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Friday, May 22, 2009

A Natural Solution To Shoe Lifts

By Shaun D

Do you really want to wear shoe lifts the rest of your life? Or would you rather want to discover how to grow taller naturally? Are you worried about how tall your child will grow up to be? Despite the fact that many aspects affect how tall you are, especially your genes, you can still grow taller now.

If you never knew this, it is possible for anyone to naturally increase their height by at least two inches (roughly five centimeters), and with more dedication, by up to 4 inches (about ten centimeters). And the tasks required are not that difficult either. The hardest part is to keep yourself motivated, excited and dedicated to completing a height growth program. If put the effort in you can lose the shoe lifts and be naturally taller.

The main thing that we have to focus on, are the bones, especially the spinal column and the legs. These two have the capability to increase height because it has properties that are capable of being easily stretched through proper posture and exercise.

The first set of bones you should work on, are in your spine. Inbetween these bones (or vertebrae) are soft cartilage discs that can be lengthened to help you gain a few inches in height. Working on your back is better than relying on shoe lifts which can actually cause back problems.

Another way of growing taller is to work on improving your posture when standing or sitting. And when you go to bed, you should try lie down with your spine straight and back flat, allowing your spinal column to decompress and become longer and stronger.

Your legs bones, particularly near your thighs and shines also have the ability to be stretched. If you never knew this, your bones actually have gaps. If you do not want to wear shoe lifts anymore, then with about an hour of exercise six times a week, you could lengthen those bones by an inch or two.

Taking these tips into consideration, this is a good start for you to naturally get taller. If you are dedicated, focused and stick to a program, you could increase your height in a matter of weeks, and forget about shoe lifts for good. - 17268

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PureCleanse Edge Keeps You Healthy

By David Louise

The source of many illnesses and disease can be the colon as it begins to age.

The colon is a vital part of our body that keeps us healthy and eliminates the harmful wastes that we consume each day.

It is also responsible for absorbing the nutrients we need to keep living healthy each day.

Unfortunately, when it is filled with toxins, bacteria or more, there can be many long term poor effects on us.

Even short term effects can be poor, as well, including loss of motivation, lack of energy, constipation and bloating.

To keep yourself healthy and clean, you a supplement like PureCleanse Edge can aid you in your goals.

PureCleanse Edge keeps your body clean in a natural way while cleansing your colon of harmful waste so that you no longer look bloated.

PureCleanse Edge was formulated to insure a gentle cleansing so there is no need to worry about side effects.

It works in a natural way using clinically proven ingredients to truly help you.

A clinical trial that was done showed that participants who used PureCleanse Edge featured 12.5 to 15 pound weight loss versus a placebo group that only achieved 3 to 3.5 pounds weight loss. This means that PureCleanse Edge helps you lose weight at a 450% better rate!

If you are interested in living a healthier life and losing some weight, definitely check out PureCleanse Edge today. At the time of writing, a free trial is available so that you can check out its great benefits for yourself without paying a dime! - 17268

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Green Tea Rx Anti-Aging Cream

By Jake Wakefield

We all know that as we age, wrinkles, blemishes and other skin imperfections begin to appear.

Even though we may get skin problems from this aging process, that does not mean we simply have to endure them. There are solutions.

The exposure we get to the sun and also our exposure to many other harmful chemicals through mass-produced soaps and other products with harsh chemicals means that our skin is often left in a damaged state.

Luckily, GreenTeaRx offers one solution that can help us maintain younger, healthier looking skin. GreenTeaRx employs both anti-oxidants and anti-carcinogens to achieve this effect.

Using these ingredients, GreenTeaRx can replenish your skin and combine to heal, protect and nurture your skin in ways never available before!

GreenTeaRx's effectiveness lies in the fact that there has been extensive scientific research utilized. The anti-carcinogens that are shown to be abundant in GreenTeaRx are an amazing natural chemical that targets and neutralizes free radicals. These are the unwanted cancer-causing agents that bombard your body daily. By minimizing these free radicals, cancerous cell mutation is less likely to occur. By using GreenTeaRx, you can fight back against these free radicals and insure that they do not have a detrimental effect on your skin.

Anti-oxidants also are in GreenTeaRx and they fight even stronger against the spread of cancer. GreenTeaRx is able to fight in these two ways so that your skin can stay naturally young.

GreenTeaRx helps to rebuild the collagen and elastin that naturally has its production decreased as we age. By rebuilding these two important substances in our skin, your skin's outward appearance will improve thus dimishing wrinkles, fine lines and other visible imperfections.

At the time of this writing, GreenTeaRx is offering a free trial so even if you are not sure whether or not it will work for you, you have nothing to lose by trying a free trial that could help your skin greatly! - 17268

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Tinnitus Test

By Matt Hellstrom

If you've ever experienced a ringing or buzzing tone in the ear, chances are you may have had tinnitus. From the Latin word for "ringing," tinnitus ranges from minor nuisance to serious issue. If you think you might have it, and are searching for a reliable tinnitus test, it's helpful to know a few things about the condition and what goes into testing for it.

Unceasing buzzing or ringing that comes in and out are two signs of a problem you might have with tinnitus. While sometimes a subtle hum, for many it could be higher-pitched whistling, which many times is more common. When it's really bad, some people say tinnitus is there all day, every day.

People suffering from this problem will go to a doctor complaining of buzzing or ringing in the ear. Keep in mind that tinnitus itself isn't an illness but a sign of some other condition that's causing the buzzing or ringing. It might also occur because of an allergy or reaction to some medicine. Additionally, extreme noise can help to cause it. Remember to explain your symptoms to your physician when you're being examined.

Tinnitus reveals itself through those ringing or whistling tones. Most of the time only the person suffering from it can hear them. It may be steady and long-lasting, or it may be intermittent. Tinnitus is different from the occasional ringing in the ear, though. That goes away soon enough. An old wife's tale about this sort of ringing says that when it occurs, somebody somewhere is talking about you!

Tinnitus can be hard to describe because it's so subjective. In one person, the ringing may be a minor nuisance; in others it can be a real issue. Even though tinnitus is usually only heard by the person who has it, sometimes it's possible to actually hear it in the patient's ear. This is called a "bruit," which means the physical sound a medical condition, including tinnitus, can make.

Tinnitus can be hard to test for, because of its subjectivity. Usually, the first thing to do is get a hearing exam. Some physicians will do a "Tinnitus Handicap Inventory," to measure how severe the problem is before devising a treatment schedule. Also, giving the doctor a history of problems you might have is a good idea. Try to be upfront during this examination, because tinnitus may also go along with memory loss, poor general health, fatigue or anxiety. A tinnitus test and any treatment relies upon getting a good physical history, and embarrassment over one of these problems will hinder, not help, possible treatment.

If you think you suffer from tinnitus, see a doctor. Reliable tinnitus testing isn't very complicated, but it requires the active help of the person suffering from it in order to design a good treatment plan. Also, you can help things by removing the source of the problem (allergens, certain medicines) or protecting your ears from loud noises and the like. - 17268

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Is The Wu Yi Tea a Scam?

By Jared Rothe

There are never blanket responses to such questions as there are so many factors involved. In short, users that have purchased high-quality products from reputable suppliers and followed the recommended regime have reported phenomenal results.

Some say they could've got the same results without the tea. And yes no one reputable is saying that Wu yi tea will make you lose weight on its own. It doesn't do that. It does however raise your metabolism to help you lose weight.

The reason the price is higher for Wu yi tea compared to other oolong teas is because this particular tea is from the Wuyi Shan Moutanins and Taiwanese mountains. In these areas there are very strick harvesting processes. Their tea is made of the highest quality and that is why the price is higher, because the tea is from this region.

The Shan Mountain leaves produce the most quality tea. Make sure you check where they are getting their oolong tea from. Pay particular attention to how they say it is harvested as well as the dissolution process, harvesting, mechanizing, and processing.

Many are saying the Wu yi tea weight loss program doesn't work. But it is just a facilitator to weight loss with consistency and commitment. As explained earlier, wu yi tea only helps to increase your resting metabolism which in turn helps you burn more calories and lose weight.

Is Wu Yi Tea a scam? The number of success stories the world over for several years say no, but only you can reach that decision for yourself with certainty. - 17268

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Resveratrol and Cacao Mixed Provides Best Benefits For Weight Loss and Anti-Aging

By Jake Wakefield

Anti-aging and weight loss are two very important topics for many people. Luckily, there are a wide variety of products that cater to these interest.

However, out of the many products available, there are very few that take on both of these issues at the same time. Luckily, one such product exists and it is called ResV Plus with Cacao. It works mainly through providing you with both resveratrol and cacao.

Resveratrol is a highly known compound found mostly in red wine. It has been heralded for its great effects.

Resveratrol stops age related diseases and keeps you young. The discovery of resveratrol and its effects has been called one of the greatest medical discoveries of recent times.

Harvard Medical School shows us that this compound can combat the ill effects of bad lifestyles while also adding needed support for the heart.

That's how the French stay so skinny even with their high consumption of cheese and wine - it's the resveratrol in the wine that keeps them young, healthy and slender.

On the other side, we have cacao. Cacao is highly rich in flavonoids and anti-oxidants. These chemicals both help to suppress age-related illnesses and keep your heart going strong.

If you are looking for a product that provides you these great health benefits, you will want to check out RezVplus which is the first supplement to combine the effects of resveratrol and cacao to make it the ultimate anti-aging and weight loss supplement so you can get all the benefits without having to consume the calories and alcohol from chocolate and wine. Additionally, at the time of this writing, RezVplus is offering a free trial, so you can test it out and see if it works for you without even having to spend a penny! - 17268

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What Are The Positive And Negatives Of A Detox Diet

By Ron C

Detox diets are designed to wash out the system therefore if you are considering this technique, here's a couple things you should be informed of. First off, detoxifying diet programs are not made to assist you in dropping your weight but simply aids to clean your metabolism. For a couple days, you'll need to give up certain foodstuffs and use some laxatives to help clean out the bowel and liver.

Throughout this time, you will have to eat lots of fruits and vegetables because in the majority of instances, they're fresh and raw, because cooking removes essential minerals and vitamins. People who are able to properly finish this program say they feel healthier and have enhanced vitality. Detox diet plans aren't suggested for individuals that have specific health issues especially patients suffering from diabetes, eating conditions, heart conditions or different recurring issues. This should also not be done by pregnant or nursing moms. Teens shouldn't attempt this detox diet for that matter since this will rob them of vitamins and minerals which are important for their rapid growth and development.

Detox diets should only be done once or even twice per year as it may turn habit-forming. A few have grouped the detox diet with smoking or even drugs wherein it's difficult to stop and that may end in health issues such as malnutrition, heart conditions possibly even death.

If you believe starting a detox diet doesn't have side effects, think again because there's a couple such as acne, headaches, tiredness, hunger and irritability. You may additionally get those if you choose to take detox supplements as most of the elements used are in fact laxatives, and that means going to the bathroom more frequently and as we all know, that can get messy. When that occurs, you ought to drink lots of liquid to prevent dehydration, mineral imbalances or any additionally issues that go with with the gastrointestinal system.

Since the detox diet will only last several days, you may feel that you lose weight, but in reality, you will only lose water and some muscle which will be regained when you end your diet and start consuming normal food. Currently, there haven't been any research projects that verify the efficiency of the detox diet. As a matter of fact, there is currently no evidence to verify these toxins are removed especially if your liver and kidneys are functioning right since you must be capable of releasing urine as well as stools consistently.

Clearly, there's a few positive and negative feedbacks for detox diets. Since you understand exactly what those are, you can decide for yourself whether it's a thing you wish to try or not. Don't forget to consult your physician if you choose to do it because like it was mentioned before, there are specific individuals that shouldn't try it based upon their condition.

Just remember that besides utilizing that technique, the body has a natural method of caring for that problem so you can let nature take care of it or push it from your system. There are also other diet programs besides a detox diet which can do some good even if there's no promises that something that is good for one person, will be good for another. - 17268

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This is What a Perfect Diet Must Have

By Thong M. Dao

Many people follow a nutritious food diet. They see to it that they have a salad in place of a fast food lunch. They make weird drink potions like green smoothies and uncooked food dishes that mimic components of the regular American diet.

Many people have already experienced the many health benefits of this way of eating. They tend to be trim all year round. They have found the perfect method of food consumption. However, could something be lacking in their perfect diet?

In most cases, individuals who are eating properly are still lacking one component. It is a product that is freely available to any of us, all we have to do is pick up the glass and drink. The subject of this lesson is, of course, water, despite the fact that you may believe you swallow plenty of water during the duration of the day.

Is it true though, that you are already drinking a great deal of water? Not drinking sufficient water while in your youth can be surprising with the amount of individuals that are dehydrated later in life. The volume may not be sufficient even if they drink throughout the day.

Drinking sufficient water daily is an essential part of a healthy diet. It comes down to consuming half of your own body mass in oz. of water everyday. 75 oz. of water is what you should consume day-to-day if you weigh, say, 150 pounds.

Not only that, but you would also want to make sure that you are contributing one eighth of a teaspoon of salt for every sixteen ounces of water.

What does the sea salt do? It aids in keeping the water within our bodies for enough time to do the intended job of keeping us hydrated. If you don't take the salt, you may find that you are going to the bathroom all the time and simply flushing out the nutrients from the foods that you eat.

Give this style of drinking a try for about 30 days. The health benefit of simply drinking water will surprise you. - 17268

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Choosing The Best Elliptical Machines

By John Andrews

All companies seem to claim to have the best elliptical machines, so choosing the best can be a daunting task to say the least. What may be best for one person might not as well be best for another. Staying in fit today is crucial to survival and healthily living, so by doing what ever you have to do to stay fit will give you a happier healthier life.

The best elliptical machines on the market today should have all the similar functions and schematics. All the machines should vary in prices depending on the brand, but the overall effect of the machines should be the same.

Some machines will have a bigger sturdier frame that's made for the larger individual, while the other machines will offer more programming features. What ever you choose it should be comprehensive in both of these area's and you shouldn't have to pay a fortune for it!

A truly great machine is the Precor EFX 5 17i. It has the patented Cross Ramp feature which gives you the ability to adjust the angle of the pedals. This enables you to have a complete work out, getting deep into the muscle tissue. Tracking and designing your own personal workout is simple with the state of the art LED display which has some truly amazing graphics.

If you're looking to eliminate strain on your body then the all new smooth CE2 is for you. It's equipped with a wireless heart monitor and comes with 9 user friendly profiles which are fully programmable. This machine is extremely quite. It sells for a round $1700. At this price you won't find a better machine. You will get some of the high end features with this unit at an incredible price. This makes this machine one of the best elliptical machines out on the market today.

If you're looking for more variety to your workout then the Schwinn 418 elliptical trainer is one to have. It's equipped with eight levels of resistance for your workout. It sells for 1,100 dollars, which isn't too bad for the features you'll get. Many compare it to the Smooth CE2 because it has some of the same features. Schwinn Ellipticals can take a beating and keep on delivering the same great workout to you, that's why they have a reputation for having well built machines.

The best elliptical machines will primarily be determined by the user. What may be a great feature and benefit for one person may not be so at all for another. If you are looking for something more cost effective, then the Eclipse 1100HR/A is just under $500, making it truly one of the most inexpensive machines on the market today.

.However the eclipse 1100HR/A is a light machine and is not recommended for a heavy person. This machine is very light in weight and wont support a lot of weight. It has an Orbital Linkage System that gives it a very smooth ride. However this machine isn't equipped with a whole lot of features. But for the price this is why its one of the best elliptical machines that's made today. This machine wont take up a whole lot of space and since it's light in weight it can certainly be moved easy. - 17268

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A Tiny Little Berry with Super Powers: The Acai Berry

By Kari Gambale

For hundreds of years the people in the Amazon region of Brazil have eaten a powerful little fruit called the Acai Berry. Growing atop 150 foot palm-like trees, the Brazilian people have found it worth their while to shinny up these trees to pick the berries and carry them back down in baskets.

Only 10% of the berry is actually fruit, as the other 90% is a large seed. The berries must be harvested by the thousands and then finally processed to separate the seed from the pulp and eventually the remains are rendered into a puree.

Although Acai berries have been eaten for centuries in Brazil, it has only been recently that it has come to the fore in this country. American doctors and nutritionists are now discovering the incredible health benefits of these berries. Their findings have been truly amazing.

A perfect example of their effectiveness is found in Brazilian athletes who eat a substantial portion of Acai berry pulp prior to every match or game. They have discovered it gives them both strength and stamina allowing them to play their best and do well under pressure. Acai berries are high in antioxidants and help rid the body of free radicals that can do damage to the bodies tissue and muscles. The results are increased energy and stamina.

Another major nutrient in Acai berry is carbohydrates. It is carbohydrates in the diet that helps store and deliver energy throughout the body. They also work to help the body process food and keep the body, tissue and immune system functioning well. It has been shown that a 40 to 65% of our energy source should come from carbohydrates.

As you may have heard, free radicals that come from pollutants such as cigarette smoke, pesticides, herbicides and a litany of other harmful pollutants have been found to be the cause of a tremendous amount of diseases, not the least of which is cancer. Free radicals take over empty or weak electrons in your body to create havoc with your cells. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin E help protect your body against free radicals, however, there are also unknown factors over and above those two vitamins that also work against free radicals. Other chemicals and substances in more natural sources are thought to perhaps contain factors that mix with both Vitamin C and E to ward off these free radicals.

Acai berries have been shown to lower cholesterol and help the body process nutrients. The Brazilians are one of the most energetic and healthy people in the world and are not affected by the illnesses that we have encountered. Many believe it is the Acai berry that makes them so healthy. Omega 6 and Omega 9 are powerful antioxidants that are contained in this magical berry. It is also dense in essential fatty acids, fiber, protein, iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorous, as well as, Vitamins C, E, B1, B2 and B3 all very important and essential vitamins to maintain our health.

The antioxidants contained in the Acai berry and the amino acids help lower the risk of heart attack and heart disease. The phytosterols which are naturally occurring plant phytochemicals help the body burn fat more efficiently and process food more effectively. These elements make Acai berry a powerful addition to any weight loss program. In addition it can lower a persons cholesterol by up to 15%.

The essential fatty acids and antioxidants work together to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. The essential fatty acids also help you body absorb the important vitamins A, E, D and K.

Antioxidants, known as anthocyanins, as found in the Acai berry, are also thought to work as both an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent in the body. Not only are these anthocyanins capable of accomplishing that particular task, but also they are proficient in helping maintain good eyesight. They also fight a range of other eye related eye diseases such as macular degeneration and even glaucoma.

Aiding the digestion, Acai berry has vital enzymes that aid the digestion process. If you suffer from digestive problems such as acid reflux, irritable bowel or the like, an Acai product may help cure this problem for you.

Amino acids play an important part in allowing your muscles to relax so that you can sleep properly. Acai contains this property, and along with its Vitamin B, the dopamine and serotonin in the Vitamin B will allow you long and restful sleep.

Truly you owe it to yourself to partake in this wondrous product from the Acai berry! - 17268

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