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Friday, August 14, 2009

Expensive Supplements Build Muscle Fast

By John Knight

One can build muscle fast with Creatine which is currently the most popular and effective supplement for bodybuilding. Other popular substances are L-carnitine and chromium. Building muscles involve a well-structured regimen with the right amount of stress and time as well as adequate rest. The right amount of protein is also needed for structural enhancements.

Normally, Creatine is given in daily loading a large dose of many grams for a couple of weeks, and then trimmed to a maintenance dose. The body naturally produces L-carnitine but body-builders need for really high demands for their muscles. Carnitine is expensive, but is also the only substance in the body that handles the final energy-production step in the body of carrying fats from the bloodstream into the energy factories of the body.

MGF or mechano growth factor is another growth hormone that increases muscle mass when applied to elderly men who exercise. Findings show that MGF can treat age-related loss of muscle strength which can lead to increased fragility. MGF may help people who cannot perform intensive exercise due to diseases like muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS, kidney disease or cancer. Mechano growth factor even helps to slow down muscle loss among astronauts during space travel spending long hours in zero gravity.

As people age, the levels of MGF also declines more particularly when inactivated due to lack of intense physical activity. These factors may cause muscle wasting in the elderly people thus treatment with the growth hormone may be beneficial in such cases. The downside effect of MGF in terms of sports is its great potential for doping. Mechano growth factor is produced naturally when muscles are stretched during exercise, activating the stem cells present in the muscle tissue. Once the stem cells are activated, they begin to divide and create additional muscle fibers that cause the increase in size and strength of the muscle.

Your physicians must be consulted first before taking anything to avoid complications. You can also find on the internet a new version which is also expensive but very effective. Professional advice is necessary before undergoing a stressful regimen as well as taking any drug or growth hormone to build muscle fast. - 17268

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Organic - Hype or Real?

By Dick Murray

The "Green Revolution" has the world's attention but with every one hopping on the bandwagon, what does the future hold for the food we eat?

Agribusiness and the multinational food producers over the last 75 years have done a wonderful job of providing substantial amounts of nutritious food for a fast growing world population, but is this scenario sustainable? Currently there is a tremendous amount of debate between organic farmers and conventional farmers who are looking for common answers to this debate.

In many countries including the United States, China and most of Europe; organic farming is defined by law, so that the commercial use of the term organic is regulated by the government. Unfortunately, these laws are constantly usurped by greedy and unscrupulous parties.This is due to the fact that families' demand for organic products in developing economies has grown at about 20% on an annual basis due to of increasing awareness of organic farming methods.

Organic pest control, one of the mainstays of organic farming allows for a certain amount of pest crop damage, it encourages or introduces beneficial organisms, utilizes careful crop selection and crop rotation and mechanical, thermal and mulch controls for weeds. Organic pesticides; which are derived from plants and not chemicals, allow for the use of natural methods of protection.

Conventional farming requires farmers to precisely apply only those necessary fertilizers to the soil in order to minimize waste pollutants. Organic farmers on the other hand do not have that option because they depend on natural supplements such as manure, which contains fixed amounts of various elements which can not be adjusted. The most common problem is over application of these organic fertilizers because of their relative lack of potency. These over applications will very easily lead to pollution of the water supply.

Organic farming proponents claim that the full impact of chemical genetic engineering on food quality and plant and animal health is not yet fully understood. Opponents argue that genetic engineering is vital to create higher volumes of food in the fight to end world hunger without requiring additional land. Often forgotten in this debate, is the fact that true genetic engineering is a technique, also known as grafting and propagation has been used for centuries, and has done much good for mankind.

The pro-organic point of view regarding the environment is that conventional agriculture is depleting our natural resources such as fossil fuels and potable water at a rapid rate and is seriously polluting the air,soil and water. The large quantities of chemicals, water wastage through inefficient high volume irrigation and the fuels required for the farm machinery and long-distance transport to market are some of their arguments. On the other hand the organic farmer using natural compost and manure on a large-scale may cause as much of a burden to groundwater and soil as does chemical fertilizers.

Organic farming is at a crossroads. Even though there are laws that ensure that the rules are the same for producers and consumers, these laws have been found to be full of loopholes that have led to charges being leveled against the major certifiers in our government such as the FDA and the USDA.

If agribusiness can convert to large scale organic farming and will they still be able to make a profit without raising consumer costs to unacceptable levels?

The current food distribution system, as it now stands favors high volume production with large farming corporate operations and will not be easily changed. What we know as organic farming may change very dramatically in the coming years. A growing and aware consumer market will be the main factor driving force encouraging conventional farmers to convert to organic agricultural production methods. I believe this trend will continue.

Families are making their own decisions regarding this argument by doing the only sensible thing; growing their own foodstuffs. The "Green Movement" is not just a slogan. It has become a way of life for those who are choosing unite in making this world a better place to live. - 17268

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The Sanyo DR 7700 Massage Chair

By Jack Pierson

Maybe you have heard about a zero gravity massage chair. There is one I would like to draw your attention to. It is manufactured by Sanyo and it is the model DR 7700. The DR 7700 massage chair is a zero gravity massage recliner. Zero gravity technically means weightlessness. However, in terms of recliners it means that the zero gravity position better distribute the weight of your body keeping minimal pressure on the spine. The Sanyo DR 7700 massage chair is their luxury recliner.

There are a number of luxury massage chairs available on the market today. Sanyo has some of the more advanced features over other models. One of the more advanced features is a new roller head design.

Sanyo is introducing an exclusive new roller pad system. The roller is responsible for massaging the back, neck and shoulders areas. Normally, the rollers are driven by a series of motors. Each motor allows for different movements or massage techniques.

Sanyo developed the exclusive GK rollers for the DR 7700 massage chair. The GK roller system is designed to emulate the grasping and the kneading motions of a master masseuse. These thumb-like rollers provide a firm grasping action.

The DR-7700 massage chair comes with four full body sensor automatic massages. These are full body preprogrammed massages. They work off a single button and provide you with different types of massages to suit different needs.

Many massage chairs can be not so comfortable to sit in when the massage is not running. The Sanyo massage chair is okay to sit in without the massage going. It does have an extendable leg rest which helps better accommodate taller people.

One interesting feature of the DR 7700 is the new stiffness sensor. The stiffness sensor system works with a secondary remote. The remote has a mouse where you cup your hand over this device. The stiffness sensor works in conjunction with the LCD on the remote. It displays areas of stiffness on your body.

Although the concept of the stiffness system sounds interesting, it seems a little redundant after the first or second time. There is a figurine on the LCD which lights up with all your stress points. The computer then systematically removes those irritating points until the LCD is clear.

If you would like to relieve tired and aching feet, then use the Sanyo multipoint foot shiatsu massage. This unique massage system utilizes be airbags in the foot wells. It delivers a compression type massage around the calves and ankles. This provides relief to tired and aching feet.

The strength and effectiveness of the massage of the DR 7700 massage chair seems to light for my needs. A massage chair needs to deliver a strong and firm massage. Patents can be used as necessary to soften the massage for more sensitive users. However, the massage cannot be made stronger later. This is something to check out for your self and how it will meet your long term health needs.

The DR 7700 massage chair by Sanyo is the top-of-the-line. This luxury model incorporates many exciting electronic features. It also has some advanced roller technology for a shoulder massage. Sanyo is heading in the right direction with many of its therapeutic features. The DR 7700 massage chair by Sanyo is one of the best massage chairs on the market today. - 17268

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Why Do You Have Swelling after Workout?

By Jesse Regan

Most of us have probably experienced muscle swelling or soreness after a workout. Although this doesn't happen all the time, muscle swelling often happens after having intense work outs. But what causes muscle swelling in the first place?

Swelling of muscles is the most definite result of very intense work outs like great speed on the tracks, ever tiring star climber, and heavy weight lifting. Every time our muscles work, lactic acid is released as a byproduct of muscle metabolism. This certain byproduct goes through the muscles that produce an effect of discomfort leading to muscle swelling. Fortunately, muscle soreness caused by the said byproduct only lasts for a few hours or less than a day. When a certain muscle swelling is observed for several days, it has a totally different cause.

Every time our muscles are forced to work on exercises way over their capacities, microscopic damages occur. From this, prostaglandins, white blood cells, and other fluids and nutrients rush into the muscles to aid recovery. Our muscles then swell the moment these certain elements gush through them. Furthermore, the said elements continue to flow through our muscles until full recovery is achieved. The duration of the muscle's recovery goes on for days depending on the damage it had contracted from the work out. This is the main reason why some muscle swellings continue to preside from 2 to 5 days.

Some gym goers believe that muscle swelling is a vital factor for the development of muscles. However, whether you have muscle swelling or not, muscles still do grow as well as your strength. On the other hand, there are certain bad effects that are caused by muscle swelling like limited strength, difficulty in walking, and being uncomfortable for several days.

One common remedy for muscle swelling is an anti-inflammatory drug. But this type of drug has a varied effect depending on its timing. Previously conducted studies have shown that taking an anti-inflammatory drug like ibuprofen before a workout has more positive effects on the swelling compared to taking the drug after the exercises. Another wrong belief is that some people trust solely on pre-stretches in preventing some muscle swellings. But there were some studies that have proven the ineffectiveness of pre-stretches with regards to muscle swelling.

Probably the best and the most relaxing remedy for muscle swelling is a massage. Several careful investigations have found out that those who received massages after their work outs experience 30% less soreness on their muscles compared to those who have not. But you may have some confusion in within you as to whether or not continue your work out even when you have muscle swelling. If you do have one, it is best if you know the exact muscles that have swelling. After which, you can then try those muscles on some light exercises. If the soreness of your muscle seems to have no effect on your workout performance, you can then proceed on the full work out itself. But if swelling happens to get worse, it is much preferable to stop the work out and have some rest. It is important to bear in mind that damaged muscles require more time for them to fully recover before they start growing. It is necessary for you to have more valuable information about make money from home if you're aiming for fitness. - 17268

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Energizing Acupressure Massage Contain By Massage Chairs

By Eric Manus

Many traditional forms of medicine are only now starting to be empirically validated by Western Science. Now many of the Eastern forms of healing are starting to go more mainstream in the health care industry. Take acupressure which derived from acupuncture. Acupressure uses the application of firm pressure to help manipulate the energy flow in the body. Now massage chair recliners have built technologies that integrated the use of acupressure.

You may have seen some of the acupressure maps made of the human body. They show various points along certain pathways of how the body is interrelated. These points are known as trigger points. The trigger points help to regulate the energy flow in the body. Sometimes these trigger points can become blocked. Acupressure massage applies a given technique to release the flow for given trigger points. These techniques are know to bring the recipient harmony and wellbeing.

Massage therapist are highly trained to locate and manipulate an individual's trigger points. Now these methodologies have been integrated into the best massage chairs. The top massage recliner brands like Omega, Panasonic and Sanyo offer acupressure massage therapy. They have developed advanced technologies that can locate and then focus on these areas. These mechanical masseuses can systematically hit your regions in need of attention.

Everybody is unique and thanks to technology today, so will you acupressure massage. Top massage therapists know to adjust the massage to suit each individual. This same logic has been integrated into the best massage chairs. These recliners chart your body to find your trigger points. This information is compiled into a virtual map. The program in the recliner then provides a massage based on your own virtual map. Imagine your chair honing in on your specific trouble areas providing relief.

Some people love massages to just tune out the world. It is a peaceful and relaxing experience as you close your eyes and listen to the soft music. Let its undulating rhythms and tempos take you to your special place. Just slip on the headphones and use the recliner's MP3 player to make your own spa environment. Close your eyes and let your mechanical masseuse work their iron fingers to your heart's content.

The acupressure massage helps to encourage the flow of blood and lymph. The increased flow of blood and lymph increase energy and help the body to heal. Additionally, some of the benefits of acupressure massage are the following:

Less muscle discomfort; Increases in joint mobility; Improved flexibility; More positive outlook

The tradition of acupressure runs deep in the East. Western science is finally catching up with some of these long held healing processes. This nexus of East meets West is certainly in the best massage chairs. The real benefits from massage therapy come from getting it on a frequent basis. This is where massage chairs bridge this challenge by providing great therapy at a economical cost. Continuous massage therapy at the touch of a button. - 17268

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Common Coriolus Mushroom vs. Cancer

By Dr. Markho Rafael

The mushroom Coriolus versicolor (Turkey Tail Mushroom) is the most ubiquitous mushroom in the world. It grows on fallen trees and stumps from the sub-arctic to the tropics.

So considering these vastly different environments and all the other fungi and bacteria it has to compete with for survival, it's a qualified guess the Coriolus has a strong immune system, with an array of potential medicinal compounds.

Traditional Chinese physicians frequently prescribe Coriolus for hepatoma and some types of jaundice. [160] Modern medicine is best acquainted with it through Krestin, an Asian cancer drug based on the Coriolus extracted compound PSK. [188]

Two studies out of Japan reported increased rate of survival from gastric cancer, among 486 patients, when PSK was added to the standard chemotherapy treatment. [161, 162, 163] PSK has also been reported to reduce cancer recurrence and metastasis. [161, 162, 164]

Two other polysaccharides from Coriolus versicolor extract have been found to have an inhibitory effect on leukemia. The polysaccharide CVP was shown to inhibit leukemia cell proliferation without any negative effect on normal lymphocytes. [165, 166, 167] Another smaller polysaccharide named SPCV also had an inhibitory effect on leukemia cells. [168]

Coriolus versicolor extract appears to combat cancer in two ways:

1) By directly inhibiting cancer cell growth and proliferation.

2) By enhancing Natural Killer (NK) cell activity. [169, 170, 171] Natural killer cells are a critical part of the human immune system's fight against cancer.

PSK is used in Asia to treat cervical cancer in conjunction with standard radiation therapy, through which it has been shown to increase survival rate. [134] In a 2001 U.S. study at the New York Medical College, it was also shown to decrease tumor growth in hormone responsive prostate cancer. [172]

Other cancer types where PSK shows promising results include lung, breast and colon cancer, [25, 173] but not Sarcoma 180. [174]

PSK is also a powerful antibiotic, specifically against Listeria monocytogenes, Candida albicans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Cryptococcus neoformans and Staphylococcus aureus. [175, 176, 177, 178, 179]

Another compound (PSP) isolated from Coriolus versicolor has been shown to inhibit HIV replication [180] and infection [181] under lab conditions. It has not been tested on live patients.

In 1995, a study on rheumatoid arthritis and PSK reported normalization of immune function. [182]

In the book Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms, Paul Stamets mentions being aware of several individuals with Hepatitis C reporting relief of symptoms from using medicinal mushroom tea. He specifically relates a case of a man with swollen liver and spleen starting on a daily regimen of tea made from Coriolus versicolor (Turkey Tail Mushroom) and Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi). After two weeks, the swelling went down and liver enzymes normalized. His HCV value went from 1.3 million to 140,000. [183]

Coriolus versicolor is also a rich source of antioxidants and has been reported to help the spleen recover from radiation therapy induced injury. [189]

Last but not least, Paul Stamets in his book Mycelium Running also list the following two areas where research indicates Coriolus versicolor may be beneficial: Uterine cancer; kidney health. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by medical doctor.

Credit to Paul Stamets for research and source material. - 17268

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Sit Up Bench - How To Avoid Injuries And Build Strength

By Sean Luna

The sit up bench is designed for enhancing and toning the upper arms, abdomen and the thighs. These benches generally have a couple of upright racks on the one end that supports the weights and barbell. This bench is created to accommodate the customer, who can either lie or sit on it, usually with the legs on one side while lifting barbell with the help of arms.

There are many types of weight benches, some of them given here. Names of these benches are preacher curl weight bench, dumbbell weight bench, Olympic weight bench and abs weight bench.

Dumbbell Weight Bench: Unlike Barbells, dumbbells are used in Dumbbell Weight Bench. In most cases Barbell rack is not attached with it but it the form of flat bench it gives along the whole apparatus. Different models of it are available in the market, some has bendable upper half, which provides variety of intensities and angles. Leg press and preacher curl attachments are the additional features of Dumbbell Weight Bench.

Instead of applying barbells, the dumbbell bench uses dumbbells. It usually does not have a barbell rack and often comes in a shape of a simple flat bench. There are some models of this bench that includes an adjustable upper half, allowing different angles and intensities.

Preacher curl and leg press are additional features in dumbbell weight lifting benches. Dumbbell and preacher curl sit up bench does not provide support to a bigger bar that is why they are not considered suitable for weightlifters. Unlike the other two types Olympic weight benches can handle larger rods. This is the reason, they are usually used in gym centers and are said to be best for weightlifters.

Abs weight bench is applied to tone abdomen. It gives a platform to perform curl-ups. One end of this weight lifting benches contains foot grips and is easily adjustable to their requirement. While buying weight bench, select the one that is according to your budget. If you know the correct usage of weight bench then you can easily build your muscles firmer and stronger with routine exercises.

Carry out dumbbell and barbell bench presses via four sets of 8 to 12 reps, do it for 3 to 5 weeks after this move to 5 sets of 5 reps for some weeks for proper periodization. This whole process will be done by setting the sit up bench into flat position. Now switch the bench to decline position and use dumbbells for bench presses.

At initial stages use low volume approach e.g. 6 sets of 3 reps, then switch to less concentration and advanced reps and improved rate e.g. 4 sets of 15 reps, now again move towards the flat position and do the same thing again. Same procedure will be equally fine for other complex movements like db rows, bench rows, and shoulder presses. - 17268

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4 Common Nutritional Pitfalls Of Women Losing Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

From the food industry's perspective, profit comes before your health. This is just the way it is. It seems as though they are conspiring against your arm fat mission. If only you could see the things I have unearthed during my career

You see, a very LARGE portion of what the food industry sells and markets is unacceptably unhealthy for the female body. Combine this with some bad food preparation habits and you have a recipe for arm fat meltdown.

And the central issue here is that most women in this deceiving day and age do NOT have the appropriate resources to find the nuggets of truth. You don't have 4 years of time and thousands in disposable income to get a degree in nutrition!

So here are 4 arm fat nutrition mistakes:

1. Charring food. If you cook something till the point that it's very black, then expect an increase in colon cancer risk. Seriously. There is NO reason to blacken food. So try to avoid over-barbecuing things and definitely avoid frying things.

2. Having lunch meat. Lunch meat is ultra convenient. Unfortunately, the convenience comes at a steep price: colon cancer. The nitrates found in most lunch meats are extremely unhealthy. There are far better sources of protein out there.

3. Overdosing with sweeteners. Get rid of fat arms the healthy way and do NOT consume large amounts of sweeteners. One study showed a 30% increase in cancer from very high sweetener intake. Only use sweeteners in moderation. Also, many products you consume on a regular basis already have sweeteners in them.

4. Water shock. Ok, what I'm referring to here is the all too common practice of only drinking water in single sittings. You see, in order to stay properly hydrated you have to drink small amounts of water in between meals throughout the entire day.

Losing arm fat can be healthy and fun. Follow my above tips to bring you one step closer to sexy arm success. Ignore the marketing hype and false advertising created by the food industry and stick to the facts. Only then will you get toned arms the right way! - 17268

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Cardiovascular Exercise The Key To Health

By Ricardo d Argence

When considering your overall health and fitness level cardiovascular exercise is just as important as anaerobic, lifting weights. Cardio workouts are responsible for getting your heart rate up and increasing the blood flow through your entire body.

Basically cardiovascular exercise is something for the entire body in that you should work up a sweat, breathe a bit harder and get your heart rate jumping all at the same time, at least ideally.

A good cardio routine has many benefits the number one being working the most important muscle and organ of the body, the heart. During cardio workouts, you should raise your pulse rate and keep it raised for a minimum time period, which increases your fitness and thereby increases overall health and well-being.

It cannot be stressed enough that before you begin an exercise program you should see the doctor. Your physician can check to make sure there are no medical reasons why you cannot begin a rigorous fitness regimen.

However, one of the most commonly noted and popular benefits of doing cardiovascular exercise is that it burns off excess calories and can help you lose weight. It'll also give you an overall "toning" for your entire body.

The benefits of a cardio routine do not stop there! Not only will you burn extra calories during your workout but also you will continue to burn more calories when at rest. Recent studies suggest that this added burn can continue for up to 18 hours after you complete your routine.

While you are toning and getting fit your body will naturally begin to burn more calories and at a faster rate. The main reason for this is that as your fitness level rises you gain muscle and lose fat; it is a proven fact that muscle burns more calories even while you are sitting on the couch.

Another benefit of cardiovascular exercises that it releases the so-called "feel-good" hormones called endorphins. Endorphins are your body's natural opiates, and they can also help ease depression.

That being said if you have spent a good amount of time living a sedentary lifestyle do not try to go for the gusto all at once. This can cause significant injury and will only set you back. Injuries must have time to heal and this will take time away from getting fit.

Be sure that you visit your physician before you start a routine to be sure you are ready for vigorous activities. Even once you receive a green light from your doctor, you should not barge into a full-blown hour workout. The best thing you can do is start slow and small by taking a brisk ten-minute walk every day. Do not get discouraged if ten minutes is a bit much, five minutes is a good starting place as well. The main idea is to get moving and increase your exercise as you go.

At about the two-week mark you will begin to notice something peculiar happening. You will all of a sudden have more energy, better sleep and fewer cravings for junk foods. Overall, you will simply feel better. One surprising effect will be when you notice your attitude and mood are much more positive.

As you progress toward your fitness goals, you are going to have to increase your challenges to keep moving forward. Remember when you do a cardio workout you should always break a sweat and be breathing harder by the time it is over. Go for around 20 minutes per day at least five days per week.

If you want to really supercharge your progress with a cardio program, you might want to consider making a few other health related changes. Diet and exercise always go hand in hand but have you considered the importance of proper hydration, getting enough sleep and many other health related changes? The bottom line is once you have a good beginning on cardio you will never want to look back. - 17268

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Get a Natural Energy Boost with Acai Berry

By Maxine Schill

Perhaps the greatest claim for the acai (ah-sigh-ee) berry juice and supplements which are taking the world by storm is the excellent energy boosting properties being claimed from many of its users. Many claim to see results after just one or two weeks of taking the product. In addition to improved digestion, users claimed sharpening of their mental abilities and better sleep.

It may sound a little far fetched but did you know that these fruits contain more protein than an egg? They contain multi vitamin and have a high concentration of lipids " the energy booster noted earlier. The anti oxidant levels are even thirty times higher than that found in grapes and wine which for a long period was known as a good supplement for heart health.

The cholesterol levelers incorporated in the acai berry have been found to be significantly more effective than those of most other natural supplements on the market presently. The importance of this little berry can be evident once you see it contains antioxidants which are good for heart and blood circulation.

And it doesn't stop there. The absorbtion of important oils into connective tissue is encouraged by the vitamins and minerals found in the 'super' food. What is the meaning of it? Plain and simple, the body absorbs more of the vital oils required for muscle development and pliability - wonderful news for anybody who is afflicted with arthritis and similar ailments.

You just have to add this little magic berry in your diet to make it more healthy. Don't you want to have more energy, have a sharper mind, feel more awake and know for certain that your heart is receiving a daily boost?

Doctors and scientists have yet to confirm all of the claims being made but in the meantime it couldn't hurt to try out this juice or supplement for yourself. Try taking your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and weight before you start and monitor yourself over a month or so. In this way you won't have to wait for someone else to tell you that you are getting healthier! - 17268

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Good Diet Equals Health

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

There is substantial research that shows a Mediterranean diet provides protection against type 2 diabetes.

Mediterranean meals are rich in olive oil, grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish, but have very little meat, dairy, or alcohol.

Current evidence suggests that such a diet has a protective role in cardiovascular disease, but little is known about how this diet effects those with type 2 diabetes.

Researchers gathered 13,000 graduates from the University of Navarra in Spain with no history of diabetes and recruited between December 1999 and November 2007; each graduate had their dietary habits and health were subsequently tracked.

To start the study off, the graduates all completed a questionnaire designed by the developers of the project. The questions were summarized at 136 and asked the participants specific questions that related to how they cooked, what types of oils they used, and their dietary supplements.

Researchers were able to gather information from the participant's lifestyle, risk factors, diet, and other medical conditions by administering a series of questionnaires every two years. From this data, scientist were able to pick up cases of the 13,000 that developed diabetes.

During the follow-up period (median 4.4 years) the researchers from the University of Navarra found that participants who stuck closely to the diet had a lower risk of diabetes. A high adherence to the diet was associated with an 83% relative reduction in the risk of developing diabetes.

Interestingly, those participants who stuck strictly to the diet also were thought to have the highest risk factors for diabetes, premature aging, a family history of diabetes, and a higher proportion of ex-smokers.

This assumption proved to be false; If fact, say the authors, they had a lower risk of diabetes, suggesting that the diet might provide substantial protection.

The primary compounds of the diet include a high intake of fiber, vegetable fat, trans fatty acids, and a moderate intake of alcohol.

A key element of the diet is the abundant use of virgin oil for cooking, frying, spreading on bread, and dressing salads.

The researchers concluded by calling for larger members and trials to confirm their findings. - 17268

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Is Buying Home Fitness Equipment The Right Choice For Me?

By John James

Home fitness equipment has never been so popular and there is a huge range to choose from. Do not make the mistake of buying apparatus and then forgetting why you bought it, however. Before you decide on anything specific, think about it carefully.

A lot of fitness equipment is promoted through television ads. Keep in mind that you will never be told the whole truth, so don't let the adverts fool you. When you are willing to buy equipment for your home gym, give yourself some time to think about your preferences and don't let your choices be influenced by commercials.

Remember that home fitness equipment is designed to perform different tasks and you will need to work out just what parts of your body you intend to train. If you have other outside physical activities then hopefully the equipment will help you train for these. The problem is that buying the equipment is the easy bit, it is actually using it that takes determination.

Always remember that the cost of an item is no guarantee it will be used so think about this before you hand over your credit card. If this were the case there wouldn't be so many ads in the classified section of the paper each week! Once you have set yourself an upper limit to the amount you want to spend, find the best you can for the amount you have available.

You could also try choosing cheaper alternatives but do not sacrifice the quality of the equipment. The first place you may want to try to pick up a bargain is in the local classified adverts where they offer nearly new equipment at a low price. If this doesn't work, be sure to check the stores as well, as ex-demonstration home fitness equipment will often be for sale at a massive discount from time to time, as they are waiting for new stock to arrive.

When thinking of creating your own personal home gym, it is crucial to estimate how much space will be needed. Also, being aware of your current fitness level is important. Starting to work out regularly may be a shock to your body if it is out of shape, so asking for your doctor's permission first is usually a good idea.

Joining a local gym and learning how to work out properly and at the same time getting used to the gym equipment is also a good way to start. You can then decide which of the two options suits you more: training at the professional gym or having your own fitness equipment and working out at home. If you find it hard to decide on the type of a product, asking a fitness instructor for advice might help you make the right choice. - 17268

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