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Monday, July 20, 2009

Washington, DC Personal Trainer Reveals His Top Five Fitness Foods

By Josef Brandenburg

I take pride in being one of Washington, DC's top personal trainers. Getting other people healthy is my life's work. Although without help and support, this can seem overwhelming at times. We have all heard of good exercises and bad exercises, but what about food? With all the conflicting reports out there, low fat, no fat, no carbs, vegetarian, fruitarian, it can get your head spinning! With Washington, DC's top personal trainer, choosing the right direction is done for you. Below I have listed the top five foods you should focus on to have a healthy life.

1. Grass Fed Beef: Beef being at the top of the list even though it has high fat content, shouldn't surprise you. Besides tasting great, it is high in protein, fat burning CLA and omega 3 fatty acids while being low in saturated fats. You must remember that what was fed to what you eat is just as important as what you eat! Also keep in mind that not all beef is created equal.

2. Turkey Bacon: Crumbled in salads or as a side dish for a breakfast of egg white omelet, I think you will find, as I do, that this is one tasty dish. It is high in protein and extremely versatile making it one of my favorites.

3. Berries: Berries are the number 1 super food, no matter what the type - strawberries, raspberries, blue or blackberries. Not only are they packed with anti oxidants and healthy phytochemicals they are also full of vitamins. The great thing is that even though they are really sweet when they are ripe, they are relatively low in sugar. A fantastic choice over the nutrient deficient bowl of cereal is a nice healthy bowl of berries. Not only are they so much better for you but they will wake up your taste buds and leave them wondering where the boredom went! One try is all you need to be hooked!

4. Spinach: It is packed with beta-carotene to aid in the prevention of cataracts, Vitamin C to boost the immune system and leutin to help protect against macular degeneration. With all that going for it, I would say Popeye knew a good thing when he saw it! Try this for a day and see if you think your deprived have a spinach omelet for breakfast, spinach salad for lunch and grass-fed beef with a side of spinach for dinner. I think you will be quite satisfied.

5. Shrimp: Not only is shrimp high in protein and low in calories and fat, with just 112 calories per 4 oz. serving, but also, it is packed with vitamins such as vitamin D for strong bones, b12 for increased energy, the antioxidant selenium. What more could you ask for?

Listed above you have just been given one of Washington, DC's top personal trainers list of the top five healthy foods. Adding these to your diet will be doing your body and your heath a multitude of good. Just try it and see if your taste buds do not thank you! - 17268

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Uncovering The Truth About Homemade Acne Remedies

By Jason Cartwright

In addition to the many acne treatments now on the market, you can also consider a few homemade acne remedies. After all, what did people do before modern medicine? You can be sure they used a variety of home remedies for battling acne.

As you will see, we have pulled some interesting information together for you to show how things you normally have around the home can actual help clear up your acne, instead of using the "best acne cream".

Acne is a widespread issue with teenagers, and even adults. No matter what age you get acne, your best option is to implement homemade acne remedies as soon as possible. This will increae your chances of curing our acne once and for all.

If acne is affecting your life, I recommend you go for natural acne solutions before resorting to harsher antibiotics and treatments. Not only are they safe and helpful, these natural alternatives are way cheaper and easier to use. Most of these remedies and can be made by ingredients lying around your home.

Most homemade acne remedies are so simple that putting them together takes little time out of your day. Keep in mind that ingredients not on hand can be found at a local health food store. It is important when choosing a home remedy for acne that you learn about the ingredients as best as possible.

Moreover, keep in mind that although the majority of these perform remarkably fine, at times an individual has to try multiple home-produced acne cures prior to finding the correct solution. If you are undecided about starting point, you can always speak to an herbal professional for assistance. For beginners, herbs are amazing.

As a case in point, you can produce a blend of same parts of herbal extracts including yellow dock, burdock, sarsaparilla, and cleavers. Every one of of these homemade acne remedies facilitate by cleansing the lymph system along with blood. All you have to to do is to mix together one teaspoon of the blend with water or fruit juice daily. As this cleans in the interior of the body, oil generation is not as large and holes not as closed.

For cystic acne, forget about using the "best acne cream" for the moment and apply some Tea Tree oil to affected areas of the skin. Other natural acne solutions that work well are tomato blended with cucumber, that helps relieve acne and improve the texture of your skin. Rose water infused with strawberry leaves acts as a fantastic toner, boosting your complexion and preventing further acne problems.

As you can notice, clearing acne with a home healing is not difficult at all. Simply recognize what constituents to use and the most excellent technique to use them. An amazing choice is to visit your local bookstore, buy books that explain an array of homemade acne remedies, all trouble-free and valuable. - 17268

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Can an Active Regimen of Running Help Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

Do you want a means to overcome the easy bruising that has been giving you fits? As people get older, bruising easily may become an every day situation to have to deal with. Initially, you are likely to be concerned that you might have contracted a disorder that causes you to to be likely to bruise more often, or perhaps that you might be afflicted by a serious disorder where bruising is the primary condition. Then, after a visit to your physician's office, you learn that your easy bruising is simply a function of your body's getting older.

The truth of the matter is that bruising, when it is not a symptom of another condition, is something that can be treated and even prevented with the right kind of knowledge and attention. Our blood vessels do get weaker and more fragile as we age and because of that, even light taps and bumps can make black and blue splotches on your arms and legs. Take a moment to consider how starting up a running regimen can help.

The first thing that you will find when you start running on a consistent basis is that it increases your hearts pumping activity. It will especially do this if you have been lax in maintaining a viable exercising program over the last few years.

Starting this new running program will do is cause an elevated use of your cardiovascular system which will in turn create improvement in your aerobic capacity. As your blood vessel walls become more flexible and strong, you will come to the realization that you don't need to be concerned about minor knocks and bumps causing the bruising as before. Although you may be thinking that you are simply working your legs while you are running, you are absolutely spreading beneficial results throughout all of your body's systems.

You should recognize the fact that you will be sweating as you are run. Although we normally consider sweating to be undesirable, but in this instance, the sweating is actually helping to rid your body of a variety of stored, unhealthful toxic substances. This is very important when you have bruises because it relieves your immune system of having to use more of its resources. Spend some time to consider how much better functioning your body will be at this juncture.

Take a moment to think about how you want to put together your running regimen. How often do you want to do it? One thing that you need to think about is going to be how you are going to find the regimen that suits you. Take a moment to think about what your options are going to be to put this together; and talk to a personal trainer or a physical therapist or a doctor who will help you.

You need to remember that your body needs sufficient time to get acclimated to your new running routine. It's always enjoyable to see improvement, but you should make certain that you don't overdo yourself.

Running is an excellent means to get your body in better condition to help you avoid bruising, so give plenty of thought about how to reduce bruising into your program. Combining of a well thought out running program with a uniquely formulated, daily supplement product like Bruises Be Banned can be a necessary part of an overall plan to help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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What Is the Link Between Easy Bruising and Acupuncture?

By Carolyn Cooper

There are a lot of wonderful advantages to acupuncture and if you have recently been having sessions, you might be raving about the results. One issue that won't have you raving in a good way, though, might be the fact that the experience leaves you with bruising. There are a fair amount of people who complain about bruising after they have been to visit their acupuncturist, and when you are thinking about what your treatment is doing to you, these marks might be very alarming. Take a moment and make sure that you know what acupuncture is doing to you and why it might be causing easy bruising.

In the first place, acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been gaining a lot of popularity in the West in recent years. The theory behind acupuncture is that there are lines of energy that flow through the body, and when these energy flows become disrupted, the result can be all manner of ills, including depression, gastrointestinal disorders or even problems with cholesterol and heart disease. During the treatment process, very thin needles are inserted into the body at various points. This process is not painful, but there might be a tingling feeling that is quite unusual for anyone who has never done this before.

The practice is becoming so generally accepted that there are now some insurance programs that will cover it, and more and more people are trying it and finding that it works wonderfully for them. If you have recently tried it, however, you will discover that you might have been left with a series of small bruises where the needles were inserted. They are typically not painful, and some people are surprised to strip down for their showers and to discover several dark bruises on their body.

The fact is that as your acupuncturist inserts each needle, your skin is being broken and bruising may occur due to the very nature of acupuncture. You can compare these bruises with the bruises you get when you are being inoculated; small blood vessels are being broken and that can result very easily in a bruise forming. These bruises, like most others, are caused by a localize skin trauma, but they shouldn't last a long time, and they should not be a concern of your treatment in some way having gone awry.

On the other hand, don't you want to make sure that you can confidently wear your favorite swimsuit to the beach? Since acupuncture is not a treatment for easy bruising, you should give real consideration to using a uniquely formulated, natural remedy like the Bruises Be Banned daily treatment program. If you are attempting to discover the means to overcoming your easy bruising, Bruises Be Banned can be the answer that helps you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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How To Get A Six Pack Fast

By Jay Allen

One of the most common questions I get asked frequently is how to I get a set of six pack abs fast? Mistakenly, a lot of people believe the secret is to churn out hundreds, if not thousands, of crunches or sit ups. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The abs lie below a layer of fat tissue. It is getting rid of this layer of fat tissue that is the key.

Working out the abdominal muscles alone will not help you reach your goal. In order to lose this fat layer you have to either reduce your calorie intake or burn excess calories. Most abdominal workout programs do not increase the bodies metabolic rate and, therefore, do not help with fat loss. There are many more effective approaches to getting rid of this fat layer then crunches or sit ups.

The most effective types of exercises are those ones that stress the whole body and increase the metabolism. The ones that I have found to work well are:

The exercises that burn calories fast are those that exercises the big muscles in the body such as squats, deadlifts, presses, lunges, sprinting, snatches etc.

You will see that many of these exercises involve using the quadriceps muscles which are the big muscles on the front of the thighs. These are large muscles that burn many calories when used. As they use lots of energy I would not advise doing them every day as you need to allow your body to recover. They are best when used as part of an overall exercise regime.

An additional benefit of these exercises is that they also stimulate the production of growth hormone in the body which would also assist in overall muscle growth, including the abs.

It is still important to remember that you still need to exercise the abdominal muscles in order to stimulate them to grow. They will also benefit from the increase in growth hormone which will give an additional boost. As with the exercises for the large muscles it is beneficial to incorporate them into an overall workout regime.

When losing abdominal fat it is worth bearing in mind that nutrition is probably the most important factor. It is no use investing time on a good workout program to then go and counteract it by eating junk food.

So, the answer to the question on how to get six pack fast, the answer involves mainly concentrating on exercises that work the large muscle groups along with adequate nutrition to help with fat loss. This combined with some focused abdominal exercises will soon see you to your goal. - 17268

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Reason Why You Won't Lose Weight On The 6 Week Body Makeover

By Rico Kidd

So you haven't lost weight on the 6 Week Body Makeover program. You start telling everyone that the program is a scam and not to waste their money. I'm here to tell you the reason why you didn't lose weight.

First off, you will lose weight as long as you stick to the plan. You cheated or diverted from the plan and that is why you failed. It is nearly impossible to not lose weight on this plan as the Michael Thurmond diet is so painstakingly simple that anyone could do it.

Here's how the diet works: take the body blue print to determine your body type, plan meals based on your body blue print, plan a body sculpting plan to shape problem areas, execute plan and stick with it for 6 weeks. It's very simple and easy to follow. The only way you wouldn't lose weight on this diet is by not following it or diverting from the foods that you're eating.

Here are some mistakes the people are doing. They end up putting off the diet for awhile or start the diet, find it too restrictive and start eating foods that are not on their meal plan. The other thing is that people will start off well for the first two weeks and then they go to a restaurant and order something fatty and delicious. Once they try fried foods again, it is easy to start cheating on your diet and they go on feeding frenzies. After this happens, they despair because they start gaining weight and want to give up as they think it's impossible to start the program over.

Once they gain all their weight back, they start to blame the diet (instead of themselves). Actually, it's that person's fault that they gained the weight back. You DID lose weight on the program, but you started to cheat and that's why you gained the weight back, not because of the diet. Of course there are times where you just can't control yourself and want to eat some ice cream. Moderation doesn't kill your diet and weight loss goals; constant gratification kills your goals.

There are ways to wean yourself off fatty foods. First, start cooking more often at home and stop eating out as much. This way you can control portion size and what type of foods you're eating. Also, cook with less oil and start cooking with more water and soup broth. Start adding half the salt to all of your meals and slowly wean yourself off of salt. The food will taste bland without spices so you can add peppers and other low sodium alternatives. - 17268

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Mighty Memory - Ways To Improve Memory

By Chris Jensen

Memory is a vital part of the learning process. Without it, learning would be impossible. Without memory, you would repeatedly have the same experiences for the "first time." Memory gives richness to life - the pleasure of happy remembrances as well as the sorrow of unhappy ones. Here are ways to improve memory:

1. Put the information into a rhyme. A good example is the verse that begins, "Thirty days hath September", which helps many people remember the number of days in each month.

2. Provide clues by means of acronyms. Acronyms are words formed from the first letters or syllables of other words. For example, we use the acronym RICE to help us remember the management for sprains or strains, which is rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

3. Use a mental picture. A mental picture can be provided by the key-word method. This is particularly useful in learning foreign words. For example, you want to remember that the German word Gabel means fork. First, you think of a key word in English that sounds like the foreign word. For example, gobble. Next, you connect the two words through a mental image, such as that of a person gobbling food with a fork. From then on, to recall the meaning of Gabel, you would remember gobble and the stored image linking it to fork.

Using rhymes, clues, and mental pictures are generally termed as mnemonic devices.

Mnemonic devices work best for remembering lists of specific items such as words or phrase, and not for learning complex materials such as stories or poems.

They say that the number of patterns of connections of nerve cells in a person's head greatly outnumber the number of stars in the universe. They also say that the great scientific theorist, Albert Einstein just had an average-sized brain. Therefore, we are all capable for greatness. The secret lies in the way we use our brain.

Memory is a vital part of the learning process. Find the ways to improve your memory and discover your limitless potential. - 17268

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Finding That Acai Berry Diet - Rachael Ray Link

By Travis Van Slooten

If you have been researching acai berry supplements recently, you have no doubt come across plenty of companies which claim endorsement of their acai berry diet on Rachael Ray. The talk show host has become very popular recently and her impact on consumerism is substantial. Because of this, her endorsement of a product may offer a tremendous boon to a company. And unfortunately, it is a very powerful tool for scammers looking to boost sales of their product. If they claim Rachel Ray supports them, they could not possibly be a scam, right?

The False Claims

It is crucial that you first understand that Rachel Ray does not support any acai berry diet programs or companies. Any company claiming her support is already lying to you. You should also be wary if these companies claim that their product was featured as a diet plan using acai berry on Rachel Ray. Any connection made to celebrities is an immediate red flag for a scam. These scam companies are also very likely to make ludicrous claims that their acai berry can be used as a standalone weight loss drug or that it will singularly fix problems such as wrinkles or erectile dysfunction.

How Rachael Ray Sees Acai Berry

Rachel Ray, very much along the same lines as Oprah, has already had to come out publicly and make the statement that she does not endorse any acai supplements. Her website already makes it clear that any company using her endorsement is doing so illegally. She has been fighting these companies by sending her lawyers in to remove the offending site. But more and more of these scam companies continue to pop up every day and there is no way to remove all of them.

Where Did the Lie Start?

Many celebrities have been showcasing the amazing acai berry on their television shows. This has made it extremely easy for scam companies to forge a false link between their product and these celebrities. While Rachel Ray's show has examined the acai berry and its incredible benefits, they will not stand behind any products. The reason is quite simple. The acai berry is healthy in its natural state, but if processed incorrectly, many of its benefits can be lost. That makes it impossible to claim that all acai products are the same.

You should also avoid products which make ridiculous claims for their product. While it is loaded with nutrients, the acai berry has not been proven to reverse signs of aging, work as a weight loss product or fight erectile dysfunction. Look for a company that lets their product speak for itself and does not claim to be the acai berry diet on Rachel Ray. - 17268

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Blood Pressure Medications Are they the Causing of Your High Blood Pressure?

By Dr. Robert Simmons

One of the most popular and widely used medications are those used for high blood pressure. In America we have an obesity crisis. About two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Practicing chiropractic in Charlotte, NC I have noticed that most families are living on a fast food diet. The calories consumed from fat and sugar is climbing at an alarming rate.

It is hard to believe that we are one of the sickest nations and have access to the best healthcare in the world. America has become an over-medicated society. A common occurrence in our society is Atherosclerosis (harding of the arteries). Another disease on the rise is high blood pressure and diabetes. With these diseases on the rise, blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication have become all too common. The endocrine glands such as adrenals and thyroids are becoming more dysfunctional due to disease from poor diet.

Medication use is causing further deterioration of the body. The side effects of these medications can cause damage to other parts of the body. The medicine used to lower your blood pressure can end up causing more damage to the body in the long run. People are seeing Chiropractors to reduce or eliminate taking medications.

How many times have you heard that someone used to have high blood pressure, but are on medications for it now. The truth is that they still have high blood pressure. The drugs are not meant to treat the cause of the high blood pressure. They just lower the numbers closer to an acceptable level. This is why our charlotte chiropractic clinic encourages patients to seek the cause of their ailments.

Whatever process that was causing the high blood pressure is continuing without being treated. This damaging process can now continue for years without being treated. The patient needs to seek out the original cause of the disease process. Often there are lifestyle changes that need to be made.

A change in life habits will get you on the right road. Consumption of high cost food which requires more time preparation is something that could help. Most of the time convenience food is a lower quality of food. Artificial and meat products contain a larger quantity of fat calories. Look at the list of ingredients, if it is a large number of chemicals, then that is what you are consuming.

Narrowing of the arteries is caused by fat substances. Avoid fast food to reduce the intake of fat and sugar calories. High blood pressure comes from a major contributor which is narrowing of the arteries. More Chiropractors and other physicians are doing consultations with their patients about their diets.

Did you know that sugar is an inflammatory substance? Sugar has the effect of scraping the arteries causing inflammation throughout the body. Sugar stresses the adrenal glands and this increases the stress on the body. Fat and sugar reduction can reduce the need for cholesterol and blood pressure medication.

If you'd ask, most people don't want to be on medications for the rest of their lives. If you are one of those people have your doctor monitor your lifestyle change. You can seek out holistic health care from a Chiropractor to obtain a nutrition program best suited for you. An important procedure for patients is the reduction of medication under the proper supervision. If you are making the proper changes then you won't know without reduction of medication. By living a healthier and happier lifestyle, most of our patients are actually able to reduce or eliminate the use of medications. - 17268

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