Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, April 3, 2009

Facts about Dysmenorrhea

By Borgon Trocepticlon

All people are bound to experience pain no matter how much they avoid it. And this includes women who will experience pains of labor and child birth. However, the pain that women will experience is not only limited to pregnancy. This would also include pain associated with menstruation which is called dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea brings a lot of discomforts to women who experience it.

Cramping is the common symptom that occurs in a woman with dysmenorrhea. However, some women also experience other symptoms aside from cramping. These symptoms are weakness, nausea and vomiting, and sometimes anorexia due to feeling of fullness. Most women who experience dysmenorrhea feel very tired to do their daily activities and often resort to resting.

Actually, dysmenorrhea has two types. That would be primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. When you say primary dysmenorrhea, this is most commonly experienced by teenagers or young adults. This occurs usually for about two to three years after menarche, or the very first onset of menstruation. The painful cramps start to show up days before the onset of menstruation. This pain often serves as an indicator that menstruation is already approaching.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is another classification of dysmenorrhea. It usually occurs during menstruation unlike primary dysmenorrhea that happens before menstruation. The length of secondary dysmenorrhea is also longer because it could last until the end of a menstrual period. Secondary dysmenorrhea requires immediate medical attention because the exact reason of its occurrence is of pathological causes. Illnesses such as endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease are the usual causes of secondary dysmenorrhea.

The main cause of the cramping and contractions that occur in a woman's reproductive system is the chemical called prostaglandin. It is a hormone-like chemical that is found in the body and usually increased before menstruation. When these prostaglandins accumulate in the area of the womans uterus, it causes painful continuous contractions. Because of these excessive prostaglandins, the normal contraction response becomes stronger leading to spasms.

The most common treatment approach for dysmenorrhea is through non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to block the pain receptors and relieve pain. Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen are the popular drugs of choice by women who have dysmenorrhea. Although these drugs are readily available, there are still some women who do not like to take these drugs but rather do natural methods such as applying heat compress to relieve spasms. This is applicable for women who have primary dysmenorrhea, but for those with secondary dysmenorrhea, medical treatment is necessary.

Aside from application of heat compress, hot baths are also a good way to relieve dysmenorrhea. Exercise is also recommended to promote circulation and distribution of oxygen-rich blood to the different parts of the body.

Rest is the best way to feel better during dysmenorrhea, although physical activity can also provide relief. Women who have a stronger ability to endure pain can perform multiple tasks without feeling weak even with dysmenorrhea. - 17268

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Nothing is Better for Maximum Weight Loss than Healthy Eating

By Thong M. Dao

These days almost everyone is concerned about their health and how much they weigh. Many folks live an unhealthy lifestyle, making it nearly out of the question to remain fit and thin. We seem to eat out at fast-food and sit-down restaurants a lot.

While at home, we could be consuming unhealthy and high-sugar junk foods instead of the proper healthy snacks. To become healthy and lose weight naturally, we need to find a way to break the cycle.

One of the initial things that many people must do whenever they are trying to lose weight is to cast off some of their routines. When you have become used to eating a particular way, this can be exceedingly hard.

Many are shockingly dependent on such bad things as sugar, aspartame, caffeine and bad carbohydrates. Controlling your wellness is far easier when you are able to stop your addictions. If you're having a particularly tough time, try going cold turkey for a few days in order to break free of the bad cycle.

When you free yourself from bad diet choices, you must next replace them with healthy ones. You can indulge in moderation and on occasion, but you need to stay with a nutritious eating program for 30 days at least.

Why? Because it often requires that long for a new habit to establish itself. If you follow a diet that is both nutritious and balanced for one month, it will become your regular way of eating.

Make sure your diet is healthy by remaining low on the glycemic index in order to keep your blood sugar level under control.

Be sure your diet comprises of sufficient fruits and vegetables. It's most important that you consume lots of water everyday. You will be taken aback when you get your fit figure back and that will make all the efforts worthwhile. - 17268

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Conquering Mistakes: Critical Advice for Gaining Muscle

By Brad Morgan

When you are trying to build muscle, there is a lot of conflicting advice out there. You may not know where to get started.

Why not start with what not to do? Here are some factors that can delay or stall your muscle building progress:

1. Paying too much for a gym membership.

If you are considering a gym membership, it may be much better for you to save yourself the expense. While gyms tout their stack-pulley, computerized, or hydraulic machines as much more effective and safe than free weights, the best workouts are the low-tech, low-cost ones that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

In the privacy of your own home, you can workout with moves like squats and lunges, which require absolutely no equipment, or with free weights, which are relatively cheap. The best equipment is your body, some free weights, and hard work.

2. Not changing your workout.

It is easy to see results immediately after starting a muscle building program. Be careful of becoming complacent, however. It may not work as well as you progress.

Your body is a remarkably efficient machine: doing the same workout causes your body to become used to it. It is much less work to execute moves you've done over and over. Once that happens, it uses fewer calories to complete the exercises, making the workout much less effective.

Doing the same workout time after time sabotages your efforts to build muscle. To overcome this difficulty, add variation and more intensity into your workouts. You have to make a constant effort to challenge your body so it has to work just as hard. A side benefit is that you are always changing your workouts, meaning you won't get bored.

3. Concentrating solely on strength training.

Cardiovascular exercise is an important part of building muscle, yet it is something that many people trying to gain muscle mass usually ignore. Focusing only on weight training can halt your results.

We all know that cardio can help you burn fat. For muscle builders, it also helps the body rest and recover from weight training. To get the best results, do intervals of high intensity cardio for about twenty minutes right after your weight training session.

4. Working Out Everyday

Working out everyday can also hurt your muscle building efforts. Since muscle repairs itself and develops during rest periods, it is vital to build some into your workout routine. Two or three rest days per week should be sufficient to allow your muscles to do their work.

Also, alternate which muscle groups you work on. For instance, if you work on your arms and back one day, the next day do your abs and legs. This will keep the muscles from becoming fatigued or injured and allow them to do their work.

5. Snubbing diet.

Many people neglect to consider their diet when they are trying to build muscle. But because food is such an essential part of your body's health, you need to eat to gain muscle.

Especially important is protein, which is essential to muscle building. Make sure you get plenty of lean meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy in your diet, and eat a protein snack within thirty minutes of your workouts.

6. Giving Up

Some people take longer to build muscle than others. The biggest mistake that you can make is to give up because you are not seeing results.

There are several things you can do if you notice your efforts are stagnating: look at your fitness routine to see if there is anything you can change. Look at your diet to see if you are eating properly. If your body just takes more time to build muscle, giving up will be a great loss.

Either way, quitting won't give you the body you want. Keep up with your efforts; if it is not working, then by all means change something. Just don't give up. - 17268

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Ways To Actually Enjoy Working Out

By Jason Thompkins

When you ask someone to workout with you, you will usually hear the word "no". Besides, working out is boring. Maybe even you will consider that working out is boring and rather do fun things than spending time at the gym doing some boring workout routines.

Though it may be boring, there are many people that will put that aside, the fact that it may be boring but they know they are treating their body right, fighting the chances of getting heart disease and such. The better you treat your body, the better you will feel.

The person that is in charge of their body is you, no one else but you. You have the choice to go to the gym 3-5 times a week, and condition your muscle fitness and health. If you choose to slouch and be lazy you could increase health risks.

By being physically active with fitness, you can enjoy sunny days at the beach showing off that body that you worked for. You also will not have to worry as much about getting heart diseases and diabetes, as people that are overweight will have to concern themselves with that.

However, if you find regular fitness workout routines very boring, there are quite a lot of fitness workouts that you can do to make workout more fun. There are fun activities that you can do where you can definitely enjoy and at the same time, give you a great quality fitness workout experience.

There are a number of sports that can be played that will get you into good shape. Not all sports though, for example you will not get into that good of shape playing golf, but it is better than nothing. Sports such as wrestling, tennis, football, basketball along with many others will get you into great shape if you do them often.

Dancing is another option way to get into great shape, especially if you are not into any kind of sport. There are many forms of dancing that will shape you up such as ballet, tap, swing, even cheer leading is a form of dancing that will get you in shape.

Dancing is a great cardiovascular workout, and the longer you do it the better results you will see. Dancing is also a great way to connect with your partner, and it will also increase your reflexes along with your overall physical muscle fitness.

A couple of other great fitness workouts that you can make fun are hiking and rock climbing. These are just some of the activities that you can do for fun and get into shape too. Just pick something out that you will like and not hate, be creative and you will achieve your fitness goals. - 17268

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Toned Abs & Compound Movements

By Dan Solaris

As people in developing countries become more affluent and westernized, they get more access to the same products and services long-enjoyed by folks in North America and Western Europe. Fast food is the most obvious cultural import from the West and its proliferation is causing obesity in more countries across the globe.

The first mistake people do in their attempts to lose belly fat and get toned abs is doing ab isolation exercises. Although common-sense may make sit-ups and crunches seem effective in isolating belly fat, getting a lean, flat abdomen takes much more than that.

Leg-raises, sit-ups and crunches do develop and harden the muscles of the midsection, but they don't do really isolate the subcutaneous layer of fat hiding that six pack from full-view. The only way to get flat toned abs is through exercises that burn all-around body fat in the shortest amount of time.

Studies have proven cardiovascular exercise that involves the whole body is most effective in losing excess body fat. The more muscles involved in movement, the more calories burned from stored fat. Eliminate enough body fat and that flabby belly disappears resulting in nicely toned abs.

Whole body exercises that get all the major muscle groups to exert effort get the cardiovascular system to work at high intensities. This not only strengthen the heart and lungs, they also dilate the blood vessels- improving elasticity and blood flow. It also elevates the body's metabolism resulting in even more calories burned long after you've left the gym.

The human body's ability to prevent fat-gain is improved significantly when our metabolism goes up. The higher our metabolism is, the more calories we can burn even while away from the gym. Everyone knows that weight-loss results from burning more calories than we consume from food each day.

Muscle building resistance exercises can also help fight body fat by enabling us to burn more calories. Muscles burn calories even while were not using them. The more muscular a person is therefore, the less time he has to spend in the gym working out.

Whole body cardio exercises, aside from being highly effective in burning massive amounts of calories per session, are also more fun to do. The more a person has fun and looks forward to his workout sessions, the less likely he or she would be prone to get lazy and stop working out. Just as with any other endeavor, consistent exercise is the key to losing fat and getting toned abs with good definition. - 17268

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Is Accelerated Fat Loss Healthy

By Ron C George

Many people need to lose some weight, that's become a fact of life. All you need to do is walk around where people hang out, you'll notice the fat overweight people where ever you look. Maye you should even look in the mirror, unfortunately for most you'll likely see it there too. If you've made fast weight loss your goal, keep a few simple things in mind to take off the pounds quickly and safely.

Skipping meals is one of the first things people often try when they want to lose weight. It makes sense, right, cut out the calories by eating one fewer meal. Doesn't weight loss come with eating less calories? Yes, but skipping meals is a mistake, not the right way to reduce calories. When you skip meals your body goes into starvation mode. It starts to retain fat to counteract what it perceives as a shortage of food. When you skip meals you'll end up hungrier at the next meal.

Another problem with skipping meals is that when you finally eat you'll be a lot more hungry. The result is binge eating. Skipping meals is the worst of both worlds that results in gaining even more weight. Don't do it.

Have a plan on how much to eat. Portion control is just as important as eating the right food. Too much of even a healthy food will still result in weight gain. It's hard to do when large portions are so common. Restaurants serve over large portions, as do most people at home. Sources such as the FDA list recommended daily allowances. If you must eat out, keep portion size in mind. You'll likely have to cut down on what a restaurant serves.

Replace white foods such as white bread, white rice and sugar with whole grain foods. Whole grains are lower in fat and higher in nutrients. The fiber in whole grains helps you become full faster, and feel fuller longer. Also whole grains contain many nutrients that are often lacking in people's diets.

Consume more water (H2O). Substitute soda and juice with water since that juice and soda adds 90,000 calories to an average person's diet every year. Drink water between meals too. In fact, the goal is 8 glasses of water each day. It seems like a lot, but it's not. Drinking water also promotes health in general by keeping you well hydrated and cool.

Make sure if you snack in between meals that the food is healthy. The body requires food every 3 to four 4 to maintain the correct blood sugar levels. Eating healthy snacks, such as fruits, helps control eating at meal times.

Fast weight loss is realistic with some knowledge and planning. It won't be long before you're slimmer and trimmer. - 17268

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Supplements are no shortcuts when it comes to muscle building

By Jon Cardozo

I've become a big fan of setting goals, and there are a few important concepts I think we all should keep in mind. One of the things I learned is that you should break a goal into smaller goals which are easier to achieve. You should also identify your obstacles in advance and make a plan to overcome them. Perhaps the most important concept when it comes to setting goals, however, is the ability to think in terms of future consequences and long-term results.

When I look back on my successes and failures in life, I noticed a trend which is a little bit disturbing. Too many times I've focused on short term results. If a new project wasn't yielding significant progress immediately, I would pretty much eliminate it right away. I gave up on many worthwhile projects easily, because I got bored or distracted. I suppose that many people are like me and tend to abandon a goal very quickly. You may be wondering what the connection is with strength training or muscle building.

When it comes to trying to build muscle, too many people are spending their precious time trying to find that perfect supplement that will take care of all their needs. Instead of focusing on the most important concepts, they try to find a shortcut so they don't have to do the work.

In order to better understand this, it's helpful to look into the psychology behind muscle building supplements. That is, it's helpful to understand why people purchase them.

If supplements are not necessary for muscle building, why are they so popular? I think the main reason is that many beginners (and perhaps a few veterans who should know better) are looking for an easy solution. If you look around in our society today, most people seem to be focused on short term gratification and not on long-term happiness. They look for the easy way out and are easily distracted by a new trend or fad. It is crucial for any beginning bodybuilder to understand that the fundamentals are all about proper workout techniques and a solid nutrition plan.

Many experts trainers who have the muscles to back up their theories are warning us about trying to rely on supplements. Supplements will have only a slight benefit for the advanced bodybuilder, and they might have zero benefit for a beginner.

Even if you're an advanced trainer, supplements are only going to help slightly. The fundamental components have not changed and never will. Resistance training and nutrition may not be that glamorous, but they are the fundamentals that will help you achieve success.

It may be more exciting to look for that special supplement that will magically deliver the results you are looking for, but in the long run a trainee looking for shortcuts will surely be disappointed. This lesson applies not only to bodybuilding and strength training; rather, it is a valuable lesson that can help you reach any goal you set. If you've done the research and gained the necessary knowledge, and if you set your goal properly (more on this later), then you can be certain that you're on your way to accomplishing your objective. Do not be discouraged if your initial results are disappointing -focus on the cumulative effects of your daily actions and what this will bring you in the months to come. - 17268

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Too Busy to Exercise? Try This...

By Martin Knight

What if it was really possible to:

* lose fat

* build muscle,

* have more energy

* look better and

* feel better

with just three workouts a week, 45 minutes each.

At Fitness-Programs-Review, we test and review all the major fitness programs on the internet. Here are a few things you might want to know about the program that we rated #1.

--The #1 program contains time efficient, research proven workouts that boost muscle growth and blowtorch body fat.

--You will lose fat AND gain muscle with just 3 short workouts a week.

--You will need LESS time to see MORE results.

--You can do these workouts inside your own home. No more boring treadmill or cardio workouts. No more wasting money and time at the gym.

--The #1 program is endorsed by elite trainers and top fitness magazines because it just plain works. Recently, it was endorsed by Jillian Michaels from the TV show, the Biggest Loser.

--Thousands of men and women have gained improved health, more energy, and a more attractive body with the #1 program.

--The #1 program is ideal for busy men and women who are looking for dramatic results, but don't have a lot of time to work out.

--The author of the #1 program has invested 6 years of University study; 16 years of hands-on, in the trenches gym experience; over 5,318 personal training sessions; and careful study of over 723 medical research papers in creating the program.

--Exercise science has advanced dramatically just in the last two decades. The latest fat loss research, which the #1 program is based on, allows you to lose more fat while keeping your hard-earned muscle, and doing so with far less time than ever before.

--More is usually not better. For example, endless hours of long, slow, boring cardio exercises will rarely help you achieve your fat loss goals, and can lead to injuries.

--With the #1 program, you will skyrocket your post-workout metabolism, allowing you to burn TWICE as many calories as you would with traditional cardio workouts.

--Unlike outdated workouts, high intensity strength training with the #1 program builds muscle simultaneously with burning fat.

Your time is precious, so why waste it with workouts that don't WORK?

And why settle for having less energy and stamina when you can be as energetic as you like?

You've only got one body...

...are you treating it as well as you can?

Are you happy with your body just the way it is?

Or would you like to lose fat, gain muscle, and get into the best shape of your life in just 45 minutes a day, three days per week?

By the way, the #1 program is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you, you can return it for a 100% refund, even after 7 weeks of trial. - 17268

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Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Moderation Throughout

By Dan Solaris

Society has long acknowledged fit individuals with well-defined muscular physique- even more so now. They're used as models for all sorts of things from clothes to cars and fitness products because let's face it- they're the envy of unfit masses around the world.

Watching movies that star Brad Pitt, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hugh Jackman, it's easy to get the impression that lean and muscular individuals are a dime a dozen in the U.S. Strolling on American beaches during summertime however, one realizes that it's quite the opposite.

Figures recently collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that 66% of adult Americans are overweight. Given the unhealthy fast track lives most of us lead, it's not really surprising. We spend most of our waking hours on our butts- in our office chairs, in our vehicles and at home on the couch or the computer chair.

Indeed, the creature comforts technology has allowed us to enjoy has made lazy, inactive sloths out of countless folks. The delicious morsels we munch on while watching other people with six packs on Baywatch re-runs aren't helping things either.

You know what? We aren't at all helpless. It may seem impossible but getting lean enough to get a well-defined six pack on our midsections is just a matter of finding the right workout that fits with a tight schedule.

Everyone knows that weight-training is the best way to form additional muscle and improve one's physique. However, it's a little-known fact that it plays a bigger role in eliminating belly fat to bring-out a well defined abdomen. Adding muscle tissue to one's frame actually increases the body's metabolic rate thereby increasing the amount of calories burned throughout the day.

Creating a calorie deficit will become that much easier by increasing our BMR through intense exercises. Cardio exercises are known to be the best method for burning calories from body fat, but experts have discovered that intense anaerobic exercise (resistance training with little rest) can be effective for burning loads of calories in less short time.

The increased muscle tissue we gain from resistance training improves our metabolism and already increases our body's ability to burn calories. Increasing the intensity of weight-training by shortening the rest periods between sets will result in even more calories burned because of EPOC (excessive post-workout oxygen consumption). This will let us shorten our workout sessions effectively and get us out of the gym faster. Always remember that moderation in eating means moderation in working-out. - 17268

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Acai Fruit Berry Compounds Prove Effective in Cancer Study

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

Research has identified elements of acai fruit berry with chemo preventive potential that could aid in the promising eradication of cancer.

Researchers acknowledged that anthocyanins which are a collection of flavonoids originating in acai berry fruit, prohibited development and encouraged apoptosis in the throats of rats treated with an esophageal carcinogen. The finding provides robust verification that anthocyanins are fundamental for cancer prevention.

The researchers fed rats an anthocyanin-rich extract of acai fruit and documented that the compound was right away efficient in relation to as successful in hindering esophageal cancer in rats and as a sum total acai fruit berry contained the same absorption of anthocyanins.

This lesson shows the overall value of anthocyanins as protecting agents in acai fruit and confirming the same results. This study was amid the foremost studies to take a look at the relationship involving anthocyanins as a cancer hindrance.

The researchers created a series of scientific trials by using the entire acai fruit berry powder, which has shown some promising results however required patients to obtain up to 60 grams of powder a day.

At current, it is understood anthocyanins in acai fruit berries are just about as active as the complete acai fruit berry themselves; it is the expectation of the researchers to be able to put a stop to cancer in humans using a uniform creation of anthocyanin.

The aspiration is to potentially substitute whole acai berry fruit powder by way of its active compounds and consequently create enhanced ways to allocate these components to tissues, to supplement their uptake and effectiveness.

In the end, it is the hopes and expectations of the researchers to test the anthocyanins for helpfulness in several organ sites in humans.

Acai fruit is about the size of a large blueberry however, outermost layers of the fruit, the pulp bordering a large internal seed, can only be eaten. Comparable to vitamin C, the body can only saturate up so much at an occasion. - 17268

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Fad Diets are the Biggest Mistake You'll Ever Make

By Thong M. Dao

It's not surprising that many people wonder why fad diets are bad when they seem to get results. You'll find many sites on the internet claiming significant weight loss in just a few days.

That is always temporary. It's usually 90% water which will be put straight back on as soon as your body rehydrates, which it must do or else you'll suffer severe health problems or die.

Other fad diets are not so obviously crash diets but they're over hyped diet plans that tend to be fashionable for a while and usually make a lot of money for the inventor in associated product sales.

Good nutrition plans are available. However, why spend money when you can obtain the same information from your doctor for free? On the downside, they can be too difficult to follow, which is why many give up in no time.

Why are fad diets so bad? Read on.

1. Diets that promise quick and easy weight loss are usually based on eating more of one food type and none of another. These do not give the benefits that you would get from a balanced diet.

They may suggest supplements but many supplements are not absorbed by the body unless they are taken along with the foods that the diet has banned. After a few weeks, if you stick to it that long, you may begin to suffer nutritional deficiencies.

2. Boring and restrictive, fad diets always are. Start a fad and you'll see. Forget about happy eating, the fact is you will not enjoy your meals. If that's not bad enough, food cravings will kick in. You will break your diet, feeling guilty and frustrated as you did not lose any weight.

3. American Heart Association, we all know it. However, fad diets do not follow their recommendations. Promoters argue that the diet is for just a short period. So tell me what happens if you do not obtain your weight loss goal in that time? You'll stop dieting and gain your weight back or you'll continue and run the risk of major health issues.

4. Your body needs a wide variety of foods. However, fad diet programs do not always provide you with sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables.

5. Quick weight loss diets are just a temporary solution and do not help you to make permanent changes to your eating habits. Permanent changes are the only way to maintain your target weight once you reach it.

The effects of fad diet are like a roller coaster of weight loss " weight gain, which is bad for your health, not to mention your self-esteem. You would be better off staying overweight all the time.

Publicity materials probably bring you hopes for a couple of days, but over time you'll come to find out that what they're offering will not last a lifetime. The best way to lose weight is nothing fancy - eat healthy foods without overeating and exercise regularly. Stay away from fad diets if you don't want to waste your time and money. - 17268

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