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Friday, May 1, 2009

Key Treatments to Help You Get Rid of Gout Pain

By Ron Horner

If you are tired of suffering from gout pain, here are a couple key treatments you can use to help you get rid of gout pain. Not only can these treatments help lessen existing pain, but they can also lower the chances of suffering from this painful condition in the future.

Eating foods loaded With Vitamin C is one way you can help reduce gout pain. This compound is a great prevention supplement since it aids the renal system in eliminating uric acid. Vitamin C also prevents purines from metabolizing into painful uric acid crystals.

Uric acid is a regular part of your body's metabolism. However, when your body can't process them efficiently you can have problems. The extra crystals can accumulate in your joints and induce painful swelling and joint damage.

Most of the pain caused by gout is due to swelling. A good way to help reduce this swelling and therefore reduce pain is to add bromelain to your diet. This compound is known for it's ability to lower swelling. This excellent compound can be found in pineapples. You can also buy it as a supplement in most natural food stores.

When using as a supplement be sure to use only in accordance with the directions found on the bottle. If you are on blood thinners such as Coumadin or aspirin, seek professional medical consultation prior to using bromelain due to the fact that bromelain also has blood thinning properties.

Foods high in potassium such as avocados, baked potatoes with the skin, and bananas can really help you get rid of gout pain. Not only that, these foods are good for your overall health and can reduce your weight and give you extra ammunition in getting rid of painful gout not only in the short run, but also in the long run.

Dehydration can have a huge impact on the severity or frequency of gout attacks. This is because uric acid crystals are more easily deposited and are more easily able to cause inflammation when you are dehydrated. Not having enough water makes it more difficulty for your body to excrete the excess needle-like crystals out of your system.

You do not have to totally eliminate gouty foods from your diet, but you should at least seriously reduce their intake. Avoiding such foods as hamburger, hot dogs, and bacon will reduce the excessive amounts of uric acid your body is producing. As an added benefit, decreasing the intake of these foods will also help you lose weight, which is a major factor in controlling this condition. - 17268

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Acai Berry Benefits

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai Berry, a long reddish, purple fruit, originates from the South American rain forest; this fruit has long been popular with the natives. Since being introduced to North America, it has quickly become touted as one of the "super foods". Since being introduced to the United States, it has become a frequently listed ingredient in products such as health drinks, weight loss supplements and as an energy enhancer.

The acai berry is held as one of the super foods due to the high antioxidant content. Blueberries have been held as one of the highest sources of antioxidants, but this berry has twice the content of the blueberry. Dr. Nicholas Perricone made the acai berry popular with his appearance on the Oprah show, where he placed it in the same category as pomegranate and goji berries.

The acai berry has an extensive list of health benefits. While studies are still being conducted to find more information, there are things we do know already. The acai berry is believed to not only increase energy, but claims have also been made that it will help mental focus and increase stamina during high impact activities. People who use the acai berry also claim sleep is improved - that's something we can all use more of, since getting a good night's sleep is so essential for other elements of our health.

The antioxidant content is also believed to lead to better heart health. The antioxidants have been shown to regulate cholesterol levels in research. High cholesterol is proven to be a leading cause in heart disease. This may mean that acai berry will be proven in preventing heart disease and extending life expectancy.

Anti-oxidants play a strong role in maintaining blood circulation. This affects not only heart health, but also overall well-being. Good blood circulation may also contribute to enhanced sexual performance, which has also been reported as a benefit of the acai berry.

Those with digestive problems may have found the answer to relief. The high fiber content has been shown to relieve symptoms of irregular bowel movements, and those who have taken the acai berry have seen lowered indigestion. Whether you are young or elderly, this fruit may be the new way to eat your fiber.

Cancer fighting properties are also being researched. This elusive cure may be around the corner, as acai berries have been shown to actually destroy cancer cells. Not only a preventative, this brings the potential for a cure to an exciting new level.

How long until you can begin to experience benefits? Depending on which acai berry product you decide to try, most people report results within two weeks to one month. Consumers have made the sale of acai berry products increase considerably. With the promising results being experienced, and the up and coming research seems to back up what the Amazon Rain Forrest has been keeping a guarded secret. Nature is our best healer. - 17268

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weight loss accelerator supplement

By Claude Edwin Theriault

Diet and exercise still factor into the attain and maintain equation, however with the newly emerging Leptin weight loss accelerator max potential can be seen and experienced. Safe and long lasting weight loss is for so many an unattainable thing , yet things are changing with the arrival of the Leptin weight loss accelerator on the market.

With two out of every three persons overweight these days, there is a very apparent need for a supplement to help us lose weight. Since few of us have the time for anything it would be great if it could be fast and painless as well.

The fastest selling dietary supplements on the current market, advertise a 50% increase weight loss over diet and exercise alone.This new patented formula delivers 90%, with converted gains in lean muscle mass and tonus, giving quite a nice body image change. For many it has meant regaining that sexy body they once had or never had .

Diet and exercise still factor into the attain and maintain equation, however with the newly emerging Leptin weight loss accelerator max potential can be seen and experienced. Safe and long lasting weight loss is for so many a unattainable thing , yet things are changing with the arrival of the Leptin weight loss accelerator on the market.

Diet and exercise still factor into the attain and maintain equation, however with the newly emerging Leptin weight loss accelerator max potential can be seen and experienced. Safe and long lasting weight loss is for so many a unattainable thing , yet things are changing with the arrival of the Leptin weight loss accelerator on the market. - 17268

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Boost your leg power and learn to jump higher

By Lynn Lopez

If you play sports, then you know how important it is to be physically fit, have a lot of muscle power that will help you play your chosen sports even better, and develop physical skills. As an athlete, you most likely want to learn how to jump higher. Jumping higher for certain sports like basketball and volleyball can give you a major edge, allowing you to reach places that other people who can't jump so high are unable to.

In order to learn how to jump higher, you have to improve your leg muscles' strength to start with. Your leg muscles act like your body's springs and they need to have sufficient force and energy to propel you upward as you jump. One way to develop leg strength is to do squats. Squats are a good way for your legs to be able to support your body weight; you will need this support whenever you jump and launch yourself upwards. Your legs have to have enough explosive power to perform the jump.

You can also try strapping ankle weights to your legs while you're doing jumping exercises. These weights can strengthen your legs, enabling them to exert more force in order to lift you and your additional weight upwards. Do several sets of jumps while wearing the ankle weights and you'll feel the difference a week later when you begin training without using the weights; you will feel lighter and be able to jump even higher than before. Ankle weights are available at any sporting goods store. Just make sure that you select a pair that you'll be comfortable with and won't be too heavy for you.

Plyometrics is also another option you should look into; one of the aims of this series of exercises work is to help you jump higher. The exercises basically consist of moves that enable your muscles to exert a large amount of force in the shortest period of time. Plyometrics is recommended for people whose bodies are well conditioned.

Remember that you shouldn't rush any of these exercises; you're not competing with anyone in learning how to jump higher. Some jumping programs claim to be able to help you learn how to jump higher in one week, some even as little as three days. Don't rush it. You should always perform the workouts under supervision by your coach or trainer to make sure that you're not injuring yourself. Just do the exercises at your own pace and soon you'll be able to see the fruits of all your hard work. - 17268

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Best Chest Workout

By Cade

Need a new chest? Chances are you don't like the way your chest looks so lets look at how we can fix that.

We will look at some of the exercises that you can do to develop the thickness and strength in your chest.

There are many exercises that hit each part of the chest. The chest areas are middle, upper, lower, inner and outer.

The upper chest is the weakest and hardest to get mass on. Don't neglect doing upper chest from day one. You do this by using an inclined bench instead of a flat bench.

The middle chest is done by using the traditional flat bench and doing presses. The lower requires a declined bench and you will be able to lift more weight on the decline than the flat.

Inner chest is developed by putting your hands closer together on the bar when doing bench press. Flys will also help develop the inner chest. - 17268

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The ABCs of Acid Reflux

By Mae Summerville

Food is normally trapped in the stomach by the lower esophageal valve after it has passed through to stop this problem. It is when the esophageal sphincter does not close after food has passed through that the stomach fluids try to escape upwards and that is why it is called acid reflux.Medical science prefers to call the condition: gastroesophageal reflux disorder. At the moment it is considered that a poor diet is the underlying reason for the acid reflux problem but not the main cause of the condition,overeating could also add to the problem and cause unnecessary stress on the stomach and its ability to process food.

When anyone eats a large amount of food it creates an additional burden on the stomach muscles.this affects the functioning of the esophageal valve causing reflux and the pain of heartburn. The aim is to lessen the stress on your stomach and stop any damage the stomach acid will cause to your esophagus.this can be achieved by consuming smaller meals; the incidences of heartburn should reduce. The importance of your stomachs health cannot be underestimated for long term good health.the stomach carries out not only the breaking down of food but processing it into nutrients that can be absorbed by the body.

Using drugs and other acid reducing drugs readily available from drugstores will block the natural processes of your stomach on a temporary basis,the problem is these short term remedies can create other problems as they interfere with the natural functioning of the digestive system. It may take a while but the best solution is to make adjustments to your drinking and eating habits which may have caused the acid reflux condition,this should be done for a period of a few months to strengthen your stomach's normal processes. If you can reduce the heartburn occurrences, in time you may well be able to slowly start eating those dishes that have needed to be cut out.

Lifestyle changes extend beyond those of just eating habits as other contributing factors to acid reflux can be:

*Regular smoking *Having allergies to particular foods e.g. peanuts *Prescription medication *Drinking to much alcohol *Lying down after a meal

All of these factors are within your control and it only requires a change of habits and behavior on your part,this is all possible if you want the heartburn problem to ease. All that is required is a little dedication on your part to be careful about what you eat and drink to possibly clear up your acid reflux problem,this is a decision which only you can make but it should not take Einstein to know what the choice should be! - 17268

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Lose weight today with Acai Burn Plus

By Casandra James

Acai Burn Plus cleanses your digestive system by removing waste that is built up.

Wastes that did not get out of your body properly get stuck along the walls of your intestines. As a result, they clog your waste passageways and further contribute to more waste accumulations in the future. This is how colon problems begin.

A clogged digestive track can cause many problems to our body's including colon cancer. Using Acai Burn Plus you can eliminate build up with out harm and safely remove poisons that are built up in your body.

It scavenges free radicals and toxins and helps improve your total cellular health.

When free radicals go untreated in the human body that can contribute to cellular deterioration. This process can speed up the effects of cancer as well as aging. Cellular deterioration is the leading cause of immature aging.

AcaiBurn contains essential vitamins and minerals that can improve your skin complexion, vision, and mental clarity. Thus, using AcaiBurn will make you feel younger each day you take the supplement. - 17268

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Start Your Muscle Building Diet With These Basic Rules

By Samuel

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase 'body building'? Body building is a very popular sport that enables people who are committed to develop strong, muscular bodies through the right food and exercise program.

Those who have paid the price of adhering to an intensive and disciplined physical routine will soon reap the rewards in the form of well-developed, strong, toned muscles which has a distinctive attractive appeal to anyone. Is there a way that bodybuilding standards can be realized and how do you ensure the best way to achieve it? There are systematic ways you can follow in order to ensure all requirements will be fulfilled by using targeted weight training and planned nutritional program.

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review

The first step to an effective muscle building program is weight lifting. It is important to possess physical strength and endurance to perform weight lifting exercises, which often involve the use of machines and equipments that are specially designed to stimulate the necessary body parts.

While weight lifting is often linked to athletic purposes, it is good to note that they do include those that are using it for other purposes as well. It is amazing to see how weight lifting can enhance the overall appearance and structure of the body, and they are beneficial when recovering from injury. Weight lifting can be incorporated as part of a health or rehabilitation program.

A good diet and nutrition is essential to ensure that you get the best out of your body building program. Those who do train for body building competitions will need a lot of protein introduced into their daily diet. The energy you need for those exercises comes from carbohydrate, and mostly from complex carbohydrates. Select food that is rich in carbohydrates for that fast energy such as brown rice, sweet potato and oatmeal. Include a healthy portion of dietary fiber for that healthy digestive system.

Your body needs ample supply of water to avoid any damage to the existing muscles. One good habit you can develop is to drink water before and after every session at the gym. You can even drink between exercises! Often, the presence of a good instructor would be necessary to teach you the way to lift weights and how to perform proper stimulation for the body parts without creating any damage to the ligaments and tendons. - 17268

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