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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Use Acai Berry To Cure Minor Health Issues

By Ron Duckett

Acai berry is a tiny round berry black or purple in color usually found in Brazil. It is a natural supplement to keep your body healthy and protect it against diseases. These berries are similar to grapes but unlike grapes they are much advanced and contain some antioxidants which destroy the power of radicals often responsible for some diseases. It has some pulp with large seed completely vice versa to grapes even they look alike. These acai berries are accompanied with several benefits they promote good physical and mental healths, help to gain sound sleep, improve vision and various other benefits.

As said earlier they are numerous benefits from Acai berry but a few are listed here:

It is believed that improper or poor digestion is often a root cause for some diseases which may be dangerous. There are many natural ways to improve digestion and Acai Berry is one of such natural method. They not only improve digestion but also remove harmful substance from stomach in a safe and efficient way. These berries come as bliss for diabetic patients controlling their sugar levels in a natural way.

These berries are the most efficient way in loosing body weight. Regular consumers of Acai berry have often realized that their weight is reduced in a natural way. It is difficult to believe but they are also helpful in gaining sound sleep. Proper sleep plays an active role on human health which usually gets from sound and peaceful mind. Acai berry helps in improving your sleep by decreasing the symptoms of depression.

These tiny berries also referred as Brazilian berries are rich and natural source of some numerous antioxidants, flavonoids and electrolytes. They are rich contents of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. Omega fats and amino acids are few of them. These vitamins and supplements are often advised by doctors as they help to retain and maintain the energy levels in a natural way and protecting your body from various contagious and dangerous diseases.

These berries maintain the blood circulation keeping it in a normal way protecting heart and brain which can be affected by the circulation levels of blood. Usually high or low blood pressure can result in brain ham rage and cardiac arrests, but regular consumption of Acai Berry juice may reduce such problems in a massive way. They also maintain the cholesterol levels in a natural way.

Acai berries juice must be consumed by old or aged people. As they are helpful in promoting their health and keeping their body fit. Acai berries are helpful arthritis pain. Acai berries are also proved to maintain healthy vision and ehance it in people who consume acai berry juice. It is natural, nutritious supplement for our body and soul. Acai berry has created wonders in medical history with a possibility of breaking its own record after conducting next set of researched and studies. - 17268

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Dont Use Anabolic Steroids To Cheat in Sports

By John Burks

The sporting industry is a million dollar industry, and many athletes go to great lengths to enhance their performance in order to give their best in the field. This is one reason why the intake of steroid has risen in recent times, and why the testing prior to an event includes testing for drug and steroid abuse. This protects athletes from using unfair means to increase their performance.

"Anabolic Steroids," is one popular performance boosting steroid, and apart from this several other common brand names for this are Dianabol, Deca Durabolin, and Sustanon.

Anabolic steroids actually work in a similar way as androgenic hormones like testosterone do. as our hormones give us energy and strength, these thus assist weight gain, muscle building, swiftness, and endurance in the sports ground. These types of drugs are very frequently used in sports including weight lifting and field events. Despite their popularity, these are very contentious drugs and scientists are not sure of whether or not they really help boost performance.

Apart from that, athletes that consume these swear by them and insist that their increased performance is due to the steroid use.

One of the reasons behind the dissimilarity in these opinions is the "placebo effect". As athletes think that the drug will assist them in recuperating their performance, they put in more effort into their game and consequently do better. One more reason is that the testing is carried out by using much lower amounts of drugs as compared to what is normally consumed by athletes.

These drugs work by means of testosterone which is the hormone that helps male human beings develop during their puberty and adolescence stages. Testosterone brings about changes in sexual features caused due to the androgenic properties which includes but is not limited to hair growth, penile growth, amplified aggressiveness, and minor characteristics such as growth in muscle density, bone building, etc which is the result of the anabolic properties of testosterone.

Anabolic steroids imitate these changes while trying to bring down the androgenic effects and having just the anabolic properties play a role (thus the name), but this is not entirely possible and this causes harmful side-effects in the athletes who use these steroids.

With the increase in the amount of testosterone, the most prevalent side effect in males is unproductiveness where the body stops generating testosterone on its own to recompense for the amount being taken in through the drugs. These steroids will also cause liver damage, cholesterol build up, and growth of breast tissue in males.

One more side effect of this is rise in aggressiveness. In women, the testosterone results in increase in facial hair, changes in the menstrual cycle, and deepening of the voice.

These drugs may be taken orally, via injections, or via creams and gels. Dosages taken by athletes are extremely high, and generally well over one hundred times greater than the suggested dosages.

Usually athletes consume two different kinds of the drug simultaneously to get enhanced results, starting from lesser dosages and increasing these for twelve weeks following which they decrease them back to a lesser level. This is supposed to help the body become use to the drugs.

Disclaimer: The anabolic steroids information provided in this editorial is for instructive and amusement purposes only. This article does not, in any way, disregard the prohibited position and/or consumption of anabolic steroids for purposes other than those accepted by the FDA or other officially recognized authoritarian bodies. - 17268

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Does Fish Oils and Cod Liver Oils Differ From Each Other?

By Michael Byrd

So what makes fish oils different from cod liver oils? This is the simple answer.

They are both important to keep you healthy. Fish oil is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, while cod liver oil is known as a good source of vitamins A and D.

But because these two oils are complex topics and all the hype may easily fool na?ve people, the topic needs to be discussed thoroughly.

Fish oils contain omega 3 which is good for the heart, joint pain and brain development, while cod liver oils contain vitamins A and D that boost the immune system, improve eyesight and good for bone development.

But, for the sake of both your health and your pocket, we need to discuss deeper about this topic.

Marketers of cod liver oils may exaggerate beyond what cod liver fish oil can do for your health, so take precautions.

And ruthless retailers of fish oil can deceive people and easily get away with it like a slippery fish on a hook. The lack of knowledge on these products may let you fall prey to such retailers.

But then, all we really need to do is make it a habit to read label before buying. That way we know what we are getting from the product.

Once you see "Fish Oils" as the source, it would usually refer to just any fish. So that means you are not sure if you are getting the right fish oil. That would be a big problem.

Take note, just because it is fish doesn't mean it has enough levels of omega 3 oil.

It would be hard to find omega 3 fatty acids in flounder and haddock, but salmon and mackerel are absolutely great sources for this.

You should be keen to companies that do not reveal the source of their fish oil. They are the ones who are most likely using fish that has little or no amount of omega 3.

And would that be good for you?

Also, you will only know that it's a good fish if you are already familiar with the species. When the source is a good one, the company will be proud of it and put it on their labels.

Would you agree to that?

There are lots of companies out there that only make use of bottom feeders, junk fish and scavengers in their product. This is quite dangerous and may increase the chances of toxins and heavy metals to be present in the product.

And by the way, there is even something much worse than "fish oils" as source. Some use "marine lipids" for omega 3. Well you may not have a clue what this source is and it may not even be a fish!

Know that not all marine creatures are edible.

When buying cod liver oil, know the source and just find a reputable brand.

Be aware of the sources of fish oil. Salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies and herring are the best sources of omega 3.

Now that you are aware of the difference between the two ? fish oil and cod liver oils, remember this.

When purchasing fish oil supplement, go for the one that names the specific specie of the source of fish oil ? like Salmon Oil. Avoid buying products with labels that indicate "fish oil" or "marine lipid". - 17268

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Network Marketing Workshops Will Help Sell Your Product

By Daniel Tanner

Often network marketing companies offer help and additional information to their independent sellers. Zrii offers its sellers a program called Rising Star Academy where the sellers can come and learn important business principles and how to properly sell and market zrii benefits.

In the zrii rising star academy there are sessions where the top zrii leaders provide the independent sellers and independent executives the helpful business tools they need to survive in todays economy.

Zrii benefits include a rising star academy that helps independent sellers with zero experience to network marketing to the most seasoned of marketing experts the full advice they need to succeed in todays economy.

Independent zrii sellers learn the zrii benefits in the workshops offered. The zrii benefits include but are not limited to: bioflavonoids, tannins, antioxidants, trace minerals, amino amino acids and other zrii benefits.

Another reason to attend the zrii rising star academy is this is the venue for the quarterly event announcements. These include awards for zrii milestones and future company news. Sometimes even trips for distributors are offered.

The 2nd Rising Star Academy event was a tremendous success with top speakers from both Zrii corporate and the most successful distributors. The Zrii Convention was amazing along with the company's Rising Star Academy training events.

Some of the example speakers are Carol Grove who spoke at the last zrii rising star academy about the health and nutritional benefits of the zrii juice and the zrii benefits of the amalaki fruit.

Zrii benefits of the rising star academy are offered a couple of times throughout the year. The conference isn't always held in the same city so that all independent sellers and executives are able to all take part. - 17268

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Water, the Best Way to Lose Weight Before Your Wedding

By Ricardo d Argence

In the event that your nuptials will be soon, doubtlessly you wish to be certain your appearance is ideal. For some this may include loosing a bit of weight. It is sopossed that youhave to reduce the wieght inorder to make the dress fitter or may be to have an amazing look on wedding night.

No matter what the reason, you likely want to find a practical method to drop some weight. Drinking plenty of water is one way to lose weight. Let's examine the ways water can assist you in losing sufficient weight in time for your marriage.

Would you like to know how to lose weight by drinking water? One of the principal ways that water assists with weight loss is by increasing the rate at which your body burns calories. It works well enough that it can give you a 3% boost in the speed that your body burns off calories. That's a fact!

You'll also find that water helps to lose weight because often when you are feeling hungry, the body is really dehydrated and needing some water. This leads to consuming more calories. When you drink plenty of water, you are less likely to get dehydrated and it can help you prevent problems with overeating, which will help you take off some pounds.

Drinking plenty of water has many health benefits other than just losing weight. By drinking plenty of water, you will gain from less water retention, improved energy levels, and a fairer skin.

Drinking plenty of water helps to get rid of toxins in the body and it even will reduce the risk of kidney stones. Other great benefits include reducing blood pressure, reducing high cholesterol, alleviating headaches, and even helping to ease joint pain as well.

What amount of water should you be consuming in order to lose weight before your wedding day? The smallest recommended daily intake is eight glasses of water, or sixty-four ounces. Still, if you really want to lose weight, it is essential for you to drink plenty of water every day.

It may be helpful to remember that you should, daily, drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight. In order to boost your energy and metabolism,you need to drink a minimum of 75 ounces of water if your weight is about 150 pounds. Or, if your weight is 180 pounds, then you need to drink 90 ounce of water. - 17268

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Safe dog food

By Jeff Dunham

Your beloved dog is not immune to potential risks from food purchased in the store. Just as many human foods are recalled due to bacteria and other dangers, so are dog foods. You might want to consider making homemade dog food for your dog. You will not need to worry about harmful substances being found in your dogs food if you make it from home.

When you make homemade dog food for your pet, you will need to add meat, starchy foods and vegetable into the mix. The most basic meals have meat, rice and carrots or other vegetables. If your dog deserves a gourmet treat, use tasty meats and a variety of vegetables along with potatoes and rice. Just be certain that every meal contains starches, vegetables and a meat product.

Dogs love kidney and liver meats as well as turkey, chicken and beef. Rice, pasta, potatoes and other carbohydrates are the tastiest for your pooch. Carrots, celery and any number of vegetables will work well in the homemade dog good you make for your pet. Just do not forget to have starches, meat and veggies in every homemade dog food mix.

You will want to cook meat products before you mix them with other ingredients to make your homemade dog food. Many recipes call for you to mix all ingredients together and then cook or bake them for awhile. Think of it as making a casserole for supper, the only difference is this meal is for your pooch not your family.

Homemade dog food can be made by purchasing a book with recipes for homemade pet foods. You can also use the internet in order to locate an assortment of recipes so that you can prepare safe and healthy meals for your pet from home.

Say no to processed dog food. You can make safe and healthy food for your pet from home. It is best to talk with their veterinarian to determine your dogs dietary needs. They can help you to find the best homemade dog food recipes for your pet to ensure that they receive the safest blend of foods. - 17268

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The Breville Juice Fountain Compact - Small Yet Powerful

By Aaron Benjamin

The problem that affects a number of small juice extractors is that they are are unlikely to be as robust as larger ones would be. Breville understands this concern and has made a smaller extractor that can deliver thanks to a more powerful engine. The Breville Juice Fountain Compact is an extractor that is little but packs a powerful punch.

The small size of this extractor is one of the most attractive features to check out. It weighs just eight pounds, which is noticeably lighter than other extractors, including ones from Breville. It is also small all over, in that it is a little over a foot tall. With this short stature, it will be easier to get the extractor to be at any place in the kitchen. Another option for you to consider is the Breville JE95XL Two Speed Juice Fountain.

Even considering the small size of the Breville Juice Fountain Compac, it is a powerful engine. This seven hundred watt engine can work at speeds of up to fourteen thousand revolutions per minute. This can be the solution to pureeing fruits and vegetables of all kinds into a velvety liquid.

It is crucially important to choose a juice compactor that offers a great filtering system that can consistently prevent the leftover fruit pulp and other solid materials from falling into the juices that are made out of the extractor. The mesh filter works with ease in that it stops solid materials from dropping into the liquid.

The ingredients themselves are easily cut through the use of a dual center knife configuration. This is helpful because it ensures that all the ingredients are removed effortlessly and may be utilized to help with pressuring particles of liquid to move through the mesh filter.

An inside pulp collector is also in places here for convenience and ease of use. This can hold more than a quart of apple juice before it is necessary to empty it. It is also easy to clean with a useful cleaning tool and it is also safe to put it in the dishwasher.

This juicer is not only robust and great even with its little size, but it is also extremely good for its price. This extractor will cost close to a hundred dollars in value according to its suggested retail price, and it may be on the market for less at many retail stores. This makes for an extractor that is not just great in quality, but is also priced for most any home. Besides this model, another nice one is the Breville JE95XL Two Speed Juice Fountain.

The Breville Juice Fountain Compact is one of the top of the small juice extractors to select. This extractor is one that is short but can run at a powerful rate. It also does its part to help with collecting pulp and filtering out solid ingredients. This is a perfect option to get for any house. - 17268

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Using A Low Carb Cholesterol Diet For Better Health

By Adrian Fletcher

Although necessary for our bodies to function properly, cholesterol often worries people. They are constantly worrying about reducing the amount that they consume as it can have detrimental affects on the body if there is too much of it. Our bodies produce both "good" (HDL) and "bad"(LDL) cholesterol. For proper health, the goal is to increase levels of "good" cholesterol and reduce our levels of "bad" cholesterol. Both of these goals can be accomplished by utilizing a low carb cholesterol diet.

On a low carb cholesterol diet, the goal is to completely avoid or at least reduce any kind of food that is linked to increasing body fat. One of the biggest culprits when it comes to elevating cholesterol levels are carbs, which can be found in starchy foods and sugars. Carbs increase the body's sugar and insulin levels, which leads to an increase in body fat and can eventually lead to heart-related problems as well as diabetes.

Cholesterol is present in a number of foods, especially those containing saturated or trans-fats. A low carb cholesterol diet that reduces sweets and saturated and trans-fats will result in a lowering of both body fat and bad cholesterol levels. Most overweight patients have elevated cholesterol levels and would benefit from implementing a low carb low cholesterol diet.

Eating low carb foods decreases the production of insulin by the body. This in turn requires the body to use stored excess sugars and fats for converting into energy. Since the body is burning more sugar and fat under a low carb cholesterol diet than you are consuming, you can lose the extra weight more quickly without putting your health in danger. The obvious benefit of this is that it will lower your LDL cholesterol but it can also reduce the chances of deveolping diabetes and other cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.

When you are on a low carb cholesterol diet you can eat most of the foods you like. You will need to read the labels to check if the amount of carbohydrates is low enough and how much sugar it has. It is extremely important that you teach yourself and know about the food products that have too many carbs and too much cholesterol. You can stay away from them or offset these high carb foods with foods that have fewer carbs. Simple carbs are the things to avoid. These are easy to breakdown by the body so no energy is used to process them. Look to complex carbs to fill the carb component of any diet you go on.

Thanks to increased awareness regarding cholesterol and heart health, there are a lot of foods readily available that can be used in a low carb cholesterol diet. Foods that are usually high in starch like pasta are now available with reduced carbohydrates. This allows people who care about their health and weight to take pleasure in eating these products and decrease their cholesterol at the same time.

Including exercise while on a low carb cholesterol diet will produce results more quickly when it comes to weight loss. You will have more energy and feel better. It is essential that you speak with your physician or nutritionist before you start on a diet to be certain that it acceptable for you to be on a low carb cholesterol diet. Some people who have previously had medical problems, women who are pregnant or breast feeding probably should not begin a diet plan unless they are under a doctor's care to be sure that it is not dangerous. - 17268

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Mad Dieter - You Know Who You Are!

By Samantha Putz

Celebrities for the most part have tremendous pressure on their shoulders to be the best and look the best. They resort to all kinds of fad diets to keep them in check for the world to scrutinize. Low carbs, fat free foods, low calories and a lot of perspiration. Is this the life you deem normal and accepted? Constantly thinking about your next meal, your next workout or your next weigh in? It's exhausting just to think about it. Most stars will admit this lifestyle isn't your typical dream life, but it doesn't seem to deter them one bit, so what can the girl next door do? Follow the next diet trend and hope this time your hard work will pay off? I've been on this ride many times and have been unsuccessful. So why have all these diets failed us? Let's look at some common diet fads.

Carbohydrates are the sugars and starches which fuel the body. You need carbs to stay in good health and even to survive! The WHO tells us that between 55-75% of your calories should be from carbohydrates. Low carb diets like Atkins and the Zone rob you of these essential nutrients, resulting in quick weight loss, but also fatigue and hunger pangs. While you will lose weight in the first couple of weeks, your body will eventually crash. You'll have to choose between your health and the diet. If you're sick, is there any point in being thin?

Another deceitful tactic used by many fad diets is the consumption of good carbohydrates compared to eating none. Although good carbs offer tremendous nutritional value compared to refined carbs, the caloric content is dense and eating too much of a good thing still has consequences. Regardless of how you look at it, a calorie is a calorie and filling up on a huge plate of whole wheat pasta ain't gonna make thin. Your body is only capable of expending so many calories at any one meal and if your metabolism is sluggish, your rate of expenditure is even lower. If you can control your portions, then consuming good carbs is a great to give your body extra nutrients while keeping your hunger at bay.

Another popular myth that I'd like to dispel right now is the fat free theory. Don't fall for this trap! Fat free means just that - fat free. Foods that have no fats are still loaded with sugar and carbs and both of these when eaten in excess will add inches to your waistline. Your body needs fat to sustain optimal health, so instead of cutting out fat completely, opt for low fat and low sugar foods instead. Does all this mean that dieting is useless? Not at all, in fact, the word diet simply implies a food regimen that one follows and not necessarily a regimen which one is trying to lose weight, although that is how it is perceived. When you think of it, we're all on diets, even athletes. The idea is to find something that will fit your lifestyle and particular needs. - 17268

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Get The Best From HGH Supplementation With Water

By Lionel Owen

With so many health advantages they provide, HGH supplements have grown increasingly popular with many. It is hard to ignore benefits such as anti aging, increased energy levels and brighter moods that they can provide. In order to maximize them, there are things that should be done in tandem.

One of the most important things to do when undergoing human growth hormone supplementation is sufficient hydration of your body. This can be achieved by drinking enough water throughout the course of application. This will help improve the results that you will experience once it has been completed.

Is it curious that water can be so important during a course of HGH supplementation? Humans cannot survive without water for more than a couple of days, so that shows that our lives are dependent on it. The following reasons will show why this is even more so for optimum results from supplements.

1. Did you know that most of our body is made of water? Blood alone makes up more than 60% of it so that should mean something. It also means that without enough water in our bodies, HGH supplements cannot be expected to produce the best results.

2. When an individual is taking human growth hormone supplements, he or she will enjoy increased levels of energy. This means a greater willingness to take part in activities that expend effort. This process uses up water in your body and therefore replenishing it is necessary.

3. One will also experience more intracellular electrolyte activity as human growth hormone will improve internal bodily reactions. To make sure this goes through without hitches, enough water must exist in the body.

Despite all these reasons, it is also natural for many individuals to forget about drinking lots of water when taking HGH supplements. They normally feel quite invincible due to the early excitement from initial results. But the flipside to this is then the resultant dehydration which might set them back instead of carrying them forward.

If you wish to avoid this setback, all you need to do is to follow basic doctor's advice that is given to both young and old. That means having a daily intake of 1.5 liters of water which you should already be drinking when not taking HGH supplements. With exercise part of your program, it would then be advisable to drink even more water so that the best results from the supplementation can be had. - 17268

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How To Push Your Weight Training Past Your Limit

By Brian

You face one of the biggest challenges to body builders in that all muscle fibers must be exhausted to have the best muscle gain.

The simple answer is, you have work beyond failure and experience a higher level of training intensity than before. This also ensures that workouts remain challenging and continue to engender progress over time thus reducing the likelihood of regression. But how do you go about intensifying your training? Fortunately there is a tried and tested path to follow as outlined below:

1. Restance increase - increase the resistance of the lifted weights in small increments. When you reach six to eight reps and you don't fail, that's a good number to stop at and then repeat when you can do more.

2. Change up your exercises - All the muscle fibers in your body must be trained for maximum gain. Introducing a new exercise or changing the angle of a previous one (incline press etc) will help you achieve this.

3. Reduce the amount of rest between intervals - The level of intensity will increase if you give your muscles less time to recover before exposing them to more work.

4. Just before exhaustion - when you do an exercise that involves two or more muscles, the weaker one will tend to fail first. To get round this, exercise the primary muscle until it has become somewhat tired. Then do the multiple muscle exercise until failure.

5. Introduce supersets - this involves performing two exercises for the same muscle group without a rest interval. This means you have to utilize different muscle fibers which stimulate greater growth.

6. Partial reps - partial reps are when you are at nearly at the point of failure but instead of doing a complete rep, you do a partial rep. This will make your muscles still work past the point of failure without having to add new exercises

7. Isometric contractions - when you hold a weight still at the point of failure it stimulates a static contraction in the muscle.

8. Get help from a friend - having a gym partner will help you push your body one or two more reps past your point of failure. When you are at the point of failure, your friend can assist you in doing one more rep than you normally would be able to do. - 17268

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