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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wine Tasting 101: Learning the Art of Wine Tasting

By KC Kudra

Wine tasting and attending a wine tasting party, contrary to popular belief, does not involve a lot of sipping, swishing and swallowing. While there is a definite art to wine tasting and many different wine-tasting forms, the popular theory of sipping and the like could not be farther from reality. It does, however, take years of practice to master the technique.

Wine tasting notes abound and can get your started. However, the only true way to begin to distinguish a fine wine amidst a variety of fine wines is a skill. Picking them reliably requires a trained palate, which takes years to develop. Wine tasting involves ascertaining whether the wine has been stored properly in a wine cellar designed to produce a beverage that is both pleasing to the eye and an exquisite experience for the palette.

Wine tasting is rooted in our sense of smell with over 75% of the impact on our taste inexorably linked to the food and drink we consume. This would account for the persistent notion that when we have a cold everything is tasteless and our appetite is non-existent. Most wine aficionados will tell you that the experience of a fine wine is more about the smell than the taste, and after that personal preference takes over and it becomes a tossup from that point on.

In Napa Valley wine, tasting is always at the forefront of any party or gathering. Home of some of the best United States offerings, wine growers realize that swishing and sipping serves a very useful purpose. Circulating the wine in the mouth gives the experience breath and depth - it creates a symphony of experience.

Taste buds are called into action; the olfactory senses are sent into overdrive and through a carefully implemented wine tasting design, wine connoisseurs not only identify the beverage, but can usually figure out the quality of the wine from the aromatic wafting of the beverage. This can be ascertained early on in the wine tasting process.

With even a basic understanding of the swishing technique, its purpose and the dispelling of long held myths, wine tasting will wind up looking less like something silly and more like a talent and skill that is part of the whole wine making process. Wine aficionados will be able to tell if the wine cellar designs and the features of a wine cellar have served their purpose or fallen short. All of this will be reflected in the end product.

Upon pouring the wine into a crystal clear glass, the first step is to take a considered look at the sampling. This is not a step to be rushed as a great deal can be ascertained during this step. Despite their name, white wines are actually not white as much as they are golden, pale brown or with a slight tinge of green. On the other hand, red wine is typically a dark pink hue or leaning toward dark brown in color.

The second step is observation. It is all about the nose and what the wine smells like. This is accomplished through two steps: taking a brief whiff of the wine to get a general idea and then taking a deep, extended inhalation in order to get the full aroma of the beverage.

You will often see the most studied of experts pause at this stage to take in the results of this step and reflect on what they have just experienced.

In the end, the wine connoisseur will be ready to start tasting the wine, first by taking a sip then swishing it around to detect both the bold and subtle flavor in the sample. It is only after this step is accomplished will the wine taster fully savor the flavor and swallow the sip taken.

As it is with any skill, practice is part of the overall wine tasting methodology. While wine tasting is considered a skill that can be learned, wine experts will tell you that it is really more of an art. - 17268

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Vitamin C and Why it is Vital in Bodybuilding

By Ricardo d Argence

If attempting to stay healthy, a balanced diet and proper exercise is required. Good nutrition is crucial for healthy living. Developing good eating habits helps people remain healthy for many years.

A deficiency in essential vitamins is common in the modern diet, the result of poor eating habits. This -- the result of things like hectic life patterns -- can lead to ill health and sickness. However, there is a solution to this problem, many supplements on the market today ain in the prevention of vitamin deficiencies.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vital component of healthy living. Oxidative stress caused by hard training whilst body building and workout sessions can be deoxidized by taking Vitamin C regularly. Many animals produce their own vitamin C but unfortunately, primates and humans are unable to manufacture it. Vitamin C is necessary for humans to maintain a healthy diet, therefore making food choices that are high in vitamin C content is an easy way to ensure that you get the required amount daily.

Among its many other benefits, Vitamin C can protect cells and help the body absorb iron from food. Vitamin C is also considered capable of fighting common cold. The formation of collagen is an important factor in nearly everything, such as muscles, cartilage, bones, teeth, capillaries and veins by doing this you will aid in the formation of collagen.

In a nut shell, Vitamin C helps to support and maintain every part of your body and keeps it in perfect working condition. Vitamin C also plays an important role as a natural bodybuilding supplement as it helps maintaining musculature, keeping your body strong and your bones healthy.

Vitamin C can be found in many citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits. Food items like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peppers, kiwi fruit, sweet potatoes etc. are good sources of Vitamin C as well. In order to get enough Vitamin C in your diet each day, you should include these types of food.

Vitamin C can also improve your exercise routine. Proper dosage of Vitamin C can help to strengthen your immune system and it can even help you recover faster. Vitamin C is capable of suppressing a particular hormone named 'cortisol', which prevents muscle growth in the body while encouraging fat buildup. Also, Vitamin C being water-soluble would not build up in your body, and therefore you can take a safe dosage on a regular basis to improve your health.

To realize the most benefit, it is suggested that you take 1000mg of Vitamin C an hour ahead of exercising. By doing this at the end of every workout your body will recover quicker and you will reduce your muscle soreness.

No other vitamin has such benefits on the body as Vitamin C. There are many different kinds of Vitamin C supplements available on the market, and all of them are efficient forms of Vitamin C. If you have a passion for bodybuilding or if you exercise on a regular basis, Vitamin C supplements can help you in your journey towards a fitter and healthier body. - 17268

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How To Achieve A More "Toned" Body

By Caleb Lee

If you want to look more toned, more beefy and have a radically ripped abs for life then read this article.

People (women predominantly) state that they want to be more "toned". In short, they don't necessarily want to build more muscle mass, but then they want the muscle that already have to look more in shape, toned, and defined.

How most people screw up trying to get "toned"

Most people totally screw this up. They try to get toned by "going for the burn" when working out. They do this because

1. Someone told them heavy weights make you big

2. Their muscles feel and look toned after they "Feel the burn" when working out with high reps.

Here's why you shouldn't "go for the burn" when keeping fit if you want to get toned

The Burn is lactic acid buildup

The reason you feel hard during and after the 'burn' is the same reason a corpse is stiff. Your muscle fibers are akin to mouse traps-they go off by themselves, but need energy to be reset to contract once again. A dead body is out of ATP, the energy compound that relaxes the muscles, that's why their muscles are permanently contracted.

An elevated rep training wears out ATP in your muscle and leads to a momentary stiffness extremely similar to what happens to a dead body. But you probably don't want to be dead, and in spite of that you still want to be toned. The solution?

Real Muscle Tone - Tension

To get lasting tone, you need to exercise your nervous system to keep your muscles half flexed when you are calm. This is what muscle tone is-residual tension in a relaxed muscle! The kind of tension that comes from neurological activity, and not energy fatigue.

Increased muscle tone is not a physical transformation of your muscle. It is the result of the nervous system being more alert. It keeps the muscles partially contracted all the time.

Strength / Tension / Tone

Strength and tone training is the same thing. If you learn to generate tension to gain strength, instead of building more muscle, then the stronger you are, the harder you will be. This means you need to focus on strength training to get that hard bod you want. Max tension = max strength.

For Women

* Want buns of steel? Intense, high-tension deadlifts work your butt WAY more than butt squeezes, 'fire hydrants', or similar silly moves popular in 'muscle sculpting' classes

* Sculpt abs of steel? Intense, high-tension deadlifts, squats, overhead presses, ab wheel routines, planks, and the like force your abs to produce high tension

* Want muscular, sleek, sexy hips and thighs? Deadlifts, squats, and other full body movements done with high tension, heavy weights are the ticket.

For men:

* Want a Strong Chest and Massive-looking Shoulders? Intense, High Tension Overhead Presses and Bench Presses will get you there

* Desire for a barnyard back? Weight Pullups and Bent over Rows to build those lats

* Sculpt a killer six-pack? Squats, Deads, Overhead Squats, Overhead presses, Ab Wheels and planks like the ladies

* Want big arms? Heavy presses and other overhead work.

You Can Strength Train and Not "Get Hulking"

Here's how you strength train without getting huge: keep the volume down. After that you will get stronger, harder, and more toned without getting any bigger. Keep the total number of reps at a low level each workout. A general rule is 10 reps or less. So two heavy sets of 5 would work with the major exercises.

If you desire to build bigger, more robust muscles: Lift extra volume during your training. Keep the reps low though so you're still able to lift with maximum tension and build more strength. 5 sets x 5 reps as an example for every major exercise.

So there you go. If you want to get maximum hard-body results and a lean chiseled abs, then you have to build strength. - 17268

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The Chopra Center Endorses Zrii's Bill Farley

By Brent Finlayson

Bill Farley has truly surprised everyone he comes in contact with and by bringing along the amazing business plan and high quality product. He has teamed with world-class co-founders that excel at managing and leading the team with poise and confidence. Bill has been described as living the American dream who came from humble means and realized his financial ambition through hard work, courage and determination.

Dr. Chopra and Dr. Simon have revived the ancient process that can easily be learned by anyone and made it available. There are also a series of questions/interviews on Yahoo Answers so you can join in the conversation and get your questions answered. The Emotional Freedom workshop takes place at the Chopra Center in December and is and the world premiere.

After learning of Amalaki fruit, Bill Farley engaged a team of doctors and nutrition experts to create the product that would revolutionize the world of nutrition and wellness. Farley, being a self-made successful business executive, received the full endorsement from the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. A proficient CEO of Body Wise International, he moved on to the next health-related product.

Bill's latest company, Zrii, may be taking the world by storm but there is more than enough room for anyone to join. With your desire to make a contribution to the world's newest phenomenon, a little passion and focus on the important things in your life you'll find the Zrii life a comfortable one that provides a lifestyle worth living. The 5,000 year old formulation of ayurveda goes right along with the Zrii lifestyle. Zrii juice is generating a lot of buzz online, and many network marketers are making their mark on the world.

Amalaki is thought to contain the most concentrated natural source of Vitamin C in nature. Amalaki has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for over 5,000 years for a reason. Amalaki is known as the single most important botanical for promoting several healing properties. It's one of the richest and most documented legacies of any fruit known today.

Wellness and supplemental health has become very popular over the years as we discover the increase in fast foods and processed foods that lack the nutrients our bodies need to be healthy. As we consume larger and larger amounts of non-nutritious food we need to supplement our diets with vitamins, minerals and natural nutrients in order to maintain a healthy balance in life. The human body is very adaptive and can hide many ailments until its too late and we see our health deteriorating over the decades of replacing nutritious eating with hurried eating that fills us up but discards the natural healthy ingredients.

With conventional and wellness training and knowledge, mixed with natural nutrient supplements and the understanding of the human body, Bill Farley has led the movement to natural supplements and health and wellness in the 21st century. The Zrii health drink balances your life through mind, body and soul and is easily accessible from their website or from a distributor. Raising your level of awareness and increasing your health should be a daily goal that overshadows the rat race of life but many of us are doing all we can to get by. This is a great way to easily throw a little health into our lives.

When you're considering your business model, your health and wellness and the success you can find in helping other find these benefits of life again you should consider the Zrii brand, Bill Farley, Deepak Chopra, David Simon, the Chopra Center and all the other intelligent and successful contributors the Zrii brand. Your opportunity to find success and wellness is readily available and there's plenty of room to carve out your piece of the American dream and surround yourself with other very successful people. - 17268

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Eight Simple Secrets of Fast Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

Before you start your weight loss marathon, take time to consider how long it took to put the weight on. It would be amazing to push a button and have the weight melt off in a matter of weeks, but that is not only, not practical, it is not safe. Be that as it may, there are some practical things that you can do to start shedding the pounds more quickly than you may have thought.

Although this may sound a bit far fetched, please hear me out. Reduce as much stress as possible by meditating, resting, reading, taking time for yourself, or whatever works to help reduce your sensation of stress. When we are stressed, our bodies naturally slow down the metabolism function because historically food scarcity has been known to cause stress.

While it is recommended to eat constantly throughout the day, junk food needs to be avoided. At a minimum each day, you should eat six small meals, spaced regularly. This will fool your body into believing that the next meal is running on schedule and thereby metabolizing the last meal resulting into faster metabolism.

Digestion of your meals is more difficult when your stomach and intestines are full of unhealthy things. There are many ways to go about loosing weight, and you might want to consider doing a complete body cleanse. Many find that by doing this they find that they are more energetic and their physical appearance becomes more healthy.

With almost absolute certainty, I can say that you are not drinking enough water. Do you know how much you should be drinking? Let's say that you are 180 pounds, so, you should be drinking at minimum 90 ounces of water daily. The formula for the amount you drink is divide your weight in pounds by two and that's the number in ounces of water you should drink every day. Note: tap water is not an option. The best choice is to drink water filtered through reverse osmosis alternately with distilled water. If you can't stand the taste of water, then add fresh squeezed lemons, but no sugar or sugar substitutes.

Even a thirty minute brisk walk will do wonders for your weight, with forty-five minutes to an hour of aerobic exercise being ideal for overall health.

Many people do not eat well-balanced diets. Adding supplements to your diet is essential, as it is difficult to get all the nutrients needed daily with normal eating habits. Be careful to not be tempted to get them from Wal-Mart or a chain vitamin outlet like GNC. For best results, seek advise from a knowledgeable clerk in a natural health food store.

One of the best ways to promote a diet is to tell everyone the success that you are having. Don't wait until you have results. Just say it. Never talk talk to yourself about any negative self image you may have, or even your fear of failure, but talk about the success you are experiencing and/or hope to find. Bottom line: If you can BELIEVE IT, you can ACHIEVE IT!

You should determine how much weight you need to loose in order to be in optimal health. Then with a child of proportionate weight in your arms, walk for five minues. If you can't find a child, fill up a gym bag with books until it weighs the same amount that you want to lose. When you finally put it down, it will be a great relief, so just imagine how amazing it will feel to lose that much of yourself!

Being overweight has a negative impact on countless areas of your life. Your weight can also cause social, psychological, and relational problesms, eventhough the biggie is health areas. Don't you deserve better than that? - 17268

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Dr. Franco Obregon Presents Creatine: A Practical Guide

By Westy

There are a number of supplements that are widely used in bodybuilding. Creatine is one that many bodybuilders have used to get the best results from their efforts.

The concept of creatine is no mystery; it is widely used in the muscle building circle and is a popular supplement, that's what we know? Any person who is into the bodybuilding and muscle developing business is either using the well researched creatine or is planning to use it. It is effective and people are gaining the most of it, is it? Well, I am sorry to say, but the answer is NO. It is undoubtedly the most popular and highly used supplement for bodybuilding, but it is also claimed that the supplement is misused most f the times and is underutilized too.

In Creatine: A Practical Guide, you will learn all of the scientific research that has been done on the supplement and how you can use it in your own bodybuilding efforts. Dr. Obregon takes all of the research and applies his own knowledge of the body to uncover some of the best ways that you can use the supplement.

The book is well written and presents the reader with all of the pros and cons of using creatine in their bodybuilding. Dr. Obregon is a scientist and approaches his research in the manner of a scientist. The idea behind the guide is to give readers a practical approach to the use of creatine in their bodybuilding. The information is not intended to be anything more than a realistic and scientific approach to creatine.

It might surprise you to find a book that is dedicated to the use of creatine in bodybuilding. This is a very popular subject among bodybuilders and is very prevalent on the web. The reason for an entire book devoted to the subject is because there is still a need for this information. There is some misinformation and the right dosage must be used to gain the benefits of creatine.

There are 4 different parts of the Cretaine Guide:

I) The first section of the book will be devoted to how and why creatine works in our body

II) The second part will get into the supplementation and how it can be made optimized

III) The third part discusses all of the different creatine products on the market and what their pros and cons are.

IV) The fourth part of the book provides appendices that support the scientific information in the book.

The e-book is extremely well organized with proper summaries of every section and space for questions and answers pertaining to every minute detail which one might have overlooked. Herein you get everything that you might have not heard of or have no knowledge about creatine.

When you are reading the first section of the book, you will learn everything that you need to effectively use creatine in your bodybuilding. This will help you make an informed decision about creatine and how to use it. The information might be a little intimidating and overwhelming, but if you get through it, you will be very knowledgeable about the use of creatine. The language that is used by Dr. Obregon is simple and straightforward and will help you to understand some of the more complex matters that are discussed. - 17268

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How to Achieve a Bigger, Rounder and Sexier Butt

By Ricardo d Argence

Everybody wants a sexier and firmer butt. The key to a perfectly toned rear end is to follow a specific exercise routine along with a healthy eating plan. Finding extra time in this busy world can be hard, but to get the perfect body you need to break a sweat on a regular basis, even for just a couple minutes.

You may look no further as in this article we provide you with effective solutions incase if you are looking for the best way to get that perfect toned glutus and become the envy of all your friends. You can get firmer, rounder, and sexier gluts without even leaving your house! We believe that the exercises that we recommend are the ones that are successful, and will give you the desired results you want in your workout.

If you are trying to slim down your backside, there are some specific exercises that will target the area you want to work on, quadrupled hip extensions is one of those exercises. This particular exercise allows you to contract the gluteus muscles. Ankle weights can be used to increase the intensity.

Lunges, as there are various types of them, you need to find one that suits you the best. The most basic lunge is the drop knee version, which is also one of the most difficult ones. You can use hand weights in this exercise if you feel you need more intensity.

Step-ups do work on your glueteus and hamstrings, but most of us are unsure if these exercises work. The platform you are using should be high enough, preferably 15 inches, for this exercise to work effectively to activate muscle fibers. To add intensity to the exercise, you can hold dumbbells.

Squats that activates the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus are a great exercise. Squats are also good for the hips and the thighs. Using a ball in your exercise routine may give your back some support and get you in ther perfect position so you don't hurt your knees.

Multi-hip extensions are good for targetting the gluteus maximus and medius and the hamstrings. The machine can be tricky so it should be used used with professional help to get the necessary adjustments.

If you are targeting the muscles in your butt, the gluteus maximus, and other muscles in your but you will find that one legged squats will help you tone and workout those muscles. Just as you do lunges, there are other ways to do one-legged squats. So go for one that you can tolerate if not like. To increase the intensity you can use a higher range of motion.

These above mentioned exercises can surely help you get that head turning rear-end you have always wanted. Remember to start slow and increase intensity with time, plan an exercise routine keeping in mind your fitness goals and capabilities. If you work out every day for about half an hour, you will no doubt have the sexier and rounder butt in no time.

If you eat right and practice on a regular basis there is nothing more that you need to do. If you want that nice toned body that rival your favorite celebrity, there need to be no delay. Just grab your sneakers and start exercising, and you will be on your way to your ideal size and weight in no time. - 17268

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Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

By Ricardo d Argence

Everyday people are attempting to attain weight loss and instead they are failing. You know they are failing by the sheer number of new products that comes on to the market every day. Here we will examine just a few of the many reasons why diets might fail.

Entire food groups are off limits in the majority of today's popular diets. No, fat diets, diets with no carbs and some diets with no food at all! Surprisingly many people are unable to attain weight loss.

The human body needs nourishment from several sources in order to perform at it's peak. Eliminating a food group is not a healthy way to lose weight, chances are good that your body will actually rebel leaving you with no weight loss at all.

Losing little weight and getting hardly any nutrients, starvation diets are worse. That is because your body will go into what is known as starvation mode. If your body detects that you are no eating, then it automatically slows down your metabolism and increases it efforts to store body fat. This is to prevent you from dying under extreme circumstances. You potentially may be at risk for health problems even if you are able to surpass your body's initial objections.

To lose weight effectively you will need to maintain a healthy balanced diet. This means that you must partake of all the food groups. The better approach is to limit your portion size, this way you are getting nutrients while cutting caloric intake.

Fad diets claimed to be very effective by a lot of people in terms of losing weight with no need efforts to do exercise. The previous statement is obviously untrue, you must expend more than you consume. Exercise is required in order to do this and still consume proper amounts of nutrients. Exercise is considered to be anything that increases heart rate and oxygen intake. Our bodies were not made to be sedentary they need movement.

The greatest weight loss aid is as close as your kitchen sink. Your body is composed of mostly water, about 61.8%. Needless to say, water has a large impact on correct bodily function. The recommended daily allowance of water is eight 8-ounce glasses, but that is only the maintenance amount, if you do any type of strenuous activity or perspire a lot you will need to take in more fluids.

To create a healthy weight loss program you should bring all the elements above together. Eat properly, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water and you have the best weight loss plan on the planet. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Tips, Avoid Alcohol While Building Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

There are people who wonder if alcohol affects muscle building. The studies and research shows that if you drink alcohol, your workout will not be as effective, as well as that you will deplete your body of important vitamins.

Protein is vital for building muscles, and therefore should not be interfered with. Unfortunately, alcohol impairs protein synthesis. Alcohol consumptions has been shown to slow down the protein synthesis by which amino acids are joined together to create complete proteins by 20%.

The level of testosterone in the body is another factor in muscle building. If you are a woman and you are looking to build muscle mass, you will notice that woman develop lees muscle mass than men. Because of the low levels of testosterone, woman have 15 to 20 times less than men do. What does that have to do with alcohol? Alcohol not only decreases testosterone, it also increases estrogen.

When you drink alcohol, the kidneys must use massive amounts of water to process the toxin. Yes, the body recognizes alcohol as a toxin. When this happens, the body can quickly become dehydrated.

Nerves control and contract muscles by producing stimuli from electrolyte minerals dissolved in water. Water is very beneficial to you and your body during work outs and exercise. Not only will it keep you hydrated, but you will find that water will help lubricate your joints and reduce the risk of injury during your exercise workouts.

Drinking alcohol robs your body of key vitamins. Vitamins like B, C and A, plus calcium and phosphorous are all depleted through the use of alcohol. When you consider that the most important vitamins to healthy muscle development are vitamins B and C, you can see this is just one more reason that drinking alcohol while muscle building is such a big deal.

Building muscle is done by depleting fat and increasing muscle mass. Alcohol works against this effort. Alcohol works against this effort. Alcohol contains empty calories, which means that they have no nutritional value. It also has twice as many calories as carbohydrates and protein.

While we are on the subject of calorie it is important to note that the calories taken in while drinking are the first ones burnt. This means that all other fat stores will remain and not be used for energy until alcohol calories are all burned. Not a good combination for a person wanting to build muscle mass and lose fat.

You can however have to consider the other affects of alcohol on the body since we have examined most of the major points on alcohol and bodybuilding. If you use this for a prolonged amount of time it may lead to liver damage, diabeties or other medical problems. If you suffer from any one of these, you will have a hard time building muscle. At the end of the day, is it really worth the cost? - 17268

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