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Friday, March 20, 2009

Weight Loss Using Synergy

By Dr. Bill

Today seems to be the day when I can get some extra work done, mainly because it's so quiet around here! My wife has gone out to do one of her many projects, and cats are not clawing at me for attention. This type of household serenity is very rare, so I'm making the most of it.

Taking a break from the action, I just read a great article from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that was published in 2007. The article has a fascinating consensus.

One conclusion was that study members who took fish oil and did moderate exercise lost weight. They also had increases in muscle mass, and profound changes in cardiac risk factors.

Those who took fish oil and did not exercise did not lose weight, and neither did a group taking sunflower oil.

The weight loss group took between 3 and 6 grams of fish oil per day. Now, normally less would suffice for most people, but I suspect the folks in this study had fairly significant weight problems, and would need more than the average bear.

There was also an article that contained a review of the study itself, and the author makes points which are precisely along the lines of what I have been saying.

1. Be sure to think about how you are spending your hard-earned money. You need to buy a superior product: one that is high-grade, molecularly-distilled and is certified to contain no contaminants or PCBs.

2. Your fish oil should not taste fishy, or give you "fish burps." This is why you should only take fish oil that has an enteric coating. This insures the softgels travel deep into the digestive system before they are released.

3. Flaxseed oil is simply not as effective as fish oil. In order to get the same benefits as fish oil, you would need to take 6 times the amount of flaxseed oil -- that is, 12 grams of flaxseed oil, as compared to merely 2 pharmaceutical-grade fish oil softgels. And flaxseed oil is likely to send you to the bathroom much more often than you would like.

If you want to create synergy for weight loss, try enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil, good food, and moderate exercise. - 17268

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Turmeric Is An Answer To Your Prayers

By Borgon Trocepticlon

It is a common practice amongst people to search for health related foods in a big superstore or other herbal medical stores. But a little peek in your kitchen ingredients can prove to be more beneficial than any trip to any medical or super store. Turmeric, the most easily available spice and herb in the kitchen, can be an answer to your prayers. Its worth dates back to the 18th century, and it is no less beneficial even in the technological age of advanced medicines and equipment.

Ever wondered what gives turmeric its healing properties? Curcumin, a chemical component and an active agent in turmeric gives the turmeric its yellowish hue and is also famous for its anti inflammatory properties. Moreover, it has also shown its benefits in creating antibodies and fighting HIV bacteria and various other cancers.

Liver ailments can be remedied with turmeric. The function of the liver is to secrete bile. Turmeric assists the liver with this operation and acts as a defense mechanism against radiation and harmful chemicals. Clotting of the arteries, high cholesterol levels, acidity, digestive disorders can all find relieve with turmeric. Those who do not have a strong immune system can incorporate turmeric in their daily diet to prevent being attacked by harmful diseases. In India and other Asian countries turmeric is used as spice in traditional dishes.

Acne and wounds can be considerably healed by turmeric as it has antiseptic properties. A simple concoction can be made by the mixture of neem leaves crushed by hand and mixing them in a tsp of turmeric. This paste can be applied to acne spots for desirable results. Neem leaves can also be substituted by coconut oil if they are not easily available. Coconut oil and turmeric should be mixed to make a fine paste, then applied on the spots and kept overnight. This application can be repeated for at least three days to observe positive results.

Turmeric is known to mend the wounds swiftly. It works to rebuild the wounded skin with velocity and shields it from the foreign contact of bacteria. Glowing, shiny and smooth skin can be attained and problems of the skin can be kept at bay by applying turmeric paste on the skin regularly.

Turmeric's benefits extend even to the blood of the body. If taken regularly in the form of juice, it purifies the blood. It is also a natural detoxifier and can even act as a painkiller. It even helps with Alzheimers disease to a positive extent. Not only that, curcumin is also responsible for the reduction of plaque, tissue inflammation and memory loss.

Turmeric also relieves arthritis by impeding the enzyme that causes the swelling, pain and inflammation. Moreover, it helps diabetes patients by regulating the level of sugar in the blood.

Turmeric has countless benefits. Making it an integral part of your diet by utilizing it as a spice to season your food will safeguard your health and ensure your well-being. It is a very economical medicine suited to heal your maladies. - 17268

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Why Your Biceps Aren't Growing

By Jason King

Almost all body builders that start a body building regime want bigger biceps. Biceps are the main part of the body that shows strength, and body builders like their shirts fitting tightly at the top of their arms. Because the biceps get a lot of attention they become the most over trained muscle which means for a lot of gym users their progress actually goes in reverse.

The most common reason that most body builders over train their biceps is because they read body building magazines. Most magazines possess an article that will try and tell you how to get bigger biceps within 6 weeks. In the article you'll see a massive body builder, and he'll give you his biceps routine.

A common biceps workout in a magazine will normally be a workout of about 20 sets of exercises. This is way too many sets to stimulate growth in your biceps. You can give your back, cheat and shoulders a good workout with 20 sets, and your biceps don't need no where near this many sets. After reading the article you'll normally see a photo of the body builder sitting their with his favorite supplement in his hand. The whole article is an ad for the supplement he's holding, and is in no way suppose to help you get bigger biceps. They want you to purchase the supplement.

When you exercise your back and shoulders, all the pulling you do will have already given your biceps a decent workout so giving them another 20 sets will definitely train them too much. Body builders who write these magazine articles can give their arms 20 sets because they're usually on growth hormones and/or steroids. This type of routine is impossible if you're a natural body builder.

After all of the back and shoulder exercises you do all you only need to give your biceps about 4 sets a week. You don't have to punish your arms to get them to grow, your main requirement is to make sure you gain strength.

All you need to do is add extra weight to the bar every week, and as you gain more strength then your arms will get bigger. Getting bigger isn't achieved with adding more sets to your routine. If you fail to add extra weight or extra reps to your routine then your muscles won't grow.

If you don't gain the strength to add more weight or extra reps every week then you need to look at what you're eating. To get bigger you need to eat enough protein, carbs and healthy fats to aid the repair of your muscles. Without the right balance of macro nutrients, and enough of them you won't get bigger. Eating enough small meals spread out through the day will cause a natural anabolic effect in your body that will cause you to get bigger.

Keeping a journal of what your doing will help you discover what is working best for you. When you get all of the little things right you'll begin getting the gains you're after. - 17268

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What You Need to Know About Degenerative Osteoarthritis

By Borgon Trocepticlon

A common disease that occurs in old age is called osteoarthritis. As the name implies, osteoarthritis is a disease that affects the joints and cartilage of a person. Typically, it affects the knees, hands, and even neck. This occurs in both men and women, but there is a significant difference in the onset. For men, osteoarthritis occurs at an earlier age compared to women.

A person with osteoarthritis often feels pain and stiffening of the joints affected. Usually, when a joint is swelling, a person with osteoarthritis can't move and experiences excruciating pain. Pain varies and is greatly affected by numerous factors such as the weather conditions or the temperature of the environment.

Pain in osteoarthritis can be mild to intense. Typically, it starts with a mild pain that is followed by muscle spasm. As the pain continues, contraction of muscles also continues. However, this pain is not prolonged and won't last for a day. A patient with osteoarthritis should be worried if the pain experienced is ongoing for a couple of days.

Pain attacks don't happen at regular intervals. Patients with osteoarthritis can feel pain today but will not feel pain in the next three days. Therefore, patients can perform normal activities when pain is absent, but have to stop when pain occurs. This inability to perform activities makes life adjustments hard for a patient with osteoarthritis.

Age is the most common factor associated with osteoarthritis. People who are in their 40s to 60s are often the ones affected with osteoarthritis. This happens because as people age, the bones and cartilages are getting weaker and can no longer meet the demands of strenuous physical work. There are also a lot of symptoms associated with osteoarthritis other than pain. Some of which are bony enlargements and formation of bones from cartilages.

Little is known about osteoarthritis being genetic, but it is a common finding for patients with osteoarthritis to have other family members with the same condition. Experts have found out that this incidence is associated with lifestyle. Therefore necessary lifestyle modifications should be done. An exercise routine every day is very ideal to have an active lifestyle to prevent osteoarthritis.

Doing some serious physical work would be helpful to maintain an active lifestyle. A regular exercise routine is also a good option. However, for people who have lots of extra pounds, a change in diet is also necessary. If you're one of these people who is overweight, a diet modification would be a good way to reduce some pounds. Foods such as fruits and vegetables are the most ideal food replacement for foods rich in cholesterol and preservatives.

Being diagnosed with osteoarthritis is really alarming. People dread the pain that accompanies this condition. If you have a low tolerance for pain, then as early as possible, you should make some changes in your habits and your lifestyle in order to prevent having osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is serious because your daily activities will be disrupted once you are experiencing pain; therefore, prevention is a must. - 17268

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Weight Loss Tips Made Easy

By Jose Grinden

The number of people who commence a weight loss program every day is mind blowing and the amount of them that will fail is equally astounding. So why should this be when there is plenty of good, proven information available?

The predominant reason for that failure to lose any weight is simply because the vast bulk of people who try to lose weight just give up too early. There are scores of reasons for this, however one of the worst is haste. People are often in too much of a rush and expect to get results too swiftly and when that crops up, they merely give up, in the belief that it has failed for them. So here are five facts regarding losing weight which could cause you to change your own strategy with respect to losing weight.

Attempting to lose weight too quickly by crash dieting can be greatly harmful to your health. Your body naturally resists your efforts to do this by checking your metabolism in an attempt to counteract the restricted nutrients, thereby curtailing the potency of the diet. When you cease dieting and continue eating as normal again, your body will store food as fat in preparation for another time of starvation, so you will gain even more weight than previously.

Everyone's body is designed to remain at the correct weight for its height and build and if that drops out of alignment because of abuse, a small shift in how you use your body will render it back into alignment and return back to the exact weight.

Undertaking too much strenuous exercise can cause muscle and ligament damage when they're unfamiliar with it. However, by taking things at a more leisurely pace you will make weight loss a much easier thing. Commence an exercise program at your leisure and slowly increase the time you spend exercising as well as the measure of exertion. Always stretch in advance of and following a work out to give your muscles more flexibility and lessen the chances of straining them.

By lessening your uptake of calories through food so that it is just less than the amount of calories you use through exercise, you should lose weight until a perfect balance is attained. This is the simplest truth about weight loss. With this information you have a far greater chance of succeeding where without it you might have failed. - 17268

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Does a muscle building program really need supplements?

By Jon Cardozo

I really hate to disappoint you, but weightlifting supplements are no shortcut to success. You probably already knew this deep down inside, but you may have spent a bunch of money when purchasing these kind of supplements. If so, you have probably been quite disappointed and have already learned this lesson.

Even protein powders, which are relatively helpful supplements, are not absolutely necessary. While they're helpful when it's difficult to consume adequate calories or protein, a bunch of powder with artificial ingredients thrown in is not a substitute for a solid, healthy meal plan.

The other day I went to a used bookstore, and as I got thirsty I decided to go next door and buy a bottle of water. It turns out that the store was a supplement store that focused on products for building muscle. On the shelves were protein bars and big tubs of powder with pictures of impressive body builders and flashy headlines. I spent $1.50 on the bottled water (hey, I was thirsty, right?) and started to think about how much money is thrown away on bodybuilding supplements.

Expert trainer Vince Delmonte tells us that nutritional supplements make very little difference in a muscle building program.

He explained that the core of your results will come from your weightlifting exercises, your nutrition, and your recovery methods. Only when all of these fundamentals are in place should you even consider spending money on supplements. Even then, you may only see a slight boost in your performance. Chances are you'll notice anything at all.

You'll be more successful taking your fitness the next level by mastering basic training recovery and nutrition techniques. Pick up any bodybuilding magazine nearby and I promise you that the only thing those supplement advertisements will deliver is a lighter wallet."

Much of the confusion about muscle building, and about most other goals in life, comes from a failure to recognize the basics. We're always looking for shortcuts or a magic bullet, because we're not willing to put in the work. Or, we simply don't believe that the fundamentals aren't good enough to give us the results we want.

You can then consider something like creatine to give you an extra little boost for advanced progress. Learning to rely on supplements first can put a heavy load on your bank account and ingrain some pretty unhealthy habits like choosing quick fixes instead of learning discipline and commitment. If you're now convinced that weightlifting supplements are not shortcuts to muscle growth but still that have the knowledge to train on your own, consider investing some time (and even some money) in a comprehensive muscle building system. Learn the basics of how to train, how to eat, and how to recover. Doing this will be much more effective and much cheaper in the long run than relying on the latest supplements fad. - 17268

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The Ways to lose That Unwanted Weight ?

By Mercy Alamis

If you are an over weight person, you have probably recently contended with your weight issue. It is terribly aggravating to deal with the weight issue. Advertisements, either on the t.v, newspaper or internet, claims to have the proven and tested way of losing the excess weight. And sometimes, these claims sounds good to be true because of the characters they used in the advertisement.

If you are scouring for the perfect weight loss plan, you should bear in mind that you should look for a healthy way to lose weight. Don't be deceived by the rhetorics of the weight loss advertisement you saw. What worked for the person in the advertisement is not guaranteed to work for you.

One type of weightloss product to avoid are the diet pills. The ones that literally requires you to starve yourself. You need food to perform your daily life activities. Starving yourself would make you weak and susceptible to diseases. Remember, you agenda is to lose weight and not to be sick.

One way that could help you lose weight is by changing your diet. Reduce or if possible banish sugar, alcohol and fatty foods from your diet. Reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates in your food if your daily activities are not strength demanding. This is because the carbohydrates are stored in the body as fat. With the strength demanding activities, the fat would be converted in to energy. This is the energy that would help you to complete the strength demanding activity.

You should also eliminate junk and fast foods from your diet. These foods are full of preservatives and empty calories. These foods does not provide healthy nutrients to your body. Instead they make you crave for more. Avoid drinking sodas. Sodas contain sugar and as noted above, you should eliminate sugar from your diet.

Another method of losing weight that is highly recommended is exercise. Exercise burns the body's fat, builds muscle mass and increases metabolism. With exercising, you are like killing two birds with one stone. By this I mean, you are not only losing weight, but you are also keeping yourself healthy and in good shape.

Healthy eating and exercising daily are undoubtedly the best ways to lose weight in a natural and safe manner. By following these best ways to lose weight, you will not only have the figure you always wanted, but you will have good health. You will also feel good, have increased energy and you would have a friendly attitude. - 17268

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Natural Remedies For Diabetes Including Mangosteen Juice

By Julieanne van Zyl

The word diabetes is rooted in from a Greek word meaning to "siphon or pass through". In the diagnosis of diabetes it is often considered a nutritional disorder, a characteristic of having abnormally high blood-sugar levels and the subsequent secretion of that excess in the urine. The disease can result from a absolute lack or reduced production of insulin which leads to abnormalities in the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein.

Two different types of diabetes are commonly diagnosed. Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile onset diabetes, the body shuts down production of insulin or produces less than required to regulate the level of blood glucose.

Type 2 diabetes, when the body is not able to use the insulin that is secreted by the pancreas. It is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes or adult onset diabetes.

There is a third type of diabetes called gestational diabetes that occurs during the latter half of pregnancy and vanishes with the birth of the baby.

Many people who suffer from type 2 diabetes can assist their bodies to use insulin more effectively by making simple varying to their lifestyle. Some of those varying include eating less carbohydrates and increasing the amount of exercise each day. Exercise benefits the cells by enabling them to absorb more insulin from the bloodstream and thus maintain a normal blood glucose level.

Because the pharmaceutical industry is so competitive, medications and drugs sometimes slip through the Federal Drug Administration research process. Thus some drugs can be supplied to the general public which can have undue side effects or cause damage to other organs in the body. Consequently many people are inclined to look at natural remedies for diabetes as a means of augmenting their medication protocol or attempting to replace their medication entirely.

Today, diabetes affects over 170 million people around the world and that number increases each and every year. Left untreated, diabetes will lead to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, blindness and some joint problems. Individuals will lose circulation to their referral tissues meaning their fingers and toes, and leading to amputation.

Regulating the disease can often be a matter of losing weight, exercising and improving your diet. Persons afflicted with diabetes often find that increased protein intake assists in the repair of cell membranes. They should also reduce their intake of sugar and increase their intake of complex carbohydrates, but not simple carbohydrates.

People with this illness may also find that using other natural remedies will assist in the control of their blood sugar even further. One of those remedies is Ginseng. Although there are several different types of ginseng most of the promising studies have been made using North American ginseng. These studies have shown that over a long time, ginseng may improve blood sugar control.

The diabetic drug Acarbose decreases the breakdown of starch (carbohydrates) to sugar. Recent research has shown that the pericarp of the Mangosteen fruit contains a nutrient that works exactly the same way in our bodies as the drug Acarbose. It is recommended that diabetics take the Mangosteen one to three hours before their largest meal or with the meal.

The metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, requires an essential trace element, chromium. Several studies have revealed that diabetics have low levels of chromium in their blood. Presently, further study is still needed to prove that using chromium supplementation will be an effective way of controlling blood sugar for a diabetic.

Further studies by other researchers have also found that chromium improves glucose in blood control in individuals who have insulin-dependent diabetes. So although the research may be varied it does point to the need for on-going research into the inclusion of chromium in the treatment of diabetes.

Another essential mineral that is found naturally in foods such as nuts, seeds and whole grains, is magnesium. Researchers have found that individuals need magnesium for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Some studies suggest that low levels of magnesium may impair glycemic control in individuals who have type 2 diabetes.

Studies have also found that the use of cinnamon will improve glycemic control. In these studies the improvements were slight but statistically consequence.

It is essential for people who suffer from diabetes, not to ignore the consequences. Lifestyle changes and their potential lifespan will be greatly affected. The care and advice of your healthcare practitioner is most important when you consider treatment protocols for your diabetes. - 17268

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Why Meghan McCain Could Use A Little Fish Oil

By Dr. Bill

A friend of mine sent me a few video clips yesterday, and one in particular caught my attention. It was a clip of Meghan McCain's appearance on "The View," but at first I could not, for the life of me, remember where I had seen her before. But then it came to me in a flash.

It dawned on me that her father is Senator John McCain, recent Republican candidate for president. As his daughter, she is convinced that she is valuable to the future of the party. There are certainly many differing opinions on this, so her appearance on the "The View" was an opportunity to promote her politics, which include something she calls "moderate republicanism." I have to say that I don't understand the concept at all.

On the show, Ms. McCain had quite a verbal battle with Ann Coulter, who is much more conservative than McCain. Ms. McCain basically told Ms. Coulter that she could take her political views and shove 'em. Next, Laura Ingraham, a talk show host, joined in the fray, siding with Anne Coulter and resorting to a personal attack, calling McCain "plus-sized."

I have heard Laura Ingraham previously and I think her insult towards McCain was meant to kill two birds with one stone. It seemed to me that she wanted to show solidarity with Coulter's politics and she wanted to score points by calling out McCain for being fat. Despite all the negativity, I enjoyed Ingraham and Coulter more than I did McCain -- they just looked to be at the top of their game: funny and smart, rather than (I hate to say it) boring.

As far as size goes, McCain is comparable with everyone on the panel at "The View" except Elisabeth what's-her-name. And I don't mean that as a compliment. A few weeks ago Jay Leno had called Joy Behar "fat," on his own show, along with a few other choice insults. McCain, while on "The View" stood up for herself by telling everyone that they could just kiss her fat a%* -- which is exactly that same thing that Tyra Banks did when confronted with the media calling her fat.

Honestly, I don't remember Meghan McCain at all from her father's campaign, but she apparently now thinks the fate of the Republican Party rests in her hands. You can read all about it on her blog. And it's also apparent that she has inherited some of her father's legendary temper.

If she is thinking of running for her father's seat in Arizona anytime in the near future, I would strongly advise her to stock up on some fish oil.

There have been some very interesting behavioral studies done recently which indicate that fish oil can have a beneficial effect on the mind; some studies showing a reduction in incidences of angry and/or violent conduct.

There have been a few studies in Britain that showed that young adults who were prone to "hooliganism" and were given fish oil showed a marked improvement in the reduction of their destructive behavior.

I do believe that Ms. McCain might have not been tempted to react quite so angrily to her opponents if she had been taking Dr. Bill's Powerhouse Omega Formula on a daily basis. There is much evidence to support that the omega-3 fatty acids in the Formula might have helped her remain calmer. Pharmaceutical-grade fish oil can truly help clear the mind and allow for more precise though processes. It is one of the many reasons why I take it myself, every day.

One other be young, fat, and proud... is NOT a good thing, whether you're Tyra Banks, or Meghan McCain. I'll guarantee you one thing... within 24 hours of either of them telling a national audience they could kiss their fat a$$, they both went on some kind of diet, which is part of their problem to begin with.

If they just followed my advice: good food, moderate consistent exercise, proper rest, and a daily dose of pharmaceutical grade fish oil, things might go a little better for them. And their behind wouldn't be on the frontburner. - 17268

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Sensitive Skin Care Tips

By Jessica Sparks

Sensitive skin care involves close attention to both product ingredients and the way that your skin reacts to certain products. There are different degrees of skin sensitivity to take into account as well. For example, if you sunburn, blush, or itch easily, then you probably have naturally fair skin. If your skin reacts to latex or wool, then this generally means that your skin is very sensitive, regardless of your skin tone.

Natural skin care products containing herbal ingredients such as aloe vera and jojoba oil are generally recommended for people with very sensitive skin. It is also important to drink plenty of water and pay attention to food sensitivities that many trigger break outs. When shopping for natural skin care products, pay attention to labels that say things like non comedogenic, and all natural ingredients. Artificial ingredients can trigger skin flare ups, so it is important to be careful when choosing products.

The right skin care regimen can go a long way towards protecting your sensitive skin. It is important to cleanse, exfoliate, tone, and moisturize each week. Choose products that are designed for sensitive skin, astringent free, and of course, contain natural ingredients. Skin care professionals recommend that you cleanse your skin everyday and moisturize and tone one to three times a week. Exfoliation is also important, but the frequency of exfoliation depends on the condition of your skin.

Sensitive skin care depends on the right skin care products, so make sure to pay close attention to ingredients and labels when choosing them. This is the best way to make sure that your skin stays healthy and radiant. - 17268

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Discover the Real Secret About What Makes Up A Balanced Meal

By Michael Parkes

Preparing a balanced meal may seem to be an arduous task, but once you know the hints and tips to getting the balance right, it will be much easier. An extremely good method to learn how to prepare a balanced meal, is by getting to know how food types are differentiated in the food pyramid.

So, what makes up a balanced meal? In the food pyramid, the five largest groups of food types are bread or carbs, proteins, tasty fruits, fresh vegetables and also dairy produce. Knowing these food types helps you to get the balance right. It is also important to having certain amount of each food types each day.

Here is a good tip for people who are constantly on the move, or people who have little time to cook. Frozen foods can be a healthy option in these cases. The nutritious content of the food remains despite the food being frozen. But make sure it is a healthy balanced meal with some meat, vegetables, juice and carbohydrates.

Everyone?s energy intake is different. This depends a lot on age, fitness and body shapes. It is advisable to match your daily food intake to your energy needs. This helps to maintain weight. Generally, a meal prepared according to the food pyramid is an excellent choice.

The next big thing is making sure that the carbohydrates you choose contains low glycemic index (GI). The low GI carbohydrates provide you with energy throughout the day in a slow, continuous fashion. This slow release of energy keeps you feeling fuller for longer and helps to maintain your physical requirements for energy.

When preparing a balanced meal, try to choose lean meat such as low-fat meat, fish or chicken. These help to build and maintain the muscle components in the body. Eggs are also a good choice for building muscle mass.

So, why is a balanced meal good for you? A main reason is that this makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight. The body mass index (BMI) is a good indicator of a person?s risk of developing medical conditions later on in life. Maintaining a healthy BMI is made easier with diet control.

Exercising is an important part of maintaining health. The balanced meal and exercise complements each other in helping one achieve good health. It works together to bring you better quality of life. - 17268

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