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Monday, May 11, 2009

Can Fish Oil Help Youngster's Brains?

By Dr. Bill

I flipped on the weather report today and was really excited to hear the prediction for a few very warm and sunny days, coming right up. I plan to buy some Coppertone and soak up the sun out in the back yard.

It will be so nice not have to gear up with a winter jacket, hat, gloves, and scarf, just to go get the mail. And I can definitely retire the snowblower for the year.

While being inside, due to the snow this winter, I got lots of reading done, and I've discovered quite a bit of new info about fish oil. This is interesting to me, because I had done such an exhaustive study of fish oil, while putting together my own fish oil formula. The existence of this new information is confirmation for me that I was on just the right track, when I put this company in business.

One study I read was done by a professor named Basant Puri, and it appeared in London's Daily Mail. Puri posits that today's school-age children need supplementation to their diet in order to be healthy. His study was done on schoolchildren in Britain, whom Puri is convinced do not eat a healthful diet.

I happen to believe that the situation is much the same here in America.

Professor Puri believes that the diets of school children are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and that the only way to insure that they get them is through supplementaion.

He also believes the same thing is true of adults.

Puri works at Imperial College in London as a professor of Psychiatry, and he also consults on neurological disorders at Hammersmith Hospital.

While participating in Puri's study, the British schoolchildren were given pharmaceutical grade fish oil, and remarkably, within 3 months, it was possible to see substantial gains.

The study showed an average increase in the reading age of the schoolchildren by one and a quarter years, and the youngsters' handwriting became more legible and much neater.

While measuring concentration, three children who were not at the top of their class previously were able to achieve a perfect score.

The children also showed marked improvement in their short-term memory.

When brain scans were done on the school children, the most striking finding emerged: all the scans suggested that the children had developed a larger density of nerve fibers.

Puri is quoted in the newspaper as saying, "The results of the brain scans were astounding. It was as if we were looking at scans of children who were three years older than the participants."

I have recommended for years now that adults take pharmaceutical grade fish oil to increase brain function, and I was not surprised that Puri's conclusions were similar for children.

So it seems that the benefits of supplementation with omega-3s may be just as high for children as they are for adults, or possibly even higher. But until I get more confirmation from further studies, I am going to hold off on recommending my formula for kids.

I am just about to read a followup study, also done in England, which indicates that teenagers who have violent tendencies can be helped by supplementing their diets with fish oil, which seems to temper their behavior. This technique is now being used in conjunction with psychiatric therapy and has shown some positive results. - 17268

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4 Essential Body Building Supplements

By Angela Giles

A lean muscular body is an object of admiration. People in every country spend millions of dollars to get their body in shape and not just to participate in bodybuilding competitions. It is not very easy to burn excess fat and add muscle. A great body is obtained as a result of proper training, proper rest and proper nutrition.

The demands on the body during body building are immense. The regular diet will definitely fall short of fulfilling those demands. Therefore, bodybuilders also consume body building supplements that help to build muscle mass and prevent muscle injuries from becoming serious. Normal supplementation includes amino acids, folic acids, calcium and creatine. However, a new class of supplements called the 'Super Supplements' provide essential Omega 3 fatty acid supplementation.

Proteins: These are the most essential components in any bodybuilding program. Muscles are basically comprised of water and proteins. During workouts, muscles are stretched and sometimes the tissues are broken. Proteins help in the repair of damaged muscle tissues. Whey protein, milk protein and egg white protein are common sources of protein supplements. Soy proteins are an alternative used by vegetarians. Most over the counter protein supplements are available in powdered form.

Omega3 fatty acids: Body building programs aim to eliminate fat and increase muscle but in the process they eliminate the essential fats also from the diet which are highly important in maintaining brain functionality. Therefore, it is recommended to take fatty acid supplements in the form of cold water fish oil like that of salmon and mackerel. You can also derive these from pumpkin seeds and walnuts.

Meal replacement: Serious body builders usually replace one normal meal of the day with a low glycemic meal consisting of powdered drink mixes, energy bars and snacks. These foods provide a balanced composition of proteins, vitamins and minerals. They are also low in fat and carbohydrates. A long term body building program must include a meal replacement strategy.

Creatine: This is a natural compound in the body that provides a short burst of energy to the muscles whenever required like for lifting weights. It works by increasing the water retention capacity of muscles which make them stronger and energetic. Creatine also helps in improving brain functions and in reducing mental fatigue. If you are engaging in body building, then you will need additional supplementation of this compound.

Body building supplements play an important role in the pre- and post- work-out phase. Before the workout, they give an additional energy boost and provide the proteins necessary for building muscle while after the workout, they help to repair muscle tissues and reenergize the body. Usana Health Sciences produces a variety of nutritional drinks and bars which can be effectively incorporated into your body building program. - 17268

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Necessities Of Portable Water Purification To Families

By Chris Channing

Portable water purification devices are important for travelers and others, but even the average family has cause for a portable water purifier. From home uses such as watering prized plants to keeping your family healthy, a water purifier can do a whole lot of good for you and your immediate family.

Towns and cities that have erred in the purification process of their water will send out what is called a boil order. This notice simply states that water should not be consumed unless it is boiled first. If you happen to get one of these notices, you should go forth with boiling the water as specified, but also purify the water with your portable device to make sure all contaminants are gone.

Traveling through an area that is unfamiliar to you or is not around others can be dangerous if your car breaks down. If that happens it is possible food and water will be hard to come by. In buying a portable water purifier, you can save yourself from such situations.

The avid gardener will have use for the water purifier as well. The average family garden may not need it, but professional gardeners will want to give their plants nothing but the best water to grow from. Removing bacteria and other nasty microbes from the water first is necessary to promote healthy growth, extend life of the plant, and help it bloom and appear more healthy.

If you have a humidifier, you wouldn't want to put in tap water that is going to become heated and spread out though your breathing area. It would only incubate the bacteria and help the microbes grow and multiply. If you have a humidifier, it is urgent that you only use purified water for a healthier lifestyle. Using a portable water purifier is a good option so you can easily add water at will.

Teens could make use of the purified water as well in their daily face washing routines. Some health conditions such as acne will become a serious threat if not treated. Regular tap water could contain bacteria and other things that could worsen the condition. Have teens carry around a water purification device to wash their face with so they can reduce the odds of worsening the condition of their acne.

Final Thoughts

The cool thing about water purifiers is that they don't require a lot of upkeep once they are bought. This means you can get all of the benefits of the purified water you would otherwise buy, but without the high price. - 17268

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Take these steps to jump start your body's fat burning capability. Commit yourself to a sexier body.

By Mike Mardtelling

Follow the one thing you always hear. Eat lighter but more frequent meals. A lesser known reason for smaller meals is the reduced insulin response they produce. There are many benefits to eating things that result in a lower insulin response. The calories are less likely to disrupt your body's fat cooking engine.

Clean up your body fluids by switching your typical drinks with filtered water. Not only will you reduce overall caloric consumption but you also minimize the number of harmful toxins in your body. Getting toxins out of your liver should help it metabolize fat more efficiently.

Try removing some more of the processed box meals from your diet. Increase the amount of lean protein you eat proportionally. By increasing the percentage of protein you consume, your body should respond by eliminating more stored body fat.

Start being overly polite to other shoppers by parking in the last possible spot you can choose in the parking lot. Force yourself to walk a little bit further. Small differences can make big differences over a period of time.

Keep a healthy treat on hand for when you feel hunger coming on. It will be much easier sticking with a fat burning diet if you make your better snack foods readily available. You dont want the mental pressure of having to make an impulsive choice about what to snack on. Plan ahead for better results.

Even though many fast food restaurants have improved their food quality significantly, it is still difficult to always choose the healthy food option when you are ordering. So, if this represents you, then you might consider completely banning the fast food chains form your diet all together.

If you have a choice of cooked or raw vegetables, choose the raw ones. There are many benefits to eating raw vegetables. These vegetables help with practically every major organ's function. They will certainly help keep your body repaired and ready to burn fat efficiently.

Think about arranging your favorite healthy recipes into a book or series of books. Then, instead of wondering what to eat, you can simply refer to the book that has a ton of healthy foods that you know you already like.

First thing tomorrow morning as soon as you get out of bed, make it a point to do some really basic stretching and breathing. It will help wake you up as well as get your blood pumping. Getting your metabolism started as early as possible should help in the fat burning process.

The amount of growth hormone your body makes helps to determine your resting metabolic rate. The more hormone your body releases on its own, the better. Getting a better night's sleep should help to maximize the amount of growth hormone your body naturally produces.

If you regularly work out, try bumping your routine up a notch. If you increasecrank up the intensity of your workouts, your fat burning results will go up accordingly. Focus more on the intensity rather than on the longevity of your routines.

Take a couple minutes in the morning to look at yourself in the mirror. Imagine how much sexier you are going to look when you lose that extra fat. Imagine how much better you will feel inside. Keeping an optimistic attitude will help you stay motivated to achieve your ultimate fat burning goals.

Try finding some fun things to do in your spare time that require some type of physical movement. You could spend more time outside with friends throwing a football or Frisbee. Investing your free time wisely is the best way to burn those extra couple hundred calories. - 17268

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Cures for Tinnitus

By Matt Hellstrom

Tinnitus is something that is actually very common among people, but many do not realize that they are suffering the symptoms of the condition. It will vary from person to person, but the more severe cases can be very damaging. If you are not familiar with this condition, tinnitus is the hearing ringing, buzzing or some other noise in your ears when it is not actually present. It helps to fully understand the condition when you are looking for cures for tinnitus.

The condition can be traced to many things. It has been linked to stress, trauma, degenerative conditions of the inner ear and has also been linked to both prescription and non-prescription medications. Some of these causes are unavoidable in everyday life, but with modern technology, far too many people put themselves at risk of this condition for no apparent reason.

Some of the more common victims of this condition are workers who are around loud noised on a regular basis do not take the proper precautions and end up suffering from tinnitus. Imagine a construction worker who is around a jack hammer all day and does not wear protective ear phones, or someone who works in the music industry with live concerts and does not wear ear plugs when they are working close to the speakers during the show.

There is a significant pool of individuals who expose their ear drums to unnecessary risk because of things like iPods, Bluetooth devices and head phones. Having the volume on any of these items set too loud will put you at risk of developing tinnitus. If you are using these types of devices, you need to understand that you only need to hear it, not have everyone else around you hear it also.

When you are looking for cures for tinnitus, it is more about prevention than anything else. Lowering the stress level of your life and protecting yourself against loud noises at your profession are both common ways to prevent this condition. You are not being told not to use modern devices like a blue tooth, you are just being told to lower the volume level to not put yourself at risk.

You would think that it would be common sense to not put yourself at risk of getting something so devastating to your everyday life, but the sad fact is that it is far from the truth. For whatever reason, some people can't enjoy their music unless it is blasting away at full volume. They will be the same ones to complain that they always have ringing in their ears and are going deaf when they are in their mid 40's and will only have themselves to blame.

Once you're told you have real tinnitus, the underlying issues are usually treated, either with medicine or by eliminating possible causes, such as working around loud noise or eating things you may be allergic to and which are causing ringing. Usually, the best cures for tinnitus always lies in prevention in the first instance. - 17268

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Is Puberty The Only Time You Can Grow Taller?

By Kenneth Jones

Do you wonder if it's possible for you to get taller even if you're already past puberty? Has anyone told you that you can increase your height just by making a few changes in your food, and daily routine?

Have you been told that you can't grow taller once you're past puberty? Have you been told that your growth spurts would be over by then? And it's just too bad for you if you're not happy with what you were born with? Well, growing taller naturally at any age is possible, if you know how. The fact is, you can add inches to your height and grow taller just by making some simple changes in your life. Like the food that you eat, and the exercises that you do.

When you want to grow taller, it's best to start as early as possible to work with your body's natural ability to grow. One of the most important considerations is the food you eat. Nutrition is very important in helping you to get taller, simply because food is what the body needs to rebuild itself and grow. With the proper nutrition, you enhance your body's ability to continue growing no matter what age you are.

A "How To Grow Taller" program needs a proper diet and nutrition plan, especially if you want to grow as tall as possible. Do you know what you need in your diet to help you grow taller? You need foods that contain calcium, amino acids, essential proteins and calories. Your body uses these elements to rebuild and grow, and without them, your body has nothing to draw on.

With nutrients, using the right exercises to help you grow taller will give you additional benefits... and here's why:

Calcium is needed for your body to replace old, dying cells with young and healthy ones. It is also responsible and crucial for healthy bone growth and proper functioning of your muscles. This is why you hear how you need to have calcium rich foods to build strong and healthy bones!

Calcium also keeps your heart beating steadily, your blood, nervous system and muscles functioning properly. All that from just this one nutrient! Without enough calcium, what happens is your body will start to "steal" calcium from your bones to keep your body functioning properly. This weakens your bones and can lead to osteoporosis over time.

Growing taller naturally also requires proteins to be present in your diet. It is essential that you get enough protein for the building and repair of your body tissues. Why? Natural "wear and tear" happens as we go about our daily activities, especially if you like to exercise. Protein is needed to produce the enzymes, hormones and other substances required to keep your body healthy and functioning properly.

The things that our body does, like water balancing, transporting nutrients, and contracting muscles will be impaired when you don't get enough protein. Helping our body to resist diseases that commonly occur to malnourished people is also something that protein does. To keep us from getting easily fatigued, protein is needed by our body to produce stamina and energy.

Proteins use amino acids as the building blocks. With 20 different types of amino acids required to construct the protein used in the growth, repair and maintenance of our body tissues, is it no wonder that we require protein? Of the 20, 11 of these amino acids are manufactured by our body internally, and 9 of them come from our diet. However, we need to have all 20 amino acids in order to function properly.

Diet and nutrition planning are critical factors in your quest to grow taller naturally. While there are many other elements as well, your diet is a essential component. It provides your body the building materials needed to help you grow taller. Without a good diet, you retard your body's ability to naturally repair and rebuild itself. So, when you eat right, you have one of the most simple and natural of ways to grow taller naturally. - 17268

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Benefits and Side Effects of Acai Berry

By Jessica Matias

Acai berries were discovered in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The fruit is said to be used by the natives for centuries already as part of their diet. It wasn't known to the Americans until recently when nutritionists and health experts found out about its health benefits. Acai berry is said to be the number one antioxidant food on earth.

Antioxidants are needed by our body for cleansing toxins out of our system and one of acai berry's benefits is that it contains high antioxidant capacities. It has 300 percent more antioxidants compared to other fruits. More antioxidants in the body mean a healthier body. It will help a lot to fight cancer cells and get rid of a lot of toxins from the food that we eat and the pollutants that we encounter everyday. No wonder that the native people of the Amazon rainforest are free from the harmful toxins that can cause a lot of diseases.

Another great benefit of the acai berry is its usefulness in fighting obesity. Nowadays, obesity is one of the major problems due to the unhealthy food and lifestyle of most people. However, it may no longer be much of a problem because acai berry has the combination of antioxidants, amino and essential fatty acids that help in burning fats. Thus, it can be a great help in achieving the balanced weight that is just perfect for your body.

The great amount of antioxidants in acai berry help flush out toxins from the body and can help boost our immune system to fight diseases. Combined with other essential acids, acai berry can boost our immune system into high gear as an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent. This can be achieved when acai berry becomes an integral part of our regular diet.

To prevent heart diseases, our body should have low levels of bad cholesterol known as LDL which is a big threat to the heart. On the other hand, our body should maintain high level of good cholesterol known as HDL to promote a healthy heart. Acai berry can help fight bad cholesterol and maintain a considerable amount of the good ones. Vitamins A, D, E and K are better absorbed with the help of acai berry as well.

Would you also believe that attaining good eyesight can be achieved with acai berry? Well, you better believe it. Acai berry also contains an antioxidant found in bilberries known as anthocyanins that can help relieve eye strain and improve eyesight. The anthocyanins, when combined with other antioxidants found in acai berry, can fight other eye diseases such as glaucoma.

Acai berry can also help boost stamina. Our body has more capacity to provide more energy and help gain more stamina when it is healthy, free from diseases and has a great immune system. High level of stamina is a must for athletes. If you are an athlete, try eating acai berries before your game and see the results.

Now that we've discussed the benefits, let's go over the side effects of this famous berry. As I've mentioned a while ago, acai berries are eaten raw by the native of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil before the fruit was discovered by the US of A. They've been eating this fruit for hundreds of years now but there were no reports of side effects.

One thing that has been observed when eating the acai berry is that you will lose your appetite. For most people, it's not such a big deal side effect. In fact, it can be a positive thing for those who doesn't want to gain weight and are on a diet. But then, losing one's appetite can be a side effect for some.

The other thing is that, because it's gaining popularity now, it may cost you a lot buying product containing the juice of acai berry. It's because most manufacturers are into the acai berry bandwagon now. Although I've said that raw acai berry has no side effects, I cannot guarantee the supplements and other processed acai berries sold in the market now. It's because they may have added other substances such as caffeine to their products. Might as well check the nutrition facts to be sure. There's no harm doing that.

Always remember to weigh the benefits against the side effects before purchasing acai berry products. However, I'm pretty sure that the positive effects will outweigh the acai berry side effects. - 17268

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Top 6 Tips to Burn Fat as Fast as You Possibly Can

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Fresh veggies are better than canned or cooked veggies. Try to have your veggies uncooked. If you cook them, you're indeed taking out nearly 50% the vitamins in them. And canned veggies also are processed and not nearly half as healthy as fresh veggies. Whenever you purchase your veggies it would be good to find out if the label states that it's pesticide free.

2. Chocolates should be treated as luxury items. Buy the good stuff and only eat them every once in a while. If you really savor each morsel, you'll experience that much more joy in eating them and they will taste even better.

3. If you can say no to alcoholic beverages please do. Alcoholic beverages are not good for you. Beer can be fattening and the rest of the alcoholic drinks may not be fattening by themselves but after a couple of swigs you will be in no position to watch your diet and your appetite too will be something to battle with.

4. Your dieting should comprise all food groups including carbohydrates. Indeed, your diet needs to be around 50 - 55% carbs. Carbs are an excellent source of energy. Diets that forbid carbs are really harming you and just making you crave those that much more. Your dieting shouldn't cause you to be insufficient in anything.

5. Fats should take up 15-20% of your meal. It is actually all the fat the body requires. Lots of this will be in your diet in the form of cream, sugar and the like.

6. Eat more white meat than red meat. White meat includes chicken, fish and some other fowl. Red meat includes beef and pork. - 17268

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Help Tinnitus With Nutrition

By Matt Hellstrom

Tinnitus is a disorder in which the sufferer experiences hearing a constant ringing, buzzing or otherwise irritating noises that drive people crazy. This problem causes extreme aggravation, sleepless nights and in some cases extreme anxiety. Many of these people will try any number of treatments in an attempt to cure the effects of Tinnitus; however most will find very little success.

There are some who after looking into many other treatments may want to try alternative medication. These people may turn to playing the television or tuning in to the radio in order to control the ringing in their ears. While these different methods to work, they are short lived, because after they get turned of the buzzing will stay. Also you may also stay away from caffeine and alcohol which helps some but you are looking for a solution that is more permanent and will allow you to live a normal life.

One way many will find works fine is the many vitamin treatments available. There are some vitamins that especially meet the need or clear the deficiency of what vitamin that they have to little of. Some vitamins work particularly well in helping reduce the noise which is driving you crazy and it will clear up some of the anxiety you are feeling because you are not sleeping.

The vitamin that is most recommended by people who have researched Tinnitus cures is Vitamin B. It is believed by some researchers that a deficiency in Vitamin B is the reason for Tinnitus. By supplementing your diet with this vitamin, you may be able to reduce or even eliminate tinnitus.

A vitamin or group of vitamins that will help you to shake the effects of Tinnitus, are Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. These will help you body rid itself of the "free radicals" that can contribute to the symptoms of Tinnitus. Use of these vitamins will help build your immunity and help you to reduce Tinnitus.

In addition to Vitamins, there are also two very important minerals that will help you rid yourself of the symptoms of Tinnitus. These minerals are called Zinc and Magnesium. You will find that when these minerals are absorbed into your system, they will help protect you with the problems caused by Tinnitus.

Vitamin treatments can be administered by both supplements and by eating foods rich in those vitamins. Eating the food will add the vitamins in small doses and supplements will give you larger amounts faster. You can buy supplements in the single vitamin type or you can buy it where it is a multi-vitamin, either way you will be able to cure yourself of the affects of Tinnitus. - 17268

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Getting Sexier with the Best Body Building Diets

By Maxburn

Fasting, starvation or deprivation of food are all things most of us think of when the word dieting comes up. In reality, a diet is merely the food choices one makes on a daily basis. For those of us interested in burning fat while we bulid muscle, the choices we make must be on those that help us to repair the tissue that was broken down from workouts.

The best body building diets include a balance consisting of 40% carbs, 40% proteins and 20% good fats. Your body building program may consist of gaining muscle or losing body fat but the best programs involve both. The calories may be adjusted upward or downward according to your plan for reducing weight. Some of the best sources of carbohydrates include oatmeal, grits, brown rice, sweet potatoes in combination with fibrous sources such as snap peas, green beans and broccoli. Proteins are the building block of muscle a come from lean sources which include chicken, turkey, and fish such as tuna. Fats are used many bodily functions such as the production of naturally occurring hormones. Some great sources of good fats include oils such as flax seed oil, and canned extra virgin olive oil.

Your choice of a body building diet is dependent on your body building goals. If you are just starting your fitness program, you must also carefully plan a diet that meets your goals for building muscle while burning fat. This program should call for a gradual rather than an radical change. Your plan should calculate the amount of calories burned and from this you will know how may calories you can consume. Losing weight demands that calories in must be less than calories out. Men and women body builders with higher levels body fat should plan a diet and exercise program designed to burn body fat. Increasing lean muscle mass can be associated with an increase in the number of calories consumed since the muscle tissue burns more calories than fat.

Remember these four dieting myths as you develop you body building diet and exercise plan:

- A diet focused on starvation yields the results.

- Eliminating all fats is necessary for weight loss.

- Restricting all fat from the diet produces the best results.

- The best way to lose weight is to eat once or twice a day.

Planning a great body building program designed to build muscle while burning fat is very important. This plan should take into account the fact that the calories burned need to be greater than the calories taken in. That building lean muscle promotes the burning of a greater amount of fat per unit weight than fat. - 17268

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The Original Amalaki Fruit

By Jake Koon

Because of its ability to help people in many different ways, the amalaki fruit is known as the all-purpose health botanical. In addition to enhancing cellular regeneration, amalaki juice is said to stimulate the production of red blood cells and support proper function of the liver, spleen, heart and lungs. Through Zrii, amalaki juice is available for natural health and is a great solution for a variety of problems.

The keystone of Zrii's juice formulation is the amalaki fruit because it is the botanical for cellular rejuvenation. At the base of the Himalayan mountain range in northern India is where the amalaki grows. Using a whole plant processing technology requires Zrii to hand pick the amalaki fruit for their juice from amalaki trees as they are originally found in their native environment.

Amalaki fruit is extremely nutritious and well known for being the only food that contains five of the six essential tastes, even though it is no bigger than a golf ball. Along with amalaki, Zrii's juice is blended with six other powerful fruits and herbs unlocking the potency of amalaki fruit and awakening the tongue. Zrii's amalaki juice contains no artificial sweeteners and Zrii is confidant consumers will be satisfied.

One of the best-known natural health supplements available in the market is Zrii amalaki juice. Compared to other products in its class amalaki juice from Zrii is more beneficial thanks to the amalaki fruit, which is known as the great rejuvenator. The greatest attribute of the amalaki fruit is that it is totally natural and safe.

Deepak Chopra, bestselling author and wellness expert, endorses amalaki juice. The logo for the Chopra Center can be found on the side of every bottle of Zrii amalaki juice. A daily dose of amalaki has been encouraged by the Chopra Center for over a decade.

Zrii amalaki juice is full of potent Vitamin C from the amalaki fruit. The amalaki juice comprises almost twenty times as much Vitamin C as the juice of an orange and is known as an immune enhancer. Amalaki fruit also contains a high concentration of amino acids, trace minerals and other beneficial phytonutrients.

Ayurvedic medicine uses Zrii amalaki juice as a foundation of alternative health. Ayurveda has indentified amalaki fruit as a potent source for better body, mind, and spirit for centuries. Zrii founders encourage a healthy lifestyle as evidenced by their amalaki juice health drink, and have a reputation for caring about personal health and emotional well being.

As a provider of numerous benefits contributing to general well being, amalaki fruit is also a great benefactor to young children. Products like Zrii amalaki juice populate the worldwide market and the amalaki fruit is now also made into health supplements. Drink the amalaki juice and obtain the health benefits even if you are hesitant to commit to a total lifestyle change. - 17268

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The Way to Safely Achieve Six Pack Abs

By Adrian Armstrong

Thousands of people crave for the six pack abs. They want to achieve the flat stomach which will always be worth looking at. Toning the muscles has been a primary goal of many so it is but natural to see people hit the gym on a regular basis. They care less about throwing off their money just so they will look physically fit and beautiful. Are you one of them? Are you also an exercise bug?

More than ever, the basis of a curvaceous body is that of possessing the toned and firm abdominal muscles. Women will not only look great in a bathing suit but the men as well will stand out without their tops. If you have devoted a fair amount of time in doing the crunches and the other stomach related exercises, you should expect other benefits as well apart from getting that perfect shape of a flat tummy. This article will give you a roundabout discussion of the benefits of working out your abdominal region.

You will have a more defined waist. Several people are deprived of the curves simply because the extra weight of the tummy covers the abs. The mid-section then sags so the waist somehow loses its own sparkle. Therefore, you don't only feel lumpy but you likewise lose your natural curves.

The very basic one is the crunches. You can do it by lying flat on your own back and pulling your feet back towards your body. This will allow your knees to be on a cocked position. After which, place both of your hands right behind your head and then gradually bring yourself up as directed towards your knees. You can repeat the same motion as long as you reach a certain quota. All that you must keep up with is your consistency. Say for example you have a routine that is comprised of about 20 crunches and what is most important is that you repeat that everyday.

Exercising and reducing body fats can help, but the thing is, you can't tell where you will lose fat as you do it. Getting a six-pack abs is a little more complicated than that as it can be difficult to most to work out on the midsection to make it flat and sculpted.

You will benefit from good digestion. The digestive tract tends to compress if the abdominal muscles are overly layered. The food and the waste at the same time can't navigate through the digestive tract in the nick of time. The stomach exercise therefore boosts the proper functioning of the digestive system so that leads to a healthier you.

What are the other steps that will ensure a safe and sound abs developing procedure? If you are currently on a quest to flatten your abs, be sure that you follow these tips.

Move it and move easily. Say goodbye to the hardships of getting out of bed or out of the chair. With a stronger set of abdominal muscles, you will find it easy to move around and get on with your routine.

Boost your self image. If you feel and look beautiful, you are obviously going to feel good about yourself.

Having a sculpted, toned, firm and healthy body means hard work. Furthermore, you don't really need some special gadgets or exercise machine to work on your abs. Proper nutrition, right cardiovascular training exercises, and abdominal exercises are the things you need to give you that nice six-pack on the abs. - 17268

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