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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Acai Berry Reverses Brain Loss According to Scientific Studies

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

In an innovative study that is sure to initiate further research, matured laboratory rats that consumed a diet loaded in the acai berry compound pterostilbene performed superior than those in the collection of animals that did not eat the enriched acai berry diet.

Pterostilbene changed specific harmful aliments that create aging on brain functions and behavioral patterns.

The study which was broken down into two sections dedicated for scientist in determining if pterostilbene would be an effective compound in the age reversal of mature rats.

The first part of the study dealt with testing seven different compounds in a cell culture where they determined that pterostilbene was the most effective in hindering oxidative stress.

The second part of the study featured the researchers preparing a diet that would have the following criteria for the mature rats: They would have a controlled diet that either fed them a large dose or small dose of pterostilbene.

The results were an reverse in cognative skills and an increase in memory in the rats that had high doses of pterostilbene.

The research is the latest in a series of animal tests that has been looking into the association with nutrition and the reasons in the decline of brain functions.

Studies also show that other berries possess this compound-further studies will show their effectiveness.

The government has no standards on dietary supplement or how they should be taken-Like Vitamin C, acai berry should be taken in small amounts.

The study was published recently in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. - 17268

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The Benefits of Drinking Cranberry Juice

By Borgon Trocepticlon

Cranberries are small shrubs or low growing plants that have a distinctive dark red color. Cranberries are acidic in nature and have nutritious contents such as Vitamin C and other dietary fibers. Cranberry juice is very easy to make and has a lot of healthy benefits. Researchers have found that cranberry juice can help prevent a lot of serious illnesses such as heart attacks, urinary tract infections, certain cancers and bladder problems.

Scientists have proven the effectiveness of cranberry juice with gum problems. The acidic nature of cranberry juice can help fight certain bacteria that cause gum problems. Regular drinking of cranberry juice can promote good oral health because it prevents cavities brought about by bacteria. Therefore, dentists usually recommend their patients to make it a habit to drink cranberry juice.

Women can greatly benefit from drinking cranberry juice because it also helps in improving skin health. Free radicals from the body that contribute to aging are eliminated by the cranberry juice, thus it enhances cell regeneration to help a woman maintain younger and healthy looking skin. This rejuvenating effect happens because cellulite is reduced by drinking cranberry juice.

Initially, cranberry juice is only known to remedy urinary tract infections. The effects of cranberry juice are very beneficial to patients with urinary tract infections because its acidic property helps in eliminating certain bacteria that thrives in the urethra. Doctors often inform their patients to drink cranberry juice to relieve the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Painful urination is the most common symptom associated with urinary tract infections. Sometimes, this symptom is also accompanied with fever and abdominal pains.

Cranberry juice is an effective way to maintain a healthy and bacteria free urinary tract because it inhibits bacterial growth. The acidic nature of the cranberry juice disrupts bacterial growth in the urethra and bladder; therefore, maintaining the sterile environment. Cranberry juice is also effective in preventing kidney and bladder infections aside from urinary tract infections.

Cranberry juice also has anti-cancer properties. This is because of the anti-oxidant content that can be found in the contents of the fruit. Anti-oxidants are known to prevent the growth of cancer cells. Aside from an anti-cancer effect, cranberry juice is also good for the heart because it inhibits the formation of plaques in the blood vessel walls that causes heart problems. A good example of these heart problems is coronary artery disease.

Because of the Vitamin C content found in cranberry juice, doctors recommend to drink it to boost the immune system. Children who often get sick because of poor immunity can be given at least one to three glasses of cranberry juice per day. This will help children increase their resistance against certain diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

It is truly beneficial to drink cranberry juice. With all of the benefits that it provides, an individual who would want to live a healthier and longer life should definitely drink cranberry juice every day. However, this fruit juice should be fresh and not commercially prepared because it may already contain preservatives. - 17268

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Getting Bigger Biceps Is Easy Once You Know How

By Jason King

You want a pair of sleeve ripping muscular biceps that commands attention wherever you go? If that's what you want, you must realize that to get the growth you want on your arms you must follow some rules religiously, this will then get you the results you're after. Blindly lifting iron in the gym - performing endless sets of bicep curls ain't gonna cut it. Here are the key conditions that must be met to boost your chances of attaining muscular biceps.

First of all if you want to learn how to get big biceps you're also going to have to learn how muscle growth works or you wont get very far without giving up due to lack of results. Basically, when you train your biceps you cause tiny microscopic tears in the muscle called "micro trauma."

You damage the muscle microscopically when you train, and right after the workout or tough activity the muscle begins to repair itself bigger and stronger then before and this is how they get bigger. It's important for proper muscle repair to leave enough rest time between your workouts. Maximum growth is only achieved if you have plenty of rest between workouts, as your muscles only grow during this period. The gym is not the place where your muscles grow.

When trying to get bigger biceps there is more than one factor involved. The two most important things are your training schedule and diet.

When it comes to your diet and nutrition program you need to make sure you're eating enough carbohydrates and protein. These two macro-nutrients are important for fueling your muscles and aiding their repair.

For every pound of your body weight you should be eating about 1 to 2 grams of protein and around 2-3 grams of carbohydrates per pound for maximum muscle growth. You need top get these nutrients from good quality food sources, and not just eat anything expecting your muscles to grow.

You'll soon start seeing results from your training if you stick to a good program. The biceps are the hardest muscles to achieve growth in for a lot of men simply because they don't eat or train correctly. You don't have to be one of them. - 17268

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Whey Protein

By Corona


A by-product of cheese created from cows milk, whey protein is an incredible protein source. Whey has the highest BV (biological value) of any protein source. A high BV means that it's absorbed and put to use by our body's in a very quick and efficient manner. Whey protein contains an incredible 18 different amino acids, including all of the essential aminos. This fact makes whey one of the best sources of amino acids.

Not all whey protein is the same. There are three main types of whey:

-Whey Concentrate: Not the most effective form, with a low percentage of protein by weight (29-89%). The remainder is mostly carbohydrates from lactose, with low levels of fat and cholesterol.

-Whey Isolate: Isolate is processed to remove the fats and lactose. Isolate contains at least 90 percent protein by weight. Whey isolate is one of the best forms for supplementation.

-Hydrolyzed Whey: Partially digested (chemically), This type of whey is typically the more expensive type. The benefit to the cost, is easier digestion. The other forms of whey, are slower to digest than hydrolyzed whey. Other than cost, one downside is taste. Hydrolyzed whey tends to have a less desirable taste than the other two forms of whey.


I must say, there are so many benefits to whey, that I couldn't possibly cover them all here in detail. But!... I have provided a good summary here.

Physical Performance: -A great combination of aminos that help improve body composition and athletic performance.

-Great source of leucine, an essential amino acid. Leucine is key in promoting muscle protein synthesis.

-Increases levels of glutathione, an antioxidant that is required for a healthy immune system.

-High levels of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's). combined with carbohydrates following resistance training, increases insulin output by 221%. This is extremely important in protein synthesis.

-Easy to digest and gentle on the digestive system.

-BCAA's and other aminos promote better wound healing through protein synthesis.

Weight Management:

-Protein requires more energy to digest, resulting in more calories being burnt after a high protein meal.

-Whey isolate is nearly pure, with little to no fats or carbohydrates. A great compliment to low glycemic index diets.

-Leucine preserves lean mass while promoting fat loss.

-Protein helps stabilize blood glucose levels, reducing hunger.


Whey protein is made up of high levels of BCAA's (Branched Chain Amino Acids). BCAAs make up about one third of skeletal muscle in humans, and play quite an important role in protein synthesis. It has been shown that supplementation with BCAA's, along with carbohydrate consumption following resistance training, increases insulin output by 221%. That insulin spike will result in more macro-nutrients being pushed into your muscle cells, resulting in better recovery and hypertrophy.


While whey is an amazing protein source, it is not always the most ideal form of protein. The times when whey will provide your body with the most benefit are whenever you need a quick absorbing form of protein (i.e. When you first wake up in the morning, or right after a workout.). One time that you definitely do not want whey over another form of protein, is before bed. Just before going to sleep, you need a form of protein that will last throughout the night. Whey would be processed by your body in less than an hour, thereby starving your body for the rest of the night. Prior to sleep, your best bet is either casein (a slow digesting protein), or a combination of fast and slow digesting proteins. Just prior to a meal, is a great time to take whey.


Consume whey after any period of time that your body has been deprived or depleted of food/protein. By drinking whey (without anything else), you will kick start your metabolism again, and put a stop to any catabolism (when your body starts breaking itself down for protein as a source of energy) your body is undergoing. - 17268

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How You Can Grow Your Pecs So Huge That They Demand Attention

By Rob Molloy

For a body you can be quite proud of, you will find that it is crucial to build chest muscles. When it comes to well-defined chest muscles, men and women face the same dilemma. They both want firm chests rather than the flaccid musculature they now likely have. It isn't easy to build chest muscles but there are a number of things to assist you in achieving that muscular chest you want.

In order to be able to achieve this objective it is important that you focus on the muscles being worked, which is true for any workout. Once you understand what muscles are being worked and what their functions are, it will assist you in concentrating and focusing on them instead of on the weights you are lifting.

In the chest area there are two main muscle groups, the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor. The pectoralis major is the group of muscles on top, the ones that are mostly visible and the pectoralis minor lie towards the top of chest near the shoulder beneath the pectoralis major muscles. Many will think that you should focus your attention on just the pectoralis major muscles but if you develop the pectoralis minor muscles you stand to push the major ones forward making them look bigger.

The chest muscles, like all the muscles in the body, contain fibers that grow in a variety of directions. This means that the most effective way to exercise these muscles is to target the chest from different directions as well. Chest muscles have two main functions, namely to cross the arms and shoulders in front of the body, and to push.

In order to focus on the chest area for the purpose of increasing size and definition, there are two types of exercise, or movements, that will help to build these muscles, called presses and flys. Presses are exercises that involve not only the chest muscles but the shoulders and triceps as well. Whenever more than one muscle group is involved in this way, they are called compound exercises. Lifting weights involves several areas simultaneously, which naturally helps you to maximize your time and energy. Presses are exercises that involve moving the weight out and away from the body by the straightening of the arms. The second type of exercise, the flys, involve more than one joint movement but are more effective at isolating the chest and increasing the bulk. For this particular exercise, you begin with arms outstretched to form a "T" and then bring them together in the front of the body.

Considered to be the best and most effective way to build chest muscles is the flat bench press that you will be doing. The angle of the press will affect which part of the chest is targeted. An incline press will affect the upper chest and a decline press will affect the lower part of the chest. When holding the bar one needs to remember that by holding it with the hands widespread will target the outer chest. Likewise, holding the bar with the hands closer together will target the inner chest. If you are exercising without a spotter at the gym, it's important to make use of the different press machines available in order to stay safe.

To build chest muscles use either cables or dumbells for the flys. Both are effective and you should vary what you use. Use the fly exercises on an incline to work the upper part of the chest, use a decline to work the lower part of the chest and use a flat bench to work the overall chest.

You will need to decide on the number of sets and reps, as well as the weights you use, that are best suited to you. By using 3 sets, you will achieve the desired results. Using the first set to warm you up you can then proceed to the heavier set, followed by the cooling down third set. The trick is to do the exercise slowly although you might find you will need to use lighter weights. Although you might feel discouraged by this there is no need to be as doing these exercises slowly are most effective and you can gradually increase the weight over time. By following these steps, you will be well on your way to achieving that toned and muscular chest. - 17268

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Health Tips - Poison Ivy and Children

By Melinda Mahrer

Summer camps and family hiking sessions can sometimes result in children getting itchy rashes. To be blamed are plants such as poison ivy, poison sumac and poison oak. All of them produce the same substance or oil, called urushiol, which cause rashes. Urushiol is colorless and even odorless and is present within the leaves. Poison ivy can even grow in the backyards and parks. So any kind of outdoor activity should be monitored and the lawn should be de-weeded periodically. Bushes should be checked, as they grow as a regular plant and the child would not be healthy to distinguish the poisonous plant from the regular one.

Children should be educated and made to understand the description and ill-effects of poison ivy. They come in wide range and some change the appearance depending on seasonal variations. Urushiol is released from the leaves only when the leaves are damaged like when they are torn, get bumped or are brushed. The moment the leave is damaged, urushiol is released and the skin is affected immediately. Also, what many people do not know that to get a rash by poison ivy is not only by coming directly in contact with the plant.

The leaves of the plant can be flown by the air, which can cause damage when those leaves are handled or burned with the rest of the leaves and twigs.

Once the children are prefabricated familiar with the plants, they should be asked to steer clear on the sight of the plant or leaves. Parents should refrain places where there are possibilities of growth of such plants. When going on camps, etc., children should not be dressed in short sleeves and short length pants, so that the body does not brush off such plants. In spite of taking all these precautions, if the child comes in contact with such plants and contact with urushiol is suspected, the area should be washed with water and disinfectant. It is best to take shower and clean the whole body and the clothes should be removed immediately and washed. Pets should also be bathed after their outdoor adventures.

This allergen won't harm all, but eighty percent of the victims get skin irritations. It not only creates itchy rashes, but can also swell the skin. The time period for the symptoms to surface is few hours to five days. The rash usually takes one to two week to heal completely. First the skin swells and rash develops. Blisters can also form as a result of regular rubbing of the skin to get rid of the itch. The blisters will form a crust after some days and will flake off.

If the rashes are accompanied with fever, a pediatrician should be contacted for appointment. And if the case isn't that serious, the doctor recommends home remedies. The child would be asked to be given showers with cold water and calamine lotion would have to be applied. If the redness and itching is intense, fluid medicine along with pills are administered to the kid. Antihistamine is very popular in such cases. Steroids are prescribed by the doctor. - 17268

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The AcaiBurn supplement is rated number 1.

By Casandra Weathers

When it comes to diet supplements, there are hundreds of them. For some people there medicine cabinets are crowded with so many of them they just don't know what to do. Now that AcaiBurn is on the market, you can sure tell why so many people are throwing out the other supplements and just using this one.

Why AcaiBurn? The answer to this is simple: it's the best. AcaiBurn is made of Acai Berry extract. The berry is the top fruit in potent antioxidant content. As a matter of fact, its antioxidant content is twice as much as that of pomegranate and five times as that of blueberries!

Antioxidants are great for your body.They combat free radicals as well as help to burn fat. You will also get an increased metabolism with AcaiBurn which will also help you lose weight faster and easier.

Do you know that you and your family are constantly exposed to harmful toxins from pollution, common household chemicals, and cigarette smoke?

The need to increase our metabolism and the levels of antioxidants is very important for many reasons. AcaiBurn is the perfect solution for combating fatigue, moodiness, and weight loss. - 17268

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How To Make Soup For Low Fat Diet? Healthy Living-Part 3

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Healthy diet is not only about restricting self towards food which is unhealthy but eating a balanced diet which comprises of all the necessary nutrients which also includes adequate amount of water. Soup is a really healthy habit to get into.

Soup is not only delicious but is also generally low in calories and rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which may help to fend off winter colds and coughs and keep those winter kilos at bay. It is great even in the summer for that hunger gap that needs filling in minutes.

By removing the fat from the soup, it will be healthier and taste better. Fat-free vegetable soups, vegetable broths, and soups made with skimmed milk are very healthy soup. It is imperative to get rid of all visible fat and grease from the soup. Here are some adept ways to do this:

1. Refrigerate or cool down the soup first: then carefully remove the fat and grease that has coated on the top with a knife, spoon, or other suitable utensil.

2. If there is not time for refrigerating or cooling the soup first, use bread slices by direct application to the top layer of the soup, in order to blot up or absorb the grease.

3. A few leaves of lettuce dropped in a pot of soup will absorb grease from the top. Remove them after the fat has been absorbed onto the leaf or leaves. The lettuce leaf may also impart a slight flavour to the soup, helping to lend a little zest.

4. Floating one or more paper towels on the surface of the soup, drag the paper towel across the top. Discard the fat saturated paper towel, it is a greasy reminder of escape from unhealthy calories.

5. You also can get rid of some fat even before you start making soup by just boiling the meat and rinsing it under the cold water. And the meat will be cooked much quick and tender.

Dry soup mixes are rather low in fat and are very enjoyable. Some soup producers make canned soups that have almost a half-teaspoonful of fat per serving of soup when diluted evenly with water. Vegetable and vegetable-beef canned soups, yet, are very low in fat content and are thus highly suitable for the low-fat diet. - 17268

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How Can Banana Nutrients Help Your Health?

By Rachel Greene

Bananas are considered to be one of the most nutrient rich fruits that you can eat -- they are also one of the most popular fruits eaten today by people of all ages all over the globe. This combination means that few foods can have such a regular and positive impact on our health and well-being. So, let's take a closer look at how banana nutrients can help your health.

Bananas are a great source of vitamins for a start, including vitamins A, B and C, and we all need plenty of those. They are also rich in a variety of minerals including calcium, magnesium and potassium. The calcium content here, for example, is a great way of helping promote healthy bone growth for both children and in adults.

It is, however, the potassium content of the average banana that is considered to be the nutrient of most value in the opinion of most nutritionists and diet experts. Bananas contain such high levels of potassium that some doctors will even recommend eating them if their patients have low potassium levels and need a natural boost here. They are also a good source of fiber which is also important to your general health and everyday fitness.

You should also remember that the potassium boost that you can get from eating bananas regularly can also help keep you physically healthy in other ways. It is, for example, good for your heart and for your blood pressure. The potassium content in a banana also makes them the snack of choice for many athletes and fitness trainers. Potassium can go a long way to avoiding cramps and muscle spasms after exercise, for example.

Bananas are also an easily digested fruit which means that this can be an acceptable fruit to eat if you suffer from certain stomach problems such as ulcers. The way that a banana breaks down in your system helps protect the stomach and causes few problems. For this reason many people swear by eating bananas after a stomach upset or bout of diarrohea as the stomach can accept and digest bananas very easily without further problems.

Finally, bananas can be one of the greatest snacks that you can eat when you are on a diet. They are rich in natural healthy sugars which will immediately deal with any cravings you have for sugary foods. You will also get an immediate energy boost with a banana that is similar to the sugar rush that you will get from eating a sugary snack. The difference here is that a banana is good for you!

You will also find that your body processes the nutrients from a banana slowly and steadily. This means that most people will feel fuller for longer and they will not need the energy boost of sugary snacks as there will be a steady flow of natural sugars and carbohydrates going through their bodies. So, as you can now see, bananas can help you keep healthy in all kinds of ways! - 17268

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