Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, May 18, 2009

Is the Wu Yi Tea All Natural?

By Jared Rothe

For more than 4000 years hence, tea became a staple on the Chinese table, and the Japanese adopted it too. After a while, the Western world realized the great health benefits of tea and started to drink it too. Because of the natural healing benefits of tea, more and more people nowadays are getting accustomed to tea drinking to take care of their bodies.

Teas are broken into three classes based on their fermentation process. The first are green teas. They are non-fermented. The second class is oolong these teas are semi fermented. The last class are black teas. The black teas are fully fermented teas.

Is wu yi tea all natural? The short answer is yes. This is because there is nothing added to the wu yi tea to make it a more potent healing wonder or a more effective weight-loss enhancer. You may think of it as a supplement to other medications prescribed to you by a professional healthcare provider. However, for those that do not need any special medications and just want to keep their bodies fit, the all-natural wu yi tea would be the best bet.

Wu yi tea processing is all natural too. Fermentation is done under the sun; fermentation for wu yi leaves is done halfway. Afterwards, wu yi leaves are hand- rubbed gently to bring out the natural taste, texture, and aroma of each leaf. Then the leaves are further dried on charcoal. The last stage is the grading of the tealeaves by tea masters according to its flavor and other characteristics.

Like all the other grades of tealeaves, wu yi naturally contains substances that are good for the body. But, wu yi is especially rich in polyphenol.

Polyphenols are natural anti-oxidants and bad-cholesterol burners. When you drink the all-natural wu yi tea, you not only remove toxins in your body, you also protect yourself from all the diseases associated with too much cholesterol. - 17268

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How a Proper Diet Can Help You Get Rid of Gout

By Yvonne Horner

Being overweight is a common factor in most gout patients. A big reason for the connection between the two is diet. High purine foods are a major contributing factor to gout. Many of these same high purine foods are not healthy and aid in weight gain.

Lowering your intake of high purine foods goes to the heart of the problem. Many high purine foods are high in fat and deter your ability to lose weight effectively. Common high purine foods are hamburgers, hot dogs, and bacon. We all know these foods would never make a list of foods to help you improve your health. Decrease your amount of these foods or better yet, eliminate them altogether.

If you drink a lot of pop, you should consider giving up this habit. Pop makes it more likely that you will get a gout attack. This is because pop decreases your hydration and makes it so that your kidneys don't work as well. Your kidneys play a major role in helping you to get rid of this painful disease, so decrease your soda intake.

Diet Sodas are not helpful in getting rid of weight. They also do not help with gout. They can decrease hydration and some health studies show that they are worse than drinking normal sodas. Water is a much better alternative. Water is easier on your kidneys and does a better job helping you get rid of excess uric acid.

Canadian studies have shown that coffee actually can help treat gout. The old theory was coffee dehydrates so don't drink it, but the latest studies show that drinking 4 cups of coffee a day can lower uric acid by up to fifty percent. Decaffeinated coffee also lowered uric acid if you are concerned with avoiding caffeine. Organic coffee would be a great option. It is more expensive, but you avoid all the potentially harmful chemical additives.

You don't have to make wholesale changes all at once. In fact, this usually proves disastrous to long term health as most people quit due to the difficulty of making large lifestyle changes in a short time. A very easy goal to reach is one pound a week.

Lowering your risk for disease whether it is gout or heart disease can be accomplished if you take small steps. While you won't see immediate improvement you will be more likely to keep on course to long term health. Your kidneys will reward you by working more productively which will reduce your risk of getting gout attacks.

Eating a healthy diet will not only help you in losing extra weight, but can help you get rid of gout. Many of the foods we take for granted such as most fruits, can actually help you beat the symptoms and causes of this painful arithritic disease. - 17268

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Healthy Eating is a Must if You Want to Lose Weight Naturally

By Thong M. Dao

It's hard to find someone in today's society that doesn't have some worries about their health and how much they weigh. Most of us live in a way that makes it tough to be healthy and remain thin. That is the reason why! We seem to eat out at fast-food restaurants and sit-down restaurants a lot.

While at our own homes we could be consuming unhealthy foods and high-sugar junk foods instead of the proper healthy snacks. Is it possible to lose weight naturally, stay healthy and break this cycle? Yes, there is.

One of the initial actions that individuals must do when they want to lose weight is to change some of their habits. This can be very tough, especially if you have been eating in a certain way for quite some time.

Sugar, aspartame, caffeine and bad carbohydrates are just some of the bad things that many individuals are addicted to. It can be really hard to stop these addictions but it is the very best way for you to really have a hold on your fitness. If you're having a particularly tough time, try going cold turkey for a few days in order to end the bad cycle.

Poor eating habits must go and be replaced with good ones. Although it is not necessary for you to eat perfect all the time, you must make sure that you stay with a healthy eating plan for at least one month.

Why is this the case? This is because of the time it takes you to get used to this habit. If you follow a diet that is both healthy and balanced for one month, it will become your regular way of eating.

There's more required than a good dietary plan. You must make sure that you are consuming the right foods. Stay low on the glycemic indicator in order to control your sugar level.

Make sure that you are eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables everyday. It's most important that you consume lots of water with a dash of sea salt added. It does need some drive on your part but that effort will be well worth it when you see your health and slim figure return. - 17268

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The Benefits Of The Atkins Diet

By Shay Liffkinn

Nowadays there are many types of low-carb diets on the market. They are all based on the same principle of high protein and low carbohydrate eating. These principles were developed by Dr. Atkins and the most popular type of low-carb diet actually is Atkins diet.

Why are low-carb diets so popular? It is because they have many benefits which in part are scientifically proven. Studies have shown that there is a significant weight loss when living on low-carb eating. This is interesting because calories are not reduced. Other studies have shown that triglycerides and good cholesterol (HDL) are increased and blood glucose is reduced. Insulin sensitivity rises while blood pressure and the blood insulin level lower. In addition to that Atkins dieters lose less muscle mass than people living on low-fat diet.

Low-carb dieters report further benefits which are not yet scientifically proven. They notice an increase in energy, improved concentration as well as a decreased desire for sweets. Furthermore the mood is better and their condition less depressive.

This is true for all types of low-carb diets. However, some benefits are only known of people living according to Atkins principles. After years of sacrifice it is great to eat all the meals again which are forbidden in a low-fat diet. For Atkins dieters it is normal to enjoy a steak, butter and cream. They are even encouraged to eat substantial meals including fats and oils.

Another benefit of Atkins diet is its simple usage. In comparison to other low-carb diets you only need to know a few basic food carbohydrate counts and after that you only need to stick to a large list of acceptable food.

Dieters are encouraged to find their personal carbohydrate level which varies widely from person to person. This level is responsible for your personal weight gain. Some people should not eat more than 90 grams a day, others can eat 120 grams a day without gaining weight. The level is found during the first phase of weight loss and pre-maintenance and is valid for the rest of the life.

Although Atkins diet is very popular there are also many people who object to this form of living. The huge amount of information available online and in books makes it available to everyone, so that everyone can form a view on it. There are also many misconceptions about, so be prepared for defending yourself and your new diet!

So what are the bad sides of Atkins program? It is tiring, especially in the beginning, to have to count the carbohydrates of everything you eat. This is essential if you want to stay under your personal limit of carbohydrate. Another aspect is the Induction, which is hard to understand because it works the other way round and does not concentrate on carbs and sugar. Induction is not everything, but still many people quit because they cannot cope with induction.

Another bad side of Atkins diet is the carb crash, a reaction of the body which occurs when the organism is finally running on fat instead off carbohydrates. The reaction does not last for long but many people quit when experiencing it.

Despite these drawbacks the Atkins eating plan is very popular and has many benefits. And the best is that it really works. Many people are happy with this form of diet and their life has improved a lot. So do not hesitate and start your new diet today. - 17268

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Patience is Key to Weight Loss Success

By Thong M. Dao

2 reasons exist why people are now attempting to eat correctly. Some individuals are eating the right way in order to lose extra pounds. Many individuals start eating better to get healthy. In addition there are individuals who are trying to lose weight and also to have better health simultaneously.

It is awful, but many folks are not doing what they need to achieve long term gains. They may accomplish weight loss but the effects are probably short term.

The reason why this is the situation is because individuals tend to pursue the easy option. The very things which have caused us to be a world full of unhealthy, heavyset people have also succeeded in causing us impatient to a degree.

Neither weight gain or health are matters that can be attained overnight. If you are seeing benefits too fast, you may be looking at something false instead of actual benefits. Why is this the situation? It is natural for the body to respond the way you want it to but inside you may be causing more impairment than good.

A perfect example of this is low carb diets, such as Atkins. Although these are very common, and they can work quite well in order to assist you slim down, there are a few concealed dangers that you may not be conscious of. By practicing a low carb diet you are directing your body into ketosis and that is why you shed pounds.

This is what can be frequently seen in people with diabetes. Yes, you will be slimming down to a particular extent but your system may also be feeding away at your internal organs. When you finish your diet, filling up on carbohydrates results in your weight to increase once again.

Don't bother with come and go common diets or anything that is not focused on long-term body health and wholesome weight loss systems. Watch your intake of fats and carbohydrates while at the same time eating a well-balanced diet at every meal.

When you lose some weight and improve your health, you will start to see what is wholesome for you and what is not. You'll be surprised how far you can take your efforts once you begin to take heed of cues from your body. - 17268

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The 300 Movie Fat Loss Workout for Men & Women

By john foxtruffy

The movie 300 workout is the talk of the fitness world. It's helped actors get ripped Greek Statue bodies by causing weight loss and calorie burning.

The 300 workout is legendary, has been featured in Men's Health and on ESPN. Everyone is looking for the 300 workout on the internet. Heres a mini-version of the workout for the average guy and girl, see below.

Here's how the original 300 Workout goes, its a challenge.

a) Pull ups - 25 reps b) Dead lifts with 135lbs - 50 reps c) Pushups - 50 reps d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps e) Floor wipers - 50 reps f) 1-arm Clean & Press with 36lbs Kettle bell - 50 reps g) Pull ups - 25 reps

Remember, there is no resting between exercises. Although eventually youll slow down. I tried this workout last week and managed to get it done in only 20 minutes. What about a 300 workout for yourself?

Fortunately, this workout can be changed easily. Appropriate exercises can be adjusted in, and you can drop the number of reps down to 100, 150, or 200 still being a total body challenge!

Example, you might do a 200 rep workout - this is great for men with moderate fitness.

5 Chin ups 20 prisoner squats 20 push ups 100 Jumping Jacks 30 Bicycle Crunches 10 decline pushups 15 bodyweight inverted rows

You can do 100 reps of jumping rope to finish off a total of 300 reps.

150 rep workout-great for women at an intermediate fitness level.

5 Bodyweight Inverted Rows 10 Body weight Sumo Squats 15 body weight squats 15 Pushups (doing as many regular pushups, followed by kneeling) 50 jumping jacks 10 spider man climbs 20 reverse lunges 25 bicycle crunches

Add about 50 rope skips for the total 200 repetitions " if you want 150 skips for the total of 300 reps.

Quite Tough, but fair and the job gets done. Now you may do your own version of the 300 workout if you want and build your body looking fantastic. Don't be training like this every day. Use one of these workouts only once every month as an extra challenge for yourself.

For your regular workouts, continue the Turbulence Training workout for men and women. You'll greatly boost your metabolism, burn fat, and maximize your fitness so that you can be ready for your own 300 test. - 17268

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Detoxification diet is it an effective method to treat obesity

By Ron C George

A detoxification or detox plan is among the oldest medical remedies on the planet that entails the natural process of neutralizing toxins from your body. Toxins and other unnecessary items are changed to less harmful substances and moved away from your body as urine and stools. A detoxification diet program requires some dietary and lifestyle changes that include avoidance of bad substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, high fat content foods, refined foods and many more.

A basic detoxification diet is one which entails taking fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains that are high in fiber and other organic foods. Throughout the duration of diet, you're additionally prohibited from eating bread, baked goods, pasta, animal or dairy products as well as nuts. The detoxification diet helps increase the amount of water as well as fiber in the body that causes cleaning of the colon and the rest of the digestive tract.

Detox diet helps you to clear ailments, fix illness and prevent future problems, although a few utilize it for spiritual renewal, to feel as if they're more alive, awake and aware. It inspires a lifestyle free from misuses and addictions like alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Oftentimes body energies are boosted through a detox diet thus, making an individual much more open to change both inside and out.

If you want to detoxify just once in a year, the greatest period is throughout spring or autumn season. The hardest period during the detox program is the initial 2 days where you may experience manifestations like headaches, tiredness, irritability, mucous congestions and other body discomforts. But, according to medical experts anyone can keep a normal working schedule throughout the detoxification diet.

The best day during a week for the detoxification diet is Friday as you are supposed to relax the rest of the weekend. That aids you to feel more relaxed and free from stress if a work place or to exposure. It's also best to do detox diet on that day as you may circumvent the enticement of breaking from the program and be with people who will back your choice.

A person's life style influences how frequently the detoxification will be required by the system. The more frequent ailments of toxicity are worry, over tiredness, aching of the back, stomach troubles, allergic reactions, and predisposition to chemicals, fragrances and finally synthetic substances. However before undergoing detoxification it's important to talk to the physician to decide the actual catalyst of these issues.

Detox diet is also an effective way to treat obesity as it almost always is related with toxicity and dropping weight entails eliminating body fats as well as getting rid of poisons within the system. However, you need to be extra careful because you may additionally drop needed nutrients within the body although physical activity will enhance better weight reduction as well as detoxification. What is more, detox doesn't just involve the elimination of unwanted body substances but also spiritual renewal too. - 17268

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Choosing Protein Supplements: The Four Important Protein Sources

By Henrick Scofers

Protein is one of the essential nutrients our bodies need. Our muscles especially require it for maintenance and growth. For most people, around .3 grams per pound of body weight is the recommended daily intake. However, athletes in general and bodybuilders in particular need far more; around 1.25 grams per pound each day. These people need more protein to build muscle and fuel their bodies for their exercise regimens.

Not only is the amount of protein important, but the source also matters. For the average person, diet alone is sufficient to get the needed amount, but for those who need more than the average amount, there are protein supplements that are necessary. There are 4 different types of protein that can be used. Each reacts differently and so the type should be chosen carefully.

The four protein sources common in protein supplements are whey, soy, casein and egg. While some protein supplements are made from just one source, most often there will be protein from two of these sources in a given protein supplement.

Whey protein comes from milk. It is the most common choice in protein supplements. This type of protein is made up of nonessential and essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are not made by the body naturally and must come through diet. The body takes well to whey protein and will use it easily and safely. The only concern about whey protein is that it is not safe for those with a milk allergy or who are lactose intolerant. Concentrated whey protein is most often preferred as it more available and less expensive. Concentrated forms contain anywhere from 30 to 85% protein. The isolate forms will have about 90%, but are more expensive and harder to find. Whey protein helps to boost the immune system, provides amino acids and helps for quick muscle recovery and prevents muscle breakdown.

Soy protein is derived from soy flour. This is the most complete vegetable protein known and like whey protein, there are isolates and concentrated forms available; isolates are higher in protein but more expensive. Easily digestible, soy protein is suitable for everyone except for the small number of people who are allergic to soy. Soy protein can be added to foods easily and is beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol.

Egg protein comes from egg whites. It is fat free and very high in protein. It contains all the essential amino acids and is completely absorbed by the body. It is considered the best protein source. It should not be used by people who have egg allergies.

Casein is also a milk protein. Digested at a slower rate than whey, casein protein is often used in combination with other proteins which are more quickly available to the body for sustained nourishment. Casein protein is a good choice for meals prior to workouts and for taking before bed. Like whey protein, casein protein should be avoided by the lactose intolerant and those with milk allergies.

Read the labels of those protein supplements to make sure you're purchasing one that you'll tolerate and will give you the protein you need for your exercise regimen. Keep the qualities of each protein source in mind as you choose protein supplements. - 17268

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Weight Loss After Pregnancy

By Steve Esquire

Pregnancy brings so many changes to a woman's body. Some woman fly right thru their pregnancy and drop the wieght like nothing. Others have a tougher time as they now have two full time jobs. Be as it may, you just have to work a bit harder and you can have it all. You should look at your diet, you know you have to exercise and why not recuperate with massage chair therapy?

The body during pregnancy goes through some tremendous changes. There is a build up of weight gain for most women until child birth. Immediately after giving birth women will have excess weight, but remember two lives were just being supported. At least during the first three weeks after birth, weight will drop do to heavier than normal sweating and more frequent urination as the body lessens the level of fluid.

If you are not one of those women that just drop pounds like nothing, then prepare yourself for what may come. Realize that weight gain is part of the process. You are becoming a Mom or you have already been around the block. Half the game is mental, so be prepared from an emotional standpoint. You can lose the weight and you will, but it takes time and do not forget about effort.

Is anyone not giving advice about losing weight? You can find many suggestions, but like anything, it starts with the basics. We have heard them all before. You will hear them again. Diet. Exercise. Massage Therapy. Write them down and memorize them, because you will see them again.

Start with your diet. Do you eat fresh or processed foods? Be real and honest. The diet is a function of budget and cooking experience. You can either afford to buy prepared healthy foods or make them yourself. Find a way to incorporate FRESH food. These are the ones that are not frozen. Use frozen meats like chicken and fish and make with vegetables. Get an indoor Grill instead of deep frying.

When you are out and having to face fast food choices, keep in mind that sodium is your enemy. Sodium or salt naturally helps you retain and maintain your water levels. During pregnancy, you normally build up more weight and a large part of this is water weight. Lower your intake of salt and you will also lose water weight. Go for bottled water over drinks with high sugar amounts. Avoid soda and many juice products.

Exercise is always an important part of the equation. How fast or slow you burn energy can help or hinder weight loss. Always consult with your doctor as to what types of exercise and when exercise is appropriate for you. But start with simple things like taking baby for a walk. You get to push the stroller and baby gets to see the world.

One way to help shed some pounds is with breast feeding. Breast feeding can negate up to 500 calories of intake per day. This is a dieting dream. Breast feeding makes diet and nutrition even more important as your intake is for two. You can consult with your doctor about how you can go about losing weight and breastfeeding.

Over the ages, massage treatments have been used to help the body recover and heal. Diet and exercise are incomplete without the healing cycle. After pregnancy, now the baby's schedule dictates when things are done. Taking time out to get a quick massage is near impossible without a massage chair. Let your body recover and relieved with massage chair therapy. Remember, tomorrow you can do it all over again.

If you want to see the look of fear on woman, ask her to check her weight during pregnancy. Most women have spent their whole lives keeping the weight off. Yet pregnancy naturally puts it on. When the pregnancy is over, then you need to get in gear to work the remaining weight off. Give yourself a nine month time frame to lose it.

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience and the greatest gift of life. As with all important health issues, speak with your medical doctor about what is right for you. Weight loss is important, but make sure you get the doc's blessing on what you do. Find out how diet, exercise and massage chair therapy can help you find that new balance. - 17268

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