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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tinnitus Treatment - What To Do For Ear Ringing

By Matt Hellstrom

Tinnitus is generally associated with experiencing a high-pitched noise in the ear, or both ears and there are several types of tinnitus treatment available for those that suffer from tinnitus. What occurs is that the all-external sound from the surrounding environment is not heard and instead a high-pitched buzzing, whining or ringing occurs in your ear. Both ears can be effected or only one ear.

There are many different causes on tinnitus but most occur from otologic disorders such as external ear infections, acoustic shock, cerumen impaction, middle ear effusion, and superior canal dehiscence. Other causes can be from excessive or loud noises, presbycusis, meniere's disease, mercury poisoning, lead poisoning, analgesic medication, antibiotics, anti-viral drugs, psychedelic drugs, metabolic disorders and psychiatric disorders.

The type pf tinnitus treatment will vary depending on the degree of tinnitus you have. Objective tinnitus in which an actual sound emanates from your ear can be treated by gamma knife radio surgery, used commonly to treat brain tumors, it focuses concentrated radiation to very specific spots. Other types of treatment for objective tinnitus include botulinum toxin, propranolol, clonazepam and cleaning out your ear canal.

Subjective tinnitus is when the balance of your ear is off and the oscillations due to hair vibrating and then that information going to the brain can cause tinnitus when the balance is off. This type of tinnitus centers on the hair cells in your ears that pick up on sound. Loud music can kill hair cells and it is thought that the main cause of subjective tinnitus is from the loss of hair cells.

Nutrient supplementation can help to treat subjective tinnitus including zinc, melatonin and gingko boloba. Avoiding caffeine, nicotine and salt is also recommended. Small doses of tricylcic and benzodiazepines are also effective tinnitus treatment. Lidocaine injections, external sound treatments and electrical stimulation have also been used. Lidocaine can suppress tinnitus for up to 20 minutes when directly injected into the ear.

However the best type of treatment is ways to prevent tinnitus. Preventing tinnitus, which when severe enough can lead to hearing loss, revolves around avoiding loud environments. If you are in a loud environment like a rock concert then you should use earplugs that will minimize any ear damage.

There are types of mediation that can weaken your ears so that they are more easily damaged by loud noises. It is important to know the level of ototoxicity, or ear toxicity, associated with any medications you may be taking, Find out whether any of the medicines you take might lead to increased injury from loud sounds if the drug you have been prescribed affects your ears or your hearing. - 17268

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Using Your Mind To Create Fast Weight Loss

By Robert Hudak

A large percentage of Americans today have been labeled or classified as being obese. Many people are tired of using weight loss pills and following strict diet programs. I think it is safe to say that no one enjoys the no calorie, no fat and no taste diet programs. If you want to experience Fast Weight Loss and try something new, perhaps using hypnosis to gain control over your eating habits is your answer.

The existence of hypnosis can be traced back to thousands of years ago. The average person can develop will power and discipline by gaining control of their mind. Plain and simple, your body responds to the instructions and impressions that it receives from your mind. Fast Weight Loss can be achieved by properly programming the subconscious mind.

Fast Weight Loss is a min set. By properly training your inner mind, you can control your eating habits easily and enjoy physical activity. You do not have to be on a starvation diet to effectively lose weight. Eating and exercising are the two quickest ways to speed the metabolism.

Skipping meals and consuming small amounts of food is not an effective way to achieve Fast Weight Loss. Believe or not, food is one of the ingredients that revs up the metabolism. If you want to keep your metabolism running at full blast eating three to six meals a day can actually speed up your weight loss process.

If you want to experience Fast Weight Loss, you need to learn what not to eat. Here is a list of foods that will destroy your weight loss success; junk food and processed food is at the top of the list. Another effective tool for increasing weight loss is to stop eating foods that contain chemicals or any artificial ingredients.

Learning some simple physical and mental tricks can stimulate Fast Weight Loss and help you control your eating habits. Many times people are thirsty and confuse it with being hungry. In our society many people are dehydrated. Consistently drinking water on a daily basis is very affective in cleansing your body and reducing the amount of food that you eat.

Here is an effective way in reducing the amount of food that you eat at meal times; fifteen minutes before you sit down to eat, drink 12oz of water. This will immediately reduce your food intake. If you want to curve your appetite and keep your body hydrated, drink water throughout the day.

Daily exercise is a second ingredient for speeding up your metabolism. Many people avoid exercise because they think it has to be grueling, boring, and uncomfortable. Exercise can become a pleasant experience that you look forward to daily. Did you know that you can experience Fast Weight Loss with as little as 20 minutes of exercise a day?

Developing the correct mind-set will also help you experience fast weight loss. All of us have heard how important the right attitude can help you be more productive. We become what we think about on a daily basis. If you want to become slim, trim, and fit. Plugging in the right attitude can help you control your eating habits and allow you to lose weight in record time. - 17268

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Do You Really Think Vitamin E Can Help You to Heal Your Bruises?

By Carolyn Cooper

When your head is in a place where you desire to be certain that you are going to be finding the way to get your bruises healed as quickly as possible, you will find that there are a ton of bruising remedies being made available to you. Whether you acquire them from the Internet or donated by your family or friends, you'll discover that there are an abundance of them available to you that it might be almost impossible to figure out which ones are going to be the best solution for you. One purported remedy that is suggested over and over again is Vitamin E. Does Vitamin E actually do the job its represented to do when you are trying to find a remedy for your bruises? What's necessary to know?

The first thing that you should be aware of is that vitamin E really is great stuff. It can work very nicely as a companion to vitamin C when you are looking to help your body heal overall, and it can be perfect when you are looking at healing certain skin issues. If you have a new scar that you don't want to leave a mark permanently, or even sometimes when you have an old scar, you can use vitamin E directly to the scar to keep the skin looking good. It promotes fast healing and, it can keep your skin looking fresh and young.

The fact is that vitamin E can not speak to the actual business of healing a bruise, which is closely related to your circulatory system. Consider that a bruise is the end result when tiny blood vessels next to the surface of your skin are ruptured. What this means is that in order to prevent bruising, you will need a prcess that will make your circulatory system more healthy, but when you desire to break down a bruise, you need something that will reduce the bleeding beneath the skin and replace the bruising with your natural color. The truth is that vitamin E is impotent to do either of these things.

Vitamin E is fantastic when you use it in taking external care of your skin, but just like the quote that says beauty isn't just skin deep, neither is bruising. There are a host of remedies around that proudly assert that they contain a lot of vitamin E, but unless the other ingredients are outstanding, you will need to take some sufficient time to really consider what your optimum choices are. There are a lot of varying reasons why vitamin E can be useful as an ingredient in your bruise remedy (particularly if you are concerned with the look and feel of your skin afterward), but be positive that you look for other, more helpful, ingredients as well.

Take some time to try to determine how you bruise and why. This is something that you need to consider if you want to get rid of that bruising problem for good, so make sure that you think about your particular situation and what you need to do to get the proper help to solve your particular problem. - 17268

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Best Chest Workout

By Cade

The Chest has two different muscles the pec major and minor and they do slightly different things. The pec major pulls the arm in towards the center of the body and flexes your shoulder.

The pectoralis minor depresses the scapula (shoulder blade) and downwardly rotates the scapula. All muscles of the body have an origin and an insertion point.

It is very important to know these two points so you can understand which movements will work which muscles. For a good chest workout you want to focus on the pec major which originates from the sternum and inserts on the bicipital groove of the humerus.

To work a muscle most effectively you want to shorten the distance from the insertion to origin. So for the chest anytime that humerus comes closer to the sternum the muscle will be worked better.

Now that you know the biomechanics lets take the most popular exercise at any gym, the bench press. With normal barbell benchpress you lower the weight until it touches your chest and then push it up.

There are two things that you shouldn't be doing here. When the bar is touching your chest it requires the front delt to do most the work and is doing more harm than good for your body.

You need to stop a couple inches before the bar touches your chest and this will result in fewer injuries and no loss in strength gains.

The second thing wrong is that you aren't able to shorten the distance from your bicipital groove to your sternum with a straight bar. If you use dumbbells it is much more effective in building muscle in your chest. - 17268

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Melatrol Sleep Aid and Its Natural Approach to Helping Sleep

By Jake Wakefield

Not getting enough sleep can have a wide range of negative effects on your life. After a night without much sleep, the next day you find that you cannot function at your optimal level. Your general sense of well-being is decreased and you find it difficult to concentrate on the tasks that you need to do. Additionally, your appearance worsens and it is difficult to handle the various problems that may come up through your day.

Everyone has had those nights where you fall asleep but end up waking up a few hours later and no matter how long you wait, you just cannot fall asleep again. Or, perhaps you are unable to fall asleep even at the beginning of the night.

If you are having trouble sleeping, Melatrol Natural Sleep Aid may be the aid that can greatly help you. If you have ever tried prescription sleeping pills, you know that often times they leave you feeling "hung over" the next morning when you wake up. Because Melatrol uses all natural ingredients including melatonin, the same ingredient your very own body uses to help you sleep, you can get a peaceful night of sleep without worry.

Many scientists believe that the main reason for a night with poor sleep is that the body produces a low amount of melatonin before bedtime. Many factors can influence this low production from stress to caffeine to alcohol. With a natural melatonin based supplement like Melatrol Sleep Aid, you encourage your body to produce more melatonin and thus are able to sleep better each night.

Due to Melatrol encouraging the natural sleep system in your body, it can help correct a sleep cycle that has been distraught from the effects of alcohol or caffeine among other factors.

Prescribed sleep pills often have the side effects of having you feel groggy or "hung over" the next day when you wake up. Because Melatrol works on your body's natural system for inducing sleep, it will have you feeling refreshed when you awake. Additionally, Melatrol is non-addictive and has no side effects.

Based on these ingredients that are all-natural, Melatrol is an attractive option for anyone who is interested in a restful night of sleep. - 17268

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Don't Cook and Be Healthier

By Jane Dannon

Most people do not fully understand what raw food diet is. Casting doubts on other people whether or not the raw food diet is truly beneficial. Going for a raw food diet does not necessarily mean that you have to consume raw foods all the time. All you have to do is not to eat processed foods and eat more on fruits and vegetables.

Eating fruits and vegetables will help your body detoxify your system. Once your body is detoxified, you will immediately notice results. However, if you experience headaches or skin eruptions or tire easily, you don't have to worry; these episodes are the side effects of the toxins that are being removed from your system.

You energy levels will increase as your body gets used to the new energy its gaining. In addition to feeling better, your brain and mind will be better focused on work and problem solving. You will have a better overall balance with your health. Fighting off viruses and illness will be easier because your immune system is working more effectively. When you body works more efficiently your metabolism will work better as well, which can lead to some weight loss.

Why eat raw? We have all been eating raw at some time of our lives. When you picked up and apple and ate it, you are eating raw. The idea of eating raw is not a new concept. We've been eating fruits and vegetables all the time, in our salads and sandwiches.

More specifically, it was either that or go hungry. Man has been consuming fruits and vegetables as it was, free from additives and chemicals and no cooking. However, as soon as man discovered fire and started using it to cook food, man has doubled its caloric intake, and is one of the main causes of various health problems. - 17268

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Is The Grapefruit Diet A Fad Diet

By Cathy Maree

The grapefruit diet is one of the earliest known Hollywood fad diets. It dates back to the 1930s, and many Hollywood stars of the time swore by it. It remained popular until the mid-1970s, when it became one of the diets that was faxed around from machine to machine, popularly known as xerox lore. The diet is attributed to the Mayo Clinic, which clearly states that it has nothing to do with this diet and that the diet is not good.

Originally the grapefruit diet was an Atkins style diet that added one half grapefruit before each meal. There was no cheating on this diet only three meals a day and no in between meals snacks. The diet made astounding claims such as lose a pound each day for 10 days.

The distribution was just as far fetched no weight loss for four days then five pounds lost all on the fifth day. It was based on the claim that grapefruit contains some form of fat burning enzymes, something that has never been proven medically.

In 2004 it was proven that the diet may work. 1/2 grapefruit with each meal helped people lose 3.6 pounds in only 12 weeks. Drinking the juice from the grapefruit led to only slightly less weight loss. Some people in the study lost as much as 10 pounds in the 12 week period.

It was believed that eating grapefruit resulted in decreased insulin levels, which in turn resulted in less stored fat. But the weight loss may have also been due to increased levels of exercise.

Here's a typical grapefruit diet:

- Drink eight servings of water a day. - Stop eating when you feel full. - Eat all the listed foods at each meal, don't skip food as it interferes with fat burning. - The catalyst to the whole process is grapefruit, so don't cut it. - Drink only up to 1 cup of coffee at meals. - No snacking before or after meals. - You can have Butter that is OK. - No starches or sweets can be eaten. - Meat and vegetables are fine. - It's important to eat into you're full because the more you eat the more you will lose. - Skip two days between each 12 day diet period. - Eat one half grapefruit, or drink 18 ounce glass of grapefruit, at each meal time.

Now you can go try the grapefruit diet. - 17268

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Muscle Building Advice: To Develop A Strong Muscular Body

By James

Although not at the top of every mothers list when her baby is born, how quickly she will lose weight after pregnancy and regain her figure does come a close second to the health of her new born child. Although some blame must be attributed to the press with their constant bombardment for celebrities who have managed to reclaim their figure in record time.

However, the point that is normally overlooked is how important it is for these people to have a perfect shape (not to mention endorsements) for their image which means they can afford to enjoy fast weight loss after their pregnancy.

Regular people do not have access to all the facilities these celebrity mothers have so their weight loss after pregnancy will just take longer. A great deal of strain is placed on a woman when she gives birth so initially she really should be looking at recovering by ensuring she maintains a healthy diet. If the diet is set for 2,000 calories that should be sufficient but it should always contain a tiny amount of fiber,the main constituents of her daily diet should be:

A healthy combination of carbohydrates (50 percent) Protein should be almost a third of daily intake A small amount of fat (10 percent)

While this diet doesn't give a full one hundred percent, this is because everyone deserves a little luxury in their diet but not so much as to spoil the work you are doing to gain your old figure back. Although a new born child takes a great deal of care and time, it is still necessary for a mother to attempt some form of regular exercise which will also improve her metabolism and stamina. The exercise doesn't have to be anything that is heavy, moderate and regular are the key aspects here as this way you will also enjoy it, although you won't start seeing the benefits immediately.

Weight loss after pregnancy should be gradual so don't compete with other people as it will depend greatly on just how many pounds you added and many other factors. It is now accepted that the body and metabolism of a woman that has given birth undergoes a number of changes which can sometimes make losing those extra pounds more difficult. The surest way to lose weight after pregnancy is to maintain that healthy diet and exercise regime you have started so the weight comes off naturally and slowly. Turbulence Training Review

There is no need to rush as fat lost slowly, and muscle tone regained the same way, will be maintained more successfully. The good news is that with a solid nutritional program and with moderate exercise, you can expect to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy within a reasonable time frame. Losing unwanted pounds after pregnancy is far from impossible and is within reach of all new moms although some women will hang on to the last few pounds they have to lose until they stop breastfeeding. - 17268

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Buying a water purification system: A guide on how to estimate cost

By Nicos Stylianou

When you want to select the best water purification system for your home, you are inevitably faced with the issue of cost. You need to investigate not only the initial purchase price, but also how expensive it is to maintain it.

Below, I give you a list of the elements that should go into your cost equation. In my analysis, I make references to the most popular water purifier technologies now available, which are: Filters, Reverse Osmosis (RO) units, distillers and Ultraviolet (UV) units.

Purchase price

This varies greatly, according to the type and complexity of water purifier you choose. The determining factor for your choice of system should be the range of contaminants you need to get rid of from your water. You should collect this information beforehand, either through the annual water quality report provided to you by your utility, or through a private test that you can get from a water testing laboratory.

In general, the higher the number of pollutants you want to remove, the higher the number of filtration stages you want to pass the input water through. This makes the price go higher.

In order to give you a flavor of the prices you should expect, let me say that a simple one stage carbon filter can start from $25, while more complex water purification systems consisting of redox, UV and carbon filters can have a tag price starting from $400 up to $800.

How much to install it

What is common practice among water purification system manufacturers is to exclude any installation cost from the initial price. This is attributed to the fact that many models in a given technology do not require any complicated set up whatsoever. More often than not, these are counter top models or just need to readily connect with a faucet.

If the installation of your system is a bit more involved, more often than not you can seek help from a person with minimum technical know how. In the case, however, that more technical skills are required, then a hired professional might cost anywhere from $100 up to around $200. The final cost depends on the modifications you need to make in your existing set up in your house as well as on the complexity of the water purification system itself.

To conclude on this issue, I have a suggestion to make: Always make sure with the company that is selling the purifier system you want to buy, whether the purchase price they publish includes installation cost or not.

Cost per gallon

Last but not least in my list of the cost parameters you should consider, comes the running cost of operating the water purification system. Typically, its unit of measure is cost per gallon of water produced (usually in the range of 6 to 25 dollar cents) and for its calculation it takes into account the money spent on replaceable parts plus any operating cost (electricity and water bill etc.).

To give you a rough indication of what this cost actually means for each technology, consider that, as for parts replacement, filters need to be changed roughly once every six months, RO membranes once every two years and UV lamps once a year. Distillers have no parts to replace; therefore their cost is totally based on operating cost that is utility bills. I should also mention here that RO units have exceptionally low efficiency (in other words they waste a lot of water), so expect a high water bill for this type of purifier.

To illustrate my point that you shouldn't base your decision to buy a water purifier on initial price alone, I will give you an example. While pour through pitcher filters are the cheapest in terms of tag price, they have the highest ongoing cost per gallon. This is due to the fact that their filters need frequent replacement. As a rule of thumb, the larger the filter the more expensive it is to buy, but the cheaper it is to maintain.

Having said the above, what's very important to be clear about before you start considering the cost implications, is the level of effectiveness and efficiency that you want from your water purification system, based on your own set of circumstances. In other words, you want the system to be effective at removing the contaminants your water has and to do that efficiently, i.e. remove them as much as possible.

Therefore, it goes without saying that, as I said earlier, it is quite important that you should have a clear picture of what your water contains (in terms of pollutants), before you start your research on water purifiers.

Once you establish that all of the systems you consider buying are capable of eliminating the pollutants that exist in your water, then you can proceed to select the one that has the least cost of ownership. - 17268

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Middle-Age Fitness Made Easy

By Thong M. Dao

Fitness over forty is a hot subject in the bulk of doctors' clinics, people's get-togethers and also between friends. Folks may complain about not being able to climb stairs any longer because of painful knees.

You may listen to talk of friends with coronary disease or elevated cholesterol, or an acquaintance who may have been diagnosed with diabetes or raised blood pressure.

Fitness programs are a good way to relax yourself and have a less stressful life with a lot less diseases. Increasing physical fitness levels help to build up muscle strength which in turn supports joints and helps lower arthritis-related pains.

Sadly, only 40 percent of folks in America get the suggested amount of physical exercise and seventy five percent are sedentary. These statistics are slowly raising the number of individuals who suffer from stress related diseases such as heart disease, stroke, elevated cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and diabetes.

Fitness over 40 program should not be limited to the gymnasium, it needs to become a life style. Remember any physical activity that raises your coronary rate and breathing for at least thirty minutes at a time is a worthwhile work out. There are several things you can do to get fit such as taking a 30 min walk outside or getting on a treadmill, a bicycle ride, rowing a boat, using one of those work out balls or if you dare, try a trampoline.

To begin an over-40 fitness plan, you should address and consider changing your habits which include nutrition and dieting.

Including extra fruits, whole grains and vegetables into your diet is an essential part of anybody's fitness over forty plan. A nutritionist may assist you to gradually shift into better eating habits.

Your health can be improved greatly if you work to get 5 - 7 servings of fruits and veggies a day, drink ample amounts of water and cut white flour from your diet.

Exercise is always essential but you also need a firm foundation of nutrition, diet, and new lifestyles that will make you healthier. Your fitness over 40 program can consist of cardiovascular and strength training.

Cycling, jogging, swimming, or many other types of physical exercise can be considered cardiovascular developing. You will more than likely stick with the physical exercise if you and a friend do it together, have fun and put some variety in it.

When you do the strength developing aspect of a program, you should skip a day before doing it again - as an example, if you do it on Monday you should not do it again until Wednesday.

Two or three days a week, strength training can be done at home with hand weights and a DVD program or at the gymnasium. If you want to lessen your chances of osteoporosis, improve the support of your joints and tighten up a flabby body then you should add strength training to your physical exertions. - 17268

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