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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How Can Vitamin C Help Me Overcome My Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

When most people think of vitamin C, they start thinking about lovely tall glasses of fresh squeezed orange juice; while this is certainly tasty and good for you, you do need to keep in mind the fact that vitamin C is found in many foods and is in fact essential for the functioning of your body. Getting enough vitamin C is important, and when you do not get enough, your body is sure to let you know. How much vitamin C are you getting in your diet, and is your body telling you that you need to get more?

When you think about vitamin C, it is important to think about where it is coming from. Oranges will provide your body with vitamin C, as will any citrus fruit, but remember that practically all fruits and vegetables will have at least some vitamin C in them. Some other foods that have a great deal of vitamin C in them include persimmons, Brussels sprouts, mangoes, spinach, guava and melons. There are even some animal products that can give you some vitamin C, like animal liver. To make sure that you are getting all the vitamin C that you need, a supplement or a multivitamin can prove to be beneficial.

You should learn how vitamin C works with your immune system. If you have ever used vitamin C when you felt a cold or flu coming on, you probably already recognize that vitamin C can help you fend off the cold or flu, if you get enough of it. Vitamin C acts as an impressive immune system booster, and if your body needs more of it, your body has ways to let you know of its need. Feeling weak, irritable, or sick, or just being more susceptible to infections and to illnesses could be your body telling you of its need for more vitamin C. A deficiency of vitamin C in babies and young children can actually slow their growth process.

Scurvy is an extreme condition caused by a vitamin C deficiency, which can involve subcutaneous bleeding, loosened teeth, and the appearance of spectacular bruises. Anemia may also arise from this deficiency condition, and you could continuously feel tired and ill, even if there is nothing else really wrong with you.

If you want to make sure that you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet, you will find that for men, it needs to be around 75 mg per day, with 90 mg as the ideal dosage. For women who are pregnant, it will be 10 mg more than that, and then for women who are breastfeeding, adding another 45 mg on top of that is ideal. A smoker, whether they are male or female, should have at least 100 mg of vitamin C a day.

Are you getting the right amount of vitamin C in your body? If you are feeling tired and lethargic all the time, the answer might be no. Consider the symptoms above and make sure that you are getting the vitamin C that you need. This is something that can make a huge difference to how healthy you feel and your daily energy level.

Many people with a vitamin C deficiency develop the tendency to bruise easily. By following a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which contains vitamin C and other bruise fighting ingredients, many folks have been able to overcome their condition. Bruises Be Banned has proved repeatedly that it can help you reduce bruising easily. - 17268

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Musclebuilding Overtraining, Don't Let It Affect Your Gains

By Ricardo d Argence

You are clearly attempting to get in shape, which is excellent! You have to put the time in the gym to get results and if you are not doing that then you will need to increase your efforts. There is, however, one warning you cannot afford to ignore: you must not overtrain.

To avoid overtraining you need to make sure you give your body a break between workouts. The rest and break will help repair and beheld the muscle that is being broken down in overtraining.

To understand overtraining, you first have to understand that when you are building muscle, you're actually breaking muscle down. You're not building the muscle in the gym, really. Instead, what you're doing is breaking down muscle in the gym and producing tiny injuries in the muscle that then must heal and repair. When these injuries heal and repair, they heal and repair stronger than they were previously. Therefore, when you're building muscle, you're actually breaking down muscle first, and then letting your body rest and repair in between; this process is what actually builds muscle.

When you overtraining, you're not giving your body the rest it needs in between workouts to properly build and repair. What this means is that you're actually preventing muscle from building. Worse than that, though, you're actually hurting yourself in a number of other ways, too. Look for these symptoms to see whether or not you're overtraining. If you are, you can take steps to improve this and get back on the muscle building track.

If this applies to you, improve yourself by getting on the track of building your physique. That is number one thing that you will possibly notice. Along with these symptoms, if you continue to overtrain your body, you will probably start to experience other symptoms.

Letting yourself recover after a workout is necessary so that your testosterone levels do not drop.

As unbelievable as it sounds, you could get chubbyer and bigger. You might gain weight you don't want to, in the form of fat. In continuing to overtrain, you will in effect be breaking down fat burning muscle without building it back up, as well as increasing your cortisol levels. There is a stress hormone called Cortisol that makes the body want to hold onto and retain the fat that is present, especially in the stomach area.

Overtraining is a good way to make your immune system break down and become weaker. The reason is that it is trying to cope with your body's constant state of inflammation due to sore and damaged muscles. So if you find yourself getting colds and flu more easily, slow down. When you incorporate a good bodybuilding regimen, it should make you less likely to come down with the flu or a cold, not more likely.

Last but not least, this needs to be repeated, that when you overtrain, you will actually lose muscle, not gain it. As this is precisely what you wish to avoid, what you need is a solid bodybuilding routine that will help you develop the muscle you want without the unfortunate symptoms.

The best pattern for bodybuilding is to follow one day of intense weightlifting by one day of resting. You should be giving yourself a day of in between when you are doing heavy lifting three to four days a week. While giving your muscles a break from heavy lifting is important on your rest days, it is advised that you include some light cardio. They need time to recover and to repair. This is what going to help you bulk up in a good way, with muscle.

Even while resting your body can't recover and build new tissue unless it has certain elements it needs. That means that nutrition is just as important as rest is. Instead of indulging in potato chips and other types of junk food, you should be reaching for more healthy alternatives such as lean proteins, fruits and vegetables and whole grains. You should choose good nutritious calories that will make you feel full, and will aid your body in repairing itself between workouts. Do this, and soon you will not only see results but will feel better, too. - 17268

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How To Build Huge Biceps and Triceps, Myths Exposed

By Ricardo d Argence

Everyone knows that serious lifters desire an impressive pair of muscular arms. Who wouldn't love to have a pair of ripped, well-developed guns forcefully bursting through the sleeves of their shirt?

Many people stay focused on building muscle in the arms, though the majority of these people lack the knowledge of ways they should work their arms properly, and this decreases their acquired muscle mass. What are the insights into an effectively stimulating arm growth? We must first recognize three basic truths:

1) Relatively speaking, the biceps and triceps are small muscle groups.

2) The biceps are strongly stimulated by any of the basic pulling exercises for the back.

3) The triceps receive heavy stimulation during all basic pressing movements for the chest and shoulders.

The key to realize is the following: maximal gain in bicep and tricep size and strength can be accomplished by only small amounts of direct stimulation!

It's very important to understand that the biceps and triceps receive a very large amount of stimulation from all of your chest and back training. Couple this with the fact that your biceps and triceps are already small muscle groups to begin with and it becomes quite clear that direct arm training is of minor importance.

Remember, your muscles do not grow in the gym. The work that you accomplish as you train with weights is merely the "spark" that sets the wheels of the muscle growth process into motion. The real magic takes place out of the gym while you are resting and eating, as this is the time when your body will actually be synthesizing new muscle tissue.

This is the reason it is vital not to overtrain your muscles. You must always make sure to provide them with sufficient recovery time if you want to see impressive results. Your muscles may become smaller and weaker due to overtraining.

You must take the emphasis off direct arm exercise if you hope to gain some muscle mass in your arms. Training your chest and back a lot produces arms that are strong and muscular.

Direct arm training is required, just to a lesser extent than other forms of training activity. Your arm training will become wildly successful if you can keep this in mind. - 17268

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Health And Fitness - Following A Healthy Diet

By Ali Bautista

A large part of health and fitness is following a healthy diet. In combination with regular exercise your diet will keep you strong and healthy on the inside and outside. Many foods are being discovered to help the body and the key to following a healthy diet is portion control.

Portions can come into effect when dealing with foods that have healthy fat. Avocados are full of unsaturated fats which are important for heart health. However if you at too many avocados you can put on weight because you are still eating a food with fat. It is important to find the balance between eating enough avocados so that it benefits your heart but you do not put on any weight.

Nutritionists will tell you that whole grains are much better for you then processed foods, such as traditional white bread. If you were to compare a slice of whole grain bread with a slice of white bread you will find that they contain the same amount of calories. However the whole grain bread has more fiber and protein so it will satisfy you for longer. In this way you will eat less because you won't get hungry as fast.

So when you can you should try to eat whole grains as much as you can. There are many whole grained foods available. Some great types of whole grain include brown rice, barley, millet, bulgur or cracked wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, whole wheat products, wild rice and popcorn. The whole grain should be one of the first ingredients listed on the ingredients list.

Celery is another great food for a snack as it has low calories and is full of antioxidants which boost your heart health. Seaweed is also packed full of mineral and nutrients as well as potassium, which is important to help regulate your blood pressure. Scallops are full of protein and are low in calories.

Besides eating foods that are good for you, you also need to exercise regularly to keep your body in shape. Regular exercise keeps you mobile longer and keeps your heart and body in good condition. For the beast health you need to follow a healthy diet and exercise. - 17268

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Put An End To A Lazy Day By Having Some Retro Sweets

By Michael Parker

A person, although known to be so active, doesn't mean he will never get those lazy days. In fact, he'd feel so lazy that he just doesn't feel like doing anything at all but to stay in bed or at home. During one of these days, even if it is perfectly beautiful outside, he will never be convinced to get out of his comfortable nook. However, when your friend is being like this and you want him out of that mood, you can simply hand him some retro sweets.

It doesn't need much explaining. The classic and heavenly retro sweets taste so divine that it will automatically bring life to a lazy mood. Moreover, these sweets also trigger nostalgic memories of childhood and they add even more to the lifting of mood of a dormant person. These memories probably involve images of children sneaking out of the kitchen with a handful of sweets at hand.

Retro sweets have been a big part of children's lives in the past. However, it doesn't mean they couldn't be a part of children's lives today. In fact, although some of these sweets are really classic and old, they still exist today and still continue to make children and kids-at-heart happy.

The kick that a person gets from the chocolaty, sugary and even minty flavors of retro sweets is enough to set his adrenaline moving. With the nostalgia that comes along the experience, he definitely will want to jump out of bed and be as playful as he can be. Yes, the result of sampling these heavenly treats can be quite addicting. But if that means to lighten up someone's mood then perhaps it is not a bad thing. To say the least, these sugary confections make people feel happy.

It may be hard to believe for some that merely eating retro sweets can put someone's mood in delight but it a scientific fact. Eating chocolates for instance give off the chemical phenylephylamine. This is the same chemical released by the brain in order to stir in people that feeling of falling in love. Therefore if you have a friend who feels lazy or depressed, simply offer these old fashioned treats and he'll feel better in an instant. - 17268

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Colon Bowel Cleanse

By Carol Branwen

We live in a very toxic world, our food, water and air are polluted. Waste can mix with bacteria and chemicals in the colon, creating dangerous toxic substances that will get absorbed into the blood. We need to detoxify our bowels on a regular basis.

Drinking lots of water is essential for a healthy colon to stimulate natural detoxification and peristaltic movement of the colon. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or constipation may result.

Fiber is insoluble fiber that cannot be digested in human guts. It brushes out the colon to keep it clean and remove poisons and other waste toxins from our body. Fiber is an essential part of good digestion, it is important to have roughage to prevent constipation. Fibers is a natural part of colon cleaning to flush out fecal matter and keep your colon clean. You must have regular bowel movements to keep healthy.

Homemade colon bowel cleansers are widely used today. These include such natural ingredients as psyllium husks which can offer the bulk your colon needs to cleanse itself of build up of waste. Psyllium husks are often found in colon cleaners bought from the store. Psyllium husks are both safe and effective.

Bromalite is the fossilized remains of material from the digestive system of prehistoric animals. Bromalite is a powdered dietary supplement that encourages the detoxification process. Bromalite will gently cleanse your colon of toxins and harmful bacteria. It is rich in Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bacteria, it can be used to create an environment rich in probiotics.

Probiotics are another ingredient found in both homemade and store-bought colon cleanse recipes. Probiotics will increase good bacteria that live in your digestive system and help them to thrive. There are many different types of friendly bacteria that live in your colon that serve to complete the digestion of undigested foods, keep bacteria and yeasts from overgrowth and add bulk to your stool. They also produce vitamin K and some of the B vitamins. An imbalance between healthy and unhealthy flora in the colon is very common in today's world.

Eating a diet of raw food is a great way to detoxify and cleanse your bowels of all the toxins that you have accumulated from years of eating processed foods. Raw food is food that has not been processed using heat above 115 deg Fahrenheit. Eating a diet of raw food is one of the best approaches I have found to keep from accumulating a colon full of toxins and harmful bacteria.

Creating your own colon cleansing recipe doesn't have to be difficult. Unless you have digestive trouble, sticking to a simple plan the best way to go. It is always best to work with your alternative health practitioner. Never use a free colon cleansing recipe you are unsure of and stop immediately of you feel discomfort. - 17268

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Hoodia And Your Weight Loss Goals

By Noah Garrett

Hoodia has been on the weight loss market for some time now, and it seems to be more than just a passing fad. Dieters who otherwise dismissed this ingredient as yet another scam on overweight consumers are now turning serious attention to its potential to help them reach their ultimate goal. Yet, many people still question how it actually works.

It ultimately helps by reducing your appetite and hunger levels so that you eat fewer calories throughout the day. Eating less is a pivotal part of losing weight, and this is a natural ingredient that can help you do just that. There may be some products making larger claims for this substance, but it is ultimately a really good appetite suppressant.

Your body responds to your blood sugar levels in order to determine when it needs to eat and when it is satisfied. When your sugar levels start to drop you will start getting signs that you are hungry.

Hoodia makes you feel fuller more of the time by sending signals that your blood sugar is fine and you do not need to eat. This prevents you from feeling hunger pangs which can reduce the amount you eat during the day.

Since you will be eating less you will start to shed the weight. Of course, if you want to really escalate the progress you will have to start doing some sort of exercise and eating properly on a regular basis as well.

Hoodia is at its best when taken from a high quality supplement that contains adequate amounts of the ingredient, and when combined with other lifestyle changes. If you want to see results you need to watch the quality of the supplement you select, and then start to take care of your body through diet and exercise on a daily basis. - 17268

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Discover What You Should Know About Creatine Side Effects

By Christian James

Whilst the damage caused is nothing like that from anabolic steroids, there are definite creatine side effects. And whilst use of it remains legal for competition, and is used widely as a result, it is still a highly controversial subject.

Over the last few years, the use of creatine has risen immensely. In part, this has been driven by marketing of the product from high profile sports stars and celebrities. However, it is also shown to improve performance, stamina and muscle bulk by up to ten percent; so is hardly a surprise.

Creatine is found naturally, and is a major building material of muscle tissue. The synthetic form taken burns rapidly in the body, and thus feeds the muscles quicker. This helps with recovery time, and aids faster repair to damage.

However, forcing the muscles to develop in this way causes issues. Energy supply to such muscles will expire at a quicker rate; resulting in cramps. This is a painful condition, and can lead to further complications over time.

Other creatine side effects can also be expected; most notably stomach cramps and diarrhea. Caused by a reaction through the intestine, such complaints are less common but potentially more critical.

This is most certainly the issue with the onset of diarrhea which, if frequently occurring, can lead to dehydration and malnutrition. As a minimum this will render any benefits of creatine to be offset, but could lead to hospitalization.

At the first sign of any complaints, possibly linked to the product, it is advisable to certainly reduce the dosage. However, should symptoms continue; use should be stopped and medical appraisal considered.

Reports of creatine side effects are increasing; but so is use of the product. If you are worried, it is likely that getting help from a sports nutritionist, and arranging a personalized training program would provide just as much benefit as the product can give. - 17268

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Top 3 Mistakes You Must Avoid To Get Really Ripped Abs

By Ricardo d Argence

People always come to me and ask: "how will I truly build abs fast?" Oftentimes,these people confess to me they find it hard to get the most excellent outcome in such a short period. But guess what? Knowing the right tool for your abdominal routine will make it easier.

If you ask me, building a no nonsense six pack abs requires a lot of hard effort. Yet, it won't be enough. All your efforts will be put to waste if you don't use the most excellent exercise plan. Observing the people who approached me, I realized the similar mistakes they made in the process.

You can avoid these mistakes because I am giving you the 3 big ones right here:

1. Restraining yourself to one or two meals per day. You must take in at least 5-6 meals every day for an fantastic fat loss program. If you want to really get ripped abs fast, eating only one or two meals per day is not the best way to go.

Ripped abs require good nutrition. Think of how you feel after a long day. You are ready to revive your strength. This is the same for your muscles. After working out and working hard then need to revive their strength. When you do not eat right you cannot help your muscles recover. This can eventually lead to injury and muscle loss. You will also slow down your metabolism and not be burning optimal fat.

The true strategy for a successful six pack diet is taking in healthy meals at the right time. After your workouts, take in foods rich in protein. Another point, avoid unhealthy fats and starchy carbs like junk foods, deep fried meals and baked goods.

2. Thinking that performing cardio alone will work your muscles. Cardio workouts are good. Yet, this is not enough. To build abs fast, you will need to carry out different exercises, not just one. Resistance training and weight lifting are some of the best complete body workouts that will strengthen your muscles.

Doing these routines combined with abs-targeting workouts will make those abs ripped sooner than you think. One significant reminder though, you should perform these drills regularly at least 4 times a week, every other day. For your cardio option, perform them during the days when you're not performing your regular workouts.

3. Over-Training. Some people could not even take the pain of hard exercises. Yet, there are those who think that overworking themselves will produce them better results sooner. Well, that's a big misconception.

Over training will not get you fast ripped abs. There is just too much risk of injury. You will face damage both physically and mentally. Your muscles will be worn out and maybe damaged.

You want to focus on efficiency. You want a program that does not wear you out to the point where you cannot do the exercises properly. You want to do each repetition with effective and efficient movement. Overdoing it will not let you do this.

You should start with 5 reps for each exercise and then gradually increase as you get stronger. Let your muscles adapt. This allows for muscle recovery and gets your muscles ready for more intense work later on.

Don't make the same mistakes such as these. Applying the most effective regimen will lead you to your fitness goal. Just carry out a highly nutritious diet, do your workouts perfectly, and don't ever believe that one routine will build abs fast. Now that you know how to get 6 pack abs easily, start doing it right away! In the end, you'll be satisfied with the fruits of your hard work and efforts. - 17268

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The 8 Secrets Dog Owners Should Know

By Jenash Muldavi

1. Being to harsh with your dog and especially in its early years, will have severe consequences to the mental state of the dog. It will leave the dog feeling unwanted and unloved and it might even lead to a depression.

2. Do not make your dog overeat. To much food will hurt its physique and will make a major impact on its well being. As your dog gets fat from overeating it will lose its energy and joy and you'll end up with a fat, lazy and unhappy pet.

3. Food for people is not dog food. Do not feed your dog food from the dinner table. Ask your VET what is recommended for the specific breed as every breed might require different things for optimal nutritional intake.

4. Walking your dog on a daily basis is vitally important to satisfy the basic physical needs of your dog. Smaller dogs will need shorter walks and larger breeds and most above average size breeds will even need more walks per day.

5. One of the most important things when it comes to training your dog and having it use its body the way it was designed is to go play. Through a stick or a frisbee will not only be fun but it will also be a great workout for your dog.

6. Every dog owner should sign up for dog training courses. Being able to control your dog and to have it follow commands is beneficial in so many ways that you can hardly believe it. It is also an important point to learn how to show your dog that you are in charge.

7. Making sure that you show your dog that you love it dearly is vitally important. The feeling of love can erase almost any other error you make and if you let your dog know and feel that you love it in return it will love you back unconditionally.

8. Treat your dog with respect and it will in return respect you back. Even though a dog might not be at the level of intelligence that humans are it is still a highly sophisticated being that should not be taken lightly. - 17268

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Yeast-Free Living - Alternative To Expensive Yeast-Free Breads

By Matt Bournston

If you have recently tried to follow a yeast-free diet, you have probably realized that a lot of yeast-free bread's are expensive. So, what cheaper alternatives are there?

My advice would be to make your own yeast free bread. This is actually very easy to do once you know what ingredients to use. And the great thing is, it means you will have complete control over what you include in the bread. You will also be able to eat it fresh from the oven, still warm.

Check out this great yeast free bread recipe.

What You Will Need:

* Olive oil or lard, for greasing

* 1 level tsp salt

* 9oz/250g plain flour

* 225ml/8fl oz buttermilk or live yoghurt

* 2 teaspoons of soft brown sugar

* 1 level tsp bicarbonate soda

How To Make:

1. Pre-heat your oven to 445F/230C. Grease a baking sheet with the lard or oil.

2. Sift the soda, salt and flour into your mixing bowl, and then add the sugar.

3. Mix the yoghurt or buttermilk into the mixture with a wooden spoon, and then kneed into a dough using your hands until it becomes firm and soft. If you think it feels too wet or sticky, simply add more flour to the mixture.

4. Gently kneed the dough for approximately 30 seconds or until it becomes smooth. Then shape it into a deep ball shape. Place it on the greased baking sheet and then cut a deep X into the top using a knife. This allows the bread to expand as the soda begins to work.

5. Place the dough into the oven and cook for approximately 12 minutes. Then reduce the heat to 200C/400F and bake for a further 15 to 20 minutes. Once it's ready, the bottom of the bread should sound hollow when tapped.

6. Allow the bread to cool for 15 minutes before serving. - 17268

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Shaking Up Muscle Building Recipes

By Karen Ilich

You've watched the ads for protein shakes, whether you wanted to or not. They're everywhere - in print, on billboards and in our email in box. "Drink this and get RIPPED!" Perhaps you've winced when the boxer or weightlifter in a movie drinks raw eggs. Is that it with bodybuilding recipes? Shakes and raw eggs? Definitely not.

The Variety Of Protein

You want protein to help build muscle. You also need to eat a lot more calories than the average person because you are burning so much energy making muscles. One of the key ingredients in bodybuilding recipes is protein and more protein. And not only will your intake of meat, beans, milk and eggs rise, but you want lean pieces cooked healthily so you don't gain fat as well as protein. So, you can't just slam down cheeseburgers all day. You still need variety, less fats and less carbohydrates, and to take your vitamins as well.

And you don't have to be strictly carnivorous. Tofu is loaded with protein - and the extra soft kind makes great shakes and pie filling. Even the veggie burgers available in your local supermarket will give you the protein you need, as well as variety to keep eating interesting. And for vegan bodybuilders, soy milk can be substituted for cow's milk.

This Ain't Julia Child

There are many websites and publications specializing in easy to make, high-protein bodybuilding recipes. There are also many health, fitness and bodybuilding magazines that can point you in the right direction. Don't be afraid to try new spices and herbs in your bodybuilding recipes. They don't add anything to your diet except taste.

With each meal, you are aiming for at least 25-30 grams of protein. Try to avoid saturated fats as much as possible. For example, you could fry in olive oil rather than butter or margarine. And try broiling rather than frying up everything. Try also to avoid heavily coated foods, like fried chicken. There's just too much fat in it.

And if you do wish to stick to protein shakes and raw eggs for your diet, there are health and cooking websites and books that can help you master your blender so you don't have to keep drinking the same eggy shake over and over again.

Before You Do Anything Else

Although you might be hungry to start training for the Mr. Universe title after reading about bodybuilding recipes, don't start without talking to your doctor. You have to be checked out to see if your body can adapt to bodybuilding, let alone the bodybuilding recipes. - 17268

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