By Corona
A by-product of cheese created from cows milk, whey protein is an incredible protein source. Whey has the highest BV (biological value) of any protein source. A high BV means that it's absorbed and put to use by our body's in a very quick and efficient manner. Whey protein contains an incredible 18 different amino acids, including all of the essential aminos. This fact makes whey one of the best sources of amino acids.
Not all whey protein is the same. There are three main types of whey:
-Whey Concentrate: Not the most effective form, with a low percentage of protein by weight (29-89%). The remainder is mostly carbohydrates from lactose, with low levels of fat and cholesterol.
-Whey Isolate: Isolate is processed to remove the fats and lactose. Isolate contains at least 90 percent protein by weight. Whey isolate is one of the best forms for supplementation.
-Hydrolyzed Whey: Partially digested (chemically), This type of whey is typically the more expensive type. The benefit to the cost, is easier digestion. The other forms of whey, are slower to digest than hydrolyzed whey. Other than cost, one downside is taste. Hydrolyzed whey tends to have a less desirable taste than the other two forms of whey.
I must say, there are so many benefits to whey, that I couldn't possibly cover them all here in detail. But!... I have provided a good summary here.
Physical Performance: -A great combination of aminos that help improve body composition and athletic performance.
-Great source of leucine, an essential amino acid. Leucine is key in promoting muscle protein synthesis.
-Increases levels of glutathione, an antioxidant that is required for a healthy immune system.
-High levels of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's). combined with carbohydrates following resistance training, increases insulin output by 221%. This is extremely important in protein synthesis.
-Easy to digest and gentle on the digestive system.
-BCAA's and other aminos promote better wound healing through protein synthesis.
Weight Management:
-Protein requires more energy to digest, resulting in more calories being burnt after a high protein meal.
-Whey isolate is nearly pure, with little to no fats or carbohydrates. A great compliment to low glycemic index diets.
-Leucine preserves lean mass while promoting fat loss.
-Protein helps stabilize blood glucose levels, reducing hunger.
Whey protein is made up of high levels of BCAA's (Branched Chain Amino Acids). BCAAs make up about one third of skeletal muscle in humans, and play quite an important role in protein synthesis. It has been shown that supplementation with BCAA's, along with carbohydrate consumption following resistance training, increases insulin output by 221%. That insulin spike will result in more macro-nutrients being pushed into your muscle cells, resulting in better recovery and hypertrophy.
While whey is an amazing protein source, it is not always the most ideal form of protein. The times when whey will provide your body with the most benefit are whenever you need a quick absorbing form of protein (i.e. When you first wake up in the morning, or right after a workout.). One time that you definitely do not want whey over another form of protein, is before bed. Just before going to sleep, you need a form of protein that will last throughout the night. Whey would be processed by your body in less than an hour, thereby starving your body for the rest of the night. Prior to sleep, your best bet is either casein (a slow digesting protein), or a combination of fast and slow digesting proteins. Just prior to a meal, is a great time to take whey.
Consume whey after any period of time that your body has been deprived or depleted of food/protein. By drinking whey (without anything else), you will kick start your metabolism again, and put a stop to any catabolism (when your body starts breaking itself down for protein as a source of energy) your body is undergoing. - 17268