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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Acai Berry: Does It Contain Side Effects?

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai berry is an amazing health food. When you drink the Acai juice you lower your cholesterol, look and feel younger, fight cancer cells, and have more energy. With all those benefits many would think that it had some sort of side effects.

It is very unlikely but some could be allergic to Acai berry. There has been no evidence to date that Acai has any adverse side effects on the body. The fruit is naturally organic and is just like other natural fruits bananas, oranges, and apples. Acai is contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

The only thing I would be worried about is if I purchased an Acai supplement in pill form. There could be additional ingredients, besides Acai that might have side effects. Many of the Acai pills you see advertised are produced by companies with shady business practices, so be sure to read and research all the ingredients before you buy an Acai product.

Your best bet to get your daily dose of Acai is to go with an all natural 100% Acai berry juice. Since this is Acai in its most natural form your body will be able to absorb all the nutrients much better than if you were getting it from a supplement.

Plus, Acai juice tastes amazing so you are missing out on that delicious taste if you do not drink the juice. With Acai juice you will easily be able to see all the ingredients (which should pretty much be all Acai) and will be able to avoid any side effects from anything else they put in.

One of the best reasons to take Acai berry is that it has no side effects to go along with all the amazing benefits. - 17268

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Weight Loss: The Secret of Health Tea

By Christoph O Conner

Green tea is a tasty beverage that is no longer a match for deserts but can aid in weight loss. Green tea is rich in antioxidants which can help you loose weight. It also casues your metabolism to work harder which again helps with weight loss.

Green tea helps speed up the rate at which your body burns fat. However you still need to exercise and eat well to gain the maximum benefits.

Since Green tea helps your metabolism work harder your body will burn more calories at a faster rate than it normally would. The antioxidants that are found in Green tea are part of the reason it helps a person loose weight as well.

One of the main antioxidants found in green tea is EGCG. This particular antioxidant helps the body get rid of fat faster aiding the weight loss process. Green tea turns fat into energy which is a key component to loosing weight as well.

When most people begin a weight loss plan a big obstacle in the way is cravings. Green tea helps hault cravings which makes it much easier to loose weight. People who consume green tea tend to consume around 60% less than those you do not. Drinking green tea prevents people from over eating and consuming empty calories.

Most beverages people drink, especially coffee, contain large amounts of caffeine. Green tea has less caffeine than most beverages and is a great substitute for coffee lovers. Also people tend to abstain from adding cream and sugar, which is high in calories and fat, to tea.

Along with increasing your metabolims green tea helps increase a persons endurance when working out. By boosting your metabolism it increases ones stamina and allows for longer workouts.

Drinking green tea is a great way to get the antioxidants you need and loose weight as well. Other than water its one of the best beverages you can drink for overall health. - 17268

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Losing Weight After Pregnancy With Breastfeeding

By Ricardo d Argence

The average woman, during a healthy pregnancy, will gain anywhere from twenty five to thirty five pounds. While to some people this is extremely easy to take off in no time at all, others find this truly upsetting because of their fight with weight.

For some women, the weight from pregnancy just won't go away, that is why is is crucial for them to find a way to make them go away. Here are a few tips for mothers-to-be who are worried about how to get rid of excess weight.

Breastfeeding is great for the health of your baby and for losing weight after your child birth. Breastfeeding helps to burn an additional five hundred calories per day. If you are keeping your calorie intake within a normal range, you can count on losing about one pound per week while breastfeeding. By simply breast feeding your baby like normal, you will begin to lose weight!

When you breastfeed it is important to maintain a healthy diet. Because you are breastfeeding, this is not just important for your weight loss struggle. So, you must be extra careful with what you eat and drink. Everything you eat will end in your breast milk and you will feed your baby with that milk.

With healthy eating and breastfeeding, you can expect to see a loss of one to two pounds per week. Water and dairy products are essential to achieving significant weight reduction.

It is also necessary to add mid-level activity to your workout habits. You have to be careful on when you start working out. Consult your physician in advance to ensure that you obtain a go-ahead therefrom to start exercising.

The last thing you want to do is hurt the recovery process. But once you are given the green light to start exercising you should go for it. This will not only help your body recover from the entire experience you just went through but it will help the weight loss and give you a better frame of mind.

With all you have experienced, both emotionally and physically, it is essential that you aim to remain happy and uplifted. Eating a nutritious diet and getting plenty of exercise will help prevent post-partum depression and will aid in losing pregnancy weight.

It's important not to put too much pressure on yourself. Everyone gains weight during pregnancy, as it is a natural part of the process. Keep in mind that the situation has not gotten out of hand and you should remain calm. If you are having a complete control over your weight loss programm and if you want to lose that weight, then you will make it happen. - 17268

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How to Preserve and Process Acai Berries

By Eileen Givens

Most fruits are best eaten fresh but it is not an option for some fruits such as acai berries. The short shelf live for the great little acai berry makes it hard for people to eat them fresh or drink them as a fresh juice. Once acai berries are picked from the acai palm trees, they can deteriorate within hours. If you refrigerate them, their nutrients can last as long as 24 hours but usually less.

The fast deterioration of acai berries makes it hard to transport them to countries where demand is. This is why it is necessary to find the most efficient way to process and preserve acai berries so that they can be sold once they reach their destinations. If they are not processed or preserved, they may not even make it across Brazil, the country where mostly all acai palm trees grow.

There are many challenges that manufacturers face when trying to preserve and process acai berries. The cost can be high and any slight drop in quality control could mean the whole batch of acai berries will be worthless. Once acai berries are picked by the locals, they are quickly transported to be processed to avoid any risks of microbial contamination.

Not only do manufacturers need to consider how to preserve acai berries so that they will not become rotten during shipment, they also need to think of ways that will preserve the nutrients in the berries as much as possible. Many of the processes done to the berries destroy the nutrients in them. If this is allowed to happen, then there is no good reason for anyone to reach out to buy any acai berry products and pay a lot of money for them. All to often this is the case.

Some companies freeze the acai berries before they are transported. However, this is also challenging because the second the temperature fluctuates, there is a risk that the acai berries will be spoiled immediately. Manufacturers have to spend more money to ensure that the shipping environment is constant. This makes shipping frozen acai berries rather expensive.

Some companies have developed powder-based acai capsules and tablets, therefore making the acai berries' nutrients last longer. However, there are concerns that the nutritional content of these derivative acai berry products may not contain many nutrients at all. The quality of the products is likely to be very low. Taking acai pills and tablets cannot compare to eating fresh acai berries or drinking most of the acai berry juices around.

Then there is the famous freeze drying process for acai berries which is done in a vacuum. Some companies and researchers claim that the freeze drying process is the best way to preserve the nutrients in the acai berry. In a vacuum, the enzymes that cause the acai berry to deteriorate fast are much less active.

The moral of this story is that while acai berries have lots of nutrients in them, the acai berry products that you find may not contain many nutrients at all. You have to pay attention to how the acai berry is processed in order to find out if a product is really good for you. If the product is not nutritious, then there is obviously no point paying a premium price for it. - 17268

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4 Weight Loss Tips Not To Forget

By Henry John

You have just got to lose weight. You can't tolerate this weight anymore! What do you do? Another diet? Oh, no! The thought fills you with horror as you remember the months of toil and misery on the last diet.

Is losing weight a challenge? It can be. It takes effort and commitment if it is going to be successful. The problem for most people is that having invested their time , commitment and money, and really, really tried to keep to the diet regime, the weight jus come back again.

When the weight comes back again after only a few months after your diet, you think the end of the world has come. It's tough to see all the weight come back having put so much work into your diet. It wouldn't be so bad, but you are already a paid up member of the serial dieters club, and it hurts.

Serial dieters suffer from a further problem which most of them are totally unaware. What is it? It's loss of muscle mass. When you go on a diet and initially you lose weight quite quickly, you lose both fat and muscle. When the weight comes back again, it's fat that comes back, not muscle. After going on several diets a serial dieter's muscle mass is going to be considerably less.

A problem? Certainly: apart from the fact that you will find daily functions more difficult because your muscle mass has deteriorated, your metabolism will have been compromised as well? Why? Because muscle is a very good burner of energy. The more muscle you have the better you will be at burning energy (calories). The less muscle you have the more difficult you will find it to burn energy and therefore lose weight.

The best weight loss tips are: 1. Whatever you do, don't go on a diet 2. Don't 'pop weight loss pills' - the result will be the same as going on a diet. 3. Look for a program that has a personal Exercise Plan and that offers you support during the program. 4. Identify and then go with a program that addresses the main issue - making change. Making change comes by learning new habits, slim habits. This is the only sure way to achieve permanent weight loss. - 17268

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Why an Online Personal Trainer Could Help YOU!

By Jay Bonaretti

In the early 90?s, having a personal trainer was nearly unheard of. They were exclusive to celebrities. Then, as the fitness industry has evolved, personal trainers are commonplace in helping you reach your health and fitness goals. Nowadays, online personal training is becoming more and more popular.

An online personal trainer has many advantages over the conventional personal trainer. Within this article, we will discuss precisely what the main advantages are.

Lacking the motivation to get off your backside? That?s what an online personal trainer can do for you. That online PT can be the voice in your ear egging you on to keep your spirits high.

How do you ask - well, the difference between the old-school PT and the online personal trainer is that the latter is in constant communication with you throughout the week - not just one a week with the former!

Motivation is only half the benefit of consistent discussion ? accountability is the other half. This means that you have to provide your results to your coach regularly. Thus, you reach your goals quicker!

Being on the internet, you can therefore be educated so much more easily than in person with someone. Not only can you have concepts explained to you clearly, but also plenty of references can be provided that you can view instantly.

Money concerns? No problems with online personal training. It is far cheaper to obtain an online coach because you don?t spend hourly appointments with your trainer. You could pay less than the cost of a one hour session in order to obtain daily support throughout the week!

Exercises and correct form is clearly conveyed through clear, easy to understand instructions, photo?s and video?s. If you?re really in doubt, you can always forward back a video of your technique so your online personal trainer can review it for you. Often with a normal personal trainer, you can easily forget how each exercise is supposed to be performed.

Personally I have trained numerous clients over the years (face-to-face and online). Whilst both categories obtain amazing results, there is something about the online personal training that really gives client's that edge. I guess it's much harder to make excuses when you have someone on your case ALL THE TIME!

At the end of the day, it comes down to what you want to achieve and how you are going to achieve it. Online personal trainers aren't for everyone - particularly those who are not all that computer savvy. But often the convenience of non-appointment based coaching, coupled with the many other benefits discussed above, mean that you can achieve that ideal physique in no time. - 17268

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What is a Mangosteen Good for?

By William Knowles

In the Sundra Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia, an 80-foot tropical evergreen tree has grown for thousands of years... At least that is where researchers say the Mangosteen tree most likely originated. This tree produces a an edible fruit that is sometimes very sweet and other times a bit tangy, but it's always full of healthy nutrients. It has an outer skin that is usually pretty tough, but softens up as the fruit ripens. It is purple in color and about the size of a tangerine, and more recently, the mangosteen has been categorized as an official 'super Fruit.'

The 'superfruits' of today are all supposed to have healthy effects on the body. However, nutrition-wise this fruit is mostly water, 81 grams to be exact. Other than that it contains 1.8 grams of dietary fiber, 18 grams of carbohydrates, .6 grams of fat, and .4 grams of protein. All of which are below the standard daily allowance. The good news here though is that since it is made up mostly of water, it doesn't add a lot of calories to your daily diet.

So if nothing else, it is very low in calories and would be perfect for those on a diet or trying to just control their weight. However research does show that it might have some of the world's best antioxidant properties for any fruit. It is supposed to contain at least 40 different Xanthones, which are a powerful form of antioxidants. There are currently 200 Xanthones identified, all beneficial to humans.

Xanthones travel through our system and mop up free radicals that can cause disease and malfunctions in many of our organs. Mangosteen contains the Xanthones alpha-mangostin, gama-mangostin garcinone, beta-mangostin, garcinone-a, garcinone-d, garcinone-c, gartanin and mangostanol. All of these Xanthones and the all the other antioxidants contained in this fruit have anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsive, anti-tumor, anti-allergic, and platelet-aiding properties.

However, take care when drinking the Mangosteen juice. There have been a few cases of acidosis reported by individuals who consumed too much of it. Drinking smaller quantities should solve this issue entirely though, since the acidosis only appeared when people drank rather large quantities of its juice.

Mangosteen is available in western countries in juice, frozen, and sometimes canned varieties. There has been a long-standing ban on importation of this fruit in it's whole form to the United States, but Canada has been importing mangosteen since 2007. Although the fruit is not easy to find here, farmers in Puerto Rico have started to send us a few mangosteen, especially to the more wealthy hotels and restaurants on the east coast. - 17268

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Slim Fast Diet: Pros and Cons

By Kim Archer

If you'd like to lose a few pounds, hopefully you're only considering healthy weight loss programs and not fad diets. Perhaps you've been considering the Slim Fast program, but don't know if it's healthy or not. Here's a look at the features of this diet plan that might help you make a decision.

The original Slim Fast diet was pretty basic. You replaced two meals a day with a special shake that you made up by adding the Slim Fast powder to some low-fat milk. It came in three flavors: strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. You would have one of these shakes at breakfast and another at lunch, and then have a "sensible" dinner of about 600 calories.

Since then, Slim Fast has introduced new flavors and products to its line. There are ready-made canned shakes, a wide variety of snack bars and soup mixes, which you can have a few times per day. As well, you are now required to drink eight glasses of water each day.

That's the short version of the Slim Fast diet. Next, we'll take a look at the pros and cons.

Pros: First of all, you can certainly lose a considerable amount of weight on the Slim Fast diet if you make sure to exercise. The program is easy to follow. You can take the shakes with you to work, to the gym, on the road, and just about anywhere else. There's no counting calorie or meetings.

Cons: The Slim Fast shakes aren't filling, and you're bound to miss eating real food for breakfast and lunch. This makes it difficult to sustain this plan over the long haul. You won't be consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables, so you'll be short on fiber and some essential nutrients (although the shakes contain vitamins and minerals).

There's no doubt you can lose weight on the Slim Fast diet, but given the disadvantages, you might want to use the Slim Fast products to replace a snack instead of a meal. The shakes are flavorful, but you won't get the satisfaction that you do from eating a real meal.

Finally, it's not unusual for people on this diet to put back on all the weight they lost. One woman followed the Slim Fast program for a year along with moderate exercise. She lost 60 pounds. And then she gained it all back the next year. The problem is, if you haven't changed your eating habits, and then you stop using the shakes, you're likely to go back to your unhealthy ways.

Recommendation: Because it's not easy to stay with this diet for the long term, the Slim Fast plan is most suited to people who only have a few pounds to lose. Someone who wanted to lose a considerable number of pounds could start with this diet to shed some weight quickly, and then switch to a healthy food plan and continue to lose a pound or two a week.

Every time you turn around, there's a new diet book on the market. It can be hard to choose the one that's best for you. While you're checking out the latest weight loss miracle, remember that long-term weight loss requires a change in your eating habits that you can live with for life. - 17268

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Celebrity Diets - South Beach - a Favorite of the Stars

By Errol Gollands

The South Beach Diet is a diet well known for being followed by many celebrities and is frequently linked to other low-carb diets, most of which have received considerable bad press.

It is important whilst following the South Beach Diet that you follow the basic rules of the program to ensure that you lose weight and maintain good health. Most importantly, if you want to achieve success, you must make sure you consume the right types and amounts of carbohydrates and fats.

The South Beach diet has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and some claims have even been made that the diet can also reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

One of the side effects of dieting is often the development of food cravings. However, followers have said that eating this way eliminates food cravings because you don't feel hungry while on the South Beach Diet.

It takes a high degree of motivation and determination to follow the South Beach Diet plan in order to succeed with weight loss.

Learning to eat healthily whilst on the South Beach Diet and discovering which are the good carbs and fats, will help you to care for your heart as well as losing weight.

As the South Beach Diet is not a low-fat and low-carb diet, unlike many of other high profile diets, you may be surprised to learn that not all carbohydrates and fats are bad for you.

Eating the right sort of carbohydrates and fats is fundamental in making the South Beach Diet program work for you. Getting the right proportion of "good" carbohydrates and fats might seem confusing at first, but you will quickly adapt.

Losing between 8 and 13 pounds in the initial two weeks of following South Beach Diet program is to be expected. However, you must be prepared for the weight loss will slow down after this period and not be disheartened.

Realistically, it is possible to achieve long-term weight loss as opposed to just losing weight in the short term when you stick with this special eating plan.

South Beach Diet, when correctly followed, is highly effective at ridding your body of excess weight whilst also keeping you healthy and improving your well-being.

Although it is similar to the Atkins diet, in that it works in stages, the South Beach Diet program could really be said to be a lifestyle rather than an actual diet. By following the plan, you will eat three meals and two additional each day, taken from the flexible meal planner that comes with the program.

You will find it easier to reach your weight loss goal if you first of all write down exactly how much weight you would like to lose. Once youve written it down, place it in good view so it acts as a constant reminder and source of inspiration for sticking to the South Beach diet.

Clearing your kitchen cupboards of all foods forbidden by the South Beach Diet is a good idea. In moments of weakness, there will be nothing in your house to tempt you so you will be more likely to stick to your diet.

Remembering to drink plenty of water is recommended with most diet plans. Not only will water help you to feel more full, it will also help flush away toxins that might be released whilst following the South Beach Diet program.

It is important, regardless of whether you are following a diet program, that you make the time to fit exercise into your schedule. Regular exercise, as well as improving your fitness levels, will help to speed up your weight loss.

Its hard to stay motivated all the time and you may occasionally slip up when on the diet. If this happens, don't be tempted to give up. The South Beach Diet works so simply pick up where you left off and you'll soon start to see the weight dropping off once more.

The South Beach diet is followed by celebrities such as Bill and Hilary Clinton and Bette Midler. - 17268

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Some Important Facts about Coronary Heart Disease

By Katie A. Price

Coronary Artery Disease is commonly known as Heart Disease or Atherosclerosis. In coronary artery disease, plaque builds up inside the arteries. These plaques are formed by fats and cause the arteries to harden. The deposits are made of fat that came from the food that we eat. These fat deposits narrow the arteries and impede circulation. The narrowing of the arteries also causes high blood pressure because the body tries to compensate for the inadequate supply of blood throughout the system.

Fat deposits in arteries are very dangerous. Aside from the fact that these arteries should not be present in the arteries, these deposits also cause a disturbance in the heart's normal functioning. The blood vessels with fat deposits are narrowed. It also causes hardening that inhibits the normal elastic function of the vessels. It causes decreased blood flow to the heart which results in chest pain called angina.

Angina is the pain that patients with heart disease dread. Not enough oxygen reaches the heart muscles. The heart muscles, just like any other muscle, need oxygen to function properly. Oxygen is transported through the bloodstream. Because of the fat deposits, less supply of blood reaches the heart. Angina now occurs. It is described as a stabbing chest pain that can also be felt at the back and extremities.

A heart attack occurs after angina. The heart ceases to function because its muscles did not receive much oxygen. Certain muscles in the heart have died because of the inadequate supply of oxygen and therefore the remaining muscles have to compensate for the loss. Compensation gives extra workload and fatigue, causing it to stop.

What causes coronary artery disease? That is probably the question that is in your mind right now. Actually, a lot of risk factors can be associated to heart disease. If one of your family members is diagnosed with coronary artery disease, your risk of having it is greater. If you are also a chain smoker or you often inhale second-hand smoke, you will also have a higher chance of developing coronary artery disease.

Being inactive and just sitting or sleeping all day will also bring you more risk for heart disease. Activity is required to keep your muscles strong and functioning. Just like working out, your heart muscles need to be toned for it to become tougher and work a lot better than it used to.

Those who are overweight need to drop those extra pounds because they are also at risk for developing heart disease. People who are overweight have too much fat in their body which causes their muscles to be weak and not toned. Fats can also form plaque in the arterial walls which causes coronary artery disease. Exercise and proper diet should therefore be their approach to prevent developing heart disease.

A lot of lifestyle changes should be made if you're used to an unhealthy lifestyle. If you're a chain smoker, then you should stop smoking. If you are not used to doing some strenuous work, then you better start doing even simple work to tone your muscles, especially that of the heart. - 17268

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