By Kari Gambale
For hundreds of years the people in the Amazon region of Brazil have eaten a powerful little fruit called the Acai Berry. Growing atop 150 foot palm-like trees, the Brazilian people have found it worth their while to shinny up these trees to pick the berries and carry them back down in baskets.
Only 10% of the berry is actually fruit, as the other 90% is a large seed. The berries must be harvested by the thousands and then finally processed to separate the seed from the pulp and eventually the remains are rendered into a puree.
Although Acai berries have been eaten for centuries in Brazil, it has only been recently that it has come to the fore in this country. American doctors and nutritionists are now discovering the incredible health benefits of these berries. Their findings have been truly amazing.
A perfect example of their effectiveness is found in Brazilian athletes who eat a substantial portion of Acai berry pulp prior to every match or game. They have discovered it gives them both strength and stamina allowing them to play their best and do well under pressure. Acai berries are high in antioxidants and help rid the body of free radicals that can do damage to the bodies tissue and muscles. The results are increased energy and stamina.
Another major nutrient in Acai berry is carbohydrates. It is carbohydrates in the diet that helps store and deliver energy throughout the body. They also work to help the body process food and keep the body, tissue and immune system functioning well. It has been shown that a 40 to 65% of our energy source should come from carbohydrates.
As you may have heard, free radicals that come from pollutants such as cigarette smoke, pesticides, herbicides and a litany of other harmful pollutants have been found to be the cause of a tremendous amount of diseases, not the least of which is cancer. Free radicals take over empty or weak electrons in your body to create havoc with your cells. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin E help protect your body against free radicals, however, there are also unknown factors over and above those two vitamins that also work against free radicals. Other chemicals and substances in more natural sources are thought to perhaps contain factors that mix with both Vitamin C and E to ward off these free radicals.
Acai berries have been shown to lower cholesterol and help the body process nutrients. The Brazilians are one of the most energetic and healthy people in the world and are not affected by the illnesses that we have encountered. Many believe it is the Acai berry that makes them so healthy. Omega 6 and Omega 9 are powerful antioxidants that are contained in this magical berry. It is also dense in essential fatty acids, fiber, protein, iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorous, as well as, Vitamins C, E, B1, B2 and B3 all very important and essential vitamins to maintain our health.
The antioxidants contained in the Acai berry and the amino acids help lower the risk of heart attack and heart disease. The phytosterols which are naturally occurring plant phytochemicals help the body burn fat more efficiently and process food more effectively. These elements make Acai berry a powerful addition to any weight loss program. In addition it can lower a persons cholesterol by up to 15%.
The essential fatty acids and antioxidants work together to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. The essential fatty acids also help you body absorb the important vitamins A, E, D and K.
Antioxidants, known as anthocyanins, as found in the Acai berry, are also thought to work as both an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent in the body. Not only are these anthocyanins capable of accomplishing that particular task, but also they are proficient in helping maintain good eyesight. They also fight a range of other eye related eye diseases such as macular degeneration and even glaucoma.
Aiding the digestion, Acai berry has vital enzymes that aid the digestion process. If you suffer from digestive problems such as acid reflux, irritable bowel or the like, an Acai product may help cure this problem for you.
Amino acids play an important part in allowing your muscles to relax so that you can sleep properly. Acai contains this property, and along with its Vitamin B, the dopamine and serotonin in the Vitamin B will allow you long and restful sleep.
Truly you owe it to yourself to partake in this wondrous product from the Acai berry! - 17268