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Monday, April 20, 2009

Get Fit in Your Own Home Using Home Gym Equipment

By Alexis Kenne

It is not always a simple task to get fit and be in shape. This can be made harder if you lead a hectic life. You probably have employment of some sort, a few kids, and numerous other chores to do in your everyday living. A lot of people now can't find the time to go to a gym to do their workouts.

So, what are your options for staying in shape? Well, home gym fitness is one option. With the right home gym fitness equipment, you can work out at home, losing a few found and making sure you stay fit and in shape without those trips to the gym that are so hard to work into your schedule.

What is this Home Fitness Equipment? Are you curious as to what home fitness equipment is? This is equipment that is designed for home use and installation. They are priced more moderately and scaled to a size that fits into your home nicely. This is an easy way to get your exercise without all the trouble of traveling to the gym.

Home fitness equipment comes in a variety of types. You have things like the Bowflex kind of machines, rowing machines, and stationary bikes, and each kind has several various options to make your selection from.

Home Gym Fitness Equipment and Your Health When it comes to home gym fitness equipment and your health, you'll find that choosing to bring this equipment into your home is a very healthy decision. It's so easy to just forget working out when you are busy, which can lead to health problems in the future. Staying fit is imperative. Getting out of shape increases your risk for many different health problems.

When you start using your home fitness equipment to work out, you will see how easy it now is to fit your routines into your everyday routine. This will help make your body strong and healthy, keeping away certain health situations. So to make your body this strong, select the home fitness equipment that best fits your workout requirements.

Why You Should Buy Home Gym Fitness Equipment Wondering what the reasons are that you should go ahead and purchase home gym fitness equipment of your own? Well, there are many great benefits to having equipment at home for home gym fitness. First of all, you'll save time. Instead of wasting time driving to and from the gym, you'll be able to simply workout at your home.

You will also save money by buying your own equipment. Yes the equipment does cost a bit of money to start with, but compared to the cost of membership to the gyms and how much gas it takes to get back and forth, you will see that you save in the end.

Just because you have a hectically busy life, does not mean you have to give up being healthy. Buying and having your own home fitness equipment permits you to more effectively control your fitness level, and keep your body healthier. Without the inconvenience of going to the gym, you can get in shape. Now what are you sitting around for? Go search out the perfect home fitness equipment arrangement for you today. - 17268

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Why Pregnant or Nursing Women Must Take Omega 3

By Michael Byrd

The EU (European Union) has recently recommended that women who are pregnant or nursing should take daily omega 3 DHA fatty acid supplements.

For those of you who don't know, the EU committee is comprised of more than 50 nutritional experts from the Perinatal Lipid Nutrition Group (PeriLip) and Early Nutrition Programming (EARNEST); they have unanimously agreed pregnant and nursing mothers should supplement their diets with 200 mgs/day of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) - a long chain omega 3 fatty acid found primarily in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and tongol tuna/

The decision by the committee was based on the support of seven international scientific organizations, made its recommendation based on two major points:

One - studies conducted by the committee revealed that most western mothers did not eat enough fatty fish; two servings are generally recommended in order to supply the bare minimum of omega 3 DHA for a healthy pregnancy. The committee found that the average DHA intake of pregnant and lactating women in the U.S was less than 18 % of the recommended daily amount and only 2 % of these women meet their daily needs of DHA. Of course, if you are not eating enough fish oil to sustain your daily dosage of DHA then your baby isn't getting it either.

Two - Research studies have revealed that women who have a high dietary intake of omega 3 DHA have much healthier pregnancies and deliver babies that have higher birth weight as well as babies that are full term. Not only that, the research showed the benefits to extend beyond birth as well. Babies who received the recommended amounts of omega 3 fish oils, particularly DHA when in the womb have optimum brain and eye development and motor, thinking and language skills. There is also a decreased risk of these babies developing asthma, juvenile diabetes and ADD/ADHD later on in life.

Speaking for the committee, Professor Berthold Koletxco, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Munich, stated, "We reviewed a wealth of evidence on the benefits of DHA omega 3 and hope our findings will offer guidance for healthcare professionals on the optimum DHA omega 3 intake during pregnancy and nursing."

In addition, professor Koletzco also shared, "We also hope that new and expectant mothers will be able to use this specific information to ensure that they are getting enough DHA omega 3 to gain the nutritional benefits throughout their pregnancy and during nursing."

The EU committee recommended salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and tuna as the richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids. The committee also pointed out that even though they recommend 200 mgs/day of omega 3 DHA, studies have shown that as much as one gram/day of DHA can be taken without any adverse affect.

Experts also agree that in order to avoid any issues with fish toxicity as long as pregnant and nursing women and everyone else for that matter refrain from eating large predator fish such as shark and swordfish, two or three servings a week of one of the above fatty fish is perfectly safe. Actually, Harvard University School of Public Health study recently concluded that the benefits of fish oil far outweigh any threat of toxicity by as much as 500 to one. In other words, toxicity is not a threat.

Consequently, if you are pregnant, nursing or even considering getting pregnant and want a healthy pregnancy and baby you owe it to yourself to start eating more fatty fish and taking omega 3 fish oil supplements ASAP. You will be glad you did and your baby will thank you. - 17268

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That Magnesium Really Gets Under My Skin

By Lydia Peru

Great things come from our deep blue seas. Magnesium, for example, is derived from ocean supplies of minerals. Little did we know that dipping our toes in the water was not just refreshing, it was nourishing as well.

Most of us dont live near the beach though, and cannot take the time out of our busy schedule for that natural foot bath, but we can pull out a bottle of Transderma magnesium oil after the shower and reap the benefits of the elements contained in the ocean.

Nutrition is a hot topic, but one that is full of confusion. When we think about what we eat we have to consider that its a two way street. Food nourishes, but it also takes vitamins and minerals to process those foods. That fast food diet, or that home cooked fried chicken may take more than it gives us. Visit any federally funded health site, and you will likely find data that shows that we are deficient in magnesium.

We really have two ways we keep magnesium in the body. About half our magnesium is stored in our bones, along with calcium and other minerals. Great, we want to maintain that storage for future use. Then we have our blood. Were going to find only about 1 percent of our magnesium in the bloodstream.

How do we keep up, and maintain healthy nutritional levels? Not too long ago I learned about transdermal magnesium. I tried it for the ache in shoulder, and the ache diminished. I gave some to my sister, and the pain in her knee was gone within the same day.

Magnesium deficiency has been associated with depression, mental fatigue, chronic tiredness, and even pain relief or release. Some say that they feel calmer and sleep better after a magnesium bath or by using the magnesium oil after their bath.

There are over 300 biochemical actions in our body that need magnesium. That sounds pretty darn important to me. According to this same medical authority there is concern about continued sub-levels of magnesium in a large part of our population. Perhaps we should go back to basics, such as basic nutrition through the elements of life. - 17268

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The Only Ab & Fat-Loss Site That Comes With 10 FREE Fat-Searing Video Lessons

By Adam Stark

If youre interested in achieving a great six pack, then it is vital that you do the right ab exercises. You can continue to do pointless sit-ups which wont do much good other than leaving you frustrated, or you can choose to do smart ab workouts that not only give you the abs you want but also help on cutting down a lot of gym time. Read on to know more about the best home ab exercises and the best lower ab exercises for your body.

Movements that lower your overall stability are excellent for working out your abdominal muscles. The reasoning behind this is - when you do such movements, all your muscle tissues, including those that are deep inside your body, have to contract so that your stability can be maintained. This is why when you do your regular sit-ups, only the external muscles are being targeted. Yes, they do help, but you will never achieve the results you could be otherwise getting.

Thus, which ab exercises help to lower your stability? Essentially, any movements that are done on an uneven platform are great. For example, exercises such as single leg squats, using a balance beam, single arm shoulder presses, and also doing bent over dumbbell rows while standing on only one leg. Using a large exercise ball for ground abdominal exercises is also great. Utilizing a BOSU ball as well doing movements with a stability ball will also get the job done. Basically, if you just have a stability ball and a good set of free weights, these can be the best home ab exercises you need.

As far as lower ab exercises go, there is no more effective option than hanging leg raises. However, you need to utilize your lower ab muscles to rotate your abdomen from side to side so as to perform this exercise most efficiently. Other great ab movements include lying leg raises, cable crunches, and lying leg raises done with a 45 degree incline.

The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolic rate will then be, so in an indirect way, that could in fact help you burn off excess body fat.

Increased muscle mass translates into a much faster metabolic rate, which in turn will indirectly also help to melt away your surplus body fat. Moreover, performing exercises with heavy weights also helps to enhance your strength significantly, thereby lowering your chances of getting injuries from other exercises that you do. If one were to ask me what my favorite home ab exercise is, it would have to be doing weighted ball crunches keeping a stability ball on your chest.

As far as knowing when you should do your ab workout, it has to be on a day other than when you do other exercises. You need your muscles to be fresh when youre doing ab exercises so that you can get the best performance from them.

However, if you are not doing ab exercises to enhance and build your muscles significantly, but want them to be part of your normal exercise routine, then your ab exercises should be done during the end of your regular exercise session. This ensures that your ab muscles do not get tired at the start of your workout when you will need to utilize them for other lifting that you do.

However, if your primary goal for doing ab exercises is to get a balanced workout and not necessarily for building great strength, then such exercises should be done during your regular workout, but at the very end. This way, you wont be tiring your ab muscles at the start and can thus use them properly when doing other heavy exercises and weight lifting.

Yes, as with most rules, there are exceptions here too. In cases where a particular client has weak abdominal muscles, I would not suggest doing ab exercises at the end of the workout. By that time, their ab muscles will be so sore that they will not be able to complete their abdominal exercises. Thus, in such situations, your workout session will begin with ab exercises rather than end with them. - 17268

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About Womens Health

By Rita

On this Point there have been many arguments about the power of the womanhood to her body and control towards their reproductive roles. female's productive wellness has been a subject of numerous discussions for quite sometime nowadays.

getting a physician is fine. Yet, sometimes women require a bit more care, a bit more focus, a little more counseling and understanding. Here is where womens health care clinics volunteer an invaluable function. These are good because they specialize not simply in women health care, but also the psychology that accompanies these diseases and their cure and care.

The view of women around the world changes when it arrives to reproductive health. Some would incline to take the face of the conventional sector and rest are to a greater extent progressive. For a more progressive lady, making a standpoint on womens breeding health matter could be really emotional.

It cannot be denied that most women will need to commit so much once they experience minors. In numerous events, women will need to release their aspirations and their careers peculiarly when their children would demand surplus like and attention as in the case of special babies. In most developing nations, topics on womens breeding health take on a deeper proportion because of poverty. Poorness in developing nations has the look of a woman attached to it.

In Conclusion, other essential ingredient to health is nap. Rest deprivation is not good for you and in that respect there are various surveys out there that describe on the distinct health events that can grow due to deficiency of sleep. Sound sleep makes your head open and senses fresh in making your everyday process, which assists you in producing a nutritive surroundings at place,office and environments near by you. Lastly, eat good, exercise and take regular medical check ups for supreme wellness. - 17268

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Acai What is It?

By Carter Sinclair

This odd sounding word doesn't quite get the publicity it deserves. You might be asking yourself, What is Acai? Acai berry is derived from the palm tree family. It has been a regional dietary staple for many Brazilians.

This palm tree spreads through Central and South America and has around 7 species which are from this territory. It typically grows in flood lands. It is known as a superfood because of the large abundance of antioxidants and nutrients the fruit contains.

The Acai fruit is used to make pulp, juice and even powder that is highly nutritious and has found its way into health foods and dietary supplements. The leaves are used for head coverings, roofing thatch, even brooms, baskets and mats can be made from the leaves.

Acai seeds are used for plant soil, live stock food, and even jewelry. The acai plant is also used as an astringent for gastrointestinal issues. The wood is very solid and bug resistant and is used for construction.

Acai is a gift from nature. It does everything from providing structure for shelter to health food for your heart and cholesterol. Acai palm goes quickly and it has to be produced in an abundance.

So much so in fact, that it takes as little as a few months to grow from seeds to seedlings. It also produces two crops a year on mature plants with close to 1000 berries per tree per crop. This is what makes it a dietary staple in some regions with the Acai accounting for more than 40% of the region's dietary intake in various forms. - 17268

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Chromium Supplements in What Foods

By Peter D Vizard

Chromium is a naturally occurring mineral in the body, but experts have yet to decide how much the body needs or really requires for normal health.

Chromium comes in two different forms: chromium 3 (commonly know as trivalent) which is found in many foods; and chromium 6 ( commonly know as hexavalent), which is considered to be the harmful form of this mineral. To function normally, your body requires a regular amount of chromium 3 .

Chromium helps your body use sugar correctly . It is also needed for the processing of proteins and fats. Chromium enhances the action of insulin in the body and also plays a major role in the storage of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Its exact role is yet unclear and more studies are being done to find out the exact reason why the body needs it.

These studies will analyze different foods for its chromium content, looking at the benefits of chromium, deciding if chromium supplements can help and working out much amount of chromium is needed to address any possible lack.

There are many different foods that contain different level of chromium. Unfortunately, the level found in these foods is small, approximately 2 microgram per serving.

These food items are those you would connect with healthy living include fruit vegetables, seafood and whole grain bread products. Foods that are high in sugar are known to deplete the chromium reserve in your body.

To give you and idea how much chromium is contained in different types of food, check the details in the list below.

- 1 cup broccoli (22mcg) - 1/2 cup orange juice (1mcg) - 2 cups orange juice (4mcg) - 4 slices of whole grain bread (4mcg) - 3 ounces of turkey breast (2mcg) - 1 tsp of dried garlic (3mcg) - 1 tablespoon of dried basil (2mcg) - 2 cups of mashed potatoes (6mcg) - 10 ounces of red wine ( 2 to 23 mcg) - 2 medium-sized banana (2mcg) - 1 cup of green beans (2 mcg)

The amount of chromium differs based on your age, body weight and size. Females who are pregnant need more that other normal adults. Females in this position, need around 30mcg of chromium daily. For adults, the recommended daily requirement is between 20 to 30 mcg.

If you have a busy lifestyle and maybe don't have the time to get the right amounts of quality food, you might want to consider taking chromium supplements. They are available in different forms medical advice should be sort before any type of supplement is considered. Chromium supplements are available in the following methods:

1. Oral -Chromium Capsules or Tablets (U.S. and Canada)

2. Parenteral Chromic Chloride or Injection (U.S.)

Once you received the approval of your medical professional, you can buy chromium supplements from most pharmacies and health stores. For the best prices and service you may want to look towards online stores.

The internet allows access to stores that may not have previously available. As with any purchases online, always look for a reputable operators who hold well know brand name products and are easy to contact via the phone.

As with any medical its is important to seek reliable medical advice especially if you have any form of allergy they may be effected by the addition of another mineral like a chromium supplement. - 17268

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Usana Usananimals - Healthy nutrition for growing children

By Angela Giles

Usanimals are daily vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplements for children between 13 months and 12 years of age. From birth to adolescence, children are constantly growing and developing. During this phase of their life, nutrition plays a key role in keeping the body healthy and free of diseases.

Growth in a child is an intricate process of physiological and hormonal changes. It is not just growth in bones and muscles, although that is also crucial. During the period of one to twelve years, a child learns many physical actions like walking, running, jumping, and cycling. Some children also learn to play baseball or become adept at a musical instrument.

During this phase, energy requirements are much higher than growth requirements. You may have seen young children with almost an infinite amount of energy with no sign of tiredness even after a full day of play and activity. A five year old unarguably needs more vitamins, minerals and energy than a 25 year old.

Children who do not get sufficient nutrition are beset with various mental and physical ailments which continue to trouble them all their life. Sadly, millions of children worldwide are malnourished. They do not have access to a wholesome meal daily. This is not just true of third-world countries. Children in advanced nations also suffer from poor nutrition but for different reasons. They tend to develop a taste for processed food, like burgers and fries, which is nutritionally substandard as compared to fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Important minerals and vitamins like zinc, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6 are regularly missing from their daily diets.

Marketed by Usana Health Sciences, Usanimals are supplements that take care of the kids' daily requirements of essential nutrients. They contain large doses of vitamin C and vitamin E, which are required most by children below 12 years. Usanimals are derived from the family of Usana Essentials and are specifically designed for kids in this age-group.

Usanimals come in the form of easy-to-eat chewable tablets with a wild berry flavor. The flavor is due to the presence of blended fruit powders of raspberry, cranberry, blackberry and wild blueberry. Children find this flavor quite tasty. They also love the funny animal shapes of the tablets. Parents prefer Usanimals because they do not contain sugar but only a natural sweetener.

Usananimals offers the most comprehensive vitamin and antioxidant complexes for children. They are safe, effective, based on scientific research and of the highest quality. Among all the other products available in the market, Usanimals offer the best nutritional support for growing children. - 17268

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Get Flat Abs By Hitting A Higher Intensity With Your Workouts

By Jose Loni

Go hard or go home. Push yourself. Get flat abs by reaching for the sky. Emotional readiness plays a big role in developing six pack abs. When you are mentally ready to submit to the rigor of a healthy lifestyle, then and only then can you focus and stick to your plan of physically training and properly nourishing your body to reveal flat, muscular abs.

It takes tremendous effort and control to live a life of health and wellness because of the tougher choices they pose to you. Choices that may take more time out of your day and take more energy out of you. But when you have made up your mind to embrace this lifestyle, you will love it and love how it makes you feel.

A major factor in getting that plan realized is tangibility-make that plan visible in your daily planner and keep those fitness dates with yourself. Respect your health and your body will respect you back. The best way to achieve goals is by taking down notes and tracking your progress.

Next, prepare a smart program of exercises you'll be doing and proper nutrition plans. Exercise must include full body movements to work the body's largest muscles, as they tend to burn more fat because more calories are needed to let these muscles function. Some examples include brisk walking, lunges, jogging, biking, push-ups and chin-ups.

Now it's time to get creative by mixing these up into a routine. Doing 5 in a grouping continuously then resting a few minutes before doing the grouping continuously again 5 times in a row will challenge your body to its limits and increase fat burning. For example, cycle-push ups-speed walking-boxing-squats without resting in between, then after the squats, rest for 2 minutes before starting the cycle-push ups etc. again.

With the workouts taken care of, you need to give your attention to meal options and planning. The best food for your body needs some preparation as an indication of its freshness. Instead of thinking of this as a chore, try to remember that less preparation means less freshness and more preservatives. Fast food is convenient but loaded with fat and chemicals that preserve them. Choose leans and greens instead and finish off with fun fruit options.

Family and friends' support and encouragement go a long way towards your successful abs reveal. There's nothing like people who care for your well being helping you stay on track especially when you start getting lazy or losing motivation. Their prodding can spur you into action.

Having flat abs is certainly desirable but there is no easy way to get flat abs. You can only get flat abs by working harder and that means coming from all possible angles to make sure you can achieve what you desire. Keep at it-you may just get those gorgeous abs sooner than you think. - 17268

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