By Dr. Bill
President Obama was a guest on Jay Leno recently and tried to portray himself as an "everyman" -- just another hardworking business executive. I think he did just fine, but it's a little strange to see the President on a late night talk show.
Except for the gaffe about bowling like a Special Olympian. That's one of the reasons you don't do late night TV--the temptation to be an actor, or comedian is just too great, and Obama really wanted to bring down the house.
Now go into your crystal ball and try to imagine if Sarah Palin told that story, or Rush Limbaugh. We would have heard how terrible it was 100 times by now, and everybody in the western world would have been scolding the teller. But this isnt the case with the current President, because all the media are deep in the tank for this guy, even if his numbers don't make sense, the people he hires aren't qualified, or the holdovers in his party are outright criminals, like Senator Dodd, Congressmen Frank, Rangel, and Murtha.
The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, recently met with some illegal immigrants. During her speech, she called them "patriots." There are many that would disagree with that, because they think illegals are taking financial resources from those people who are working legally. Nancy Pelosi hails from a state that is bankrupt, so her comments seem a little out of place.
So, lets talk about something else.
I want to offer you some easy fat loss tips. If you want to lose weight, you have to lose fat. To lose fat you must increase your metabolism.
1. Consume as much water as you can. That means plain water, not soda, or energy drinks, or so-called fitness drinks. Each day, while you are awake, your body requires 16 ounces of water every two hours. If you are exercising at a vigorous pace you need to increase that amount by quite a bit. Especially if you are exercising in the heat -- you might need up to a gallon of water per hour.
2. Beginning when you wake up each morning, be prepared to eat six to eight times per day. Even if you exercise first thing, eat a little something beforehand, just to get your system going. Eating six to eight times a day can be broken down any way you like -- you can eat 3 snacks and 3 meals or 5 snacks and 2 meals -- just arrange it so you are not hungry or skipping meals. Not eating regular meals can really sabotage a weight loss program.
3. Consume food of high quality. This means no fast food, and no junk food. Look for high-quality protein, and don't eat processed foods that are labeled low-fat or no-fat. Those type of products contain a very high percentage of sugar. Try to eat as many highly colored vegetables and fruits as you can, and make sure there is at least one green vegetable is included with each meal.
4. Supplements. Make sure you are taking pharmaceutical-grade
fish oil softgels that are ultra pure and manufactured from fish that live in deep water. This type of product will help you lose weight by raising your metabolism and generating more fat burning.
5. Lower your sugar intake and eat more fiber. Find out which vegetables and fruits have the highest amounts of fiber and be sure to include them in your daily diet.
A friend of mine recently dropped about 25 pounds, and one of the things he told me was, BillI just cant tell you how important increasing my water intake was. I started off drinking a gallon of water a day, and it was like the first 15 pounds just fell off. And once that first 15 pounds was gone, I started sleeping better, and His goal is 40 pounds, and hell make it easily, following just a few special concepts. - 17268