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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Health Care Breakthroughs...Hope or Hype?

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Heart disease, diabetes, and obesity - a formidable triad. These chronic disorders are interrelated and the presence of one will often lead over time to development of one or both of the others.

The good news is that, for the most part, these three entities occur as a result of lifestyle choices. This means, if we choose to live healthy, we can greatly reduce the likelihood of developing one or all of these conditions.

For example, at present time, more than one-third of American children are overweight or obese. These kids are very likely to develop diabetes and, later on, heart disease. So, if you're overweight or obese as a child, you can look forward to a lifetime of health problems.

Why do you think American kids have these problems? The answer is simple - they don't exercise and they eat large amounts of junk food. The solutions are obvious and just as simple.

Developing lifelong habits of regular exercise and good nutrition begins at home. Parents who exercise regularly and provide healthy, balanced meals for their kids help their kids develop the habit of making healthful lifestyle choices, habits that will last a lifetime. Health care breakthroughs are big business. We know this because such news is reported in the Business Section of newspapers and magazines. Discussions relate primarily to the potential impact on the company's share price and revenues. Possible benefits to patients are a secondary concern compared to the amount of money involved.

Business coverage of these issues is yet another reminder of how far health care has moved away from its original and sole focus on treatment. Sadly, the bottom line has become the bottom line. And yet, there may be real breakthroughs on the horizon. Advances in DNA analysis and nanotechnology may bring us closer to a world of personalized treatment for cancer and many other disorders.

For example, university researchers have been working for years on methods to deliver cancer drugs to the actual tumor.1 If possible, this would dramatically improve on current treatment which floods the patient's entire body with highly toxic anti-cancer medication.

These new scientific methods - collectively termed targeted cancer therapy - involve the cancer drugs hitching a ride on very small particles - nanoparticles - which are programmed to seek out and attach to the malignant tumor.2 The toxic drug only interacts with the tumor cells, killing the tumor but not affecting any of the patient's normal cells. If this research pans out, meaningful progress would be made.

Early detection of disease - cancers, hormonal disorders, inflammatory diseases - is often discussed as the critical factor in the success of treatment. Recently, in the last ten years, progress in the fields of nanotechnology and DNA and protein analysis has brought us closer to real-world early detection.

Researchers are gaining the ability to analyze very small amounts of biomarkers - specialized proteins that may indicate the presence of specific diseases - in both blood and individual cells3. A lot more work needs to be done to standardize these tests and understand which biomarkers are related to which diseases - but this seems to be merely a matter time. Within ten or fifteen years, such analysis may become readily available and routine. This would be a real breakthrough.

However, rather than placing our bets on diagnostic and treatment methods that may or may not become available, doesn't it make more sense to take care of our physical health right now, today? The vast majority of diseases that affect Americans - heart disease, diabetes, and obesity - are, for the most part, lifestyle disorders. And, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that many cancers are also related to lifestyle.

Lifestyle is a code word for good nutrition, regular exercise, sufficient rest, a positive mental attitude, and rewarding family and personal relationships. An important part of lifestyle is maintaining a body that works - and the best way to ensure good overall health is with periodic, regular chiropractic care.

Chiropractic treatment ensures your body is working at its optimum. Chiropractic treatment gives your body its best chance of functioning at a level of optimum health. Your chiropractor will be glad to help you learn how to achieve a healthy, vibrant lifestyle.

1Choi MR, et al: A Cellular Trojan Horse for Delivery of Therapeutic Nanoparticles into Tumors. Nano Letters 7(12):3759-3765, 2007 2Zahr AS, Pishko MV: Encapsulation of paclitaxel in macromolecular nanoshells. Biomacromolecules 8(6):2004-2010, 2007 3Favis R, et al: Universal DNA Microarray Analysisof p53 Mutations in Undissected Colorectal Tumors. Human Mutation 24:63-75, 2004

For online version of this article, please visit our website at Copyright 2009 Lake St. Louis Chiropractic, All Rights Reserved - 17268

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Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Strengthen Every Joint First

By Dan Solaris

With the advances in the production of fast and convenient gastronomic fare, it has become a real challenge for people to keep their weight down. Believe it or not, recent CDCP figures say 66% of Americans are above their ideal weight. Perhaps that's why people with highly-defined midsections are becoming harder to run into at the beach.

It's not because of lack of trying. There's a high attrition rate among folks who start working-out to get six pack abs because of misconceptions about how to exercise effectively. The wrong exercises bring slow results and loss of motivation.

Most people, for example, do sit-ups and crunches session after session while leaving-out the lumber and oblique muscles. The imbalance of strength can actually result in back pain and injury because the spinal column is strained. Working-out improperly brings slow results which lead to frustration and quitting.

Developing six pack abs is all about having a low body fat percentage. Muscle definition, especially around the abdomen will be non-existent if we still have a substantial amount of subcutaneous fat- no matter how many sit-ups and leg raises we perform each day.

Because most of the culinary delights we partake of each day are loaded with trans-fats and processed sugars, it's quite impossible for us to lose fat by going about our daily routines without exercising. The vast amounts of surplus calories we get from the jelly donuts and cheezy fries can only be off-set by an effective exercise regimen every day.

Intense total body exercise maximizes the amount of calories we burn per workout session. Only by getting as much muscle groups working can we hope to get lean enough to get the 10% body fat index required to bring out a well-defined abdomen and improve joint strength.

The development of muscle that results from regular exercise enforces the joints in our body by strengthening the tissues around them. The constant activity also leads to the production of natural lubricants that prevent friction and cartilage damage.

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disability in America. It is mostly caused by too much joint-stress brought about by excess weight. Working-out consistently will not only prevent this by lightening the load on our joints, we also get an awesome set of shredded abs in the process! - 17268

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How To Build Big Muscles Naturally And Quickly

By Danny Gutierrez

It is absolutely phenomenal how many gym goers bust their behinds every single day in the gym only to fail to make any significant progress with their physique. It's not because they're not working hard obviously it's because they simply don't know what it actually takes to build muscle. Don't make the same mistake and read the rest of this article to discover what it actually takes to build muscle.

The key to building muscle isn't actually working out in the gym. You build muscle outside of the gym. When you're working out in the gym what you're actually doing is tearing down your muscles and breaking them down. To build muscles you have to feed your muscles the right nutrients and you also have to rest.

The key to building huge muscles is consuming protein. Protein is the building block of muscle. Your muscles are made up of two things... water and protein. In order to build muscle you need to consume about 1-2 grams of protein for every pound you weigh. So if you weigh 200 pounds you should consume at least 200 grams of protein every day if you want to maintain your muscle.

The thing about protein is most people don't know where they can get it from so here is a short list of some good protein sources. As far as meat goes all meat has protein but you want to stick to the ones that have the least amount of bad fat like leans cuts of red meat, chicken breasts and of course most types of fish are great for you. If you're on a budget tuna has always been a great muscle builder. There is also milk and cottage cheese as well as nuts such as almonds and peanuts. And of course protein shakes are also a great source of protein.

Ok so you already know what you're supposed to be eating if you want to grow muscles now let's talk about some of the most important times to be consuming your protein and ore importantly the most important times to be consuming your nutritional supplements. First thing in the morning when you wake up and immediately following your workout are two timers you should definitely be taking your protein supplements.

Drinking a nutritional supplement type protein drink right after your workout in the gym is a great way to build muscle in a hurry. Right after your workout your muscles are starving and this is the opportune time to feed them protein because your muscles are literally like sponges. If you do anything and you want to build muscle you should really consider drinking a protein shake after your workout.

Another aspect of muscle growth that most gym goers don't pay much attention to is recuperation. Your body and your muscles need to rest between workouts. You need to be sleeping at least eight hours per night if you want to put your body in a position to grow. Make sure you give your body plenty of time to rest or your muscles may not respond to your workouts.

Building muscle doesn't have to be as hard as a lot of people make it out to be so long as you stick to the basics... when you're trying to add muscle to your body you need to remember that there are three components that you need to focus on and they are working out, diet (which is basically protein consumption) and rest and recuperation. Work out in the gym, consume a lot of protein and rest when you're not pumping iron. That's the formula for getting big in a hurry. - 17268

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Shed Off Extra Pounds Quickly with These 6 Easy Steps

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Watch everything you consume from the food itself to what you top it with. Garnishments and condiments can sabotage a healthy meal because they are typically high in fat.

2. Get a handle on the sweet tooth. It does not mean you cannot consume your confectioneries; but do not have them as a meal. Don't forget that they will end up adding to an area that you do not want them to. Do not deprive yourself either, as after that you will eat twice as many as you should.

3. Fix times to have meals and stick to it. Try to have food at fixed times of the day. You can stretch these times by half an hour, but anything more than that is going to affect your eating pattern, the result will either be a loss of appetite or that famished feeling which will make you stuff yourself with more than what is required the next time you eat.

4. Eat only when you are hungry. Be sure to drink a glass of water first to determine if you really are hungry or if you are really thirsty. Many people have the tendency to eat when they see food. It doesn't mean they are hungry; they just want to eat it. Don't eat anything you're offered unless you really are hungry. If you feel you must eat it out of being polite, just nibble, don't have a meal.

5. Quit snacking in between meals. Do not fall for snacks in between meals. This is especially true for those who have to travel a lot. They feel that the only time they can get a bite to eat is snacks and junk food. The main problem with most snacks and junk food is that they are usually less filling and contain a lot of fat and calories. Just think about French friestempting but terribly fattening.

6. Vegetables make excellent snacks. These could get you over the hunger pangs when you're suffering them. Carrots are good since they satisfy crave and they're packed with nutrients. - 17268

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Five Reasons To Try Acai

By Carter Sinclair

Here are 5 reasons to try Acai. Each reason on its own is enough to try Amazon Acai Berry.

1. Acai Slows Down Aging. Acai contains the highest count of antioxidants in any known fruit or vegetable. Antioxidants combat the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Not only does this slow down aging, but it also improves the immune system, gives you better looking hair and skin, increases energy, and helps fight cancer. Not bad for a little berry?

2. Weight Loss With Acai. Acai berry is filled with lots of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids all of which help with weight loss. Acai contains cyanidin and it helps lower the level of absorption of fat.

3. Reduces Cholesterol. Omega fatty acids have also been shown to help improve cholesterol problems. Omega-3 has also shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks.

4. Improves Mood and Memory. The Amazon Acai berry contains high levels of essential fatty acids, which studies have shown to fight depression and increase general brain functions. The list of benefits just keeps getting better. So I just drink this juice and I can fight off cancer, have more energy, improve my mood, and it makes me smarter. Where do I sign up?

5. Acai Improves Performance. It has been used by many Brazilian athletes to help increase their energy over a long period of time. It gives you a burst of energy like caffeinated beverages without having sugar. - 17268

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Is straining to failure the wisest move?

By Jon Cardozo

One of the best ways to pretend you know something about a particular subject is to throw around some big sounding terms so everyone else is impressed. The muscle building world is no different, and many people use bodybuilding terms even though they have no idea what they really mean.

Instead of just throwing around such terms to sound impressive in the gym, shouldn't you take a moment to truly understand them? Because it's discussed so often, let's take a moment to understand the concept of training to failure.

What exactly is training to failure? If you've heard this term but weren't sure exactly what it meant, don't be embarrassed. There are probably a lot of other new trainees who are confused by this, especially since many tend to use these bodybuilding terms in different ways with different meanings.

In its most basic sense, training to failure means lifting weights until you cannot physically lift anymore. Many muscle building gurus will tell you that this is an essential component of bodybuilding, and they may even go as far as to tell you that you cannot consistently build muscle without training to failure.

Many people claim that training to failure is absolutely essential, but some proven experts like Vince Delmonte tell us to be careful when using the strategy.

The one thing you don't want to do is to completely exhaust your body. You don't want to train and train until your body is wiped out from fatigue. It may sound obvious to some, but from observing some people in the gym it's more common than you might think. They seem to have a completely different interpretation of training to failure.

This kind of training is usually considered over training and can put a heavy strain on your nervous system and immune system, not to mention your muscles themselves. Because your nervous and immune systems take longer than your muscles to recover, you need to be very careful to avoid over training in the gym.

You'll probably find yourself overdoing it from time to time, but be careful not to make this a habit. - 17268

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Hypnosis Results In Fast Weight Loss

By Robert Hudak

Being over weight is a major issue that many Americans face today but unfortunately not many find a solution to it. Today there are thousands of products and techniques being introduced to the market targeting the large number of people living with obesity. If you are desperately seeking to experience Fast Weight Loss, you may get sold on a hyped up weight loss product and be disappointed.

Consulting with doctors, will only provide you with a lot of drugs and diet plans with steamed veggies on the top. Start thinking outside of the box, and begin looking for a Fast Weight Loss solution that results in losing weight.

Hypnosis is a technique that has been used by experts for centuries, and as time is passing, studies have shown that it can create Fast Weight Loss results. Several mental disorders and complications have been successfully rooted out from clients suffering for years. Hypnosis is also used to help people achieve certain seemingly impossible goals and targets.

To start creating more control over the subconscious mind of the client is the basic theme behind the process of hypnosis. Although it may appear apparent, a person wants to have Fast Weight Loss, if the subconscious mind rejects it then he will have a hard time reaching his goal. A skilled hypnotist can hypnotize the client and put positive suggestions and ideas in his mind.

Once the client re-enters his routine life, his actions become more focused towards achieving Fast Weight Loss, as subconscious mind starts commanding the rest of the body. Exercise, which seemed dull and a waste of time to the client before taking the hypnosis treatment, will now seem to be a fun-activity and he would do involuntarily, without any force.

Similarly, changing bad habits like eating food full of fat and cholesterol that looked hard to leave will become easier afterward. Hypnosis has showed great results in causing Fast Weight Loss and allowing the client to experience better control of eating and increase will power and self-control.

Unlike unsuccessful ordinary techniques, which require a lot of hard work and sacrifices from the client, the use of hypnosis for Fast Weight Loss is effortless and a natural process. Clients do not have to follow a diet plan. In fact; most clients eat whatever they want.

Although there are many clinics in your area that offer excellent hypnosis services, you can also choose a hypnosis program and achieve Fast Weight Loss in the comforts of your living room. To familiarize yourself with basic knowledge of hypnosis, go online and check out some of the websites of certified hypnotists.

The dream to look slim and attractive will no longer remain impossibility, as Fast Weight Loss hypnosis, will act as a catalyst in helping you achieve this desire. But one must be cautious of not making the mistake of leaving all effort that has to be put in by the client himself. A patient with stronger will power is more likely to lose weight quicker. - 17268

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The No.1 Nutritional Supplements - Usana Essentials

By Angela Giles

The role of diet in maintaining our health cannot be underestimated. On a daily basis, our body requires different types of nutrients including vitamins and minerals. Since we eat different food each day, we cannot expect to supply the body with the exact amount of nutrients regularly. Therefore, taking additional nutritional supplements is recommended by many physicians. Usana Essentials, manufactured by Usana Health Sciences, are the most popular products in this category.

Usana Essentials provide the right ingredients, including 13 organic and 19 inorganic compounds, required for the proper functioning of the body's cells. These elements are recommended by nutrition authorities and also by the US government. They also include other essential nutrients recommended by scientific studies. For instance, anti-oxidants are present to prevent the free-radical damage to cells.

To prevent diseases caused by nutrition deficiencies, the body needs certain nutrients in minimum quantity. Usana Essentials contain far higher quantity of these nutrients than is recommended. This helps to promote better health and not just prevent diseases.

Vitamins and Minerals do not work in isolation. Different functions of the body needs these nutrients to work together. Presence of these nutrients in the wrong proportion can lead to adverse health effects. Keeping this in mind, Usana Essentials combine these nutrients in the right proportion so that they can work safely and effectively.

The body can only absorb nutrients in a specific form. Nature produces nutrients which can be easily accepted by the body. However, artificially produced nutrients must be supplied in a bioavailable form. Usana Essentials are produced with the utmost care and highest quality to ensure that the body receives the supplements in the form it requires.

Adults and children have different nutritional needs. Adults do not require supplements for growth, while a child does. Adults require supplements for maintaining their health and preventing cell oxidation from free radicals. Even the needs of young children and teens have considerable differences. Nutritional supplements must be able to offer different programs for different ages.

Usana Essentials offer Usanimals and BodyRox for children and teenagers. Usanimals is a tasty chewable tablet for the below 12-year olds, while BodyRox is for the 13-18 year old teenagers. For adults, a combination of anti-oxidants and essential minerals is available under the names of Mega Antioxidant and Chelated Mineral. Usana products have been rated No.1 in a comparative study of 1500 nutritional supplements. - 17268

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Some Very Healthy Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips

By Nancy Diner

Everyone knows something about weight loss it seems, but there are some quick and easy weight loss tips that you can follow that are also healthy as well.

You want to make sure you reach your weight loss goals as quickly and as healthily as possible so you don't want to cut corners or follow extreme diets that have you starving yourself every day.

Put Down the Remote and Get Active

Every fast and simple weight loss technique you try will involve some kind of exercise, there is not getting away from it. However, you also do not need to slog your guts out to get some quick weight loss results either.

You need to begin exercising slowly in the beginning as straining your body too soon may leave you with muscle problems later on.

If you live a pretty sedentary life then you will notice that you wont have to do much before you get out of breath. This is fine, you will still see some great results if all you do is take your dog for a walk around the park everyday - instead of just to the end of the block.

You can vary the amount of exercise you do and just eat cleaner if exercise is really not your thing.

A Moment on the Lips

Just about any quick and easy weight loss tip involves cutting back or cutting down on the junk food.

As much as some people don't want to hear it any quick weight loss tips that are successful will involve cutting way back on the amount of sugar and sweets that you eat.

If you drink soda then try and reduce your consumption to 1 or 2 drinks a day.

All junk food like candy and cookies need to be cut out completely. If you add this to your quick and easy weight loss plan then you are in a better position to lose some serious weight quickly.

You would be shocked at how much weight you will lose if you just cut out the sweets you don't even realize you are eating on a daily basis. That candy bar you eat for energy in the afternoons can get replaced with an apple or banana and then watch the pounds fall off.

Will Power

With quick and easy weight loss the one thing people never bring up is will power.

Quick and easy weight loss tips are useless if you don't have the will power to stick to what you have started. Set yourself a realistic weight loss goal of a few pounds a week, but back on treats, increase activity levels, and you will be looking great on the beach this summernot next summer. - 17268

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