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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Here's An Easy Way You Can Build Muscle Quickly!

By Austin Smith

We are frequently receiving emails from individuals inquiring how it's possible to build muscle quickly. Obviously people are eager to see themselves ripped as rapidly as they can, so how about we have a closer look at this subject.

You can quickly build muscle by observing a few basic measures. If you are committed to getting ripped and looking magnificent, you can notice some spectacular results by following the right measures.

You need to hit the gym a minimum of four times a week. No exceptions! Your weight training sessions shouldn't take more than an hour - any longer and you won't be using the additional time in a useful way.

It is so key that you always have proper form when lifting weights. I notice way too many people at the gym trying to lift far too much weight which makes them throw their body all over the place. To gain muscle fast, you need to ensure you are targeting each muscle properly. You have to make sure you are isolating the muscle and using proper form. It doesn't matter that you may have to lift a touch lower weight because you will get far better gains if you follow this tip.

If you're wanting to pack on the muscle quickly, I recommend structuring your workout into three day routines so that you're working your your back and chest on the first day, legs along with triceps the next workout and biceps and shoulders on the third day. By doing this you can work all muscle in just a 3 day window.

You need to make a strong effort to eat healthy and eat often. Try to eat at least six meals every day. Out of the six meals, three of them will be your major ones and the other three should be smaller ones that provide roughly 250 calories.

Using a protein powder is a great idea - you need to be getting lots of protein to help your muscles grow and repair themselves. A protein powder is a terrific means to get lots of protein and you can obtain them for very little nowadays.

Getting the physique you want isn't tough when you dedicate yourselve to it. With some hard work and by using the above tips, it's possible to gain muscle and strength quickly. - 17268

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Does MonaVie Ever Expire?

By Jhon Ozolin

MonaVie is a new product that millions of people are embracing with enthusiasm. It is a juice that blends the extracts from 19 healthful, nutritious fruits including the powerful acai berry. This delicious juice contains an astounding amount of antioxidants and phytonutrients which are able to supply every cell of your body with healing, rejuvenating properties. MonaVie is a potent protection for your body and immune system that you can enjoy daily. Just 4 ounces of this juice contain the antioxidant potential that you would receive from 13 servings of natural vegetables and fruit. Many people want to know does Mona Vie expire within a certain period of time.

The price of the juice is not easy on the pocket and along with the fact that the acai berry ingredient has to be used at its peak in order for the best benefits to be enjoyed, it is important that you are sure your supplier has your interests at heart and only offers you the freshest products when you make your purchase. Being in the know about how long MonaVie will keep for and how exactly to store it to get the most from it will ensure you receive all the advantages of taking this particular health supplement.

You will find that even though the juice is marked with an expiry date, the good news is that the contents will last in the region of 12 months on the shelf if kept in an unopened condition. The bottle of juice should be stored in a cool and dark area which is likely to add a little extra time to the life of the juice. On the other hand, if the juice is stored in a warm and lit area the life of the product may well be shortened considerably.

The product should be kept in a refridgerator once opened allowing it to be used for the next month or so. Take note of the expiry or best used by date which you will find printed on the bottom of each bottle you buy. Of course, this does not mean the product will be no good after this date; it's simply a guideline as to the period of time the juice will be at its best as far as benefits, taste and safe use is concerned.

To get the most out of your MonaVie purchase and reap the benefits of every drop of this remarkable juice, you will need to take heed of some simple safety measures. When you open a bottle of juice, put a label on the container stating the date you opened it and this will help you to keep on track. If there is still some juice in the container a month after you have opened it, take a smell and a small taste of the liquid and if all appears to be normal, the juice can be consumed. If in doubt about the freshness of the product, all you have to do is dispose of it and open a new bottle of MonaVie. - 17268

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How To Gain Lean Muscle - For Beginners

By Jack Thomson

If you have always been dreaming of a sexy body, you must be interested to know how to gain lean muscle. Actually, if you have been surfing the net quite a bit for answers to how lean muscles are gained, you must be aware by now that the answers lie in your attitude and diet.

In order to be successful in anything you do, you must have the right attitude. You have to believe that you will eventually have the body you've always dreamed of. Never tell yourself you can't; otherwise you will easily fall apart and lose your determination to pursue your dream.

If you no longer have a problem with how you look at things, you must now work on your diet. Yes, the kinds of food you eat have a lot to say on your general physique. As much as possible, cut back on foods that have a lot of fat, grease and sugar. Eat several times a day of meals comprising 50% starchy carbohydrates, 35% protein and 15% healthy fat. Eating frequent small meals improves metabolism, which helps you burn fat a lot faster.

To gain lean muscles, you must burn calories by doing cardio exercises. Cardio exercises, like jogging, swimming, hiking, brisk walking, and running, can speed up your body's metabolism, thus helping you burn more calories in the long run. Actually, you can do any sort of activity you want so long as your body is moving and your heart is pumping.

Another must do is to engage in a good weight training program. Weight training involves a series of activities using different sets of dumbbells. When performed correctly and consistently, weight training can tone, firm up, and develop your muscles.

As you can see, gaining lean muscles only requires that you dedicate your time and effort. To be honest about it, it may take some time before you can actually witness visible results. So be patient enough to wait for that moment because it will come.

When you sense your motivation starting to wane, try to change your routine. Instead of going to the same gym everyday, go to a different one. If you have been jogging around your neighborhood, try walking to the park this time. A change of atmosphere can do you a lot of good. Why not ask a friend to tag along with you while doing your exercises? Sometimes, it does pay to have somebody beside you to push you up when you're feeling down.

Take time to visit my site for more on how to gain lean muscle. - 17268

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The Basics Of Dietary Science

By Kathy P Bates

There is currently a lot of research being conducted in the subject of nourishment. There are an wealth of nutrients being discovered that were not known of before. At the present time you may come across many dietary buzzwords, such as phytonutrients, polyphenols, carotenoids, anthocyanins and Omega fatty acids. It is easy to get befuddled as to what all of these buzzwords connote.

The basic classifications for foods are protein, carbohydrates and fat. Everyone is familiar with these macronutrients. As we go further, most people are also familiar with vitamins such as A, C, E, D and B complex and the minerals such as calcium, zinc, chromium and magnesium. But there are also hundreds of "micronutrients". These are substances that are required in minor quantities but are still elemental. They include phytonutrients, polyphenols, carotenoids, anthocyanins and Omega fatty acids.

A phytonutrients is a non-vitamin, non- mineral, naturally occurring part of foods that offers important health advantages. Imperative types of phytonutrients include polyphenols, carotenoids, anthocyanins and phytoestrogens.

Polyphenols are a class of antioxidant. They were in the past referred to as vitamin P but extra research confirmed that these substances are extremely different from a typical vitamin. Polyphenols have antiallergenic and anti-inflammatory properties. Polyphenols are found in berries, red wine, coffee, dark chocolate, pomegranates and more.

Carotenoids are the orange-red pigment found in red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, pumpkins, apricots, carrots and sweet potatoes. Carotenoids are a vitamin A forerunner, which means that we convert this matter to vitamin A in our bodies. These nutrients are antioxidants and they can defend us from cancers and help to resist the effects of aging.

Anthocyanins are the deep blue to purple pigment that gives blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, red cabbage and more their deep, vivid colors. Anthocyanins can provide possible health effects against aging and neurological diseases, cancers, inflammation, diabetes and bacterial infections based upon laboratory evidence.

Omega Fatty Acids are referred to as essential fatty acids because our bodies cannot produce them and we must receive them from our diets. They include Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. We need a advantageous ratio of 1:1 for these vital fats, yet the present diet provides excessive Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3. Therefore, we need to supplement or consciously get Omega 3 from our diets. Omega 3 Fatty Acids are important for healthy cell membranes, and they are fundamentally critical for the proper development of the eyes, a strong cardiovascular system and a high functioning immune system.

Science is uncovering ever more benefits with these most important micronutrients every day. In order to make sure that you get these vital nutrients you need to eat a diversity of healthful foods every day. - 17268

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The Dangers Regarding GMO Food

By Lee Jacobs

GMO foods or "Genetically Modified Organisms" are the subject of high controversy. We seem to have been lulled into something of a state of complacency, because when GMO foods first hit the headlines, there was a general uproar. Today however, despite the ongoing progression to design more and more varieties of GMO foods, we seem to hear very little by way of protest. I am sure that we all understand the logic behind the theory, and that to some extent we agree. After all, in a world where the population continues to expand at an appalling rate, food supplies are under more and more pressure. If we can develop crops that can be brought to harvest more quickly and that are far more resistant to disease, pestilence and drought, it all sounds very positive. But at what cost?

The first thing that you need to consider is the fact that GMO foods have an effect on the environment that is not entirely understood. People do not know how the foods that they are growing are going to effect the environment around them, and without adequate testing, we might be in for some real damage to the eco-system that is both difficult and expensive to fix. This is at the heart of many of the issues that people have with GMO food; the testing that is done on them, both for the environment and for the effects that they might have in general, are still not understood nearly as well as they should be.

One of the big concerns that people have about GMO foods is that we could be going down a path that will lead to less diversification of crop types. The wider the variety of crops that there are the better. What would happen for example if all grain crops were modified down to just one type, and there suddenly appeared, a parasite that could devastate that one type. World famine! Another concern is that if we were all dependent on one particular food strain, we would be so reliant on it that we may have to develop appropriate pesticides etc to prevent any catastrophic crop failures, thus self generating the thing on of the big fears of today; the presence and effects of pesticides in our food chain.

Another concern that many doubters about GMO food is that it has the propensity to breed super weeds! Nothing in nature stays stagnant and we can expect that breeding very hardy vegetables and plants will result in weeds that are similarly tough and hardy. The issue is that what GMO foods will stay static, these weeds will continue to develop. Farmers and other food producers will start to use more intense herbicides to take care of these super weeds, and with that in mind, we will see a lot more herbicides in our food and even in our water supply!

Take a moment to consider what your options are going to be when you are thinking about GMO foods. There are dangers that are often not discussed, no matter how prevalent or problematic they might be! - 17268

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Muscle Building Tips for Teenagers to Achieve Success

By Ricardo d Argence

Teenagers are increasingly taking up bodybuilding. Building muscle and generally getting into better shape are admirable goals; done properly, the teen years can be one of the best times to begin bodybuilding. Teenagers may be nearly full grown, but beneath the surface there is still a lot of growth and development happening, meaning teens have different requirements for body building regimens than adults. The most important factors are the weights used, nutrition and rest.

Teenagers have a lot more energy than adults, but this can actually be problematic when it comes to bodybuilding. This energy allows them to work out for a long time, focused on a single set of muscles.

While more may be better with a lot of things, weight training is not one of them. It's much better to use a varied workout routine which works every muscle group equally. After a muscle reaches a specific point, you won't be doing any more good and could be doing harm by continuing.

Weights should be started slowly and advanced, in other words do not grab the heaviest weight in the room and go to town on it. Start with light to moderate weight and work your way up.

Nutrition is something which is all too often forgotten by bodybuilders, especially teenage bodybuilders who instead go for supplements. Nutritional supplements are certainly a helpful addition to a good diet, but getting the protein and fiber you need from your diet is far more important. What happens when you lift weights is that you tear your muscles; as they heal from this controlled damage, they build. This takes good nutrition.

Getting enough water is something else a lot of teenage bodybuilders overlook. Just remember that our bodies are 70% water and every important system in the body depends on water; and that goes double for your muscles!

The recommendation of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day is merely a starting point, when you are training you should increase your water intake considerably. Your joints and vital organs will thank you, plus you will increase the success of your work out.

While we're on the subject of things neglected by teenage bodybuilders, let's talk about sleep. It's while you sleep that testosterone and the important growth hormone IGF-1 is released. It's also when your body repairs itself and rejuvenates for another day " make sure to get an adequate amount of sleep every night.

Hard workouts are great, but it takes much more than this to build muscle. Your body benefits from a holistic approach with a goal of steady, sustained muscle growth. It may not come naturally to the teenage mindset, but real long term success in body building can only be accomplished this way.

Your teenage years offer a great opportunity to start weight training " and if you play competitive sports, building your strength will be a valuable asset in this pursuit. By following the tips in this article, you can get the maximum results from your weight training regimen and build muscle safely. - 17268

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Lack of Nutrients May Cause Hair Loss

By Andrew W John

When you lose your hair, most often it happens because of overabundance of testosterone in your organism - this beneficial male hormone has an ugly tendency to become dihydrotestosterone once it reaches hair follicles. Once created, DHT starts to limit the blood flow in the scalp and tighten skin around the follicles, effectively destroying hair. The good thing is that proper nutrition can stop this process before it really begins, or even turn back all the negative changes.

However, you may ask why some men don't lose their hair even though they surely have high level of testosterone in their blood. The answer is simple: because they have enough DHT blockers in their scalps to prevent it. How can one get enough DHT blockers? It's simple, too - all you need to do is to introduce them into your bloodstream through topical application and a proper diet.

Things That Prevent Hair Loss

Probably the most powerful nutritional supplement that may prevent hair loss is zinc. While it can't be taken in large amounts (too much zinc prevent the absorption of iron and may cause anemia), its role in keeping your hair safe is hard to overrate. Its main role is relaxing skin and muscles on your scalp, directly countering the influence of DHT.

Next, there is Vitamin H, a component of the B complex vitamin group. It helps hair growth and is directly responsible for their strength, as it is responsible for the fatty acid metabolism and fueling the growth speed of hair as well as the rate the damages are being repaired. The only problem is that most natural sources of Vitamin H (or biotin, as it is sometimes called) are also incredibly rich in fat.

Proteins are also necessary nutrients when it comes to counter negative effects of DHT. While they don't have any direct anti-DHT effect, they are the main construction material of hair. Without them, it would be impossible for hair to repair itself and increase its thickness. While the proteins hardly help in regrowing hair, they are crucial in preventing further hair loss. Properly nourished strands, either with some protein-rich diet or with right shampoo, it thickens hair strands, making them much more difficult to kill. However, the nutritional problems concerning it are also severe. If taken in excessive amounts, proteins can cause dehydration and increased fat intake. This can both dry hair and increase oil production in the scalp.

Another important compound that strengthens our hair is Vitamin A, also known as carotene or retinol. While you have probably heard about it is a perfect skin moisture regulator, retinol is also able to prevent a balding process from occurring or make it stop if it has already started. Sebum, if secreted in the right amount, can prevent the damages caused by DHT. Vitamin A can be found in many types of food, most notably in vegetables and fish oils. Overdosing is possible and may cause some serious health problems, but if only you keep the intake within reason, this is not very likely to happen.

Vitamin E is another helpful amino acid. As with Vitamin A, its effects are much wider than just helping hair. Vitamin E's main role is to stimulate blood circulation and rejuvenate the skin. By promoting blood circulation, it counters the negative effects of DHT and keeps the flow of nutrients into the hair on the scalp. It can be easily found in nuts, soybeans and many other food products. The only problem is that vitamin can't be used excessively. Everything over 400 IU a day may start rising your blood pressure!

Theoretically, a good diet should be enough to keep you from balding. Unfortunately, following such diet might be very difficult, especially that many of its ingredients may get dangerous if overdosed. That's why another solution is much more logical: using a nutritional supplement that would be specially devised to prevent balding. One of the best supplements in that category is a supplement part of the ProFollica system. The leading producer of hair-loss prevention products has also introduced the nutritional supplement to make sure that you will receive all necessary nutrients at the right amounts. Take a look and check out the details - it might be just something you are looking for. - 17268

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Jumping Exercises

By Jana Dibbs

Have you ever thought about how great the human body is and how it can adapt to different types of training? It's amazing that our bodies will grow and become stronger when they need to. The same holds true with jumping. Our muscles can change so that they are better abled to jump high. With the right training they can get fast twitch muscles that will produce more power.

What are the differences between fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers? Well, as you might of guessed one is obviously faster but it also fatigues much faster. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Sprinters on the other hand have what are known as red muscle fibers and they are designed to have power but not to last very long.

Each muscle type has it's advantage for different activities. But if you want to jump higher you need have more red fast twitch fibers.

So now you are probably wondering how to get more fast twitch muscle. You type of training directly corresponds to the muscle you will create.

If you train in short burst with a lot of power you will be training your body to create more fast twitch muscles. While if you train doing long steady workouts you will get endurance muscles.

Plyometrics are exercises that are designed to develop the fast twitch muscles of the legs so that you will be able to jump higher.

So naturally you could assume that plyos will consist of high powered exercises that only last for a few seconds. You don't want to do hundreds of reps when trying to create power, you need to do low reps at high intensity to get the result you are looking for when training to jump higher. It's time to stop dreaming that you can jump like a pro basketball/volleyball player and get out there and train so that you really can. - 17268

Details About The Health Benefits Of The Maqui Berry Supplements

By Joane Z. Thomas

When it comes to the potency of the Maqui berry, it has been said that it has a higher antioxidant value than the ever so popular Acai berry. The Acai berry only contains somewhere around 160 to 300 when it boils down to the antioxidant value. The Maqui berry has a very high antioxidant value of 820. It's no secret how much more potent the Maqui berry is than the Acai berry.

The Maqui berry comes from the Patagonia region. The land of the Patagonia region is some of the most fertile land in the world. With that said, the Maqui berry is a delicious berry packed with a bunch of healthy benefits.

The potency of the Maqui berry has already been revealed to the world. There isn't any other food in the world which is stronger than the Maqui berry. The reason for this is that the Maqui berry is packed with so many antioxidants.

The Maqui berry is a natural health supplement. Research has also proven that a Maqui berry supplement is one of the healthiest supplements around. The antioxidants that are found in Maqui berry play a major role when it comes to getting or keeping the body healthy.

When you're trying to lose weight, get some assistance with the Maqui berry. The Maqui berry will remove any toxins and chemicals which have found a way in your body. This will make your body healthy which in turn makes it more effective when you are trying out methods to lose weight.

The Maqui berry is a very powerful anti-inflammatory. Many people suffer from inflammation in their bones and joints and they can reduce inflammation with the Maqui berry. An organic supplement that works great for inflammation couldn't get any better than the Maqui berry.

You can bet that the Maqui berry is a very nutritious discovery that is caused by the high amounts of polyphenols and anthocyanins that it contains. You can also expect to have a good source of calcium, potassium, and other beneficial nutrients when taking a Maqui berry supplement. It doesn't matter how old or how young you are, the Maqui berry provides your body with many healthy benefits.

The Maqui berry probably seems like something you would be stupid for not adding it into your daily routine. There is something that you need to be aware of when it comes to the Maqui berry. It's still a new supplement that has started becoming stocked within the United States therefore there aren't any major side effects that have been discovered yet.

When it comes to a health supplement, it's hard to know how good it really is which means you need to take advantage of being able to give it a whirl before you purchase it. You can see health supplements that have large claims but don't do anything near what they say they do which means that it would be a wise choice to get a Maqui berry free trial before you spend a lot of money on it. - 17268

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