The Number One Reason Why We Do Not Live Longer
As we progress in years, an increased amount of free radical garbage accumulates in our bodies. The good thing is that we are not completely powerless when presented with this predicament.
Free radicals Destroy the Integrity of Cells The cellular free radical debris that builds up over the years, because of its highly reactive chemical nature, devastates the cellular structures-including the active organelles and our genetic material (DNA and RNA). Consequently, a fifty-year-old has been subjected to forty more years of free radical damage than a ten-year-old has.
The products of oxidation act like time bombs to destroy your cells
How energy is extracted from food, is by using Oxygen, and this very function is called Oxidation. Oxygen is very important in our lives not just for breathing purposes, but for general cell functioning and other purposes too. Scientists have now confirmed that our air is composed of 20 percent Oxygen and 80 percent Nitrogen, so although there seems to be enough Oxygen present, there is 4 times more Nitrogen present.
It is the oxidation of food that gives us the required energy to live and carry on with our lives, however as well as oxidation providing this useful aspect, unfortunately as a result of oxidation free radical damage becomes present and this as mentioned eats away at our body. It is however good news that there are ways to supplement and prevent free radical damage from taking place. Alpha lipoic acid is one of the supplements that can be used to prevent such damage. It maybe time for you to start considering supplementing with alpha lipoic acid purely because excessive free radical damage can result in organ failure and therefore death.
Free Radicals Can Be highly dangerous Free radical molecules have uneven numbers of electrons, which makes them highly unstable. The free radical always attempts to stabilize its own molecular structure by grabbing an electron from a stable molecule, which has pairs of balanced electrons. So any stable molecule that comes in contact with a free radical is in danger of losing an electron to this unstable electron thief. This process results in a chain reaction that may destroy the delicate structure of the cell.
A substance which people can take which fights free radicals is alpha lipoic acid and it is suitable for the majority of people. - 17268