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Friday, April 24, 2009

Why Should I Take Dietary Vitamins?

By Royce Linford

Everyone knows how important vitamins are to our bodies. But few people exactly what benefits they offer. Dietary vitamins have become increasingly popular, because of research showing just how much our bodies need them.

Its thought that taking a dietary supplement can ensure you are getting the full recommended daily intake of all essential vitamins and minerals.

Lack of vitamins can lead to a number of illnesses, such as heart disease, memory disorder, asthma and cancer. It is for this reason we must ensure we are getting our recommended daily intake of each vitamin and mineral.

Antioxidants can have a major effect on our health. They shield us from toxins and free radicals that damage our cells. Diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimers can be prevented by taking antioxidants. The most well known antioxidants are Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Though most vitamins are only needed in tiny amounts, they have a very positive effect on our health. Since we dont produce vitamins on our own we have to get them from our diet or supplements. A healthy diet is necessary to ensure youre getting the proper amount of vitamins, especially because vitamin deficiency can lead to serious illness.

In addition to vitamins our bodies also need minerals. Two powerful health effecting minerals are magnesium and selenium. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, while magnesium restores energy and helps boost morale. Some other minerals we need are calcium, copper, chromium and iron. These help give us strong bones and joints as well as healthy skin.

Then there are also proteins and amino acids. Protein aids in muscle development and amino acids help give energy to muscles and other parts of the body.

Dietary vitamins have so many benefits for us. Taking a dietary supplement can help make sure you are getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. - 17268

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Cinnamon: Did You Know?

By Alex

We have to go back as far as year 3000 BC to find the first traces of cinnamon in Egypt, where it was used to embalm the dead. It's also named in the Old Testament, when God orders Moses to use cinnamon (and other oils) to anoint the temple.

Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka, yet until the Middle Ages it wasn't clear where it came from. Greeks and Romans thought it was cultivated in Arabia and Ethiopia. According to Herodotus, cinnamon grew on the white shores of a shallow lake, where thousands of bat-like birds perched, ready to attack whoever would come close. To harvest cinnamon, the Arabs would disguise themselves with ox skin.

From the beginning of its history though, it was clear that cinnamon could be used as a medicament, for example as a remedy against flu symptoms, or as spice, to enrich both first courses and desserts. In the Middle Ages cinnamon became so valuable that it was often given as a gift to kings and queens.

During the Middle Ages the Arabs were no longer the only cinnamon merchants. Spices (and cinnamon with them), became very important also from a political standpoint. Columbus' first goal for example, was to find a different route to the trades on other side of the world.

Venice started to trade cinnamon from the Arabs and became the monopolist for spices in Europe. Their supremacy lasted until the beginning of the 16th century, when the Portuguese conquered Ceylon (old name for Sri Lanka), where most cinnamon could be found. After 100 years the Dutch came and took over Portugal.

Over the following centuries, cinnamon started to be cultivated in other areas in the East, even though the main producer remains Sri Lanka, with over 90% of cinnamon worldwide.

The uses of cinnamon haven't changed over the centuries. It's still used as a spice, in official and alternative medicine, and as insect repellent. - 17268

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Cellulite Causes and Remedies

By El Bilson

Cellulite causes a lot of physical and emotional stress to sufferers, especially women since women are much more likely to get cellulite than men. Cellulite is basically accumulated fat under certain spots of the body, such as the thighs, the hips, and the belly. Needless to say, such problems are difficult to hide with clothing, and can be a source of embarrassment.

Cellulite can be caused by many things including:

#1 " Heredity. Cellulite is often due to poor genes among other things. You are more likely to get cellulite if your parents and grandparents also suffered from it. It's an unfortunate skin problem that many people deal with on a daily basis.

Did your mother or grandmother successfully got rid of their cellulite problem? If so, then don't hesitate to ask them how they did it. It's likely that what worked for them will work for you " after all, some things might work better for some people than others!

#2 " Medication. Various medications can cause hormonal changes in the body. Sometimes these changes can accelerate the accumulation of fat in the body. Such medications include birth control pills, diet pills, and sleeping pills. It's always a good idea to check with your doctor before taking any medications. This is especially important if your family has a history of cellulite.

#3 " Smoking. Cellulite is a condition that's affected not only by the buildup of fat under the skin, but also by the condition of the skin itself. Smoking doesn't only cause various health problems such as lung cancer and heart disease " it also weakens the skin and thus making cellulite look even worse. It's never a good idea to smoke. Poor skin with cellulite is just another reason to kick the habit soon.

#4 " Bad eating habits. Eating too much junk and fast food and drinking too much caffeine and alcohol is one of the most prominent cellulite causes in the world. It's not unusual to see kids as young as 14 with cellulite these days, mainly because good eating habits aren't taught well enough at home and school. Unfortunately, there are other problems caused by bad eating habits " you can also add obesity, migraines, vertigo, impotence, and hypertension to the list.

The best foods to counter cellulite involves a diet of much less junk food including fried food, fast food, processed food " and more of the good stuff. Incorporating more fruits and veggies into your diet is a good place to start. You can still have junk food every now and then. Just remember to balance it with healthy food and regular exercise. This will help prevent cellulite from appearing.

#5 " Bad drinking habits. Believe it or not, cellulite is affected by the amount of water you drink. Water is needed by the body to flush toxins out of the body on a daily basis. Some toxins are the leading triggers of cellulite. If you don't drink enough water in a day, too many toxins will be left in the body, and cellulite buildup will be inevitable.

Make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water everyday to keep your skin hydrated. Water will also keep your skin from drying, improving the overall appearance of even your fatty bulges. Fruit juice is also okay, but be careful " some brands of fruit juice have the same amount (sometimes even more) of calories as soda. This can make it harder for you to shed those unwanted slabs of fat.

Now that you know about the most common cellulite causes and how to address them, the next thing you need to remember is to start slow. It can take time to develop healthy habits. Eventually you will start to notice improvements with your skin. - 17268

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Should I Cleanse My Colon?

By Alissa Lee

To obtain a healthy colon we must be active in colon cleansing, parasite cleansing, and detoxing, these are essential to good health. As we eat everything ends up in our bowls as toxins. Constipation, candida and being overweight can occur if toxins build up in our system, leading to these diseases.

Why should you try a colon cleanse product? One word...Toxins.

Are you suffering from some sort of ailment, constipation, acne, candida, brain fog, or sluggishness? If you are, you are most likely feeling this due to a problem with your colon.

All of our organs are affected directly or indirectly by our colon. When our colon is clogged up the liver is not able to function properly. If our liver is not functioning properly this leads to kidney problems. To effectively prevent, or cure these symptoms, a colon cleanse process is highly recommended.

For most of us, toxins and mucoid plaque fill our colons. These conditions lead to our colon being clogged, which may lead to constipation. How did we reach this state? We reached this state of unhealthiness by bad dieting, poor lifestyle choices, and poor living conditions.

Take, our diet for instance. Most Americans consume too much protein. Protein is necessary, and completely healthy, but too much can lead to over-acidity, which is not good. An overabundance of acid in the body can take a toll on the colon, as it depletes necessary minerals and electrolytes from our body. This then leads to the inability of the colon to tackle harmful bacteria, and toxins.

Many people today overeat. Eating too much can not only make us gain weight, but it can also have long term effects on our body. We should eat approximately one handful of food per meal. If we overeat, this makes our colon work harder, which also leads to overuse of enzymes.

Today, our environment is aiding in the deterioration of our colon. Unless you live with the Eskimos, air pollution such as secondary smoking, harmful chemicals, and pesticides affect you every day. These pollutions cause our immune system to work overtime to get rid of these awful chemicals. Weakening of our immune system can also lead to weakening of our colons.

Colon cleansing is a safe, alternative method to treat many of our symptoms and problems. It's not just for people with constipation, but for anyone who wishes to feel better, and strengthen their inner organs. Cleansing is necessary to rid our body of toxins that accumulate as a result of an unhealthy diet, environmental pollution and chemicals, and a constant use of antibiotics.

Bowel cleansing is not just about cleansing the colon. It's about indirectly cleansing our small intestines, large intestines, and stomach as well. Even if you don't have constipation, colon cleansing can help anyone, especially older people.

All of us are subjected to unhealthy toxins day in and day out. These toxins come from an unhealthy diet, the environment (such as pesticides or pollution), stress, overeating or under-eating, or malnourishment. These toxins all place a burden on our colon and make it work harder than necessary. Colon cleansing can remove these toxins and make our colon work more efficiently. - 17268

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Health is Wealth

By Angela Giles

Nutrition or nourishment means supplying to the cells and body what is needed for sustaining life. Right nutrition is most essential for health.

The food that we eat contains several kinds of nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. When the body receives these nutrients in the proper quantities, it is considered to be healthy, whereas, an excess or deficiency of these nutrients results in poor health. Our health then is a direct function of our diet.

While it is advisable to eat green vegetables and fresh food, it is not always possible to do that owing to our metro-lifestyle and work habits. We have become used to eating processed food like polished rice, pasteurized milk, frozen meat and fast food like burgers, pizzas, and soft drinks. Most of our health problems originate from such food habits.

It is true that technology has made it possible to preserve food for a long time and made certain food items safe to consume, but it has also reduced the nutritional value of the food. Many essential vitamins and minerals are lost in food processing techniques like heating, milling and centrifugation.

Adults and children have widely different nutritional needs. Whereas children need a lot of fats and carbohydrates for growth and energy, adults may suffer from excessive fat consumption. Therefore, it is important to configure our diets at different stages of life. However, we tend to like certain food items as a result of habits, which are difficult to change. Over a period of time, this can result in nutritional imbalances and cause ailments in later life.

The government provides nutritional standards and guidance but not many of us are aware of them. And even if we are aware, it is difficult to keep track of them regularly in our busy lives.

I firmly believe that health is of paramount importance and therefore advise taking dietary supplements. These are scientifically designed supplements which aid in providing the optimal nutrition to human requirements, which is difficult to achieve through normal diet.

It is also not advisable to just take a particular vitamin or mineral supplement, which is found to be lacking because nutrients work together. Excessive consumption of one may lead to unknown health effects.

All good nutritional supplements are composed of the right ingredients, in the correct amounts, in the right balance and in the correct forms for all age groups. Therefore, I would advise you to choose the right dietary supplements for a healthy life. - 17268

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Benefits of Acai Berry?

By Josh Irv

So why is the acai berry so dang popular? Okay I get that it is from an exotic place but is that why it's so cool?

I figured there must be something more than meets the eye with the acai berry. So I did a little research myself.

Turns out that the acai berry is native to the amazons. This seems like a very good place for fruit to grow so, so far so good.

Have you ever heard someone say that they have a high metabolism? Well now you can too with the help of eating the acai berry.

Do you have high blood pressure? The answer is most likey if you live in the u.s. This fruit will help you control that to a degree.

Well this fruit is looking good to me already but there is more. It is also a favorite among people that workout because it is high in protein.

The acai berry is high in fiber too! If you are a guy you need fiber even more than a woman because low fiber means a higher risk of colon cancer.

All of this the berry actually tastes good! So it seems to me that this berry is really beneficial to consume. Wanna know more about the acai berry? - 17268

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Organic meat

By Karol Wariala

Co-submitted by: Mustard Dressing. The consume of organic meats is a very healthy choice for people who care about their personal well being and for the environment. There is less deforestation, a lower annual consume of grains and more ethically correct methods to grow the livestock. Consider the following advantages specific to organic meats.

No antibiotics, hormones or other artificial drugs are allowed for animals grown organically. Moreover, the foods such animals are fed on cannot be modified genetically according to the legal regulations. Organic meats therefore bring purer nutrients because of the food and the treatment that animals receive in farms. Hence, organic meats are a lot safer as compared to the non-organic products.

For instance, it seems that the mad cow disease appeared because of bovines being fed on the ground remains of their own species. The disease affects humans when exposed to little cooked contaminated meat, the same symptoms will also be present in the human form of the disease. Organic meats come from animals that are fed naturally and thus remain safe in terms of contamination.

The quality of organic meats is also closely connected with the treatment of the livestock too. In factory farms, animals are kept in very small pens lacking the possibility to move more than just a few feet away during their entire life. Animals grown on organic farms can graze and range without too much confinement.

This means that the organic meats produced on such farms have all the positive properties resulting from a natural fresh diet.

By eating organic meats you also encourage the environment protection and the reduction of pollution resulting from manure. Industrial farms represent some of the largest polluting agents; as for small farms, their advantage is that they use the manure for soil fertilization, thus allowing the substances to reenter the circuit.

You can buy all sorts of organic meats form organic stores and local farms. You can choose from chicken, pork, beef or veal that are not exposed to chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers. The land on which the livestock is grown is safe from persistent chemical residues like dioxin, for instance, that passes into animal fat and then poisons the user. Eat organic and you'll stay healthy! - 17268

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Becoming Your Childs Weight Loss Coach

By Mae Summerville

While being overweight as an adult is bad for both physical and emotional reasons, it is especially traumatic for a child. An obese child faces many emotional and physical problems. I will give you a few suggestion that hopefully will help you assist your child in addressing their obesity problems.

Obviously physical problems pose an immediate threat to a childs health and should be addressed immediately. These include diabetes, heart problems, asthma, and even cancer. Note that many of these ailments are chronic in nature and will follow the child through the remainder of his/her life. Therefore treatment of obesity needs to occur as soon as it is evident that a child is unable to control their eating successfully.

Besides physical problems they are a host of emotional problems that accompany obesity in children. These include mental abuse in the form of taunting and teasing, or bullying as well as other emotional conditions such as depression. Children especially teens are cruel and so a child in their teens with a weight problem can expect an inordinate amount of emotional abuse. This will many times cause a child to withdraw which furthers damages their ability to develop proper social skills. It also causes anger and resentment to build up in a child and can stay with the child through the remainder of their lives.

There are things you can do to help a child lose and maintain their proper weight:

1. Become an expert in food nutrition and preparation. Surf the net, read books and magazines and educate yourself on food preparation and calorie counts. Little things such as grilling meats versus frying will greatly reduce the amount of calories in a given meal. If you really commit yourself to this you can become an expert in serving tasty meals that are low in calories.

2. Do not overcook your meals. Use portion control to limit the amount you cook. Do not cook enough for everyone to have seconds. Be sure to incorporate plenty of vegetables in your meals. They are low in calories and many are packed with nutrition. Also be sure you look up the calories in the foods you plan to prepare prior to cooking. Over time you will become able to shop at the store and configure meals in your head that meet your calorie goals.

3. Get all high calorie snacks out of the house. Be sure to have plenty of fresh fruit available. If others want high calorie snacks have them put them out of the sight of other family members.

4. Consider having your child join a weight loss group geared towards teens. This will not only help them lose weight but it will also help them develop their social skills. Remember teens are most heavily influenced by their peer group.

5. Get your "PhD." in nutrition and diet. Become the expert in the proper foods your child should eat.

6. Make you sure you also incorporate exercise into your child's daily routine. Since they are not fully developed they need to get up and out to help their bones and muscles develop. Consider limiting their time they can do things such as playing video games. Encourage them to get a daily exercise routine. Point out how this will increase their metabolism which will in turn help them lose weight.

Always use positive reinforcement to help your child lose weight. Teenagers are very impressionable and so you can and should assist them in forming a well rounded sense of themselves. Knowing that you care and are willing to actively participate in helping them loose weight will go a long way to easing or eliminating the emotional impact of being obese. - 17268

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Acai Berry and 6 Reasons To Try It

By Carter Sinclair

1. It Gives You More Energy. Brazilian surfers have been using Acai for years to give them an edge in competitions. Acai berry juice can give you a boost of energy that is as strong as, and longer lasting than coffee. If you are looking for a pick-me-up Acai is a much healthier option than caffeine based drinks.

2. Oprah Drinks Acai. Oprah talked about how Acai was good for you. She had Dr. Perrisone on the show and he explained why Amazon Acai berry is the #1 food out there right now.

3. Improves Brain Functions and Mood. Acai contains essential fatty acids that are necessary for improved brain functioning. These same fatty acids that help you remember are also great in fighting off depression.

4. Acai Fights Cancer. A study by the Florida University disovered that Acai cauesd cancer cells to self destruct. Many scientists believe Acai is the next step in the battle against cancer.

5. Improves Vision. The Amazon Acai berry contains anthocyanins, which is an antioxidant that has been found to improve eyesight. It is especially helpful in improving night vision.

6. It Is Very Tasty. Acai tastes like a mixtures of chocolate berries. It tastes too good to be a health food. How many health foods are actually tasty. In my experience not very many. - 17268

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Natural Ways To Increase Muscle Size And Strength

By Shery T. Fletcher

Many athletes, desire to achieve greater strength, stamina and endurance through their training regimens. Though this can be achieved by the traditional means of eating right and exercising regularly, this can be a drawn-out, time consuming process, especially when your body is not at the ideal, chemically balanced state to show quick results. Many serious athletes, including bodybuilders, are so impatient to gain muscle that they begin to take steroids and synthetic drugs to speed the process, but this unnatural solution does not really solve the problem, and can be dangerous in the long haul.

For those who want to gain muscle and build strength but forego non-natural drugs and supplements, a natural alternative such as Stemulite may be ideal. Stemulite's formula contains a wide variety of ingredients, all natural, with proven benefits for those working towards better physical fitness. If you are following a fitness plan including a nutritious diet and rigorous workouts, Stemulite offers a safe, effective boost in endurance.

How To Naturally Increase Your Strength.

Getting fit and building muscle without going out on a limb with dangerous drugs is really a quite simple process. In regard to diet, you should make sure that you include enough lean protein, healthy carbohydrates, and healthy fats, to fuel your body to grow and function at peak performance. L-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid are two natural supplements that can be used to boost your body's growth and repair, as well as giving you a valuable metabolic boost.

Secondly, the athlete needs to make time for adequate rest, recovery and sleep. Sleep is essential for the natural repair process at the cellular level, and can increase strength and performance the following day. Most people do not get enough sleep each night, and the side effects can often lead to fatigue and a reduced level of endurance the following day. Ensuring a good night's rest may require taking a sleep supplement such as melatonin to induce a deep state of relaxation.

Finally, athletes who want to increase strength and endurance must take supplements at the right time of the day. Taking a nutritional supplement either before or after a workout ensures that the body can absorb the nutrients necessary for rebuilding and repair, and metabolize everything efficiently. Without taking these conscious steps towards health and fitness, athletes can put themselves at risk for mental and physical fatigue, reduced muscle gains and inadequate performance.

Why Stemulite Works for Athletes

There are dozens of fitness and health supplements available on the market today, but few offer the same benefits and value as Stemulite, an all natural supplement that is proving to be valuable for many athletes and bodybuilders. Stemulite is made with several important ingredients such as alpha lipoic acid, L-carnitine, Indium, SerraPeptase and Beta-glucan that work synergistically to improve the muscle repair and recovery process.

Here is what Mr. Florida, also known as Corey Simpson, has to say about his experience with Stemulite:

"In the first couple of days on Stemulite I increased the weight I was lifting by thirty percent, and I doubled the amount of repetitions in my workout. In weeks, my muscle definition changed and I dropped excess water weight. Stemulite also gives you a great sleep, which is so important for recuperation."

"In the first couple of days on Stemulite I increased the weight I was lifting by 30% and I doubled the amount of repetitions in my workout. In weeks, my muscle definition changed and I dropped excess water weight. Stemulite also gives you a great sleep which is so important for recuperation."

Stemulite is an effective, all-natural dietary supplement that has been linked to increased in endurance, muscle, and overall strength. - 17268

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Take Advantage of Natural Supplements to Get Fit Easily

By Thong M. Dao

We must not minimize the importance of exercise to our health and fitness, but we can also enjoy the health and physical fitness benefits by taking supplements. Not all supplements are created equal, therefore taking the correct ones goes a long way to assist our bodies stay balanced and healthy.

Let's take a look at some of the things that we can have that may serve us in this way. It will surprise you when you note that one of those things will help you too.

If losing weight is your ambition, you ought to try selecting a supplement that will energize your metabolism naturally. There is a way to lessen your appetite in a natural way by taking something.

Green tea extract or tea bags will do a lot for your metabolic process and assist you to burn fat on a consistent basis. One cactus that lives in some desert regions of Africa is Hoodia Gordonii. This plant naturally plays tricks on your mind making you think that you are full, because this is an effective appetite suppressant.

It might also be essential for you to balance your system out in one way or another with the use of supplements. Except for those who have been consuming supplements for a period already, we all have vitamins missing from our bodies.

Be certain that you get adequate amounts of vitamins C and B every day. This will not only assist in preserving your body's good order, it will also sustain and assist in attaining your fitness aims. You should take vitamin supplements your whole life to ward off a vitamin imbalance.

By taking out free radicals from your system, minerals play another important role for your system. In our bodies, free radicals are a consequence of environmental exposure and unhealthy dietary choices.

This will hurt cells and cast our body out of balance. Employing strong antioxidants, for example, green tea, will help make the body physically fit and well. - 17268

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Easily Kick Start Your Metabolism with Natural Supplements

By Thong M. Dao

Your body is an impressive mechanism. In general we pay no attention to our body and don't recognize how many functions our bodies are performing at any given moment. All too often in our lives, there is certainly something that we take for granted.

If our health starts to go downhill, however, our body may be on our mind on a constant basis. It's preferable that we take great care of our bodies before anything goes awry rather than attempting to fix things when they go wrong.

Controlling weight is crucial to many people. It is really awkward for people who are busy with daily life. That doesn't mean that it is something impossible for us to do.

One thing we can do is keep our metabolic process up, to ensure our body makes the most progress possible. A healthy diet, regular physical activity and health supplements can all assist to do this. Each of them works individually or you may decide to try a combo.

It's pretty easy to boost your metabolism rate by using supplements. To kick start your metabolic process and keep it running well as the day goes on, consider using some kind of supplement.

The most important thing is that you pick out something which is completely natural so you do not damage your body in the process. Using man-made chemical substances in order to vary the way that our body works is just a risky idea from the start.

The safest and most effective supplement currently available for increasing metabolic process is green tea. This can be taken either in natural form as brewed tea, or concentrated in pill form.

Natural components in green tea keep your metabolic process even and serve as antioxidants. Make sure that you use this natural supplement on a regular basis and you will see results come your way within a short period of time. - 17268

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