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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Get two supplements in one great free trial.

By Collin De Ruyck

Acai Burn Complete Review - In my opinion, the worlds best Acai Berry supplement Acai Burn just got a whole lot better by adding a great colon cleanse"PureCleanse Pro" to the limited time free trial offer you can currently get from Acai Burn.

Acai Burn has helped millions of people to lose weight and keep it off for quite some time now. Using nothing but the purest acai berry extract, quality has been something users ave come to trust.

Included in your free trial of Acai Burn Complete is the following 60 Tablets of Acai Burn (1 Bottle) 60 Tablets of Pure Cleanse Pro (1 Bottle)

You get both of those supplements for the same shipping price of $4.95 which is a huge bargain because before if you wanted them, you had to get separate orders for both.

Doubling your chances to lose weight for the same price as previous free trials just insures you have success and with me personally using both products I know your going to see the same great results as I have. - 17268

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Your Diet is Not Perfect Without This

By Thong M. Dao

A lot of people eat healthy. They usually have a salad in place of a fast food lunch. They make weird drink potions like green smoothies and uncooked foods that mimic components of the common US diet.

Many of them enjoy fundamental health gains because of this way of eating. Not only are they typically slender, they are also healthy. It appears they have been following the perfect eating method. However, is something lacking in their perfect plan?

Usually, there's a little thing that people who eat right could be missing. This is something readily available to all of us freely - we only need to lift our glass and swallow. What we are talking about is water. You might think that you already drink plenty of water everyday.

Is it true, though? You might find yourself a bit shocked at how many people stay dehydrated from their youth because they don't consume plenty of water. Yes, they may drink throughout the day but the quantity may not be enough.

Having enough water everyday is and essential part of a wholesome diet. This means in-taking as much as half of your weight in water each day. For example, if you were 150 pounds, you would want to drink 75 ounces of water throughout the day.

Besides, you need to make sure that you mix 1/8 teaspoonful of sea salt with every 16 oz. of water.

What can sea salt do for you? It helps to keep the water inside your body long enough that it can hydrate you, which is what it's intended to do. If you ignore the salt, you might find yourself going to the WC all the time and flushing out the nutrients from foods you consume.

Give this style of drinking a try for about 30 days. Just drinking water can have surprising health benefits. - 17268

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The Acai Berri - The Juice With Amazing Antioxidant Powers

By I. Russell

At some point in time, more than likely you have either heard of the acai berry or seen some type of advertisement for a product that contains it. However, you may not really know that much about this fruit and the power of the acai berry juice. Let's take a closer look this berry and why it has become so popular for those who are looking for great antioxidants.

It's very important that your body gets plenty of antioxidants in order to stay healthy. The ORAC test, which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, was a test that Dr. Guohua Cao came up with that essentially measures how certain foods work to help the body fight off health problems. Essentially it measure the antioxidants that are in particular foods so that you have an idea of how much antioxidant power the food really has.

However, most people don't get this much. Many don't even get half of this amount. Eating the acai berry can change that and give you the antioxidants that you need in your diet. So, how much ORAC should you end up having on a daily basis? Well, the recommended amount is 1670 each day.

The really amazing thing about acai berry fruit juice is that you will get 3800 ORAC in just 1 oz of juice. Just think; this is already twice the daily amount of antioxidants that you need! Knowing that, it's probably no surprise to you how come you've been seeing ads for acai berry juice absolutely everywhere. All of those antioxidants in your diet are bound to have some great effects.

Why are the antioxidants found in the acai berry so important? Well, antioxidants are important to the body because they help to get rid of free radicals. These free radicals can cause all manner of different diseases, including cancer. So, you can definitely benefit from getting plenty of antioxidants in your diet.

It's important that you buy juice that is organic when you're purchasing acai berry juice. Why be attracted by the many benefits of the juice (like lots of antioxidants), when there are hazardous chemicals that are used on the berries? Make sure that the company you are buying from is reputable, and uses organic berries when making the juice.

So, if you are interested in better health, getting more antioxidants is key to achieving this. Learn more about the acai berry and how it can make a positive change in your life. No doubt you'll find that the acai berry juice totally changes the way you feel and impacts your health for the better. - 17268

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Top Ten Fitness Tips

By Mike Walker

Many programs assist you in burning body fat or muscle building. When achieved, these goals get you sexy and fit. Steps need to be taken to keep those results though. Programs may guide you throughout the process to achieving these goals but daily activities need to be taken in order to keep your results. These activities are simple things like drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods.

1. Drink a lot of water, the body often sends a signal that represents thirst as hunger tricking your brain thinking your hungry when you're just thirsty. Best way to approach drinking more water would be drink water first thing in the morning and all throughout the day, especially during and after exercising (required). Drink minimum eight 8 ounce glasses of water or more daily.

2. Slow down on teas and coffee, stay away from fizzy drinks.

3. Eat a piece of fruit or more a day, eat real whole fruits not fruit juice. Fruit juice is high in calories and difficult for you to digest.

4. Unless you are training really hard watch out for sports drinks. A bottle of that could replace all the calories you just burned in your exercise. Grab a bottle of water instead.

5. Eat Breakfast! You won't be able to achieve goals and efficiently exercise without eating properly. Research shown that eating breakfast will increase fat loss and muscle growth than those who do not.

6. Don't eat late night snacks; ideally do not eat past 9 o'clock it takes 3 hours just to digest food. If you go to sleep when your body hasn't fully digested your food it sits in your stomach and for men it digest a lot slower for women it slows way down digesting slower then men.

7. Get vegetables in your system daily, vegetables are a big deal to your health and staying fit. Vegetables aid in burning calories.

8. Give your body sleep, sleep is awesome to your body and is one of the good things you can do for yourself as in staying fit. Sleep aids in burning fat and building muscle.

9. Do what you can to get all food groups in your system daily, turn it into a daily routine.

10. Stick to your workout routine, problems people end up having is that they do great with progress or keeping what they've worked for but end up missing one workout, then another and it's broke. Try making it a habit to stick to it. - 17268

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Chronic Pain can be such a Pain

By Virginia Pipolini

Chronic pain is an issue for many people. Most of the time we just struggle through the pain, and our mind tries to block out as much as it can. But chronic pain can take away our precious energy.

What causes this low grade pain, and how do we get rid of it? This is a billion dollar question, and believe me we have every player in this game ranging from drug companies, practitioners, and food manufacturers to subtle energy practitioners.

There are many programs available these days for the treatment of chronic pain conditions. Traditional therapies include physical therapy, occupational therapy and medications. Holistic program include acupuncture, yoga, nutritional changes, and breathing exercises.

In a study conducted at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, a team of health care professionals treated chronic low back pain using naturopathic practices. The treatment included deep breathing exercises, acupuncture, and dietary supplementation such as omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, and magnesium.(1)

In the study traditional physiotherapy was used for half the test group, and the naturopathic treatment program was prescribed for the other half. The results showed that there was a greater decrease of chronic back pain in those who were treated by the naturopathic methods.

When we delve into the nutritional value of minerals such as magnesium, we find that there are over 300 body functions that are dependent on magnesium. Unfortunately half of our population is deficient in magnesium. Low magnesium levels can lead to many health issues, such as muscle cramps and chronic pain. (2)

We can take simple steps to improving our health and decreasing chronic pain. Improving our nutritional storehouse is one easy way to provide the body with the tools it needs to heal. Magnesium and other trace elements can be introduced into our system through transdermal absorption, such as a magnesium bath or magnesium oil rubbed into those aching muscles.

Referenced: (1)Naturopathic Care for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial. PLoS ONE. 2007; 2(9): e919. (2) ScienceDaily (Dec. 27, 2004) - 17268

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Fitness Over 40: Massage Chairs Get You There

By Steve Esquire

Fitness in your 40s and beyond is not impossible. What you are really fighting is a slowing metabolism. As we age our metabolism begins to slow down. This is especially true for women where their metabolic rate tends to start declining in their 30s. Focus in on 3 main areas to get fit when your over 40. The trilogy of fitness is diet, no surprise there! Exercise--I don't know why that never goes away, but wait there is hope with massage chair therapy.

When the metabolic rate begins to drop, you will feel like you have less energy. Women can struggle with this in particular. However, it does not need to remain the same. You have to motivate and then your have to work, and not lollygag around. The main problem is simply giving up, like a new years resolution. Women face more pressure then men to maintain a nice figure.

When you hit your 40s diet is one of the pillars of fitness. You are what you eat. Do you eat poor foods? You know, the ones high in calories and fats. Well guess where that goes in your body? Well, I known you know, I do not have to tell you. Eat a proper and balance diet. Eat less, but eat more often--try 5 smaller meals per day.

One important cycle to understand is how eating helps or hinders the metabolism of the body. Some foods may produce energy affecting the body more quickly than others. Some foods may feel heavy and bog you down. If you eat too much, then you feel more tired. So eat less per sitting, but have more sittings.

Jump start your metabolism with exercise. First stretch your muscles. Warm up your body with some walking. You can do light exercise, but do it for 30 minutes. It can be a walk with your dog, but do it daily.

Look, the important thing is to do some basic, light aerobic exercises. Aerobic means heart and lungs. That means your heart rate increases and you have to breathe harder to increase the oxygen. Start a routine of going for a walk 4 times a week.

What holds diet and exercise in balance is massage therapy. Massage helps to soothe the body and release toxins. Remember, you are feeding your body with your diet. Exercise is the burning of the energy. Massage therapy is the soothing and healing of the body. Preparing it for its next round.

Most people over 40 do not think to add massage therapy to their routines. The main reason is convenience. A massage chair can be an integral part of fitness over 40. It provides unprecedented convenience as it is available when you are. Massage chairs provide a number of therapies can help improve your flexibility, range of motion and attitude.

Massage chair therapy offers a practical way to integrate massage into your daily exercise routine. Start with a brisk warm up massage. Get the blood flowing with some morning shiatsu. Invigorate your muscles with the chopping massage. This has an excellent loosen effect. Limber up before a round of golf.

Does fitness over 40 need to be all bad? Of course not! It is all about balance. Start a routine where it just isn't all no pain, no gain. Massage chairs therapy is a great way to recover and bring out the best. Yes, you have to work harder, but why not also work hard on recovery. This is the way to balance your body and get it in peak performance.

A lot of the secret to fitness over 40 is common sense. Eat a balanced diet without huge meals. Eat less, but eat more often. Exercise with light aerobics 4 to 5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. Let your body recover with your own massage chair. Perfect for warming up and warming down for exercise is the convenience of a massage chair. Get your life in balance and increase your metabolism to have the vitality you want over 40. - 17268

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Health Secrets of the Acai Berry

By Carter Sinclair

There have been a lot of people raving about the Acai berry. Oprah had it on her show and featured it as a number one super food. Its been all over the news and internet and many of you have probably heard of it by now.

Acai Berry grows in clusters similar to bananas. It is dark purplish in color and is a lot like a blueberry in shape and size. It is very small and round shaped. Acai Berry is from the Amazons and has been called a phenomenal fruit.

Acai Berries has been showing up in ice creams, energy drinks and even some granola bars for those looking for the health effects of the Acai Berry. Soon you may even find them on the menu at the exotic restaurant down the road, as chefs have been experimenting with different dishes that compliment this berries flavor.

Many have fallen for the Acai fruit for a lot of reasons. It is great for your overall health and is very beneficial to your body. Acai berry is an all in one nutrient and vitamin that is great for your health.

Of all the fruits Acai berry has the hightest antioxidant count found in any fruit. Antioxidants work amazingly well for a body cleanser and early research shows Acai is a proven cancer fighter. Antioxidants help to improve your immune system to fight off viruses and colds such as the flu.

Some accounts you may have read about or heard about regarding the Acai Berry health benefits say that the Acai Berry can help you lose weight fast. The jury is still out on acai's weight loss properties, but it has been proven that Omega fatty acids and Cyanidin (which acai is packed with) both aid in healthy weight loss. - 17268

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Food Emergency

By Eric Vanderham

Why is our food supply of paramount worry when wondering how we'll keep our family or ourselves going? After all, so many of us live in developed countries and we have the mentality that all that food in stores will see people through any emergency. Problem is, many people can't make it to the stores during power outages, blizzard conditions and other natural disasters. Even the recent volcano eruptions have limited people in their ability to access transportation. Some people won't have the access to money or cash when needed. They may live far away from towns and cannot get into the populated areas to buy food. Some people may need to leave town and head to their cottage or another family's home.

There are people who have meticulously planned for food emergencies, by buying, packaging and storing staples of food, labelling them for expiry dates in order not to waste the food. The year or two goes by, the food has to be eaten, and replaced in order to keep that constantly emergency supply. I cannot speak against those who have done such a valiant job at planning for their family. The problem is that many of us do not have the time nor inclination to go to all this trouble yet we are of course worried about how lack of food storage for emergencies.

What I've found is a lot of food available that is prepared for much longer storage life such as 5 to 10 years, even up to 25 years. Freeze dried food, MRE's, these foods are what military personnel carry with them. For those of you unfamiliar with MRE's, they are individual pouches of food ready to slip into an MRE heater. THe heater is also a slim disposable holder that requires only one tablespoon of water to heat the MRE meal that you slip into it. The MRE will provide nutritious meals that are most tasty hot than cold, which is why you want the MRE heater with you. At about .99 for the heater, you can see what I'm talking about. The heater is not a piece of bulky equipment and does not require fuel.

A lot of us have never heard of MRE's nor the MRE heater, so I'm explaining in detail. The difference in the years of shelf-life for MREs is a result of the temperature you store them in. They keep best in 75 degrees farenheit or less and will last much longer than five years at those temperatures, but about 5 years in hotter climates or storage. You can see why these are so valuable to the military.

MRE's can be provide a 30 day supply of food in a box, with 2000 calories per day of meals per person. The 30 MRE heaters are also provided with it, depending on what company you by from. They eliminate the need for power or drinkable water to heat up the food, they are light to carry but have excellent food and last for years. You can carry them on hiking or wilderness trips, being ready for the unexpected such as poor weather conditions or being lost in the bush. You can keep a box in your home for easy evacuation as part of your emergency preparedness kit. They are fantastic to have.

There are also containers of freeze dried meals that last from 20 to 30 years, so once you have bought these, you will have taken care of your food worries. You can start stocking up on them bit by bit until you have the variety of different meals you would want with you. One can has nine servings and indicate that it is lactose free, shellfish free, pork free, etc., Prior to ordering them, you will be able to see the nutrition facts, the ingredients, and how many servings it will provide.

Freeze dried food seals in the nutrients and are superior to dehydrated foods. They keep the shape, texture and taste, vitamins, fibre, color of fresh frozen foods. Some examples of the meals you may buy: vegetable stew with beef, chicken and rice, spaghetti and meat sauce, chicken a la king, beef stroganoff, vegetarian meals, beef or chicken teriyaki, lasagna with meat sauce, sea food chowder, incredible assortment of desserts, individuals cans of specific side dishes such as fluffy white rice, sweet corn, green beans, the list is vast.

You can see that you don't have to be eating boring beans and canned soup every day, nor do you have to worry about the expiration date. One man reported that the crackers he tried after 25 years of storage were still very tasty. There are also single and two-pack pouches of freeze dried food for travel, hiking, camping, etc. Best sellers are Beef Stroganoff, Lasagna/Meat Sauce, Beef Stew, Chicken Teriyaki, Eggs/Bacon. Happy Eating! - 17268

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Cellulite Vitamin Supplements

By El Bilson

Taking vitamin supplements is one way to help get rid of cellulite. However, you should be aware of products that claim to be able to cure cellulite. Vitamin supplements are an important element in fighting off cellulite but there is no cure for cellulite to date. A low fat/high fiber diet, exercise, drinking plenty of water, and taking supplements are the most effective ways to reduce cellulite.

There are specific reasons why vitamins and minerals work against the appearance of cellulite. Vitamin C is one of the best vitamins you can take for cellulite. Vitamin C helps strengthen the skin and is a powerful detoxifier. Good food sources of Vitamin C include berries, asparagus, tomatoes and onions. While these sources of Vitamin C are good, one of the best sources of Vitamin C is citrus fruit. The recommended daily allowance for Vitamin C is 75 mg. for women and 90 mg. for men. Smokers should add an additional 35 mg. per day because their metabolic turnover of Vitamin C is more rapid.

Another vitamin supplement that can be used to combat cellulite is Vitamin E. Found in oil capsules, Vitamin E improves circulation in the body and helps improve the appearance of this skin. Nuts are a good source of Vitamin E and are high in protein. However, nuts also have a high fat content. If you are on a low fat diet, limit the intake of nuts and add a vitamin supplement of Vitamin E instead. Green leafy vegetables are another good source of Vitamin E and do not contain much fat at all.

Selenium can also help get rid of your cellulite. This supplement works by improving the action of vitamins C and E. Broccoli is one vegetable that is an excellent food source of selenium. Broccoli contains lipoic acid, which helps prevent the hardening of collagen in the skin cells.

In addition to selenium, calcium is another vitamin supplement that will help you reduce cellulite. Calcium is important for fighting body fat and providing strong bones. A few good food sources of calcium are low fat yogurt, skim milk, spinach, cottage cheese, and baked beans. Calcium can also be taken in supplement form although not much is absorbed this way. Some feel that we already get enough calcium from the foods we eat and thus do not need to take an additional supplement.

It is recommended that adults between the ages of 19-50 should have approximately 1000 mg of calcium per day. For adults over 50 years of age, the RDA is 1200 mg. per day. It is often difficult to get the RDA of vitamins and minerals in the diet alone. Vitamin supplements can help assure your body has all the vitamins and minerals it needs to fight cellulite.

While there is no one method that cures cellulite, vitamins and minerals are crucial in increasing the bodys ability to maintain healthy skin elasticity. When the collagen, septa and other components of healthy skin are properly nourished, then the appearance of cellulite decreases over time. A long-term change in lifestyle and diet is necessary to maintain healthy, cellulite free skin. These lifestyle changes will lead to other improvements in the body as well.

Proper diet, exercise, drinking an adequate supple of water and adding vitamin supplements are the lifestyle changes that need to be made. Lifestyle changes such as reducing intake of alcohol, quitting smoking will help reduce cellulite. Also exercises such as yoga that increase blood circulation will help reduce cellulite. In addition, there is the extra-added benefit of having a healthier body over-all with these lifestyle changes. - 17268

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Toned Abs, Nicer Clothes

By Dan Solaris

The fast-food culture people in the Western countries have combined with the hectic schedules that leave little room for daily exercise are causing more and more people to fall victim to obesity. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts the percentage of overweight Americans at 66% and almost half that number already obese.

Indeed, as the pace of life becomes increasingly faster, our waistlines are growing and wearing tight, sexy clothes have ceased to be an option for most folks. Working the daily grind has made it quite difficult to stay in shape these days but not at all impossible if we really put our mind to it.

Keeping our weight down through constant exercise is the fastest way to trim the inches around our bellies and fit in those favorite pair of denims exiled deep in our closet. True that maintaining a regular workout regimen seems impossible with our hectic schedules, but with the myriad of benefits we get through regular exercise it's ridiculous not to.

Regular exercise not only gives us the obvious benefits of toned abs and a lighter, better-looking physique. Making it a point to work-out everyday lowers blood pressure and significantly lowers the risk of cancer, diabetes, and hypertension while boosting our immune system.

Maintaining a regular exercise routine is also the best way to combat the stress and pressure we accumulate throughout the day. In addition, hard physical activity triggers the production of endorphins in our brain- giving us a lighter, happier mood.

Nicely toned abs and a better disposition- what better way to offset the ravages of an unhealthy diet and job stress? Having a tight schedule is no excuse because with the right combination of exercises, it's possible to create a daily calorie deficit in just 30 minutes a day.

Cardiovascular exercises have long been known to be the best way to burn calories from body fat, but one needs to keep at it for at least an hour in order to burn enough calories and facilitate fat-loss. For folks whose schedules are packed, intensifying cardio and muscle-building routines will let them reap the same weight-loss benefits for less than an hour each day.

Fact: Fat burn doesn't occur until after the first 10-15 minutes of conventional aerobic exercise. The heart rate and metabolism need to reach a certain point for our bodies to start burning energy from calories. Starting cardio sessions at higher intensity will jump-start our metabolism- resulting in immediate fat burn. Shortening rest periods in between weight-lifting sets will also increase our heart rate during anaerobic workouts- allowing us to get the benefits of cardio while building muscle. - 17268

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Here Come Raw Foods to the Rescue

By Thong M. Dao

Many people are focused on their well-being in today's society. Most individuals can apply some improvement to their health. Unfortunately, some often equate healthy practices with bad ones.

For instance, the weight control industry is full of fast and simple ways to shake off a few pounds but they will leave your body with some potential problems that will turn up in the future. That is why many people have assumed a simple and wholesome way of eating.

An uncooked food diet is a very healthy way to eat, in fact it's one of the healthiest. Some people think raw fruits and vegetables are, at the very least, the foundation of a healthy diet.

The downside with this diet system is the fact that we can't escape from foods that are cooked and they always look and smell yummy. Many of us merely love to eat food which is prepared now and then. How can you have fun eating this way without going over the top?

A popular diet you may desire to try is the high raw diet. It is when you try to eat raw food as much as possible but don't stop eating cooked food completely. You actually do get the best of both worlds.

Not simply are you gaining the benefits from the raw food but you're also providing yourself with some cooked foods occasionally. Your health may be reflected upon the benefits of what you eat.

If you change to this kind of eating, you would find it surprising how quickly the benefits will become evident to you. Several individuals who first tried this in order to slim down enjoyed it so much that they continue with this method even when it no longer results in weight loss.

The good effects can be felt in your overall well-being. So if you want to be healthy and lose weight while still living in today's world, a high raw diet can assist you with that. - 17268

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How To Get A Six Pack The Natural Way

By Jose Loni

You don't need to lift weights to get six pack abs, here's how you can do it. First of all, you need to watch your diet then do multi joint exercises regularly throughout the week to increase your metabolism.

Limiting caloric intake is important. Overeating results in unused energy, which now gets stored as fat. Avoid food high in calories like burgers, fries, fried chicken, chips, pop, cakes and pastries.

Increasing the frequency of meals throughout the day will help keep the body's energy level steady and allow the body to use the calories you eat more efficiently. The meals should be smaller portions balanced with complex carbohydrates and lean proteins.

Exercises that train more body parts and muscle groups help to increase the body's metabolism. The increased exertion of the muscle groups burns more calories. Squats, push-ups, chin-ups, step-ups and split squats are all great exercises that utilize great resistance and can be easily done without machines or accessories.

Push your body to work further by doing 5 of these activities consecutively without resting in between. Then catch your breath and repeat the cycle 5 times. This should greatly enhance your body's fat burning capacity when done regularly.

The multi joint exercises when done 4-5 times throughout the week trains the body to move and exercise the multiple muscles at once. The more often you do these types of exercises throughout the week, the more the body is forced to increase its metabolism to replenish, nourish and repair the muscles. This results in constant replenishment and muscle activity, which forces the body to always burn calories to keep nourishing the muscles.

The body's metabolism will begin searching for energy to fuel the constant metabolic activity of the muscles. After the calories that we eat is all consumed, the body then starts burning the excess body fat on our body. When this occurs, the body becomes a fat burning machine and will start showing more muscular definition and abs.

You don't need to lift any weights; you just need to plan a regular exercise program of high intensity, overall exercises and watching what you eat. Doing that will get you fast results and you'll be on your way to six-pack abs. - 17268

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