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Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Sacrifices That Will Need To Be Made For A Physical Change

By Densery Kopsull

One and all desire of everyone is to seem elegant and stylish and that's why many people attempt to attain a styled look. There are many things under your control that can assist you to achieve good personality. Some simple tips are mentioned below to get rid of your poor body shape. These great tips will also increase your strength and fitness showing you how to get in shape fast.

1. Drugs and Alcohol Avoidance: Heroin, Cocaine, Ecstasy and Marijuana are categorized as life threatening drugs as they severely affects the internal working of the body and also external appearance. In addition, usage of these drugs can result in extremely fatal diseases like Brain Hambridge, Memory loss, Blood cancer and Lung cancer etc. Drugs and alcohol intake can also affect your eyesight and a number of other physical disorders. If your desire is to have a great in-shape body, then quit usage of these drugs with immediate effect.

2. Stop overeating - Eat a Healthy Diet: Now stop! It is not easy to immediately change your habit of too much eating but for good outlook, you must sacrifice something like this. Remember in order to get something you should be willing to give up something. Eat little but healthy foods containing adequate number of calories. By this way, you can put off your extra fat and look healthy rather than looking fat or over-weighted. Use more vegetables and fruits instead of consuming fast foods or munchies. The natural foods will give your skin a fresh look and a shiny glow, which is indeed key point of a good looking personality.

3. No more laziness - Exercise Daily: You have to work out to keep yourself fit. Aerobic exercises are good for body making. It is more effective for your body shape that you join the Gym or work out at home to build-up some muscles and body. Avoid boosting your muscles too much. Start any kind of sports like Soccer, Hockey, Rugby or Badminton to remain active. Games not only affect your body but also activate your senses and brain.

4. Make yourself Stress-Free and Be Happy: Everybody among us has the propensity to experience from misery; different people have different stages of patience to grip it. Ups and down are the parts of life. At the time of graveness, we should stay firm and try to overcome the problems. Try to remain calm at hard times and do not depress yourself. The healthful life, good physique and nice personality can only be achieved when you are Happy and tense-free. Enjoy life for your health and for the sake of good.

Hopefully carrying out the above sacrifices will help you achieve a nice outlook and good persona. - 17268

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The Wonders Of Gynecomastia Diagnosis

By Dustin Fennell

Gynecomastia, the condition in which male breasts engorge and appear like natural breasts of an adult women, can be no less of a trauma for any man. But the reason for men to have breast-like formations on the chest is not just due to this condition. It can also be possible from a case called pseudogynecomastia which happens due to accumulation of fat in the chest area. While pseudogynecomastia is a condition where the fat can shed away from weight loss techniques, gyencomastia warrants medical attention and possibly, male breast reduction surgery.

It is a fallacy to assume that only men who are obese have gynecomastia. There are perfectly slim or thin men who have this issue too. One should note that things like hormonal imbalance, medicinal side effects and other metabolic disorders can also create such a situation.

In some cases, it has been found that obesity leads to this condition. In other cases, it could be due to a side effect of mediation as mentioned before. If obesity is the problem, then weight loss programs can solve it. If it is the medication that is causing gynecomastia, alternate medication can be of help. Since one of the reasons for gynecomastia is due to hormonal imbalance, hormonal treatments to balance high level of estrogen hormones can combat your man boobs in the initial stages before the tissue harden. Illegal drug usage or addiction to prescription drugs can also cause enlarged breasts in males.

The options used to diagnose this condition include male breast exam, blood tests, biopsies, evaluating the history of the patient, BMI calculation, weight, and height and body fat analysis, laboratory test to find out if there is a medical problem for causing gynecomastia. An endocrinologist, the doctor who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of gland related disorders of the endocrine system often investigates abnormal breast growth.

Hormonal medication that balances estrogen levels can definitely bring gynecomastia in control, in the initial stages. One should note that engorged breast swelling is triggered to high levels of estrogen in men, which is essentially a female development hormone. Also doctors advise you to steer clear of prescription drugs taken without consulting doctors, because they can trigger such abnormalities.

Lab test evaluations can give doctors a fair idea of weather you have gynecomastia. They may ask for further tests like male mammogram test where conditions that are involved with breasts of heavier mass are evaluated. A radiologist may also perform breast ultrasound testing to find out the presence of cysts and fluids in the area. A pathologist also goes into the detail of finding out if the tissues are hinting at the risk of breast cancer.

Having male breasts is not really a painful problem, unless it involves cancer which is a rare thing. In most cases, it is due to hormonal problems, obesity and other such reasons. Diagnosis helps you find out if a person has gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia which is perfectly curable through weight loss techniques.

So if you are suffering from man boobs, do not run away from the problem or hide in isolation. Instead diagnose the problem and seek treatment measures that can help get rid of this problem quick. - 17268

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Psyllium For Added Dietary Fiber

By Carol Branwen

Psyllium is made from the husks of the seeds of Plantago ovata. The seed coat of Plantago ovata has a high mucilage content. Plantago seed mucilage is a clear, colorless, gelling agent. The milled seed fiber is a white mucilage that absorbs water, and increases in volume by ten times or more. Psyllium cannot be absorbed by the small intestine, and makes a great dietary fiber.

Psyllium seed husks are used to relieve diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and diverticular disease. Psyllium works as a fiber to assist the body in alleviating constipation and support regulate bowel movement.

There has been much scientific research that shows that dietary fiber can reduce blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Psyllium is one of the best dietary fibers. Many over-the-counter laxatives and fiber supplements such as Colon Cleanse, Fybogel, Metamucil, Serutan, and Effersyllium have psyllium seed husks as their main ingredient.

Adding dietary fiber can be as easy as taking a supplement containing psyllium husks. Regular use of psyllium husks will help clean the colon of accumulated build-up and prevent the formation of new build-up. Use of a psyllium supplement helps support a digestive tract which can work freely and efficiently to eliminate the build-up of mucus, toxins and metabolic waste. As the husks move down the digestive system they scrub the walls of the intestine. This scrubbing action helps to remove old, dried up fecal matter and dislodge toxins.

Adding dietary fiber helps maintain a healthy intestinal flora. Parasites flourish in fecal matter which is not removed from the body. A clean colon will help stop destructive bacteria and parasites from growing in human waste.

Warning! Chronic constipation can be a serous condition and psyllium seed husks should be used with the advice of your health care provider. Laxatives can be habit-forming if you use them too often and for too long. This can cause damage to your intestine.

It is very important to drink lots of water when taking psyllium seed husks. Gastrointestinal tract obstruction can occur if taken with inadequate amounts of water. Gastrointestinal tract obstruction can also occur for those with prior bowel surgeries or anatomic abnormalities. Adverse reactions can include allergic reactions, especially among people who have had regular exposure to psyllium dust. - 17268

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Acai Berry Products And Your Health

By Aaron Silverton

Nowadays, many folks are becoming privy to the benefits acai berry can offer them. As such, these people purchase only the best acai berry products. it's not enough to select and purchase acai berry products particularly if these products are being offered with excessive promotion. It is vital to think about several factors before choosing and buying acai berry products to make certain you get the one with the highest quality. The factors to be considered include the make of acai berry products, kind of product acceptable for your wellbeing and preferences, and your angle towards selecting the product.

Choosing and purchasing acai berry products can be disparaging. As such, it is important to discern the brands, which offer authentic and high quality products. It is inevitable that some manufacturers may add unnecessary or excessive unhealthy ingredients to their products, which may undermine the quality of acai berries. In this light, it is very important that you choose and purchase products from credible and reliable brands. You'll find out if the brands and makers are trustworthy thru obtaining feedbacks and reviews from past and current clients.

It's also important to know the best acai berry product that matches your wants. These products come if varied forms and types including juices, pills, powders, and capsules among others . It is always best to talk to your doctor, physician, or health expert prior to purchasing an acai berry product. This could make sure that you get the product that's good for your fitness wants.

The final factor that's crucial to consider is your attitude when selecting and buying acai berry products. You have got to create a goal or objective based mostly on your reason why you wish to purchase an acai berry product. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, it is vital to select and purchase an acai berry product that is manufactured for such purpose.

One of the most typical and popular forms of acai berry product is the acai berry diet pills. Many people have discerned the capability of these tablets to shed pounds efficiently and quickly. Most frequently than not, other diet pills result to butt rot, raised blood pressure, nausea, and depression. However , acai berry diet tablets do not result to such inconveniences because these tablets contain vitamins and minerals that are advantageous for the body. These include vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, and E as well as potassium, iron, calcium, and phosphorus. Acai berry diet tablets also have the capability to enhance your digestive system, stimulate your immune system, maintain ordinary levels of cholesterol, and detoxify your body from toxins and unwanted elements. Therefore, instead of taking other ineffectual diet tablets or resorting to tough actions such as starving, it is more sensible to take acai berry diet pills for shedding weight more fast and efficiently.

The best acai berry products can be buying in leading drug stores, selected supermarkets, and health stores. Many manufacturers and retailers offer top quality acai berry products, which are advantageous to your healthfulness. On the other hand, you should usually purchase from a manufacturer or company which has established positive reputation. - 17268

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Hemorrhoids Herbal Remedy - Natural Ways To Fix your Piles Problems

By Olivia Campbell-Price

Swelling in the anal tissue, piles, or hemorrhoids, they are all the same thing and will cause pain. But there are some things that you can try to help these problems out. You can feel less pain while they heal or even speed up the time it will take you to heal. Hemorrhoids herbal remedies are becoming much more popular, and many sufferers are turning to these remedies to heal up painful hemorrhoids.

A little known but still effective way to cure the swelling of hemorrhoids is with the herb horse chestnut. Horse chestnut can be taken as a tea to bring gradual relief or in pill form. Horse chestnut can also reduce the pain from hemorrhoids. Horse chestnut is said to increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

Butcher's broom is a less common herb, but is a great way to get rid of hemorrhoids faster. This herb will assist in reducing the inflammation that hemorrhoids cause. Butcher's broom can help the walls of a blood vessel to become stronger and stabilize it too as the swelling is going down. This herb can be used in pill, cream or tea form to help out with hemorrhoids.

Witch hazel is a great hemorrhoids herbal remedy to try. This should be in a cream form or a topical agent that can be applied to the anal area. Not only does witch hazel help with swelling, but also with the itching that comes along with hemorrhoids and the bleeding.

Since herbal remedies are becoming more popular they seem to be carried in many grocery stores, discount stores, and pharmacies as well as health food stores. Check all of these different places in your search for these herbs. However, an even easier way to purchase these herbs is by going online and looking for the best price.

Keep in mind that many herbal remedies take time to work. Immediate relief is not always possible, although creams or ointments work faster to stop itching and pain than teas or pills. Teas or pills are intended to bring gradual, lasting relief. Some people have a very hard time with pills, that's why it's great that these herbs can be found as a tea too.

Aloe vera is a popular hemorrhoids herbal remedy. Applied topically, aloe gel can ease the burning and itching of swollen hemorrhoids. As a juice, aloe can ease the symptoms of constipation and reduce the inflammation of hemorrhoidal tissue. - 17268

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Best Ab Exercises - Quickly See Dynamite Results

By Aldo Clayton

Everybody wants their midsection to look great. If your abs are not in good condition, you're nobody, at least to some. While a slim, muscled midsection looks great, it will look even better on a body which is well toned all around. Incorporate ab exercises into your routine for great looking abs - and a good looking body!

There are really quite a few good ab exercises out there. If you try one and it isn't for you, just move on, there's more to make a choice from. Each exercise works better for some folk than others. You'll have to try many before finding some which you like. And naturally, your abs still get a session no matter which one you select.

1. Still Bike Crunches - Now while crunches can't do the job alone, they're favorable. Bicycle crunches employ all your ab muscle regions : rectus abdominal, lower abdominal and oblique abs. Do this exercise lying on the floor, back rounded and hands behind the neck to avoid straining yourself. Your upper abs will be engaged, and your lower abs will come into play as you lift your knees up to form a 90 degree angle. Move the other knee to the center of your body while moving the opposite elbow to your knee. Alternate sides for one full count everytime.

2. Kickboxing and Martial Arts - You can attend classes at the gym or try using TaeBo tapes. The pulling down motions of your arms and the upward motion of your legs is like doing a crunch standing up! Kickboxing uses all of your abdominal muscles helping your entire body burn fat. All the movements you will do are done with your abs tightened ; this helps you keep balance for a better workout.

3. Torso Twists - A body twist tightens your abs as you move from side to side briefly quick movements. You must do this one right to actually benefit your abs. Broomstick twists are done by standing and doing a sweeping motion first on one side, then the other. Stand with bent knees and arms extended on each side. Try to keep your hips still as you do the exercise. You want to make your abs do the work here. - 17268

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Healthy Weight Loss Cooking

By Lisa Wood

Common opinion is that weight loss is boring and asks too much from you or that you have to say goodbye to your favourite meals almost for forever.

Actually, in many cases it's only about little tweaks or ingredient substitutions which in the end allow you to enjoy delicious dishes without even noticing the differences except changes in your body.

Following and executing tips bellow is simple and they won't change your food making habits massively; just some can take some extra time but benefits are far greater than few minutes.

You will understand that weight loss can be enjoyable and that process isn't hard at all. It will allow you to eat fewer calories by treating yourself with tasty meals.

Let's get started and I'm pretty sure that at least few of tips bellow will suit your diet plan and will allow to enjoy your dieting much more:

1. Fat content in beef can be reduced by 50% without affecting its flavour with rinsing it down in hot water.

2. Swap butter to chicken broth in your rice, stuffing and pasta dishes.

3. Use chicken, beef broth or wine instead of oil and gain extra flavour with excluding the fat.

4. Replace oil in marinades with fruit juices, wine or salad dressing. You'll improve the taste and reduce the fat.

5. Use soft cheese (cottage cheese for example) instead of full cheese in pasta dishes.

6. Replace mozzarella with cheddar cheese and cut calories by half and reduce fat.

7. Instead of whole milk use skimmed milk and save 8 grams of fat with each glass.

8. Cut down more calories with replacing 1 whole egg with 2 egg whites.

You must get used to these changes but in the end they help you eat healthier without losing the flavour and satisfaction from food. There are plenty more various weight loss cooking techniques available and these are just few.

Give these tips a try and see how they work for you. The bottom line is that you don't have to suffer when losing weight; you can still enjoy your meals if they are cooked the smart and healthy way. - 17268

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Using a Colon Cleansing Detox Diet with a Colon Cleansing Program

By William Wallace

Colon cleansing detox, or detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. Detox is usually associated with the treatment for drugs and alcohol but can be used to describe herbs, diets and ways of removing these toxins to give better health.

A variety of detox diets are available and are meant for short duration. Check with your doctor to find out which one may be right for you. Unhealthy eating habits leave our body without the nutrients that it needs to flush the toxins out of our system. Air, water and food bring these toxins in as well. Studies show that as a result, the toxins are stored in our body's fat cells. Breathing techniques, sauna and hydrotherapy, exercise, supplements and herbs may be part of the diet regimen.

As a collective, accumulated toxins in our bodies have been shown to have effects on metabolism, hormonal balances, immune systems and the body's overall health. Symptoms may include: indigestion, tiredness, bad breath, muscle pain and poor skin. Detox diets can bring improvement in digestion, the ability to focus, regular bowels and clearer skin.

Seek professional advice from your doctor before using a colon cleansing detox diet. Children should not be put on this diet. Neither should pregnant or nursing women. Certain chronic conditions, anemia, diabetes, eating disorders, kidney, thyroid or autoimmune diseases, terminal illness, cancer and certain genetic disorders are reasons to avoid this diet.

Headaches are the most common side effect for coffee lovers when using colon cleansing detox diets because of caffeine withdrawals. Consider decreasing caffeine consumption gradually before beginning the diet. Start the diet on a weekend or a few days off from work if possible. Fatigue, hunger, weight loss, irritability, constipation, diarrhea and acne are some signs. To avoid dehydration or constipation, increase the amount of water you drink. Consult your doctor if symptoms worsen or new ones develop.

Using a colon cleansing detox diet should not be done more than twice a year for prevention of disease and increased health. Alternative doctors may place someone on a longer lasting or more frequent schedule of the diet, but you should not undertake or prolong a detox without proper medical guidance.

If you decide to try a colon cleansing detox, gradually ease yourself back into a less restrictive, healthy diet. Detox diets can be used as a means of providing a beginning to a healthier lifestyle. Fruits and vegetables on the detox diet can still be eaten afterwards. Never reduce or discontinue any medication that you are currently on without talking with your doctor first. - 17268

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Tricking Your Hunger - Hoodia vs Glucose

By Joseph Bush

It was discovered only recently by Cambridge University; our appetite is regulated by blood glucose and its levels in our blood. This way the brain determines and decides, we are hungry or we are not.

Individuals gain weight when the relationship between the brain and blood glucose levels is interrupted, in many cases. The most common reason is when your insulin levels tell your body that it is low on glucose and hunger then kicks in.

You could try to solve that by testing your blood sugar levels and by changing your diet but often it's not enough and something else should be done. Everyone will agree that hunger isn't the most pleasant feeling and everyone will do anything to make it go away as soon as possible, and eating something should help in this case.

Blood glucose levels can be lowered also by day to day routine where extra activity will make you fell hunger more and weight loss more difficult. What to do, you may ask?

The answer is - Hoodia Gordonii. It's proven to be 10000 more active and effective in appetite regulation than glucose.

This appetite suppressant originally was discovered by South African natives and brought to us by British scientists. It's been a decade now since Hoodia with its newly discovered active ingredient P57 is used in weight loss and appetite suppression.

It works similarly to glucose by imitating it and tricking the brain that body is full, even when it's not. Using Hoodia your daily calorie intake can be reduced by up to 2000 calories.

Hoodia isn't a newcomer and have been on the market for about 10 years now. Large number of tests and trials are backing its effectiveness and ability of suppressing your appetite and helping in weight loss.

Hoodia appetite suppressants can help you achieve your weight loss goals by suppressing your hunger and reducing your food cravings and keeping you away from snacking.

Don't forget to check that the chosen Hoodia Gordonii product has CITES certificate and Certificate of Analysis (COA). Knowing that you could be sure that product you use contains authentic Hoodia and will give nothing else but effective appetite suppression. - 17268

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The Most Powerful Belly Fat Diet In The World?

By Cornelius Gomez

What is the most powerful belly fat diet in the world? It's calorie shifting. Not only does this dieting technique help you lose weight, but it also lose the fat stored in your body and especially in the belly. This dieting strategy is said to be the most powerful belly fat diet because it triggers a reflex in your body and causes it to burn metabolism and increase fat burning tremendously. This is also a natural reaction that means it is completely safe and any one can use it.

Calorie shifting has been a powerful dieting system that has been sweeping the internet as of late. It's not some diet fad, it isn't a diet tablet and it is unlike any other dieting strategy or product you've ever tried. Instead of following conventional dieting rules, calorie shifting goes against them all. As an example rather than eating less and preserving your calorie intake, you instead eat more meals and change the quantity of calories you consume per meal.

Combined with other steps, calorie shiftiness powerful effect on the body is fired and the body will naturally start to burn more fat and raise metabolism. Best of all this isn't a dieting strategy that needs exercise, because once you start calorie shifting, it works as you sleep, while you eat and while you live your daily existance without depriving yourself of anything as most diets make you to do.

It is an ideal diet for anyone that lives a hectic lifestyle and cannot commit time to conventional dieting and is even better for someone that is a hurry to lose pounds and belly fat quickly and keep it off for good! People who try calorie shifting see a big difference and a much flatter belly within one week. Many also experience the entire disappearance of belly fat inside 2 weeks. So what's the strongest belly fat in the world? The answer's calorie shifting which is also the easiest diet you'll ever find.

Calorie shifting is a unique diet that has been censored by many diet corporations for 1 reason. It can't turn a profit as it isn't a product. It's simply a step by step system that unleashes your body's full fat burning potentials without the use of drugs or any extraordinary systems of dieting. It is totally safe and natural and healthy because it dumps belly fat quickly stopping obesity, slow metabolism and more. - 17268

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Finding Diets That Work Fast

By Amy Bernstein

Given the inactive way of life that the general public are now living, it is comprehensible why many are in the constant search for diets that work fast. There are essentially diets that work fast, but there are actually only a few them.

In searching for diets that work fast, it is important to weigh things out and consider some vital factors in choosing it to understand if they are smart to follow or not. Enumerated below are some tips and issues you must remember.

One significant thing to keep in mind is that this kind of diet usually shocks you with a unexpected losing of weight, but in the long run, could make you gain more weight. It is really because this kind of diet is typically restrictive of certain food items. It might cause you to feel too deprived of the food you used to eat and you adore. Therefore, you would crave almost all of the time that could push you to eat the incorrect sorts of food. If you're under this diet, you must look for set of meals with flexible food items that you would like.

Selecting a diet plan that would assist you in losing weight faster should encourage you to eat healthier food items. In selecting the food items to incorporate in your meals, it should be nutrient-dense food items; natural healthy food; fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Also, you need to eat protein-rich and carbohydrate heavy food items moderately but don't deprive yourself of eating such.

Do not push yourself to succumb to trend diets that only give people false hope. Those would just work for a short-term, and it's important to always consider long-term effects. It may also pose some threats on your general health.

If you'd like to look for diets that work fast, you can research on your own and decide which one would most likely work for your current position. However, diet alone is not enough if you want to lose your extra pounds fast.

If you really want to lose weight fast in a shorter period of time, you want to ensure you have regular physical activities. It might be as easy as running or walking in the vicinity of your neighborhood. It wouldn't need you to continually visit a gym. Also, monitoring your food intake would help you lose weight quicker and better. If you determine this goal, there's nothing impossible. It's far better to eat sensible food items and engaging in physical exercises than trying man-made diet tablets that could put yourself at risk.

Diets that work fast as existent, but diet alone would not work if you need to significantly shed pounds and maintain that for long term. Bear in mind always not to try fad diets that make you feel more depressed in the future. Depression, in a way, might be an incentive for you to gain more weight. Seemingly, those kinds of diets simply don't work. - 17268

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The Basic Key About Burning Fat

By Larry Donald

It's a funny thing about weight loss. You see all of these new gurus proclaiming new strategies and systems every year. Some of them are based on new theories about how the body works.

Some of them are even said to trick the body into thinking it's doing something that it's not, thereby affecting your metabolism and other factors.

What's funny about these plans isn't the fact that I think they're bogus, because I do happen to believe that many of them can and will in fact work. This isn't the issue here.

Why does everyone feel the need to work around the proven means of losing weight? It genuinely shouldn't have to be so complicated, as the guaranteed answer is right in front of our eyes.

There's one surefire way to burn fat and lose weight, and I find it funny that so few people choose to stick to the basics, instead opting for complicated plans that make things much harder than they need to be. If you eat less calories than you burn, you'll experience weight loss.

Such a simple notion often goes ignored, and maybe it's because it involves a bit of dedication and consistency. Still, anyone who wants to achieve results is guaranteed to get what they want as long as they adhere to this principle.

Limit the number of calories you take in on a daily basis, and try to make sure that everything you're eating has nutritional value too. Eating bad foods will make it harder to lose weight, so keep it healthy and the foods that you eat will have a positive impact on your overall health.

The second key to the equation here is exercising as much as possible. Work your body out, as this burns even more calories in the process.

The key to this all is doing it on a daily basis without fail. Live by these rules and you'll be thrilled with your results. - 17268

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