouts on a daily basis.

Of course this is where most people tend to get off track. We all hope and pray that there are ways that we can begin shedding weight without having to do any type of exercise. So you might as well know that if you are serious about learning how to get skinny then you had better get up off that couch.

If you are ready to begin getting into shape and want to do it the right way; then visit the site below. We have taken the time to share some important tips and advice that will help you along your weight loss journey. If you are willing to follow the tips then you will be back in shape in a very short while. - 17268

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Classic Shiatsu Massage Treatment Is Given In Massage Chairs

By Monty Jenson

Shiatsu massage has been a tradition in Japan for centuries. The literal meaning of shiatsu is finger pressure. Using this finger pressure was found to help regulate and control energy flow throughout the body. The fine art and tradition of shiatsu has been passed to today's massage therapists. The shiatsu massage therapy relieves aches and pains while increasing alertness. Japan also gave rise to massage chairs which were developed along with Japanese technological advancement. These massage chair recliners replicate many of the techniques and movements of a shiatsu master.

A shiatsu massage induces deep relaxation. It also increases the energy flow. The shiatsu massage technique employs rhythmic, gradual pressure and stretching. Shiatsu also applies pressure to specific points in the body. Shiatsu is believed to manipulate the flow of energy in the body, restoring balance and well being. Effective shiatsu massage increases the energy flow while inducing deep relaxation to brings the natural balance back. Shiatsu massage has been performed by skilled therapists to ease and relieve aches and pains throughout the body.

The best massage chair brands provide a very thorough and effective shiatsu massage. This is all possible with the integration of advanced software programming with infrared body scanning. This technology identifies each individuals trigger points. The software then adjusts the massage to pinpoint your specific acupressure points. The result is a truly custom and effective shiatsu massage therapy.

Massage chair companies continue to refine and perfect the long standing traditions of shiatsu massage. They have overcome many technological hurldes to deliver truly amazing and effective shiatsu massage. From the development of finger like appendages to sophisticated software programs that can map over 100 acupressure points on the back alone. These technologies are advancing rapidly to make these robotic masseuses more like the human touch.

A shiatsu massage induces deep relaxation, increases the energy flow and brings the body back into balance. The shiatsu massage technique employs rhythmic, gradual pressure and stretching. Shiatsu also applies pressure to specific points in the body. Shiatsu is believed to manipulate the flow of energy in the body, restoring balance and well being. Effective shiatsu massage increases the energy flow while inducing deep relaxation to brings the natural balance back. Shiatsu massage has been performed by skilled therapists to ease and relieve aches and pains throughout the body.

Shiatsu is geared to reverse the process of the body under tension. When the body is under tension, the vital organs kick into high gear to support the body. This stress tightens muscles for action. Shiatsu works to stimulate the acupressure points to relax the vital organs. This helps the whole body to relax. The kneading and tapping actions help to stimulate the muscles. These techniques have been imitated quite precisely in the best massage chair recliners.

Find relief for many of your issues and symptoms with a shiatsu massage chairs. They have a wide variety of massage therapies to assist your needs. Shiatsu is used to treat some forms of arthritis to bring relief. It can help stimulate circulation and bring better color to the skin. Reduce muscular pain, or warm up muscles prior to exercise with an invigorating shiatsu massage. A shiatsu massage assists to metabolize fat to increase stamina and nutrition flow throughout the body.

The long standing traditions of shiatsu massage are systematically being integrated into massage chairs. These marvels of technology are able to make thumb like movements. They can press, grip and hold for a sensational massage. These massage recliner companies have overcome many challenging obstacles to integrate the great traditions of shiatsu. If you have not tried one of these chairs in a while, you will be very pleasantly surprised at the effectiveness. Truly the shiatsu massage chairs are folllowing the proud tradition of shiatsu. - 17268

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How to Build Pecs Safely

By Frank Hommes

If you are new to weight lifting, you might feel like you're missing something when you're trying to learn how to build your pecs. You may do all of the same exercises you see other people doing , but still have trouble building your pecs up. The reason for this, is that it's not all about about the exercise itself, there are other matters to consider.

1. Eating the right kinds of food is just as important as doing the right exercises. This is because muscle can't be built without certain nutrients. Protein is what muscle is composed of and so in order to build the muscle a person needs to eat a lot of protein. Carbohydrates can also help because it will give the body more energy during the workout.

Your overall health is an essential part to building your pecs, so it would be in your best interest to have a well balanced diet. Along with a lot of protein intake, you should be consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables. Your body will be able to properly build new muscle as long as it is healthy.

2. The second key is stretching. If you're trying to build your pecs, you should do stretches which get the upper chest prepared to do some hard work. You can do something as simple as copying the motion of a push-up while standing, to stretch out your pectoral muscles.

You should avoid overworking your pecs for the same reason they should stretch. Over activity on the pecs can put extra strain on the muscles, which can cause them harm as opposed to making them stronger. It could also lead to an unappealing appearance, which you probably wouldn't like.

3. You need to do the correct types of exercises if you want to build your pectorals. Exercises like push-ups effectively work the pecs and can be done without a gym. If you have access to a weight lifting bench, you can do bench presses as well. - 17268

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6 Misconceptions About Arm Fat And Dietary Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you're serious about getting rid of that loose arm fat, you absolutely have to consume a hefty amount of dietary fat. I know this sounds paradoxical, but it's very true.

You see, dietary fat is so important for arm-fat burning in the female body, that ignoring it would be a big mistake. It's really that vital to your sexy arm success.

And here are 6 all too common misconceptions about arm fat and dietary fat:

1. Having a war chest of fish oil pills is ok. Just because something is extremely healthy in small amounts doesn't mean it's healthier in large amounts. In this case, having more than 3g of fish oil per day can cause heart damage.

2. Some trans fatty acids are ok. Stay away from trans fat, stay far away. As proven by Harvard research, no amount of trans fat is acceptable. Eating trans fat is a sure-fire way to arm fat failure.

3. You have to stay away from ALL saturated fat. Not all saturated fat is created equal. In fact, plant saturated fat, like coconut, is extremely healthy for the female body.

4. Omega-3 fat can be stored at room temperature. Keep the walnuts and flax seeds in the refrigerator. Omega-3 fats, critical for arm fat burning, become rancid very quickly when stored at room temperature.

5. Omega-3 enhanced eggs are healthy. They are NOT healthy because they are still loaded with saturated fat. Increasing the amount of healthy omega-3 in the egg doesn't cancel out the unhealthy effect of saturated fat.

6. The less fat the better. Actually, the more fat the better. Why? Because as your intake of dietary fat increases so will your levels of loose arm-fat-burning hormones. Eat fat to burn fat!

Avoid the above misconceptions to optimize your fat intake. And remember that dietary fat is your best friend for losing loose arm fat. So the next time somebody tells you to cut out fat from your diet, ignore them! Only then will you be able to get sexy and lean arms. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Tips, How To Train Your Body After Age 40

By Ricardo d Argence

Age is a state of mind many times, some say you are only as old as you feel, but it is important to remember that your age does play a big role in how you approach fitness routines. There are those who would use the big 40 as an excuse to not workout or eat healthy.

Your age should not be used as a carte blanche permission slip not to exercise and stay fit. If you approach weight training, diet and work outs the correct way you can maintain a remarkably healthy and fit body for many years, regardless of your age.

Weightlifting and bodybuilding routines can be used to increase bone density, lose weight, become healthier and more fit, and reshape your body. It is no secret that people who keep physically fit also feel better about themselves and about life in general.

A funny thing happens in the brain when you exercise; there is a release of endorphins to the rest of the body that aid you by giving you a sense of happiness.

To start with a few basics it is understood that at 40 years old you might need to make a concession or two in your workout regimen. That however does not mean you should fall for the lies about aging.

As we get older, our muscles and joints are less limber and this means that adequate stretching and warm up prior to exercising is very important. A 15-minute time allotment that is devoted to necessary stretching and limbering up routines will benefit you by increasing flexibility, and decreasing the chance of muscle or joint sprain or damage. The more completely you stretch the better conditioned your muscles will become.

Next in line is a 15-minute cardiovascular workout. You can do this on an elliptical machine, stair stepper, treadmill or stationary bike. Do not approach this as a marathon, however you should get your heart rate sped up a bit and continue to build on the limbering you have just finished. This point of your routine is to get the blood flowing and put your body on notice that you are serious about getting some work done.

Lightweights should be your next step. When you are using free weight training or circuit training, go through your complete routine without the use of heavy weights. You can then follow up with appropriate weights and repetitions.

Bodybuilders of all levels find a pyramid method very helpful in their weight routines. This technique consists of doing more repetitions with less weights and then lessening the reps as you add more and more weights. The pyramid technique is great for building body mass and more muscle.

Concentrate on the proper form at all times, even if you have to cut back on the weight or the reps, having your form correct with each lift must be foremost in your mind. Not only does this maximize your results, it cuts down on the risk of injury.

Your session with weights should be kept to about 30-45 minutes and you will want to repeat your training at least four days every week. Once you have completed your weight training it is helpful to run another cardiovascular routine partly as a way to wind it all down but more so to strengthen your heart and lungs. - 17268

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Natural Bodybuilding Facts & Tips

By Ricardo d Argence

Natural Bodybuilding is the most commonly used term when performance enhancing drugs, such as anabolic steroids, human growth hormones or other restricted drugs, are not used to aid in the building of muscles by a bodybuilder. Following a natural bodybuilding routine is the best way to build muscle the right way.

Natural bodybuilding helps you to look and feel great without the harmful side effects of excessive use of supplements. Not only will you get more reliable and consistent results this way, you will have a sense of pride in what you have accomplished, as opposed to relying on monthly bills to keep your physique.

It is vital that you be steadfast as you undertake the natural body-building program; while you may not notice instant results, they will occur and not just for the short term. It is important to have patience when building natural muscle mass, the process can take a long time.

Besides being patient, it is crucial to establish objectives that are clear and concrete. You need to set goals so you have a means to measure the results in your body. Committing to achievable goals helps you on your path to natural body building.

Having a consistent and well planned routine is the best way to get results in bodybuilding. Developing a routine is worth your time because you won't have to worry about unnecessary exercises, injuries, or lack of motivation. Make a plan and stick to it.

Nutrition is another important part. Eat a diet rich in lean protein, fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In general it is recommended to eat 12-13 calories per pound of your body weight or to loose 17-18 calories per pound of your body weight. It is an imperative to keep a track on what your are eating. 30% of your calories should come from protein, 20% from healthy fats like olive oils, flaxseed oils ,and the rest 50% of calories intake should come out from natural carbohydrates.

Sugary and processed foods should be avoided if you want to avoid gaining fat, since the calories will turn into fat, not muscle. It's important to make protein part of a serious muscle building program, since natural protein is the only way to rebuild muscle fibers that vigorous exercise breaks down.

There will be many hurdles to overcome, shortcuts do not exist. However ultimately when you reach your goal you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you accomplished it naturally, not with steroids which can even be fatal. - 17268

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Pardon All Broccoli Lovers!

By Isaac Toussie

People are saying that food scams are important to watch out for and fraud could also exist on food labeling. I, Isaac Toussie, pardon the thought, think that in these times when so many people are concerned about matters like housing and work place discrimination, fashion, entertainment, real estate, mortgages, vacations and so forth, things like food quality and food awareness may become inadvertently sidestepped. I, Isaac Toussie, feel that Broccoli is a great nutritional resource.

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that originally came from the Mediterranean region of southern Europe. It dates back to ancient Rome, where it was developed from wild broccoli, plants that resembled collard greens; its name comes from the Latin for branch, brachium. It is one of the most popular vegetables anywhere, and a staple of most healthy diets in the world, particularly in the United States. It is a super-food, as scientific research continues to uncover one nutritional benefit after another. For starters, broccoli contains one of the highest concentrations of health promoting sulfur compounds, such as sulforaphane and isothiocyanates, which increase the livers ability to make enzymes that neutralize potentially toxic substances in the body. Broccoli is also rich in the powerful phytonutrient antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that are concentrated in the lens of our eyes. Furthermore, broccoli provides Vitamins A and C, and folic acid for a healthy heart. Dark green broccoli contains more chlorophyll, beta-carotene, and Vitamin C, while purple-prone heads contain more flavanoids.

Being from the cruciferous family places broccoli among the ranks of cauliflower, kale, collard greens, cabbages, mustard greens, and Brussels Sprouts. Some varieties of broccoli are green broccoli, broccolini, broccoflower, broccoli raab, and broccoli sprouts.

I, Isaac Toussie, have my own favorite, which is green broccoli. Green broccoli, also known as sprouting broccoli but called Italian Green or Calabrese Broccoli (named after the famous geographical area of Italy where its reputed to have been first grown ) as well, is the most popular kind of broccoli and the most commonly seen in supermarkets today. Its light green stalks are topped with clusters of dark green, often purplish florets. The word broccolini is an Italian diminutive for baby broccoli, but its actually a cross between green broccoli and kale, and is the best kind of broccoli to serve raw. Broccoflower is a cross between broccoli and cauliflower, being more like cauliflower than broccoli. Broccoli raab is intensely flavorful, and has a pleasant though slightly bitter taste. It has more leaves and a longer stem than common green broccoli, and though its stem is tender and needs no peeling the bottom last inch or so should be discarded because it can be rather wood-like and tough. Otherwise, broccoli raab is just similar enough to regular broccoli to serve as a substitute, usually. Broccoli sprouts are actual sprouts from broccoli seeds, and are popular due to their high volume of healthy phytonutrients.

This article has been posted by Isaac Toussie, just for informational and human interest purposes and not for any medical or advisory purposes. This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions or conclusions of the provider, and the reader should not rely upon the validity of the information contained herein. The reader should consult a doctor, nutritionist, and/or other medical professionals for advice about food, nutrition, diet, and physiology. - 17268

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Women's Fitness: How to Get Flat ABS

By Chris Tan

What is your first thought regarding flat abs and weight loss? If you said diet pills and crunches, you are definitely gonna want to read this article. There are several companies that offer women fat blocking and weight loss pills; however, the weight you may lose with these methods is usually only water.

Achieving weight loss and sexy six pack abdominals requires more than miracle diet pills and thousands of crunches. It requires ab specific exercises; cardio exercises that burn fat and a proper diet that keeps fat intake low.

Top ab exercises

Most people believe the traditional crunch is the best ab flattening exercise; however this could not be further from the truth. These exercises are not as effective as once thought. Instead, try bicycle crunches, captain leg raise, reverse crunches, exercise ball crunches, vertical leg crunches and the ab rocker exercises. As you can see, the standard crunch is nowhere on this list.

Fat burning cardio exercises

Many people believe a good cardio workout is a long distance run, however this could not be further from the truth. In order to burn fat, your workout must have high intensity. Instead of a long distance run, try skipping, stair climbing or short sprints. These high intensity workouts will help you burn off all those unwanted fats.

Diets to keep fat levels low

Your diet plays a major role in the successful achievement of six pack abs. The key to a low fat diet is to eliminate sugar and increase fiber and nutrition. Additional aids include whole meals and a daily multivitamin. If you keep your diet low in fat, those six pack abs will be yours.

So, as you can see all three elements are needed in order to achieve those hot, sexy six pack abs. A great cardio workout, combined with the proper ab exercises and a low fat, high nutrition diet will get you on your way to a taut, sexy tummy. - 17268

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Acai Berry Side Effects

By Mark Walt

The acai berry has been called a miracle fruit and super food that can help you lose weight, keep looking young and stay healthy. Acai berries are deep purple in color and grow in Central America's Amazon jungle. The fruit is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that our bodies need to stay healthy.

Clinical research has shown that the miracle fruit raises your metabolism level. This is absolutely vital in helping your body to burn off fat effectively and therefore lose weight. The fact that the berry boosts metabolism and also fights off aging and diseases due to the antioxidants are the main reasons why it has gained so much attention in recent years.

Acai berries have been consumed by people from the Amazonian rain forest for a long time. However, the berry has only been introduced into the United States within the last five year. As more and more people have been aware of the weight loss and health benefits of the fruit, is has grown in popularity.

More and more people are using acai berry products to help them lose weight. As it has become more popular, people are looking for additional information about this wonder fruit. One thing many people wonder about is whether or not there are any potential side effects to consuming acai berries.

The first thing one has to remember about acai berry is that it is a fruit. If you consume it in its natural state the chances of you developing side effects are about the same is if you were to eat an orange or apple. There have been many acai berry studies conducted and none have reported harmful side effects to consuming the fruit.

The acai berry suppresses appetite and boosts your body's metabolism because if the fruit's high fiber content. This is why it has become so popular as a weight loss product. If excessive amounts of the berry are consumed it can leave a bitter acidic taste or cause stool problems.

So no there aren't really any dangerous side effects when it comes to consuming acai berries, although of course you shouldn't overdo it. When buying an acai product to use, you should read the label to see what sorts of additives or chemicals might be added to the acai berry. The berry itself may not produce any harmful side effects, but there could be chemicals or things added to the product that have not been thoroughly researched or tested.

If you are concerned about any potential side effects, stick to all natural supplements or the berry itself. The acai berry is rich in many of the minerals, vitamins and antioxidants your body needs to fight disease, stay healthy and burn fat. Be sure to read the labels carefully when choosing an acai berry product and if possible choose an all-natural supplement. - 17268

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Fat Arms And 4 Mistakes You're Probably Making

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The reduction of fat arms has become quite the mystery. The truth is that countless women are lost in a sea of information confusion.

How did this ever come to be? I personally believe that ultra aggressive marketing campaigns are to blame. And to make matters even more confusing, scientific research is usually quite ambiguous.

And if the experts are having a hard time interpreting the research, how are you supposed to? You can't But I am here to the rescue.

So without further ado, here are 4 fat arm pitfalls exposed:

1. Thinking supplementation trumps whole food. Ignore the labels with pictures of women who lost 40lbs of fat overnight. The truth is that whole foods interact with each other in ways that supplements could never mimic. Nature cannot be reproduced in a pill.

2. Fiber supplementation. Unfortunately, this ever popular supplement has been shown to increase colon cancer rates. The good news is that you probably eat so many vegetables that fiber supplementation is a moot point. Right?

3. Assuming you should be thin to win the sexy arm battle. Well, contrary to popular belief, being thin is no guarantee of being healthy. Even worse, being thin is no guarantee of having toned arms. I've seen thin women with horrible blood lipid profiles and very flabby arms!

4. Assuming carbs are the only thing that can cause insulin resistance. A state in which more calories get shuffled towards arm fat cells, insulin resistance can also be caused by high protein and/or high saturated fat intakes. So don't think fast digesting carbs are the only evil.

Warning: now you know 4 things to avoid during your quest to get toned arms. Knowing what NOT to do is just as important as knowing what to do. I know there is a lot of information out there. The key is to look past all the marketing hype and stick to the facts. And don't forget to take action! Without action, information is useless. Good luck! - 17268

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Learn How to Get Big Pecs

By Frank Hommes

If you picture some of the manliness figures in history or from the movies, what was their defining feature? There's nothing better than a set of well-developed pecs to really make a man stand out. Big pectorals make a guy look impressive, imposing, and very strong, even more so than well-developed abs or arms.

So what is the secret of how to get big pecs? There is no one simple method that will guarantee that you'll suddenly have enormous pecs. It will require a lot of work and dedication to really get where you want to be. It may mean more than just revising your workout routine, although that plays an important role.

The first thing that you should do if you want to build pecs is to eliminate straining yourself. So many people think that if they work their pecs to exhaustion, they'll build up quickly. However, it can actually be very detrimental to do this.

If you're already working out heavily, then working out more isn't going to help your pec situation. You'll only exhaust yourself and hurt your muscles without seeing much gain. Rather, you should concentrate on making your work out more efficient.

For example, if you switch from traditional press movements and focus more on the exercises that isolate specific areas in the pectorals for the best results. A great way to do this is by doing flys, since they provide a more complete workout than straight presses. Flys are done by simply taking a pair of dumbbells and lifting them up parallel to your body. This can be done in a number of various positions, such as standing, laying flat or being inclined.

"How to get impressive pecs" isn't a question that can be answered by any one change. Modifying your diet and making other positive lifestyle changes can also be important for building up this group of muscles. - 17268

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