Why Should I Take Dietary Vitamins?
Its thought that taking a dietary supplement can ensure you are getting the full recommended daily intake of all essential vitamins and minerals.
Lack of vitamins can lead to a number of illnesses, such as heart disease, memory disorder, asthma and cancer. It is for this reason we must ensure we are getting our recommended daily intake of each vitamin and mineral.
Antioxidants can have a major effect on our health. They shield us from toxins and free radicals that damage our cells. Diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimers can be prevented by taking antioxidants. The most well known antioxidants are Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
Though most vitamins are only needed in tiny amounts, they have a very positive effect on our health. Since we dont produce vitamins on our own we have to get them from our diet or supplements. A healthy diet is necessary to ensure youre getting the proper amount of vitamins, especially because vitamin deficiency can lead to serious illness.
In addition to vitamins our bodies also need minerals. Two powerful health effecting minerals are magnesium and selenium. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, while magnesium restores energy and helps boost morale. Some other minerals we need are calcium, copper, chromium and iron. These help give us strong bones and joints as well as healthy skin.
Then there are also proteins and amino acids. Protein aids in muscle development and amino acids help give energy to muscles and other parts of the body.
Dietary vitamins have so many benefits for us. Taking a dietary supplement can help make sure you are getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. - 17268