Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Healthy Diet Plan Can Help In Cancer Prevention

By Connor Sullivan

Cancer is a crucial problem and it takes the lives of so many people around the entire planet yearly. There are a number of individuals who are in search of an effective cure for cancer. Studies have shown that cancer can be treated with zeolite, holistic antidotes, Chinese antidotes, natural herbs, green tea and surgery. Zeolites are one of the most promising natural treatments for cancer that has been found so far. Additionally, cancer is not a disease that has no cure. In fact, the best treatment for cancer is prevention. Researches have shown that there are a number of ways, including healthy diet plan that can help to prevent cancer.

The cancer fighting foods have the ability to fight the cancerous tumors which starts to develop. These foods contain huge amounts of phytochemicals which naturally occur in plants that aid in protection from diseases, environmental stress and insects. Phytochemicals are the reason that the vegetables and fruits obtain their bright colors. They also provide garlic its odor and tea its bitter taste. It is apparent that the phytochemicals contained in healthy foods are the source for preventing cancer. To begin with, there are plenty of berries which are brilliant sources of phytochemicals and can aid in the prevention of cancer tumors in humans. Most berries have a periodic time and this is the time people can utilize frozen berries which are easily available during off season and are as nutritious and healthy as fresh fruits.

Raspberries contain polyphenols and ellagic acid and these are quite effective in the fight against cancer. Wild berries contain plenty of antioxidants and anthocyanidins which inhibit the development of cancer tumors. Other berries with similar properties include strawberries and cranberries. Despite containing less quantities of ellagic acid, they have the same amounts of antioxidants as raspberries. Cranberries can be taken as juice or added as garnish on cereals in the arrangement of dehydrated fruits. Furthermore, fruits from the citrus family which includes lemons, mandarin and oranges contain terpenes and polyphenols which reduce the risk of getting cancers of the digestive tract.

Another healthy diet for cancer can be carried out using cruciferous vegetables which include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips and so on. These vegetables contain sulfur based phytochemicals that block the formation and development of cancer cells. A meal which contains these vegetables can be very effective in the prevention of cancer. Individuals should be careful not to cook these vegetables in water as it will reduce the quantity of phytochemicals in the vegetables. It is important to cook these vegetables lightly, steamed or stir fried to retain the amounts of the phytochemicals. Garlic is another natural herb which prevents the risk of developing cancer of the digestive system because of its anti-cancer potential.

Moreover, by eating in a healthy meal that is inclusive of fruits and vegetables will provide the body with plenty of phytochemicals everyday. This will eventually reduce the risk of developing cancer cells which in most cases causes death. For that reason, it is important to look for prevention now rather than looking for the cure when cancer tumors have already developed. - 17268

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Early Morning Nutrition For Sexy Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

For the woman with the average lifestyle, basic nutrition for getting rid of fat arms isn't that complicated. Well it's not that complicated if you filter out all the marketing hype.

There are, however, certain situations when basic nutrition won't do. You have to take things a bit further or you run the risk of not being able to get sexy arms.

One tricky area is when you exercise very early in the morning. Since your body is coming out of a fasted state, you have to be very precise with your nutrition.

Thus, without further ado, here are some tips for early morning workout nutrition:

1. First priority is to drink. Water, not booze! You are severely dehydrated when you wake up whether you feel it or not. So drink at least 2 cups of water immediately-do this before anything else. You also need to rehydrate or else you won't be able to digest breakfast.

2. When the workout is 3 hours upon waking. Eat a complete and balanced breakfast. Don't skimp here! Have a source of protein, carbs and fat. And if you want to take it to the next level, add in some vegetables.

3. Exercising 1 hour after rising. Two slices of whole grain bread with any type of nut butter should do. You could use almond butter, peanut butter, or my favorite, sunflower seed butter. Just make sure that your bread doesn't have added sugar.

4. If you're going to exercise 10 minutes after waking up. Have some type of carbohydrate supplement like Gu energy gel. Or you could have a shake with maltodextrin and casein protein. The maltodextrin will be absorbed very quickly by your body and the protein will prevent muscle breakdown.

Exercising right after waking up is not good for you. It's simply too hard for the female body to digest food so quickly. If you do this, you're most likely going to start exercising while still in the fasted state-not a good thing if you're trying to get sexy arms! So try to give yourself at LEAST 30 minutes between eating and exercising in the morning. - 17268

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Acai Berry The Latest Nutritional Surprise!

By Sheila Bearsky

Sweeping the globe in a huge way the acai berry has both the size and resemblance of a grape with its dark purplish color and tree grown. The acai berry is often pronounced incorrectly. The pronunciation is roughly like "ah-sigh-ee." Say it along with me ah-sigh-ee, feels like enchanting a deep breathing, is it ok?

This dark purple wonder grows on very tall palm trees in the Amazon Rainforest and at the tallest point of the branch you will find clusters of leafy green branches and thats where the acai berry actually grows. In order to climb the 25 m high tree and cut the branch off with a long blade, one must be relatively quick & courageous.

The purple berries are a great food item. Twice a year you have the harvest. They have lot of natural vitamins and important antioxidants. Despite its very small size, the berries are packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

In addition, the acai berry contains omega fatty acids (healthy fats) there are many important nutrients included. The "Purple Wonder" has a unique but delicious taste like tropical fruit, while the more traditional Amazonian variety combines acai fruit pulp with the amazing guarana seed.

When used together, there give a huge level of nutritional benefits to your health including more energy and mental improvement. Its the natural guarana seed, in part, that gives you the energy boost similar to caffeine like effect but without the jitters.

Recently, the acai berry has been marketed as a highly effective dietary supplement and sold in a variety of products; tablets, juice and smoothies, instant drink powders, and whole fruit.

Some advertisers suggest that the acai berry increases energy levels, helps with indigestion, and enhances sexual activity. The little purple berry has good detoxification characteristics and also has a high fiber content which is really helpful. Its claimed to improve skin appearance, the health of your heart, and make you sleep better. An awful lot of pressure for such a tiny berry, no? - 17268

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Magnesium Deficiency - Responsible For Many Diseases.

By Neil Butterfield

If you had to choose the most important mineral in the body, it would be Magnesium. This miracle mineral can cure many diseases with its amazing healing properties and even restore the aged cells.

Magnesium is an essential mineral at the cellular level. It is responsible for a health nervous system and a healthy brain. It is also responsible for healthy bones and teeth. Calcium may make them strong but magnesium keeps them healthy.

Magnesium has long been known for its ability to fight infection. In fact, a French doctor was able to cure patients with diphtheria using magnesium. He also used magnesium to treat bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, whooping cough, the common cold, measles, influenza mumps, rubella, abscesses, and the list goes on but Im sure you get the picture.

A more modern doctor, Dr. Vergini, not only confirmed all of the above he also updated the list with tetanus, chronic conjunctivitis, herpes zoster, optic neuritis and rheumatic disease. It can also ease the symptoms of CFS, cancer therapies, and fibromyalgia.

For the most part magnesium is found within the cells. There it activates various enzymes and it is also essential for the metabolism, the function of the muscles and nerves, and for forming bones and teeth.

Without enough magnesium you can get symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, fatigue and weakness. Severe symptoms include tingling, numbness, muscle contractions and cramps as well as low calcium and potassium levels. A very severe magnesium deficiency can even cause seizures, personality changes, abnormal heart rhythms, and coronary spasms.

When the magnesium levels were restored, 9 out of 10 people showed a significant improvement in health. The change is usually so drastic that it's referred to as a miracle. That's probably because it's the body's fourth most abundant mineral.

Magnesium occurs naturally in foods such as nuts, spinach, legumes, peas, seeds, halibut, fortified cereals, lentils, baked potatoes, soybeans, yogurt, whole milk and brown long grain rice. It's also available in unrefined whole grains, (that means no white bread.)

The recommended dietary allowance for magnesium is 80mg/day from ages 1 to 3, 130 mg a day for ages 4 to 8, and 240 mg a day for ages 9 to 13; For men 410 mg a day for ages 14 to 18; 400 mg a day for ages 19 to 30; and 420 mg a day for over 31. For women 360 mg a day for ages 14 to 18; 310 mg a day for ages 19 to 30; and 320 mg a day for over 31.

There are all sorts of things that deplete our magnesium; gastrointestinal disorders like Crohn's, uncontrolled diabetes, alcoholism, and low blood potassium just to name a few. Medications like antibiotics or diuretics as well as others can also suck up all your magnesium. This magnesium can be impossible to replace through diet alone.

The best way to ensure that you have adequate magnesium is to take a supplement. The only type of supplement worth taking is a liquid magnesium supplement because you will get almost 100% absorption whereas with a chelated or compound magnesium supplement you will absorb no more than 25% and its usually much lower than that.

Since magnesium is so important, why wouldn't you want to get as much as possible with your supplement? That's why liquid Ionic mineral magnesium is the best choice. - 17268

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RAW Mens - RAW Ingredients To Protect And Improve Men's Health

By Ben Pate

Men need a diet rich in nutrients and minerals to keep them functioning at their optimal levels of performance. However it's statistically proven that men are less likely to pay proper attention to their health than women. For this reason men commonly have reduced immune function and suffer from lack of energy. The primary culprit for these problems is a nutrient deficiency in the foods that men eat. Garden of Life RAW Mens provides all the rounded nutrition that men need.

Designed to specifically target the essential health needs of men, Vitamin Code Men's Formula, Garden of Life is built around the core bodily needs of the male physiology. The unique Vitamin Code formula is an encompassing and all-inclusive system designed to support the body with vitamin E, lycopene, selenium and zinc. These unique ingredients are designed to make up for the aspects of balanced health that men routinely overlook.

Formulated from the ground up to boost daily energy and promote healthy stress management and digestion, the highly effective blend of vitamins and minerals provides an all around supplement to men's health. Maintaining prostate, heart and vision health are just some of the core aspects of overall men's health.

Vitamin Code vitamins are cultivated specifically to address the needs of each consumer on a personal level. In the case of men, Vitamin Code RAW provides powerful enzymes, probiotics, amino acids and antioxidants that boost the core aspects of the male body to promote a better sense of overall wellness. This unique approach allows the formula to focus and target the male physiology without any superfluous elements.

Through the use of herbicides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers the nutrition of our food supply has been lowered twenty-five to 50 percent in just the last couple of decades. These alarming facts are the comparison of today's nutritional values to those of the 60's and 70's and should be nothing but shocking. With food output being constantly pushed to the limit it's not surprising that our health and the nutrition of our food has suffered.

Compounding the problem is the way we package our foods. In the name of convenience and safety we put our food though elaborate chemical treatments including irradiation, chemical preservation, and heating. While these processes may increase the general safety of our food they greatly and further hurt the nutritional quality and health benefits of the food. By the time the food finally reaches the consumer it has been put though so many changes that the nutrition of the food is a percentage of what it once was!

To ensure that you get the most of your food you need to be sure that the food you eat is able to provide the nutrition your body requires. The Garden of Life RAW Mens Supplements system gives you food that is natural and hasn't been corrupted or tampered with. By eating these types of natural foods your body is getting the nutrition and benefits of the foods you in eat in the healthy and beneficial way that nature had always intended. Many people don't even realize that by simply heating the foods they eat they are ruining much of the vitamins and minerals the food would otherwise provide. - 17268

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Best Abs Exercises

By James Statham

Are you looking for some abs exercises that actually give yout the results you want? Well in this article, I will be revealing to you exactly what exercises have been proven to work, and what exercises have been over-hyped and are massively ineffective. Not only this, but I will be telling you on what foods you need to be avoiding if you want to get ripped, and what foods that you need to be eating. So what exercises should you avoid?

Now I'm sure you've come across many of the traditional abs exercises, that people like to think are the best way to get ripped. Well I've got news for you, they suck! People seem to think that because you're specifically targeting your abs, you'll see quick results in that area. The two things you need to do, to get a visible six pack, is raise your metabolism and lower body fat levels. Crunches are not a good exercise, because they do neither of these two things. Now I'm going to tell you the exercises you should be doing.

The best abs exercises are very intense, because they all involve several muscle groups. You should be using free weights only, rather than machines. The reason for this is simple, machines help do some of the lifting for you, whereas free weights make you do all the work, thus exercising more muscles. If you perform the correct exercises with high intensity, you'll start to see your metabolism rise like never before!

One of my favourite abs exercises is called the renegade dumbbell row. What you need is two dumbbells, get into the press up position, with your palms resting on the dumbbells, and begin to raise one dumbbell out to the side, whilst resting on the other. This is a very effective exercise, because it targets your whole upper body, meaning more muscles are working, which means for fat burn!

So now you know the basics of some good abs exercises, you need to know that you can't get a six pack unless you improve your diet. What you eat is probably the most vital factor in getting ripped. So, if you're serious about reaching your goals, you need to eliminate the rubbish foods from your diet. Replace the rubbish foods with high protein meals. Protein is essential in building muscle, and will make your muscles bigger and stronger!

Now dedication is key here. As long as you can stay on track, and not slack off with your routine, then you will get a six pack. Anyone can get a six pack if armed with the right knowledge, and now you've read this article, you have got some of that knowledge! - 17268

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Why Should You Drink Fresh Juice Every Day?

By Max Tain

Valuable for many people who want to get rid of health problems, fresh juice represents a very energetic and vitalizing food. Thus, fruit and vegetable juices are true purifiers of the body. If you combine several fruits and vegetables when preparing a fresh drink, you will provide to your body all the necessary nutrients.

Fresh juices regenerate the body, boosting the metabolism. They can be used to replace a diet based on solid food. By consuming natural juices on a regular basis, your body will become cleaner and healthier.

Is t possible to gain weight by consuming fresh juice? Nutritionists say it depends on what product you choose. If you opt for natural juices with a lower content of sugar, then you won't gain weight. Even more, this will act as a real weight loss diet, because fresh juices clean the body and help you to get rid of toxins. They are also a rich source of vitamin C. You don't have to consume a fresh juice every day, but it's better to do it as often as possible.

For a maximum effect, it's recommended to consume fresh juices immediately after preparation. The diuretic effect of fruit and vegetable juices influence favorably our health; at the same time, vitamins and natural sugars contained in fruits and some vegetables fortify the heart muscle, thereby increasing the power of contraction.

Tomato juice is rich in ascorbic acid, vitamin C, carotene, iron and potassium. This juice stimulates the digestive secretions, which is why it is consumes before meals as an appetizer. Tomato juice is a refreshing drink, with specific indications in anemia and convalescence.

Fresh juice can be consumed after ending your workout routine, because it boosts your energy.

A very good juice, which contains many active substances, is the carrot juice. Carrot juice is delicious, being appreciated by people of all ages. It is rich in vitamins A, B1, C, K and minerals: Ca, Fe, Mg, K and carotene. Vitamin A is very important when it comes about healing eye diseases.

Another nutritious and full of vitamins drink is the celery juice. It is a good diuretic, helping you to have a better digestion, by stimulating bile secretion.

Fruit juices are even more appreciated due to their special flavor. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, helping you to fight against flu and fatigue. Besides its pleasant taste and nutrients, orange juice helps you to cure anemia and to get rid of toxins.

Apple juice contains several minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates and must be consumed in the morning.

Grape juice fights against cancer and reduces the risk of mental diseases due to its relaxing proprieties. This juice is also known as vegetarian milk, because of its ability to replace breast milk. - 17268

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