Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Why Some Muscle Building Programs Aren't Working for You

By Caleb Lee

Muscle building programs are mostly created by weight lifters who have discovered "their way" to building big muscles.

Why don't these muscle building programs work for everyone?

These are 4 major reasons why some muscle building programs aren't working:

#1: Work as Much as You Can at One Time

By this, I mean you have to be working many muscles at one time. This will give your body benefits of having stability and coordination between muscles. However, muscle building programs like to incorporate machines into their workouts. Workout machines tend to focus on one muscle. This is bad because it will take forever to work many muscles, and you do not develop any real life application. Free weights can help you to work many muscles at once. Doing compound exercises like Squats and dead lifts can benefit you in saving time, working many muscles at once, and also gaining stability and coordination between muscles.

#2: The Workout Time is Not Spent Effectively

If your workout came from someone who lived in a gym, you researched and found the wrong program. You want to keep it as short as possible, while still getting a full workout in. Like I said before, compound exercises will do the trick. Make sure to use fewer reps and sets while adding more weight. This will ensure a good amount of resistance to tear the muscle down in a short amount of time.

#3: Where is the Resistance?

You don't need to waste time, and you probably don't want to. So, why not make it worth your time? Make sure you lift a significant amount of weight, around the average of 80-85% of your one rep max. Muscle building programs using less weight, with more reps and sets will be a waste of time as your muscle gaining will plane out, and you could potentially see negative results.

#4: You Need to Rest and Relax More

When you workout, remember to leave time between exercises to let your body settle and start to rebuild. Rushing to your next exercise will not benefit you, and ultimately might hurt you as it will strain the muscles.

When you are done at the gym, you should try to plan a nap in to let your body rest. At night, try to sleep as long as you can, obtaining 8 hours or more of sleep. Having this large amount of sleep will better your body for the next day. Make sure to relax during the day to prevent stress from disrupting your muscle growth.

If you want to hear more tips to having a good muscle building program, check out: DoubleYourGains' 3-5 Beginners Strength Program. - 17268

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Learn How Best To Use Seasonings For Cooking Steak

By Ferdinand Okeke

Cooking a steak at home can be quite challenging especially if you are not used to cooking big time. However tips for using steak seasoning help a great deal in one's attempt to carry out the task of making a delicious steak. The idea is that you want to make that steak as tasty as possible therefore you should think about what herbs and spices would make the ideal taste for you and your family. Do they like the taste of garlic, or onion, or basil or bay? Then you can rely on buying bulk herbs and spices and making your own blend of these at home. The steak seasoning that you will obtain will surely be loved by your entire family because you have chosen their favorites.

Intensive fried turkey in mixture with intensive fried turkey seasoning is delectable and additionally more appealing to home cooks lately despite the dangers that it poses when cooked at home in an enclosed environment. If you want to cook turkey with this approach you should understand that deep fried turkey seasoning does wonders to your dish. But let us begin with the rudimentary and follow the steps of the recipe and thus the cooking procedures.

When you make fajitas, you will undoubtedly need the appropriate fajita seasoning. You can find a lot of commodities in bottles or jars that claim to be fajita seasoning, but to tell you the truth I for one prefer to apply a traditional fajita seasoning recipe and prepare it myself. Making fajita seasoning is not strenuous at all; you just require the appropriate ingredients and the appropriate recipe. For this I can tell you that a minimal research on the web, in cookery books or among your Mexican neighbors or acquaintances will help you. Here is one recipe for a wonderfully great fajita seasoning. In about 15 minutes you can cook with a fajita seasoning using: 3 tablespoons of cornstarch, 2 tablespoons of chili powder, 1 tablespoon of salt and one of paprika and one of sugar; then you also need 1 / 3 teaspoon of cumin, the same quantity of garlic powder,2 1 / 2 teaspoon of stock cube, 1 1 onion powder, and 1 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes; last but not the least, let us not ignore the 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and as much garlic.

Prior to focusing on the deep fried turkey seasoning, you need to wash the turkey and tie the legs and the wings to the body of the bird after it has already been totally defrosted. After that, you should dry the bird so that you can rub the deep fried turkey seasoning on it. Other way to flavor the turkey meet would be to inject the seasoning in the meat especially in the parts which are thicker and would normally turn into flavored less while cooking.

Do you want to learn about hamburger seasoning? Do you want to find out where you can find or how you can make your own hamburger seasoning? Truly if you read this article you will find some answers, suggestions and advice pertaining to hamburger seasoning. But let's not put the cart before the horse, as my grandma used to say. Let's start with the beginning, namely hamburgers, and we'll get to hamburger seasoning a bit later. The hamburger seems to be perceived as an American food, but it really originates in Germany. Although the name hamburger contains an important part, the ham there, is normally no ham in a hamburger.

Even the easiest recipe or method of cooking rabbit, involves rabbit seasoning, be it a rub with olive oil or a spray of a mixture of your favorite herbs and condiments. Rabbit seasoning involves, therefore, rubbing, chopping, sprinkling and sometimes marinating the meat. In rabbit seasoning, you may utilize a very wide range of condiments and herbs, or spices in order to refine the flavor of the rabbit meat. When rabbit seasoning is under discussion, you should know that rabbit goes very well with butter, vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, sugar and honey. Another possible ingredients for rabbit seasoning can be shrimp paste, fish sauce, coriander, chili or lemon - grass.

As we all know, the American cuisine is not wholly American since there are so many public influences which came with the immigrants. It is known that there are differences, as well as similarities between the various cuisines represented in America. There are Creole, Cajun, Chinese or Mexican cuisines, to mention just a few of them. When we talk about Mexican food, for example we must say that this cuisine brought about certain ingredients, typical dishes, among which the fajitas and fajita seasoning, too, as well as the preference for certain vegetables and certain condiments to cook the foods. The Mexican cuisine covers the bottom third of North America. - 17268

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Best Hollywood Celebrity Diets For Rapid Weight Loss

By Christine G. Shannon

Isn't amazing how all of the celebrities you see have a celebrity diet plan for weight loss to maintain their weight. Some of them are shapely and healthy looking, and look good on camera. Others look like they haven't eaten in weeks, like they just got back from the famine in Ethiopia for a few weeks. Like they had been starving themselves to lose weight, and that is probably what they have been doing.

There are always stories of celebrity weight loss in the newspapers and in magazines. Celebrities also come up with fictional diets to explain how they shifted the weight, whereas in reality they just starved themselves, not only of food but of the essential foods and fluids necessary for the body to properly function.

Losing a lot of weight in a short period of time might be normal for somebody who is very overweight because they are carrying a lot of stored fat around with them. On the other hand, for somebody who is just one or two dress sizes over their preferred weight, losing so much weight in so little time is very unhealthy and can lead to serious health problems. Successful dieting takes time and you are not going to go from overweight to slim overnight. You did not gain all that weight overnight so you will not shift it in such a short time frame either.

Without a maintenance diet program, to keep your weight stabilized after a large weight loss, you will put the weight back on. Dieting involves self-discipline and willpower in addition to knowing what foods to eat and when. Many of the celebrity diets are actually starvation type diets that are not healthy or worth risking other side effects.

Hollywood diet juice is an example of a celebrity diet program and this diet means you only drink the juice. You do not eat or drink anything else. This is a type of starvation and is an incredibly boring diet. Once you stop drinking the juice, all the weight you lost will come back. It makes no sense to drink a juice and then stop drinking it and return to being overweight.

Like a lot of famous diets in Hollywood, if your body thinks you are starving, it is going to hold on to every calorie you take in to keep you from starving to death instead of burning them for energy. When you follow a properly balanced weight loss diet, your metabolism will hardly notice the decrease in calories and continue to burn fat it doesn't need to store. This is a more long-term weight loss strategy.

Celebrities do not have secrets about dieting. They are normal people like the rest of us but, unlike most of us, they have people working for them such as diet advisors and personal trainers.

Celebrity diets involve a level of commitment and dedication which we struggle with. The best celebrity diets involve eating sensibly and limiting our calorie intake. One great diet which has been proven to work for many people is Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below. This is an easy to follow diet which might just work for you. - 17268

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How to get Six Pack Abs Quickly

By Jose Loni

To get six pack abs quickly, we need to follow some basic principles. By eating a proper diet, resistance training, and increasing our metabolism, we can achieve fast results to get six pack abs.

When training for six pack abs, we need to do general body, overall body fat burning. When we are able to efficiently train our bodies to do that, our six-pack abs will become visible.

Our diet is an important key to getting six pack abs quickly. We must eat properly and frequently throughout the day to help maintain our energy level for our daily activities. So that our blood sugar does not spike up and down too frequently.

Warm up: we should start with an activity that is of light to medium intensity for 5-10 minutes, followed by some light stretching of the muscles involved in the exercise. We want to make sure that our muscles are flexible and ready for the activity.

Eating several meals throughout the day helps us stabilize our energy levels and help us optimize our training sessions to burn more fat to achieve our six-pack abs.

Post Exercise: We want to emphasize proper cool down and stretching to make sure we maintain our flexibility and movement of the areas trained.

These exercises should be done three times a week and can be done in any order to train the body in different angles and variations. This will allow the body to strengthen and progress at a greater rate and achieve our six-pack abs faster.

This exercise plan will help achieve six pack abs faster. The commitment to exercise correctly and allowing the body to rest will help this program be effective. - 17268

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