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Monday, January 5, 2009

How your computer can help you maintain your weight

By Laurence Kronsburgitis

Maintaining weight is not the same as losing weight. When losing weight any diet method works if the end result is losing weight. There is a similarity between not gaining additional weight and losing weight.

Losing weight and maintaining weight are similar. For both, you must consume healthy food, don't overeat portion wise and exercise regularly.

Weight maintenance is associated with an internal motivation to lose weight, social support, better coping strategies and ability to handle life stress, self-efficacy, autonomy, assuming responsibility in life, and overall more psychological strength and stability.

There are potential risks in regaining weight such as in the past going through cycles of gaining and losing weight. Another risk or problem is binge eating, or eating emotionally in response to stress.

Weight maintenance is, therefore, a balancing act of energy utilization and replenishment, and it is important to know your individual needs.

One system that you should use in maintaining your weight is to keep track of how many calories you are burning from exercise and then replenishing those calories without eating too much so that you will gain weight.

Using a computer program to track calories burned and how many calories you can consume to maintain your weight taking into account calories burned is an excellent way to maintain your weight. When the computer program notices a change in your metabolism, it will adjust your daily calorie budget to prevent a weight loss or a weight gtain. Also the program should help you adjust your retention of water from high sodium intake, or in the case of women, menstrual cycles. A good program even know how to adjust if you skip logging food for a few days. one excellent program for this is called Diet Power. - 17268

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Mangosteen Juice Supplements Can Enhance Weight Loss Experience

By Julieanne van Zyl

Mangosteen Juice Nutrition Supplements can make a difference when you're attempting to lose weight. For a lot of people, Dec 31st and Jan 1st could amount to two things: A life altering year or another wearisome and disappointing year ahead. This is because at the end of each year and at the beginning of a new one, most people obligate themselves to creating new resolutions that will take them through the year.

The goals can be different; for some, it can be a resolution to become monetarily free, for others, it could be a choice to stop drinking and smoking and yet for another group of people, it could be a decision to settle down and discover that special "someone" to spend the rest of their lives with. But for many people, there is usually one inclusive goal and that is to lose weight and discard all the excess fat they have on their bodies. This specific resolution is more common among women who often would desire to have a slimmer body.

This pretty extraordinary resolution is what gets many women to shake off the extra fat they have had for quite a while. But while losing weight and following some good exercise routines, many women -and men- forget that they need a lot of added nutrients as they lose nutrients during their workout sessions.

Apart from drinking lots of water, which often keeps us all in great shape, there are certain nutrients that any person willing to lose weight must have. This is important as people often tend to think that they can easily use the weight loss pills in conjunction with their normal regimens and they will be fine nutritionly.

One of the worst nightmares of any physical fitness coach is to find that their student or client is suffering from a lack of nutrition. This often results in their missing in some nutrition and open to harms by bacteria on their immune system. So, the best bet is to take nutrition supplements in line with the normal weight loss regime or procedure. Often , taking vitamin supplements are enough to fill the body with the nutrient it needs. Getting just the weight loss formula, pills or whatever it is you are subscribing to is not okay without taking any from of nutrition supplement.

Often, taking vitamin supplements are enough to replenish the body with the nutrient it needs. Taking just the weight loss formula, pills or whatever it is you are subscribing to is not okay without taking any from of nutrition supplement.

Once in a while too, people who endure gastric bypass have been known to suffer from an rare condition known as Wernicke encephalopathy. This is usually caused by a deficit in vitamin B1 also known as thiamine. This often causes the patient to constantly throw up, and lose coordination. To stem this and lessen the occurrence of this, patients are usually given nutrition supplements in the form of vitamins to supplement the amount of vitamins already in the body.

This is usually caused by a deficiency in vitamin B1 also known as thiamine. This often causes the patient to constantly throw up, and lose coordination. To stem this and reduce the occurrence of this, patients are usually given nutrition supplements in the form of vitamins to supplement the amount of vitamins already in the body. So, if you know you will be embarking on any weight loss program, ensure that you get adequate nutrition supplements like the mangosteen juice products to get the best benefit possible. - 17268

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Mangosteen Juice Supplements Can Enhance Weight Loss Experience

By Julieanne van Zyl

Mangosteen Juice Nutrition Supplements can make a difference when you're attempting to lose weight. For a lot of people, Dec 31st and Jan 1st could amount to two things: A life altering year or another wearisome and disappointing year ahead. This is because at the end of each year and at the beginning of a new one, most people obligate themselves to creating new resolutions that will take them through the year.

This is because at the end of every year and at the beginning of a new one, most people obligate themselves to creating new resolutions that will take them through the year. The goals can be diverse ; for some, it can be a resolution to become monetarily free, for others, it could be a decision to stop drinking and smoking and for yet another group of people, it could be a decision to settle down and locate that special "someone" to spend the rest of their lives with. But for many people, there is usually one comprehensive goal and that is to lose weight and shed all the excess fat they have on their bodies. This distinct resolution is more common among women who often would like to have a slimmer body.

This pretty remarkable resolution is what gets so many women to shake off the extra fat they have had for quite a while. But while losing weight and following some good exercise routines, many women -and men- forget that they need a lot of added nutrients as they lose nutrients during their workout sessions.

Apart from drinking lots of water, which regularly keeps us all in great shape, there are certain nutrients that any person ready to lose weight must have. This is important as folks often tend to think that they can effortlessly use the weight loss pills in conjunction with their normal regimens and they will be fine with their nutrition.

One of the worst nightmare of any physical fitness instructor is to discover that their student or client is suffering from lack of nutrition. This often results in their deficient in some nutrition and open to assaults by bacteria on their immune system. So, the top bet is to obtain nutrition supplements in like with the normal weight loss regime or procedure.

Regularly, taking vitamin supplements are enough to reload the body with the nutrient it needs. Getting just the weight loss formula, pills or whatever it is you are subscribing to is not okay without taking any form of nutrition supplement.

It is even worse for those who undergo gastric bypass to lose weight. Up till now, there have been varying results stemming from this procedure. But research has shown that most obese people who undergo gastric bypass may lose weight but may suffer nutritionally as a result of the reduced food quantity they have to eat. Once in a while too, people who undergo gastric bypass have been known to suffer from an uncommon condition known as Wernicke encephalopathy.

So, if you know you will be embarking on any weight loss program, make sure that you get ample nutrition supplements to get the best benefit possible. - 17268

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Nutrition Secrets of the Amazon Finally Revealed

By Marcus C. Evans

The uncannily good physical and mental health of Amazonian tribes people has been noted for decades and finally we have the identified a key contributor to this. The secret comes in the form of a berry called the acai berry. A simple Google search will provide you with a wealth of information on this berry. Amazonian tribes have been using acai for decades but finally we in the West can also enjoy its many health benefits!

The berry's origin is in Brazil, and while you might expect it to be sweet and juicy, you can actually expect to taste a hint of chocolate. You may wonder why it has taken so long for news of this berry to reach us, the reason for this is that it grows at the top of a palm tree and can only be found in the rainforest of the Amazon. The Amazon tribes do not just eat the acai berry, they have a variety of ways of accessing its amazing health properties.

Due to the various nutritional and healing properties of the acai berry, the Amazon tribes believe that it should be used to its full potential. For years, these tribes have been harvesting the acai berry as an antidote for various illnesses that they have encountered within the Amazon.

What does the acai berry provide? In just one single berry, you'll be nourishing your body with amino acids, essential fatty acids, including Omega 6 and 9, and antioxidants. All of these are an extremely important part of a healthy diet.

The health benefits do not stop there. This berry is loaded with more protein than you will ever find in an average egg and double the antioxidants of a blueberry. It also contains much needed vitamins such as vitamins E, C, B, B1 and B2. To top it off the acai berry also contains essential amounts of calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. All of this is packed into just one berry!

What exactly does the berry do for our bodies? Many studies, mostly clinical, have said that the acai berry is possibly the most nutritious and powerful super fruit on the planet. For one, the berry is known to nourish the mind as well as the body. It is able to provide a balanced nutrition, and is also able to provide the body with energy and the mind with the ability to focus and concentrate more.

If you have cardiovascular troubles, and you need something that is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-mutagenic, then the acai berry is what you're after. The fatty acids found within the berry lowers cholesterol by replacing bad cholesterol with good cholesterol. Sounds a lot better than your everyday aspirin or bowl of oatmeal doesn't it?

This little acai berry really tops the list of nutritious foods. It can help detoxify not only your body but your mind as well. It might not be very popular now among Western countries, but as more and more Australians are discovering the benefits of drinking acai juice we will begin to see it appearing on the shelves in our local grocery stores. For now, you can simply find the berries online and at good grocery and health stores. - 17268

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Weight Loss Pills - Eat All You Want And Lose Weight?

By Christine G. Shannon

When you are putting together a plan to lose weight, you will find that there are many occasions when weight loss pills are a part of it. These pills can be instrumental in helping you lose the weight that has been creeping on to you over an extended period of time, and you will discover that it can be part of a weight loss plan, just like a better exercise program. When you are looking to use weight loss pills, you'll find that they can complement a good exercise program, but you have to think about whether not they are safe.

There are some weight loss pills that actually are natural or herbal dietary supplements, that help curb the appetite and provide multi-vitamins, and can sometimes psychologically help get a person into a weight loss plan that involves watching the foods they eat, portion sizes, and more exercise.

Are any diet pills safe? Well, according to the FDA, they do not test and monitor over-the-counter drugs, nor have proof of any effectiveness of any weight loss pills except Alli, which they approved as over-the-counter weight loss pills that work. Of course, everybody has heard some of the problems associated with Ephedra.

Because the over-the-counter weight loss pills are not governed by the FDA, and none have been approved by them besides Alli, there are no guarantees of what you are getting, whether they work, and what side effects you may experience. Many contain caffeine as the appetite suppressant, and do little more than drinking coffee and tea would do for you, but can cost a lot more. Some people may have allergic reactions and side effects to the ingredients in some weight loss pills.

People who are overweight often have discipline issues when it comes to calorie intake so the diet pills might not do anything to alter these behaviors or metabolism. This means that the people will continue to gain weight and will probably give up. Some weight loss pills promise that you will drop pounds even continuing to eat whatever you want, but this is rarely the case and this type of weight loss plan will not work.

When you are looking to lose weight and to keep it off, you will find that what you need to do is that you need to make sure that you consistently burn more calories than you take in, and this holds true whether you are using weight loss pills or not. Without this important fact, even the best pill is going to be useless, and while you can always use pills to help, you will find in the long run, they should only be taken under the eyes of a trusted physician.

To lose weight, you need to think about eating the right amounts, eating to keep your metabolism up, giving your body the food that it needs and giving yourself enough variety so that a low fat diet stays interesting to you.

When you are looking at weight loss pills, think about how expensive they are and think about what you are really paying for. Especially if you are also taking medicine for your heart or for high blood pressure, think about the act that you need to look after your money. Check out a good weight loss plan like FatLoss4Idiots at the link below, and you will find that you have everything that you need for healthy weight loss right there! - 17268

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How to Get a Better Brain Development for Your Child

By Michael Byrd

When and how to shape a child's brain development is crucial. Many propose computer programs. But experts have the opinion that it would be useless to do it once the child's brain development has actually stopped.

It is always good to begin even before the baby is born up to the time of his or her third birthday. This is the most crucial period in the child's brain development and determines its ability to learn for the rest of their life.

It may be strange to begin earlier than they're able to read, write or reason, but studies have shown that these skills are slowly developed even before a child reaches kindergarten.

A current study published was in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology [Vol. 42: 174-181], where they observed 56 babies, who were as young as 5 days old, and enhanced their diets with omega 3 fish oil fatty acids with DHA.

Those who were given fish oil supplements proved to have a significantly higher cognitive and motor ability on the "Mental Development Index" as compared to those who were not.

This group of doctors has come to conclude that an early dietary supplement of fish oil with DHA plays a dynamic part in determining great improvement in performance and mental development in full term babies.

Research conducted among premature babies, which was published in the Clinics of Perinatology, [Vol. 22(1):157-75], discovered that even premature babies can also have benefits from fish oil. After they were supplemented with omega 3 fatty acids and DHA, a remarkable improvement was seen in their cognitive and visual development.

These are just a few of the many research findings that have proven the secret to a child's brain development is providing it with enough omega 3 and DHA.

DHA is a very abundant long-chain omega 3 in the brain tissue. Around 95% of these lipids are present during birth and grow to be part of the brain tissues while the baby is in the uterus and during the first year of life.

Expectant moms need to take in more fish and get fish oil supplements. This is good to give their baby's brain development a boost from the start and give them a good chance of having a more intelligent baby in the future.

Subsequently, make sure that you breast-feed your child during the first year. Sufficient amounts of omega 3's can come from breast milk.

A result of research was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and it showed that a minimum amount of dietary fish oil with DHA helps to significantly elevate breast milk content. [Vol. 40, 780-785]

The study on brain development influenced my wife to use fish oil during her pregnancy and nursing and also supplement the diet of our children with salmon oil while they were just six months old.

It was not difficult to give them the supplements. We extracted it from the capsule, placed it in a spoon and made them drink it. We are proud to say how people have observed them to be so smart and they have nice test scores to prove it.

But what can be better is that they are happy and healthy children too. Use fish oil for your kids and you will be glad you did. - 17268

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Weight Fat Loss And Fitness For Women

By Zul Rahman

In the past 10 to 20 years it was not usual for women to be in the gym and in the weight room performing weight training. Women were generally associated with different kinds of workouts such as aerobic, walking and others.

Nevertheless today, women sit next to men doing exercises with weight in the gymnasium. Weight training aids women to build a nice curvy body muscle and also to burn down the excess body fat and to attain the comprehensive health and fitness for the total body.

Why do women attend weight training in order to accomplish the best health and fitness benefits? The possible answer is that weight training provides an effective and efficient way to speed up the metabolism and burn off the calories faster. Weight training work out too will assist to cut down additional calories when more body muscles grow and gain more mass.

Women's Weight Training

Weight training is a very effective way for women to burn off the fat. It becomes more powerful in combination with a low calorie diet intake. The growth of the new muscle will help to burn more calories.

It is very important to have a balance diet because the body might retaliate by storing more fat and shrink the muscle. This would defies the whole purpose of weight training.

Research shows that weight training not just help you to lose fat but help your heart to just like aerobic or other cardiovascular exercise.

Workout Training For Women

Anybody specially women who are serious about losing fat by weight training should have a workout training plan. Don't be betrayed by an belief that weight training would make large muscles to your body and make you look like Lou Ferigno.

Far from looking like Mr Universe, in fact weight training for women creates a solid muscle fibre with less fat content. Since women are biologically designed to have less muscle mass than man, therefore weight training will bring out the natural lovely feminine curve in you.

Be warned don't be so quick to jump on the scale after you got involved with weight training. You might find that your weight is still the same as before if not more. This is actually good news since muscle actually weight more than fat.

What this implies is that you in fact drop off some fat but acquire more muscle. You probably can't tell yet but after a while your body will indicate and you will discover that you could wear clothes and dresses that are a few sizes smaller.

Finally what really matters to you when becoming devoted to women's weight training is to get rid of that stubborn fat and shape up into a real you with the nice curvy feminine muscle. - 17268

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