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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ways to Shape A Child's Brain Development

By Michael Byrd

When and how to get better brain development for your child is essential; many suggest the use of computer programs. Experts however believe that it should be done with timing. It is indeed useless if the child's brain development has actually closed.

It is always good to begin even before the baby is born up to the time of his or her third birthday. This is the most crucial period in the child's brain development and determines its ability to learn for the rest of their life.

It may be strange to begin earlier than they're able to read, write or reason, but studies have shown that these skills are slowly developed even before a child reaches kindergarten.

Recently there was a research study conducted that was published in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology [Vol. 42: 174-181], where doctors used 56 babies as their subject, and they were as young as 5 days old. Their diets were filled with omega 3 fish oil fatty acids and DHA.

The set of babies that were given DHA showed significantly higher cognitive and motor skills, as compared to the other set of babies (those without fish oil supplements) based on the "Mental Development Index."

This group of doctors has come to conclude that an early dietary supplement of fish oil with DHA plays a dynamic part in determining great improvement in performance and mental development in full term babies.

A study made on premature babies, which was published in the Clinics of Perinatology, [Vol. 22(1):157-75], claimed that premature babies also benefit from fish oil. They were given supplements of omega 3 fatty acids with DHA and showed great improvements in both cognitive and visual development.

These are just few of the several researches that can prove the secret to a child's brain development is acquiring enough amounts of omega 3 with DHA.

DHA happens to be the richest long-chain omega 3 in the brain tissue. It is said that 95% of all the lipids at birth consist of DHA and forms part of the brain tissues during the pregnancy and during the first year of life.

Women should eat more fish and get dietary supplements of fish oil during pregnancy. It is a good way to enhance a child's brain development and assures a child's intelligence and better ability to learn in the future.

Subsequently, make sure that you breast-feed your child during the first year. Sufficient amounts of omega 3's can come from breast milk.

A report was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and it demonstrates that even small amounts of dietary fish oil with DHA helps in increasing breast milk content. [Vol. 40, 780-785]

These findings on brain development persuaded my wife to use fish oil during pregnancy and lactation, and to give our children supplements of salmon oil while they were only six months old.

From the capsule, it went to the spoon, then to their mouths. And now, we get remarks from people telling us how smart they are and they have high test scores to prove it.

But the best part is they are happy and healthy children too. Try fish oil on your kids and you will be thankful you did. - 17268

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Weight Lifting Programs, How to Train Your Shoulders

By Ricardo d Argence

Shoulder development is very important when you are bodybuilding. A double back bicep pose not only makes you look great while doing it, but it also make you look wonderful while standing erect. If you develop your side deltoids in proportion to the biceps, the arms and biceps look large and well defined.

Your shoulder is composed by the posterior, medial, and anterior deltoid muscles. If you include the entire shoulder girdle, then it also consists of the muscles of the rotator cuff and the upper trapezius.

To the back, side, or front of the humerus, the deep rotator cuff muscles connect several parts of the thoracic region. Upper trapezius muscles are the muscles that run from the back of the neck; extend to the medial deltoid, then downward to intersect with the middle trapezius. Going further back on the shoulder, below the lower portion of the upper trapezius, is the posterior deltoid muscle. The outer section of the shoulder is the location of the medial deltoid, while the anterior deltoid muscle is apparent on the exterior of the pectoral muscles.

Each shoulder has a specific function when lifting the arm. The anterior deltoid is responsible for bringing the arm forward, inward and for rotating the arm. The medial deltoid allows the arm to move away from the side. The posterior deltoid comes into play when the arm moves back or rotates outward. When the scapula is moved upward toward the ears, like shrugging your shoulders, the upper trapezius muscle does the job. Lastly, the muscles of the rotator cuff stabiles the arm during movement and allow the arm to rotate.

To build up the shoulder muscles, exercises such as the military press, Arnold press, lateral raises (bent-over, lying, or standard), and neck/behind-the neck presses, should be performed. Rowing in an upright position as well as while bent over will facilitate building the shoulder area to dramatic size.

The key to building massive shoulders is to understand how the shoulder works and keeping it healthy. Nothing will halt your progress faster than an injury in the gym, so clearly injury should be avoided. One of the most common injuries is to the rotator cuff muscles. The muscles that make up the rotator cuff are not large strong muscles. In order to prevent any injuries try incorporating some band work into your shoulder workout.

In order to reduce the risk of injury double check that you're using the proper weights. You should be able to have control of the weight through the entire movement. If you can't do a complete set of repetitions, or you have to adjust the position of the weight, then you need to lower the weight. Using too much weight puts too much stress on the shoulder and is likely to cause injury. The success to this is all in you using the proper technique using the full range of motion, prior to increasing the weight.

Although building up shoulder muscles takes a bit of effort, bodybuilders concur that the result justifies the work involved. Because each body grows at its own rate, research and patience are vital. - 17268

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The Acai Super Fruit - Finally Available in the West

By Marcus C. Evans

The South American acai berry is a small, round fruit, not so unlike our purple grapes. They grow deep in the Amazon rain forests and natives climb the tall trees to harvest these delicate berries by hand.

The taste of acai berries is a delightful mixture described as a mixture of berries and dark chocolate. The berry is quite small, approximately an inch with relatively little pulp. The seeds take up most of the interior of the berry. The natives, the Caboclo people of the Brazilian Amazon, harvest the berries for food and have enjoyed the many health benefits for centuries.

This one berry amazingly accounts for almost 50% of many natives' dietary intake. The Acai has gained a reputation as being a miniature super fruit. This stems from the fact that it is capable of providing people with great levels of energy and promoting health and overall strength in those who consume it. Some people also believe that it helps to control weight. Native people consider these super berries to give users strong hearts, clear minds and long lives.

The acai juice and pulp have been used in juice blends and other drinks throughout Peru and Brazil, but have only recently become available in Western countries. People in Brazil eat the fruit fresh but they also share the mashed fruit after it is mixed with tapioca, sugar, and honey. It can even be mixed with granola and added to ice cream. Numerous reports have been carried out in South America with results confirmed by others. These reports document the superior energy that people enjoy when they eat or drink something containing acai berries.

Acai berries contain a tremendous amount of healthy fats and it is for this reason that they are a very perishable food item. Western countries can enjoy acai in yogurts, juices, or as energy health drinks. It is also available as a frozen fruit pulp or a freeze-dried powder in areas that are some distance from where the berry is harvested.

The acai berries contain anthocyanins and resveratrol which studies have shown to have a number of benefits to the human body. One such benefit is the fact that antioxidant levels in the blood stream increase significantly. This increase occurs within two hours of drinking something with acai pulp or juice in it. The boost in antioxidants improves the ability of the body to fight free radicals which attack healthy cells.

There are also ongoing studies that suggest that this fruit is good for heart and blood circulation. Other studies are showing great promise that active ingredients in the berry may even be useful for fighting certain cancers.

Australians, and others, who live and play at a fast pace, often use this juice as a source of energy and reap other health benefits as well.

Increased energy levels and endurance is what many consumers are finding so wonderful about juice drinks that now contain acai. People who live athletic life styles like swimmers, runners, and other outdoors lovers will find this energy-producing supplement gives them all the energy they need to enjoy their healthy, active lives. - 17268

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