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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Competitive Bodybuilders Have Reached an Important Milestone

By Courtney Hayes

"Strong Man Acts" moved to North America in the 1800's and are credited with inspiring what is known today as bodybuilding. In that day, a strongman meant someone who displayed his physical prowess, ordinarily as a circus stunt man. If you wanted to see a strongman performance, including bench pressing, steel bending and breaking iron chains, you would have to go to the circus. Although bodybuilding did not yet exist, many 19th century strongmen had well-built bodies and even sold photographs of themselves flexing and posing. Nowadays, the term strongman refers to competitors in assorted strength competitions (besides making your muscles big enough to entertain the thought of lifting rocks, trucks or rolling massive tires around).

Using a combination of different exercises to develop physique and muscle fiber is what is referred to as bodybuilding. (mainly weight training) as well as diet plan. However, not every bodybuilder is in it for the competition. Points are assigned based on muscle tone, muscle mass and muscle definition as well as appearance by the judges of the spot.

Relatively new sport of competitive bodybuilding are presented below,the principal landmarks in the development of it.

* Although two weightlifting events were included in the first modern Olympics of 1896, contemporary bodybuilding really began with a Prussian by the name of Eugene Sandow who invented many present day bodybuilding techniques as well as many of the first exercise equipment for the masses (tension bands, machined dumbbells etc).

* On September 14, 1901, Sandow organized the first ever bodybuilding competition, the Great Competition, held at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Sandow's manager was Florenz Ziegfeld, and the 1936 Oscar winning film, The Great Ziegfeld, tells some of the story of the beginning of modern bodybuilding.

* During Sandow's time, the Grecian Ideal was a term used to describe the perfect physique as represented in the classical proportions of ancient Greek and Roman statues. Competitors were scored based on how closely they matched these proportions during the early days of competitive bodybuilding. Sandow used these standards to develop his own physique.

* The North American equivalent to Sandow was a gentleman whose name was Bernarr Macfadden. Macfadden put forth a great deal of effort to increase his strength (when he was younger he was often ill and weak), he got his start through selling exercise equipment. Women's fitness was also something he believed in. (a novel idea at the time). His magazine, Women's Physical Development, was first published in 1900. Shortly thereafter,it was renamed Beauty and Health. Macfadden established a number of healthatoriums (institutions that provided physical educational programs) all over the eastern and mid-western United States.

* The first bodybuilding competition of this kind was put on by Macfadden on January 16, 1904 in the U.S at Madison Square Garden, New York City. Two of the terms used to describe it were Physique Contest and Physique competition (other than weight competitions, strength exhibitions or athletic feats) this was the main focus point of the show. Al Treloar, who was announced The Most Perfectly Developed Man in the World, won. The notable Charles Adams in 1921 and 1922 acquired fame as did other several participants in later Macfadden bodybuilding competitions.

* The first major international bodybuilding competition was the Mr. Universe contest, founded in 1947, followed by the Mr. Olympia contest in 1965.

Muscle mass was added to the ideal bodybuilder aesthetic, between the years of 1940 and 1970, as well as the criteria of symmetry and definition of the muscles, this lead to this time period being called the Golden Age of Bodybuilding. The Second World War is credited with having influenced the trend toward bigger, stronger and more aggressive attitudes. Arnold Schwarzenegger played a bodybuilder in the 1977 film, Pumping Iron, this helped to bring bodybuilding into the public eye even more.

* Bodybuilding competitions for women began in the 1970s (however a small number of ladies had been participants in previous competitions put together by Macfadden in America)

* The International Olympic Committee granted provisional status to the sport of competitive bodybuilding in 1998 but has not yet approved it.

* With advancements in technology, bodybuilders are more massive today than they have ever been. Many competitors in today's bodybuilding competitions weigh over 250 pounds and have less than 5% body fat. - 17268

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What are the Alternative Treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

By Michael Byrd

Have you ever experienced a feeling of being so tired all the time? You could be having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There are more than a million Americans who have this debilitating disease and around 80% of them are not even aware that they have such condition, according to a study conducted by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Do you think you are one of them?

Then maybe, you or somebody you know may be diagnosed of having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). If this is so, the best way to get rid of the problem is to use alternative therapies which are highly effective.

Even if you always feel tired, you cannot just conclude that you already have CFS. Profound exhaustion, inability to concentrate and sleep problems are symptoms which can tell between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and pure tiredness, according to Dr. Julie Gerberding, CDC director. Sufferers of CSF may also experience flu-like symptoms.

The symptoms felt by a person with CFS can be similar to diseases that also make a person experience fatigue, like Fibromyalgia, chronic mononucleosis, neurasthenia, encephalomyelitis and multiple chemical sensitivities, according to Dr. Gerberding. Poor nutrition can of course be one main reason for fatigue, but some other health problems may contribute to it, like improper digestion, allergies to food, obesity, tension, depression, insomnia, alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking.

The feeling of physical and mental fatigue brought about by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be very difficult to the extent that it prevents a person from doing things that they normally do from day to day. No amount of rest can be sufficient to make them feel better. However, some basic lifestyle changes and a diet consisting of whole food nutrients may be implemented to help prevent and even reverse CFS symptoms.

Initially, a switch to a diet that is more wholesome, particularly one that includes a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains is advised. As a source of protein, cold water fish that is high in omega-3 oils and lean, free ranging poultry may be used. Adequate amounts of pure and clean water is also needed, while processed, salty and sweet foods need to be avoided. The diet should be restricted of sugar, alcohol, coffee, tea, sodas, and fruit drinks. If you happen to be a smoker, quit now.

Jumpstart by finding ways that can remove you from stressful activities and see to it that you get enough time to rest. It also helps if you begin a regular exercise regimen. At the start, it may seem impossible, but exercises can relieve you of stress and it is essential for alternative treatment. Make sure that you set a goal, but do not be too harsh on yourself, take it step by step and gradually move up towards your objective.

Even if you do all of the things that you must do, you may seem to fall short of the nutrients that you get from the food that you eat. The CDC recommends that you include supplements in your diet. I would recommend the use of natural, whole food supplements which includes essential oils that is important for a healthy body.

I have constantly seen this alternative therapy do wonders for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia or just plain exhaustion. Patients who really follow the guidelines get the best results. They can never feel any better and they not continue to enjoy their life minus the fatigue. - 17268

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The Truth About Building Muscle - An Honest Review

By Westy

This program will help you to gain the results that you are after in your muscle building program. You will learn some of the best information on nutrition that is available in a muscle building program. When you use the approaches to eating that are illustrated in this program, you will be able to reach your goals in a record amount of time. There is information on the most appropriate time to eat so that you achieve the best possible results. The program will not only tell you what you should eat, but when you should eat as well. The program goes on to give some valuable information about supplements and how to use them effectively in your program.

The importance of recovery and rest periods are seldom discussed in bodybuilding. This program has dedicated an entire chapter to the importance of good quality rest. You must learn how to let your body recover from injuries and your program in order to obtain the best results from the routine.

The program is very well thought through and creator Sean has thought of every possible obstacle that you might have to overcome. The list of the questions that could be asked in the program are covered completely and there is no doubt an answer to many of the questions that you might have while you are working this program. You can find these answers to your questions contained in an extensive database that comes with the program.

The major part of the program is in the twenty six week workout plan. There are log pages that can be printed out for you to use while you are working in the program. There is also a full video that shows Sean doing the exercises in the correct manner for you to see. This will help you to use the exercises in the most appropriate manner to get the best possible results. You will also have a progress tracker that will help you to stay motivated while you are going through the program. There are many issues that are covered with the Truth About Building Muscle program. You will learn in the program's software:

(1) tracking your growth and body composition

(2) meal planning information

(3) your shopping list

(4) software to track your workouts

(5) full tracking to help you keep the program going strong

And that is only the beginning. You will also receive a diet plan for twelve weeks that include meal plans for a variety of calorie requirements. The program allows you to determine your daily calorie count with the calculator that is included with the program and then you choose the meal plans that work for you. The video lessons that you will receive will help you through every step of the workout plan.

There is also an extra e-book included with the program that allows you to personalize the program to meet a demanding schedule. There are routines and advice for those who are making the most of their workout routine by doing it at home without all of the best equipment. Then there is also included the audio program called "The Top 12 Bodybuilding Mistakes Revealed", which will help you to avoid some of the mistakes that other bodybuilders have made. If you wish to avoid some of these mistakes that could cause you harm, you should follow the advice in this audio lesson.

There is also a one hour video where you can view Sean going through a difficult workout. You will also have the ability to upgrade your program and get even more bonuses. Here are what you will receive with an upgraded program.

(1) You will have three months of personal training through email.

(2) A great cardio workout that will help you to burn fat quickly.

(3) The Bodybuilding Inner Game Ebook, highlighting the psychology that can make a massive difference to your bodybuilding success

(4) The whole program on Mp3 so you can bring it with you everywhere you go.

(5) Extra meal plans for vegetarians and those who are looking for some low budget meal plans.

The extra food plans range in calorie count from two thousand to six thousand calories.

Conclusion- One cannot escape the sincerity shown by Sean in the program. His program is going to be a great help to you, its organized and well thought. He covers all including nutrition, training and injuries. He is bang on. His is the complete plan with no loose ends. All you need to demonstrate is the zeal and mental capacity to go. Desire and determination is all that is required, whether you just starting out or you're an intermediate trainer. Using Sean Nalewanyj's step-by-step mass gain program you are just one step away from that awesome physique that you always wanted!! - 17268

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Teenage Weight Loss, Dangers of Being Overweight

By Ricardo d Argence

In the last twenty years plus, the number of obese teenagers has tripled to almost nine million. The rise in teen-age obesity is staggering. Being overweight is difficult for anyone, but for teenagers the effects can be worse and include health problems and being entirely left out social scene.

Accompanying the increase in obesity in children is an upsurge in type two diabetes diagnoses. The increased incidence of obesity has also caused an increase in this form of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can cause renal failure, blindness, and even death.

Sleep apnea is a disorder in which the sufferer quits breathing for short periods while sleeping. When a person is obese, there is little muscle tone around the airway and this can lead to sleep apnea. The resulting oxygen deficiencies can cause major medical problems, like brain damage, heart problems, and death.

Asthma may have an obesity link are the sudies that begun to show only recently. In cases of severe obesity the lungs cannot properly expand causing constriction of the airways. Also, its been suggested that the low grade systematic inflammation common in obese, this inflammation can affect smooth muscle tissue and cause more restriction of the airways.

Unfortunately teenagers have more to worry about than their physical health. School time can be a nightmare for the overweight teenager. Other kids are cruel and say nasty things to them. Often time's teenagers who are overweight will become withdrawn and depressed, adding another ailment to the growing list of concerns.

A major contributor to obesity in teens is their eating habits. Teens are known for their preference for junk food. Many school districts are doing their part to combat this by taking out vending machines that contain candy, chips, and sodas. They have replaced them with juice, water, and healthy snacks.

To go one-step further the teenager should begin changing their diet at home. Stop eating the high calorie fast food they are so in love with and opt instead for healthy home cooked meals.

The best plan is to slowly introduce healthier choices in your diet. Three regular meals per day and two snacks. Throw away packaged foods in favor of home made. Portion control, start with a small amount on the plate, and eat slowly. Remember they do not have to clean the plate! Balance the diet, have several helpings of fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water, sometimes when we think we are hungry it is actually thirst, plus a well-hydrated body functions better.

In the way of exercise the teenagers are getting less and less. Due to all the increased activities that do no require physical activity, most teenagers do not get much exercise. Televisions should have viewing limits and should not be in the bedroom. Two great ideas for family exercise is walking or riding bikes.

You can always think up some creative chores that will help them to get some exercise if nothing else works. No matter what it takes but your goal is to get them moving. - 17268

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Weight Lifting Exercises - Shoulders

By Westy

The shoulder muscles have been known for centuries as being the icon of strength; from ancient Greek wrestlers to bodybuilders today. The shoulders are where you get noticed. There is a common theme amongst bodybuilders today and in Western society that the chest is developed much more than the shoulders. I personally don't think that's a great look. I mean, who want to have big boobs if you're a man anyway!

I know, muscle is muscle, and strength is strength. If you're not concerned with a great Greek god like physique, then stop reading now. I'm interested in a proportioned body, not just a massive strong one.

Shoulder exercises should be used to develop your upper body strength the majority of the time. Bench is good, because it targets the shoulders and chest at the same time, but again, it's primarily a chest exercise and you'll develop way too much chest muscle if this is all you do to workout your shoulders.

The military press is one that can increase the strength and appearance of the shoulders. It is also known as the behind the neck press in some cases. It is a very all encompassing exercise that will use all of the muscles in the shoulder area to increase the size and strength of your shoulders. The method is the same that you will use for other press type exercises. It is possible to use a bar or a dumbbell according to your preference. It is not recommended that you use a smith machine because of the potential to cause injury and the lack of a full range of motion.

How it works:

1. Sit down on the bench

2. Position the dumbbells on either side of the shoulders with the elbows positioned below the wrist.

3. Push the weight up and away from your shoulders, but use care that you do not lock the elbows.

4. Lower the weight slowly, and repeat

The military press is not a difficult exercise to perform and should give you an increase in strength as well as the appearance of your muscles. When you use other exercises as well, you will have a well proportioned upper body. Having a well balanced group of exercises for your upper body is a great way to get the best results from your workout.

Use these tips for an even better workout of your shoulders.

Try doing the shoulder press standing up to get a whole body stability workout. Even start by lifting the weight from the floor in a clean and jerk motion, to the shoulders in a lateral raise motion, then shoulder press a few times before lowering the weight. It's intense, and will stimulate your body to grow VERY quickly. Vary the focus. Try cycling about an 8 week turnover focusing on Shoulder press, then Bench, then Chins. i.e. Workout Shoulder Press FIRST during the first 8 week cycle, then complete the rest of your workout. Next cycle, workout the Bench FIRST... etc.

When you return to doing the shoulder press first, you will have increased the size of your upper body all over. This will also improve the strength that you will have to perform the exercises with each cycle. - 17268

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Resources - Fitness Magazines

By Marc Bauer

With the concept of staying fit and healthy dominating the society today, how hard you should be pushing yourself depends on your level of fitness and your health history. You can kick off with your doctor's recommendation regarding optimal heart rate target for working out based on these factors.

On the other hand, you may start reading fitness magazines in order to entice you to start toning those thighs and biceps and have beautiful abs that can be very amusing to the others.

Since the advent of the printing technology, printing has been a crucial factor in progressive development of a person as well as a nation. Through prints, you now have some fitness magazines that do not only offer colorful graphics and superb layout but also helpful and useful tips and advices that people can use.

The best thing about most fitness magazines is that they do not "beat around the bush." Most fitness magazines provide you with straightforward, no hype or shortcuts, just detailed and reliable information and feasible tips about fitness, health, and ideas on how to life a quality life. Fitness magazines only provide relevant pieces of information that matter most to you and your family.

Each article written in fitness magazines are classified according to the topics they possess. The categories may range from basic information about foods to the sports and fitness advices from health and fitness experts.

Consequently, one of the known benefits of having fitness magazine in the market is based on the premise that people need ageless realities bounded by true-to-life testimonials of other people. The articles written in fitness magazines are based on unfussy, systematic approach specifically made to answer timely issues about health and fitness.

Best of all, aptness magazines have been additionally good sources of advertisements which concentration some-more upon illness products such as vitamins as good as minerals food supplements as good as alternative required equipments indispensable to keep your physique during a best rise of health.

Alternatively, with the advent of information technology, fitness magazines are now available in the Internet. Like its printed replica, electronic forms of fitness magazines likewise provide pertinent information about health and fitness. - 17268

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