Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Banish Cellulite For Good!

By El Bilson

Sick of sagging skin? Ready to banish cellulite for good? The cosmetic industry has spent millions of dollars marketing various products and procedures claiming to be a real solution to cellulite. There are lotions, creams, body wraps, ultrasonic massagers and medical procedures like mesotherapy. Are these products the real deal or are they just a bunch of hype?

Cellulite is caused by pockets of fat under the skin. Concerned about developing cellulite? Our genes play a large factor in determining if we will have cellulite or not. The majority of women will experience at least some cellulite in their lifetime as cellulite can also be brought on by hormone changes.

For women with minimal cellulite, creams and lotions can be a viable solution. There are certain ingredients that are found in most over the counter cellulite treatments. Caffeine, aminophyline and collagen work towards smoothing and tightening the skin. Most creams need to be massaged into the affected area for the maximum benefits.

For moderate to severe cases of cellulite, don't waste your time and money on lotions. Most likely you will need to invest in more serious treatments if you really want to get rid of your cellulite. There is a process called Endermology where a powerful electronic device massages the effected areas with more pressure than you could exert with your hands.

As far as the downsides of Endermology go, the procedure can be slightly uncomfortable and leave minor bruising but most patients of Endermology see results of smoother, tighter skin. Endermology involves several sessions however. Also, it can be cost prohibitive for some women.

One of the best treatments for cellulite on the market is mesotherapy. It is a minimally invasive cosmetic medical procedure where a shot containing a special formula is given to the patient in the effected area. The special injection formula is tailored to the patient but includes pharmaceutical and homeopathic medicines, vitamins, amino acids and minerals that promote the destruction of the fat in the cells, the metabolism of that fat and the renewed appearance of the skin.

Mesotherapy injections are given in a doctor's office or medical center under local anesthesia. There is no recovery time needed so you can walk out of the office and go about your daily routine. Some doctors may recommend that a patient receive multiple treatment sessions in order to see the best results. However many women have had success in getting rid of their cellulite through mesotherapy.

Products that you can avoid all together are over the counter vitamins or herbs that claim to banish cellulite and those slightly ridiculous looking wraps. The pills do not have a proven track record of effectiveness. They can contain herbs that interfere with your other medication or cause allergic reactions. Always be careful and consult with a doctor before using any cellulite treatment. - 17268

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Can Starting a Good Tennis Program Really Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

As we age, you shouldn't be surprised to glance down and find more bruises than you used to find when you were younger. Although bruising easily is a condition that has been linked to some problematic disorders or diseases, you will generally find that bruising easily is not a serious condition at all; it is only a normal part of the way that your body acts as we grow older. On the other hand, it is a totally normal reaction to try to find a means to reduce the bruising easily as well.

Take a few moments to learn what bruising causes really are and what tennis, of all things, can do to reduce the bruising that you now too often see. You are not helpless in the face of bruising, and there are many things that you can do to help alleviate this condition. Depending on your specific situation, you will see that tennis might be the best solution for you.

You should recognize that tennis can be a highly aerobic activity. Tennis involves a great deal of coordination which builds muscle tone and provides a full body workout. Consider how much conditioning this sport will require of you, and then decide whether you want to pursue it on an indoor court or an outdoor court. After these determinations you will find that tennis can give you numerous healthful benefits.

Whether you are returning to tennis after a long absence, or you are taking up tennis for the first time, you are probably asking yourself how tennis can help you reduce your bruising. What you should understand is the fact that the breakdown or lack of collagen in your body is the primary cause for your easy bruising. Your skin's elasticity can be directly traced to your collagen levels, and as you age, the reduction in collagen can make you tend to more bruising because your skin and blood vessels are less protected than when you were younger.

All this means that you need to find a means to toughen up or otherwise strengthen your blood vessels. Strengthening your blood vessels so as to make sure that they are not injured from light pressure or mild trauma is best accomplished by a regular program of cardiovascular activity. This results of this cardiovascular activity will tend to make you much less inclined to bruise with seemingly little or no provocation.

With that in mind, remember that the best way to strengthen your blood vessels is to consider what your options are going to be to get the proper amount of cardiovascular exercise in your normal routine. Through strengthening your heart and your entire body, you will place yourself in a much better position to reduce the bruising that you are experiencing, especially easy bruising that is due to your aging.

If you are thinking about getting started with tennis or with any other type of regular cardiovascular exercise, remember to consult with your doctor, particularly if you have any other conditions that should be considered for possible negative effects to your general health.

Despite all of the benefits that a tennis program offers due to its cardiovascular exercise, you should also consider following a daily, all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which can provide you with reduced bruising or help you prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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Amazing Smoothie Recipes Review for Good Health and Great Flavour!

By Jen Turner

I was recently looking around the internet for some smoothie recipes to help me lose weight in a safe and healthy way, which is when I first found the Amazing Smoothie Recipes eBook. As soon as I bought it I realised that it has a lot more than just plain old recipes, and was great for letting me know many of the health benefits of smoothies as well as how they can help you to lose weight.

The eBook was very quick and easy for me to download. I saved the PDF file onto my computer, but it is also designed to print out and put in a ring binder if you want. And, though it was cheap already at $9.95, it even came with 4 really interesting and useful bonus eBooks!

One thing that this eBook really helped me with is getting five or more portions of fruit and vegetables each day. It's really important to our health, yet many of us struggle to even get three portions a day! Smoothies are a great way to overcome this problem, and eating fruit will even be fun! You can also tick off how many portions you get each day with a handy printable chart.

There were some really interesting facts in this eBook about why smoothies are so nutritionally valuable. For example, I learned that watermelons include an important cancer-fighting ingredient called lycopene. There are also a huge number of other antioxidants found in the recipes here, important for protecting your health.

I also recommend the recipe on page 43 for the Pink Banana Smoothie, or the Apple Passion on page 37. And the good news is that they don't require any fancy ingredients, just fruits stocked in your local supermarket. This is even great for anyone going on a raw diet " all it takes is a minute to whizz your food in the blender!

The one factor I'd like to point out about this eBook is that all the measurements for liquids are provided in ml instead of in cups. But this wasnt too much of a problem for me, as most of my measuring cups already had the measurements for ml as well as cups " and I found that around 200ml of juice works out at just less than 1 cup " but if you don't already have one that measures ml, I'd recommend getting a Pyrex measuring cup. If you're also worried about making a mess with your blender then you'll really enjoy the section on keeping it clean " it's certainly saved me a lot of effort!

My favourite thing about buying this recipe collection in eBook format was that I could download it as soon I bought it - and I could buy it at whatever time I wanted. And, since it is delivered electronically, the makers could add on the great bonus eBooks: 101 Amazing Ways to Stay Healthy, The Amazing Family Cookbook (with 500+ low sugar and low fat recipes), Amazing Vegetable Variations (300+ recipes that families love) and Amazing Fast Food Facts.

Id definitely recommend the Amazing Smoothie Recipes eBook to anyone on a diet or wanting to learn more about improving their health! - 17268

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Body Building for Beginners, Do's and Don'ts

By Ricardo d Argence

Many techniques and routines can, if performed properly, help you build up muscle mass as long as you also carefully monitor your daily intake of food and water. Of course, you also have to make sure that you are taking proper care of yourself and you muscles by resting and recovering from all your hard work. However there are many things you should not do because they might hurt your body or cause an unfortunate imbalance in your physique.

Always have a plan for your bodybuilding workout. Begin by equipping yourself with an adequate notebook and a trustworthy pen. Keep this training journal handy and up to date. While writing down where you're at now, write down your goals for the future, and how you're going to get there.

To implement your strategy, you need to outline your daily steps of action in order to achieve your goal.

In order to stick to your workouts, you should keep a journal to keep you on track. It's very important never fail to your scheduled workouts when you are a bodybuilder. Track your performance with identifiable measures of success as you progress toward those goals.

For your health, include the category of diet in your training journal to track your progress or use a separate journal just for your diet plan. Your diet is an essential part of your overall plan to get rid of fat and build up your muscles, so it's important to pay attention to what you eat. Remember you cannot starve yourself and build muscle.

Many products that will help with bodybuilding are available for purchase. Of course there's marketing hype that you'll see coming from a mile away, making bogus claims. If you want to achieve your current goal, it is best to use tried and proven methods. In the end you may be wasting yourself monetarily and time-wise.

Challenging yourself everyday with techniques will help you grow muscles, however when you are not experiencing continual growth you should consider other options. Your muscle growth will plateau if you are doing the same things every week, as it satisfies the effort you put into it. By adding just a bit more weight each time, You can push yourself to surpass previous workouts.

You also need the proper amount of rest and recovery. Get plenty of restful sleep to recover from muscle inflammation and soreness by resting more often. - 17268

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MMA Fighters Will Fail Without This Type Of Strength

By Gilson Barbarian Oliveira

Most athletes don't realize how important Isometric Strength is and why it should be part of you MMA Training. Strikers may benefit less from Isometric Training due to the more "dynamic" nature of their arts. Some work is still needed but in a very specific way to mimic the clinching.

Most of the time when we hear something related to certain degree to Isometric Strength is always talking about "Static Holds" and always exploring grip strength. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing about that. But, it's important to say that this method also can be and should be applied to other muscle groups.

Let me explain to you first what "Isometric" means. We all know there is contraction (your muscle is shortening) and there is eccentric (your muscle now is lengthening). So far, so good, right? Now, If you try to push a wall, for instance, is likely you won't be able to do it. But, through your attempt, you created a huge tension throughout you body, specially the "Pushing" muscles (chest, shoulders, triceps). This tension created without the phases described above (shortening and lengthening ) is known as Isometry!

As a MMA fighter there is a possibility for the need of defending a takedown attempt. The first reaction is to get one "underhook" and pick your opponent up. He, on the other hand, will be "weighing down" on your body (specially against the fence). It can be for seconds or minutes, but for as long as they keep that "struggle" they are engaging in Isometric strength. attention to what I'm gonna tell you.

When you have one of the fighters becoming more dominant (picking up or taking down) you have a display of maximal strength (pure strength). Strength tells us we need to fight a resistance (your opponent's effort or body) and we need to win. Because there is no time frame involved here, and I count as one attempt, we will say that that fighter displayed pure strength (maximal)

When you defend a takedown and your response is quick (right away you pick your opponent up) this shows a display of your power (strength + speed). But, if during your fight you are forced to defend yourself from endless takedown attempts, you will have to display not only strength (to pick him up) but endurance to sustain such activity through the rounds. For this, you will need strength-endurance. Remember one thing, if there is no need for speed you are NOT talking about power (strength + speed), only different types of strength.

Many abilities need to be developed to a fighter to be really ready for a match. Some of you might have noticed there is still one ability to be mentioned in this article. In the last phase of any fighter's preparation, this ability is a MUST! Anyone? If round after round I still can display quickness while defending the takedown attempts I am displaying then my power-endurance. Without the speed (quickness) this case turns into strength-endurance, but when your add the speed ability, you the have power. And by sustaining the activity for minutes awhile keeping the speed, you have your power-endurance in place.

Can you understand the consequences if you leave one or more abilities out of your workout planning? I wish you success in your MMA training and positive results. I see you around, and thanks for your time. - 17268

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Coconut Nutrition - The Hidden Treasure for Your Health

By Kathryn Barry

Coconut Nutrition has been some how buried for decades. Meanwhile, coconut's fat has taken on a bad reputation because it contains a large quantity of saturated fats. This has lead people to believe that eating coconuts is bad for your heart.

The saturated fats present in coconuts are not harmful and contain medium chain fatty acids which help to prevent various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

Your Body Needs Saturated Fats

Dietary fats are needed for fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K to be absorbed by your body. Mineral absorption and the conversion of carotene into vitamin A are also affected by dietary fats.

The livelihood of your hormones, hormone like substances, and cell membranes depends on an adequate supply of saturated fats. Saturated fats also provide your body with a great source of energy.

Omega 3's depend on saturated fat, so that they can be utilized by your body.

Your cells communicate better when your diet has this fat and your cell membranes should be made of about 50% saturated fat.

Coconuts are an important source of saturated fat for Vegans or Vegetarians who don't eat animal products.

Coconuts are Easier to Get than Mother's Milk

Coconut's are one of the few sources of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) or medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). This is what makes coconut's saturated fat so unique and special.

Mother's milk is another source of these powerful fatty acids which help newborns to develop their immune systems properly.

Coconut Nutrition and MCTs

These fatty acids put less strain on your body and are easily digested.

Your body rapidly turns MCTs into energy for your body.

Coconut fat is loaded with Lauric acid which is known for it's ability to kill unwanted germs and parasites.

MCTs boost your metabolism and thyroid functions.

Coconut's Effect on Cholesterol Levels

Lately, studies show no connection to high serum cholesterol or to high coronary heart disease with the consumption of dietary coconut oil.

Closer scrutiny shows that fats found in coconut oil raise the "Good Cholesterol Level".

In the past, studies found that coconut's oils or fats was a risk for heart disease because it raised people's cholesterol levels.

This kind of flawed study used hydrogenated coconut oil. Hydrogenated oil is made by forcing hydrogen gas into oil at high pressure - this changes the properties of an oil for the worst.

Hydrogenated oils is what creates heart disease and higher serum cholesterol levels. So why use a hydrogenated oil in a study?

There are studies that prove people in tropical areas of the world who consumed a large amount of coconuts did not suffer from the many diseases of our Western World.

Organic Coconut Cream is Delicious

This is one of my favorite ways to consume coconuts. Organic coconut cream is very similar to coconut milk, but contains less water and has a more thick paste-like consistency. This rich and thick cream has a light sweet taste and contains more nutrients than coconut oil.

Coconut Nutrition and Raw Cream

Unlike coconut oil, which is fat soluble, coconut cream is both fat and water soluble.

Thus, you will get all the benefits of coconut oil, plus the ability to break up stored plague.

Stored plague that has hardened in your body due to the consumption of cooked fats and cooked cholesterol breaks down with the use of this powerful solvent.

Best Way to Eat Coconut Cream

Makes a wonderful coconut ice cream

Using this fat in smoothies makes it very satisfying and healthy

Rice dishes become much more interesting when you add some coconut cream. Try adding it to stews and soups for a new depth of flavor.

Make Your Own

You'll need two things to make great tasting coconut cream. Organic coconuts is the best type of coconut to use and a Green Star Juicer makes it so easy.

Basically, you would crack the coconut open, drain the coconut water or drink it, scoop out the fresh coconut meat, and then feed it to the Green Star Juicer and presto - freshly made coconut cream. - 17268

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What Happens During a Heart Attack?

By Barb Hicks

The primary organ of the cardiovascular system is the heart, and is the muscle that continually pumps blood to the rest of the body. The heart's blood supply comes by way of the coronary arteries, carrying the oxygen and nutrients required for it to function properly. Red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and other substances flow freely to the heart. The red blood cells carry oxygen, while the function of the white blood cells is to fight infection.

When a person is healthy, the artery walls are smooth and uniform in thickness, however, as time goes on, a high level of cholesterol circulates, causing fatty deposits called plaque to accumulate on the interior walls of the arteries.

This plaque buildup begins to accumulate and eventually hardens, narrowing the artery and causing it to be less flexible than it once was. This condition is known as atherosclerosis and is the main cause of CAD or Coronary Artery Disease.

When blood flow to the heart is blocked, a heart attack (myocardial infarction, MI) can result. If blockage of a coronary artery extends past 90%, there is an increased risk for a heart attack. When plaque completely blocks or occludes a coronary artery, the risk for heart attack is certain.

Another risk for experiencing a heart attack is the development of a blood clot. This occurs when cracks form in the hardened plaque and blood begins to collect and pile up. The clot can grow to the point of completely blocking blood flow which then results in a heart attack.

The extent of damage the heart acquires during an attack depends largely on the location of the blockage and the speed of obtaining medical treatment. The longer it takes to get help the more extensive the heart damage. Fortunately, atherosclerosis can be prevented, thus lowering the risk of having a heart attack.

It is important to slow the progression of the disease process. This can be accomplished by medications, and reducing your risk factors. You can reduce risk factors by losing excess weight, starting a low fat " low cholesterol " low saturated fat diet, quitting smoking, control of diabetes and hypertension if present, and regular exercise.

In an ideal world everyone would get complete instructions and education on how to reduce their risk factors for heart disease, but due to shortened hospital stays this is not always possible. Take the time to educate yourself to stay healthy. - 17268

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Cellulite Treatment Creams - Will They Work for You?

By El Bilson

Cellulite treatment creams have been on the market for a few years now. These creams vary widely in price and effectiveness. Are they worth your time and effort? The answer can depend on your expectations. Cellulite treatment creams can be a great way to tone and firm your skin without painful surgeries or spa treatments.

A couple big brands come to mind when it comes to these creams. A product that has been popular for several years now is Nivea's Goodbye Cellulite Cream. This brand has paired up with MTV recently to offer a contest to women who want to get rid of their cellulite and are willing to try Nivea's product. The Hello Bikini Challenge offers a 4 week plan for women looking to tone their skin and get rid of their cellulite.

Another big brand associated with cellulite creams is Revitols Cellulite Solution. This brand is one of the more expensive products on the market. Does this make it any more effective? Not really - sometimes price has nothing to do with how well a cosmetic product will work! On the other hand, some products are worth the money you will spend on them.

To have any success with cellulite creams, you need to be willing to apply them on a regular basis. It is recommended that a massaging technique be used to apply the cream to your skin. Regular massages to the problem areas have been shown to reduce the appearance of cellulite. This is due to the fact that a deep massage will release toxins and fluids that build up under the skin. These can lead to cellulite!

Another important part of success with cellulite creams is your ability to apply them at least twice a day for at least four to six weeks. As with many cellulite treatments, the creams can take some time to work. Women who are dedicated to applying the cream on a regular basis will most likely see results. It can be difficult to find the time to apply the cream twice a day however! Many of us have busy schedules that make it difficult to find time to take care of our bodies.

One of the advantages of a cellulite cream is that you don't need to use it year round. If price is an issue, you can buy the treatment creams only in the summer months when you are wearing shorter clothes. By starting to apply a cellulite treatment cream in April or May, you will be ready to hit the beach by June. This is also a great option for women who are strapped for time.

Mainly composed of ingredients such as caffeine and sea minerals, cellulite creams work to smooth out the skin in problem areas. You can also wear cellulite reduction shorts and wraps to help the creams sink in more fully.

Can these cream reach deep enough into the skin cells to really show improvement? Some doctors remain skeptical. However cellulite creams do seem to be able to provide some toning to the skin. Women with advanced cellulite may find that they need a stronger treatment to really see results. Regardless of the scientific studies, the best way to figure out if a cellulite cream works for you is to try one! At the worst, youll have moisturized skin. At best, you will lessen the appearance of your cellulite! - 17268

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Look To Whey as the Optimum Protein

By Dr. Nathaniel Millsby PHD

Whey protein isolate and whey protein powder concentrate is a question that is very commonly asked. This investigation of which whey to take is without a doubt one that has crossed the minds of many weight lifters when they stare at the shelves of the various kinds of whey protein powder available in the health food supermarket.

Which whey protein should you be using; concentrate or isolate?

The most imperative differentiation amid the two is that Isolate is processed at deeper levels so that the fat and lactose are removed. This more involved system provides a higher quality of protein. The fact is that over 90% of whey protein powder isolate is protein calculated by weight.

This is precious as smaller levels of fat are an advantage for the standard daily diet of bodybuilders and when whey is utilized for the principle of losing mass.

Decreased lactose levels are also a positive for individuals who are lactose intolerant and can also diminish the chance of that bloated feeling that can go along with some protein supplements. There are some side effects to using whey protein isolate nonetheless.

Since it is high in protein ratio, isolate powder requires you to pay a higher retail price. The filtering procedure isolate goes through is significantly more intensive to remove the components that are known as alpha lactoglobulins and lactoferrins which is significant immune boosters.

Whey concentrate has lesser protein available and the protein content can range anywhere between 29% in upwards of 89% in some brands. Whey concentrate protein contains higher levels of lactose so anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance should to be very aware.

Whey protein concentrate powder does have an advantage because it cost less so this can be a better substitute depending on what your financial plan is. Whey concentrate protein powder also contains small levels of cholesterol, which is another benefit to think about for your diet.

Overall, dietary and medical conditions call for action to be taken into consideration when choosing the kind of whey protein powder you prefer.

Isolate may have the minor edge in terms of biological value (BV) and will provide you with more worth for the money if you are requiring a higher dosage per serving of protein. - 17268

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Hidden Nutritional Secrets of the Acai

By Max Benifitz

Acai berries have huge amounts of Polyphenols,Phytochemicals, Anthocyanins, what are these and what are the advantages of compounds like these? A great source of anthocyanins is Acai. Phytochemicals are the beneficial compounds found in fruits such as Acai, vegetables, and certain teas. In these uncertain environments like climate and insect infestations it is these protective living matter which let plants survive. When humans consume these compounds they act as antioxidants vital for good health and longevity. Research is showing that antioxidants can aid in the battle against aging, heart disease and many types of cancer, as well as other age related issues, such as ophthalmology.

A more potent form of antioxidant is Anthocyanin. We have all heard of the "French Paradox", how the people of France with their high fat diets and not uncommon unhealthy lifestyles are still below the percentage of related deaths from cardiovascular disease than many of the populations which exist today. One of the many reasons is consumption of huge amount of red wine by them. Anthocyanins is an antioxidant found in wine, which is derived from grapes. The polyphenols (anthocyanins) the red wine is thought to mitigate the effects of smoking and diet high in fat. Anthocyanin, a polyphenol which is proven to reverse, halt, and improve the conditions of many age related diseases inflicted on the general population. Anthocyanins (flavonoids) found in various fruits have a unique chemical structure that makes them 6 to 8 times more potent than vitamin C. There is a fruit called Acai (ah-Sa-E) contains the most highly concentrated forms of anthocyanins known thus far through intense research. The anthocyanin content in the Acai is proven to be 3.5 times more than a glass of red wine has, ounce for ounce when examined in an ORAL experiment. (capacity measure).

Anthocyanins and their protective properties: Inflammation and Collagen: Anthocyanins neutralize enzymes that destroy connective tissue. The antioxidant quality that is posses stops connecting tissues from getting damaged and helps in repairing damaged proteins in the blood vessel walls.

The Nervous System: By preventing tyrosine nitration, the anthocyanin properties in Acai may help protect against neurological diseases. Acai contains primary anthocyanins, Cyanidin-3-glucoside which helps in reversing age related neurological deficits.

Large and Small Blood-Vessels: Anthocyanins ability to counter oxidants make them a powerhouse in the fight against arteriosclerosis. Even when present in small amounts anthocyanins effectively guards against LDL oxidation. Anthocyanins protect the integrity of the endothelial cells that line blood vessel walls and help to maintain micro capillary integrity.

Diabetes: One of the serious diabetic complications is retinopathy, which in most cases can cause blindness. This condition occurs when the body attempts to repair leaking, damaged capillaries, but does so by over producing abnormal proteins. The protection of anthocyanins may help prevent these capillaries from leaking and to help prevent abnormal protein proliferation.

Eyesight: Anthocyanins may also help improve eyesight by numerous mechanisms. In the Second World War, British fighter pilots were found to have improved night vision. These findings were thought to be contributed by the large amounts of bilberry in the pilots diet. The effect of improved night vision is not long lasting but it is temporary after the consumption of the biliberry. With this new beneficial discovery, the pilots would eat bilberry fruit just before the mission.

Sources: The highest amount of anthocyanins are present in pigmented fruits. Fruits which contain the highest level if anthocyanins are the ones that you don't need to peel. These fruits include Acai, cherries, grapes, raspberries, blueberries, bilberry to mention several. - 17268

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Extend Your Fat Loss At The Fitness Center

By Rebecca D Scott

Many folks want to get fit and drop some weight. Joining a gym and beginning a good exercise program is a good first step but when you get to the gym you will notice that not everyone there is getting results. Going to the gym in not the answer but what you are doing once you get there is what will make the distinction for you.

If you are going to see any results from an exercise plan you are going to have to work hard and break a sweat. That means getting your heart rate up into the target zones and keeping it there. There is some confirmation that if you keep your heart rate at the lower end of the zone for a longer period of time that your body will really burn more fat than carbohydrates, however, that does not inevitably translate to weight loss.

Burning fat stores as an energy source when you work out is not nearly as imperative as the amount of calories that you burn all in all. For example you may burn 350 calories from fat during an easy 60 minute workout but if you add in some challenging high intensity intervals during that same 60 minutes you could end up burning 750 to 1000 calories or more and that will help your body lose weight much more competently.

HIIT or high intensity interval training is perhaps the most efficient fat loss tool that you can add to your fitness program. The plan is to get your heart rate into the target zone and then increase it for 30 to 60 seconds at a time, taking your heart rate up to 90% or more of your max, and then let it come back down and repeat. By doing HIIT you can essentially cut your cardiovascular exercise time in half or more and still get excellent results for fat loss.

To determine your target heart rate training zone, take 220 and subtract your age, then take that number and multiply it by 60% and 80%. This will give you an estimate of your target-training zone. You will need to keep your heart rate in this zone during your workout for the best results.

If you want to drop fat and lose weight for the long-term you will need to pump some iron. Building more muscle is key to long-term weight loss success. Muscle tissue is physically active and you will burn more calories in daily life just by having more muscle tissue. Fat is essentially an inert substance and it does not increase your calorie burn at all.

While exercise is important the most crucial aspect to getting results from any fitness program does not happen at the gym. 6-pack abs are built in the kitchen, not at the gym. Incorporating a extremely nutritious diet is the most critical aspect of any fitness plan. You will never see the best results from an workout plan unless you eat a good diet.

Optimum fat loss can be achieved by following a few ground rules. Supercharge your cardiovascular routine by adding in some HIIT, start on a solid weight-training program and improve your diet. If you do all of these necessary things you should see some results quite quickly. - 17268

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Organic Gardening - How to Make Worm Compost Fertilizer

By Rhonda Abrons

Worm excretion, also known as Vermiculture, is an excellent way to fertilize your garden organically. Listed below is a step by step guide to get you started on creating your own worm compost fertilizer.

Get a Container

For best results, acquire a container that is eight to twelve inches deep. In addition, wood is an excellent material for your worm compost as it absorbs moisture and insulates the worms. There are some who prefer a rectangular shaped plastic container; however these tend to make the compost soggy.

Have Plenty of Holes in the Bottom

After choosing your container, you must now drill holes for release of excess moisture as well as for allowing air flow. Each hole should be at least two inches apart from the last and spread across the entire bottom. Once this is completed, place the container on some bricks to keep it off the ground. This step allows for the air to flow around and through the container. Another bonus to this step is that a tray can be placed underneath the container to catch any excess fluid which can then be used as liquid fertilizer. If you notice your compost seems excessively wet, simply add more holes to the bottom.

Use Shredded Newspaper to Line the Container

Place newspaper that has been shredded into one inch wide strips and has been dampened with water from a spray bottle into the bottom of the container. Next, simply add about one cup of sand. The sand assists the worms with digestion.

Save Kitchen Scraps

Just as you would save leftovers for your home composting, you will need to save your kitchen scraps for your worm compost. This should be started at least one week prior to purchasing your worms. The best foods are egg shells, used tea bags, coffee grounds and raw fruit and vegetable leftovers. The foods you want to avoid are meat, bones, cheese, milk or mayonnaise and salad dressings.

Acquire Your Worms

The best worms for compost are red worms or red wigglers as they thrive off of organic materials such as rotting vegetables. The standard amount of worms you will need is about two pounds for each day of food waste. This works out to be approximately two thousand worms.

Cover the Container

Worms like it dark and moist, so cover with a wooden board when outside. This will also keep away predators. Inside, heavy plastic will do.

Collect Castings from Worms

It takes about 4 to 6 weeks to notice the bedding is darker and in 2 to 3 months there will be little left to the original bedding. To collect all of the castings or compost at once, empty the bin on a tarp or old shower curtain into piles. Shine a light so the worms go to the bottom. Scoop the castings off the top until only worms are left. Start your bins over with some of the castings in your new bedding. - 17268

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