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Sunday, June 14, 2009

What Are the Benefits of the Acai Berry Diet?

By Carmen Wilson

There are so many benefits to the acai berry diet. If you need a quick way to speed up your weight loss results, and reverse aging, the acai products should be on your short list. This amazing berry looks very similar to a blueberry, and is grown in the Amazon rain forest. It has been credited with everything from a powerful weight loss agent, to restoring your youthful appearance.

Acai berries are very nutritious and filled with antioxidants. Although they are fairly new to the US markets, acai berries are packed with antioxidants. Acai berries have about 10 times the amount of antioxidants as grapes, and about twice the amount in blueberries. Antioxidants destroy free radicals, and strengthen the immune system. They can also reverse the signs of aging, and keep you youthful.

Acai berries are all natural appetite suppressants that also give you lots of energy. They are really healthy fruits that possess amazing benefits. Acai berry products contain the perfect weight loss aid. You only have to add an acai berry diet supplement to your daily routine, or try a bottle or two of acai berry juice to find the best pick me up drink for your stressful day.

You can definitely lose weight with acai berries. You certainly don't have to starve yourself or binge to lose weight. These methods can be clearly detrimental to your health. Weight loss is a process, and it is something that you commit to. Take everything in healthy moderation. Change your eating habits, and exercise regularly and at a steady rate to lose weight.

You will get a sense of wellness, a slimmer appearance that everyone will rave about, and you will feel good about yourself again. - 17268

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Buying A Cheap Yoga Mat Online

By Steve Estes

If you are looking for a way to buy cheap yoga mats I have to imagine that you already know what yoga is. But just in case here's a short primer.

Yoga is an ancient Indian exercise science that uses stretching, body postures and deep breathing techniques to help you heal and rejuvenate your body mind and spirit. The postures can be done while sitting, lying down, and standing.

While you are looking to buy cheap yoga mats, they must absolutely suit your purpose. Even a cheap yoga mat has to be comfortable or otherwise you will never succeed in your practice. This way the postures and breathing can become much easier.

So what makes up a good quality yoga mat? Obviously it has to be sturdy, you don't want to have to keep buying them every year. Look at it this way, people who buy the best are never disappointed.

As well, look for one that offers durability and strength. As mentioned, it must be sturdy enough for constant practice. It helps if the mat grips the floor to keep you stable enough to finish your practice session without sliding around when doing your routine.

While you can probably spend upwards to fifty dollars for high quality yoga mats, somewhere between $10 and $50 should a comfortable range for you. Again, don't skimp on this if you don't have to.

Available in many styles and colors, traditional yoga mats can be made of a variety of materials. Things such as jute, linen, and cotton have been used for centuries. In fact you often see yogis sitting on materials like tiger skins or white deer skins. However if you are serious in your practice you want to forgo these endangered species for a more modern approach.

When you are doing your own research on cheap yoga mats, look for materials that wont slip out from underneath you. You might look for something environmentally friendly and easily recyclable if it comes down to getting rid of it.

I like to get a yoga mat that is simple to wash as I tend to sweat a great deal when I practice Bikram yoga. You will find a number of offline and online locations for buying your mats, just look around before purchasing. Clearly the amount of dough you are going to shell out is up to you, just be sure to get the right model for you to insure your comfort. - 17268

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Why do I Keep Hearing about Acai Juice?

By Frank Petrelli

Acai juice is becoming more and more popular nowadays. It is made from juicing acai berries, which are purple berries only found in the rain forests of South America. The areas where they grow are usually swamps and floodplains. They grow on the acai palm tree, a member of the genus Euterpe palms. There are eight other species in the same family as the acai palm. You will find many acai palm trees in Central and South America, from Belize southward to Brazil and Peru.

The acai berry is green when young. A young acai berry can be light green but its color darkens and turns purple as the berry ages. The small berries grow on top of the acai palm trees in bunches, similar to grapes. While the fruit is tiny, its stone inside is large in comparison. The stone makes up about 80% of the acai fruit. Each berry contains only a small amount of the acai pulp which is the best part of the fruit.

Eating the acai berry can make you healthy. People native to the Amazon believe that the berry has miraculous power. They have recognized the nutritional and medicinal benefits of this fruit for centuries. People in Brazil and Peru would drink the acai juice made from pulping the fruit or they might just consume the acai pulp itself.

Pronounced "ah-sigh-ee, the little purple fruit has made its way outside of its native countries. The acai fruit has been a popular fruit among in Brazil and Peru but now it is also a hit in the US. In the US, however, there are no fresh acai berries, only acai juices. Since the acai palm trees do not grow in the US, drinking acai juice is the only option for people of the United States.

In the past, few companies manufactured acai juices but now that they know there is demand for them, few juice companies do not have products with the acai berry on their labels. Sambazon is one of the leading companies with a lot of popular acai juices and other products. You can buy Sambazon products in most grocery stores. MonaVie is another company whose acai juice has taken the market by storm. MonaVie is an MLM company and only sell their acai juice through their distributors.

Before you buy any acai juice or other acai berry products, make sure that you have done your research thoroughly. You should find out about the nutritional content of the acai berry as well as the nutrition facts of the acai juice you are interested in. Some juices are more nutritious than others. By doing research, you will be able to avoid falling for scams that seem to be common nowadays. - 17268

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WuLong Tea And Anti-Aging

By Digby Wong

The consumption of wu long tea appears to beneficial to the body but should always talk with your doctor about the health benefits of wu long tea before adding the brew or other varieties to your daily diet for therapeutic purposes. Researchers at the Suntory Research Center in Osaka, Japan found that drinking wu long tea 15 minutes before eating foods high in carbohydrates curbed rises in insulin, thus reducing some of the fattening effects of carbohydrate intake.

Regarding weight loss Scientists from a Japanese University Medical School have found that people who regularly consumed oolong tea/ wu long tea experienced more than twice the calorie-burning results compared to those who drank green tea. Wu long tea directly after a meal increased energy expenditure by around 10%. This compared to an energy expenditure of 4% for green tea drinkers and 0 for water drinkers. Researchers at the Suntory Research Center in Osaka, Japan found that drinking wu long tea 15 minutes before eating foods high in carbohydrates curbed rises in insulin, thus reducing some of the fattening effects of carbohydrate intake.

Researchers at the Suntory Research Center in Osaka, Japan found that drinking wu long tea 15 minutes before eating foods high in carbohydrates curbed rises in insulin, thus reducing some of the fattening effects of carbohydrate intake.

Researchers from one of Japans prominent University's of Medical Science found that drinking wu long tea each day helps to clear up skin problems within one month. In California a university study found that people who drank wu long tea on a daily basis experienced a fifty-percent reduction in free radicals within 2 weeks. Free radicals are damaging substances in the body that contribute to signs of aging, including wrinkles and dark spots that are caused by ultra-violet rays, chemical food additives, pollution and stress. Regular consumption of wu long tea is shown to assist in enhancing the skin condition.

Healthy teeth is one of the their great benefits. A study by a Dentistry Department at a Japanese University showed that regular consumption of oolong tea strengthens teeth and helps prevent tooth decay by inhibiting the build-up of plaque.This is definitely better than the discoloration of teeth that regular consumption of coffee can cause.

According to a study published in Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, test subjects who regularly consumed wulong tea were found to have stronger immune systems and a reduced risk for infections.

The consumption of wu long tea appears to beneficial to the body but should always talk with your doctor about the health benefits of wu long tea before adding the brew or other varieties to your daily diet for therapeutic purposes. - 17268

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Remarkable Antioxidant Rewards And The Amazing Acai Berry

By Sara N Perry

Antioxidants are necessary to our good physical condition because they shelter our body and our cells from the damage caused by oxygen free radicals. The acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil has one of the premier antioxidant capacities of any food ever found in nature.

The antioxidant capability of food is calculated by a scale called the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity or ORAC scale. The acai berry has one of the highest ORAC levels of any singular food.

Antioxidants are a nutrient found in foods that aids in the matching of free radicals. Free radicals are an unpredictable molecule that is lacking one or more electrons. This lack of the required electron makes the molecule highly volatile and hurtful to our bodies. The antioxidant will attach itself to the free radical and give it the absent electron that it needs. This stabilizes the molecule. This replacement of missing electrons is a lifelong and continuing progression as even by stabilizing a free radical more free radicals are formed.

Because of that we must always put back the antioxidants within our bodies if we are to check the impairment of oxidation. Oxidation is the course that causes free radicals. It is basically the same process that turns an apple that has been cut and exposed to the air brown. Oxidation is one thing that very much contributes to disease and the problems related with aging.

Our bodies require antioxidants to cancel the troubles associated with free radical and oxidative damage. However, we must get them from our diets, as our bodies cannot make them. Antioxidants are only provided by the food that we eat.

The foods with the utmost antioxidant content are the multicolored foods from nature. Deep greens, deep reds, deep purples, brilliant oranges and reds are the colors of the fruits and vegetables highest in these necessary nutrients. Spinach, kale, cranberries, blueberries and pumpkins, along with many others including the acai berry are all incredibly high in advantageous antioxidants.

The acai berry is extremely high in different antioxidants but a remarkable one would be anthocyanins, which is the deep purple pigment that is accountable for the colors of berries, red cabbage, grapes, strawberries and other foods. Purified anthocyanins have been proven to be useful for weight loss in controlled studies involving laboratory mice. Anthocyanins are also responsible for a abundance of other health-promoting benefits, also.

The acai berry and the countless acai berry products can be a great supplement to a healthful diet, however you should constantly add in a healthful variety of high antioxidant foods in your diet. - 17268

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Mushrooms Used as Remedies throughout History

By Dr. Markho Rafael

5,300 years ago, an injured and starving man from Val Venosta, Italy, fled across an Alpine glacier to escape pursuers. But his enemies caught up with him and with a practiced arrow-shot penetrated his shoulder blade and subclavian artery. Before long, he was dead from blood loss. "Oetzi the Iceman" was found mummified in 1991. On his person were pouches containing mushroom remedies, the oldest known proof in existence of medicinal mushrooms usage.

One of the mushrooms he carried was a traditional de-wormer known as Birch polypore (Piptoporus betulinus), which makes sense because whipworm eggs were found in Oetzi's intestines. The other mushroom was a species frequently used to cauterize wounds, Tinder fungus (Fomes fomentarius). The Iceman's right hand had been injured days earlier and was in the process of healing when he was killed.

Both species belong to the group of mushrooms known as polypores, so named because of the many pores underneath. They often grow on trees, and to date no species is known to be poisonous to humans.

Polypores are usually considered inedible due to the fact that they are hard and wood-like. But for ancient peoples all across the globe - from China and India to Europe and the Americas - polypore teas and poultices have none-the-less been indispensible allies to human health at least for as long as written and oral traditions can recount.

In North America, some Indian tribes used polypore extracts as remedies against smallpox and other illnesses that arrived with the Europeans. Birch polypore was among these. Other polypores used were Chaga (Inonotus obliquus), Reishi (Ganoderma resinaceum), Turkey tail (Trametes versicolor), and the now threatened species Agarikon (Fomitopsis officinalis).

Although nearly extinct today, Agarikon was once common in the old-growth forests of ancient Europe. Greek physician Dioscorides referred to Agarikon as a remedy for tuberculosis in Materia Medica, 65 B.C. It's the earliest record of a medicinal mushroom in European literature. Two millennia later, the historic use of Agarikon in Poland was put down in writing in the article Medicinal mushrooms in Polish Folk Medicine by K. Grzywnowics. Again, it included lung conditions, as well as rheumatoid arthritis and infected wounds.

While mushrooms have been utilized medicinally in the West, it pales in comparison to the adulation they have received in the Orient. Next follows three species of medicinal mushrooms from Asia, which simply have to be included in any article on medicinal mushrooms.

First out is Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), sometimes nicknamed the "Mushroom of Immortality" due to its wide range of healing properties. Reishi was mentioned in Shen Nong's Herbal Classic from around 2,000 years ago. Many ancient Oriental temples and wood-carvings include images of this highly revered "cure-all" fungus.

Another Chinese medicinal mushroom known as Cordyceps was first described in the 200 A.D. book The Classic Herbal of the Divine Plowman. Cordyceps was, and still is, largely used as an aphrodisiac and to improve physical prowess in athletes, although modern research also indicates many other areas of potential usefulness.

Finally there is Shiitake, the number one gourmet mushroom of the Orient. Shiitake has been cultured in China for approximately 1,000 years as a food. What is less known is that it is also one of the most researched medicinal mushrooms in the world. A polysaccharide extracted from Shiitake is approved in Japan as an anti-cancer drug. Other qualities hinted at by research include antibiotic and immune enhancer.

Medical research on mushrooms appears to have begun in the late 1960's in Japan. It gained attention in the West through the research by Dr. Ikekawa, who found that families growing mushrooms had lower cancer-rates than other people in their communities. Since those early days, medical research into mushrooms as grown exponentially and is still increasing. Medicinal mushrooms are continuing to make history.

Note: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Mushrooms have not been aproved for medicinal use by the FDA. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner about the treatment of any medical condition. - 17268

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Sleeping At Night

By Laura Croff

Not getting enough sleep can have a wide range of negative effects on your life. After a night without much sleep, the next day you find that you cannot function at your optimal level. Your general sense of well-being is decreased and you find it difficult to concentrate on the tasks that you need to do. Additionally, your appearance worsens and it is difficult to handle the various problems that may come up through your day.

Perhaps your sleeping troubles come from one of a few types. In the evening, you may find it difficult to fall asleep after getting into bed. Or, you may fall asleep quite quickly only to wake up some hours later and find that you cannot fall asleep again no matter how hard you try.

Somniem PM Natural Sleep Aid is a natural treatment for sleeplessness. Unlike prescription sleep pills which often leave you feeling groggy and "hung over" the next day, Somniem PM's naturalness introduces a gentle side to its aid. Its natural ingredients include melatonin, the very same aid your body uses to help you sleep.

It is believed by many scientists that one of the main culprits for getting a poor night of sleep is the body's lack of production of melatonin before bedtime. There are a wide range of factors that can influence melatonin production. For example, alcohol, caffeine and stress all influence your body's natural production of melatonin and can cause it to not produce enough. Somniem PM Sleep Aid encourages your body to produce more melatonin and in this natural way, you are able to get better sleep each night.

Due to Somniem PM encouraging the natural sleep system in your body, it can help correct a sleep cycle that has been distraught from the effects of alcohol or caffeine among other factors.

Unlike prescription sleep pills, Somniem PM has no side effects and is non-addictive. Somniem PM will leave you feeling refreshed the next morning instead of "hung over" like most prescription sleep pills do.

Based on these ingredients that are all-natural, Somniem PM is an attractive option for anyone who is interested in a restful night of sleep. - 17268

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2 Easy Ways to Conquer Weight Loss Plateau

By Thong M. Dao

You were likely dropping off pounds with success for the first couple of weeks after you followed a new dieting plan, simply to get stuck at some stage later on. Whenever folks begin a dieting plan they quickly drop off a couple of pounds, as most dieting plans are made to offer you 'fast fat loss'. Sadly enough, this 'instant weight loss' is more often than not 'temporary' weight loss.

You'll slim down truly rapidly in the first couple of weeks then, you'll find out that the scale isn't declining any longer! You are not losing any more weight than what you have lost already! You've come to a position typically called fat loss plateau! In that stage, the sole cure is a total overhaul of your life style habits.

You've probably performed the same workouts and eaten the same types of food all the time within these first few weeks while you were shedding pounds. As a result your body got accustomed to your diet and exercise routine. If that occurred, your fat loss techniques failed to get any sustainable outcomes!

When you wish to go beyond this stage, you have to modify your dieting and workout regime. Here are two methods you need to follow to get out of the weight loss plateau.

1. Calorie-counting is not the way to go: When you count your calories, you basically limit the intake of calories to an abnormally low level. If you consume low calorie food, there's no impetus for your body to boost metabolism because it has to burn off just some calories. The consequence is that your metabolism all of the time stays at a really low degree. When your metabolic rate is low, you aren't able to burn fat!

In order to burn fat and lose weight successfully, you need to forget about calorie counting and eat enough so that your body is forced to keep your metabolic rate at a high level. Your body demands fuel to burn up weight, and it will acquire that fuel merely from food!

2. Work out some more: If you've been warding off physical exertion totally, or have been performing solely light workouts, you can't lose much fat. Fat loss is easier when you do high intensity exercises regularly. Instead of being afraid of exercises, try to love them. Workouts are a different effective way of raising your metabolic process.

Adopt those 2 techniques and you'll shortly be capable to get the lean body you want! - 17268

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Holistic Medicine Practitioners

By Susy Y Esquire

Practitioners of holistic medicine are those that use natural methods and therapies to help restore the healing process in the body. There are many different types of holistic medicine sometimes referred to as alternative medicine. These practices have not necessarily been validated by Western medical studies. That is no way implies that they are not valid. It simply means that they have not yet been studied.

Interestingly enough, medical healing evolved at the clan level. The so-called medicine man was the main healer for each tribe. These have been developed into larger schools of thought through time. Many of these traditional practices have not been studied by Western science. Many medical studies are very expensive to conduct.

Holistic medicine or alternative medicine is the use of more traditional practices of healing. Many of these traditional practices have a foundation of viewing the body as a complete system. The Western viewpoint of medicine is to keep taking things apart into smaller and smaller pieces. In a sense, holistic medicine is on the other side of the spectrum.

Chiropractic medicine is becoming a mainstream practice. One of the top reported health problems and the United States is back pain. Chiropractic medicine targets the diagnosing and treating of problems associated with the back. This includes the spine, musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. This industry is growing rapidly as insurance coverage is becoming available.

Chiropractors are mainly focused on the issues related to the spine. The origins of chiropractors have their roots back in ancient Egypt. They have developed a number of specialized techniques and treatments to help restore the spine to its original vitality.

Massage therapy is another alternative form of holistic medicine. It uses different movements and pressures on muscles and soft tissue areas. This form of treatment helps to reduce stiffness, tension and relieve pain. There are many different forms of massage therapy found throughout the world.

To important schools of medical practice originate around the use of acupoints. Ancient Chinese medical practitioners used acupoints to help restore health and the body. Acupoints were stimulated either using needles or through the application of pressure and movements. These were found to promote health and restore healing in the body.

Acupressure uses pressure and movement on the acupoints. Acupuncture requires the use of needles to be placed directly into the acupoints. The acupoints do not have any nerve receptacles and are not painful when a needle is inserted. Acupressure uses specific movements to help stimulate the acupoints.

It is interesting to see how fast many of these traditional treatments are being integrated into Western medical practices. Many doctors are realizing the benefits of many of these holistic therapies. They are being used to supplement the treatments already been provided or as an alternative to surgery. This is an important step to bring a better balance of medical service to everybody.

The main disadvantage of these holistic practices is simply a lack of medical studies. Most medical studies are funded by companies hoping to profit from a beneficial treatment or drug. There simply isn't enough money to validate many of these treatments since there would be no clear owner of the process.

One of the most important validating trends for holistic medical practices is acceptance by the insurance industry. Many forms of chiropractic medicine are now being accepted and paid for by health insurance providers. Many of these forms of treatment are being used especially in the relief of back pain. - 17268

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Is Breast Enlargement Procedure Safe On Breastfeeding?

By Vanessa Santos

Following a breast augmentation surgery, a large number of women inquire if it's alright to breastfeed. The reply to that is sure, they can breast feed. According to a large number of women who went all through breast augmentation, breast feeding is no more rough with or without implants. A number of women even said that breastfeeding with implants is easier than without implants.

In this day and age, more and more women who are still single and who have not begun yet their childbearing days are undergoing breast implant surgery. With this occurrence a lot now are afraid to know if breast implants can have an effect on breast feeding. In previous time, most women who experience breast implant surgery are married and beyond their childbearing days already so the apprehension for breastfeeding is not given much importance.

The earliest silicone illness hit the media in 1992, thus the alarm of endangering the infant on breast feeding with silicone implants became a mounting apprehension. But studies performed has revealed that this is not the situation. The reason was that, the silicon molecule is too large to go by through the milk ducts through breast feeding.

A few years after, silicone was removed and replaced with saline implants. Even though saline can leach into the milk, it has no risky effects to the mother or baby as it is an inert substance.

The fear of most people at present-day are on implant location and opening spot. Quite a few believe that it is more optimal to have the implants situated below the muscle. It will furthermore keep away from the peri-areolar opening. The validation for this is that with this method, there is minor amount intrusion with the milk ducts which is found precisely beneath the skin and in the tissue on top of the breast muscle. However, this is yet not certain. There are a large deal of women who take on implants on sub-optimal locations and still are doing good in breastfeeding.

To gain the best potential results, it is best to discuss about your plans with your medical doctor through consultation. With this, your surgeon can help you and work with you based on your plans. Even if you are not planning to have children yet anytime soon, consulting this with your medical doctor is really necessary. - 17268

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Healthy Diet - Healthier Body

By Spencer Gabato

A person concerned with health should choose to eat foods that have high health values. The food gives as the necessary substances for our body to operate optimally including our brain. To learn the what foods have higher health values can help us choose the food that can give us the needed nutrients.

Different foods have different health values and within food groups, some have more health value than others. Below, you can find the healthiest food choices. Eating them on a regular basis can bring you good health and hence a happier life.

The no. 1 source of minerals and vitamins are vegetables. Those with darker leaves or skin have higher antioxidant content than others but they all provide us with necessary vitamins and minerals. Kale, asparagus, green beans, celery, spinach and peas are some examples of health giving vegetables. Your body also can benefit from the nutrients that carrots, eggplant squash, mushrooms and yams give.

As with vegetables, dark coloured fruits have higher antioxidant content. Some examples are bananas, apples, fig, oranges, pears plums, graphs, watermelon and lemon. Acai berry have the highest antioxidant content among the berries while also having other beneficial nutrients. Acai berry is one of the top superfoods.

What to look for in meat, dairy and fish are those that are low in cholesterol and fat. Choose lamb, lean beef, chicken breast, venison and turkey when you eat meat. Among fishes cod, shrimp, tuna and scallops are the best. Good choices for the dairy group are yogurt, low-fat cheese and eggs.

Nuts and seeds are also very good for your health. Sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, almonds, peanuts, and pumpkin seeds are good examples of health promoting nuts and seeds. Aside from the health benefit you get from these food, they are delicious too. As for grain products, choose brown bread, buckwheat, barley, rye, corn, whole wheat and oats. When it comes to bread, choose the brown bread instead of the white one.

Many food contain sugar to sweeten eat. If ever you crave for sweets, choose the ones which have natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, honey and molasses. They still tastes nice and the best thing is they will not hurt your health.

Spices can be combined with food to make it delectable. Spices can give many health promoting benefits for the body. Some of these are peppermint, sage, black pepper, thyme, rosemary, black pepper, dill, basil and cilantro.

Many people drink soda and other non health promoting beverages because of its savoury flavor. Most of these beverages contain sugar and caffeine which are both not good for the body. Opt for water to hydrate your body because it is the best in terms of health. For beverages, a good choice is green tea because it is packed with the powerful antioxidant EGCG. - 17268

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