Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, January 25, 2010

The 25th Day on Homeopathic HCG!

By Amelia Handley

Day 25! It's the last day on HCG. The 500 calorie diet is coming to an end. It was a successful venture, and I'm so glad I did it. But I'm also looking forward to not limiting myself to 500 calories per day. I'm really in the habit of taking the oral HCG drops which was fabulous while I was on it, but it's kind of funny now that I'm not supposed to be taking it anymore. (You don't take it for the last three days of the low calorie diet).

I'm at 150. That was the final weigh in as of this morning. So I'm down just one more pound. I officially lost 21 pounds in 25 days. I'm thinking that's a pretty amazing feat. And since I learned so many good habits while I was on the diet it's so much more likely that I'll stick to my new weight. I drink tons more water now. I eat healthy food and I know how to cook (and enjoy eating) a bunch of different healthy recipes. I weigh myself religiously every morning.

I thought about making one of the smoothies again today...but again, it was too cold. So I had fresh strawberries with some Vanilla Creme Stevia (just a tiny bit; last time I used way too much). With my strawberries I had some Melba Toasts and I made Turkey Tomato Soup. I'm still loving all the yummy soup recipes in the HCG Diet Direct cookbook.

I put a big pitcher of water on the table first thing in the morning so I'd know how much I was going through during the day. (I didn't want to do anything wrong; my very last day on low calorie should be perfect, right?)

For dinner I grilled some chicken (with my new favorite seasoning, Creole) and paired it with my favorite steamed cabbage and followed it with Mock Apple Cobbler. It was kind of like a mini HCG approved feast.

I heard that people often lose more weight during the maintenance diet (that's what some of the oral HCG reviews said, anyway). I'm hoping I'm one of those people. That would be a fabulous added bonus! But if all I lose is 21 pounds...that's absolutely fabulous! And I'm happy with it. - 17268

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Why Eat Organic Chicken?

By Andrea Kristi

Chicken is a great source of protein. It is considered to be one of the healthiest meats and poultry; however, if you really care about your health, make sure you choose organic chickens.

Buying conventionally raised chicken is not always the best idea, because farmers often use arsenic in the chicken feed. Arsenic is a poison, which exposure has been linked to certain types of cancer, heart disease, liver disease and many other health problems.

According to a recent study, women who are overexposed to arsenic while pregnant may increase the risks of their children having cancer later in life.

Government researchers found that arsenic levels in young chicken may be up to four times higher than in other poultry.

Exposure to large quantities of arsenic causes immediate death, so arsenic is called a deadly poison for a reason.

If you buy organic chicken, you may be sure that you are not going to be exposed to even small levels of arsenic. Organic chickens are fed with natural feed which is not genetically or chemically altered. They are raised on natural vegetarian diets and are kept on pesticide-free soils. No antibiotics, growth hormones or any other medication is given to organic chicken. Organic free-range chickens get regular access to fresh air and sun and they have plenty of space to move.

Chicken that can run freely and are living healthier lives, have used muscles, instead of wasted muscles. Organic chicken and their eggs have a richer taste; they have high beneficial fats and higher amounts of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Buying organic chickens can get expensive, so you should always search the Internet for printable organic food coupons. Also, you may want to check local farms in the area, who may offer organic chickens and organic meats at lower prices.

Even if you don't care about your health and don't mind getting exposed to arsenic, give organic chickens a try anyway. If you experience their rich taste, you may never want to buy any other chicken again. - 17268

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Get Rock Hard Abs - Diet And Supplements To Get Six Pack Abs In 4 Weeks!

By Stewart Christian

To get rock-hard abs, you must follow a healthy healthy diet, good exercises regime and take the required additions. Folk frequently take up artificial techniques to sculpt their bodies like steroids and tummy tuck which are extraordinarily harmful. Some even wear some sort of belt to tone their abs.

Diets, additions and Workouts

Nourishment plays a very important role in shaping the body. You need to eat a large amount of high fiber food like veg and fruits to shed toxins which will help to get rid of abdominal fat. Small meals are a great help to boost metabolism. You must eat 6 to 8 small meals every day. You should avoid consuming empty calories like cookies, candy bars and sodas. Home cooked food is much more favorable for gaining muscle mass and losing fat.

Most people undergo spot fat reducing strategy which doesn't work. Doing sit ups and crunches may a little aggravating occasionally. To get rock hard abs, you need to mix resistance training, body weight and cardiovascular exercises.

Cardio exercises like swimming, hiking and running help to raise metabolism and shape abdominal muscles easily. You must do mild cardiovascular like walking and jogging before doing resistance training exercises while you can swim after working out. Devoting one and a half hours to working out is crucial to attain well toned abs.

Protein additions like casein and whey must be added to your diet to maintain your energy levels. Exercises like sit ups and crunches need plenty of endurance. To perform these exercise programs effectively, you must take Nitric Oxide. It increases blood flow and encourages muscle pumping. It buttress the nervous system, thus improving psychological focus.

Sportsmen and bodybuilders suffer from wounds and joint pains which can be cured by consuming Nitric Oxide. It decreases recovery time and excites the healing process. Also, it helps to prevent illnesses like cancer, heart attacks and diabetes. It acts as an agent against the method of aging and inspires fat loss. - 17268

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Fastest Way to Lose Weight - The Top 3 Foods Your Body Needs

By Tess Rainey

In this article we will discuss the fastest way to lose weight by eating the top 3 foods your body is craving. You may not realize your body is craving one of these foods, but by adding them into your diet and consuming them regularly, you will help your body to grow and thrive and even fight off diseases like cancer, depression, diabetes and more.

1. Protein: Protein is something that is under consumed, and yet it is one of the most important foods that your body needs. Whether or not you are a vegetarian, your body needs protein, and there are many sources you can get it from. Chicken, eggs and turkey for starters, even soy, beans and nuts are excellent sources.

Many people skip breakfast in the morning, either because they are trying to lose weight, don't have the time, or simply don't think they need it. But it isn't just a saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your body really needs food in the morning to start off right and protein especially will help get you through your day as well as help you lose weight.

2. Fruits: We've all heard it, eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day. But realistically, how many of us actually get all of our fruits and veggies in before the sun sets? Not many, but it isn't hard to fit them all in if you are eating them for snacks throughout the day rather than eating foods that aren't good for you.

And as an added bonus, substituting a fruit for your usual cookie or chips will not only make you feel better, but it will satisfy your hunger longer so you end up eating less and losing weight.

3. Vegetables: Children aren't the only ones who don't eat their vegetables. Many adults are guilty of omitting this very essential food from their diets. You can't ignore the health studies however that find that eating leafy greens and other vegetables during the day will not only help you function better, but will help your body deal with the many toxins it is exposed to everyday.

Other great choices for your daily veggies are colorful vegetables and fruits that contain phytonutrients. Phytonutrients support our well-being and function and protect us against aging, obesity and more. Without them our bodies do not function as well, can't fight off disease and will often feel sluggish and/or depressed. Add some pretty colors to your meals and you will feel energized, lose weight and perhaps even prevent cancer.

In the article above we discussed the fastest way to lose weight and how to become thinner simply by eating enough protein, fruits and vegetables. We all know how essential these foods are for our bodies, the trick is to change your habits so you can easily include them in your daily menus. By doing so and eating these 3 foods, you can lose weight and usually without even trying.

Ready to learn more and start losing weight? - 17268

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How Certain Specialty Shops And Boutiques Are Now Turning To The Internet To Increase Their Customer Base

By Connor Sullivan

There are varied reasons why entrepreneurs go into their various businesses. Several have such a passion for something that they just use that passion and turn it into a business not really worrying about the money side of it. Others are always looking to be ahead of the next big trend and have a business succeed during that phase where it is really hot. This article will describe a few of the various types of specialty shops that have succeeded and how some of them are even creating websites to broaden their customer numbers. The examples are coffee shops and blooming tea places that could also have online tea stores, baby boutiques, paper shops, and antique shops.

Several decades ago, if a person wanted to buy a cup of coffee or tea they would visit a restaurant or a diner and order a cup. Several places did not even charge for coffee as long as you ordered a meal. Now, the coffee business has taken off crazily because of the chain of coffee shops named Starbucks. Now, Americans think nothing of spending 5 dollars on a coffee each day . Now the newer trend is turning toward tea shops for those that enjoy hot or cold tea versus coffee. Both of these places that seem to only be successful in their small stores are also turning towards the internet to sell their coffee and tea products for people that do not have access to a shop.

High end baby boutiques are another specialty shop that has become quite popular these days. Many customers would purchase baby items at a local department store as that was the only place to do so. Now, with so many women waiting longer to have their babies and therefore having established careers where they are financially well off, they want something finer for their babies. In Europe these type of shops have always existed and now they are very popular in most states in America too.

Another of specialty shop are stationary stores that deal in beautiful paper and fine invitations. This type of shop has had to change in recent years due to the computers and printers that people have in their homes and for their personal use now. In the past, when a person wanted to get wedding invitations they had to go to a specialty store to order them and to have them professionally printed. Many engaged couples simply buy the paper and create their own invitation on their PC with a nice printer saving quite a lot of expense. This has caused these little paper boutiques to have to be creative to keep their business and many have turned toward the internet to help them. Many of these businesses now sell the products to create your own invitation as that is what a lot of couples want to do now.

Antique shops are also turning to having online sites to sell their antiques worldwide instead of simply in their small communities. Collectors spare no expense to getting items they want and often find them online. - 17268

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Tummy Tuck Liposuction: "Am I A Good Candidate?"

By Alexis Thomas

Liposuction, or the removal of unnecessary fats from many various parts of the human body, has gained recognition over the years. It may also be the worst perpetrator for people refusing to exercise and watch the food they eat. The liposuction process in reality begun in Rome, Italy in 1974. Two American surgeons, Giorgio and Arpad Fischer built the foundation for this process.

One of the loved liposuction procedures to mention is the tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. Before deciding to try tummy tuck liposuction, you need to be mindful of its side effects. Its risks in reality involves infection, bleeding, healing problems and reaction to anesthesia. Thus, if you are in right build but just wish to do away with a few kilos, there may be other non-invasive alternative for you. You are an ideal candidate for tummy tuck liposuction if you:

1. Have unneeded fat in their abdominal area

2. Have unneeded skin in their abdominal area

3. Have laxity of the abdominal skin

4. Have a protruding abdominal area

5. Are not overweight or only somewhat overweight

6. Have not reduced huge amounts of weight

7. Have never been pregnant

8. Are 35 years old and under

Tummy tuck liposuction is advisable on a patient with loosened abdominal skin, widespread stretch marks of weakened muscles in the abdomen. A tummy tuck liposuction yields one a harder tummy, but leaves a very visible mark in the abdomen. Talk with your surgeon as to where you wish your scar to be situated.

A tummy tuck liposuction procedure take between one to five hours, depending upon the stiffness of the patient's unnecessary fats. Pain after the process can be severe. Consult your surgeon as to the better ways to cut down the infliction. Discuss with your surgeon as to the advisable ways to take care of yourself post-procedure. - 17268

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A Glass of Wheatgrass Juice a Day: Your Ultimate Immunity-booster

By Karen Taylor

Health enthusiasts and consumers are looking at another super food-wheatgrass. Equivalent to almost three pounds of vegetables, many have testified that an ounce of wheatgrass juice contains high sustenance for everyone. Wheatgrass benefits drinkers of its juice with its vitamin, mineral, and amino acid content that has been proven to be nutritive.

Because of the wheatgrass benefits and because preparing it isn't hard at all, many people are incorporating wheatgrass juice in their diets because of the wondrous amounts of nutrients in it. Growing your own wheatgrass and making your own juice is very simple because it is very convenient and easy to obtain--you could actually plant it in your own garden! Also, you don't have to shed too much money on multivitamins and other health-maintaining stuff in the market that don't really work for everyone.

An ounce of wheatgrass roots compared to an ounce of carrots actually has more than vitamin A which is known to be the vitamin essential for eye-health. Wheatgrass juice is an organic energy drink because its nutrients are fast absorbed by your body into the bloodstream, keeping you alert always. Be sure to read on because we will show lots wheatgrass benefits that will definitely win you in this write-up.

Stabilizing one's digestion and maintaining its natural cycles is probably the most known wheatgrass benefits. Those who want to lose weight should drink wheatgrass juice because it is a great substitute for a meal without depriving you of the necessary nutrients from the usual amount of food you take. If you want to have a healthy metabolism, taking the juice helps your body's digestive cycles quick yet well-maintained.

Known to be a cardio-friendly drink, wheatgrass juice helps develop the quality of blood as well as halting blood diseases before it starts while also preventing high blood pressure. Numerous wheatgrass benefits include its capability to protect the body from harmful bacteria. You develop your immune system and help it fight away common and rare diseases by taking wheatgrass juice.

One of the most surprising wheatgrass benefits is its ability to help cleanse the liver, one of the most important and complex organs in the human body. Because of the various vitamins and minerals, the skin is not spared from the advantages. It treats acne, removes scars, and even improves your complexion!

The most helpful wheatgrass benefits are its ability to offset harmful chemicals that we don't usually notice and are possibly affecting our whole bodies. With the wheatgrass' chlorophyll content, accumulated drug particles in the body are removed as it optimizes the oxygen's processes in the bloodstream. This also accompanies in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, keeping you free from anxiety.

Assuring you of a holistic healthy lifestyle, a glass a day gives you all the wheatgrass benefits without leaving anything! A glass of wheatgrass juice a day will secure you of beauty and health while energizing and relaxing you all at the same time! Join the others who have incorporated wheatgrass juice to their diets to assure you and your family of well-being. - 17268

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Beat The Blues With Spa Massage

By Mariah Smith

The world we live in is rather stressful. It expects us to juggle a lot of things all at the same time. Deadlines are roaring like a banshee. Tension level is at its highest point. Where to go? Spa spree!

A visit to a spa shows to be a blissful experience for most individuals particularly after having gratifying and relaxing spa treatments. First on the listing - a spa massage!

There's no denying of the benefits of a massage as apparent throughout the course of history. Treating yourself to a spa massage aids you let go stress that's been building up in your system for quite some time already.

As studies would have it, a spa massage, or rather simply a massage, provides good outcomes on patients. For instance, it heightens relaxation and shrinks stress through the manipulation of muscles by enforcing force on the tensed muscles. It tones body muscles and promotes blood circulation.

As spas are required to have licensed and well-trained therapists, going for a spa massage is said to be an advisable choice to get the complete benefits of a massage. By applying the right pressure and aiming the strained areas of the body, the flow of lymph is raised, thus improving the body's ability to combat against diseases.

Spa massages almost always practice the use of essential oils. Essential oils boost the healing of physical, psychological, and aesthetic ailments. Moreover, aromatherapy essential oils restore serenity of mind as it stimulates the olfactory senses. In the process, you gain a better and clearer view on things as spa massages advance the release of endorphins - brain chemicals known as natural pain and stress fighters. Furthermore, the endorphin secretion gives the patient a feeling of euphoria.

So, go indulge yourself and get a nice spa massage and come out looking more reinvigorated, relaxed, and renewed. - 17268

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Hanukkah Cooking Traditions

By Owen Jones

Whether you are genuinely seeking opportunities to explore new cultures or you are Jewish seeking appetizing recipes and cooking tips, you have come to the right place to get some of the basics. For as long as there have been family customs, eating good food at special events and during holy times has been a part of the jollity.

Regrettably, that appetizing food cannot be eaten unless someone goes to the trouble of actually cooking it. If you are looking for some delicious treats to do with the Hanukkah celebrations or simply want to get a taste of what other cultures do during their religious or cultural festivities there are a lot of appetizing foods you could be cooking for this particular holiday.

Oil is important in the celebration of Hanukkah and, as a consequence, many of the foodstuffs that are to do with Hanukkah traditions are cooked in oil. One well-liked favorite is Latkes, which are a kind of potato pancake that is deep-fried. Another popular favorite is fried lamb chops. The lamb is breaded and then fried much the same as many Americans fry chicken. Once again oil is used in the preparation of the meal.

If you are looking for something more like finger food or a snack, you might consider deep-fried ricotta balls, fried zucchini, fried onion rings and fried mozzarella are appetizing savory fried tid-bits for the season of light. Of course, fried food is not the only thing that is eaten during this 8-day celebration, but it does play a vital part in the menu and in the celebrations.

Even the sweet treats for this celebration include a few fried goodies. There are apple fritters and raspberry dough nuts and lots of other luscious fried foods for you to snack on. If you like something a little sinful to eat during this delightful celebration you might like to try blintzes in your favorite flavor. There are many to pick from and their recipes can be found easily online.

If you would like to include something a little healthier in your cuisine, then you might like to include an Israeli salad, stewed white beans, and baked eggplant and peppers. These dishes provide the opportunity to consume something that is not either fried or sweet to help weight watchers, who always have a problem during festive seasons no matter which religion they practice.

Other Hanukkah favorites include appetizing dishes such as cheese gelt coins, loukoumades, vegetable kugel, and brisket. Once again the recipes for these dishes are fairly extensively accessible online and in books on Jewish cooking and traditions.

To make things go a little more efficiently cook as much food as you can well in advance and store items away quickly in order to stop them going off. Enlist the assistance of children and other family members when required to move things along by taking turns preparing food.

You should also make an effort to keep the preparations as straightforward as possible to avoid delays and stress. This is a time of the year that is meant to be committed to celebration not to trying to cook tons of food. The good news is that with all that deep fried food, it is unlikely that you will find these dishes too difficult to prepare. Good luck and have fun exploring the world of cooking for Hanukkah. - 17268

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Easy Weight Lifting Routines

By Mick Milligan

As we all know, the secret to a great workout is having the right structure. There are literally dozens of great weight lifting routines but its important to know which one suits you best.

Setting clear plans and goals is important, are you trying to sculpt your bodies shape, build lean muscle or simply tone up? These are the questions you need to answer. You now need to be honest about your fitness level so you can choose the right weight lifting routine because there are many weight lifting routines out there and many are aimed at the body building pros which may or may not suit you.

The thought of working out is extremely daunting for some people and the work involved in getting toned abs or bulging arms puts people off. This is because most people have tried to get into shape but have given up, mainly because they have not been doing the best suited weight lifting routine. Starting a regime that is not suitable or too much for you can dishearten you when the results don't come but could even injure you. It is important to talk to a professional and get the help to prepare a plan that is right for you.

Push and pull weight lifting routines are by far my favourite. They are quite simply a mixture of bite size exercises that use pushing and pulling movements. If you choose to do both pushing exercises and then follow straight on to pulling you can do a double workout that is very effective. Even this was too much another option would be to do pushing one day and pulling the next, this too can be effective. My favourite push technique is bench press but leg squats and should press are also good. Shoulder shrugs and deadlifts are great pulling exercises that i perform in my regime. Try and use your body weight and incorporate it into your routine. Use the proper equipment such as benches with pulleys and work your way all the way up until you are using upto 60% of your own body weight in your exercises.

This is a great way to make sure you don't overdo it, by starting small and working up as you find the right resistance levels which you can manage. As with any workout or exercise regime, a healthy diet is also essential. Eat well, be disciplined and you'll have a great body in no time! - 17268

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Tips For Gluten Free Cooking

By Wendy Mackerson

A digestive disorder that affects children and adults is called celiac disease. Someone with celiac disease cannot eat anything containing gluten. Gluten damages the small intestine. It then does not absorb the food properly. The smallest amount of gluten consumed can cause problems with your health. Grains contain proteins that can harm someone living with this condition. This can be found in wheat, rye, barley, and even some oats. Although celiac disease cannot be cured, individuals will have to switch to gluten free cooking.

Celiac disease is hard to diagnose. In some cases, symptoms of the condition may never surface, other cases symptoms may surface because of a pregnancy or surgery. Cases have gone undiagnosed because the symptoms are not noticeable. Sometimes a family member was diagnosed because their condition was severe then other members of the family can be tested because it is genetically inherited. If you have been diagnosed, it is time to change your eating style.

If your doctor diagnosed you with this condition, they also told you to change your eating habits. There are certain foods that need to be avoided which include breads, pizza, cakes and much more. However, once you have some time in gluten free cooking under your belt, it is become easier and easier that you won't be bothered by the change.

Changing your eating style may be frightening. You may think you won't be able to cook gluten free foods but once you gain some experience gluten free cooking will not be a big deal. The key is to keep it simple when cooking foods with no gluten

If you have to change your eating habits to help your condition, you may need to learn about grains and starches, which ones are safe and which ones are not. What you have to do is substitute gluten free grains for barley, wheat, rye, etc. For example, one way in keeping it simple is to constantly have gluten-free baking and pancake mix in your cupboards. This is because you can always make an instant flour blend to prepare for a meal. You can use this mix to thicken soups and sauces; meals such as pizza, bread can be made using baking mix.

Those living with celiac disease should pay special attention when grocery shopping to the labels on the food products. They should also stay away from processed food. With all the food that contains gluten ingredients, so contacting the manufacturing company is in your best interest if you are not sure about foods being gluten free.

When learning gluten free cooking, keeping a cookbook on hand for some ideas when making meals can help you find new meals you like. A local library should have books available. Going online is another way to find some recipes, be sure however, the website is reputable.

Celiac disease is not the end of the world. A minor change such as substituting ingredients you cannot have with ones you can have is what is needed for your body to be healthy. This does not mean you cannot step into a restaurant ever again. This just means you will have a smaller selection when you eat out. Once you live a gluten free life, you body starts to heal... A small price to pay. - 17268

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The Psychology Of Arm Toning

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Getting arm tone took me a very long time. Thus, arm fat haunted me for a large portion of my life.

And the most difficult part of the whole arm tone war was an unstable level of motivation. Despite all my efforts, I could not stick with a program for a very long time.

And at times I would reach tipping points, throw my hands up in the air and give up all hope. Then, I would reward myself with endless cookies.

Luckily, I had a wakeup call one morning. I realized that this pattern of ups and downs was not sustainable.

So I began doing lots of research. And I'm happy to say that the research was well worth it because I found the answer to my problem: the one and only David Burns M.D. He created a system for optimizing thought processes. Said system required the avoidance of thought distortions.

So here are 3 thought distortions you need to avoid today so that you can have motivation tomorrow:

1. Black and white distortions. If you are a perfectionist, you most likely suffer from these distortions. If you have to do something perfectly or not at all, then you see things as black and white. Ironically, if you ignore perfectionism and lower your standards you'll get better results.

2. Over generalizing distortions. This one is based on the faulty assumption that if something happened to you in the past it will keep on happening again and again in the future. You may tell yourself, for instance, that since you haven't been able to lose weight in the past you will never be able to lose weight in the future and every program out there simply won't work for you.

3. Mental filtering distortion. This distortion is pure evil because it prevents you from giving yourself enough credit, a critical component to success. For example, let's say you have an entire month of solid workouts but miss one workout due to a last-minute commitment. Instead of giving yourself praise for the awesome month of workouts, you ignore them and beat yourself up for the single missed workout that was entirely out of your control.

Avoiding the above distortions will seriously help you achieve lasting motivation when trying to get arm tone. And lasting motivation is the key to sexy arm stardom.

More importantly, however, is to develop the habit of rapid action. After all, this information will be useless unless you act on it quickly. - 17268

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