Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Benefits of Dancing For Weight Loss

By James Kim

Dancing is a terrific way for people of all ages to lose weight, stay in shape and have a great time. Dancing is fun and is a great weight loss tool. Here are some benefits of dancing.

Flexibility is very important part of your overall well-being, especially when you start to age. When you dance, you gain a longer range of motion, which leads to becoming more flexible. Many types of dances require that the dancer can perform moves that require bending, stretching and twisting. All of these type of movements will increase the dancer's flexibility naturally.

You will become stronger and tighter when dancing. Many forms of dance require that you jump and leap in the dance routine. Jumping is a great way to increase lean muscle mass in your body as your legs are flexing and exerting force when you jump off the ground. Again, you won't realize that you're exercising as you will be having too much fun dancing.

Dancing is a great aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is where your heart rate increases above a certain beats per minute which naturally causes your body to start burning calories for energy, instead of storing calories for fat. When you're dancing, your heart rate will increase, which will trigger your metabolism to start burning calories for energy. Since your heart is beating faster, you will increase the oxygen in your red blood cells, which will increase your overall stamina.

An important part of any exercise routine is that it's enjoyable and not boring. Most exercise routines become boring quickly, which causes you to stop exercising. Also, dancing is a great way to increase your self esteem and meet people you wouldn't normally meet in your everyday life. - 17268

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The Benefits of Dancing to Lose Weight

By James Kim

Dancing is a terrific way for people of all ages to lose weight, stay in shape and have a great time. Dancing is fun and is a great weight loss tool. Here are some benefits of dancing.

Flexibility is very important part of your overall well-being, especially when you start to age. When you dance, you gain a longer range of motion, which leads to becoming more flexible. Many types of dances require that the dancer can perform moves that require bending, stretching and twisting. All of these type of movements will increase the dancer's flexibility naturally.

Strength can be defined as the body's ability to exert force against resistance. When you dance, you will increase your strength by forcing muscles to resist body weight (think plyometrics or jump training). Many genres of dance require the dancer to jump and launce their bodies off the ground. This will naturally increase the lean muscle mass in your legs, which will increase overall strength in your body.

Dancing is a great aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is where your heart rate increases above a certain beats per minute which naturally causes your body to start burning calories for energy, instead of storing calories for fat. When you're dancing, your heart rate will increase, which will trigger your metabolism to start burning calories for energy. Since your heart is beating faster, you will increase the oxygen in your red blood cells, which will increase your overall stamina.

Lastly, dancing is just plain fun! When you dance, you won't know that you're exercising because it will seem fun. Most people quit working out because they become bored of their workout routine. Also, if you join a dance class, you can meet more people, which will build your overall confidence. - 17268

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Body Makeover

By Rico Kidd

How about if you could eat the same amount of food and still lose weight? Would you want to try this type of diet? The 6 Week Body Makeover states that this is possible as they have provided a way to lose weight by learning how to eat the right way. Each body type reacts differently to food, some people gain a ton of weight when eating red meats, some lose weight when eating red meats. Since each person's body reacts differently to food, it is important to learn what kind of body you have and what foods will help your body burn fat.

The first step is to determine your body structure. Your body structure can be defined by using the body blue print, which is enclosed in your six week body makeover kit. According to the diet, there are four types of body types: A, B, C or D. Once filling out the blue print questionnaire, you will be placed within one of these four categories.

Type A bodies have very sluggish metabolisms and these type of people have struggled with weight gain their whole lives. These people should eat less simple and complex carbohydrates and should eat more seafood (white fish) and lean meats such as turkey/chicken breast.

Type B bodies are able to build lean muscle and consistently maintain it. Building lean muscle is important as this is the key to increasing your bodies metabolism. B bodies tend to burn calories at a slow rate. B people can eat lean proteins such as chicken, turkey and seafood. They should stay away from foods such as potatoes, yams and pasta. Type C bodies are like B bodies. The only difference between a B and a C is that complex carbohydrates are tolerated more in Type C bodies as their metabolism burns a bit faster than a B . An example meal for a C body type is chicken and shrimp stir fry with garden vegetables.

A D body type does not have sufficient lean muscle to burn enough calories to lose weight. Due to a slow metabolism, the D body type needs to increase their muscle mass by eating more proteins and consuming less simple carbohydrates. These type of people should eat more red meats and should stay away from rice, pastas and bread.

There is no magic bullet for weight loss. However, knowing your body type and choosing the right foods will increase your chance of losing weight. The first step in learning about your body is by taking the body blue print. - 17268

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The Pro's And Con's Of Detox Dieting

By Ron Cripps

Possibly you've read a lot of written articles regarding detox diets, their efficiency in addition to the drawbacks. Likewise because of all the different write ups that you've read about it, you're currently confused as to whether or not you really want to try this regimen. Certain articles might have been written stating it is quite efficient and in only a few days, you will drop several pounds. Others, on the other hand, might inform you that this diet isn't good for you at all and it might have certain negative aspects which are not worth the try, so what then should you think?

It is possible with the right motivation and intention, the detox diet might actually improve your way of living. With just the title of this program, you are certain to become freed from those toxins in your body, and those are the substances which are believed to be harmful for your well being. Maybe if you know why and how the detox diet should be properly performed, then you can never have any errors.

Many experts think that cleansing your body is important and that is exactly what a detox diet offers - an total cleansing of your body system. Although the body is set up with organs which are designed to cleanse the body, the detox diet may still be carried out for both assistance and support. However, Many experts additionally believe that the detoxification should not be carried out for a long period.

They suggest that twice a year or just one time every 6 months is sufficient, since a detox program isn't quite right for weight loss. The goal should really be for the elimination of harmful substances and the attainment of good health. By this we indicate its natural capability to make you healthful, physically fit and active.

Nonetheless, today, the value of a persons well being depends highly upon their lifestyle and on the opinion of other people that influence their life. Keep in mind that you should care for your health by always keeping it in good condition, because this will take you to the places you need to go.

Aging can additionally be another reason to use detoxification and is much better than using medicines which say they'll stop the aging process. Using the detoxification programs, toxins are moved from your system - and those toxins are the same causes of aging and deterioration. Growing old is a process that everyone has to undergo, and it is an inevitable path - but, you must be capable of going through this healthily and with some amount of grace. Taking in drugs may only fill the body with additional poisons, therefore detoxifying is a greater choice.

You should know your priorities when it comes to your health because social conditioning have, over a period of time, brought individuals to establish different sets of priorities, besides their own health. Used in the right way, the detox diet is a great way to keep your health and leave it in great condition. You'll have greater defense against illnesses and diseases since your system is cleaned, so with moderation and proper guidance, you should not make any mistakes using the detoxifying program. - 17268

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How to Lose Weight fast

By jose sa

We all think we can lose those stubborn 10 or 20 pounds very quickly if we just starve ourselves for a few days. Even though it has taken years to put on the weight, you want it off now. We must be realistic about the time we need to do it in a healthy way. If you approach weight loss the right way, not only are you going to lose weight fast, you will keep it off.

Fast is a strange term. It means moving rapidly along a path that leads to somewhere, not an immediate arrival, but steady and sure. Immediate and unrestricted weight loss can harm your health. Go ahead cautiously and rapidly.

Begin at the beginning. Ask yourself the important questions and use a journal to keep track of your answers and future progress. On day one, enter your morning weight (before dressing or taking your breakfast) and your height. By checking one of the many BMR (basal metabolism rate) charts you will be able to determine how many calories your body needs to maintain. Of course, you will not want to maintain, but to lose weight. Ask your doctor what he thinks of your plan and how he may be able to give you some tips.

The first day may be frustrating as you drag your notebook around jotting down every morsel you consume, but you must. If you are like most people, you forget that half of brownie or that small handful of nuts. You remember meals, but often forget the tartar sauce, the extra butter on the noodles and the nibbling you did while preparing the meal.

There is an unofficial way to find out how many calories you need to maintain your bodyweight. Usually you can use you bodyweight in pounds and multiply it by 12. For instance, 140 pound person would be 140 x 12 = 1680 calories. Generally, this would be the amount of calories it would take to maintain the current bodyweight.

Do you have your pencil ready? Consider that you should never go below 1200 calories a day. Your metabolism freaks out and stops working well if you go below that limit. Try then to eat 227 calories less per day. 227 calories divided into 3500 calories (what you must do without or burn to lose 1 pound) and your answer is more than 15 days to lose 1 pound. This is really slow. You have to boost that metabolism.

The best you can do will involve an increase in your activity level. It is just a matter of math and burning more calories than you need for maintenance. One half hour of walking will use 150 calories. Other activities are figured by the time you spend doing each kind. The more you burn calories, the faster you lose your unwanted weight.

SO by performing a few brief exercise workouts a week and cutting a few calories a day, we find that we can lose weight fast. Writing down the calories you consume will let you know what unecessary food you can cut out of your current eating plan. - 17268

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2 Easy Steps to Virtually Guarantee Successful Weight Loss

By Thong M. Dao

It's obvious that positive thinking can be of great help when it comes to weight loss. On the other hand, if you keep thinking negatively, weight loss will be harder than ever. Let me make myself clear.

You can't lose weight if you always think you're fat, simple as that. You may even hate yourself, right? Now think yourself thin, and imagine how it can help you. Your mindset can single-handedly determine your success or failure. It's all about how to build a positive attitude.

First, remember that negative thoughts are not something you can change overnight. So be patient, the key is one step at a time, slowly but surely.

1. The cause behind your fat loss. What is the main reason behind your fat loss attempts? Why is it you wish to drop off weight? Is it only because you're not able to endure the taunts you get from your office co-workers, or because you keep on getting declined for dates, or just because you wish a physique similar to your favorite famous person whose photo you lately came across in a magazine? No matter what it is, write them down on paper. Note down the causes behind your fat loss endeavors, however big or small they are!

Even better, write them down on stickers and put those all over the place. Put them where you'll see them the most, like the fridge or bedroom walls, so you can never forget your weight loss goals.

2. Set realistic goals. This is a vital step to success. Most people fail because they try to do something they actually can't. Your final goal is of course your ideal weight. But how long does it take you to get there?

Now, honestly, you can't lose more than two pounds a week. Calculate and see how many lbs you can drop off a year from today. Once again, be practical in your goals, because impractical targets serve no purpose.

When you've set your targets, you now want some motivation that can help you reach your fat loss goals. What you'll apply to motivate yourself can depend upon the cause behind your fat loss. If you wish to look like your favorite famous person, hang the pics of him or her all around your home. That could be more than sufficient to make you motivated!

- 17268

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Get Vitality From Vitamins

By Dr Jason Fowler

The New Food Pyramid - The U.S. Department of Agriculture has recently released a new, more individualized, food pyramid called MyPyramid. The USDA is offering many tools and tips on The traditional food groups include grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat and beans. An important new category, Physical Activity, has been added to the overall pyramid. Sample menus, vegetarian diets, and tips for eating out are part of the informative and fun materials provided by the USDA. "MyPyramid for Kids" reminds kids to be physically active every day and to make healthy food choices. "MyPyramid for Kids" posters and coloring pages are available for downloading on the MyPyramid site. "Steps to a Healthier Weight", dietary guidelines, and detailed information for pregnancy and breastfeeding are included, as well as steps for outlining personalized MyPyramid Plans.

You may wonder about taking vitamins. Should I bother? Are they worth the money? Which ones should I take? In order, the answers are yes, yes, and ask your chiropractor to recommend the brand best for you.

Why take vitamins at all? The purpose of supplementation is to cover all bases -- to make sure they are covered. How can you be sure your diet contains all the cofactors and trace minerals needed to make your metabolism work correctly? And what about all the antioxidants that fight free radical formation and the phytonutrients that seem to have so much benefit in cancer prevention?

Likewise, it would take a lot of effort to be certain that your diet contained sufficient iodine, magnesium, selenium, chromium, folate, and vitamins B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cyanocobalamin).Taking supplements guarantees that these requirements have been met. It's simple, safe, and efficient in terms of both time and cost.

Which brand of supplementation is best? There's no right answer here, it's more of a practical decision. You'll know if a specific brand is right if you feel healthier and more energetic after taking it regularly for four to six weeks. You chiropractor will assist you by providing expert information and recommendations. There are no peer-reviewed, hard statistical data suggesting that one brand is superior. "Results" here are qualitative, not quantitative. The important point is that vitamin/mineral supplementation is necessary to ensure optimal metabolic functioning and physical well-being.

What about using specific supplements for specific things, such as taking calcium supplements after a bone-density study has revealed loss of bone mass (osteoporosis)? Is this an effective therapy? Well, in the postmenopausal setting1, if you're not exercising, the calcium you take will simply be excreted. Completely useless. On the other hand, if you are exercising or begin an exercise program, the additional calcium will be useful in providing raw material for stronger bones, built in response to the stress of exercise.

What about calcium supplementation for younger women? Again, exercise is the key to forestalling osteoporosis. Of course, this includes taking sufficient daily calcium. The recommended daily requirement for calcium is 1000-1200 mg. So, a vitamin/mineral supplement supplies 500 mg. A cup of yogurt adds another 250 mg. A glass of skim milk or a piece of low-fat cheese adds another 250 mg. Non-dairy sources of calcium include calcium-fortified orange juice, spinach, turnips, and sardines (with the bones). So, dietary sources plus your vitamin/mineral supplements provide close to the recommended dose.

Additional calcium tablets or pills can make up the difference.

Vitamin/mineral supplements are important for busy people. Supplementation ensures a consistent, optimal dose of necessary nutrients. Balanced nutrition, in combination with regular exercise, will help provide vibrant, glowing good health3.

1Rosen CJ Clinical practice. Postmenopausall osteoporosis. N Engl J Med 353(6):595-603, 2005 2Swanenburg J, et al: Effects of exercise and nutrition on postural balance and risk of falling in elderly people. Clin Rehabil 21(6):523-34, 2007 3Speckerr B, Vukovich M: Evidence for an interaction between exercise and nutrition for improved bone health during growth. Med Sport Sci 51:50-63, 2007 - 17268

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Eat Anything You Want On The Avraham Karadi Diet

By Avraham Karadi

The "Avraham Karadi" diet might just be the absolute craziest diet you will ever encounter, but it certainly WORKS if you are hard to the core! Remember that ITS ALL IN YOUR MIND and so pain itself is just a passing thought. So put aside your hunger and have faith in what you are about to learn.

What does common sense accelerated mean? It means not only do you work to get to your ideal weight you will also learn easy tips to help you stay in shape during the long run. The key to success for any diet plan is dedication. To succeed with us you will have to devote your energy to keeping the diet going.

Those specifically trying to lose weight should not go on the Avraham Karadi diet. It is designed to manage weight, not lose it. If you are already over weight and need to lose some serious pounds, you should look elsewhere. But if you are in good shape and already participate in physical activity or any athletics this is a good diet to help you keep at a constant weight. Weight trainers could benefit from going on this diet.

For those on the Avraham Karadi diet or anyone else managing weight this means you are not cutting back on your food intake. Quite the contrary, on this diet you actually increase the amount of meals you eat from 3 normal sized meals to about 8 small meals which are eaten sporadically throughout the day.

The Avraham Karadi diet may sound crazy but trust us, it works. Just eat 8 small meals a day. A whole meal can be either a hot dog, bowl of cereal, or a bag of chips. By eating several small meals a day you are keeping your body in a state of constant digestion. Keeping yourself nourished throughout the day will help your body burn off more calories than usual. Also the meals are so small you are not making constant trips to the bathroom to relieve yourself.

On the Avraham Karadi diet you can eat whatever you want, literally. As long as you eat it in the form of a small meal go ahead and consume all your favorite foods. There are no restrictions on salty snacks, sugary treats, and fatty foods you can eat. Just use moderation, which is learned by following our common sense accelerated teachings.

This all presupposes a good rigorous exercise regimen, or else ALL BETS ARE OFF. Remember, the Avraham Karadi Diet is meant to manage weight for athletes and those who are acquainted with general athletics " IT IS NOT FOR COUCH POTATOES. So work hard, play hard, and EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT on the Avraham Karadi Diet: common sense accelerated! - 17268

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Jump Start Metabolism - How Metabolism Controls Our Weight!

By Dan Beckwith

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people can eat whatever they want and never gain weight, while others spend their whole lives dieting and trying to lose weight with no success. No - they don't lead a charmed life. Maybe you need to jump start metabolism.

It has to do with your metabolism. Everyone has a metabolic rate that is different from everyone else's.

Metabolism is the process by which calories are used in the body. Your body always uses calories, but metabolism determines the rate at which they are used as energy or stored as fat. Muscles cause more calories to be used by the body, even when at rest and are therefore called "metabolic reactive". To jump start metabolism, just get more muscle.

More muscle in the body, means more calories burned. That is the reason why weight loss plans always require exercise.

Healthy foods jump start metabolism and junk foods slow it down turning calories into fat. The food we eat combined with the exercise we get determines the rate of our metabolism. There are other things as well:

How old you are plays a role, as aging slows metabolism.

Stress is also influential. More and more studies are linking obesity with stress on the job and in the home. Aside from our tendency to eat more when stressed, it's been discovered that stress actually interferes with some of the normal processes in the body which in turn slows our metabolism. Seems odd, but yoga or meditation could be a key to jump start metabolism!

Sleep is another factor. Sleep has actually been well researched in the role it plays in weight. Getting too much or too little sleep can mess up metabolism. To jump start metabolism, you need 7 to 9 hours of sleep, optimally.

Metabolism can be affected by our genetic make-up and various health issues. (Like an over active thyroid.) So, that's one good reason to always see a doctor before starting any weight loss or exercise program. It never hurts to get a little peace of mind, knowing that you don't have any health issues that will hurt your efforts to jump start metabolism.

Water is a factor, too. You have probably been told to drink more water. The reason given for this is that water fills you up and makes you feel full so you eat less. That sounds good, but the real reason is that water keeps you hydrated. Dehydration slows metabolism. Drink enough water and your metabolism stays high. Plus water flushes toxins from the body and stops water form being stored in the body to lead to weight loss.

Get all the facts about how to jump start metabolism and losing weight on my website and through my FREE mini-course " Fast Weight Loss Tips! - 17268

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Get The Benefits of Bodywork with a Massage Chair

By James Y Knowlon

People are really going back to basics. We can tell this is happening as bodywork is becoming more popular as a way to maintain health and vitality. No doubt some of this is coming as a way to find ways to release stress and anxiety. We all seem to be under much more pressure these days than just a few short years ago. With this increased pressure, it is even more important to find ways to relieve stress consistently from your body. Massage chairs provide a practical way to obtain frequent bodywork.

Many people use bodywork and massage therapy interchangeably. However, bodywork encompasses personal development as well as natural healing therapies. Therefore, it is a slightly broader term than massage therapy. It could include stretching and exercising such as yoga.

It is important to be comfortable and relax when receiving a massage treatment. Massage chairs are comfortable recliners equipped with headphones to provide music. Music helps your mind to release its focus on stressful issues. As this occurs, your body begins to release tension.

There are few forms of bodywork for maintaining your health. These are all natural therapies which include treatments such as reflexology, acupressure and shiatsu. These techniques relate to the energy flow in the body.

When people think of acupressure, they associate acupuncture. Acupuncture uses the body's acupoints with the use of needles. Acupuncture, on the other hand, uses acupoints blood stimulates them with movements and pressure. Both of these techniques seek to unblock energy to restore its natural flow in the body.

One of the symptoms of stress is stiff and sore muscles. This is because the body is being held under tension from the stress. The muscles become fatigued and sore. Bodywork therapies are designed to help relieve and release this tension. By using particular strokes and actions, muscles are soothed and relieved.

Other bodywork therapies can help your circulation. Many of these help reduce blood pressure and enhance blood flow. Also, it can assist the lymph in removing toxins from the body. It is important to maintain a proper balance and not have the build up of chemicals in the body.

One of the more important aspects of receiving a massage is relaxation. It is extremely difficult to get an effective massage if you cannot relax. The mind needs to let go of its worries and get in touch with the body. Harmony is restored when there is a clear connection between body and mind.

If you are interested in bodywork, then you must know it is something that must be done on a periodic basis. You should think of this as a counter action to removing stress. Stress comes and goes and builds up to crescendos. It is important to relieve it before it causes more damage. Again the key here is balance.

Natural therapies have been used from the days of the caveman. Reducing stiffness and discomfort has been a pastime of mankind. In a sense, this is a universal condition for humans. Practically every culture has some record of using natural therapies for healing. Many of these have yet to be explored by Western medical science. However, there true testament is there lasting for centuries as legitimate techniques.

Complement your bodywork with a massage chair. These advanced recliners have integrated many of the top bodywork techniques. They provide full body treatments at the touch of a button. Imagine the convenience of getting a massage when your stress begins to build. This helps to relieve it before building up. Massage chair can be quite an asset in putting your stress in check. - 17268

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Nivea Cellulite Cream - Is It Worth It?

By El Bilson

You've probably heard of Nivea cellulite cream from the Tyra Banks show, or maybe you've seen some of the commercials. This cream is usually regarded as one of the better cellulite creams on the market. However sometimes it gets a bad rap. Should you pay the fairly hefty price tag to give Nivea cellulite cream a try?

When searching for a cellulite cream that actually works, you need to remember that not all beauty products are created equal. You may need to try several different cellulite creams to find one that works best for you. Nivea's products have always had a good track record, but you'll need to remember a few guidelines to make any product work at its best.

1.) Make sure to read and follow the instructions. - Often times women fail to follow the instructions on the packaging such as "massage into skin twice daily" and wonder why they don't see any results. You'll have to take the manufacturer's word for it -- if you don't follow the instructions and the product doesn't work for you, then it's not the product's fault!

Nivea cellulite cream is meant to be applied 2-3 times a day. For some women, this can be a lot of work, so make sure you're willing to commit the time to it. You're also suppose to apply it using a massaging motion. Also the cream should be applied for at least four weeks. The best results are seen by women who follow these instructions on the packaging.

2.) Don't expect results overnight. - As mentioned before, cellulite creams only show their benefits after weeks or months of continued use. It is important not to get discouraged just because your cellulite was still there in the morning. Treating cellulite is a game of patience, so you'll need to stick to an effective regimen to really see any results over time.

3.) Make sure you don't rely on your cellulite cream alone. Many women make the mistake of thinking that a cellulite cream is all they need for a perfect body. It is important to incorporate a good diet, regular exercise, and massage techniques into your daily routine. You may even find that some of the more common cellulite creams out there don't work as well as a simple healthy lifestyle.

4.) Find a cellulite cream that works for you. Certain cellulite creams feel different from others, so pick one that you personally like. It's important not to buy into the hype of fancy packaging and heavy marketing that cosmetic companies often resort to. Nivea cellulite cream has been said to be very creamy, and leaves the skin feeling very soft. If this is what you'd like your cellulite cream to do, then Nivea's probably the brand for you.

You'll also have to consider the product's price tag, and how often you'll need to buy another one of the item. When comparing between using cellulite creams and other cellulite treatment options, try to calculate how much you'll be spending in a month, as well as for the long-term. If you're on a tight budget, consider only using the cream in the summer months when shorts, skirts and swimsuits are your main wardrobe staples.

These are a few of the things you'll need to remember about buying Nivea cellulite cream, or any other cellulite treatment cream. - 17268

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15 Quick Weight Loss Tips to Get the Body You've Always Wanted

By Thong M. Dao

Wish to slim down quickly? It is simple to say bye to uninvited pounds with these easy dieting tips. Just keep an eye on what you consume and make certain to eat fine tasting, refreshing and wholesome foods including snacks, go crazy on veggies and keep your tastebuds pleased with fruit.

Your diet does not have to be a sacrifice. With these simple tips, you will give your fitness program a boost. You can use this flexible plan right now, for as long as you need.

1. Take a note of whatever that you consume. You don't have to calculate energy. Only put down what it was that you took in and the estimate amount. You'll find out that being more well aware of what you're consuming assists you to design wholesome meals and snacks.

2. Halve your consumption of every added or pure fat. It means using 50% as much spread or butter on your toast, bread, muffins and potatoes; 50% the regular amount of sauce or mayo on your salad; and 50% the oil in the frying pan each time.

3. Do not eat sugar-coated treats more than three times per week: cake, ice cream, chocolate, that sort of things.

4. Consume a low-fat protein source at each meal: beans, fish, chicken, etc. You could have egg yolks from time to time.

5. Design at least 1 lunch and dinner each week without cheese or meat. Build up these meals around beans, whole grains and vegetables to boost fibre and cut down fat.

6. Cut out fat from dairy farm products. Prefer low-fat over whole milk. Cut down fat content step by step. The same goes for yogurt and cheese.

7. Consume at least 2 servings of fruit each day. It could be for snacks or dessert. Opt for fruit that's in season.

8. Replace sodas and alcohol with water. Diet soda does you no good as its sweet taste makes you crave for sugar. Try hot lemonade in the morning.

9. Have veggies at lunch and dinner. They will make you feel full faster.

10. Eat slow. The body is slow to realize if you're full and it's easy to have too much when you're speeding through your meals.

11. Grated carrot can be an excellent snack. You'll feel that a grated carrot is much fulfilling than a whole one. Unusual but true.

12. Choose whole grains as much as possible. The fiber will not only give you a fuller feeling but also do good to your digestion.

13. Choose chewable food. Whenever you chew, you will feel more fulfilled. Prefer fresh fruits rather than juice, and make your soup chunky.

14. Design your dieting beforehand. Compose a list prior to shopping and adhere to it. When you shop emotionally, chances are you will pick some junk food.

15. Turn off the television while you eat. That includes snacks and meals. Reports have showed that we eat bigger servings in front of the television, probably as we're much less conscious of what we're consuming. Whenever you eat, just eat if you wish to slim down fast.

- 17268

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