Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Diabetes Diagnosis: How is Diabetes Diagnosed?

By Barb Hicks

What is the definition of Diabetes?

Hyperglycemia or Diabetes is the result of abnormally high glucose levels due to an imbalance of insulin in the blood. Insulins job is to convert glucose into energy to fuel the body's cells. If glucose is not converted properly, complications and organ damage can occur.

An elevated sugar level or glucose level is the definition of diabetes. The body uses insulin to regulate glucose levels, so when insulin cannot perform its job properly, complications of the disease occur. Common symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst and frequent urination.

The two forms of diabetes are:

Type 1: This form of diabetes is genetic and is commonly diagnosed in children. In this case, the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin. Type 2: This form of diabetes is metabolic and is the result of the proper production of insulin, but the body is resistant to it.

Both types cause increased glucose in the blood that must be monitored daily.

You are at risk for the development of diabetes if you are overweight, have family members diagnosed with it, and live a sedentary lifestyle.

What Are the Diabetes Symptoms?

There are many different symptoms of diabetes. In addition, not everyone will display any or all of these signs. Some of the symptoms include:

- increased urination, extreme thirst, non healing wounds, fatigue, irritability and headache.

Due to the buildup of glucose in the blood, the body tries to get rid of it via the kidneys, resulting in polyuria (increased urination). Frequent trips to the bathroom cause dehydration, which explains the extreme thirst and headache. Dehydration is the same reason for the headache of a hangover.

Excessive weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle are extreme risk factors for diabetes.

How Do I Get Diagnosed?

Knowing the symptoms is the first step, as well as learning what your risk factors are. If you suspect that you may have this condition, there are diagnostic tests that your doctor can administer to determine if you indeed have the disease. How Is Diabetes Diagnosed?

Tests that measure the amount of glucose levels in the blood will be performed. The generalized level is between 70 mg/dl-125 mg/dl.

What Treatments are there for Diabetes?

Treatment of diabetes includes changes in diet, regular exercise at least 3-4 times per week, daily monitoring of glucose levels, and insulin injections by syringe, insulin pump, or prefilled pens.

Treatment for diabetes is designed to regulate glucose levels while at the same time stop or slow down the diseases progression to ensure no further complications. - 17268

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13 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Water

By Harvey Kent

Water is the most important element of life. Our bodies are 77% liquid out of which 70% is water. Water is the giver of life. Without it, life as we know it would not exist. So the water we drink and it's quality has a very important impact on our health. Here are 12 cool facts about water:

1) Specialist have all agreed that the best drinking water is the one with a balanced mineral content. A good mineral spring water, sparkling or not, from a trustworthy source is the best choice you can make.

2) Bottled teas, sodas and alcoholic drinks are both unhealthy and inefficient in quenching your thirst. They contain all sorts of bad chemicals, preservatives and tones of sugars. Plus they tend to have a diuretic effect and so they achieve the undesired effect of dehydrating your body and making you thirsty.

3) The cheap solution to bottled mineral spring water would be a water filter. The easiest way to chose the best water filter for you is to make a chemical analysis on your home water. Always remember to change your filter with regularity so that they always achieve the best results.

4) Ice can be harmful to people who suffer from cardiovascular illnesses. The difference in temperature can produce a sudden shock in their organism.

5) Drinking water while eating is not recommended because we tend to use it to facilitate swallowing rather than properly chewing our food. Remember to always take your time to chew properly when you eat.

6) Never drink hot tap water. It is very corrosive and often contains harmful agents. Cold tap water that has been boiled is far better for your body.

7) Every human uses 3 liters of water, on average, just to brush his teeth once. This is very wasteful and has harmful effects on the ecosystem. Please remember to close the tap while you brush and use a cup to rinse.

8) Food are also partly made out of water. Fruits are usually rich in water and the best sources for water intake: apples, grapes, pares and carrots.

9) On average a human consumes 60 000 liter of water during his entire life.

10) Water shouldn't be transformed into a mineral source. Although it does contain minerals, most of them aren't organic and thus can't be assimilated by your body. They can also be harmful and can cause problems such as arthritis and kidney stones.

11) 70.78% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. 97% of all the water is found in the oceans. Only 3% is fresh water good for human consumption and 3/4 of that lies in glaciers.

12) The average person uses about 270 liters of water daily. 140 liters are used on an average 15 minutes shower. The sailors on submarines can't afford such waste. They shower for just 2 minutes and keep the water running only to rinse. They use about 6 liters.

13) With the exception of distilled water, such as the one for your car radiator, all water is partly mineral. Even rainwater contains impurities. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Workouts Routines, Triceps

By Ricardo d Argence

To increase your arm size in the shortest time possible it is important that you stick to the basics. By basics, I mean the lifts that will give you the most return on your investment. Don't waste your time on non-productive movements like 90 percent of the other people in the gym.

Now let us discuss the 3 muscles connecting your elbow and shoulder, that however work opposite the forearm and biceps, called your triceps. Here I will describe how to train your triceps.

Dips are one of the best exercises a beginner can do. They will primarily work your triceps, but also your shoulders and chest too. In order to place the stress on your triceps there are a few tips you need to know. First off, dips should be done between two bars that are parallel. The starting position should look like you are standing up with two bars in your hands.

Grip the bars tightly at all times so you don't slip. Now to begin the movement you need to lower your body toward the ground, keeping your elbows close to your sides, and keeping your body as straight up and down as possible. If you lean forward it puts a lot of stress on your chest and shoulders, which isn't a bad thing, but save it for chest day.

Good advice. Don't lock out at the top. To allow the triceps muscles to relax, completely straighten and lock your arms. If you are unable to perform dips using your body weight, try an assisted dip apparatus that utilizes counter-balanced weights to counter your own weight. If your gym doesn't have one, get a spotter to push up on your feet to help you out. Doing three to ten repetitions to start with should be your aim.

Another compound movement that can be used to get in shape, and is like dips is a close grip bench press. The movement is similar to regular bench press. The bar needs to be gripped 8 to 12 inches apart. Grip where you feel comfortable, paying close attention to how your wrists feel. It is better to begin with about 12 inch spacing and slowly make it closer as your comfort level increases, since a closer grip increases stress on your wrists.

Keep your elbows in close at your sides and lower the bar to just under your chest level. You will not be required to extend you arms in any way. You should be sure to stop prior to being totally locked out. This exercise will add great mass to your triceps.

The forementioned is simply a component of a total workout system; for more information, browse my website. - 17268

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How to Lose Weight Quickly

By Curt Joel

A vast amount of people don't only want to lose weight, but they want to see results almost immediately, and they also want to do it safely. Interestingly enough, numerous studies have proven that in order to lose weight and keep it off permanently, your goal should be to lose no more than one or two pounds per week.

The most common mistake that people make in their attempts to lose fat is to approach weight loss as a one time thing and not a lifestyle change.

Essentially, all effective weight loss programs tend to revolve around the same basic principles in that they focus on you reducing your calorie intake. This is primarily because you need to consume less calories than what your body requires, bearing in mind that in order to shed 1lb. of fat, you'll need a deficit of 3,500 calories.

So to lose 1-2 pounds per week you would need to consume 500-1000 fewer calories than you currently take in - assuming that your weight has stabilized.

The other option is to increase your activity level so that calorie expenditure is increased by 500-1000 calories per day. Either one of these approaches would result in a 1-2 pound body weight reduction every single week.

Unfortunately, both the above mentioned approaches fail to consider factors such as a person's individuality and personality, just as they don't take other factors such as hormone production into consideration.

But for someone who is looking to lose fat fast, without regard to long term weight loss, this is all that you need to know.

For people who are concerned with long term and permanent weight loss it is essential to approach body transformation as a lifestyle change.

Those people who manage to lose weight successfully and keep it off permanently, have in fact made exercise part of their daily life rather than seeing it has an unnecessary burden.

If you are looking to burn fat, consider making physical activity and healthy eating a part of your life. You will live longer, be happier, have more confidence, and more. The list of benefits that you will experience is too numerous to list here.

It goes on and on.

So if you want to have a better outlook on life, more energy, and more - don't even think about how to lose weight quickly. Think about making a permanent lifestyle change and losing weight forever. - 17268

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Improve Your Diet With Fruits and Veggies

By Francine Summerstone

Everyone knows that they should be eating plenty of fruits and vegetables but so many of us don't. The recommended amounts are 3 to 4 servings of fruit and at least 4 to 5 servings of vegetables each day.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits from eating enough fruits and vegetables. The first thing you'll notice is the large amount of fiber you'll be getting from your fruits and veggies. In addition to keeping you regular, fiber can also help you feel full more quickly so you will feel the desire to eat less. This is a great way to lose some weight without drugs or pills.

Fruits and vegetables are also chock full of antioxidants, which can both help prevent cancer and slow the growth of existing cancers. Broccoli and other green leafy vegetables are especially beneficial in this regard. Fruits and veggies also contain large amounts of natural vitamins and minerals which are necessary for your body to function.

Fruits and vegetables are also easier for your body to digest than packaged junk food so your body can get more energy from them. Eating natural foods will increase your energy levels and get rid of the sluggish feeling may people suffer from.

Junk food is generally full of processed sugars that pass right through your system and go straight into your bloodstream. Your body counteracts this by producing insulin to break down the sugar. This surge of sugar and insulin are what cause the frequent sugar-rush and crash you get from junk food. Fresh fruit has natural sugars which are broken down more slowly by your body. This leads to a low surge of energy that lasts for hours.

There are many health problems that can be solved by eating more fruits and vegetables. IBS, constipation, and other GI tract issues can be helped or made better by the simple addition of more fruits and vegetables in your diet. - 17268

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Try to Learn Muscle Building at Home?

By Mark Wilson

Is driving to the gym to time consuming? You can produce great results from the convenience of your home working out under the right advice. You can ensure success if the right steps are taken, in a home work out as opposed to a gym membership.

As long as you are willing to put in the hard work with motivation and dedication, building muscle at home can and should be easy.

The truth is when you want to start building muscle you must eat healthy first, as opposed to exercise as most people think. If you plan to build muscle from home, first concentrate on a proper diet of healthy foods and then focus on the proper exercises.

Make sure you purchase the right equipment for your home prior to working out. Muscle building at home is much safer and effective if the right weights and equipment are purchased. Not having the proper amount of weight for specific exercises greatly increases your risk of injury.

It is recommended to consult with your general physician before beginning a muscle building regime at home. You can garner how to use the weights and how to shed unwanted body fat in the fastest time possible the first visit. Your physician will be able to tell you what lifts to avoid as well as diagnosing any potential health conditions that would inhibiting in your program.

Weigh the pros and cons of free weight against a weight machines when purchasing equipment. Free weights consume much less space and do not restrict movement like some weight machines. The durability and quality of the weights should be considered before any purchase is made.

Try to imagine what the weights will look like in the space youve dedicated to working out. Do you have somewhere to store them when youre not working out? If your home is already short on space, avoid buying a large set of weights or machines and instead look for more economical choices. Free weights will usually require less space than machines, and can often be purchased in weight combinations ready to use with several exercises. Buying the right weights will make muscle building at home easier and more efficient from the start. - 17268

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How To Choose The Right Diet To Reduce Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis

By Marc Marseille

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that targets the intestines. The condition causes sufferers to have issues digesting their food and causes great discomfort. This issue originates when the inner coating of the of the colon and rectal wall becomes swollen. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis can result in abdomen pains, cramps and diarrhea.

It is vital to sustain a respectable diet for colitis because there are a few foods that can initiate the symptoms. The preference of foods in your diet plays a big part in handling the condition. In addition to not eating foods that initiates the bowels sufferers can additionally choose improved alternatives to decrease the effects. The appropriate diet for colitis goes a long way in reducing inflammation and redness to the rectal wall.

There are also additional side effects of ulcerative colitis that should inspire sufferers to go along the suitable diet for colitis. The other side effects that can cause uneasiness is tiredness and anemia. Low energy is a key problem for sufferers because it can cause them to lose the zest for life. Weakness can even lead to hopelessness which is an additional issue in its own.

Many people believe that certain foods can cause ulcerative colitis, but this is simply not the case. Although foods may not be the cause, the wrong diet for colitis can certainly worsen the situation. Stress is another issue that can cause the condition to worsen.

Organizing the condition is the solution to a regular healthy lifestyle. A excellent colitis diet is critical in keeping a handle on the disease. Nutrient rich meals are mandatory in avoiding the side effects such as dehydration, anemia and low energy.

A good balanced diet for colitis should contain complex carbohydrates, whole grains, good fats and protein. You can still eat the conventional foods like meat, fish, and poultry. Vegetarians with colitis can swap soy products for the nutrients found in foods such as poultry, meat and fish.

A correct diet for colitis can not be complete without the avoidance of certain foods and poor behavior. Caffeine and alcohol is definitely not suitable because they have been known to cause great harm to colitis sufferers. Other foods to steer clear of include: piquant foods, dried beans, and fruits with pulps or seeds to name a few.

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that can be unbearable if is not appropriately managed. The good news is with the correct diet for colitis and some special treatment, the condition does not have to be in command of your life. The condition may even cause you to live a better life than several others if you follow the diet plan. - 17268

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Improved Water Softener Systems Provide Better Efficiency

By Don Jackson

In Utah the most common water softening system is the ion exchange, salt-based system. Though this system consistently softens water, it requires a lot of maintenance to keep it working properly due to the amount of salt it adds to the water.

Utah water softener companies have made new improvements to this system. It now uses up to 75% less salt than the old system. This makes the water safer to drink and water plants with. The smaller amount of salt also helps to lengthen the life of appliances and plumbing. You still get the benefit of softer clothes and can use fewer detergents and skin care products.

This softener works by using salt as the positively charged ion within an exchange medium. This medium will get coated with calcium and magnesium as the free sodium ions are released into the water that passes through it. This is how the system removes the calcium and magnesium is removed from the water.

After a while the medium is coated with the bad particles and needs to be recharged by back flushing with a brine solution which replaces the calcium and magnesium with the salt ions. Utah water softener companies have improved this process with many refinements, so less salt is used. The cycling is also no longer an everyday event, so you have soft water 24 hours a day now.

If you live in Utah and are considering getting a water softening system, talk to a local representative and have your home's water tested. Most Utah water softener companies will offer a free consultation and then make suggestions for the appropriate system.

There are different sizes of systems and different functions each can perform. These systems are non-electric with no resetting needed, and you can get one for a single sink or for the whole house. You can get information on line or from the franchise nearest you. You will want to compare quality, price and maintenance time and costs.

The four types of water softener systems available are: 1) The salt-free system with nanotechnology that uses microscopic bonds in its process to first remove and then keep scale from forming and attaching to your pipes and water heaters. It causes calcium carbonate to dissolve and be washed away by the water flow. It is environmentally friendly and uses no chemicals or electricity. 2) The salt based ion exchange method that is outlined above.

Other methods are: 3) the reverse osmosis (ultra fine filtration) method. It involves ultra fine filters under pressure that force water molecules through, but keep contaminates behind to be swept down the drain. It strips water of its essential minerals but the filters can be expensive. 4) The magnetic water softener uses magnets to make carbonate salts precipitate into small particles rather than scale. This is not proven to be effective. Utah water softener providers can better explain all the possibilities in detail and help you decide. - 17268

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4 Benefits Of High Carb Diets For Losing Bingo Wings

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Are you having a hard time picking the right diet to get rid of bingo wings? If so, you are not alone. After all, even government officials are having a hard time figuring out the best nutritional approach for losing fat.

Combine this will all the marketing lies out there and you have a recipe for mass confusion. And confusion is not good if you want fast results.

Now if the government officials are confused and the savvy marketers are creating confusion, how are you supposed to find the holy arm fat grail? If only life were a walk in the park

Luckily for you, I've already done all the homework. I can save you endless amounts of headaches and dead ends.

So without further ado, here are 4 benefits of high carbohydrate diets for losing bingo wings:

1. Lots of energy. Your active tissues (brain, muscle, organs, etc) prefer carbohydrates as their main energy source. If you eat properly balanced meals while going high carb, your energy levels should be really high.

2. You can satisfy your carbohydrate cravings. Carbohydrates are addictive. This has been proven time and again by research. And with a high carbohydrate diet, you don't have to suffer carb withdrawal.

3. Toned arm muscles. One of the drawbacks of high protein diets is an instant loss in definition. Why? Because without carbs your arm muscles become deflated and empty looking. With a steady stream of carbs, your arm muscles retain their toned appearance.

4. Longer and harder workouts. Your muscles can work harder and recover faster when fed a steady stream of carbohydrates. Why? Because they can produce a lot more ATP.

Despite all the benefits of high carb diets, they still have one fatal flaw: high levels of insulin. It's very hard to keep insulin low when eating so many carbs. And insulin regulates how much arm fat you can lose. Thus, if you're looking to get rid of those bingo wings ASAP, then high carb diets are probably not for you. So ignore the outdated food pyramid and stick to a moderate carb plan. Only then will you reach sexy arm success! - 17268

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Arm Fat And Dietary Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

By now most women know that dietary fat is very important for maximizing arm fat loss. Why? Because without enough dietary fat your body will stop producing fat-burning hormones.

Another thing to consider is that dietary fat really helps to slow down digestion. And the slower you are digesting food the faster you're burning off that arm fat.

Thus, here is a quick summary of dietary fat for losing arm fat:

1. Triglycerides: A storage fat, triglycerides are mainly found underneath your skin. They prevent your arms from looking toned. When somebody says they want to lose fat, they are usually referring to triglycerides.

2. Sat fat: Short for saturated fat, you should make sure that there aren't high levels of this stuff in your diet. It will set back your sexy arm mission by many steps. How? By increasing insulin resistance. In other words, your body's ability to process carbs.

3. Mono fat: Short for monounsaturated fat, this is a great fat for cooking food because it doesn't break down at high temperatures. You should include a hefty amount of this fat in your diet for optimal health.

4. The omega's: Omega-3 and omega-6 fat, also known as polyunsaturated fats, are ultra healthy. And omega 3 fats in particular, are great for accelerating arm fat loss.

5. Trans fat: Also known as "shortening", "vegetable shortening" and "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil," trans fats are lethal. No amount of trans fat intake is safe. Period. Always look for the above phrases in the ingredients list of whatever food you are buying.

If you really want to get rid of bingo wings, you have to have a serious amount of healthy fat in your diet. Do not avoid fat just because it's higher in calories. It simply does too much good for the female body. - 17268

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The Importance of Getting a Healthy Breakfast

By Juan Valdez

A lot of people skip breakfast. This is a really bad habit to get into, since a healthy breakfast is the best way to start off the day. Even if you are trying to cut calories or don't have a lot of time in the morning, you should still try to fit in this important meal.

When you wake up in the morning, your body has been without a meal for many hours. It needs fuel. If you don't take the time to get a healthy breakfast, you might just end up grabbing something full of empty calories and not at all filling, like a donut or a pastry. That will just leave you hungry for more and set you up for eating more later in the day.

For those who are worried about calories, it has actually been shown that people who eat breakfast generally end up eating fewer calories in the course of the day than those who skip breakfast. Why is this? Most likely because if you skip breakfast you are starving later in the day so you end up eating a huge lunch and dinner to make up for it. Or you feel virtuous because of the calories you "saved" so you allow yourself an extra treat or two.

A healthy breakfast can help you to concentrate better so that you are more productive. It will also deliver minerals and vitamins that you need, and make it more likely that you won't have high cholesterol.

The best breakfasts include whole grains, low fat protein, low fat dairy, and fruits or vegetables. You want to try to choose something that will fulfill at least two or three of these food groups.

Eating a healthy breakfast doesn't have to take a lot of time. There are a lot of grab and go options that are good and good for you. You could have a bagel with peanut butter and a piece of fruit, for example.

Planning ahead and preparing breakfast or setting out everything you need the night before can really help people who are in a time crunch in the mornings. This way you can quickly either grab your breakfast to take with you or eat it before you leave.

Since not everyone likes the foods that are usually considered breakfast food, it is important to add that breakfast can be made up of lunch or dinner foods if you prefer. You can eat a sandwich or pizza with vegetables and still be eating a good breakfast. - 17268

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