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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Is the Elixir of Long Life our Fountain of Youth?

By Lydia Peru

Many long for the elixir of life. We don't need to look very far to find what the ancient societies around the world came to know. Kombucha tea is a wonderful nutritional supplement, and you can buy it or make it at home.

Two thousand years ago this interesting fungus was used in Korea by a medicine man named Kombu. This healer used this mushroom like fungus to make a tea, or cha, to treat the Emperor. Thus the name of Kombu cha, or Kombucha.

Kombucha is not really a mushroom or a fungus. It's really bacteria and yeast working together to form a culture that looks like a spongy pancake.

How do we benefit from Kombucha tea? One of the best known qualities is the detoxifying assistance given to the liver through Kombucha tea. The alkaline levels of the body are also restored as the body is brought back into balance.

Digestion can be improved by drinking small quantities of Kombucha tea before or after a meal. Kombucha does not disturb the healthy flora in the intestines, but aids in digestion, providing a pro-biotic effect.

Can we improve our health through something as simple as drinking Kombucha tea? Many believe so, and conditions like acne and rheumatoid arthritis have responded to this simple drink. Studies continue around the world into the benefits of Kombucha for ailments as serious as cancer.

It is easy to include Kombucha in your daily diet, and the benefits can be seen in healthy hair and radiant skin. Our animal companions can benefit from this elixir as well. Over time many things are replaced by more effective methods, but Kombucha continues to serve as the elixir of life, even centuries later. - 17268

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Understand The Facts About Gourmet

By Ferdinand Okeke

We will first of all define Gourmet seasonings. First what does gourmet mean? prior to talking about gourmet seasoning you must not forget that the discussion will be based on three aspects: the interpretations of the word gourmet, the Gourmet food or seasoning firms, and the gourmet seasoning products provided by the Gourmet firms. According to various dictionaries, as well as the Wikipedia encyclopedia, gourmet is a cultural ideal, which is generally associated with gastronomy, the culinary arts of exquisite fine food and drink. Although the term might be perceived as negative as it is usually linked with elitism or snobbery, it actually has the positive meaning which describes people with refined tastes and passion.

The term gourmet is used to direct to the person who has refined or discriminating taste or is scholarly in the art of food and food preparation. It also refers to a particular type of restaurant, cheer, special presentation of the food, high sophistication in the field of gastronomy or a certain type of meal or ingredient of high quality. In the US, Gourmet is an industry classification for high - quality premium foods. Since the 2000s, an accelerating increase in the American gourmet market has taken place, as a result of increasing income, globalization of taste, and health and nutrition concerns in part. Individual food and drinks categories, for example coffee, are often classified as standard and a " gourmet " sub - market.

As we have mentioned before in the artcle, there are a circle of firms that incorporated the word Gourmet in their name, all to show that their products are of high quality. Thus, if you search in the supermarkets or access websites you will be able to choose the creme de la creme of food or drink products like gourmet seasoning bottles or jars, or some other foods that bear the mark of a certain Gourmet firm. For instance, there are companies or firms or comodities like the Big Fat Jerry's Gourmet Seasoning which, apparently, offer you an array of service or mechanically blended spices. Then finally is the Gourmet House Seasoning.

Gourmet House seasoning is a combination of coarse salt, onion salt, garlic salt, celery salt, paprika, sugar, monosodium glutamate, nutmeg and black pepper. According to these gourmet seasoning producers, their gourmet seasoning comodities offer you the opportunity to experience "a new level of delectability in your meals.

" What you might consider a positive part of the gourmet seasoning products offered by these gourmet companies is that they participate in producing various types of seasonings, among which the ones typical of certain cuisines, national or international, regional or improvised. Besides the lists of products, description / ingredients of the gourmet seasoning products and their prices, producers and traders' websites in addition offer you gourmet seasoning recipes. - 17268

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Eliminate the Pain, Exercise to Build Muscle

By Caleb Lee

Everyone wonders how to exercise to build muscle, but eliminate the pain they get after the workout for a day or two after.

How would you like to get a couple tips on eliminating the pain out of working out and recovering, while also building muscle faster and stronger? In this article I have listed a couple of things you can do to help with getting the pain out of work out.

Most of these concepts are related to basic knowledge of working out, however they must be incorporated in to your work out, or you will still feel the burn.

It's all about timing. For the best benefits, don't work out passed an hour. After an hour, your worst enemy, lactic acid, will come into haunt you. This is what you want to stay away from to prevent the pain and cramps.

If you follow a workout plan that has you doing high rep and set counts, with low weights, your wasting time. You need to be using more weight, about 80-85% of your one rep max. Although you have more weight, you can lower your rep and sets to 3-5 each, resulting in a faster workout.

You need to use fewer reps and sets, about 3-5 each, with this larger amount of weight. This means more weight in less time! You will see many more benefits from this, rather than from the slow workouts with low weight, with high rep and set counts.

To shorten up your time even more, use compound exercises. However, if you don't go to the gym because you are scared you're not ready, begin your workout at home. Pushups, pull ups, chin ups, and mountain climbers are examples of a few exercises, which you don't need much equipment for, and you can still use these to exercise to build muscle.

To recap, increase your weight to lift, however, lower your reps and sets, perform compound exercises, and, if you are new to muscle building, start with simple compound exercise to build muscle.

Using these simple changes in your work out, expect to see a decrease in pain, and an increase in muscle, as you exercise to build muscle. - 17268

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