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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Product Review: Panasonic EP 3222 Massage Chair

By James Knolan

Our goal is to present a potential massage chair purchaser with an unbiased, thorough and comprehensive review of the Panasonice Real Pro Elite. We have developed a 5 category system to evaluate a massage chair. We give equal weight to each category and give 0 to 20 points rating and then add them up to present an overall score. Our categories include Warranty & Customer Service, Comfort/Ergonomics, Ease of Use, Features and Massage Therapy. This systematic approach forces us to a disciplined method of evaluating a massage chair to help guide anyone looking at massage chairs. The Panasonic Real Pro Elite EP-3222 shiatsu massage chair price is in the Luxury range of $4,000 to $5,000.

Warranty & Customer Service: It is important that the manufacturer stand behind its product. The warranty coverage is always a good benchmark of the manufacturer's confidence in its product. Panasonic has a 1 year labor, 1 year parts and 1 year in-home service as well as 1 year shipping. Panasonic has a machine hour counter and the warranty expires after 1,000 hours of use. Panasonic has average warranty coverage. Customer service is through your retailer or national service centers. Service time and quality is variable and dependent on where service is obtained. Our Rating in this category is 15.

Comfort & Ergonomics: Comfort and ergonomics are important design characteristics with a massage chair recliner. Panasonic massage chairs are fairly well designed and comfortable. The armrests are padded and the material soft. The upholstery on the chair back is soft and fits the back well. The head pillow supports the head and is plush. The footrest is not adjustable, so taller buyers beware. The Real Pro Elite Elite is a 17 in Comfort & Ergonomics.

Ease of Use: Ease of use is defined as how intuitive the controls and how complicated are they to use without reading the instructions. Panasonic has lead in the development of remote controls using LCDs and other advanced features. The Real Pro Elite EP-3222 has many features and correspondingly many buttons on the control. Most are intuitive, but some take some getting used to, which means lower ease of use. Panasonic tries to compensate for this with its "Voice Guidance" feature. The automatic massage buttons are located across the top of the controls for easy access and they have a "focus" button which allows you to repeat the massage action that occurred. The Real Pro Elite has a side panel with additional manual massage controls for the lower body massages. Overall Rating for the Panasonic Real Pro Elite for ease of use is 17.

Key Features: The most prominent features of the Panasonic EP-3222 are the Lower Body Air System and the Swede-Atsu massage system. The lower body air system has 33 airbags covering your hips, thighs, buttocks, calves and feet. There are 3 lower body massages including Grasp, Auto and Squeeze. The Swede-Atsu replicates the stoking of the palms of the hand, pressing by the heal of the hand, and kneading with the thumbs. The Swede-Atsu has rubber massage heads built into the rollers. These mechanisms can replicate the feeling of the palm, thumbs and heal of the hand. The Swede-Atsu is a good massage system. The Panasonic Real Pro Elite shiatsu massage chair is a 19 in Key Features.

Massage Therapy: The massage functions are included in the Real Pro Elite EP-3222 includes Four 14-minute Pre-Programs, One 5-minute Quick Program and One 14-minute Self Program has 4 full body automatic courses, 5 massage speed settings for a total combination of 14 massage courses. The automatic massage functions include the following: Shiatsu, Gentle, Deep and Refresh. Panasonic equips the EP-3222 its exclusive Swede-Atsu massage system providing a thorough and realistic array of massage therapy choices. The lower body has 33 airbags of coverage and three programs to choose from. This shiatsu massage chair provides good tension relief for the lower body and increased lateral coverage on the back. Overall Rating for the Panasonic EP-3222 massage recliner for massage therapy is 19.

How does the Panasonic Real Pro Elite EP-3222 stack up? Overall, our rating of the Panasonic is an 87/100. Panasonic continues to expand the range of capabilities of its massage chairs with greater back coverage, voice guidance and its Swede-Atsu massage system. The massage chair design is very modern, perhaps, too much so, but that is a matter of taste. Panasonic massage chair technology for both the mechanical and pneumatic provide for a thorough, firm overall massage. Panasonic needs to add an extendable footrest to accommodate taller people. Otherwise, the Real Pro Elite is a solid all-around therapeutic massage chair. - 17268

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How to get a six pack fast? Set firm goals

By Max Burn

Have you ever heard the words I want to get a 6 pack now but I don't think I can? Have you ever said these words to yourself? Don't worry you're not alone. Many get up the nerve to join a gym or go back to the one that they've had a membership to. Some learn how to eat properly, plan their meals, and actually eat the perfect diet to achieve their 6 pack abs. But most of them will find themselves looking back on past weeks wondering how they came up short and why they couldn't stick to the plan they were initially so invested in. The vast majority of dieters never see the 6 pack abs they dream of because they overlook on vital component, their goals.

Fitness guru Tom Venuto says that overlooking your goals and mental training is the biggest mistake fitness newbies make. He says that we must train our mind to believe that we can accomplish the body of our dreams. We must rewire our brains to accept the new body image that we desire and get rid of the old body image that keeps us falling off every diet. Tom says creating new fitness habits isn't easy because it has taken our entire lives to program our current habits and body image into our brains and old habits die hard. The most effective way Tom says we can rewire our brains to accept the new habits and body that we are forming is to create goals as if they've already been accomplished, write them down, and look at them frequently.

Create goals as if they've already been accomplished. Lets say you have a goal to eat 5 meals per day with a lean protein and dark green vegetables. Wrong way to write the goal:

1. I'm going to eat chicken or lean protein and veggies whenever possible.

2. In order to stay on my diet plan of 5 meals per day; I wont eat pizza, Mexican food, candy, soda, or cookies.

3. In the future I'll eat balanced meals which include a lean protein. When ever I go out to eat I will make healthy meal choices.

The first goal is far to vague and the words whenever possible are not definite. The second goal wont work because according to Tom, your brain cant process deletion or words like wont or avoid and will simply interpret goal #2 as I eat pizza, Mexican food Finally, goal #3 may not be that effective because its set in the future. Tom says goals need to be set in the present or even as if they've already been accomplished.

An effective way to write the above goal: I have achieved the body of my dreams and am proud of attaining a lean 10% body fat and wash board abs. I have achieved this by eating 5 meals per day consisting of a lean protein like fish or chicken and dark green vegetables like broccoli or spinach.

The above goal is written with emotion, is specific, and is written as if it's already been accomplished. This is the most effective way to get your brain to accept the new behaviors and change them into habits that you don't have to think about much. If you write these goals down and look at them frequently you will keep your primary goals at the forefront of your mind and have the best chance at avoiding the cravings and urges to eat the wrong foods. So if you want to get six pack abs, write your goals down and look at them frequently. - 17268

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Why Take Muscle Building Supplements?

By Allen Brian

Selecting the right muscle building supplement is not easy. While choosing the supplements for maximizing your muscle building working out. It would be a confusing work, since so many supplements on the market claim that they are the best. In this article, we will show you how to pick the "right" or "best" supplements could bring you the best results.

The very first body building supplement you should take into account is protein. Most muscle building experts agree with that. Protein is important for muscle building because they help carry all the required nutrients to the place to work functional. To have more muscle building exercises, you need protein to enhance your energy level.

Protein supplement can help a lot in your muscle building program, one of them you should not miss is whey protein. The best results can be achieved by taking the correct amounts and correct doses of whey protein.

For muscle building, you can also consider creatine supplement. Creatine can let you have improved working out exercises and stay energized. The level of creatine is important for your workout results. You can improve your muscle building results by taking extra creatine supplements.

Weight lifting is an important part of your muscle building program. While doing that, you are putting a great amount of pressure on your muscle. Nitric oxide is a chemical made by your body to fight with this pressure or stress. Supplying nitric oxide to your body is very important especially when you are carrying out stressful working out exercises. Nitric oxide has been reported have side effects like effecting sexual health, but most users claim no such side effects occur to them. You can try NO on your own risk.

In order to have the excellent training results, glutamine is an additional supplement you should take into consideration. Glutamine is important for muscle building because they help carry all the required nutrients to muscles and help muscles grow up and toned.

It is really hard to tell which muscle building supplement is the best. Taking your goals into account while choosing supplements. Select one can help you realize your goals. Because each supplement has different functions. And this is important to select a right supplement to help you do the most effective working out exercises.

Before buying supplements, remember to research the brands and buy one with proven results. The exaggeration usually occurs in many supplement companies. So before buying supplement, remember to check the affiance of the supplement. If you read the user reviews before buying supplement, you can make the right choice for you. In order to accomplish best results in muscle building, you should incorporate best supplement in your program to help your workout routine and build beautiful body. - 17268

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Were you born a hardgainer?

By Jon Cardozo

If you've spent some considerable time trying to build a more muscular appearance but haven't had much success, you may be tempted to label yourself as a hardgainer. You may have even been given this title by your friends in the gym. Is there really such thing as a hardgainer?

The debate between nurture vs. nature has been going on for a long time, and many have gone so far as to blame their entire circumstances on their genetic inheritance or their upbringing. It would be nice if you could blame all of your shortcomings, including your failures in the gym, on genetics. However, before we start to blame our parents for the genes that they passed on to us, we may want to take a minute and examine our actions that have led to failure.

I know that some people are better at weightlifting than others. It's the same thing with just about any field you can think of. Some people have a natural gift, and others don't. However, no matter what your starting point is, your hard work and commitment will determine how far you go.

I'm not saying that taking on a weightlifting or muscle building program is going to be a piece of cake for you. It may actually be more difficult for you than for some other people.

If you're willing to make the commitment to obtain the right knowledge, and if you accept the possibility that you'll need to work a little harder than the next guy, you will be able to make significant gains. You need to take on a challenging program of progressive strength training along with an adequate weight gain diet.

It may sound like a clich, but a positive mental attitude really is critical to your success. You have to be willing to put in the work, and you have to believe that it's going to lead to the right results. Of course, you're going to need the right kind of trainer, so you want to follow a proven muscle building course from someone who's been there before. The important thing is to drop the negative attitude right away, or you'll never get very far.

Every obstacle will seem greater until it appears to be insurmountable. You will stop looking for creative ways to solve the problems because you've already told yourself that it can't be done. So what's the solution? First, drop the title of hardgainer.

Then get yourself in a comprehensive muscle building program designed to build massive gains as quickly and naturally as possible. - 17268

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Cajun Style Food And Why It Is So Delicious

By Dan Sewinski

There really is very little science to this particular form of cooking that includes a lot more than mere lagniappe from the pantry or the spice cabinet.Cooking in the heart of Cajun country is an art form.

Cajun cooking has been copied frequently all over the country and all over the world as well, but it is hardly ever copied with accuracy. One of the most intriguing aspects of Cajun cooking is that there are so few precise recipes associated with it.

Most, if not all authentic Cajun food is done to taste rather than measurements. Even more amazing is that from day to day one person can make the same dish over and over and it is quite likely to taste a little bit different each and every time it is made.

The main motive for this is that besides being an art form in its own right, Cajun food is frequently made even better tasting or unique due to the frame of mind of the cook. No doubt a lot of you have observed as Emeril Lagasse whips up some dazzling creation and shouts 'Bam'!

There's a great deal of that in regard to Cajun cooking. It is a thing which goes way beyond the recipe's ingredients and deep down into the soul and heart of the cook. There's a good reason why many southern cooked dishes are called soul food, and you must not for one second forget that New Orleans is indeed known as the very heart of the Deep South.

The most difficult thing, perhaps when it comes to preparing good Cajun dishes outside of the New Orleans region is finding the right ingredients. It is nearly impossible to find the fresh seasonings and spices that are essential to most Cajun cuisine outside the heart of the old south.

Not only that, but fresh crawfish and andouille sausage are a little difficult to come by during the heart of a Michigan winter. If you are determined to learn to make Cajun food of your own, you must first find the ingredients.

Specialty food shops or those that will special order might be your best bet. There are some grocers that will carry a limited stock of Cajun seasonings on their international food aisles. Keep in mind that these sources are extremely limited.

Once you have the ingredients, it's time to let a little jazz blare from your speakers in order to set the mood. Most of the best Cajun dishes require a substantial amount of time for simmering and this should be considered.

The food will be ready in time and as the one cooking the food you must learn to accept that about Cajun food. It has a way of letting you know when it is ready that is almost mythical until you've experienced it for yourself.Cajun food is not to be rushed-much like the citizens of the Big Easy.

Cooking Cajun food can become a very emotional process for a lot of folks, as it will try your patience, wring out your talents, and sometimes take your energy. However, Cajun food is also some of the most delicious, richest food in our world. Mastering the skill to cook this amazing food makes you a slave to the flavor for decades to come. - 17268

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The benefits of green tea's antioxidant

By Collin James

You have heard of the power behind green tea being it's antioxidant and the power to increase it in the human body right? Do you know exactly what an antioxidant is and what it can do for you?

Antioxidants themselves don't do anything to oxygen. What they do, do is fight a chemical reaction in your body called oxidation. I am sure your saying right now, wait a second - that's what causes metal to rust - I am not made of metal! Your right to say that but oxidation is the interaction between oxygen molecules and the substances they come in contact with. If this just so happens to be living tissue, then that's when disease occurs.

The damaged caused by oxidation in your body is caused by free radicals, which are highly reactive molecules that cruise around your body doing nothing but causing problems. Oxygen is the most common source of generating these free radicals.

Oxygen typically travels throughout the body in pairs, and these two molecules share electrons. But sometimes this double molecule splits into two separate oxygen molecules called singlet oxygen. When this happens, there are no longer enough electrons to go around, so each oxygen molecule ends up one electron short. This destabilizes the molecule, in a sense throwing it off balance. In order too stabilize itself, it races off throughout the body in search of another electron.

The single molecule does not just sit around waiting for another electron to become available, what this little bugger does is it goes around and find ones to steal. So what happens to the molecule that just had it's electron stolen, well, it goes and steals it's own from another molecule. This process of stealing back and forth causes damage to the cells and it often though to be a leading contributor to cancer, heart disease and aging.

Antioxidants work against "electron stealing" by neutralizing and stabilizing free radicals. They do this by donating an electron so that singlet oxygen and other free radicals no longer have the urge to "steal." And while the body does produce a certain amount of antioxidants for the express purpose of taking care of such problems, it also needs the added help of antioxidants found in foods.

Among others, these include beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, the mineral selenium, and various phytochemicals such as lycopene and quercetin. But the catechins, especially EGCg, are among the most powerful and effective antioxidants of all. - 17268

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Natural Treatments For Acne.

By Julieanne van Zyl

Over 50 per cent of individuals between the ages of 12 and 21 suffer the devastation of acne. The pimples often start with the start of puberty and the body's hormones are rising. Individuals become more propensity to acne anytime hormones begin to lift or surge in the body. Women who are pregnant, or going through menopause, or anybody who is using steroids is likely to undergo from acne. If not treated, the acne often results in scarring.

To reduce the scarring, the condition needs to be treated, wherever the acne appears, face, arms or buttocks. The choice is between remedies prescribed by a medical practitioner, which will be laboratory made, or natural remedies, or a combination of both, one enhancing the other.

Open pores in the skin are an invitation to the bacteria and oil which make the pustules and cysts of acne. A simple preventative method is to close these open pores by rubbing the face with ice for 10 to 15 minutes each day. Closing the pores will go help a lot in preventing new pimples.

The acidity of tomatoes affords another option as they help to moderate large pores and black heads in people who have oily skin. Slice the tomato open and rub it on the face allowing it to dry for quite a few minutes before washing it off. If you have extremely oily skin, do not wash the face with soap and water. Instead, in the morning and evening, use lukewarm salt water which will remove the oil without drying out the skin too much.

Crushed mint leaves tied in a muslin cloth and squeezed is another natural remedy for acne and blackheads. Use the juice on the face.

By far the best natural treatment for acne is prevention. When possible acne victims become conscious of that period in their lives when their hormones will be in flow such as during puberty, pregnancy or when they are using certain medications, it is good policy to use good skin cleansing and general good health practices to prevent the pustules and blackheads appearing.

The largest organ in the body is the skin, and it is fed by the food that we eat. By eating junk the skin will produce junk. Improve your overall diet by reducing your intake of processed foods, foods that contain excessive trans fatty acids or foods that are high in fat. This means relinquishing as much as possible foods like hamburgers, french fries, ice cream, excessive chocolate and processed foods like chips and candies.

Modify your diet to one that's high in green leafy vegetables, fruits and trace minerals and pimples will not come close. And, while fluids are very important to the health and wellness of your skin, it is well to remember that soda is a toxin full of excess sugar and other chemicals. Water is the best fluid to flush out toxins from the body and give your skin overall health and glow.

If the pimples do occur, refrain from the use of makeup. Cosmetics tend to annoy the condition and present the appearance of pimples covered by makeup.

The sun is valuable for both the prevention of acne and its treatment, but there are several things to remember. Be sure that you are using an approved sunscreen to prevent sunburn to your face or any other exposed areas of the body. Tanning by the sun may make the acne look less visible but it also speeds the aging process of the skin and increases your risk of skin cancer.

Include in your diet an sufficient amount of vitamin A and beta-carotene. These have been found to help rebuild healthy tissue and hinder outbreaks in those who are prone to acne. Cucumber juice, either by itself or mixed with carrots, lettuce or alfalfa, has been found to be another natural choice which provides the vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary for the skin to help rebuild itself. It is vital that these juices should be made and consumed within 12 hours of making, or the active living enzymes in them will die and will decrease their effectiveness.

Vitamins B, E, and C have been found to assist in both the prevention and treatment of acne. Potassium deficiencies have been linked with people who have acne but because potassium is also important in the electrical conduction of the heart individuals should abstain from taking supplements and just eat bananas. Bananas are high in potassium.

Although there is no one vitamin that is of dominant importance in the prevention of acne, in combination they work jointly to provide a curative process for the body from the inside out. - 17268

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