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Saturday, September 5, 2009

The cause of Destruction to the Body Defined

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

The best way to fully comprehend what free radicals are is to look at them from a cellular level. Here's a quick Physiology 101 lesson: The human body is made up of various kinds of cells.

Cells are composed of many different types of molecules. Molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements joined by chemical bonds.

Atoms are made up of a nucleus, protons, electrons, and neutrons. The number positively charged particles (protons) in the nucleus of the atom is what determines how many negatively charged particles (electron) will surround the atom.

Electrons are responsible for the chemical reactions that take place inside the atom as well as the substance that holds the atom together to form molecules. Electrons orbit the atom in one or more shells.

The innermost shell is full when it has two electrons. When the first shell is full, electrons begin to fill the second shell. When the second shell has eight electrons, it is full.

The most significant factor in determining an atoms chemical behavior is the number of electrons in the outer shell.

An atom that has a full outer shell does not enter in chemical reactions. Atoms seek to reach a state of maximum stability by one of the following:

Eradicate or pick up electrons to fill or empty the shell

Bonding with other atoms to share electrons to complete the outer shell

Atoms regularly complete their outer shells by sharing electrons with other atoms. Sharing electrons allows the atoms that are bound together to satisfy the conditions of maximum stability for the molecule.

Usually when a split occurs, it never leaves the molecule with an odd, unpaired set of electrons. However, when bond does split, free radicals are created--they tend to move and react quickly to other compounds as they begin to attempt to capture as many electrons as they can to achieve maximum stability.

The most common way free radicals attack is by finding the closest molecule that is stable and from there they begin the process of stealing electrons. When the molecule that is attacked starts losing the electrons, it becomes a free radical as well. When this process begins, it creates a chain reaction in which the end result is a disruption of a living cell.

Free radicals will frequently arrive during metabolism and sometimes the body will even produce them to fight off viruses and bacteria. Free radicals also come from pollution such as radiation, cigarette smoke, and pesticides.

The body usually defends these free radicals well, however when antioxidants are not available or free radical damage becomes too excessive, cell damage can occur. The most significant importance to this free radical damage is that it accelerates the aging process in humans - 17268

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What is MSG Still Doing in My Food?

By Kathryn Barry

What is MSG really? Welcome to what may be the most controversial food additive known to mankind. We used it like most people use salt when I was a young child. It looks like salt, but little did we know the dangerous health conditions this flavor enhancer could create.

My childhood is kind of a blur and this could explain some of my memory lapses.

MSG is in All Fermented Foods!

1. MSG is a salt of Glutamic Acid and is also known as Monosodium Glutamate.

2. An amino acid called glutamic acid is present in most plant and protein rich foods. Glutamic acid is also found in the human body.

3. In its unprocessed or natural state this amino acid presents no problems.

4. What causes the problems for sensitive people, is processed free glutamic acid which has been freed from protein through a fermentation or manufacturing process.

5. MSG is a creation of Processed Free Glutamic Acid and is in all fermented foods and drinks.

MSG aka Neurotoxin

Your central nervous system can become damaged by this neurotoxin.

Once MSG crosses your blood-brain barrier, it can excite your nerve cells to death.

This may cause more damage to the young...whose blood-brain barrier has not fully had a chance to develop.

The elderly are also at great risk, because they have a weakened blood-brain barrier and are less able to keep high amounts of MSG from getting into their brains.

If you're pregnant, this neurotoxin may even affect you're unborn baby.

What Health Issues are Related to MSG?

Some of the health issues linked to MSG consumption:

*Abnormal Heartbeat

*Extreme Rise/Drop in Blood Pressure



*Pain in Joints

*Moody Feelings

*Rage Reactions

*Severe Headaches

*Feeling Light Headed

*Blurry Vision


*Chills and Shakes

*Breathing Problems

*Bladder Trouble

*Itchy Skin

Beware of These Fermented Foods

Shoyu, fish sauce and parmesan cheese will contain high amounts of this neurotoxin and you may want to limit the amount that you consume.

If you are extremely sensitive to this toxin, you may need to refrain from consuming all fermented foods and drinks. Most people who consume a moderate amount of fermented foods and drinks will not have problems.

It would be probably safe to say that fermented foods that are higher in protein content would be able to cause more problems for MSG sensitive people.

The manufactured version of MSG will probably cause more adverse reactions than most fermented foods.

What is MSG or Monosodium Glutamate History?

In 1908, a Japanese scientist named Kikunae Ikeda was the first person to discover glutamic acid and its relationship to making foods taste great.

Shortly, after this discovery the world-wide use of MSG began to explode.

It was sold as a flavor enhancer and under the name of Ajinomoto. They created quite a catchy jingle for this food additive.

You'll find MSG is used under various names and will be found in almost everything you buy from grocery stores including health food stores. Educate yourself on the common names that MSG goes by to keep yourself and your family safe. - 17268

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Can You Actually Reduce Bruising With a Rollerblading Program?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are someone who suffers from easy bruising, you may find that it is time to try something new to help you overcome your bruising easily. While learning anything new might create opportunities to get some new bruises before its benefits help reduce the incidence of new bruising, you'll find that there is still a lot to be said for alleviating your predisposition towards bruising in the meantime. This is where taking up a consistent rollerblading routine may prove helpful, so consider rollerblading against whatever other options you might be thinking about.

The first thing that you should evaluate is why you are subject to easy bruising more as you get older. Though many people are concerned about the fact that they are bruising more easily than ever, the truth of the matter is that in many cases, the easy bruising is simply the result of a combination of relatively common things. In many cases, the walls of your blood vessels have gotten thinner and more fragile, and because the amount of collagen under your skin is less abundant, there is less protection against bruising.

Because this is happening, the end result is that you might suddenly find yourself bruising with little or no apparent provocation. You may casually look down and notice a very dark bruise on your arm or your legs and have only a vague memory of bumping yourself there at some point.

Bruising easily is a condition that can be quite irritating as you try to go about your daily life, and if you are tired of seeing bruises and getting concerned questions asked about how you got them, you will come to the conclusion that it is past time to find a solution. Interestingly enough, this is where rollerblading can come in.

Rollerblading is a relatively recent form of roller skating that is growing increasingly in popularity. Rollerblading is a cross between roller skating and ice skating to many people because of you still have the wheels from roller skates but they are arranged inline similar to the blade found on ice skates. No matter which sport you compare it to, rollerblading is an excellent cardiovascular activity.

When you are attempting to make sure that your body is going to be getting the right kind of results from any exercise, make sure that you are looking into the benefits of cardiovascular activity that can be obtained with the proper exercise routine. Proper cardiovascular activity causes your heart to work harder, and as a result your blood vessels will become much more elastic and flexible and less apt to rupture upon light contact.

You have a couple of simple ways to get started with rollerblading. You will decide to simply buy a pair and give them a try at your local rink, or you may decide to be more prudent and just rent a pair to try before making the monetary commitment of buying a pair.

Even with all of the cardiovascular benefits that rollerblading provides to help overcome bruising easily, you should also consider an all natural, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which has been proved to help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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5 Myths About Arm Fat And Protein Intake

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is simply way too much confusion out there because of all the fad diets and all the marketers. Women are more confused than ever when it comes to flabby arms and protein. Perhaps you are confused?

I sure was confused not too long ago.

After all, separating the wheat from the chaff can be virtually impossible for the average woman because of all the marketing hype. And not knowing how to manage your consumption of protein can put a serious dent in your arm fat goal.

Thus, here are 5 myths about arm fat and protein intake:

1. Powders and bars are superior to food. Whole food will always provide a superior supply of protein. Why? Because protein from whole food sources will digest slower and will be accompanied by a whole range of additional nutrients.

2. Having protein shakes galore reduces flabby arms. While protein from REGULAR FOOD improves hormonal profiles and regulates hunger, going overboard with shakes will set you back. Why? Because you'll get tons of calories without a sense of fullness.

3. Rapid absorption of protein is better. Any time your body absorbs a nutrient rapidly there will be a pushback. In this case, having a fast digesting source of protein will leave your bloodstream with low levels of amino acids.

4. More protein is better for arm fat loss. This is true up until a certain point. What point? If your protein intake exceeds 30% of total calories a whole host of negatives begin to surface. So stick to small servings of protein in each meal and do go overboard.

5. Steroids in animal protein affect health. While there are ethical and ecological reasons to avoid steroid-enhanced meat, there have been no conclusive studies showing a direct impact on female health. Having said that, you are better off eating grass fed meat because of higher omega-3 content.

Getting rid of flabby arms and reducing that arm fat involves a solid understanding of how protein affects the female body. Please do not buy into the supplement companies claims and please do not buy into high protein diets. The bottom line is that whole food sources of protein in moderation are best for reducing flabby arms. - 17268

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Back Pain-Am I At Risk?

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Can there be risk factors for back pain? And, if there are, what can I do to keep myself healthy and well? Your chiropractor can help answer these questions and more.

One primary risk factor relates to exercise. Everyone has heard, "if you don't use it, you lose it". If you're not exercising regularly, your back muscles are deconditioned and much more susceptible to injury - the strains and sprains we're accustomed to calling "back pain".

Muscles get stronger when they're required to do work. Also exercise helps "train" the soft tissues around a joint - the ligaments and tendons - these supporting structures "learn" how to withstand mechanical stresses and loads without becoming injured. Basically, when you exercise - when you do any kind of exercise - your body gets "smarter" and you're less likely to get those annoying back problems.1

A related risk factor is weak abdominal muscles. When you were a kid, at some point one of your gym teachers probably told you to "suck in your stomach". It turns out that was pretty good advice. Your abdominal muscles support the muscles of your lower back. If your abdominals are weak or if you're not using them - letting them hang out and droop instead of keeping them activated - your body weight has to be held up by the muscles of your lower back. They're not designed to do that - they're designed to move your spine around. And eventually, these lower back muscles will give way under the excess strain. The result is a very painful lower back injury.

There are many easy-to-do exercises for your abdominal muscles. The key is to actually do them - and do them after you're finished doing the rest of whatever exercises you've scheduled for that day. How often? Three times a week is plenty. Abdominal routines are quick - no more than 10 minutes. And, remember to use your abdominal muscles throughout the day. Imagine your abdominals are being pulled in and lifted up. This is not a "tightening" - your thought should be "activate". Your body will know what to do, once you've started adding consistent abdominal training to your exercise routine.

Risk factors for back pain may also be found in your personal and family medical history.2,3 During your initial visit your chiropractor will ask you about accidents and surgeries you've experienced, and discuss any important elements in your family history. An example would be surgery to remove an inflamed galllbladder or appendix or to repair a hernia may result in weakened abdominal muscles. A motor vehicle accident or a fall from a height may have caused injuries that healed with soft tissue scarring.

Learning about potential risk factors and taking appropriate action will help ensure a stronger, more flexible, and healthier lower back.

1Jones MA, et al. Recurrent non-specific low-back pain in adolescents: the role of exercise. Ergonomics 50(10):1680-1688, 2007 2Cherniack M, et al. Clinical and psychological correlates of lumbar motion abnormalities in low back disorders. Spine J 1)4):290-298, 2001 3Plouvier S, et al. Biomechanical strains and low back disorders. Occup Environ Med 2007 (in press) - 17268

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Why You Need To Take Magnesium Supplements.

By Neil Butterfield

With today's hectic lifestyle we are busier than ever; much too busy to cook. We eat on the run and usually eat over processed foods with little nutritional value. Then to lose the extra pounds, we go the newest fad diet. Can you remember the last time you even saw a garden picked vegetable that didn't come from a supermarket? This problem with our diet is why now more than ever you need magnesium and other mineral supplements.

75% of Americans already take mineral supplements to get the recommended amounts of minerals like calcium, chromium, selenium, and magnesium. However, if you are taking a pill or powder supplement you're absorbing less than 25% of the minerals it contains. In order to get all the minerals you're paying for, a liquid mineral supplement is what you need. Liquid Ionic magnesium gives you almost 100% absorption.

People with diabetes, heart disease or hypothyroidism have much lower levels of magnesium, as well as very low levels of chromium, zinc, calcium, and other minerals. Over the last 25 years the amounts of magnesium in people's systems have dropped, while the occurrences of these diseases are on the rise.

This brings up the question of which came first? Are people with these diseases lacking magnesium because of the disease, or was it the lack of magnesium that brought on the disease? Experts agree; it's a lack of magnesium that brings on these, and other, diseases.

A lack of magnesium can cause fatigue, migraines, leg cramps, depression, and loss of appetite, high blood pressure, nausea, and vomiting.

90% of all Americans who take magnesium supplements still don't get their RDA of magnesium. When a mineral is this important, that's very disturbing. Why such a high number? That's because most supplements are made up of the wrong kind of magnesium.

Mixed nuts, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains are great sources of magnesium. However, even if you eat all these foods, it is still difficult to get 400 mg a day for men, 320 mg a day for women. To get these recommended daily allowances a magnesium supplement is still necessary.

If you have renal failure you should not take a magnesium supplement until you have talked to your doctor.

Magnesium helps keep your bones strong your heart healthy, helps the absorption of calcium and potassium, and even helps those with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

80% of all those with type 2 diabetes are deficient in magnesium. Individuals that have high blood pressure, have had a heart attack, suffer from coronary heart disease are almost always deficient in magnesium. Did you know that magnesium can lower cholesterol more than 20%? If you are pregnant or you are going through menopause you risk of osteoporosis goes up because of a lack of magnesium.

You can quickly begin to realize why you should be taking a liquid magnesium supplement as well as other minerals. You can no longer rely on the food you eat to provide you with the nutrients you need to stay healthy. - 17268

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Pregnancy Exercises

By Janine Rose Morley

Pregnant Womens Exercise Plan Whether you were always fit or not, every woman should consider an exercise program while pregnant. After consulting your baby doctor, you should put together a program that works for you. Your body will be going through a lot of changes during the course of a pregnancy, it would be best to be prepared. Your first step in an pregnancy exercise program is to decide how much you want to accomplish with the program. Are you continuing with a program that you had in place before you were pregnant? Is this a new exercise program that you have put in place just for your pregnancy? Answer this question and you will create a pregnancy exercise program.

Pregnant Womens Exercise Plan.. The first part of any exercise plan is a stretching program. Gentle stretching exercises for your neck, shoulders, hips, arms, and legs should be done on a daily basis to keep your body limber. In addition, you should start a breathing program early on. The exact stretching exercise for pregnancy can vary.

Pregnancy is a good time to begin a low impact exercise program. Yoga enthusiasts are always looking for new recruits. The program includes the breathing and stretching exercises that are part of an exercise plan. A pregnancy Yoga program will get your muscles limber and your breathing in order. It should also allow you to clear your mind and relax. Other traditional low impact programs such as Pilates and Tai Chi also are perfect when modified for pregnancy. Let your instructor know that you are pregnant.

Pregnant Womens Exercise Plan.. Two of the most traditional exercises also should also be incorporated in a pregnancy health plan. A daily walking program will stretch out the muscles. Try power walking around your neighbourhood. Without much planning you can do this everyday. Swimming may also be a good way to get exercise, as long as you take it easy. The nice thing about swimming is that you can stay cool while giving your muscles a workout.

What about more active exercises during pregnancy? If you enjoy an active lifestyle, and your doctor agrees, you should be able to continue this active lifestyle during the first and part of the second trimester. And dont forsake your trips to the gym. A jogging and tennis (not Wimbeldon) are fine. Limit away from more active exercises that could lead to accidents even when you are not pregnant (Anything that involves skates or horses). If you chose an active plan, make sure that you scale back your schedule prior to pregnancy.

There is no simple way around it: pregnancy is a gruelling physical experience. A good pregnant womens exercise plan, like any similar experience, can make this easier. Stretching, low impact exercise, even more active exercises can help make you stay throughout. Exercise can always lead to a better lifestyle. During a pregnancy, an appropriate program can help you cope. Best of luck - 17268

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How to Design a Personal Fitness Plan

By Jesse Regan

A lot of people these days are now becoming more aware of the significance of staying fit to help them achieve the most out of their lives. Thus, it is also equally significant for people to be able to formulate a fitness plan of their own that would best fit their lifestyles and personalities. Moreover, proper guidance and supervision from professionals in the same and related fields are necessary to help conduct the exercises properly and safely.

In coming up with a personal fitness plan, various elements are given equal significance. A person's maximum heart rate is among those elements to best design the fitness program. This known step is not that difficult to go with. A basic calculation simply suggests that an individual has to subtract his own age from 220 to get the result of his own maximum heart rate. However, a modern and revised formula has come up which requires the person's age to be multiplied by 0.7 before deducting it from 208. An individual's maximum heart rate is needed in order to determine the type of intensity that is allowed to be applied on the exercises.

Aside from the maximum heart rate, exercise intensity is directly influenced by the overall goal of an individual. The most common recommendable exercises for average instances especially for those who are new in the field is 50-60 percent of the person's maximum heart rate. For more improvement and muscle development, an individual can go for exercises that are 60-70 percent of the maximum heart rate. In some cases, athletes engage in exercises with greater intensities than the ones mentioned above from which they can go for 75-85 percent of their maximum heart rate.

Exercises vary greatly and it is better for an individual to perform exercises that are able to apply intensities on larger groups of muscles. Continuous exercises are also good ones to execute for much better results. This kind of exercises simply includes walking, swimming, cycling, climbing stairs, running, skiing, and aerobic dances. This sort of exercises are the best ones to use and they are also often performed by athletes for most of their cross trainings to achieve far better improvements.

Exercise frequency is also another factor that plays a major role in every person's personal fitness plan. This is only done if an individual gives consideration on his level of conditioning, work out intensities, and the overall goal. One basic example is the recommendation of those who perform exercises with greater intensities to have more rest. Thus, frequency of the exercises is decreased accordingly with the intensity of the work outs. Generally, recommendable regular exercises are to be done 3 to 5 times a week.

The duration of each work out session is also well considered in the plan. Typically, an individual is required to have at least 30 minutes of exercises for 3 to 5 times a week while another 30 minutes is added for people who are aiming for far better improvements. Moreover, warm up and cool down exercises are also greatly considered. This type of exercises is needed to refrain from encountering muscle cramps and to better prepare the muscles for more intense exercises. You have there a great tip about fitness video . - 17268

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Lose that Baby Weight in 5 Simple Steps

By Patsie Adams

To lose weight after baby... takes time and effort, but it IS possible. Don't feel too disheartened if right after giving birth, your stomach still looks pregnant. Read on, and we'll give you the best advice for losing weight post-pregnancy.

First, be realistic. Your body went through a major upheaval carrying your baby for 9 months or so. Do not expect it to snap back into shape instantly. It is especially crucial to lose weight gradually after giving birth.

It's important to note that your body is still recovering. Immediately after birth is not the time for diet gimmicks, pills or quick weight loss programs. Suddenly jumping back into heavy exercise is not a good idea either. Consider these things well - for the sake of your health and your baby's health.

Still, there are steps you can take to lose weight post-pregnancy. Here are our 5 sure ways to get back in shape post-pregnancy:

1. Breast feed. Not only does it help shrink your uterus and tummy back into shape, breast feeding alone burns up to about 500 calories a day. Breast feeding is not just about providing the most perfect food for your little one, it is also one of the best ways for you to burn calories. To make breast milk requires burning your fat stores!

2. Eat well. Avoid the usual high fat, high sugar and high sodium foods. These foods are not only high calorie - they are low in nutrition. Opt to eat plenty of fruits, whole grains, fiber rich food and a good amount of lean protein to keep you strong and healthy enough to care for your baby - not to mention trim down those extra inches.

3. Drink lots of water. It is especially crucial to keep hydrated if you are breast feeding. Plenty of fluids are necessary to cleanse our system and keep our digestion going at a good pace. Regular bathroom habits mean a slimmer mid-section and is great for post-pregnancy weight loss!

4. Ease back into exercise. Any mom should also take some time off from baby-duty. We all need to take care of ourselves so we can take good care of our babies! A great way to spend mommy-time is by doing some light to moderate exercise. This could be a daily walk, a cardio class in the gym or a dance lessons you enjoy. Do check with your doctor first to see if you have the go-signal to start doing any form of exercise post-pregnacy.

5. Bond with your baby. You can lose some baby weight by taking that baby to bonding sessions that get you moving. Walk baby in the park. Take mommy and me exercise classes. Get a jogging stroller and push baby for a spin. Bond and burn!

Post-pregnancy weight loss should not be just a pipe dream. Having the baby is no excuse for you to think you cant fit into your old clothes again. Many other women have done it. So can you!

Just remember: it takes some time and effort. Be disciplined with your food and stick to your exercise schedule. Follow our top 5 tips! Yes, you CAN get back into shape post-pregnancy! - 17268

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How To Deal With Living With Diverticulitis

By Handling The Symptoms Of Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is an infection the originates in your small intestines. Uniqueness of diverticulitis are little pouches called diverticula that grow in the internal lining of your intestines. The condition derives from a less damaging condition recognized as diverticulosis.

Diverticulosis usually does not produce any pain and there very little visible signs. It is probable to experience some cramps on the left surface of your tummy but the cramping more often than not subsides when you move your bowels.

The more acute disease that is initiated from diverticulosis has numerous different symptoms. Diverticulitis can cause major pain in the stomach, diarrhea, constipation and unbalanced bowel movement. The symptoms of of diverticulitis is comparable to appendicitis except for the spot of the nuisance.

The harshness of diverticulitis if left untouched, can lead to major problems that may entail surgery. In addition the infection can reach to other organs in the intestine. It can eventually reach the kidneys which can lead to a kidney illness.

Numerous people suffer| from infections and soreness in the intestines. The common cause for developing the symptoms of diverticulitis is age and inherited. The unacceptable diet can also become a major factor in developing intestinal problems. The consumption of a large sum of low fiber foods can boost the hazard significantly.

A well balanced diet should incorporate low-bulk foods such as soups, broths and greens. A good way to lessen the inflammation cause by the signs of diverticulitis is to eat cooked fruits and vegetables, these foods have been known to lessen the ache.

Modification of your diet is the finest therapy you can have for decreasing the odds of developing diverticulitis symptoms. If you have been diagnose with diverticulosis, this is the finest time to begin enhancing your standard of living with healthier alternatives of foods. Failure to do so can result in advancing your condition to the more severe diverticulitis.

A improved way of life ought to be a way of life, not a response to some awful news. In order to put a stop to having to significantly modify your standard of living, it is wise to think about including healthier choices today. It will make you feel well again about what you eat and also help reduce the possibilities of symptoms of diverticulitis. - 17268

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A Detox Diet for Cellulite

By El Bilson

Cellulite is a condition that affects many people in various parts of the world. A detox diet for cellulite is something that may help you get the skin you desire.

Are you wondering about a detox diet for cellulite? While there is no diet that will solve cellulite, following a detox diet can help reduce the appearance of it. There are several detox diets that you can try and we will look at where to research these special diets.

How exactly does a detox diet help improve your skin? What does it mean to detox the body? This is a good starting point for more information on detox diets and how they work. Before you start a detox diet it is crucial to check with your doctor. This is especially important if you have health problems or are on any medications.

Several organs in the body help clean toxins from the blood. The main detox organ is the liver. However other organs such as the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph, and skin all play their part in cleaning the body. Our bodies are a miracle in that all the systems work together.

After many years of cleaning the body, the cleansing organs often contain built up toxins. These toxins hamper the functioning of the body's organs. Cellulite can improve with a healthy diet. However you may want to start is by detoxifying your body through a good cleanse. After that you can choose low fat, high fiber foods that will continue to improve the functioning of the body.

Many of us are eating processed foods that are high in fat and low in fiber. With the wide availability of junk food, it is easy to get off track. My husband and I travel a lot and most of our meals are consumed in restaurants. Many people give into their cravings for french fries or pizza on a regular basis. But over time these foods and others like them cause the body to be loaded down with toxins.

These toxins put a lot of work on the liver and kidneys and the other detox organs. Going on a brief detox diet gives these organs a rest and allows them to clean the toxins from the body. Detoxifying the body allows these organs to play catch up on the work they are designed for.

Cellulite is the term used to describe the unsightly look that is found on the skin. As skin ages the connective tissue, called septa, in the subcutaneous layer of the skin loses its elasticity. When this happens, the fat deposits that are a normal part of the body push up between the connective tissue. This is what causes cellulite to have a rippled or dimpled appearance.

Changing what we eat and drink can improve circulation to the septa. When blood circulation is improved, a reduction in cellulite can be achieved over time. Of course, this is a change in lifestyle. Permanent results require us to give up some of the foods we may enjoy. But the good news is that the healthy change in diet will not only improve the look of skin but will result in a healthier body as a whole.

There are plenty of detox diet for cellulite to choose from. Visit your local library or bookstore or do a web search and you will find many methods to detoxify the body. Some of these detox diets include fasting. Others are liquid diets that include fresh fruit and vegetable juices. It is important to find a detox diet that works for you and fits into your schedule. Make sure you do the detox diet frequently, but stick to a normal diet most days. Regular detoxing will lead to not only improve cellulite, but improved health overall. - 17268

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Vitamin D And Maternity

By Julie Xillion

More and more research is pointing to the benefits of Vitamin D during pregnancy, but this great pregnancy nutrient has so many additional functions in the body. Vitamin D's role is fundamentally calcium maintenance; in this role it maintains the healthy calcium levels in your bones. When pregnant, vitamin D may work in a similar fashion. However, this individual vitamin also touches hundreds of discrete genes and to affect a lot of areas of wellbeing.

The research surrounding vitamin D is expanding day by day, and recently the American Academy of Dermatology has updated their recommendations to caution the public not to not getting sufficient vitamin D. Vitamin D insufficiency is where you do not have the optimal amount of vitamin D circulating in your body, but are not identifiably deficient in the nutrient. In reference to their new guidelines, the American Academy of Dermatology's new guidance is as follows:

"The vitamin D position statement supports the Academy's long-held conviction on safe ways to get this important vitamin - through a healthy diet which incorporates foods naturally rich in vitamin D, vitamin D-fortified foods and beverages, and vitamin D supplements," said David Pariser, president of the American Academy of Dermatology.

"The updated recommendation for individuals who practice daily sun protection acknowledges that while protecting the skin from the damaging rays of the sun is important, so is maintaining adequate vitamin D levels. Concern about vitamin D should not lead people to forego sun protection, but rather prompt a conversation with their physician about how to ensure adequate and safe vitamin D intake while guarding against skin cancer."

Does this alter the guidance on vitamin D and pregnancy? Not specifically. You should still get acceptable sun exposure to manufacture the vitamin and get the rest through a healthy and balanced diet. Supplementation may help as well. - 17268

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